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Abstract— We present here ion microprobe analyses of rare earth and other selected trace and minor elements in pyroxenes of shergottite Queen Alexandra Range 94201 and lunar basalt 15555. Pyroxene zonation patterns record the crystallization histories of these two basaltic samples from Mars and the Moon, respectively, and allow a comparison of mafic melt evolution on these two planetary bodies. Elemental abundances and trends in pyroxenes of these two rocks indicate that their minerals formed by continuous, closed system fractional crystallization of their respective parent melts. This further supports the idea that QUE 94201 closely represents the composition of a true Martian basaltic melt (McSween et al., 1996). The main differences in pyroxene elemental zonation patterns in these two objects are attributed to earlier crystallization of whitlockite in QUE 94201 (i.e., before the Fe-rich pyroxenes) than in 15555 (after the Fe-rich pyroxenes). The size of Eu anomalies in pyroxenes of QUE 94201 is intermediate between that in pyroxenes of 15555 and the other shergottites and may imply that fO2 conditions during crystallization of this Martian basalt were significantly more reducing than for other shergottites, although not quite as reducing as for lunar basalts. Cerium anomalies appear to be less prevalent in pyroxenes of QUE 94201 than other Antarctic shergottites and could be indicative of lesser degree of weathering in the Antarctic.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 150 meteorite was found on a gravel plateau, 43.3 km south of Ghaba, Oman, on October 8, 2002. Oxygen isotope (δ17O 2.78; δ18O 4.74), CRE age (?1.3 Ma), and noble gas studies confirm its Martian origin. SaU 150 is classified as an olivine‐phyric basalt, having a porphyritic texture with olivine macrocrysts set in a finer‐grained matrix of pigeonite and interstitial maskelynite, with minor augite, spinel, ilmenite, merrillite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and secondary (terrestrial) calcite and iron oxides. The bulk rock composition, in particular mg (68) [molar Mg/(Mg + Fe) x 100], Fe/Mn (37.9), and Na/Al (0.22), are characteristic of Martian meteorites. Based on mineral compositions, cooling rates determined from crystal morphology, and crystal size distribution, it is deduced that the parent magma formed in a steady‐state growth regime (magma chamber) that cooled at <°C/hr. Subsequent eruption as a thick lava flow or hypabyssal intrusion entrained a small fraction of xenocrystic olivine and gave rise to a magmatic foliation, with slow cooling allowing for near homogenization of igneous minerals. SaU 150 experienced an equilibration shock pressure of 33–45 GPa in a single impact event. Post‐shock heat gave rise to localized melting (?11 vol%). Larger volume melts remained fluid after pressure release and crystallized dendritic olivine and pyroxene with fractal dimensions of 1.80–1.89 and 1.89–1.95, respectively, at ‐ΔT >70–365 °C. SaU 150 is essentially identical to SaU 005/094, all representing samples of the same fall that are similar to, but distinct from, the DaG shergottites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Olivine from Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 occurs as clusters within orthopyroxene adjacent to fractures containing disrupted carbonate globules and feldspathic shock glass. The inclusions are irregular in shape and range in size from ~40 μm to submicrometer. Some of the inclusions are elongate and boudinage-like. The olivine grains are in sharp contact with the enclosing orthopyroxene and often contain small inclusions of chromite. The olivine exhibits a very limited range of composition from Fo65 to Fo66 (n = 25). The δ18O values of the olivine and orthopyroxene analyzed by ion microprobe range from +4.3 to +5.3‰ and are indistinguishable from each other within analytical uncertainty. The mineral chemistries, O-isotopic data, and textural relationships indicate that the olivine inclusions were produced at a temperature >800 °C. It is unlikely that the olivines formed during the same event that gave rise to the carbonates in ALH 84001, which have more elevated and variable δ18O values, and were probably formed from fluids that were not in isotopic equilibrium with the orthopyroxene or olivine. The reactions most likely instrumental in the formation of olivine could be either the dehydration of hydrous silicates that formed during carbonate precipitation or the reduction of orthopyroxene and spinel. If the olivine was formed by either reaction during a postcarbonate heating event, the implications are profound with regards to the interpretations of McKay et al. (1996). Due to the low diffusion rates in carbonates, this rapid, high-temperature event would have resulted in the preservation of the fine-scale carbonate zoning, while partially devolatilizing select carbonate compositions on a submicrometer scale (Brearley, 1998a). This may have resulted in the formation of the minute magnetite grains that McKay et al. (1996) attributed to biogenic activity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Microstructures in the Allan Hills 84001 meteorite were studied using optical and electron microscopy, putting emphasis on shock effects, which are widespread. Some orthopyroxene exhibits only (100) slip, but more typical grains suffered extensive slip, microfracturing, and frequently contain (100) clino‐inversion lamellae. In fracture zones, shock deformation of orthopyroxene has produced all three effects in profusion, together with intergranular pockets of orthopyroxene glass and intragranular glass lamellae, which were apparently created by shearing on low index planes, usually (100) or {110}. Both types of plane are loci that pseudo‐planar fractures tend to follow. Thus, the glass lamellae, which have not been observed in other meteorites, probably formed by frictional heating during the sliding of microscale corrugated surfaces, one over another, leading to local melting. We infer that the orthopyroxene glass and the fracture zones both formed from shear stresses created by strong shock. Ubiquitous undeformed micrometer and submicrometer euhedral chromites in orthopyroxene and plagioclase glasses and carbonate probably crystallized after shock heating and fracture zone formation. Nanocrystals of eskolaite (Cr2O3) coating silica glass grains are probably also a result of shock‐induced thermal decomposition of chromite. Iron sulfides (pyrite and pyrrhotite were identified) tended to be associated with plagioclase glass. A carbonate disk showing no evidence for shock deformation had a substructure of elongated, slightly misoriented subcells in the exterior; interior regions had more eqiaxed subcells. Both microstructures probably formed during growth, but the conditions are undetermined. Chemical composition varied on a micron scale, but the rim of the disk was more ferroan; oxide precipitates and voids were widely distributed as in fracture‐filling carbonates. If the fracture zones and opx glass are the result of strong shock, as we deduce, it is very unlikely that pores could have filled by carbonate long after the fracture zones formed. We infer that the carbonate, like the phosphate, olivine, pyrrhotite, eskolaite, and many euhedral, submicrometer chromites, crystallized during the final stages of the impact that created the fracture zones and glasses with compositions of plagioclase, silica, and orthopyroxene.  相似文献   

Abstract Shock recovery experiments to determine whether magnetite could be produced by the decomposition of iron‐carbonate were initiated. Naturally occurring siderite was first characterized by a variety of techniques to be sure that the starting material did not contain detectable magnetite. Samples were shocked in tungsten‐alloy holders (W = 90%, Ni = 6%, Cu = 4%) to further ensure that any iron phases in the shock products were contributed by the siderite rather than the sample holder. Each sample was shocked to a specific pressure between 30 to 49 GPa. Transformation of siderite to magnetite as characterized by TEM was found in the 49 GPa shock experiment. Compositions of most magnetites are >50% Fe+2 in the octahedral site of the inverse spinel structure. Magnetites produced in shock experiments display the same range of sizes (?50–100 nm), compositions (100% magnetite to 80% magnetite‐20% magnesioferrite), and morphologies (equant, elongated, euhedral to subhedral) as magnetites synthesized by Golden et al. (2001) and as the magnetites in Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001. Fritz et al. (2005) previously concluded that ALH 84001 experienced ?32 GPa pressure and a resultant thermal pulse of ?100–110°C. However, ALH 84001 contains evidence of local temperature excursions high enough to melt feldspar, pyroxene, and a silica‐rich phase. This 49 GPa experiment demonstrates that magnetite can be produced by the shock decomposition of siderite as a result of local heating to > 470°C. Therefore, magnetite in the rims of carbonates in Martian meteorite ALH 84001 could be a product of shock devolatilization of siderite as well.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 7533 is a Martian regolith breccia. This meteorite (and its pairings) offers a good opportunity to study (near‐) surface processes that occurred on early Mars. Here, we have conducted a transmission electron microscope study of medium‐ and coarse‐grained (a few tens to hundreds of micrometers) Ca‐rich pyroxene clasts in order to define their thermal and shock histories. The pyroxene grains have a high‐temperature (magmatic) origin as revealed by the well‐developed pigeonite–augite exsolution microstructure. Exsolution lamella characteristics (composition, thickness, and spacing) indicate a moderately slow cooling. Some of the pyroxene clasts display evidence for local decomposition into magnetite and silica at the submicron scale. This phase decomposition may have occurred at high temperature and occurred at high oxygen fugacity at least 2–3 log units above the QFM buffer, after the formation of the exsolution lamellae. This corresponds to oxidizing conditions well above typical Martian magmatic conditions. These oxidizing conditions seem to have prevailed early and throughout most of the history of NWA 7533. The shock microstructure consists of (100) mechanical twins which have accommodated plastic deformation. Other pyroxene shock indicators are absent. Compared with SNC meteorites that all suffered significant shock metamorphism, NWA 7533 appears only mildly shocked. The twin microstructure is similar from one clast to another, suggesting that the impact which generated the (100) twins involved the compacted breccia and that the pyroxene clasts were unshocked when they were incorporated into the NWA 7533 breccia.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(3-4):353-362
The Raman microspectra of the Nakhla SNC meteorite, which probably originates from Mars, are reported here for the first time. The specimen is shown to be heterogeneous, even at a sampling level of 2 μm, but several important mineralogical features have been identified, including clinopyroxene, olivine and plagioclase. In some sampling regions, α-quartz particles are evident and in one sample region the ν(CO2−3) mode of calcite at 1086 cm−1 is found. There is no evidence for organic chemical content detectable in this meteorite specimen, based on an absence of ν(CH) and δ(CH2) modes near 3000 and 1400 cm−1, respectively. Comparative Raman spectroscopic analyses were made on epilithic examples of Xanthoria elegans from Crater Cirque, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, and cryptoendoliths from East Beacon, McMurdo Dry Valleys, as positive controls for microbial organics in cold, arid habitats analogous to former Martian conditions. Finally, an assessment is made of the potential role of Raman spectroscopy for extra-terrestrial characterisation of geological specimens.  相似文献   

Abstract— Noble gas data from Martian meteorites have provided key constraints about their origin and evolution, and their parent body. These meteorites have witnessed varying shock metamorphic overprinting (at least 5 to 14 GPa for the nakhlites and up to 45–55 GPa (e.g., the lherzolitic shergottite Allan Hills [ALH] A77005), solar heating, cosmic‐ray exposure, and weathering both on Mars and Earth. Influences on the helium budgets of Martian meteorites were evaluated by using a new data set and literature data. Concentrations of 3He, 4He, U, and Th are measured and shock pressures for same sample aliquots of 13 Martian meteorites were determined to asses a possible relationship between shock pressure and helium concentration. Partitioning of 4He into cosmogenic and radiogenic components was performed using the lowest 4He/3He ratio we measured on mineral separates (4He/3He = 4.1, pyroxene of ALHA77005). Our study revealed significant losses of radiogenic 4He. Systematics of cosmogenic 3He and neon led to the conclusion that solar radiation heating during transfer from Mars to Earth and terrestrial weathering can be ruled out as major causes of the observed losses of radiogenic helium in bulk meteorites. For bulk rock we observed a correlation of shock pressure and radiogenic 4He loss, ranging between ?20% for Chassigny and other moderately shocked Martian meteorites up to total loss for meteorites shocked above 40 GPa. A steep increase of loss occurs around 30 GPa, the pressure at which plagioclase transforms to maskelynite. This correlation suggests significant 4He loss induced by shock metamorphism. Noble gas loss in rocks is seen as diffusion due to (1) the temperature increase during shock loading (shock temperature) and (2) the remaining waste heat after adiabatic unloading (post shock temperature). Modeling of 4He diffusion in the main U, Th carrier phase apatite showed that post‐shock temperatures of ?300 °C are necessary to explain observed losses. This temperature corresponds to the post‐shock temperature calculated for bulk rocks shocked at about 40 GPa. From our investigation, data survey, and modeling, we conclude that the shock event during launch of the meteorites is the principal cause for 4He loss.  相似文献   

Accurate computational modeling allows the use of software as a first approach to some petrological problems that typically require experimentation, but most programs have not yet been fully tested for accuracy with lunar or Martian melt compositions. The programs pMELTS, MAGPOX, and Perple_X stand out for phase equilibrium modeling, as their calibrations include experiments of lunar compositions or have precise thermodynamic constraints for similar compositions. A set of lunar mare basalts, picritic glasses, and basaltic Martian compositions with known experimentally determined multiple saturation point (MSP) conditions were used here for phase equilibrium modeling. The accuracy of each program was tested through the determination of MSPs on the liquidus of the selected compositions. This point in pressure–temperature space can be considered as a direct proxy of the stable phases and the equilibrium conditions during partial melting of mantle sources. We identify a trend in experimental data between MSP temperature and MgO, CaO, and SiO2 concentrations, and similar trends are found in model results. However, only Perple_X is able to closely match the experimental data, despite the fact it does not accurately model ilmenite saturation for high-Ti lunar basalts. We find that pMELTS miscalculates olivine saturation for MgO-rich compositions and MAGPOX systematically underestimates MSP pressure and temperatures and can only be used when olivine is the liquidus phase. For modeling lunar or Martian basalt compositions, Perple_X can be used for optimal results, although no software is yet capable of bypassing the need to constrain MSP conditions through experimentation.  相似文献   

Martian meteorite Elephant Moraine A79001 (EET 79001) has received considerable attention for the unusual composition of its shock melt glass, particularly its enrichment in sulfur relative to the host shergottite. It has been hypothesized that Martian regolith was incorporated into the melt or, conversely, that the S‐enrichment stems from preferential melting of sulfide minerals in the host rock during shock. We present results from an electron microprobe study of EET 79001 including robust measurements of major and trace elements in the shock melt glass (S, Cl, Ni, Co, V, and Sc) and minerals in the host rock (Ni, Co, and V). We find that both S and major element abundances can be reconciled with previous hypotheses of regolith incorporation and/or excess sulfide melt. However, trace element characteristics of the shock melt glass, particularly Ni and Cl abundances relative to S, cannot be explained either by the incorporation of regolith or sulfide minerals. We therefore propose an alternative hypothesis whereby, prior to shock melting, portions of EET 79001 experienced acid‐sulfate leaching of the mesostasis, possibly groundmass feldspar, and olivine, producing Al‐sulfates that were later incorporated into the shock melt, which then quenched to glass. Such activity in the Martian near‐surface is supported by observations from the Mars Exploration Rovers and laboratory experiments. Our preimpact alteration model, accompanied by the preferential survival of olivine and excess melting of feldspar during impact, explains the measured trace element abundances better than either the regolith incorporation or excess sulfide melting hypothesis does.  相似文献   

Abstract— LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02205, 02226, and 02224 are paired stones of a crystalline basaltic lunar meteorite with a low‐Ti (3.21–3.43% TiO2) low‐Al (9.93–10.45% Al2O3), and low‐K (0.11–0.12% K2O) composition. They consist mainly of zoned pyroxene and plagioclase grains, with minor ilmenite, spinel, and mesostasis regions. Large, possibly xenocrystic, forsteritic olivine grains (<3% by mode) contain small trapped multiphase melt inclusions. Accessory mineral and mesostasis composition shows that the samples have experienced residual melt crystallization with silica oversaturation and late‐stage liquid immiscibility. Our section of LAP 02224 has a vesicular fusion crust, implying that it was at one time located sufficiently close to the lunar surface environment to have accumulated solar‐wind‐implanted gases. The stones have a comparable major element composition and petrography to low‐Ti, low‐Al basalts collected at the Apollos 12 and 15 landing sites. However, the LAP stones also have an enriched REE bulk composition and are more ferroan (Mg numbers in the range of 31 to 35) than similar Apollo samples, suggesting that they represent members of a previously unsampled fractionated mare basalt suite that crystallized from a relatively evolved lunar melt.  相似文献   

Abstract— Found during the 2004 U.S. Antarctic Search for Meteorites season, LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 04841 represents an addition to the LaPaz lunar basalts suite and brings the total mass collected to 1.93 kg. The presence of FeNi grains, troilite, and the anorthositic composition of plagioclase are evidence for the lunar origin of this meteorite. Pyroxene and olivine Mn/Fe values plot along the trend set for lunar basalts. Analyses of chromite grains provide a V/(Al + Cr) ratio of 1.33 ± 13, translating to an fO2 one log unit below the IW buffer, in accordance with previous fO2 estimates for lunar basalts. Application of the Zr‐cooling speedometer, for ilmenite and ulvöspinel pairs, gives a cooling rate of 5.2 °C/day, matching previous estimates of cooling rates for the LaPaz lunar meteorites and Apollo mare basalts. Mineral modes and chemistries, as well as trace‐element patterns, provide compelling evidence for pairing of this meteorite to others in the LaPaz lunar basalt suite.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mokoia is a CV3 chondrite that contains abundant phyllosilicate mineralization. We present a detailed petrographic and scanning electron microscopic study of 24 dark inclusions (DIs) that we found in Mokoia. The overall texture and constituent minerals of the DIs resemble those in the host meteorite. Fe‐bearing saponite and Na‐rich phlogopite, the same phyllosilicates as in the host meteorite, occur in the DIs, which strongly suggests that the DIs have a similar alteration history to the host meteorite. However, the DIs show several distinct differences from the host meteorite. Olivine grains in the DI matrices are more homogeneous in Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio than those in the host meteorite matrix. Phyllosilicates in the DIs are less abundant than in the host meteorite, and they have been dehydrated to various extents. These characteristics suggest that the DIs have experienced higher degree of thermal metamorphism than the host meteorite. In addition, the matrices in the DIs are more compacted than those in the host meteorite. Most olivine grains in the DIs show undulatory extinction in transmitted crossed‐polarized light and some show planar fractures, while such olivine grains are rare in the host meteorite. Two of the DIs contain Si‐, Mg‐, Fe‐ and O‐rich melt veins. These characteristics indicate that most DIs have been shocked to shock stage S3‐S4, while the host meteorite is shock stage S1 (virtually unshocked). Thermal metamorphism of the DIs was likely caused by shock heating. These results are consistent with the contention previously proposed for the DIs in CV3 chondrites (i.e., the DIs have experienced aqueous alteration and subsequent dehydration on the CV parent body). We suggest that thermal and shock metamorphism occurred locally to various extents after pervasive aqueous alteration in the Mokoia parent body.  相似文献   

All Martian meteorites have experienced shock metamorphism to some degree. We quantitatively determined shock‐related strain in olivine crystals to measure shock level and peak shock pressure experienced by five Martian meteorites. Two independent methods employing nondestructive in situ micro X‐ray diffraction (μXRD) are applied, i.e., (1) the lattice strain method, in which the lattice strain value (ε) for each olivine grain is derived from a Williamson–Hall plot using its diffraction pattern (peak width variation with diffraction angle) with reference to a best fit calibration curve of ε values obtained from experimentally shocked olivine grains; (2) the strain‐related mosaicity method, allowing shock stage to be estimated by measuring the streaking along the Debye rings of olivine grain diffraction spots to define their strain‐related mosaic spread, which can then be compared with olivine mosaicity in ordinary chondrites of known shock stage. In this study, both the calculated peak shock pressures and the estimated shock stages for Dar al Gani 476 (45.6 ± 0.6 GPa), Sayh al Uhaymir 005/8 (46.1 ± 2.2 GPa), and Nakhla (18.0 ± 0.6 GPa) compare well with literature values. Formal shock assessments for North West Africa 1068/1110 (53.9 ± 2.1 GPa) and North West Africa 6234 (44.6 ± 3.1 GPa) have not been reported within the literature; however, their calculated peak shock pressures fall within the range of peak shock pressures defining their estimated shock stages. The availability of nondestructive and quantitative μXRD methods to determine shock stage and peak shock pressure from olivine crystals provides a key tool for shock metamorphism analysis.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 300 comprises a microcrystalline igneous matrix (grain size <10 μm), dominated by plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. Pyroxene geothermometry indicates that the matrix crystallized at ?1100 °C. The matrix encloses mineral and lithic clasts that record the effects of variable levels of shock. Mineral clasts include plagioclase, low‐ and high‐Ca pyroxene, pigeonite, and olivine. Minor amounts of ilmenite, FeNi metal, chromite, and a silica phase are also present. A variety of lithic clast types are observed, including glassy impact melts, impact‐melt breccias, and metamorphosed impact melts. One clast of granulitic breccia was also noted. A lunar origin for SaU 300 is supported by the composition of the plagioclase (average An95), the high Cr content in olivine, the lack of hydrous phases, and the Fe/Mn ratio of mafic minerals. Both matrix and clasts have been locally overprinted by shock veins and melt pockets. SaU 300 has previously been described as an anorthositic regolith breccia with basaltic components and a granulitic matrix, but we here interpret it to be a polymict crystalline impact‐melt breccia with an olivine‐rich anorthositic norite bulk composition. The varying shock states of the mineral and lithic clasts suggest that they were shocked to between 5–28 GPa (shock stages S1–S2) by impact events in target rocks prior to their inclusion in the matrix. Formation of the igneous matrix requires a minimum shock pressure of 60 GPa (shock stage >S4). The association of maskelynite with melt pockets and shock veins indicates a subsequent, local 28–45 GPa (shock stage S2–S3) excursion, which was probably responsible for lofting the sample from the lunar surface. Subsequent fracturing is attributed to atmospheric entry and probable breakup of the parent meteor.  相似文献   

The distribution of shock melts in four shergottites, having both vein and pocket geometry, has been defined and the conductive cooling time over the range 2500 °C to 900 °C calculated. Isolated 1 mm2 pockets cool in 1.17 s and cooling times increase with pocket area. An isolated vein 1 × 7 mm in Northwest Africa (NWA) 4797 cools to 900 °C in 4.5 s. Interference between thermal haloes of closely spaced shock melts decreases the thermal gradient, extending cooling times by a factor of 1.4 to 100. This is long enough to allow differential diffusion of Ar and Xe from the melt. Small pockets (1 mm2) lose 2.2% Ar and 5.2% Xe during cooling, resulting in a small change in the Ar/Xe ratio of the dissolved gas over that originally trapped. With longer cooling times there is significant fractionation of Xe from Ar and the Ar/Xe ratio increases rapidly. The largest pockets show less variation of Ar/Xe and likely preserve the original trapped gas composition. Considering all of the model calculations, even the smallest isolated pockets have cooling times greater than the duration of the pressure pulse, i.e., >0.01 s. The crystallization products of these shock melts will be unrelated to the peak shock pressure experienced by the meteorite.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report a comprehensive imaging study including confocal microRaman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and 3‐D extended focal imaging light microscopy of carbonate globules throughout a depth profile of the Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 and similar objects in mantle peridotite xenoliths from the Bockfjorden volcanic complex (BVC), Svalbard. Carbonate and iron oxide zoning in ALH 84001 is similar to that seen in BVC globules. Hematite appears to be present in all ALH 84001 carbonate‐bearing assemblages except within a magnesite outer rim found in some globules. Macromolecular carbon (MMC) was found in intimate association with magnetite in both ALH 84001 and BVC carbonates. The MMC synthesis mechanism appears similar to established reactions within the Fe‐C‐O system. By inference to a terrestrial analogue of mantle origin (BVC), these results appear to represent the first measurements of the products of an abiotic MMC synthesis mechanism in Martian samples. Furthermore, the ubiquitous but heterogeneous distribution of hematite throughout carbonate globules in ALH 84001 may be partly responsible for some of the wide range in measured oxygen isotopes reported in previous studies. Using BVC carbonates as a suitable analogue, we postulate that a low temperature hydrothermal model of ALH 84001 globule formation is most likely, although alteration (decarbonation) of a subset of globules possibly occurred during a later impact event.  相似文献   

Precise triple oxygen isotope compositions of 32 Allende bulk chondrules (ABCs) are determined using laser‐assisted fluorination mass spectrometry. Various chemically characterized chondrule types show ranges in δ18O that vary from ?4.80‰ to +1.10‰ (porphyritic olivine; PO, N = 15), ?3.10‰ to +1.50‰ (porphyritic olivine pyroxene; POP, N = 9), ?3.40‰ to +2.60‰ (barred olivine; BO, N = 4), and ?3.60‰ to +1.30‰ (porphyritic pyroxene; PP, N = 3). Oxygen isotope data of these chondrules yield a regression line referred to as the Allende bulk chondrule line (ABC line, slope = 0.86 ± 0.02). Most of our data fall closer to the primitive chondrule minerals line (PCM line, slope = 0.987 ± 0.013) and the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line (CCAM line, slope = 0.94 ± 0.02) than the Allende anhydrous mineral line (AAML, slope = 1.00 ± 0.01) with a maximum δ18O value (+2.60‰) observed in a BO chondrule and a minimum δ18O value (?4.80‰) shown by a PO chondrule. Similarly, these chondrules depict variable ?17O values that range from ?5.65‰ to ?3.25‰ (PO), ?4.60‰ to ?2.80‰ (POP), ?4.95‰ to ?3.00‰ (BO), ?5.30‰ to ?3.20‰ (PP), and ?4.90‰ (CC). A simple model is proposed for the Allende CV3 chondrite with reference to the AAML and PCM line to illustrate the isotopic variations occurred due to the aqueous alteration processes. The estimated temperature ranging from 10 to 130 °C (mean ~60 °C) implies that the secondary mineralization in Allende happened in a warmer and relatively dry environment compared to Murchison. We further propose that thermal metamorphism could have dehydrated the Allende matrix at temperatures between >150 °C and <600 °C.  相似文献   

Abstract— The mobilization of K, rare earth elements (REE), Th, and U from Martian surface material upon contact with acidic solutions probably occurred extensively on Mars about 4 to 3.5 Ga ago and seems to have occurred locally in more recent times. We have studied the dissolution of these elements by leaching the basaltic shergottite Zagami and the terrestrial basalt BE‐N at constant pH values ranging from 5 to 1 in the absence and presence of added salts. Potassium is nearly immobile in Zagami and mobilized readily from BE‐N. The REE reside mostly in calcium phosphates and dissolve readily, with those in whitlockite of Zagami reacting slightly better than those in apatite of BE‐N. Thorium and U also reside mostly in calcium phosphates. Both dissolve similarly for both basalts and less readily than the REE. The experiments indicate the extent of the mobilization of K, REE, Th, and U, when acidic water leached the surface of Mars. Potassium was released slowly and in a small relative amount. The REE, and particularly the LREE, became mobile readily and were possibly distributed over large areas before immobilization. Thorium and U dissolved more slowly than the REE and were distributed less widely.  相似文献   

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