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夜间城市大气边界层和气溶胶的相互作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文利用能量闭合的二维非线性、非定常模式,结合地面热量平衡方程,研究了夜间城市边界层和气溶胶的相互作用问题。结果表明:气溶胶在夜间对大气低层起保温作用,对大气上层起冷却作用;使大气低层稳定度减小,上层稳定度增加;此外,气溶胶还能够削弱贴地逆温强度。在正常城市气溶胶污染情况下,气溶胶对城市热岛强度影响不大,但可使城市热岛环流稍有增加。夜间城市边界层对气溶胶的反馈作用使大气下层气溶胶浓度减小,上层气溶胶浓度增加。上述部分结论得到了在天津取得的城市热岛观测资料的直接验证。  相似文献   

The stably-stratified planetary boundary layer contains small-vertical-scale, step-like structures, waves on a multitude of scales, large horizontal eddies and small-scale turbulence, all of which constantly interact with, and modify, one another. Current knowledge of how the various components act in the vicinity of the step-like structures is surveyed. It is concluded that packets of internal waves are the main conduit for interaction within and across the boundary layer, and low-intensity critical-level absorption at the fringes of their spectrum probably maintains the step-like structures. Further investigation of the processes requires intensive observations of the four-dimensional structure of the region, but such an investigation will need a new generation of high-resolution sensing systems.  相似文献   

Turbulence in the nocturnal boundary layer(NBL) is still not well characterized, especially over complex underlying surfaces. Herein, gradient tower data and eddy covariance data collected by the Beijing 325-m tower were used to better understand the differentiating characteristics of turbulence regimes and vertical turbulence structure of urban the NBL. As for heights above the urban canopy layer(UCL), the relationship between turbulence velocity scale(VTKE) and wind speed(V) was con...  相似文献   

In order to investigate effects of interactions between turbulence and gravity waves in the stable boundary layer on similarity theory relationships, we re-examined a dataset, collected during three April nights in 1978 and in 1980 on the 300-m tower of the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory (BAO). The BAO site, located in Erie, Colorado, USA, 30 km east of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, has been known for the frequent detection of wave activities. The considered profiles of turbulent fluxes and variances were normalized by two local, gradient-based scaling systems, and subsequently compared with similarity functions of the Richardson number, obtained based on data with no influence of gravity currents and topographical factors. The first scaling system was based on local values of the vertical velocity variance $\sigma _\mathrm{w}$ and the Brunt–Väisäla frequency $ N,$ while the second one was based on the temperature variance $\sigma _{\theta }$ and $N.$ Analysis showed some departures from the similarity functions (obtained for data with virtually no influence of mesoscale motions); nonetheless the overall dependency of dimensionless moments on the Richardson number was maintained.  相似文献   

This note presents initial results of an analysis of the stationarity of turbulence kinetic energy and the persistence of winds within the stable boundary layer (SBL). Measurements were made at 1.5 and 11 m above ground level from 0100 to 0600 local time on five nights during the JORNADA field experiment. The average stationarity ranged from about 160 to about 570 s. Wind persistence ranged from about ± 40° (3-min average) to about ± 36° (30-min average) on a weakly stable night, and from about ± 40° (3-min average) to about ± 27° (30-min average) on an strongly stable night. It is shown that, at 1.5 m, which we take to be within the surface layer, the average duration of stationarity of turbulent kinetic energy tends to correlate with the kurtosis of the heat flux; however, at 11 m, which we take to be outside of the surface layer, this correlation is poorly approximated.  相似文献   

Tethered Lifting System (TLS) estimates of the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy (e){(\varepsilon)} are reasonably well correlated with concurrent measurements of vertical velocity variance (sw2){(\sigma_{w}^{2})} obtained from sonic anemometers located on a nearby 60-m tower during the CASES-99 field experiment. Additional results in the first 100 m of the nocturnal stable boundary layer confirm our earlier claim that the presence of weak but persistent background turbulence exists even during the most stable atmospheric conditions, where e{\varepsilon} can exhibit values as low as 10−7 m2 s−3. We also present a set of empirical equations that incorporates TLS measurements of temperature, horizontal wind speed, and e{\varepsilon} to provide a proxy measurement for sw2{\sigma_{w}^{2}} at altitudes higher than tower heights.  相似文献   

Observations from the Cloud-Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment-Integrated Ground Observation Campaign (CAIPEEX-IGOC) provide a rare opportunity to investigate nocturnal atmospheric surface-layer processes and surface-layer turbulent characteristics associated with the low-level jet (LLJ). Here, an observational case study of the nocturnal boundary layer is presented during the peak monsoon season over Peninsular India using data collected over a single night representative of the synoptic conditions of the Indian summer monsoon. Datasets based on Doppler lidar and eddy-covariance are used for this purpose. The LLJ is found to generate nocturnal turbulence by introducing mechanical shear at higher levels within the boundary layer. Sporadic and intermittent turbulent events observed during this period are closely associated with large eddies at the scale of the height of the jet nose. Flux densities in the stable boundary layer are observed to become non-local under the influence of the LLJ. Different turbulence regimes are identified, along with transitions between turbulent periods and intermittency. Wavelet analysis is used to elucidate the presence of large-scale eddies and associated intermittency during nocturnal periods in the surface layer. Although the LLJ is a regional-scale phenomenon it has far reaching consequences with regard to surface-atmosphere exchange processes.  相似文献   

Mountain waves are observed in the free atmosphere, even when the mountainboundary layer (the source region of these waves) is neutral or convectivelyunstable, and filled with convective rolls, revealed by cloud streets. This paperinvestigates if mountain waves are caused not simply by air flow over mountainridges, but also by flow over boundary-layer convective activity, similar toconvection waves above plains and oceans. Disturbance of stable air flow abovemountains by convective activity, mechanical and convective turbulence and rotors,near the ground, could move the effective mountain-wave launching height to higherthan the mountain peaks.  相似文献   

夜间近地面稳定边界层湍流间歇与增温   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
钱敏伟  李军 《大气科学》1996,20(2):250-254
在夜间晴空条件下,近地面大气湍流表现出很强的间歇性,这种间歇现象导致夜间气温短时的急剧下降,随后大幅度增温。近地面大幅度增温表明此时存在着很大的湍流热通量散度,常通量层的概念这时不存在。从各高度层温度和风速变化的曲线上分析,我们发现湍流大多在距离地面较高一点的高度上发生发展,然后向下层传递,尽管上层的湍流可能是由于下层的某一触发机制向上传递而引起的。湍流偶尔也出现自下向上传递的过程,但这一过程较少发生。湍流的这种上下传递说明稳定边界层大气经常处于非平衡状态,在运用相似理论研究稳定边界层大气结构时要特别注意这一情形。  相似文献   

Six years of observations from a surface instrument site have been analysed to determine timings and factors influencing developmental changes in the near-surface wind and turbulent heat fluxes during the morning heating of the atmospheric boundary layer. A simple relationship has been found between near-surface wind speed and screen temperature, together with a predictive equation for the morning transition air temperature. Profile measurements from a probe mounted on a tethered balloon have beenused to supplement the surface data and study the processes underlying these surface relationships. The results have confirmed earlier work and have shown that both before and immediately after morning transition, almost all heating in the surface layer is due to turbulent diffusion from above. In order to explain the mechanisms involved in the relationships, a simple finite difference model has been run and validated against the profile data. The model predictions are compared with observations during both the morning and evening and the differences related to the different temperature profiles. Numerical forecasting rules for the surface wind speed and transition temperature are derived from the results.  相似文献   

夜间边界层的一维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用一维数值模式,模拟了平坦地形情况下小风、晴空夜间边界层内风、温、湿的演变,计算结果与观测事实有较好的一致性。对有高云或少量中、低云存在时的计算结果分析表明,模式对风速的模拟仍然较好,对温度的模拟比实测值可偏低0.3—1℃,对相对湿度的模拟比实测值可偏高5—10%在符合模式使用范围的情况下,本模式可作为夜间边界层预报的一种方法参考使用。  相似文献   

Large sudden wind-direction shifts and submeso variability under nocturnal conditions are examined using a micrometeorological network of stations in north-western Victoria, Australia. The network was located in an area with mostly homogeneous and flat terrain. We have investigated the main characteristics of the horizontal propagation of events causing the wind-direction shift and not addressed in previous studies. The submeso motions at the study site exhibit behaviour typical of flat terrain, such as the lower relative mesovelocity scale and smaller cross-wind variances than that for complex terrain. The distribution of wind-direction shifts shows that there is a small but persistent preference for counter-clockwise rotation, occurring for 55% of the time. Large wind-direction shifts tend to be associated with a sharp decrease in air temperature (74% of the time), which is associated with rising motion of cold air, followed by an increase in turbulent mixing. The horizontal propagation of events was analyzed using the cross-correlation function method. There is no preferred mean wind direction associated with the events nor is there any relationship between the mean wind and propagation directions. The latter indicates that the events are most likely not local flow perturbations advected by the mean flow but are rather features of generally unknown origin. This needs to be taken into account when developing parametrizations of the stable boundary layer in numerical models.  相似文献   

Using the unprecedented observational facilities deployed duringthe 1999 Cooperative Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Study (CASES-99),we found three distinct turbulent events on the night of 18October 1999. These events resulted from a density current,solitary wave, and internal gravity wave, respectively. Our studyfocuses on the turbulence intermittency generated by the solitarywave and internal gravity wave, and intermittent turbulenceepisodes associated with pressure change and wind direction shiftsadjacent to the ground. Both the solitary and internal gravitywaves propagated horizontally and downward. During the passage ofboth the solitary and internal gravity waves, local thermal andshear instabilities were generated as cold air was pushed abovewarm air and wind gusts reached to the ground. These thermal andshear instabilities triggered turbulent mixing events. Inaddition, strong vertical acceleration associated with thesolitary wave led to large non-hydrostatic pressure perturbationsthat were positively correlated with temperature. The directionaldifference between the propagation of the internal gravity waveand the ambient flow led to lateral rolls. These episodic studiesdemonstrate that non-local disturbances are responsible for localthermal and shear instabilities, leading to intermittentturbulence in nocturnal boundary layers. The origin of thesenon-local disturbances needs to be understood to improve mesoscalenumerical model performance.  相似文献   

Local, gradient-based scales, which contain the vertical velocity and temperature variances, as well as the potential temperature gradient, but do not include fluxes, are tested using data collected during the CASES-99 experiment. The observations show that the scaling based on the temperature variance produces relatively smaller scatter of empirical points. The resulting dimensionless statistical moments approach constant values for sufficiently large values of the Richardson number Ri. This allows one to derive predictions for the Monin–Obukhov similarity functions φ m and φ h , the Prandtl number Pr and the flux Richardson number Rf in weak turbulence regime.  相似文献   

The microstructure of a stably stratified boundary layer, with a significant low-level nocturnal jet, is investigated based on observations from the CASES-99 campaign in Kansas, U.S.A. The reported, high-resolution vertical profiles of the temperature, wind speed, wind direction, pressure, and the turbulent dissipation rate, were collected under nocturnal conditions on October 14, 1999, using the CIRES Tethered Lifting System. Two methods for evaluating instantaneous (1-sec) background profiles are applied to the raw data. The background potential temperature is calculated using the “bubble sort” algorithm to produce a monotonically increasing potential temperature with increasing height. Other scalar quantities are smoothed using a running vertical average. The behaviour of background flow, buoyant overturns, turbulent fluctuations, and their respective histograms are presented. Ratios of the considered length scales and the Ozmidov scale are nearly constant with height, a fact that can be applied in practice for estimating instantaneous profiles of the dissipation rate.  相似文献   


The nocturnal low-level jet (LLJ) and orographic (gravity) waves play an important role in the generation of turbulence and pollutant dispersion and can affect the energy production by wind turbines. Additionally, gravity waves have an influence on the local mixing and turbulence within the surface layer and the vertical flux of mass into the lower atmosphere. On 25 September 2017, during a field campaign, a persistent easterly LLJ and gravity waves were observed simultaneously in a coastal area in the north of France. We explore the variability of the wind speed, turbulent eddies, and turbulence kinetic energy in the time–frequency and space domain using an ultrasonic anemometer and a scanning wind lidar. The results reveal a significant enhancement of the turbulence-kinetic-energy dissipation (by?50%) due to gravity waves in the LLJ shear layer (below the jet core) during the period of wave propagation. Large magnitudes of zonal and vertical components of the shear stress (approximately 0.4 and 1.5 m2 s?2, respectively) are found during that period. Large eddies (scales of 110 to 280 m) matching the high-wind-speed regime are found to propagate the momentum downwards, which enhances the mass transport from the LLJ shear layer to the roughness layer. Furthermore, these large-scale eddies are associated with the crests while comparatively small-scale eddies are associated with the troughs of the gravity wave.


Analysis of Coherent Structures Within the Atmospheric Boundary Layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large-eddy simulation has become an important tool for the study of the atmospheric boundary layer. However, since large-eddy simulation does not simulate small scales, which do interact to some degree with large scales, and does not explicitly resolve the viscous sublayer, it is reasonable to ask if these limitations affect significantly the ability of large-eddy simulation to simulate large-scale coherent structures. This issue is investigated here through the analysis of simulated coherent structures with the proper orthogonal decomposition technique. We compare large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer with direct numerical simulation of channel flow. Despite the differences of the two flow types it is expected that the atmospheric boundary layer should exhibit similar structures as those in the channel flow, since these large-scale coherent structures arise from the same primary instability generated by the interaction of the mean flow with the wall surface in both flows. It is shown here that several important similarities are present in the two simulations: (i) coherent structures in the spanwise-vertical plane consist of a strong ejection between a pair of counter-rotating vortices; (ii) each vortex in the pair is inclined from the wall in the spanwise direction with a tilt angle of approximately 45°; (iii) the vortex pair curves up in the streamwise direction. Overall, this comparison adds further confidence in the ability of large-eddy simulation to produce large-scale structures even when wall models are used. Truncated reconstruction of instantaneous turbulent fields is carried out, testing the ability of the proper orthogonal decomposition technique to approximate the original turbulent field with only a few of the most important eigenmodes. It is observed that the proper orthogonal decomposition reconstructs the turbulent kinetic energy more efficiently than the vorticity.  相似文献   

The interaction between radiation and turbulence in the stable boundary layer over land is explored using an idealized model, with a focus on the surface layer after the evening transition. It is shown that finer vertical resolution is required in transitional boundary layers than in developed ones. In very light winds radiative cooling determines the temperature profile, even if similarity functions without a critical Richardson number are used; standard surface similarity theory applied over thick layers then yields poor forecasts of near-surface air temperatures. These points are illustrated with field data. Simulations of the developing nocturnal boundary layer are used to explore the wider role of radiation. Comparatively, radiation is less significant within the developed stable boundary layer than during the transition; although, as previous studies have found, it remains important towards the top of the stable layer and in the residual layer. Near the ground, reducing the surface emissivity below one is found to yield modest relative radiative warming rather than intense cooling, which reduces the potential importance of radiation in the developed surface layer. The profile of the radiative heating rate may be strongly dependent on other processes, leading to quite varied behaviour.  相似文献   

The relationship of turbulence quantities to mean flow quantities, such as the Richardson number, degenerates substantially for strong stability, at least in those studies that do not place restrictions on minimum turbulence or non-stationarity. This study examines the large variability of the turbulence for very stable conditions by analyzing four months of turbulence data from a site with short grass. Brief comparisons are made with three additional sites, one over short grass on flat terrain and two with tall vegetation in complex terrain. For very stable conditions, any dependence of the turbulence quantities on the mean wind speed or bulk Richardson number becomes masked by large scatter, as found in some previous studies. The large variability of the turbulence quantities is due to random variations and other physical influences not represented by the bulk Richardson number. There is no critical Richardson number above which the turbulence vanishes. For very stable conditions, the record-averaged vertical velocity variance and the drag coefficient increase with the strength of the submeso motions (wave motions, solitary waves, horizontal modes and numerous more complex signatures). The submeso motions are on time scales of minutes and not normally considered part of the mean flow. The generation of turbulence by such unpredictable motions appears to preclude universal similarity theory for predicting the surface stress for very stable conditions. Large variation of the stress direction with respect to the wind direction for the very stable regime is also examined. Needed additional work is noted.  相似文献   

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