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基于重磁场特征的松辽盆地基底岩性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴真玮 《地质与勘探》2015,51(5):939-945
盆地的基底埋藏深度、岩性和断裂分布与地热资源的形成、分布和开发利用密切相关。本文基于重磁方法的特点和松辽盆地的重磁场异常,利用最佳向上延拓的方法进行场源分离,提取了基底重磁异常信息;依据不同岩石物理属性(密度和磁性)和重磁异常对应分析的结果,对松辽盆地的基底岩性分布进行了划分,其结果对盆地地热资源远景评价和开发利用有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

The Indian Ocean has been the site of numerous geophysical investigations which commenced during the International Indian Ocean Expedition. In this paper gravity surveys are reviewed which have been undertaken since this international effort to elucidate the structure and evolution of the most complex of the three major oceans. Particular attention is paid to the interrelationship between the plate boundaries and the gravity field. Some selected boundaries are discussed in the framework of global plate tectonics. These areas comprise the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and the Indonesian deep sea trench. In addition the continental margin structure south of India is included which provides some further constraints on the location of the initial break-up of Gondwanaland and consequently bears on pre-drift reconstructions of India and Antarctica.
Zusammenfassung Der Indische Ozean war das Ziel zahlreicher marinegeophysikalischer Forschungsfahrten, die während der Internationalen Indischen Ozean-Expedition begannen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Schweremeß-Kampagnen beschrieben, die seit dieser Zeit durchgeführt worden sind, um Kenntnis über die Struktur und Entstehung dieses Ozeans zu erhalten. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses steht insbesondere die Beziehung zwischen den Grenzen der Lithosphärenplatten und dem Schwerefeld. Einige ausgewählte Gebiete werden exemplarisch im Rahmen der Plattentektonik diskutiert. Hierzu gehören das Rote Meer, der Golf von Aden und der Indonesische Tiefseegraben. Zusätzlich wird der Kontinentalrand südlich von Indien untersucht, aus dessen Struktur Hinweise auf die ursprüngliche Öffnung Gondwanalands gewonnen werden können und damit Informationen über die Rekonstruktion der Konfiguration Indiens und der Antarktis erhalten werden.

Résumé L'Océan Indien a été le lieu de nombreuses investigations géophysiques marines qui ont commencé pendant l'Expédition Internationale de l'Océan Indien. Ce travail passe en revue les recherches gravimétriques depuis cet effort international pour elucider la structure et l'évolution du plus complexe des trois grands océans. Une attention particulière s'est tournée vers les formes de relations mutuelles entre les limites de plaques et le champ gravimétrique. Certaines limites choisies font l'objet d'une discussion dans le cadre de la tectonique globale de plaques. Ces régions comprennent la Mer Rouge, le Golfe d'Aden et la Fosse indonésienne. En outre, on y a inclus la structure de la marge continentale de l'Inde méridionale qui apporte quelques autres indications sur la position de la fracture initiale du continent de Gondwana et intéresse par conséquent les reconstitutions de l'Inde et de l'Antarctique avant la dérive.

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Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie, Separata No. 10.  相似文献   

Magnetic and radiometric surveys were carried out over a felsic dominated rifted margin of Proterozoic volcanic terrain of a mobile belt in the eastern India. The studies were made in blocks I and II of 0.65 sq km and 0.70 sq km respectively over a previously identified conductor in the northern fringe of Dalma Volcanics (DVs). In general, both the blocks show high magnetic signature associated with sulfide mineralisation. The interpretation of magnetic data suggests that nature of the causative source is mainly horizontal cylinder in both the blocks. The depth to the top of the causative source is about 25 m in both the blocks and extends upto 60 m in block I and 40m in block II. Gamma count rate exhibits about a factor of two to three enhancements above the field background for both the blocks. The obtained iso-rad maps are similar to uranium and copper belt in the Singhbhum shear zone south of the study area. The anomalous radiometric signature of the residual soil/rock of the area indicates towards hydrothermal alteration. The detailed magnetic surveys and preliminary iso-rads results seems quite encouraging and may be attributed to VMS setting in the area and potential sulfide mineralisation with uranium mineral association in the DVs province.  相似文献   

重磁三维可视化反演解释系统一直是国内外重磁勘探领域的研究重点之一。介绍了基于Visual C++与OpenGL环境研发的重磁三维可视化反演系统,详细阐述了系统的设计思想与实现的关键技术,包括可视化技术、面向对象技术、图形拾取技术、碰撞检测技术及反演约束技术等。系统具有人机交互几何反演与最优化物性自动反演两种功能,可满足目标异常、区域模拟和盆地建模。  相似文献   

位场数据异常存在的线性特征往往对应着地下断裂构造、不同岩性地质体的边界接触带或者其他具有一定密度或磁性差异的构造特征。对这些线性特征进行增强、提取并进行半定量地解释是重磁资料处理的主要内容。然而,位场数据中若混入噪声干扰,再利用总水平导数、总水平梯度倾斜角等方法进行高次求导运算会把噪声放大,导致提取的线性构造位置发生偏离甚至出现错误。为了获取较为准确的线性构造及边界位置,选取对噪声干扰不敏感的小波模极大值方法,将该方法用于模型试验和实际矿区数据处理中,都能较好地定位出异常体模型边界和矿体的投影边界,表明小波模极大值是一种有效的重磁异常线性特征增强与提取方法。  相似文献   

Long wavelength gravity anomalies over India were obtained from terrestrial gravity data through two independent methods: (i) wavelength filtering and (ii) removing crustal effects. The gravity fields due to the lithospheric mantle obtained from two methods were quite comparable. The long wavelength gravity anomalies were interpreted in terms of variations in the depth of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) and the Moho with appropriate densities, that are constrained from seismic results at certain points. Modeling of the long wavelength gravity anomaly along a N–S profile (77°E) suggest that the thickness of the lithosphere for a density contrast of 0.05 g/cm3 with the asthenosphere is maximum of ∼190 km along the Himalayan front that reduces to ∼155 km under the southern part of the Ganga and the Vindhyan basins increasing to ∼175 km south of the Satpura Mobile belt, reducing to ∼155–140 km under the Eastern Dharwar craton (EDC) and from there consistently decreasing south wards to ∼120 km under the southernmost part of India, known as Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT).The crustal model clearly shows three distinct terrains of different bulk densities, and thicknesses, north of the SMB under the Ganga and the Vindhyan basins, and south of it the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC) and the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) of bulk densities 2.87, 2.90 and 2.96 g/cm3, respectively. It is confirmed from the exposed rock types as the SGT is composed of high bulk density lower crustal rocks and mafic/ultramafic intrusives while the EDC represent typical granite/gneisses rocks and the basement under the Vindhyan and Ganga basins towards the north are composed of Bundelkhand granite massif of the lower density. The crustal thickness along this profile varies from ∼37–38 km under the EDC, increasing to ∼40–45 km under the SGT and ∼40–42 km under the northern part of the Ganga basin with a bulge up to ∼36 km under its southern part. Reduced lithospheric and crustal thicknesses under the Vindhyan and the Ganga basins are attributed to the lithospheric flexure of the Indian plate due to Himalaya. Crustal bulge due to lithospheric flexure is well reflected in isostatic Moho based on flexural model of average effective elastic thickness of ∼40 km. Lithospheric flexure causes high heat flow that is aided by large crustal scale fault system of mobile belts and their extensions northwards in this section, which may be responsible for lower crustal bulk density in the northern part. A low density and high thermal regime in north India north of the SMB compared to south India, however does not conform to the high S-wave velocity in the northern part and thus it is attributed to changes in composition between the northern and the southern parts indicating a reworked lithosphere. Some of the long wavelength gravity anomalies along the east and the west coasts of India are attributed to the intrusives that caused the breakup of India from Antarctica, and Africa, Madagascar and Seychelles along the east and the west coasts of India, respectively.  相似文献   

Modelling of gravity and airborne magnetic data integrated with seismic studies suggest that the linear gravity and magnetic anomalies associated with Moyar Bhavani Shear Zone (MBSZ) and Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone (PCSZ) are caused by high density and high susceptibility rocks in upper crust which may represent mafic lower crustal rocks. This along with thick crust (44–45 km) under the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) indicates collision of Dharwar craton towards north and SGT towards south with N–S directed compression during 2.6–2.5 Ga. This collision may be related to contemporary collision northwards between Eastern Madagascar–Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) and Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC). Arcuate shaped N and S-verging thrusts, MBSZ-Mettur Shear and PCSZ-Gangavalli Shear, respectively across Cauvery Shear zone system (CSZ) in SGT also suggest that the WDC, EDC and SGT might have collided almost simultaneously during 2.6–2.5 Ga due to NW–SE directed compressional forces with CSZ as central core complex in plate tectonics paradigm preserving rocks of oceanic affinity. Gravity anomalies of schist belts of WDC suggest marginal and intra arc basin setting.The gravity highs of EGFB along east coast of India and regional gravity low over East Antarctica are attributed to thrusted high-density lower crustal/upper mantle rocks at a depth of 5–6 km along W-verging thrust, which is supported by high seismic velocity and crustal thickening, respectively. It may represent a collision zone at about 1.0 Ga between India and East Antarctica. Paired gravity anomalies in the central part of Sri Lanka related to high density intrusives under western margin of Highland Complex and crustal thickening (40 km) along eastern margin of Highland Complex with several arc type magmatic rocks of about 1.0 Ga in Vijayan Complex towards the east may represent collision between them with W-verging thrust as in case of EGFB. The gravity high of Sri Lanka in the central part falls in line with that of EGFB, in case it is fitted in Gulf of Mannar and may represent the extension of this orogeny in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

Summary The structures of the Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex are modelled on the basis of the interpretation of gravity anomalies obtained from data available in the literature and acquired along a new profile along the coastline from Naples to Castellammare di Stabia. In order to highlight the contribution of shallow crustal structures, the residual anomalies were considered. A marked gravity low was recognised in the eastern sector of Vesuvius. Furthermore data interpretation was carried out along two profiles centred on the low gravity region in question: a first profile crossing the Vesuvius crater in direction WNW-ESE, and a second one in NNE-SSW direction. The 2 ? D model obtained reveals a crustal structure characterised by sediments of 2.3 Mg/m3 density, overlying bedrock with a density of 2.6 Mg/m3. Near the volcanic system the model becomes more complex due to the presence of light sediments with a density of 2.1 Mg/m3 overlying a body with a density of 2.4 Mg/m3 which extends into depth. The latter is thought to be closely related to the zone of magma ascent developed along the volcanic axis. Along the coast the volcanic component is reduced and the model shows that the layer with a density of 2.3 Mg/m3 ranges in thickness from 0 to about 3500 m. An additional body between 1500 and 3000 m with a density of 2.4 Mg/m3 was considered in order to account for the slight rise in the residual anomaly in the area in the vicinity of Mt. Vesuvius. The analysis of the gravity anomaly pattern coincides with the complex system of faults and fractures intersecting the carbonate basement and the volcanic area in question, which developed as a consequence of extensional processes at the continental edge of the Italian Peninsula due to the opening of the Tyrrhenian basin. This extensional tectonics has created favourable conditions for the collapse of the south-western slope of Mt. Vesuvius and the development of eruptive vents and cracks on its flanks. Received May 18, 2000; revised version accepted March 6, 2001  相似文献   

自从大陆整合以来作为一个整体的青藏高原继续受着印度板块向北俯冲的影响,也必定不断地改造着原各地体的结构构造,形成了高原整体意义上东西向的差异。这种差异与原本各地体的组成、结构和东西向延伸不一致。这不仅表现在南北向断裂构造跨各单个地体范围的出现,而且,逐步形成了东西的分区。这种分区突出地表现在区域重力与磁场的特征上,这不仅是局部的岩石磁性与密度变化的结果,而且是由于印度板块向北俯冲过程中,在其前缘的不同部位上经受的压力不同,以及地块的隆升与扩张作用的差异造成了高原东西各区段的地壳组分与厚度的变化。青藏高原的南北向断裂构造并非地壳上层的局部断裂,它具有深层的原因。由于印度板块向北推进的过程中不是均匀地齐头并进,而是在帕米尔高原以东的青藏高原范围内存在着推进速度和俯冲深度的差异,随着高原隆升的加剧高原本身出现断裂,自中新生代以来就存在着一定差异,所以南北向的断裂构造比目前地表见到的多些,而且具有较大的深度,Moho面的深度和地壳厚度都受南北向断裂的控制,并形成了区域重磁场的变化。同时,高原的东西向拉张作用也使南北断裂带发育加剧。  相似文献   

MAGSAT vertical component (Z-component) of crustal anomalies are correlated for the first time with major geological and tectonic boundaries/features of the Indian subcontinent. A prominent ‘low’ is consistently observed on all the profiles centred between 19° and 23° latitudes over the broad Peninsular ‘high’. The other conspicuous ‘low’ indicated from the present work is confined to the region above Sarda depression (29° N to 31° N) in the foothills of Himalayas. Interesting magnetic signatures are identified over the Narmada-Son rift and Godavari graben.  相似文献   

黑龙江省逊克县翠巍重磁异常评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐航宇 《地质与勘探》2019,55(4):986-998
翠宏山铁矿是黑龙江省逊克县翠宏山地区最大的铁多金属矿床。从上世纪六十年代开始已在此处陆续探明铁多金属矿储量一亿多吨。翠巍重磁异常区位于翠宏山铁矿西南约10km处,1961年北京航空物探大队发现该区与翠宏山矿区有相同的高磁异常特征,因此翠巍能否成为第二个“翠宏山”备受人们关注。本文采用小波多尺度分解、2.5D反演等方法对重磁资料进行了处理,从地层、构造、成矿条件以及重磁异常特征等方面,对比了翠巍与翠宏山-翠中矿区,得出引起翠巍异常因素与翠宏山-翠中矿区相同,均为矿化矽卡岩地层,该结论为矿田外围找矿提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

天津隶属华北平原区,在大地构造位置上一级分区属于渤海湾裂谷盆地,为典型的多旋回盆地,受不同构造旋回期的发展演化控制,早期地质构造被掩盖,而研究深部构造有利于构造单元划分、资源评价、城市规划、地学研究等.笔者利用区域重磁资料,结合以往地质资料,通过小波变换有效的分离出重磁局部及区域异常信息并利用增强局部相位边界识别技术提取丰富线性构造信息,分析区内主要断裂构造特征,进行定性分析;根据分离出的大尺度重磁异常反演研究区莫霍面、磁性基低起伏特征,莫霍面起伏介于32.5~33.6 km之间,总体上具有西深东浅的特征,磁性基底深度介于7.9~12.4 km之间,为近东西向的带状分布,沧东断裂、宝坻断裂为研究区深部构造主要控制因素,反映了天津市平原区深部构造东西分带、南北分块的特征.  相似文献   

在第四系覆盖区如何辨别基性岩体与铁矿引起的重磁异常   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁矿勘查工作采用重、磁手段一般非常有效,但在第四系覆盖区有基性岩体存在情况下,就会产生较强的重磁干扰,往往造成误判,因此,区分基性岩体与铁矿引起的重磁异常成为勘查工作的关键。以滦南杜蒿坨铁矿勘查为例,通过对磁法资料和重力资料的处理、解释,分析了基性岩体重磁异常特征及对铁矿异常的掩盖作用,总结了辨别铁矿异常的方法。并经钻探验证这些方法可靠和适用,在今后铁矿勘查工作中有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The method of rectangular harmonic analysis is applied to the geomagnetic field data from central India to isolate long wavelength magnetic anomalies associated with largescale crustal structures. The long-wavelength anomalies have accounted for approximately 20 % of the spatial variability of the residual magnetic field over the International Geomagnetic Reference Field. On the magnetic anomaly map, reflecting the surface expression of longwavelength anomalies, the Tapi-Narmada-Son zone is characterized by a feeble positive anomaly bounded by a strong negative anomaly. The anomaly pattern is believed to be caused by the large-scale undulation in Moho and related variations in the thickness of the lower (basaltic) crust. The other two prominent anomalies, the magnetic low striking northwest and the magnetic high trending east-northeast, appear to be related to the deep structural feature of the Godavari graben and the eastern Rajasthan lineament respectively.  相似文献   

Direct modelling of the tidal δ-factors anomalies has been carried out for M2 and O1 waves using the approach of S.Molodenski (1979). Resulting lateral anomalies of δ-factors are less than 0.1 % and are similar to the anomalies of high quality tidal gravity data selected from ICET Data Bank, although the latter ones are one order larger in magnitude. The correlation of tide gravity anomalies with heat flow (Melchior hypothesis) is considered for best continental stations and no correlation is found.  相似文献   

From analysis of the geological and geophysical data (gravity, magnetic, seismic and petrophysics), we propose that geophysical anomalies are produced by a serpentinized mantle peridotite body (SMPB) situated in the middle to lower crust in the Sulu Belt. The SMPB was formed by crustal emplacement of mantle peridotites accompanied by ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism. Our finding suggests an emplacement mechanism for the serpentinized mantle wedge (SMW), early in the subduction process. This is different from the classic view, which holds that the serpentinized forearc mantle is formed by in situ hydration processes (Blakely et al., 2005). The petrophysical properties of the SMPB are similar to those of the serpentinized forearc mantle or SMW in modern subduction-zones worldwide, but the formation mechanisms for SMPB and SMW are different. This observation is important for understanding the geodynamic processes that operated in the large UHP metamorphic belt in the Dabie-Sulu area, eastern China.  相似文献   

Regional gravity and magnetic anomalies are interpreted with regard to new geodynamic, geological, and tectonic schemes. Integrated analysis of these data confirms the deep origin of the processes which have created the largest igneous areas and zones of the eastern Central Asian Fold Belt.  相似文献   

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