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Coral islands formed of largely unconsolidated sands only a few metres above sea level are thought to be particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise consequent upon global warming. However, scenarios which predict catastrophic flooding and loss of island area need reassessment, particularly in the light of the continued downwards revision of projected rates of future sea-level rise. Revised questions concern the interactions between reef growth and sea-level change, biophysical constraints on coral growth, and the importance to reef systems of potential changes in the magnitude, frequency and location of tropical cyclones and hurricanes. It is clear that most reefs have the growth potential to meet even the highest of future sea-level rise scenarios, but too little is known about physiological and physical constraints to reef growth to adequately evaluate the importance of these two factors in constraining this potential at the present time. Future sea-level rise in the tropical oceans, and coral reef responses, will take place against a backdrop of inter-regional differences in Holocene sea levels, resulting from the varying interaction of eustatic and hydro-isostatic processes. These differences have generated varying constraints on the development of modern reefs and varying inherited topographies upon which future sea-level changes will be superimposed. These controls are particularly important in assessing differences in vulnerability to future sea-level rise for reef islands in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.  相似文献   

Impact of Sea-Level Rise on Sea Water Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Despite its purported importance, previous studies of the influence of sea-level rise on coastal aquifers have focused on specific sites, and a generalized systematic analysis of the general case of the sea water intrusion response to sea-level rise has not been reported. In this study, a simple conceptual framework is used to provide a first-order assessment of sea water intrusion changes in coastal unconfined aquifers in response to sea-level rise. Two conceptual models are tested: (1) flux-controlled systems, in which ground water discharge to the sea is persistent despite changes in sea level, and (2) head-controlled systems, whereby ground water abstractions or surface features maintain the head condition in the aquifer despite sea-level changes. The conceptualization assumes steady-state conditions, a sharp interface sea water-fresh water transition zone, homogeneous and isotropic aquifer properties, and constant recharge. In the case of constant flux conditions, the upper limit for sea water intrusion due to sea-level rise (up to 1.5 m is tested) is no greater than 50 m for typical values of recharge, hydraulic conductivity, and aquifer depth. This is in striking contrast to the constant head cases, in which the magnitude of salt water toe migration is on the order of hundreds of meters to several kilometers for the same sea-level rise. This study has highlighted the importance of inland boundary conditions on the sea-level rise impact. It identifies combinations of hydrogeologic parameters that control whether large or small salt water toe migration will occur for any given change in a hydrogeologic variable.  相似文献   

This paper is based on statistical analysis of hourly tide measurements for some 285 equivalent full years from the stations of Weymouth, Bournemouth, Portsmouth, Newhaven, Dover and Sheerness in the UK, and of Cherbourg, Le Havre, Dieppe, Boulogne, Calais and Dunkirk in France. For each tidal value, surge heights have been determined and correlated with hourly or three-hourly wind and air pressure data from nearby meteorological stations. Major surges in the area are generally produced by storms associated with wind from north-west or south-west that tend to push oceanic water into the Channel. Recent medium-term climate evolution does not seem to increase the flooding risk at French stations, where surge-related winds tend to decrease in frequency and speed (Cherbourg, Dieppe and Boulogne) or show little change (Le Havre). However, the long-term risk of flooding will increase through the loss in land elevation due to a continuation of the local relative sea-level rise, especially if this effect will be enhanced by an acceleration in the global sea-level rise predicted by climatic models. The northern side of the Channel (Weymouth, Bournemouth and Portsmouth) is mainly exposed to southerly winds that show variable trends. It is also apparently affected by strong subsidence trends during the last two decades. If lasting, such trends can only increase long-term flooding risk. The flooding risk has not increased near the eastern end of the Channel. The duration of significant cyclonic events tends to decrease near Cherbourg but tends to increase near Weymouth, with no conclusive trends in other stations (Portsmouth, Calais and Dunkirk), where extreme surges may occur also in relatively high-air-pressure situations. In conclusion, medium-term coastal flooding risk seems to increase especially at Weymouth, Bournemouth and Portsmouth, and also, but less so, at Le Havre and Sheerness. In addition, few extreme surges occurred during the last decades at the time of spring high tide, which would seem to be a fortunate coincidence or, in some cases, an effect of tide–surge interaction. The risk of occurrence of less favourable random events in the near future is therefore of concern, and flood potential would greatly increase if the global sea-level rise expected in the near future is also considered.  相似文献   

The flow of groundwater beneath barrier islands has been cited as a possible pathway for salt water and chemical exchange between a protected embayment and the open sea. Evidence is presented that identifies an exchange of groundwater through a highly permeable paleoinlet along the barrier beach of Cavallino, which separates the northern Venice Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea. We utilized both point measurements of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and a geophysical investigation of the subsurface resistivity to analyze the movement of saline groundwater. Discharge of groundwater and associated nutrients, was higher at the site of a former inlet than at a similar site along the barrier and modulated by the difference in tidal water level between the lagoon and Adriatic Sea. If the measured conditions are typical, storm surge barriers could potentially result in a saline groundwater flow of up to 1.5×106 m3 d−1 into the lagoon.  相似文献   


This work presents a method for calculating the contributions of sea-level rise and urban growth to flood risk in coastal flood plains. The method consists of hydraulic/hydrological, urban growth and flood-damage quantification modules. The hydraulic/hydrological module estimates peak annual flows to generate flood stages impacted by sea-level rise within flood plains. A model for urban growth predicts patterns of urbanization within flood plains over the period 2010–2050. The flood-damage quantification module merges flood maps and urbanization predictions to calculate the expected annual flood damage (EAFD) for given scenarios of sea-level rise. The method is illustrated with an application to the Tijuana River of southern California, USA, and northwestern Mexico, where the EAFD is predicted to increase by over US$100 million because of sea-level rise of 0.25–1.0 m and urban growth by the year 2050. It is shown that urbanization plays a principal role in increasing the EAFD in the study area for the range of sea-level rise considered.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Garcia, E.S. and Loáiciga, H.A., 2013. Sea-level rise and flooding in coastal riverine flood plains. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (1), 204–220.  相似文献   

Riassunto Si esamina, sul fondamento di dati mareografici, la variazione del medio livello marino avvenuta negli ultimi 70 anni nei porti di Venezia, Trieste e Pola. Il movimento si attribuisce all'eustatismo glaciale. Risulta che il livello del mare aumenta di 3,8 cm. per decennio a Venezia, di 1,7 a Trieste e di 1,6 a Pola. L'aumento medio per i tre porti è di 2,4 cm. per decennio. Il notevole valore di Venezia è dovuto ad un contemporaneo abbassamento della zona costiera.
Summary From tidal records is examined the variation of the mean sealevel observed in the last 70 years in the ports of Venice, Trieste and Pola. The variation is attributed to the glacial eustatic. The mean sea-level increase for every ten years of 3,8 cm for Venice, 1,7 cm for Trieste and 1,6 cm for Pola. The remarkable value for Venice is caused from a contemporary abatement of the coast.

Zusammenfassung Man prüft auf Grund mareographischer Angaben Veränderungen des mittleren Wasserstandes, welche, in den letzten 70 Jahren in den Häfen von Venedig, Triest und Pola beobachtet wurden. Die Bewegung wird der glazialen Eustatik zugeschrieben. Es ergibt sich, dass das Meeresniveau in Venedig um 3,8 cm., in Triest 1,7 cm. und in Pola 1,6 cm. für Jahrzehnt steigt. Die mittlere Erhöhung der drei Häfen beträgt 2,4 cm. für Jahrzehnt. Der ansehnliche Wert von Venedig wird einer gleichzeitigen Senkung der Küstenzone zugeeignet.

The study on the interrelation between sea-level changes and biodiversity with its evolution has great significance for understanding the impact of global changes on organic evolution and exploring the inherent laws of life-environment coevolution in geological history. In this paper, the stratigraphic distribution of fusulinacean fauna in the Carboniferous-Permian boundary section at Xikou, Zhen’an County, Shaanxi Province, is analyzed quantitatively, and the relationship between the species diversity of fusulinaceans and relative sea-level changes is discussed. As a whole, the species numbers of fusulinacean fauna experience a rapid increase and an obvious decline in Xikou, Zhen’an County, from the Late Carboniferous to the Early Permian. There is a significant increase in species diversity around the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, which is one of the biggest bio-events of the fusulinacean fauna, and represents the radiation of Pseudoschwagerininae subfamily in the studied area. Integrated fusulinacean species diversity into sequence stratigraphic framework, detailed study suggests that the species diversity of the fusulinaceans is closely related to its relative stratigraphic location, and is essentially controlled by the sea-level changes, especially by the high-frequency sea-level changes. Generally, the species diversity of fusulinaceans is low, and the number of first and last appearance datum is small in the lower unit of high-frequency depositional cycle formed during the quick rise of the sea level; whereas the species diversity of fusulinaceans is high, and the number of first and last appearance datum is large in the upper unit of high-frequency cycle formed during the slow fall of the sea level. Within the third-order depositional sequence, the species diversity of the fusulinaceans at the first flooding surfaces and the maximum flooding surfaces is low, and it increases upward. The fusulinacean species diversity is low within the transgressive systems track, and it is high within the highstand systems track. The second-order rise and fall in sea level coincide with the bloom and decline of high order taxa of fusulinaceans.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of recent sea-level rise along the United States coastline have been examined to ascertain rates of rise, and possible causes for high-frequency fluctuations in sea level. Eigenanalysis identified several distinct coastal compartments within each of which sea-level behavior is consistent. The United States east coast has three of these compartments: one north of Cape Cod, where sea-level rise increases with distance to the north; one between Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras where sea-level rise increases to the south; and the third from Cape Hatteras south to Pensacola, where sea-level rise decreases to the south. The western gulf coast represents another compartment (poorly sampled in this study), where subsidence is partly due to compaction. The final compartment is along the United States west coast, where poor spatial sampling produces a highly spatially variable sea-level record that has some temporal uniformity. Spectral analysis shows a dominant time scale of six years for sea-level variability, with different coastal compartments responding relatively in or out of phase. No evidence for increased rates of sea-level rise over the past 10 years was found. This objective statistical technique is a valuable tool for identifying spatial and temporal sea-level trends in the United States. It may later prove useful for identifying elusive world-wide trends of sea level, related to glacial melting, glacial rebound, tectonism, and volcanic activity.  相似文献   

Riassunto Alle due serie di livelli medi, quella cinquantennale di Trieste e quella settantennale di Venezia, si applica l'analisi periodale secondo il metodoVercelli. Si ottengono onde componenti di anni 22, 11,3, 8, 5,5, 4, 3, 2. Le onde corrispondenti delle due località sono in buon accordo di fase. Le ampiezze delle componenti di Venezia sono leggermente maggiori di quelle di Trieste. L'asse medio del diagramma di Trieste presenta una salita di 11 cm in 52 anni, quello di Venezia di 15 cm in 70 anni.
Summary To the series of yearly values of the mean heights of the sea-level for the ports of Trieste and Venice has been applied the periodal analysis after the method ofVercelli. From this are derived component waves almost-persistent and almost-periodical of 22, 11,3, 8, 5,5, 4, 3, 2 years. The mean axis shows the following variations for every ten years: an ascent of 2 cm in the port of Trieste and of 2.5 cm in the port of Venice.

Zusammenfassung Es wird dieVercelli Periodalanalyse an den zwei Reihen, eine 50- eine 70jährige, von jährlichen mittleren Wasserständen bezüglich der Hafen von Triest und Venedig angewendet. Man erhält Komponentwellen die Perioden von 22-11,3-8-5,5-4-3-2 Jahren haben. Die entsprechenden Wellen der zwei Lokalitäten sind in einer guten Uebereinstimmung der Phase. Die Amplituden der Komponentwellen von Venedig sind etwas grösser als diejenigen von Triest. Die mittlere Achse stellt einen Aufstieg dar, welche für ein Jahrzehnt 2 cm für Triest und 2,5 für Venedig beträgt.

Lavoro eseguito con il contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the patterns and effects of relative sea-level rise on the tidal circulation of the basin of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon using a process-based model that is solved on an unstructured mesh. To predict the changes in the lagoon tidal circulation in the year 2100, the model is forced by tides and a static sea level. The bathymetry and the basin geometry are updated in response to sea-level rise for three morphological response scenarios: no bed updating, barrier island rollover, and basin infilling. Model results indicate that sea-level rise (SLR) will change the baseline current velocity patterns inside the lagoon over the ~100-year study period, due to a strong reduction in the area of the intertidal basin. The basin infilling scenario is associated with the most important adjustments of the tidal circulation (i.e., increases in the flood velocities and delays in the ebb tide), together with an increase in the cumulative discharges of the tidal inlets. Under sea-level rise and in the basin infilling scenario, the salt marshes and tidal flats experience increases in the tidal range and current asymmetry. Basin infilling changes the sediment flushing capacity of the lagoon, leading to the attenuation of the flood dominance in the main inlet and the strengthening of the flood dominance in the two secondary inlets. The predictions resulting from these scenarios provide very useful information on the long-term evolution of similar coastal lagoons that experience varying degrees of SLR. This study highlights the need for research focusing on the quantification of the physical and socio-economic impacts of SLR on lagoon systems, thus enabling the development of effective adaptation strategies.  相似文献   

The possibility of Holocene subsidence along the northern coast of the Corinth Gulf is often mentioned in the literature; however, systematic detailed evidence that submergence (e.g. of archaeological remains) does not simply depend from eustatic sea-level rise is most often missing. In this paper, a new detailed study of submerged tidal-notch profiles along the limestone coast has shown that periods of sea-level stability are intercalated with periods of rapid subsidence or gradual relative sea-level rise. It appears that most of the sites considered, seem to have been affected by a relatively recent co-seismic subsidence of about half a meter, whereas during the longer period, by stages of relative sea-level stability and/or gradual relative sea-level rise. This evidence of subsidence is confirmed by radiocarbon dating in doline sediments, suggesting that during certain periods, a relative sea-level rise was much faster than the raising suggested by glacio-eustatic or hydro-isostatic estimations. Juxtaposing a list of known earthquakes occurred in the area shows that several earthquakes (e.g. the 1981 one for the easternmost sites considered) are potential candidates for the recent co-seismic displacements and thus supporting the geomorphological interpretations.  相似文献   

Persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) provides a new perspective to monitor the movements of coastal structures due to long-term consolidation using satellite-borne remote sensors. The method has the advantages of detecting the displacements at a very high spatial (from 1 to a few meters) and temporal (from 10 to 30?days) resolution. Cost-effective monitoring of complex and large (some kilometer long) structures can be done over long time (up to 10?years) intervals and at large scales (tens times tens km2) of investigation. Here, these measurements are integrated with geotechnical, site-specific measurements to characterize in a unique framework the long-term compressibility of coastal soils over large areas. The approach is tested on the 60-km-long coastland of the Venice Lagoon, Italy. An accurate quantification of the movements of coastal infrastructures at the Venice coastland is carried out by PSI using ENVISAT ASAR and TerraSAR-X images acquired from April 2003 to December 2009 and from March 2008 to January 2009, respectively. Several nearshore and offshore structures were constructed over the decades to protect Venice and its coastal environment from sea storms and high tides. Long jetties were built at the lagoon inlets since the end of the 18th century, significantly reinforced between 1994 and 1997, and finally reshaped since 2003 in the framework of the MOSE construction (i.e., the project of mobile barriers for the temporarily closure of the lagoon to the sea). The measured displacements range from a few mm/year for the structures older than 10?years to 50–70?mm/year for those realized a few years ago. The PSI measurements are combined with the outcome of a detailed geomechanical characterization of the lagoon subsoil obtained by a field-scale experiment started at the end of 2002 and monitored to 2008. The use of the stress-strain properties derived from the trial embankment and the actual lithostratigraphy below the coastal structures, which is available from several piezocone profiles and boreholes, allows for the computation of secondary compression (consolidation) rates that match very well the PSI-derived movements. The results provide important information on the potential of using PSI to characterizing geotechnical properties (magnitude and distribution) of coastal deposits, as well as to estimate the expected time-dependent geomechanical response of coastal structures or other large constructions.  相似文献   

In this study, a new estimate of the contribution of glaciers and ice caps to the sea-level rise over the period 1800?C2005 is presented. We exploit the available information on changes in glacier length. Length records form the only direct evidence of glacier change that has potential global coverage before 1950. We calculate a globally representative signal from 349 glacier length records. By means of scaling, we deduce a global glacier volume signal, that is calibrated on the mass-balance and geodetic observations of the period 1950?C2005. We find that the glacier contribution to sea-level rise was 8.4 ± 2.1 cm for the period 1800?C2005 and 9.1 ± 2.3 cm for the period 1850?C2005.  相似文献   

Comparisons of maps and aerial photographs dating from the late 1700s to the present document the recent development of an 8 km2 saltmarsh that is situated behind a barrier spit in southern Maine. Tidal channels that were relatively narrow in 1794 became wider by 1872. The reduction of marsh bordering tidal channels is interpreted as evidence that marsh accretion could not keep pace with rising sea-level. This suggests that the rate of sea-level rise had increased, although a change in discharge or sediment load caused by extensive settlement and land clearance may also have been involved. Meander patterns of the tidal streams changed considerably throughout the time period covered by the maps, demonstrating that the streams of this marsh are more dynamic than some others that have been widely reported in the literature. These differences in stream dynamics are probably related to the differences in sedimentological structure of the marshes. Between 1872 and 1956 the barrier spit eroded on its inside (shoreward) edge, probably in response to the construction of riprapping and houses along the spit, and the subsequent reduction of overwash and aeolian transport of sediment. Modification of the tidal inlet and adjacent marsh during the 1960s, including jetty construction, dredging, and filling of portions of the marsh surface, affected the marsh only locally. One tidal stream has been migrating rapidly apparently in response to compaction of peat by dredge spoils and consequent local disruption of the marsh hydrology. Except for this migration, erosion of the marsh edge occurred immediately after the inlet modifications; planimetric changes in the marsh and its streams have been minor since then.  相似文献   

A geochronological framework for the sequential development of coastal barrier aeolianite complexes in the mouth region of the River Murray, Australia's largest river system is presented based on amino acid racemization and thermoluminescence dating. The sedimentary successions represent a foreshortened and condensed sequence of coastal barriers compared with those of the Coorong Coastal Plain in southern South Australia where the barrier complexes are more widely separated in response to tectonic uplift. The barriers have formed during interglacial sea-level highstands and are correlatives of genetically equivalent landforms of the Coorong Coastal Plain. Thermoluminescence dating and the extent of amino acid racemization in aeolianite ‘whole-rock’ sediment samples, reveal a general increase in age of the barriers landwards from the modern coastline. In detail, however, the individual barriers represent composite structures having formed in more than one interglaciation, due to the reoccupation of Pleistocene shoreline positions during sea-level highstands of similar amplitude, in a zone of gradual basin subsidence. The most seaward Pleistocene aeolianite at Surfer Beach is of interstadial age (Marine Isotope Stage 5c, 105 ± 5 ka; MIS 5c), and correlates with the Robe Range of the Coorong Coastal Plain. The last interglacial shoreline (130 ± 15 ka; MIS 5e) is particularly well-defined in the River Murray mouth region. It is represented by a complex association of coastal parabolic dunes superimposed on a transverse dune system, which runs parallel with the former coastline, and also includes associated estuarine, lagoonal and open ocean beach facies. Landward of the last interglacial succession are distinct barriers relating to the penultimate interglaciation (215 ± 35 ka; MIS 7), as well as earlier interglaciations (350 ± 65 ka; MIS 9 or 11 and 470 ± 70 ka; MIS 11 or 13). The coastal barriers have been successively breached by the ancestral River Murray at times of lower sea level during glacial cycles. Former mouths of the River Murray during interglacial sea-level highstands are likely to have existed near Tauwitchere Island during MIS 7, and between Goolwa and Hindmarsh Island and near the southern-most part of Lake Albert during the last interglacial (MIS 5e). The River Murray mouth region represents a failed delta as the limited sediment brought to this area since late middle Pleistocene time has been either rapidly incorporated within aeolian deposits during sea-level highstands, or transported to the edge of the Lacepede Shelf during glacial maxima. The Holocene and modern River Murray has not established a marine delta, but deposits its load in the settling basins of the terminal lakes. Only a small digitate delta has formed where the river enters Lake Alexandrina.  相似文献   

Coastal flood risk will likely increase in the future due to urban development, sea-level rise, and potential change of storm surge climatology, but the latter has seldom been considered in flood risk analysis. We propose an integrated dynamic risk analysis for flooding task (iDraft) framework to assess coastal flood risk at regional scales, considering integrated dynamic effects of storm climatology change, sea-level rise, and coastal development. The framework is composed of two components: a modeling scheme to collect and combine necessary physical information and a formal, Poisson-based theoretical scheme to derive various risk measures of interest. Time-varying risk metrics such as the return period of various damage levels and the mean and variance of annual damage are derived analytically. The mean of the present value of future losses (PVL) is also obtained analytically in three ways. Monte Carlo (MC) methods are then developed to estimate these risk metrics and also the probability distribution of PVL. The analytical and MC methods are theoretically and numerically consistent. A case study is performed for New York City (NYC). It is found that the impact of population growth and coastal development on future flood risk is relatively small for NYC, sea-level rise will significantly increase the damage risk, and storm climatology change can also increase the risk and uncertainty. The joint effect of all three dynamic factors is possibly a dramatic increase of the risk over the twenty-first century and a significant shift of the probability distribution of the PVL towards high values. In a companion paper (Part II), we extend the iDraft to perform probabilistic benefit-cost analysis for various flood mitigation strategies proposed for NYC to avert the potential impact of climate change.  相似文献   

Past and future evolution in the Thames Estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to manage estuaries effectively, it is important to be able to predict how they are likely to change in the future, both to natural and anthropogenic forcing. This paper looks at historical morphological development of the Thames Estuary, taking into account the effect of human intervention, and uses the ASMITA morphological model to predict the long-term evolution of the estuary into the future, assuming either historic rates of sea-level rise or accelerated sea-level rise. The historical sediment budget for the Thames Estuary was examined and source and sink terms, including fluvial sediment supply and historical dredging rates, were included in the ASMITA model. ASMITA predictions showed good overall agreement with the historical data, highlighting the benefits of detailed historical review and the inclusion of anthropogenic effects in the model. Future ASMITA predictions for the period 2000 to 2100 suggest that, under both historical and accelerated sea-level rise scenarios, the estuary will experience accretion, but, for the accelerated sea-level rise scenario, accretion will be at a slower rate than sea level rise. With accelerated sea-level rise, intertidal profiles were predicted to be up to 0.5 m lower with respect to high water.  相似文献   


Public participation in engineering projects has been minimal to date, whereas it is growing in other fields. This paper assesses the lessons learned from public participation in two hydrologic engineering projects, as citizen scientists or through participatory mapping. The two projects were conducted in communities that faced a common problem of flooding due to sea-level rise. The lessons learned include the need to invest time at the beginning of a project to get an idea of what knowledge the public can contribute and have a plan in place to sustain participation at the level needed for the project to be successful. Our cost comparison shows that public participation should be encouraged when the project area is large enough to make travel for data collection cost prohibitive, or when extensive interaction with the public will already be required.  相似文献   

Two of the four wells monitored near Parkfield, California, during 1985 showed water level rises beginning three days before theM w 6.1 Kettleman Hills earthquake. In one of these wells, the 3.0 cm rise was nearly unique in five years of water level data. However, in the other well, which showed a 3.8 cm rise, many other changes of comparable size have been observed. Both wells that did not display pre-earthquake rises tap partially confined aquifers that cannot sustain pressure changes due to tectonic strain having periods longer than several days. We evaluate the effect of partial aquifer confinement on the ability of these four wells to display water level changes in response to aquifer strain. Although the vertical hydraulic diffusivities cannot be determined uniquely, we can find a value of diffusivity for each site that is consistent with the site's tidal and barometric responses as well as with the rate of partial recovery of the coseismic water level drops. Furthermore, the diffusivity for one well is high enough to explain why the preseismic rise could not have been detected there. For the fourth well, the diffusivity is high enough to have reduced the size of the preseismic signal as much as 50%, although it should still have been detectable. Imperfect confinement cannot explain the persistent water level changes in the two partially confined aquifers, but it does show that they were not due to volume strain. The pre-earthquake water level rises may have been precursors to the Kettleman Hills earthquake. If so, they probably were not caused by accelerating slip over the part of the fault plane that ruptured in that earthquake because they are of opposite sign to the observed coseismic water level drops.  相似文献   

Sea-surface topography around Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sea-surface topographys, as represented by the separation between the ocean surface and a level surface, is viewed as a problem involving and concerning both geodesy and physical oceanography. The determination of this topography bygeodetic levelling processes, in conjunction with tide-gauge observation, is examined. Sources of error, difficulties, estimates of accuracies, and actual results are mainly related to the third-order Australian levelling net, which has indicated a sea-surface topography variation, with position, of 2 m, with a standard deviation estimated to be about 30 cm. The expectedoceanographic influences on the sea-level are described, the individual contributing factors being discussed separately. Around Australia, differences in water density can account for an estimated 60 cm of the above mentioned 200 cm sea-level variation, while the airpressure effect appears to account for another 10 cm only. The wind influence undoubtedly also contributes to the sea-surface topography but it is presently virtually impossible to provide a suitable figure. Some discussion is given to the apparent differences between the results from these separate sources, for this continent.  相似文献   

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