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詹诚  卢绍平  方鹏高 《地学前缘》2022,29(4):307-318
南海的形成演化受控于印-澳、欧亚以及太平洋板块的相互运动,为研究汇聚背景下板块碰撞及其远程效应提供重要窗口。为了揭示该汇聚背景下的多幕裂陷过程,本文选取地质信息丰富的整个珠江口盆地为典型区,利用三条高精度地震剖面,对盆地各地质单元进行断层活动速率和构造沉降速率的定量计算及综合分析。结果表明盆地裂陷期东部、中部和西部主要控凹断层的平均活动速率分别为96 m/Ma、223 m/Ma和124 m/Ma,且其平均沉降速率依次为8.5 m/Ma、34 m/Ma和12.7 m/Ma,盆地整体呈现中部裂陷作用最强,其后向西部和东部逐渐减弱的特征。本文认为这与先存断裂以及初始地壳厚度有关:盆地东部和中部存在NE向先存断裂,并且东部先存断裂更加活跃,因此在新生代拉伸应力下东部更易表现为裂陷作用最强的区域,其次为中部和西部;而受前新生代时期俯冲作用的影响,岩浆的底垫作用引起盆地东部地壳增厚,东部裂陷作用强度急剧降低,造成裂陷作用强度的东西差异。此外,盆地南段凹陷裂陷期的断层活动和沉降速率发生激增,裂陷作用存在向南迁移的现象。本文推测在深度相关的伸展模式的影响下,南段凹陷地壳温度升高,强度减弱,因而在伸展应力下发生快速的拉伸减薄,导致裂陷中心向南迁移及岩浆物质上涌。同时,侵入的岩浆物质导致高角度正断层转换成低角度正断层,进一步促进裂陷中心向南迁移。  相似文献   

晚新生代温泉沉积盆地,是青藏高原腹地在南北向挤压、东西向伸展的构造背景下,沿南北向边界走滑断层,经边界正断层和内部张剪断层的进一步发展而形成的近南北向单断单剪楔形半地堑活动沉积盆地。它可能代表了晚新生代青藏高原第三期强烈挤压隆升事件,是侧向向东剪切挤出的结果。笔者以盆地充填序列和TL、ESR测年资料为主要依据,推测唐古拉山在300~250ka前后全面进入冰冻圈;而以温泉活动沉积盆地为代表的中更新世晚期(224.0~150.2ka)的冰碛-冰水堆积则对应于青藏高原第三期隆升的断陷盆地发育阶段;中更新世晚期—晚更新世中期(144.0~56ka)为湖相沉积;晚更新世中期至今(35~0ka)对应于高原缓慢隆升与夷平发育阶段。长江溯源在35ka切割通天河盆地,形成通天河;而在16ka侵蚀切穿雁石坪-温泉兵站峡谷,形成布曲河。  相似文献   

晚新生代温泉沉积盆地,是青藏高原腹地在南北向挤压、东西向伸展的构造背景下,沿南北向边界走滑断层,经边界正断层和内部张剪断层的进一步发展而形成的近南北向单断单剪楔形半地堑活动沉积盆地。它可能代表了晚新生代青藏高原第三期强烈挤压隆升事件,是侧向向东剪切挤出的结果。笔者以盆地充填序列和TL、ESR测年资料为主要依据,推测唐古拉山在300~250ka前后全面进入冰冻圈;而以温泉活动沉积盆地为代表的中更新世晚期(224.0~150.2ka)的冰碛一冰水堆积则对应于青藏高原第三期隆升的断陷盆地发育阶段;中更新世晚期一晚更新世中期(144.0~56ka)为湖相沉积;晚更新世中期至今(35~0ka)对应于高原缓慢隆升与夷平发育阶段。长江溯源在35ka切割通天河盆地,形成通天河;而在16kat浸蚀切穿雁石坪一温泉兵站峡谷,形成布曲河。  相似文献   

晚新生代温泉沉积盆地,是青藏高原腹地在南北向挤压、东西向伸展的构造背景下,沿南北向边界走滑断层,经边界正断层和内部张剪断层的进一步发展而形成的近南北向单断单剪楔形半地堑活动沉积盆地。它可能代表了晚新生代青藏高原第三期强烈挤压隆升事件,是侧向向东剪切挤出的结果。笔者以盆地充填序列和TL、ESR测年资料为主要依据,推测唐古拉山在30 0~2 5 0ka前后全面进入冰冻圈;而以温泉活动沉积盆地为代表的中更新世晚期(2 2 4 .0~1 5 0 .2ka)的冰碛 冰水堆积则对应于青藏高原第三期隆升的断陷盆地发育阶段;中更新世晚期—晚更新世中期(1 4 4 .0~5 6ka)为湖相沉积;晚更新世中期至今(35~0ka)对应于高原缓慢隆升与夷平发育阶段。长江溯源在35ka切割通天河盆地,形成通天河;而在1 6ka侵蚀切穿雁石坪 温泉兵站峡谷,形成布曲河。  相似文献   

Upper Visean limestones in the Campine Basin of northern Belgium are intensively fractured. The largest and most common fractures are cemented by non-ferroan, dull brown-orange luminescent blocky calcite. First melting temperatures of fluid inclusions in these calcites are around -57°C, suggesting that precipitation of the cements occurred from NaCl-CaCl2-MgCl2 fluids. The final melting temperatures (Tmice) are between -5 and -33°C. The broad range in the Tmice data can be explained by the mixing of high salinity fluids with meteoric waters, but other hypotheses may also be valid. Homogenization temperatures from blocky calcite cements in the shelf limestones are interpreted to have formed between 45 and 75°C. In carbonates which were deposited close to and at the shelf margin, precipitation temperatures were possibly in the range 70-85°C and 72-93°C, respectively. On the shelf, the calcites have a δ18O around -9.3‰ PDB and they are interpreted to have grown in a fluid with a δ18O between −3.5 and +1.0‰ SMOW. At the shelf margin, blocky calcites (δ18O∼ - 13.5‰ PDB) could have precipitated from a fluid with a δ18O betweenn -4.0 and -1.1‰ SMOW. The highest oxygen isotopic compositions are comparable to those of Late Carboniferous marine fluids (δ18O= - 1‰ SMOW). The lowest values are more positive than a previously reported composition for Carboniferous meteoric waters (δ18O= -7‰ SMOW). Precipitation is likely to have occurred in marine-derived fluids, which mixed with meteoric waters sourced from near the Brabant Massif. Fluids with a similar negative oxygen isotopic composition and high salinity are actually present in Palaeozoic formations. The higher temperature range in the limestones near the shelf margin is explained by the upward migration of fluids from the ‘basinal’ area along fractures and faults into the shelf.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地北部坳陷带构造特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志峰  王升兰  丁亮 《江苏地质》2016,40(1):135-141
构造演化分析表明,珠江口盆地北部坳陷带在新生代经历了断陷期、断—坳转换期和坳陷期三大演化阶段,而断陷期又可进一步划分为文昌期和恩平期2个裂陷幕。由于纵向上2幕裂陷作用的迁移和地层不完全叠置,在坳陷带内形成了厚文昌薄恩平型和薄文昌厚恩平型2种类型的凹陷,其中前者是较为有利的富生烃凹陷。北部坳陷带内各凹陷断裂十分发育,且具有多期活动的特点。根据断裂活动时间可将其分为3类:早期活动型、晚期活动型和早晚持续活动型。早期活动型断裂对凹陷和构造带的形成、发育起到控制作用,晚期活动型断裂对圈闭形成与定型、油气运移起到控制作用,早晚持续活动型断裂兼有前两者的共同特征。  相似文献   

根据柴达木盆地西部中新世上、下油砂山组的沉积特征及其地震反射界面的特征,推断阿尔金山的主隆升时期为中晚中新世,山体的隆升导致盆地沉积中心向东迁移.盆地周缘山系的隆升年代学资料也表明,青藏高原北缘在中晚中新世发生了快速抬升,与青藏高原南部的同期区域构造事件一致,表明中晚中新世是青藏高原向北生长的重要时期.阿尔金山此次隆升事件与塔里木板块向柴达木地块楔入有关,整个高原的隆升动力源自印度板块与欧亚大陆拼合后持续向北的俯冲.  相似文献   

安妮  蒋玺  钱焕  陈文奇  宁凡  陈华  秦能旭  周涌 《地质论评》2023,69(5):1991-2002
贵州涟江惠水段级次清晰的四级阶地是流域地貌阶段性演化的直观记录。笔者等利用差分GPS测量法精确厘定了涟江阶地的级序和高程,结合剖面观测发现从上游到下游,涟江惠水段阶地标高和级差逐渐降低,地貌面整体呈“收拢”趋势;阶地沉积物呈现砾石层厚度变小,砾石含量降低、砾径减小,砂质沉积占比增大趋势;阶地类型从基座阶地为主向堆积阶地为主演变。光释光(OSL)测年显示,T1阶地埋藏年龄31.2±2.0 ka BP到14.7±1.3 ka BP,T2阶地122.4±8.5 ka BP到66.9±3.8 ka BP,阶地年龄与贵州高原其他流域十分相近,具有同步演化特征。结合阶地时代和发育特征,认为贵州高原河流阶地是构造运动的产物。涟江四级阶地记录了在更新世以来四次构造抬升背景下,流域经过多期自北向南“削高补低”的地貌改造,逐步由构造洼地演变为山间盆地的地貌过程。  相似文献   

安妮  蒋玺  钱焕  陈文奇  宁凡  陈华  秦能旭  周涌 《地质论评》2023,69(2):2023020028-2023020028
贵州涟江惠水段级次清晰的四级阶地是流域地貌阶段性演化的直观记录。笔者等利用差分GPS测量法精确厘定了涟江阶地的级序和高程,结合剖面观测发现从上游到下游,涟江惠水段阶地标高和级差逐渐降低,地貌面整体呈“收拢”趋势;阶地沉积物呈现砾石层厚度变小,砾石含量降低、砾径减小,砂质沉积占比增大趋势;阶地类型从基座阶地为主向堆积阶地为主演变。光释光(OSL)测年显示,T1阶地埋藏年龄31.2±2.0 ka BP到14.7±1.3 ka BP,T2阶地122.4±8.5 ka BP到66.9±3.8 ka BP,阶地年龄与贵州高原其他流域十分相近,具有同步演化特征。结合阶地时代和发育特征,认为贵州高原河流阶地是构造运动的产物。涟江四级阶地记录了在更新世以来四次构造抬升背景下,流域经过多期自北向南“削高补低”的地貌改造,逐步由构造洼地演变为山间盆地的地貌过程。  相似文献   

王朋岩  孙鹏 《地质科学》2011,46(4):1042-1054
海塔盆地属于陆相断陷盆地,受断裂控制,生烃面积小,油气运移范围局限,运移距离和方向受到运移动力和输导体系的影响.二次运移的动力包括浮力和构造活动力,其主要影响因素是地层倾角和断裂活动强度.输导体系包括砂体、断层、不整合及其空间组合.通过解剖海塔盆地典型油气藏,分析了源岩生排烃特征、储层沉积相、物性条件以及断层分布特征,...  相似文献   

王朋岩  孙鹏 《地质科学》2011,46(04):1042-1054
海塔盆地属于陆相断陷盆地,受断裂控制,生烃面积小,油气运移范围局限,运移距离和方向受到运移动力和输导体系的影响。二次运移的动力包括浮力和构造活动力,其主要影响因素是地层倾角和断裂活动强度。输导体系包括砂体、断层、不整合及其空间组合。通过解剖海塔盆地典型油气藏,分析了源岩生排烃特征、储层沉积相、物性条件以及断层分布特征,落实了运移动力条件和输导条件,结果显示,海塔盆地油气运移通道首先是砂岩孔隙,局部地区在构造活动时期沿断裂运移。运移动力较强地区,油气运移距离长,油水分异明显,油水界面清晰,砂体对油气分布影响较弱; 运移动力较弱地区,油气运移距离短,油水分异差,多有油水同层出现,砂体对油气分布有较大的影响。  相似文献   

Simulations of petroleum migration within the Red River petroleum system of the Williston Basin show that petroleum generation and secondary migration preceded the onset of an active hydrodynamic regime that persists to the present day. Furthermore: (1) a better understanding of the eastern limit of the mature source rock area, which is largely facies controlled, is required to reduce exploration risk east of the Nesson Anticline, (2) the Red River play types that have been prosperous in southeastern Saskatchewan should extend considerable distances to the north, as well as throughout central Saskatchewan and western Manitoba, Canada, and (3) accumulations that may have developed in the southwest of the basin have likely been flushed and redistributed subsequent to the onset of hydrodynamics.  相似文献   

The Yarlung Zangbo River is located in the southern Tibetan Plateau. Loess since the geological history and modern aeolian sand dunes are widely developed in the basin, bearing rich information on the aeolian processes and environmental evolution. In this work, we reviewed the main research progress of aeolian deposits in the Yarlung Zangbo River basin in recent years, and discussed the distribution characteristics, accumulation age, sediment characteristics and provenance and the possible formation mechanism of aeolian deposits and the history of aeolian activity. The results show that loess is mainly developed on the river’s terraces and some of the hilltops, and mostly formed since the last glacial maximum and mainly developed since Marine Isotope Stage 1 (about 14 ka BP), while aeolian sand deposit is mainly developed in the river’s wide valley, with relatively short accumulation time. The sediment particles mainly underwent mechanical transport and physical weathering, but chemical weathering was weak. Although the physical and chemical properties of sediments show some spatial changes, there still exist obvious local characteristics, which are closely related to the nearby surface sediments. Under the background of aeolian source, the local-source genesis of loess is generally recognized. The surface loose material at the bottom of valley is main material source of aeolian deposits. The evolution of aeolian activity is relatively complex. In addition to the regional climate change, the local environment is also an important factor affecting the aeolian activity and its regional difference. Based on the previous studies, we suggest that the systematic study on the physical and chemical properties of aeolian sediments, climate change since the Holocene and the impact of dust emission on human living environment should be strengthened in the future research.  相似文献   

Flood susceptibility mapping using geomorphologic approaches is effective for delineating flood extent and various degrees of potential flood-affected areas. This approach is useful where the channel system and floodplain morphology change dynamically and in regions where detailed digital elevation models are not available. The first important step in flood zonation using this approach is detailed geomorphologic mapping, also called landform classification. This study aims to describe landform classification using the rule-based method of Ho et al. (Int J Geoinform 8(4):27–38, 2012) adapted to local characteristics in the western plain of the Red River delta, northern Vietnam. The original classification scheme is generally based on the moist condition classification, local land-surface parameters, and relative position indices derived from multi-temporal Landsat data and a shuttle radar topographic mission digital elevation model (SRTM DEM). This study uses average elevations and the standard deviation of elevations as local land-surface parameters rather than local relief, which was used in the study by Ho et al. (Int J Geoinform 8(4):27–38, 2012). Multi-temporal land cover classification was performed using an integrated method to effectively correct the SRTM DEM. The overall classification is consistent with manual mapping by visual comparison. The quantitative comparison between landform units and past flood-affected areas demonstrates a precise boundary delineation of landform objects using this method. The high agreement between the boundaries of landform units and flood-inundated areas suggests the applicability of this method taking advantage of readily available remotely sensed datasets in alluvial floodplains.  相似文献   

冲积河流深泓摆动具有复杂的时空变化特点,其摆动特点对于研究黄河下游河势变化及河床演变规律具有重要意义。以1986-2015年黄河下游91个淤积断面汛后实测地形资料为基础,计算下游断面及河段尺度的深泓摆动宽度及强度,分析近30年来黄河下游各河段的深泓摆动特点,并探讨游荡段深泓摆动强度的主要影响因素。结果表明:深泓摆动方向具有往复性,各断面深泓摆动宽度呈现上段大、中下段小的特点;小浪底水库运行后下游深泓摆动宽度大大降低,游荡段、过渡段和弯曲段年均深泓摆动宽度较水库运行前分别减小了47%、37%和41%;河床边界条件(滩槽高差、河床组成等)对游荡段深泓摆动强度有一定影响,但上游来水来沙条件是主要影响因素;建立了游荡段深泓摆动强度与该河段前4年平均水流冲刷强度的幂函数关系,并对经验公式进行了验证。  相似文献   

The Quantougou(QTG) Fauna in central Lanzhou Basin is an important late Mid-Miocene fauna on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau margin,but its numerical age remains a matter of debate.Here,we present a new magnetostratigraphic record for a fluvio-lacustrine section to further constrain the age of the QTG Fauna.Results suggest that the studied section spans from polarity chrons C5Cn.2n to C5 n.2n or C5 An.1n,with ages of ca.16.5 Ma to 10 Ma or 16.5 Ma to 12 Ma.The QTG Fauna is located at the top of polarity chron C5r.3 r or C5 Ar.2 r,which corresponds to an age of 11.7 Ma or 12.8 Ma for the fauna.Accordingly,the associated Myocricetodontinae(a subfamily of Gerbillidae,Rodentia) is suggested to have appeared in the Lanzhou Basin at 11.7 Ma or 12.8 Ma,which is the oldest Myocricetodontinae in East Asia but is still much younger than the ~20 Ma appearance of this subfamily in West and South Asia.Our age data support the interpretation that East Asian Myocricetodontinae originated from South Asia.The QTG fauna further suggest a dry and open grassland environment,which is consistent with global cooling after the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum.  相似文献   

Clues to the understanding of intra- and inter-plate variations in strength or stress state of the crust can be achieved through different lines of evidence and their mutual relationships. Among these parameters Bouguer gravity anomalies and seismic b-values have been widely accepted over several decades for evaluating the crustal character and stress regime. The present study attempts a multivariate analysis for the Shillong Plateau using the Bouguer gravity anomaly and the earthquake database, and establishes a causal relationship between these parameters. Four seismic zones (Zones I–IV), with widely varying b-values, are delineated and an excellent correlation between the seismic b-value and the Bouguer gravity anomaly has been established for the plateau. Low b-values characterize the southwestern part (Zone IV) and a zone (Zone III) of intermediate b-values separates the eastern and western parts of the plateau (Zones I and II) which have high b-values. Positive Bouguer anomaly values as high as +40 mgal, a steep gradient in the Bouguer anomaly map and low b-values in the southwestern part of the plateau are interpreted as indicating a thinner crustal root, uplifted Moho and higher concentration of stress. In comparison, the negative Bouguer anomaly values, flat regional gradient in the Bouguer anomaly map and intermediate to high b-values in the northern part of the plateau are consistent with a comparatively thicker crustal root and lower concentration of stress, with intermittent dissipation of energy through earthquake shocks. Further, depth wise variation in the b-value for different seismic zones, delineated under this study, allowed an appreciation of intra-plateau variation in crustal thickness from ∼30 km in its southern part to ∼38 km in the northern part. The high b-values associated with the depth, coinciding with lower crust, indicate that the Shillong Plateau is supported by a strong lithosphere.  相似文献   

Elevated fluoride (F) concentration in groundwater is posing a public health risk in the Manas River Basin (MRB), Northwest China. Based on the characterization of regional groundwater flow, 90 groundwater samples from aquifers were analyzed, along with top-soil leachate and pore-water samples from aquitards. Stable oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen isotopes, radiocarbon and hydrochemical analyses of the groundwater and pore-water samples were conducted to trace groundwater hydrological and hydrochemical processes and thereby understand the distribution and migration mechanism of F. The groundwater is recharged by meteoric precipitation through vapor condensation processes in the Tianshan Mountains. The F concentration in groundwater samples from this basin ranged from 0.11 to 48.15 mg/L (mean 2.56 mg/L). In 37 of the 90 groundwater samples, the F concentrations were above the safe level for drinking water. The F concentrations progressively increased with the residence time and well depths in the northwest of the alluvial-fluvial plain, where groundwater is overexploited for agricultural and domestic use. Positive correlations between F and sodium (Na)/calcium (Ca) indicate that the enrichment and migration of F are influenced by cation exchange processes under high-Na and alkaline pH conditions. The relationships between δ18O and F and chloride (Cl) concentrations were nonlinear due to leaching and mixing processes. This shows that vertical leaching by irrigation return flow and mixing with pore water are the dominant processes driving the migration of F in the groundwater flow system of MRB, in addition to geochemical processes.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地是青藏高原北部的一个中新生代山间陆相含油气盆地,盆地内新生代地层的构造变形记录了青藏高原北部生长、地壳缩短及其形成过程的重要信息.本文运用高精度卫星影像资料、地球物理资料剖面和磁性地层年代学数据等多种学科资料的综合研究,重点对柴达木盆地西部逆冲-褶皱构造带的形成机制和演化过程进行了详细的解析.研究结果表明:(1)由北向南依次发育分布的红三旱、尖顶山-黑梁子、南翼山和油砂山褶皱构造带均由不对称的直立褶皱或同斜褶皱构成,并且显示出背斜相对紧闭、向斜宽缓的”侏罗山式”褶皱特征,表明其下部滑脱构造带的存在;(2)红三旱、尖顶山-黑梁子逆冲-褶皱构造SW翼缓NE翼陡的不对称褶皱形态显示出是由南向北的逆冲作用形成的;两翼相对较对称的南翼山褶皱形态是由NE-SW向双向逆冲作用形成的;SW翼陡(或地层倒转)NE翼缓的油砂山褶皱带是由NE-SW向双向逆冲挤出作用形成的反映出由北向南的逆冲作用的存在;(3)红三旱、尖顶山-黑梁子和南翼山褶皱构造带的初始生长地层依次为始新统下干柴沟组、上新统狮子沟组和更新统七个泉组,高精度磁性地层限定其沉积时代依次为~39.5Ma、~8.2Ma和~2.5Ma,这不仅代表了这些褶皱的初始形成时代,而且代表了其逆冲断裂的形成时代;油砂山褶皱构造带中七个泉组初始生长地层以及上地表发育的一系列现代水系发生了弯曲,表明该逆冲-褶皱构造带从~2.5Ma形成以来一直持续到现在迄今仍在生长;红山旱地区近SN向的直立褶皱以及柴西地区似穹窿状的叠加褶皱,反映出阿尔金断裂带走滑过程中伴随的近EW向挤压的结果;(4)综合柴西地区逆冲-褶皱带构造地貌、生长地层、地球物理剖面、磁性地层年代学等证据,表明柴西存在的一系列逆冲-褶皱带是由南向北的滑脱构造产生,具有后退式生长演化特征,表明印度/欧亚板块碰撞以来,~40Ma其远程效应已到达柴达木盆地北部,并形成红山旱逆冲-褶皱构造带,随后的持续挤压,高原北部呈现出局部向南后退生长特征,依次形成尖顶山、南翼山和油砂山逆冲-褶皱带,其中~2.5Ma以来强烈的近南北向挤压作用产生的南翼山和油砂山逆冲-褶皱带构成了现今的”英雄岭”;~ 8Ma以来的阿尔金断裂带的强烈走滑活动波及到了柴达木盆地.  相似文献   

采用铸体薄片、岩石薄片、扫描电镜和压汞实验、物性分析等测试资料,对珠江口盆地白云凹陷北坡珠江组陆架边缘三角洲前缘砂体储层特征及控制因素进行研究。结果表明,该储层主要为灰色中细粒岩屑砂岩,成分成熟度、结构成熟度均较低。储集空间以次生孔隙为主,其次为剩余原生粒间孔、原生孔隙等。储层具有排驱压力较高、配位数较高、孔喉半径小和孔喉分选性较差的孔隙结构特点,为中-低孔、中-低渗型储层。储层发育受沉积相和成岩作用的复合控制,水下分流河道砂体储集物性明显优于其它微相砂体。成岩作用过程主导储层物性变化,砂岩储集体中的原生储集空间因机械压实作用、胶结作用而大幅降低,后期溶蚀作用产生较多的次生储集空间,尤其是长石的溶蚀极大改善了本区储层物性,导致储集体中溶蚀性次生孔隙为主要的储存空间。  相似文献   

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