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Origin of ground fissures in the Shanxi Graben System, Northern China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Since the 1950s, hundreds of ground fissures have occurred in the Shanxi Graben System in Northern China. The fissures and related subsidence and differential settlement have caused and are causing substantial damage to homes, agricultural land, roads, canals, and other infrastructure. Although generally similar in appearance, the fissures have different origins. (1) Some fissures coincide with northeast-trending faults. Trenching shows that the fissures extend into the near-surface faults, increasing vertical offset clay beds and other stratigraphic markers at depth, and therefore are probably the surface expression of fault movements. (2) Some fissures are demonstrably related to accelerated groundwater withdrawal. This is particularly apparent in Xi'an City where groundwater levels have declined by about 15 m within 4 years. (3) Other fissures owe their origin to the well-known process of ‘soil collapse’. This is particularly common in the silty loessial sediments that occur within most of the valleys that comprise the Shanxi Graben System.  相似文献   

Earth fissures are a geohazard in Jiangsu Province, China. They can be caused by earthquakes and active faults, underground mining, groundwater extraction and landslides. In order to establish a provincial rehabilitation plan in Jiangsu, a range of monitoring programs, surveys, geological investigations and modeling have been implemented or planned. One of the focuses of the project is the land subsidence and earth fissures caused by excessive groundwater withdrawal in Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou (Su-Xi-Chang) area, southern Jiangsu Province. Hetang earth fissure within the Su-Xi-Chang area was first reported in 1995 and a series of investigation has been conducted since then. The site investigations and geophysical survey in 1997 have recognized the causative factor as the excessive groundwater drawdown coupled by the underlying bedrock ridge. An open trench excavation in 2007 and a plane strain analysis suggest that Hetang earth fissures may have cracked from the bedrock ridge to ground surface. Geological drilling in 2007 has further confirmed the existence and configuration of the ridge and extracted soil samples for laboratory tests to obtain soil parameters for numerical analyses and modeling of land subsidence and earth fissures in the Su-Xi-Chang area, Jiangsu, China. The laboratory tests are currently in progress and the result of numerical analyses and modeling is expected to be presented in the near future.  相似文献   

Earth fissures in Jiangsu Province, China have caused serious damages to properties, farmlands, and infrastructures and adversely affected the local or regional economic development. Under the geological and environmental background in Jiangsu Province, this paper presents the earth fissures caused by excessive groundwater withdrawal and coupled by distinctive geological structures such as Ancient Yellow River Fault in Xuzhou karst area, and Ancient Yangtze River Course and bedrock hills in Suzhou, Wuxi, and Changzhou area. Although all the earth fissures are triggered by groundwater exploitation, the characteristics are strongly affected by the specific geological and hydrogeological settings. In particular, in the water-thirsty Xuzhou city, the cone of depression caused by groundwater extraction enlarged nearly 20 times and the piezometric head of groundwater declined 17 m over a decade. As groundwater is extracted from the shallowly buried karst strata in the Ancient Yellow River Fault zone, the development of earth fissures is highly associated with the development of karstic cavities and sinkholes and their distribution is controlled by the Ancient Yellow River Fault with all the 17 sinkholes on the fault. On the other hand, in the rapidly developing Southern Jiangsu Province, groundwater is mainly pumped from the second confined aquifer in the Quaternary, which is distributed neither homogeneously nor isotropically. The second confined aquifer comprises more than 50 m thick sand over the Ancient Yangtze River Course, but this layer may completely miss on the riverbank and bedrock hills. With a typical drawdown rate of 4–6 m per annum, the piezometric head of groundwater in the second confined aquifer has declined 76 m at Maocunyuan since 1970s and 40 m at Changjing since mid-1980s, and a large land subsidence, e.g., 1,100 mm at Maocunyuan, is triggered. Coupled with the dramatic change of the bedrock topography that was revealed through traditional geological drilling and modern seismic reflection methods, the geological-structure-controlled differential settlement and earth fissures are phenomenal in this area.  相似文献   

W. Sissingh 《Tectonophysics》1998,300(1-4):249-284
Comparative tectonostratigraphic analysis of the Tertiary (Middle Eocene–Pliocene) of the Rhine–Bresse graben system and the western Molasse Basin demonstrates the occurrence of eleven correlative sequences (CRF I–XI). These show a close relationship between intra-basinal tectonics and depositional history. Their punctuated sediment accumulation can be related to phases of extra-Alpine taphrogenesis and Alpine orogenesis, and to coeval eustatic changes in sea-level. Apparent simultaneity in rift and foredeep sequence development, structural deformation and global change in sea-level suggests a common causal control in which the development of the Alps played an important role.  相似文献   

HU Yuzhao  LIU Lu  WANG Pengpeng 《地质学报》2014,88(Z2):1110-1111
Please refer to the attachment(s) for more details.  相似文献   

Large differential land subsidence and earth fissures in Jiangyin,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jiangyin County is in the infamous Su–Xi–Chang land subsidence area caused by excessive groundwater withdrawal in Jiangsu province, China. The maximum accumulated land subsidence reached 1,310 mm near the centre of the subsiding trough in 2006 in southern Jiangyin, and earth fissures of significant vertical offsets have been observed at Changjing, Hetang and Wenlin which form an arc towards the subsidence trough. An ancient Yangtze River course is found underlying and passing through the depression in southern Jiangyin, forming a local basin surrounded by outcropped bedrock ridges in the north and south. The Quaternary stratigraphy demonstrates significant heterogeneities in the basin; the second confined aquifer is much thicker and deeper and encapsulated inside the basin and absent above the ridges. The development of earth fissures along the Changjing–Hetang–Wenlin arc might be a combination of an inward rotation of sediments due to a large differential subsidence, an inward movement driven by seepage force and a steeper slope along the south-eastern shoulder of the basin that facilitates the development of horizontal tensile strain and/or shear strain necessary for fissuring. The land subsidence has slowed down and no new earth fissure zone has occurred in the area after the banning of deep groundwater extraction was enacted in 2001.  相似文献   

伊通地堑莫里青盆地双阳组储层敏感性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
黄湘通  方石  许海华 《世界地质》2002,21(4):347-352
莫里青盆地双阳组储层中岩石不稳定组分多,胶结物以敏感性强的粘土矿物和碳酸盐为主,孔隙结构为中孔细喉,储层物性差,原油石蜡沥青组分多,地层水矿化度低,存在潜在的敏感性。分析表明,储层填隙物中的粘土矿物、碳酸盐矿物是导致该区诸层敏感性的主要因素。结合敏感性实验证实,本区储层的敏感性主要为中-强水敏、盐敏和中等碱敏,酸敏性在盆地控盆断裂带不明显,但在缓坡带较强。建议在钻井、酸化等作业时注意防膨和控制注入流体的pH值及盐度,以有效地保护储层,提高油气勘探开发的经济效益。  相似文献   

本文简述了雷州半岛胀缩土地裂缝的特征及分布发育规律;分析了胀缩土地裂缝的成因,认为雷州半岛胀缩土地裂缝的形成发育是胀缩土以及气候、植被、地形地貌、水文地质作用等因素综合作用的结果,其中胀缩土含大量的亲水矿物和失水产生向心收缩的特性从而成为地裂缝成生发展的内因,而特定的气候、植被、地形地貌、水文地质作用等外部环境条件则是导致胀缩土失水和发展形成地裂缝的重要外因.桉树是一种吸水-蒸腾能力极强的树种,树根的干燥作用是导致了林区土体干燥-收缩和形成收缩应力场及在林地边缘产生地下暗裂缝的关键因子,而极端的干旱气候环境和久旱后第一场大暴雨则是暗裂牵动式胀缩土地裂缝发育形成不可或缺的因素.胀缩土地裂缝灾害应重在预防,有关的策略包括防水保湿、科学植树、建筑设计和地基处理、科学选址.  相似文献   

周家喜  罗开  孙国涛 《中国地质》2021,48(1):339-340
1 研究目的(Objective) 硒(Se)是一种典型稀散元素,其地壳丰度为0.05×10-6,主要富集在黑色岩系中.可以形成硒独立矿床,如渔塘坝硒矿床、拉尔玛硒-金矿床、遵义镍-钼-硒矿床等,还可与铅锌矿床、砂岩型铀矿伴生.统计结果表明,铅锌矿床硫化物Se含量通常<50×10-6,且主要富集在方铅矿中,而闪锌矿Se...  相似文献   

A new basal non-pterodactyloid pterosaur,Changchengopterus pani gen.et sp.nov.,is erected,on the basis of a nearly complete postcranial skeleton.The new taxon is distinguished by relatively short extensions of the prezygapophyses,postzygapophyses and haemal arches of the caudal vertebrae;a humerus that has a subtriangular deltopectoral crest;limb elements that decrease in length in the following order:ulna>wing-phalange 2>wing-phalange 3=wing-phalange 1>humerus>tibia>femur>wing-metacarpal.Phylogenetic an...  相似文献   

施洞口断裂位于贵州东部,曾作为贵州大地构造的分界,但马号段构造样式历有争议,为了探讨施秉县金钟山非典型丹霞地貌成因,即金钟山白垩纪断陷盆地及其"红层"非典型丹霞山体地貌形成的控制因素,对施洞口断裂带马号段、台盘段和舟溪段等多个重要剖面进行调查研究,结合区域地质资料,否定"巴团飞来峰构造",认同1∶20万镇远幅区域地质图划定的构造透镜体形式,同时查明了金钟山白垩系南东边界的沉积关系其实是断层接触,构成施洞口断裂马号地区较大规模构造透镜体的南东边界,使施洞口断裂在整体的平剖结构展布上呈现分支联合的构造透镜状普遍规律特征,另外认为马号—金钟山公路沿线寒武系白云岩为不整合沉积覆盖于青白口系之上,而东侧一带的青白口系又以逆冲断层"推覆"于寒武系白云岩之上,从而成为导致施洞口断裂带在马号段构造特征较为复杂的主要原因,据此本文对施洞口断裂构造特征进行了再次调查梳理,具有较重要的基础地质科学意义,并从地质演化角度解释了施秉金钟山白垩纪断陷盆地及其"红层"非典型丹霞地貌山体的形成,可为金钟山的旅游开发提供地学科普参考依据。  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地乌尔逊断陷构造特征和基底伸展量研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
乌尔逊断陷是海拉尔盆地最大箕状断陷,主要形成于早白垩世,由向东倾斜的主控断层及其上发育的一系列与之同向的犁式正断层和反向层组合构成。本文用基底伸展量(I)、伸展率(e)、伸展系数(β)来定量描述乌尔逊断陷在拉张作用下发生伸展运动前后的变化量,采用直接测量法得到三个参数,并绘出基底伸展量的发育图,得出乌尔逊断陷基底伸展量在断陷内变化很小、断陷中部伸展量变化相对较大、南北两端相对较小、平均伸展量10.5、伸展率为0.81%及伸展系数为1.81的结论。  相似文献   

High fluoride and arsenic concentrations in groundwater have led to serious health problems to local inhabitants at Yuncheng basin, Northern China. In this study, groundwater with high fluoride and arsenic concentration at Yuncheng basin was investigated. A majority of the samples (over 60%) belong to HCO3 type water. The predominant water type for the shallow groundwater collected from southern and eastern mountain areas was Ca/Mg-Ca-HCO3 types. For the shallow groundwater from flow through and discharge area it is Na-HCO3/SO4-Cl/SO4/Cl type. The predominant water type for the intermediate and deep groundwater is of Na/Ca/Mg-Ca-HCO3 type. According to our field investigation, fluoride concentration in groundwater ranges between 0.31 and 14.2 mg/L, and arsenic concentration ranges between 0.243 and 153.7 μg/L. Out of seventy collected groundwater samples, there are 31 samples that exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) standard of 1.5 mg/L for fluoride, and 15 samples exceeds the WHO standard of 10 μg/L for arsenic. Over 40% of high fluoride and arsenic groundwater are related to the Na-HCO3 type water, and the other fifty percent associated with Na-SO4-Cl/HCO3-SO4-Cl type water; little relation was found in calcium bicarbonate type water. A moderate positive correlation between fluoride and arsenic with pH were found in this study. It is due to the pH-dependent adsorption characteristics of F and As onto the oxide surfaces in the sediments. The observed negative correlation between fluoride and calcium could stem from the dissolution equilibrium of fluorite. The high concentration of bicarbonate in groundwater can serve as a powerful competitor and lead to the enrichment of fluoride and arsenic in groundwater. Most of the groundwater with high fluoride or arsenic content has nitrate content about or over 10 mg/L which, together with the observed positive correlations between nitrate and fluoride/arsenic, are indicative of common source of manmade pollution and of prevailing condition of leaching in the study area.  相似文献   

赵文敏 《地下水》2008,30(6):19-21
运城盆地中深层地下水是当地工农业及城乡人民生活最主要的供水水源,多年来由于不合理的开采已形成了千余平方公里的下降漏斗,通过对多年地下水动态资料的分析研究,确定了运城盆地中深层地下水的可开采资源量,为合理开发利用地下水资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the occurrence of 28,30-dinor-17α,18α,21β-hopane (bisnorhopane) in stratigraphically, fairly well preserved Viking Group sections from wells in local depressions in the North Viking Graben Area. The results show the presence of high relative amounts of bisnorhopane in the “Syn-rift sections”, whilst the “Post-rift sections” contain little or no bisnorhopane. Since most exploration wells are drilled on structural highs, primarily penetrating the “Post-rift Draupne”, this may explain why many analyzed source rock sections in this area contain little bisnorhopane.As a correlation of Draupne sections using the vertical, relative bisnorhopane distributions, it is suggested to be a potential stratigraphic marker for the area, indicating the presence of “Syn-rift Draupne” sediments.The relative bisnorhopane amounts follow a logarithmic reduction with depth and thermal maturity. The bisnorhopane signal is nearly extinguished at 3700 m depth at a maturity of Ro = 0.9–1.0%.  相似文献   

硅化凝灰岩是贵州晴隆锑矿田普遍发育的成矿作用产物。对比分析未蚀变凝灰岩、硅化凝灰岩、峨眉山玄武岩、萤石和辉锑矿稀土元素配分特征,以及某些高场强元素特征参数,探讨成矿流体物理化学特征。大厂层下段(P2d1)强硅化凝灰岩、中段(P2d2)近矿硅化凝灰岩及上段(P2d3)未蚀变凝灰岩Sb元素丰度显示,与峨眉山玄武岩喷发有关的凝灰岩可能是潜在的晴隆锑矿矿源层,后期热液带来部分矿质来源,热液改造作用是成矿物质富集的关键。凝灰岩蚀变前后稀土元素演化特征研究表明,成矿流体稀土元素含量很低、以富F为特征且具有还原性。Y/Ho、Zr/Hf和Nb/Ta比值表明晴隆锑矿成矿流体具多源特征。辉锑矿稀土元素配分特征与国内其他辉锑矿有显著区别,其具有近似的w型四分组效应是继承海水或地层水稀土元素特征的表现。  相似文献   

对广泛分布于伊通地堑边界断裂的新生代玄武岩稀土元素组成进行了岩石圈厚度反演,得到了新生代岩石圈厚度变化情况,并结合该区构造演化特征综合分析得出晚白垩世至更新世发生两期深部熔岩上涌:第一期发生于晚白垩世至古新世,软流圈上涌强度大,上涌至约50km,直接导致伊通盆地的断陷和沉降;第二期发生于中新世11.5~11.0Ma,持续时间短,软流圈上涌强度较弱,表现为隆起构造,对盆地断陷后期起改造作用,控制着莫里青地区尖山构造带的形成以及该地区沉降中心的迁移。  相似文献   

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