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The propagation of elastic waves along a cylindrical borehole filled with/without liquid and embedded in an infinite porous medium saturated by two immiscible fluids has been studied. The theory of porous media saturated by two immiscible fluids developed by Tuncay and Corapcioglu (1997) is employed. Frequency equations determining the phase velocity of axial symmetric waves are obtained. It is found that the surface waves along cylindrical borehole are dispersive. The dispersion equation of Rayleigh-type surface waves along the boundary of a poroelastic solid half-space saturated by two immiscible fluids is also obtained. Some special cases have been deduced and the dispersion curves are obtained numerically for a peculiar model. It is found that the density of fluids affects the Rayleigh mode.  相似文献   

Wave propagation is studied in a general anisotropic poroelastic solid saturated with a viscous fluid flowing through its pores of anisotropic permeability. The extended version of Biot’s theory is used to derive a system of modified Christoffel equations for the propagation of plane harmonic waves in such media. The non-trivial solution of this system is ensured by a biquadratic equation whose roots represent the complex velocities of four attenuating quasi-waves in the medium. These complex velocities define phase velocity and attenuation of each quasi-wave propagating along a given phase direction in three-dimensional space. The solution itself defines the polarisations of the quasi-waves along with phase shift. The variations of polarisations of quasi-waves with their phase direction, are computed for a realistic numerical model.  相似文献   

张鹏远  白冰  蒋思晨 《岩土力学》2016,37(5):1307-1316
为了研究孔隙结构和水动力对悬浮颗粒在饱和多孔介质中沉积和迁移特性的影响,对天然硅粉(悬浮颗粒)和荧光素钠(示踪剂)在饱和多孔介质中的渗流迁移特性进行土柱试验,分别得到了5种不同渗流速度(0.033、0.066、0.132、0.199、0.265 cm/s)、两种不同多孔介质(石英砂和玻璃球)的悬浮颗粒和示踪剂全组合下的20条穿透曲线。根据试验结果,研究孔隙结构、渗流速度对饱和多孔介质中颗粒迁移和沉积过程中水动力作用机制、弥散效应、加速效应的影响。研究表明,悬浮颗粒的穿透曲线可以用一阶沉积动力学对流弥散方程的解析解来描述。随着渗流速度的增大,水动力学作用对颗粒出流浓度的影响越来越大,而孔隙结构的影响则相对减弱。同时,存在一个临界渗流速度值。当渗流速度超出该值时,悬浮颗粒迁移要快于示踪剂,而且临界渗流速度对于玻璃球和石英砂两种多孔介质是不同的;其次,在两种介质中,随渗流速度增大,弥散度增加,回收率和回收悬浮颗粒粒径增大,沉积系数先增大后减小。此外,在孔隙比相近的情况下,悬浮颗粒在玻璃球介质中的回收率要大于其在石英砂中的。可见,孔隙结构和渗流速度是影响饱和多孔介质中颗粒输运的重要因素,渗流速度越大,孔隙结构的作用越明显。  相似文献   

接缝和注浆孔是运营隧道渗漏水的主要通道,渗漏水引起孔隙水压力下降,引发隧道和地层的附加沉降。为了控制隧道渗漏水,工程上经常采用注浆进行处理,而作为控制隧道沉降的同步注浆和二次注浆也认为是盾构隧道防水的第1道防线。然而,目前注浆对隧道渗漏水的影响规律和机制不明确,为研究注浆对隧道渗漏水的影响,首先通过室内试验得到不同类型注浆体的渗透特性,试验发现无论惰性浆液还是可硬性浆液,其渗透特性在凝固初期都随时间和固结压力逐渐减小,最终,惰性浆液的渗透系数大于可硬性浆液,因此,可硬性浆液对隧道渗漏水有一定的控制效果;提出了隧道渗漏引发的土体孔隙水压力变化计算方法,该方法能综合考虑土体-注浆层-管片的共同作用;揭示了注浆对隧道渗漏水的影响规律,注浆对渗漏水的影响取决于注浆体和管片的相对渗透系数;提出了能够反映注浆体和管片对孔隙水压力变化影响的评价指标。研究发现,注浆能减小隧道渗漏引起的地层孔隙水压力的下降,但其影响程度受到隧道管片与土体相对渗透系数的影响。  相似文献   

选用四氯乙烯(PCE)作为典型DNAPL污染物,以NaCl作为地下水中溶解盐代表,研究盐度对DNAPL在饱和多孔介质中运移和分布的影响。通过批次实验测定NaCl水溶液/石英砂/PCE三相体系下的接触角和界面张力,结果表明,PCE在石英砂表面的接触角随着水中NaCl浓度的增大而减小,而PCE和NaCl水溶液的界面张力随着NaCl浓度的增大而增大,尤其当氯化钠浓度较高时(>0.1 mol/L),影响程度更为显著。在此基础上,采用透射光法监测不同介质情景下DNAPL在二维砂箱中的运移和分布,定量测定DNAPL在介质中的饱和度。实验结果表明,地下水盐度的增加将促进DNAPL的垂向入渗,减少被截留在运移路径上的DNAPL量,使得DNAPL运移路径及累积形成的池状DNAPL(pool)向水流方向偏移。在均质多孔介质和含有透镜体的非均质多孔介质中,随着盐度的增加,DNAPL在横向和垂向上的展布均呈现出增加趋势,导致污染源区变大,且介质中以离散状存在的DNAPL量明显增加。  相似文献   

Garg's approximate analytical solutions of Biot's equations for wave propagation in a fluid-saturated elastic porous solid of infinite extent subjected to a velocity boundary condition of a Heaviside function at one end are examined for small and large drag. Garg's approximations were apparently introduced to facilitate exact inversion of Laplace transforms of certain quantities. The approximate solutions are compared with carefully evaluated numerical inverses of the Laplace transform solutions for different soils with widely varying properties. It is seen that for most soils (clays, silts and, sands) the error in Garg's approximate solutions in insignificant, and the solutions can be used as benchmarks for verifying numerical analysis procedures such as finite element codes.  相似文献   

Journal of Earth System Science - The present work illustrates a theoretical study on the effect of rigid boundary for the propagation of torsional surface wave in an inhomogeneous crustal layer...  相似文献   

The MMOC procedure for approximating the solutions of transport-dominated diffusion problems does not automatically preserve integral conservation laws, leading to (mass) balance errors in many kinds of flow problems. The variant, called the MMOCAA, discussed herein preserves the conservation law at a minor additional computational cost. The application of the MMOCAA to a problem in two-phase, immiscible flow in porous media is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The development of oilfields in rocks containing clay minerals involves a series of complications. For this reason, some effects of clay on fluid filtration in porous media were studied under laboratory conditions: (1) The effect of clay on the displacement efficiency of fluid hydrocarbons by water. (2) The effect of a magnetic field on the velocity of single-phase water filtration. (3) The effect of a magnetic field on the swelling capacity of clay minerals. (4) The effect of magnetized water on the displacement efficiency.  相似文献   

李伟华 《岩土力学》2002,23(6):782-786
给出波从基本饱水土层入射到弹性土层时在土层交界面上的水平位移和竖向位移分量的表达式。通过数值计算分析,研究了饱和度对交界面上反射、透射系数以及水平、竖向位移分量幅值的影响。  相似文献   

槽波地震勘探技术在探测工作面内部断层、陷落柱发育情况、煤厚变化等方面已经取得较好的应用效果,现已成为井下地质构造探测的首选方法。但对于含夹矸的复合煤层地质构造的探测,槽波方法还存在一定的问题,为研究复合煤层中夹矸对槽波地震探测中断层落差解释的影响,通过建立不同的数值模型进行正演分析,并选取山西某矿复合煤层进行槽波探测试验。研究结果表明:复合煤层中的夹矸对槽波探测解释断层落差有较大影响,夹矸的厚度与煤层差异较小时,槽波探测解释断层落差时的单位煤厚标准应为复合煤层的总厚度;差异较大时,单位煤厚标准应为激发接收层的单一煤层厚度。研究结果可为槽波实际资料的解释、分析提供参考依据。  相似文献   

An accurate computational analysis is presented for the onset of thermal convection in a two‐layer system which is comprised of a saturated layer of porous material described by Darcy's law, over which lies a layer of the same saturating fluid. The two‐layer system is heated from below and the upper (fluid) surface is allowed to be fixed or stress free. The onset of convection may have a bi‐modal nature in which convection may be dominated by the porous medium or by the fluid depending on the depths of the relative layers, but this is strongly controlled by material parameters. The effect of variation of relevant fluid and porous material properties is investigated in detail, as is the effect of the interface boundary condition between the fluid and the porous medium. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pore water samplers with high vertical resolution were used to evaluate the response of sediment redox geochemistry during transient hydrologic conditions at Lake Powell, a large reservoir in Utah and Arizona, USA. Samplers were deployed at two different yet proximal shoreline locations, White and Farley Canyons, before and after exposure of sediment to air and subsequent resubmersion, which resulted from fluctuations in the water level of the reservoir. Before exposure to air, an observed increase in dissolved Mn concentrations and, at Farley Canyon, an observed decrease in dissolved U concentrations across and immediately below the sediment–water interface indicated reducing conditions in the sub-surface. After exposure and resubmersion of the sediment, pore water profiles at each site differed distinctly from those observed before the fluctuation in water level. At White Canyon, an increase in U concentrations and a decrease in Mn concentrations in pore water after exposure and subsequent resubmersion are suggestive of oxidative processes occurring during the period of sediment exposure. Data from Farley Canyon suggest that the same processes may be occurring, but to a lesser extent. Depth profiles of As and Pb were also examined, but were relatively featureless compared to those of Mn and U. At both sites, sediment evaluated for pore water chemistry in the second sampling was only fully resubmerged for 2–5 days prior to the second sampling event, yet reducing conditions were clearly evident in the Mn pore water profiles. This suggests that the dynamics of the biogeochemical processes occurring in surface sediment at Lake Powell are responsive on the timescale defined by the fluctuating water levels in the reservoir.  相似文献   

迄今为止,注入时间和静水压力对溶质在深层承压地热水中的运移规律影响研究少有报道。通过模拟35℃的低温地热环境,开展了注入时间1,2,3,4,5 h以及静水压力0,6,9 MPa条件下Cl-的运移柱模拟试验。采用CXTFIT 2.1软件进行数值模拟,探讨了孔隙型热储砂土中Cl-的运移规律和影响因素。结果表明:在模拟的低温孔隙型热储层中,不同注入时间和静水压力下,Cl-的运移曲线均呈正态对称分布,一维对流弥散(CDE)模型也可较好地表征其穿透曲线,因此溶质扩散过程符合菲克定律。注入时间的不同,会引起Cl-的穿透曲线、运移参数发生变化,这与不同注入时间条件下溶质注入总量、柱内溶质浓度差以及分子扩散能力不同有关。在不同静水压力条件下,弥散系数从0 MPa的25.22 cm2/h增加到9MPa的36.13 cm2/h,分子扩散系数、机械弥散系数以及弥散度也随之增大,因此溶质的弥散作用随静水压力的增大而增强。研究结果对于丰富地下水的溶质运移理论具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The present paper is concerned with the propagation of torsional surface waves in an initially stressed anisotropic porous layer sandwiched between homogeneous and non-homogeneous half-space. We assume the quadratic inhomogeneity in rigidity and density in the lower half-space and irregularity is taken in the form of rectangle at the interface separating the layer from the lower half-space. The dispersion equation for torsional waves has been obtained in a closed form. Velocity equation is also obtained in the absence of irregularity. The study reveals that the presence of irregularity, initial stress, porosity, inhomogeneity and anisotropy factor in the dispersion equation approves the significant effect of these parameters in the propagation of torsional waves in porous medium. It has also been observed that for a uniform media, the velocity equation reduces to the classical result of Love wave.  相似文献   

A concentrated load with step-function time behaviour is placed normal to the planar, pervious boundary of a porous elastic half space (PEHS) with compressible constituents. A planar fault exists in the PEHS in such a way that the poroelastic behaviour of the medium is unhindered. We derive an approximate but integral-free expression for CFSCPP, i.e., changes in fault stability due to changes in pore pressure, at a point not too far off the line along which the load acts. But, in the interest of simplicity, the main discussion is focussed on a consideration of CFSCPP at a point P located on the fault at depth z directly beneath the load. It is convenient to introduce dimensionless time t D directly proportional to real time t. The constant of proportionality is 4c/z 2, where c is hydraulic diffusivity. The derived approximate expression gives results with an accuracy of greater than 99% for limited values of t D after the load is imposed. We learn from the derived expression that, for a given z, fault stability undergoes an initial sudden decrease commensurate with the undrained pore pressure induced in the PEHS. This is followed by a more gradual decrease in fault stability with increasing t D until a minimum is reached. The real time t to minimum fault stability increases with z. The magnitude of CFSCPP decreases with z as z ?2 for a given t D in the permissible range. The derived expression and the inferences based on it should be useful during earth science investigations of the possible hazards due to reactivation of a pre-existing shallow fault when a civil engineering project involving imposition of a heavy load on the earth’s surface is to be executed nearby. They should be useful also for investigations if a shallow earthquake occurs near such a project soon after its execution.  相似文献   

绕射波是提高地震分辨率或超分辨率的重要信息载体,绕射波的提取与成像技术是地震勘探提取小尺度异常体的有效途径.基于传统的反射成像的处理过程没有充分地利用到绕射信息,特别是一些常规处理方法通常对绕射信息有着压制作用.为了进一步提高地震资料中绕射波的使用效率,重点研究了在成像道集上采用预测反演算法对绕射波进行提取与成像,并以...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A mudflow-like deposit resting on the bottom of the East Gorgonum Crater (Mars; 37.4°S, 168.0°W) may provide new insight regarding the debate on the existence of water over the Martian surface. Because water in a mudflow is confined to a porous medium, we analyse this case from the perspective of non-equilibrium systems. Fluids confined to porous media behave in a special way, the system being ruled by kinetic restrictions, which alter the expected thermodynamic equilibrium. These non-equilibrium conditions allow the existence of pure liquid water to temperatures as low as − 40 °C, and even less if the system includes brines. Thus, application of the triple point diagram of water on the Martian surface may constitute a simplistic approach if we are dealing with confined, and yet moving, water in the form of a mudflow. We further suggest that the V-shaped channels excavated alongside the mudflow may have been caused by water rejected by syneresis from the moving sediment. We finally indicate that the series of deeply entrenched channels and debris aprons that occur only in the northern half of the crater might be related to the regional slope, which decreases in altitude to the south.  相似文献   

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