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The paper presents the nature of variations of tropospheric and total ozone column retrieved from the Convective Cloud Differential (CCD) technique, Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data, National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA), USA, respectively; surface temperature, relative humidity, total rainfall, ozone precursors (non-methane hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide) that are collected from India Meteorological Department (IMD), Alipore, Kolkata; solar insolation obtained from Solar Geophysical Data Book and El-Niño index collected from National Climatic Data Center, US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA. The effect of these climatic parameters and ozone precursors on ozone variations is critically analyzed and explained on the basis of linear regression and correlation. It has been observed that the maximum, minimum and mean temperature, relative humidity, solar insolation, tropospheric, and total ozone column (TOC) showed slight increasing tendencies from October 2004 to December 2011, while total rainfall and El-Niño index showed little decreasing tendencies for the same period. Amongst selected climatic parameters and ozone precursors, the solar insolation and the average temperature had a significant influence on both, the tropospheric ozone and total ozone column formation. The solar insolation had contributed more in tropospheric ozone than in total ozone column; while El-Niño index had played a more significant role in total ozone column build up than in tropospheric ozone. Negative correlation was observed between almost all ozone precursors with the tropospheric and total ozone. The tropospheric ozone and total ozone column were also significantly correlated. The level of significance and contribution of different climatic parameters are determined from correlation technique and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) method. The related chemical kinetics for ozone production processes has been critically described.  相似文献   

A severe thunderstorm produced a tornado (F3 on the Fujita-Pearson scale), which affected Rajkanika block of Kendrapara district of Orissa in the afternoon of March 31, 2009. The devastation caused by the tornado consumed 15 lives and left several injured with huge loss of property. The meteorological conditions that led to this tornado have been analyzed. An attempt is also made to simulate this rare event using Non-hydrostatic Mesoscale Model (NMM) core of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) system with a spatial resolution of 4 km for a period of 24 h, starting at 0000 UTC of March 31, 2009. The atmospheric settings resulted from synoptic, surface, upper air, satellite and radar echo studies were favorable for the occurrence of a severe thunderstorm activity over Rajkanika. The model-simulated meteorological parameters are consistent with each other, and all are in good agreement with the observation in terms of the region of occurrence of the intense convective activity. The model has well captured the vertical motion. The core of the strongest winds is shown to be very close to the site of actual occurrence of the event. The wind speed is not in good agreement with the observation as it has shown the strongest wind of only 20 ms−1, against the estimated wind speed of 70 ms−1. The spatial distributions as well as intensity of rainfall rates are in good agreement with the observation as model simulated 35.4 mm against the observed rainfall of 41 mm over Chandbali. The results of these analyses demonstrated the capability of high-resolution WRF–NMM model in simulation of severe thunderstorm events.  相似文献   

Horizontal surface visibility range, one of the simplest measures of local atmospheric pollution, is critical for aviation, surface transport besides long-term impact on human health and climate. Long-term observations from multiple stations (including airports) across the world show statistically significant decline in visibility. We have studied climatology and trends of morning poor visibility days (PVD, visibility <4 km) and afternoon good visibility days (GVD, visibility >10 km) based on 279 surface meteorological stations well distributed over India for the period 1961–2008. During last 5 decades, all India averaged range of annual morning PVD has increased from 6.7 to 27.3 % days, while the range of afternoon GVD has decreased from 76.1 to 30.6 % days. Annually, the morning PVD increased significantly at 3.3 % days per decade, and the afternoon GVD declined significantly at ?8.6 % days per decade. Seasonally, the highest increase in morning PVD has occurred in winter (+4.3 % days per decade), while post-monsoon has the highest decrease in afternoon GVD (?9.2 % days per decade). In spatial distribution, visibility has decreased nationwide especially over Indo-Gangetic (IG) plains, central, east and northeast India which is due to increased wintertime fog, water vapor and aerosol loading. The IG plains suffer from increased fog or smog and aerosol loading during wintertime. Long-term visibility impairment over India is visible through increasing morning PVD (decreasing GVD) and decreasing afternoon GVD (increasing PVD) which are spatially well correlated with increasing relative humidity and decreasing wind speed (seasonal).  相似文献   

The South Indian (Peninsular) Shield which includes both the Eastern and Western Continental Margins of India is not as stable as it was originally thought of. The importance of intraplate seismicity within this Shield has recently been realized with some devastating earthquakes that occurred during the last few decades. It is also significant to note that most of the Precambrian tectonic lineaments in this Shield are oriented in either a NW–SE or W–E direction, joining the eastern offshore. In contrast, the western margin has an elevated coast, associated with a linear coast parallel escarpment, particularly on the southern side, superimposed by Deccan Trap volcanics on the northern side. The fault reactivation and the associated seismicity are hence more predominant on the east coast. Recent geophysical studies delineated land–ocean tectonics (LOTs) over the eastern margin, in some cases associated with moderate seismicity as a result of the compressional stress acting on the Indian Plate. Though the Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) is considered as a passive margin, coastal seismicity due to the reactivation of the pre-existing tectonic lineaments extending offshore represents a potential natural hazard. In this context, the ECMI appears to be much more vulnerable compared to its counterpart on the west.  相似文献   


The International Geographical Union Reports

IGU commission on population geography symposium on ethnicity and geography Ljubljana, Slovenia: September 8–11, 1993 (Second circular)  相似文献   

The Baula-Nuasahi Complex, on the southern flank of the Singhbhum Archaean nucleus in north-eastern India, exposes a series of Mesoarchaean igneous suites. These are (1) a gabbro–anorthosite unit, which is petrographically homogeneous, although mineral-chemistry data hint at a subtle eastward differentiation; (2) a peridotite unit (with three chromitite layers) together with (3) a pyroxenite unit which display cumulate textures, modal layering, and (for the peridotite unit) differentiation trends in both mineralogy and mineral chemistry; and (4) the Bangur gabbro (~3.1 Ga), which defines an oblong intrusion, crosscutting the older igneous suites in the southern part of the complex, with a curvilinear NW-trending apophysis, 2 km long and up to 40 m wide. Magmatic breccia comprising ultramafic and chromitite wall-rock clasts in a gabbro matrix is exposed at the contact of the main Bangur gabbro body and also forms the entire Bangur gabbro apophysis. Concentrations of platinum-group minerals (PGMs) are found where the breccia contains abundant chromitite clasts, and two types of platinum-group-element (PGE) mineralisation are recognised. Type 1 (Pt 1.1–14.2, Pd 0.1–2.1 ppm, with an average Pt/Pd=8–9) is a contact-type mineralisation which occurs in the breccia at the contact between the Bangur intrusion and its ultramafic host. The PGMs—Pt alloys (isoferroplatinum) and sulphides (braggite, malanite)—are enclosed by pyroxene and plagioclase, reflecting a magmatic origin. Significant wall-rock assimilation by the magma (giving rise to the Bangur gabbro) is indicated by changes in pyroxene composition and by the presence of relicts of chromite (from the host) now altered to secondary ferritchromite in the contact zone. Type 2 PGE mineralisation (Pt 0.3–1.6, Pd 1.8–6.0 ppm, with Pt/Pd~0.5–3.0) is restricted to the breccia apophysis of the Bangur gabbro where it occurs in the breccia matrix, associated with an intense hydrothermal alteration which does not exist in the contact zone. PGMs (PGE arsenides, tellurides, bismuthides and antimonides) and, where present, base-metal sulphides (BMSs) form intergrowths with hydrous silicates, reflecting a hydrothermal origin. Oxygen isotope geothermometry documents the main stages of hydrothermal alteration within a decreasing temperature range between 700–1,000 and 500–600 °C, and oxygen, hydrogen and sulphur isotopes show that the hydrothermal fluids were derived from the magma rather than an external source. Pervasive hydrothermal alteration in the breccia apophysis likely represents upward channelling of late-magmatic fluids along a narrow, near-vertical, subplanar conduit which led away from the main magma chamber. We suggest that Type 2 mineralisation was produced by late-magmatic hydrothermal remobilisation and reconcentration of Type 1 PGE mineralisation, and that the composition of the hydrothermal fluids controlled whether BMSs were enriched along with the PGMs.Editorial handling: P. Lightfoot  相似文献   

Richard Mbatu 《GeoJournal》2010,75(5):443-458
This paper characterizes changes in land use and forest cover in southern Cameroon. In doing so, we use remotely sensed data to define the rates and area of forest loss and cover change in two reference areas over a period of 16 years (from 1984 to 2000)—the Buea-Limbe area in the southwest province and the Bertoua area in the east province. We relate socio-economic data of these study areas with results from the empirical spatial analysis to explain causes of deforestation. A second set of explanations, which we call the theoretical perspective, attributes deforestation in southern Cameroon to the intricacies of modernization, world-systems, and neo-Malthusian theories.  相似文献   

The Ni, Co, As, and Cu deposit of Gowd-e-Morad is located 20 km northwest of Anarak in Central Iran. In this hydrothermal deposit, mineralization occurs as veins in a fault breccia zone hosted by the Chahgorbeh (schist and metabasite) complex. The main ores are made up of Ni, Co, and Cu arsenides. Petrologic studies and results obtained from geochemical analyses have indicated that the Ni, Co, As, and Cu are derived from ultramafic rocks while Pb and Zn are likely to be derived from schist. Based on the geochemical evidence, particularly the high correlation between Ni, Co, and As, it is proposed that this deposit be categorized as a “five elements” mineral deposit. Fluid inclusion studies have shown homogenization temperatures (TH) in the range 113?206 ?C and salinity 3?13.5 % wt eq. NaCl. Therefore this “five elements” mineral deposit has been determined as a low temperature, epithermal deposit type. It is proposed that the low fluid temperatures are a result of an environment of formation which was distal to a volcanogenic source systems and the major influence of meteoric waters in the hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

Monsoon onset over Kerala (India) which occurs every year is a major climatic phenomenon that involves large scale changes in wind, rainfall and sea surface temperature (SST). Over the last 150 years, the date of monsoon onset over Kerala (DMOK) has varied widely, the earliest being 11 May, 1918 and the most delayed being 18 June, 1972. DMOK has a long term (1870–2014) mean of 01 June and standard deviation of 7–8 days. We have studied the inter-annual and decadal time scale variability of DMOK and their relation with SST. We found that SST anomalies of large spatial scale similar to those in El Nino/La Nina are associated with the inter-annual variability in DMOK. Indian Ocean between latitudes \(5^{\circ }\hbox {S}\) and \(20^{\circ }\hbox {N}\) has two episodes of active convection associated with monsoon onset over Kerala (MOK), one around DMOK and the other about six weeks earlier (called pre-monsoon rain peak or bogus monsoon onset) and in between a two week period of suppressed convection occurs over north Indian Ocean. A prominent decadal time scale variability was found in DMOK having large and statistically significant linear correlation with the SST gradient across the equator over Indian and Pacific oceans, the large correlation persisting for several months prior to the MOK. However, no linear trend was seen in DMOK during the long period from 1870 to 2014.  相似文献   

The Malari Leucogranite in the Garhwal Himalaya is cut across by a continental-scale normal fault system called the South Tibetan Detachment (STD). A mineralogical, geochemical and fluid inclusion study of samples from the fault zone of the Malari Granite was performed to reveal the imprints of fluid–rock interaction. Fluid inclusion assemblages observed in the alteration zone indicate the presence of NaCl-dominated aqueous fluids with varied salinity of 6–16 wt.% of NaCl equivalent. Mineralogical changes include the alteration of feldspar to muscovite and muscovite to chlorite. This alteration took place at temperatures of 275°–335°C and pressures between 1.9 and 4.2 kbars as revealed by the application of chlorite thermometry, fluid isochores, and presence of K-feldspar+muscovite+chlorite+quartz mineral assemblage. Geochemical mass-balance estimates predict 32% volume loss during alteration. An estimated fluid/rock ratio of 82 is based on loss of silica during alteration, and reveals presence of a moderately low amount of fluid at the time of faulting.  相似文献   

Turkey confronts loss of life and large economic losses due to natural disasters caused by its morphologic structure, geographical placement, and climate characteristics. The Kuzulu (Koyulhisar) landslide, which caused loss of life and property on 17th March 2005, occurred in an area near the country’s most important active fault, the North Anatolian Fault Zone. To mitigate and prevent landslide damages, prediction of landslide susceptibility areas based on probabilistic methods has a great importance. The purpose of this study was to produce a landslide susceptibility map by the logistic regression and frequency ratio methodologies for a 733-km2 area near the North Anatolian Fault Zone from the southeast of Niksar to Resadiye in Tokat province. Conditioning parameters, such as elevation, slope gradient, slope aspect, distance to streams, roads, and faults, drainage density, and fault density, were used in the analysis. Before susceptibility analysis, the landslides observed in the area were separated into two groups for use in analysis and verification, respectively. The susceptibility maps produced had five different susceptibility classes such as very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. To test the performance of the susceptibility maps, area under curve (AUC) approach was used. For the logistic regression method, the AUC value was 0.708; while for the frequency rate method, this value was 0.744. According to these AUC values, it could be concluded that the two landslide susceptibility maps obtained were successful.  相似文献   

The ~200-km-long intensely deformed Singhbhum Shear Zone (SSZ) in eastern India hosts India’s largest U and Cu deposits and related Fe mineralization. The SSZ separates an Archaean cratonic nucleus to the south from a Mesoproterozoic fold belt in the North and has a complex geologic history that obscures the origin of the contained iron-oxide-rich mineral deposits. This study investigates aspects of the history of mineralization in the SSZ by utilizing new petrographic and electron microprobe observations of pyrite textures and zoning in the Turamdih U–Cu(–Fe) deposit. Mineralization at Turamdih is hosted in intensively deformed quartz–chlorite schist. Sulfides and oxides include, in inferred order of development: (a) magmatic Fe(–Ti–Cr) oxide and Fe–Cu(–Ni) sulfide minerals inferred to be magmatic (?) in origin; followed by (b) uranium, Fe-oxide, and Fe–Cu(–Co) sulfide minerals that predate most or all ductile deformation, and are inferred to be of hydrothermal origin; and (c) Fe–Cu sulfides that were generated during and postdating ductile deformation. These features are associated with the formation of three compositionally and texturally distinct pyrites. Pyrite (type-A), typically in globular–semiglobular composite inclusions of pyrite plus chalcopyrite in magnetite, is characterized by very high Ni content (up to 30,700 ppm) and low Co to Ni ratios (0.01–0.61). The textural and compositional characteristics of associated chalcopyrite and rare pyrrhotite suggest that this pyrite could be linked to the magmatic event via selective replacement of magmatic pyrrhotite. Alternatively, this pyrite and associated sulfide inclusions might be cogenetic with hydrothermal Fe-oxide. Type-B pyrite that forms elongate grains and irregular relics and cores of pyrite with high Co contents (up to 23,630 ppm) and high Co to Ni ratios (7.2–140.9) are interpreted to be related to hydrothermal mineralization predating ductile deformation. A third generation of pyrite (type C) with low Co, low Ni, and moderate Co to Ni ratios (0.19–13.93) formed during and postdating the ductile deformation stage overgrowing, replacing, and surrounding type-B pyrite. The textural evolution of pyrite parallels the tectonometamorphic evolution of the shear zone demonstrating grain elongation during progressive ductile deformation and prograde metamorphism, annealing at the peak metamorphic condition, porphyroblastic growth at the retrograde path and cataclasis following porphyroblastic growth. Compositional characteristics of hydrothermal pyrite and available geological information suggest that the U–Cu(–Fe) deposit at Turamdih might be a variant of the Fe oxide (–Cu–U–rare earth elements) family of deposits.  相似文献   

This work describes the in situ analysis of loparite [(Na,REE)Ti2O6], a perovskite group mineral with extremely low Rb/Sr ratios and high rare earth contents, by LA-(MC)-ICP-MS for the determination of U–Pb ages together with Sr and Nd isotopic composition. The reliability of these data were validated by analysis of a loparite standard by TIMS solution methods. Data are given for loparite from the Lovozero and Khibiny peralkaline complexes of the Kola Alkaline Province (Russia). For Lovozero loparite the Tera–Wasserburg intercept age for 15 loparites analysed is 373 ± 11 Ma, and the weighted 207Pb corrected 206Pb/238U age is 373 ± 2 Ma. For Khibiny loparite, the intercept age for 5 loparites analysed is 375 ± 10 Ma, and the weighted 207Pb corrected 206Pb/238U age is 374 ± 3 Ma. The common Pb compositions for Lovozero and Khibiny loparites are identical i.e. 207Pb/206Pb = 0.898 ± 0.009 and 0.898 ± 0.007, respectively. The 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of Lovozero loparite range from 0.703552 to 0.703682 (av. 0.703611), and εNd (t370) from + 3.8 to + 4.4 (av. + 4.0). The 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of Khibiny loparite range from 0.703560 to 0.703871, and εNd (t730) from + 4.0 to + 4.8. Our data indicate that in situ LA-(MC)-ICP-MS analysis of loparite provides accurate and precise estimates of the intrusion ages and isotopic composition of peralkaline rocks.  相似文献   

Using the methods of electron probe microanalysis and Raman spectroscopy, the zoning, chemical composition, and disorder in the matrix of accessory monazite extracted from a synplutonic quartz dioritic dyke intruding migmatite, diorite, and fine-granular granite of the Aduiskii massif were studied. It was established that monazite grains contained inner and outer zones. The contributions of chemical and radiation factors to mineral disorder were estimated. The results of chemical U-Th-total Pb dating of mineral are reported. The age 252 ± 4 Ma corresponds to the second maximum of granite formation.  相似文献   

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