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Abstract Thailand comprises two continental blocks: Sibumasu and Indochina. The clastic rocks of the Triassic Mae Sariang Group are distributed in the Mae Hong Son–Mae Sariang area, north‐west Thailand, which corresponds to the central part of Sibumasu. The clastic rocks yield abundant detrital chromian spinels, indicating a source of ultramafic/mafic rocks. The chemistry of the detrital chromian spinels suggests that they were derived from three different rock types: ocean‐floor peridotite, chromitite and intraplate basalt, and that ophiolitic rocks were exposed in the area, where there are no outcrops of them at present. Exposition of an ophiolitic complex denotes a suture zone or other tectonic boundary. The discovery of chromian spinels suggests that the Gondwana–Tethys divide is located along the Mae Yuam Fault zone. Both paleontological and tectonic aspects support this conclusion.  相似文献   

Volatiles emitted during volcanic eruptions have an significant effect on the climate and environmental changes[1]. Different compositions of volatiles released may result in different trends of climate and environmental changes. Amounts of the erupted …  相似文献   

The mean palaeomagnetic pole position obtained from Upper Cretaceous rocks in west Sicily is at 21°N, 100°E (A95 = 15°), and at 38°N, 67°E (A95 = 31°) obtained from Middle Jurassic rocks. These pole positions are completely different from comparable pole positions for southeast Sicily and Africa and imply a clockwise rotation of west Sicily since the Upper Cretaceous of about 90° relative to southeast Sicily and Africa and also a clockwise rotation of about 60° relative to “stable” Europe. The sense of rotation of west Sicily is opposite to any known rotation of other crustal blocks in the central Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The Chiang Khong segment of the Chiang Khong–Lampang–Tak Volcanic Belt is composed of three broadly meridional sub‐belts of mafic to felsic volcanic, volcaniclastic, and associated intrusive rocks. Associated sedimentary rocks are largely non‐marine red beds and conglomerates. Three representative Chiang Khong lavas have Late Triassic (223–220 Ma) laser ablation inductively coupled mass‐spectroscopy U–Pb zircon ages. Felsic‐dominated sequences in the Chiang Khong Western and Central Sub‐belts are high‐K calc–alkaline rocks that range from basaltic to dominant felsic lavas with rare mafic dykes. The Western Sub‐belt lavas have slightly lower high field strength element contents at all fractionation levels than equivalent rocks from the Central Sub‐belt. In contrast, the Eastern Sub‐belt is dominated by mafic lavas and dykes with compositions transitional between E‐mid‐oceanic ridge basalt and back‐arc basin basalts. The Eastern Sub‐belt rocks have higher FeO* and TiO2 and less light rare earth element enrichment than basalts in the high‐K sequences. Basaltic and doleritic dykes in the Western and Central sub‐belts match the composition of the Eastern Sub‐belt lavas and dykes. A recent geochemical study of the Chiang Khong rocks concluded that they were erupted in a continental margin volcanic arc setting. However, based on the dominance of felsic lavas and the mainly non‐marine associated sediments, we propose an alternative origin, in a post‐collisional extensional setting. A major late Middle to early Late Triassic collisional orogenic event is well documented in northern Thailand and Yunnan. We believe that the paucity of radiometric dates for arc‐like lavas in the Chiang Khong–Lampang–Tak Volcanic Belt that precede this orogenic event, coupled with the geochemistry of the Chiang Khong rocks, and strong compositional analogies with other post‐collisional magmatic suites, are features that are more typical of volcanic belts formed in a rapidly evolving post‐collisional, basin‐and range‐type extensional setting.  相似文献   

Atsushi  Matsuoka 《Island Arc》1995,4(2):140-153
Abstract A radiolarian zonal scheme for the entire Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous using biostratigraphic data from both Japanese Island sections and the western Pacific seafloor is documented. The zonation is applicable to low and middle paleolatitude portions of the Paleo-Pacific ocean. Radiolarian bio-events such as the evolutionary first appearance biohorizon, first occurrence biohorizon, and last occurrence biohorizon were used to define zones. The 11 zones proposed are, in ascending order, Parahsuum simplum, Trillus elkhornensis, Laxtorum(?) jurassicum, Tricolocapsa plicarum, Tricolocapsa conexa, Stylocapsa(?) spiralis, Hsuum maxwelli, Pseudodictyomitra primitiva, Pseudodictyomitra carpatica, Cecrops sep-temporatus, and Acanthocircus carinatus zones. Preliminary age assignments for these zones are presented.  相似文献   

The outcrop samples of the Tak Fa Formation(Lower Permian) in Phetchabun Province have been studied to determine their organic geochemical characteristic,depositional paleoenvironment,and hydrocarbon generation potential.The total organic carbon(TOC) values ranging from 1.42 to 4.58 wt% and extractable organic matter values ranging from 76.84 to 197.65 ppm of the Tak Fa Formation were generally low and associated with low S2 values(0.00-0.50 mg HC/g rock) and hydrogen index values in range of 0-32 mg/g TOC,although this could reflect highly thermal maturity and complex tectonic history.Thus,kerogen classification can be based on a nonbiomarker study for these outcrop samples instead.The non-biomarker plot,Pr/n-C_(17) and Ph/n-C_(18) from this study indicates that organic matter originally comes from type Ⅱ/III kerogen.The samples were also investigated and indicated that the organic matter inputs were derived from mixed marine and terrigenous sources and deposited under suboxic to oxic conditions.The depositional environment of the Tak Fa Formation in this study is interpreted to be an estuarine environment or restricted lagoonal carbonate platforms.This has been achieved from normal alkane and isoprenoids distributions,terpane,and sterane biomarkers.Thus,the Tak Fa Formation is considered to be a hydrocarbon source rock during the time of the deposition.Although the geochemical data in this study indicate that the Tak Fa Formation has experienced high maturation,one or more locations could meet a condition that places this formation to be an active source rock.The approach and concepts presented in this study can be applied to similar evaporite-carbonate deposits in Thailand to find more petroleum plays.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau experienced a unique geological evolution during the Jurassic, driven by the termination of the Palaeotethys and the reduction of the Neotethys. The Indian Plate separated from the northern margin of Gondwana and drifted northward from the Southern Hemisphere. Given that the timing of strata serves as the basis for reconstructing geological history, the present work aimed to develop a new multiple stratigraphic and chronologic framework for the Jurassic strata of the ...  相似文献   

In the present paper the new petro- and paleomagnetic data on the Jurassic terrigenous complexes of the Mesozoic sedimentary basins of the Amur River region, Trans Baikal region, and Yakutia are presented. The magnetic properties of the sedimentary rocks of coastal-marine (paleo-shelf) and lake genesis are investigated in the contemporary intracontinental riftogenic Mesozoic superimposed troughs of the Siberian and Amur plates: the Chulmansk, the Unda-Dainsk, the Sredne-Amur, the Amuro-Zeisk, and the Verkhne-Bureinsk troughs. The statistically significant differences in the magnetic (anisotropic) characteristics of continental and marine deposits were inferred. The correlation of the scalar and tensor characteristics of magnetic susceptibility anisotropy and the parameters of its linearity, which depend indirectly on the intensity of the folding, is established. The preferential directions of regional stress during the fold formation are determined based on the analysis of the distribution of the axes of the tensor ellipsoid of the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy. The Jurassic positions of the paleomagnetic pole, which are close to the Mesozoic section of the trajectory of its apparent motion for the North Chinese plate and which differ from the Jurassic poles of the Siberian plate, are defined more accurately. The intraplate rotations of geoblocks within the limits of the amalgamated to the end of the Jurassic-to the beginning of the Cretaceous terrains as a part of the Amur tectonic plate are inferred. The calculated coordinates of the paleomagnetic pole indicate the larger than the present-day difference of the latitudinal positions of the southern part of the Siberian plate, and also of the Amur and North Chinese plates in the Early-Middle Jurassic time. This can be indicative of the fact that the total width of the shallow residual basins of the Paleo-Asian Ocean, which separated the geoblocks indicated in the Early-Middle Jurassic, attained the first thousands of kilometers, and/or such a difference in the paleolatitudes reflects the total value of the shortening (crowding) of the crust during the accretion and the fold formation. The time of the completion of the accretion of the terrains of the Amur and the North-Chinese plates and their attachment to the Siberian plate is not earlier than the end of the Late Jurassic-the beginning of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Abstract The chronological characteristics of Alpine metamorphic rocks are described and Alpine metamorphic events are reinterpreted on the basis of chronological data for the western and central Alps from 1960 to 1992. Metamorphic rocks of the Lepontine, Gran San Bernardo, Piemonte, Internal Crystalline Massifs and Sesia-Lanzo mostly date Alpine metamorphic events, but some (along with granitoids and gneisses from the Helvetic and Southern Alps) result from the Variscan, Caledonian or older events and thus predate the Alpine events. Radiometric age data from the Lepontine area show systematic age relations: U-Pb monazite (23-29 Ma), Rb-Sr muscovite (15–40 Ma) and biotite (15–30 Ma), K-Ar biotite (10-30 Ma), muscovite (15–25 Ma) and hornblende (25-35 Ma), and FT zircon (10-20 Ma) and apatite (5-15 Ma), which can be explained by the different closure temperatures of the isotopic systems. A 121 Ma U-Pb zircon age for a coesite-bearing whiteschist (metaquartzite) from the Dora-Maira represents the peak of ultra-high pressure metamorphism. Coesite-free eclogites and blueschists related to ultra-high pressure rocks in the Penninic crystalline massifs yield an 40Ar-39Ar plateau age of about 100 Ma for phengites, interpreted as the cooling age. From about 50 Ma, eclogites and glaucophane schists have also been reported from the Piemonte ophiolites and calcschists, suggesting the existence of a second high P/T metamorphic event. Alpine rocks therefore record three major metamorphic events: (i) ultra-high and related high P/T metamorphism in the early Cretaceous, which is well preserved in continental material such as the Sesia-Lanzo and the Penninic Internal Crystalline Massifs; (ii) a second high P/T metamorphic event in the Eocene, which is recognized in the ophiolites and calcschists of the Mesozoic Tethys; and (iii) medium P/T metamorphism, in which both types of high P/T metamorphic rocks were variably reset by Oligocene thermal events. Due to the mixture of minerals formed in the three metamorphic events, there is a possibility that almost all geochronological data reported from the Alpine metamorphic belt show mixed ages. Early Cretaceous subduction of a Tethyan mid-ocean ridge and Eocene continental collision triggered off the exhumation of the high pressure rocks.  相似文献   

羌北地块中-晚侏罗世雁石坪群古地磁新结果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道青藏高原羌北地区中-晚侏罗世雁石坪群古地磁新结果.对采自青海省格尔木市唐古拉山乡雁石坪剖面(33.6°N, 92.1°E)11个灰岩采点(118块)和10个碎屑岩采点(99块)定向样品系统古地磁学研究表明,大部分样品的退磁曲线具有双分量特征.低温分量方向在地理坐标系下较为集中,应该为地层褶皱之后的黏滞剩磁.高温特征剩磁分量方向可分为两类:(1)索瓦组(J3s)和布曲组(J2b)灰岩,以磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物,高温特征剩磁分量(Ds=355.7°,Is=42.1°,k=58.2,α95=6°)可通过99%置信度的褶皱检验.(2)雪山组(J2x)和雀莫错组(J2q)碎屑岩,以赤铁矿、磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物,高温特征剩磁分量(Ds=3.3°,Is=28.9°,k=30.7,α95=8.9°)可通过95%置信度的倒转检验和99%置信度的褶皱检验.两组分量都应该是岩石形成时的原生剩磁信息.碎屑岩组的磁倾角比灰岩组偏低13°左右,其剩磁方向很可能存在着与压实作用相关的剩磁倾角变浅的状况.本文取灰岩组平均磁化方向作为雁石坪群的原生剩磁分量,获得羌北地区雁石坪群古磁极位置:80.0°N,295.2°E(dp/dm=7.4/4.5).古地磁结果表明,羌北-昌都地区晚石炭-晚二叠世期间位于南纬中低纬度地区,早三叠世以后开始大规模北向漂移,至中-晚侏罗世已到达24.3°N.其快速北向运动主要发生在早三叠至早侏罗世期间(3500 km左右),与现今位置相比中晚侏罗世之后的北向迁移总量为900 km左右.  相似文献   

The Setouchi volcanic rocks include high-Mg andesites (HMAs) and garnet-bearing dacite–rhyolite, and are sporadically distributed along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan. New U–Pb zircon ages and geological and geochemical data are presented for those rocks in the Western Setouchi region (W-Setouchi). Previous studies referred to the altered andesite in the W-Setouchi as “pre-Setouchi volcanic rocks.” However, on the basis of the new U–Pb age (14.4 Ma ± 0.3 Ma) and geochemical characteristics, we redefine it as the Jikamuro Formation, part of the Setouchi volcanic rocks. Incompatible elements are more enriched in the Jikamuro Formation rocks than in the Setouchi HMAs. The characteristic element compositions may be explained by mixing of compositionally different magmas, including subducted sediment melts, plus a contribution from crustal contamination. A stress-inversion technique with Bingham distribution method was applied to the orientations of felsic and mafic dikes within the Setouchi volcanic rocks, and indicates paleo-stress conditions during the period of Setouchi volcanism in the W-Setouchi. The analysis reveals NNW-extensional stresses and a strike-slip stress. We infer that the former represents extensional conditions during the main period of volcanism and the latter represents a stress transition during the most recent period of volcanism (after 12 Ma).  相似文献   

The mafic volcanic rocks and hypabyssal rocks in the Chon Dean‐Wang Pong area are possibly the southern extension of the western Loei Volcanic Sub‐belt, Northeast Thailand. They are least‐altered, and might have been formed in Permian–Triassic times. The rocks are commonly porphyritic, with different amounts of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, amphibole, Fe–Ti oxide, unknown mafic mineral, and apatite phenocrysts or microphenocrysts, and are uncommonly seriate textured. The groundmass mainly shows an intergranular texture, with occasionally hyalophitic, intersertal and ophitic–subophitic textures. The groundmass constituents have the same minerals as the phenocrysts or microphenocrysts and may contain altered glass. The groundmass plagioclase laths may show a preferred orientation. Chemically, the studied rock samples can be separated into three magmatic groups: Group I, Group II, and Group III. These magmatic groups are different in values for Ti/Zr ratios. The averaged Ti/Zr values for Group I, Group II, and Group III rocks are 83 ± 6, 46 ± 12, and 29 ± 5, respectively. In addition, the Group I rocks have higher P/Zr, but lower Zr/Nb relative to Group II and Group III rocks. The Group I and Group II rocks comprise tholeiitic andesite–basalt and microdiorite–microgabbro, while the Group III rocks are calc‐alkalic andesite and microdiorite. According to the magmatic affinities and the negative Nb anomalies on normal mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (N‐MORB) normalized multi‐element plot, arc‐related lavas are persuasive. The similarity between the studied lavas and the Quaternary lavas from the northern Kyukyu Arc, in terms of chondrite‐normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns and N‐MORB normalized multi‐element patterns, leads to a conclusion that the mafic volcanic rocks and hypabyssal rocks in the Chon Daen–Wang Pong area have been formed in a volcanic arc environment.  相似文献   

Diverse and rich fossil wood records have been documented from the Mesozoic of Liaoning Province, NE China. The Tiaojishan Formation(mainly distributed in Beipiao, Chaoyang, Fuxin and Jianchang regions) is one of the most significant horizons for the Jurassic petrified wood in Liaoning Province. Previously, wood fossils of this formation were mainly reported in Beipiao and Chaoyang regions, whereas fossil wood record was merely known in Jianchang region. Here we describe new fossil wood specimens from the Tiaojishan Formation in Jianchang County, western Liaoning. Two fossil wood taxa, i.e., Protaxodioxylon jianchangense Tian et Wang sp. nov. and Xenoxylon peidense Zheng et Zhang were recognized on the basis of anatomical features. These fossil wood records add new data for understanding the fossil wood diversity, floral composition and palaeoclimate of the Tiaojishan Formation. The occurrence of Xenoxylon and Protaxodioxylon implies a cool temperate, wet and seasonal climate condition with interannual variations during the Middle to Late Jurassic transition in western Liaoning region.  相似文献   

The paper embodies the field, petrographic and petrochemical studies of the dykes occuring within the Deccan basalts, in the Western portions of Rajpipla hills. Major and minor dykes with different trends occur in the area varying in thickness from 2′ to 75′ and traceable lengthwise from few to several miles. The density of the dyke distribution is two per mile. The composition of the minor dykes ranges from teschenite to trachyte with dominant basaltic types and they seem to be coeval with the flows of the area. The major dolerite dykes are found to be post-lava. Both alkali-olivine basalt and tholeiitic types occur. The former phase preceeds the latter and includes the minor alkaline dykes. A differentiation trend based on new chemical analyses is proposed.  相似文献   

To assess the status of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in coastal and riverine environments in Thailand, we collected 42 surface sediment samples from canals, a river, an estuary, and coastal areas in Thailand in 2003 and analyzed them for PAHs with 3-7 benzene rings by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The total concentration of PAHs ranged from 6 to 8399 ng/g dry weight. The average total PAH concentrations were 2290+/-2556 ng/g dry weight (n=8) in canals, 263+/-174 (n=11) in the river, 179+/-222 (n=9) in the estuary, and 50+/-56 (n=14) in coastal areas. Comparison of the concentration range with a worldwide survey of sedimentary PAH concentrations ranked PAH contamination in Thai sediments as low to moderate. The ratio of the sum of methylphenanthrenes to phenanthrene (MP/P ratio) allows discrimination of PAH sources between petrogenic (>2) and pyrogenic (<0.5) origins. Sediments from urban canals in Bangkok showed the highest PAH concentrations and petrogenic signatures (MP/P=1.84+/-0.98 [n=6] in canal sediments) with abundant alkylated PAHs, indicating major sources of petrogenic PAHs in the city. To identify the sources of the petrogenic inputs in Thailand, we analyzed triterpanes, biomarkers of petroleum pollution, in the sediment samples and in potential source materials. Hopane profiles were remarkably uniform throughout the nation, suggesting a diffuse single source (e.g. automobiles). Molecular profiles of hopanes and PAHs in sediments from the urban canals were similar to those in street dust, indicating that street dust is one of the major sources of petrogenic PAHs in the urban area. On the other hand, low levels of PAHs (approximately 50 ng/g) with a pyrogenic signature (MP/P ratio approximately 0.5) were widely recorded in remote areas of the coast and the Chao Phraya River. These pyrogenic PAHs may be atmospherically transported throughout the nation. Middle and lower reaches of the Chao Phraya River, the river mouth, and the upper Gulf of Thailand showed intermediate concentrations and profiles of PAHs, indicating mixtures of petrogenic and pyrogenic origins. Perylene was abundant in sediments, representing up to approximately 60% of total identified PAHs. High inputs of soil due to frequent heavy rains could contribute to the high perylene abundance in the sediments. Sedimentary PAH concentrations decreased offshore with a half distance of approximately 10 km in the upper Gulf off the mouth of the Chao Phraya River. This is probably due to active deposition of laterally transported riverborne particles.  相似文献   

Geologic mapping and subsurface lithostratigraphic investigations were carried out in the Khao Pun area (4 km2), central Thailand. More than 250 hand specimens, 70 rock slabs, and 70 thin sections were studied in conjunction with geochemical data in order to elucidate paleoenvironments and tectonic setting of the Permian marine sedimentary sequences. This sedimentary succession (2485 m thick) was re‐accessed and re‐grouped into three lithostratigraphic units, namely, in ascending order, the Phu Phe, Khao Sung and Khao Pun Formations. The Lower to lower Upper Permian sedimentary facies indicated the transgressive/regressive succession of shelf sea/platform environment to pelagic or abyssal environment below the carbonate compensation depth. The sedimentological and paleontological aspects, together with petrochemical and lithological points of view, reveal that the oldest unit might indicate an Early Permian sheltered shallow or lagoonal environment. Then the depositional basin became deeper, as suggested by the prolonged occurrence of bedded chert‐limestone intercalation with the local exposure of shallower carbonate build‐up. Following this, the depositional environment changed to pelagic deposition, as indicated by laminated radiolarian (e.g. Follicucullus sp.) cherts. This cryptic evidence might indicate the abyssal environment during middle Middle to early Late Permian; whereas, previous studies advocated shelf‐facies environments. Following this, the depositional condition might be a major regression on the microcontinent close to Indochina, from the minor transgressive/regressive cycles that developed within a skeletal barrier, and through the lagoon with limited circulational and anaerobic conditions, on to the tidal flat to the sheltered lagoon without effective land‐derived sediments.  相似文献   

The tectonic setting of the late mesozoic of South China is in a debate between two schools of thought: an intra‐continental rift zone along a passive continental margin or active rifting associated with subduction of the paleo‐Pacific Plate. In this study, we present new sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U‐Pb zircon ages, along with geochemical data of three basic dikes that cross‐cut the Dexing porphyry copper deposit. The deposit is the largest of its kind in eastern China and part of large scale mineralization associated with Mesozoic magmatic activity in the area. Our results indicate that the dikes were emplaced in the Late Jurassic with an average U‐Pb age of 153.5 ± 2.4 Ma. The intrusions have bulk εNd(t) of ca +0.7 and zircon εHf(t) value of +1.54 to +6.92. Based on relatively enriched light rare earth elements (LREE) and depleted high‐field‐strength elements (HFSE) abundances with pronounced negative Ta–Nb, Hf–Zr and Ti anomalies in multi‐element diagrams, we propose that these dikes were derived from a subduction‐modified lithospheric mantle source. The variability in Hf isotopes identifies some degree of crustal contaminations. Our data support a scenario with a back‐arc extensional setting or an intra‐arc rift environment associated with the westward subduction of the paleo‐Pacific Plate at or prior to the late Jurassic as the most likely cause for these subduction signatures.  相似文献   

Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios were measured on coexisting minerals from quartz diorites and quartz monzonites from a section across the Coast Range batholith in the Skagway area, Alaska, including a variety of outlying plutons west of the batholith in the Yakutat Bay-Mt. St. Elias region (latitudes 59–60°N). The extremely low and variable δ18Oand δD results indicate widespread meteoric-hydrothermal alternaiton of the Coast Range batholith, and to a lesser extent, of the Yakutat Bay plutons as well. In the Yakutat Bay area, the plutons with K—Ar ages younger than 50 m.y. have widely varying δD values of ?72 to ?148, compared to δD = ?69to?90 for all but one sample in the 50–225 m.y. age grouping (one biotite has δD = ?109). This suggests that the major meteoric-hydrothermal episodes in this area occurred during the Eocene and Miocene. This involved relatively small meteoric water/rock ratios(<0.1), as none of the δ18O values show any clear-cut evidence of alteration 18Oquartz= 7.4 ?11.8; δ18Ofeldspar= 5.7?10.0). However, in the section across the Coast Range batholith, 85% of the plutonic rocks have very low δD values of ?100 to ?167, and the δ18O values are extremely variable δ18Ofeldspar= + 10.3to?4.0 and Δ18Oquartz-feldspar= 0.4?10.5. These data indicate that a major portion of the batholith, particularly the quartz monzonite-rich eastern part, but also including many of the quartz diorite plutons as well, interacted with meteoric-hydrothermal convective systems that involved water/rock ratios of about 0.3–1.4. The quart diorite plutons are most depleted in18O near their northeast contacts against the younger quartz monzonite intrusions. The primary igneous δ18O values of the quartz diorites were apparently higher than those of the quartz monzonites; they are also unusually high in18O compared to most other analyzed quartz diorites, suggesting derivation from, exchange with, or assimilation of high-18O metasediments or altered volcanic rocks. These data and conclusions are very similar to those reached previously on a similar isotopic study of the Coast Range batholith in British Columbia, 700 km to the southeast at latitudes 54–55°N, except that in the Skagway area an even greater proportion of the batholith was apparently depleted in deuterium. This implies that deep (?5km?) circulation of meteoric groundwaters is probably a characteristic of the later stages of emplacement of the Cordilleran batholiths of western North America, suggesting that the eastern sections of these batholiths in particular were emplaced at relatively shallow depths.  相似文献   

During the geological survey of the metamorphic rocks in Xingning-Wuhua region on the western side of Wuyi Mountain, South China, we discovered the Neoproterozoic rhyolite and rhyolitic greywacke for the first time that outcrop in the Proterozoic metamorphic rocks near Jingnan Town of Xingning County, eastern Guangdong Province. A systematic research on petrology, geochemistry and geochronology of rhyolitic rocks was conducted to understand their tectonic setting and formation age. The Jingnan rhyolite is interbedded with a coeval greywacke, with a total thickness of 60 m; both rhyolite and greywacke display a similar folding and metamorphic pattern. Meta-rhyolite consists of groundmass and phenocrystals including sanidine, orthoclase, and quartz with distinct undulose extinction; the groundmass has been recrystallized into fine-grain feldspar, quartz and sericite aggregation. Meta-greywacke is composed of crystallinoclastic grains (sanidine, orthoclase, quartz and oligoclase) and clay groundmass. Zircon grains used for the SHRIMP U-Pb analysis are light brown-colored and euhedral or subeuhedral. Dating data suggest two age groups; eight grains of magmatype zircon with an idiomorphic form yield an age of 972±8 Ma, and the other seven weakly corroded grains of zircon with euhedral to subeuhedral shape construct an average age of 1097±11 Ma, which were captured from older rocks by an uplifting magma, implying that a late Mesoproterozoic basement exists in the Nanling region. In addition, one Paleoproterozoic age, 2035±11 Ma, is obtained from a rounded detrital zircon, indicating that a Paleoproterozoic thermal event took place in the South China. Geochemically, the Jingnan rhyolitic rocks are characterized by high K2O content, intermediate Al2O3 content, with the ACNK value 0.98―1.11, and belonging to high-K alkaline series. They are rich in ΣREE, Rb, Th and Ce, depleted in Ba, Sr, Eu, Ti, P and Nb-Ta, and with moderate negative Eu and Sr anomalies. These features indicate that the Jingnan volcanic rocks have an affinity of continental arc that is similar to those of acid volcanic rocks in the SE-China Coastal Region, in other words, a Neoproterozoic tectonomagma event might have taken place in the western Wuyi region, leading to an eruption of high-K calc-alkaline granitic magma.  相似文献   

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