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The Sr- and Nd-isotopic compositions of large mid-Cenozoic caldera-forming eruptions, and related rocks, from the western portion of the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field have been determined. The average initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 27 samples from felsic flows range from 0.70629 to 0.72872; however, all but two flows are 0.71337 or less. Ten analyses of intermediate and mafic rocks showed a tendency towards lower initial 87Sr/86Sr ranging from 0.70363 to 0.70968. Initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios of II felsic and intermediate rocks range from 0.51216 to 0.51231. Two basalts analyzed for 143Nd/144Nd have ratios of 0.51250 and 0.51291. During the course of the volcanic activity from 34 Ma to the present, there was a shift towards lower initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and lower SiO2 contents. A number of models of crustal melting, fractionation, mixing, and assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC), using a variety of possible endmembers, were tested, to see if they could explain the isotopic and geochemical characteristics of the Mogollon-Datil volcanic rocks. The best fit was an AFC model using two components, one a mantle-sourced primary magma, with isotopic ratios of the Kilbourne Hole, N. M., basanite, and the other an upper crust with average continental isotopic ratios, and Sr and Nd abundances similar to the Texas Canyon pluton of Arizona.  相似文献   

The Xinmo landslide occurred in the early morning of 24 June 2017 at about 5:38 am local time. This catastrophic event caused enormous casualties and huge economic losses in Xinmo Village, Mao County, Sichuan Province, China. In this study, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) datasets acquired by X-band TerraSAR-X, Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar-2 (PALSAR-2) aboard the Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2), and C-band Sentinel-1 over the disaster area were collected and analyzed to characterize this landslide. The high-resolution TerraSAR-X intensity images were used to evaluate the landslide disaster and delineate the sliding area. Afterwards, two ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 image pairs and a stack of 45 Sentinel-1 images were processed to detect precursory movements of the landslide surface, using the conventional differential InSAR (DInSAR) method and advanced time series InSAR analysis. The unstable source area near the ridge was identified from the displacement rate map derived from Sentinel-1 datasets. The maximum displacement rate detected at the source area was ?35mm/year along the radar line of sight (LOS) direction. The time series of LOS displacements over 2 years presents an easily discerned seasonal evolution pattern. In particular, a sudden acceleration of the displacement, dozens of days before the collapse was clearly captured by the Sentinel-1 observations, which might suggest that early warning of landslide disasters is possible given the availability of operational SAR data acquired in frequent repeat-pass mode, such as the Sentinel-1 twin-satellite constellation.  相似文献   

CAS-1模拟月壤动剪切模量与阻尼比的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张宇  余飞  陈善雄  李剑 《岩土力学》2014,35(1):74-82
针对中国科学院地球化学研究所与国家天文台合作研制成功的CAS-1模拟月壤(国家标准试样),利用GDS共振柱试验仪对模拟月壤开展动力学参数的试验研究,分析了不同孔隙比、不同围压对动剪切模量G及剪应变 的影响规律。试验结果表明,在应力水平很低、孔隙比较大的真实月面环境条件下,动剪切模量G较小,阻尼比 较大,且随着动剪应变 的增大,动剪切模量快速减小,阻尼比急剧增大。采用Hardin-Drnevich模型,得到了不同孔隙比、不同围压下归一化动剪模量G/Gmax与归一化阻尼比 / 随 变化的平均拟合曲线,探讨了最大动剪切模量Gmax、最大阻尼比 和参考剪应变 等动参数与应力水平 的相关关系式,并据此给出了月壤钻取采样深度(0~3 m)内Gmax、 和 的值域区间以及各剪应变对应的G/Gmax和 的推荐值。  相似文献   

邓检良  许强  龙冈文夫 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2857-2862
塑性单元体与黏性单元体并联之后再与弹性单元体串联即构成三要素模型,其各单元体都具有非线性本构关系。通过考虑增湿过程中饱和度对三要素模型中的黏性单元体和塑性单元体的影响,建立了弹-塑-黏性与湿陷性耦合的湿陷流变本构模型。湿陷对塑性单元体的影响表现为应变不变条件下屈服应力的降低;而对黏性单元体的影响表现为速率敏感系数的升高。两种影响可以通过试验确定。以此模型为基础,分析了高岭土的单轴压缩固结试验中的湿陷-流变变形,提出了一种湿陷-流变分析方法。试验中,在干燥条件下观测了蠕变;在增湿过程中观测了湿陷。试验中对含水量的测量精度高。理论所得含水率-应变-时间关系与实测结果接近,并区分了增湿过程中的湿陷和干燥条件下的蠕变,证明了本方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Production from geothermal reservoirs in volcanic-igneous hydrothermal systems may be disturbed owing to the formation of authigenic minerals that reduce primary porosity and infill fissure systems. Crystallization may be induced by natural processes or human activity related to the reservoir exploitation. In volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, zeolites and related authigenic silicate minerals commonly develop. Two selected study sites—Pauzhetka geothermal field in Russia and Smrekovec volcanic complex in Slovenia are characterized by extensive development of progressive stage medium- and low-temperature propylitization and zeolitization with similar mineral assemblages that reduced original reservoir rock porosity and permeability. Retrograde and overprinting reactions of argillitization commonly enhance porosity and permeability of rocks, but some other reactions, like from prehnite to laumontite, from laumontite to heulandite, and from laumontite to analcime, encountered in the Smrekovec volcanic complex reduced it appreciably. Retrograde reactions recognized in the study sites were not induced by the temperature drop only, but were accompanied by the change in chemical composition of reacting fluids. Chemical composition of interstitial waters produced from exploitation wells in the Pauzhetka geothermal field indicate that propylitic and zeolite facies alteration is related to Na–Cl, slightly alkaline waters, while argillitization involved acidic thermal waters with more complex ion composition.  相似文献   

Bau gold mining district, located near Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, is a Carlin style gold deposits. Geological analyses coupled with remote sensing data were used to detect hydrothermal alteration rocks and structure elements associated with this type of gold mineralization. Image processing techniques, including principal components analysis, linear spectral unmixing, and Laplacian algorithms, were employed to carry out spectrolithological–structural mapping of mineralized zones, using Advanced Land Imager, Hyperion, and JERS-1 synthetic aperture radar scenes covering the study area and surrounding terrain. Hydrothermally alteration mineral zones were detected along the SSW to NNE structural trend of the Tai Parit fault that corresponds to the areas of occurrence of the gold mineralization in the Bau limestone. The results show that potentially interesting areas are observable by the methods used, despite limited bedrock exposure in this region and the constraints imposed by the tropical environment.  相似文献   

As a part of the MONTBLEX-90 observational programme, Kytoon and Doppler sodar observations were taken at Kharagpur. These data are analysed to study the turbulent characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer in terms of stability, temperature structure function (C T 2 ) and velocity structure function (C v 2 ).C T 2 follows aZ −4/3 law on most of the days, whereas the variation ofC V 2 is not systematic.C V 2 andC T 2 values are found to vary between 10−5−10−1 m4/3s−2 and 10−5−10−2°C2 m−2/3 respectively.  相似文献   

The U-Pb geochronology of perovskite is a powerful tool in constraining the emplacement age of silica-undersaturated rocks. The trace-element and U-Pb isotopic compositions of perovskite from clinopyroxenite and silicocarbonatite from the Afrikanda plutonic complex (Kola, Russia) were determined by laser-ablation inductively-coupled mass-spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). In addition, the Sr isotopic composition of perovskite was measured by isotope-dilution mass-spectrometry to better constrain the relations between its host rocks. Perovskite from the two rock types shows a different degree of enrichment in Na, Mg, Mn, Pb, Fe, Al, V, rare-earth elements, Zr, Hf, Th, U and Ta. The perovskite 87Sr/86Sr values are within analytical uncertainty of one another and fall within the range of mantle values. The 206Pb/238U ages (corrected for common lead using 207Pb-method) of perovskite from silicocarbonatite statistically yield a single population with a weighted mean of 371?±?8 Ma (2σ; MSWD?=?0.071). This age is indistinguishable, within uncertainty, to the clinopyroxenite weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 374?±?10 Ma (2σ; MSWD?=?0.18). Our data are in good agreement with the previous geochronological study of the Afrikanda complex. The observed variations in trace-element composition of perovskite from silicocarbonatite and clinopyroxenite indicate that these rocks are not related by crystal fractionation. The Sr isotopic ratios and the fact that the two rocks are coeval suggest that they were either produced from a single parental melt by liquid immiscibility, or from two separate magmas derived at different degrees of partial melting from an isotopically equilibrated, but modally complex mantle source.  相似文献   

The results of spectral observations of the region of massive star formation L379IRS1 (IRAS18265–1517) are presented. The observations were carried out with the 30-m Pico Veleta radio telescope (Spain) at seven frequencies in the 1-mm, 2-mm, and 3-mm wavelength bands. Lines of 24 molecules were detected, from simple diatomic or triatomic species to complex eight- or nine-atom compounds such as CH3OCHO or CH3OCH3. Rotation diagrams constructed from methanol andmethyl cyanide lines were used to determine the temperature of the quiescent gas in this region, which is about 40–50 K. In addition to this warm gas, there is a hot component that is revealed through high-energy lines of methanol and methyl cyanide, molecular lines arising in hot regions, and the presence of H2O masers and Class II methanol masers at 6.7 GHz, which are also related to hot gas. One of the hot regions is probably a compact hot core, which is located near the southern submillimeter peak and is related to a group of methanol masers at 6.7 GHz. High-excitation lines at other positions may be associated with other hot cores or hot post-shock gas in the lobes of bipolar outflows. The rotation diagrams can be use to determine the column densities and abundances of methanol (10?9) and methyl cyanide (about 10?11) in the quiescent gas. The column densities of A- and E-methanol in L379IRS1 are essentually the same. The column densities of other observedmolecules were calculated assuming that the ratios of the molecular level abundances correspond to a temperature of 40 K. The molecular composition of the quiescent gas is close to that in another region of massive star formation, DR21(OH). The only appreciable difference is that the column density of SO2 in L379IRS1 is at least a factor of 20 lower than the value in DR21(OH). The SO2/CS and SO2/OCS abundance ratios, which can be used as chemical clocks, are lower in L379IRS1 than in DR21(OH), suggesting that L379IRS1 is probably younger than DR21(OH).  相似文献   

Applied in Djebel Meni (Northwestern of Algeria), this research highlights the results obtained from the supervised classification using the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) algorithm, through introducing the spectral signatures of illite, kaolinite, and montmorillonite, via Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) spectral library. These results were compared to the ones of the SAM classification, which use spectral signatures obtained by the Sequential Maximum Angle Convex Cone (SMACC) endmembers extraction algorithm. This implies the ability to detect and identify any object present on the Earth’s surface, whether its nature is mineral, vegetal, or human made, from hyperspectral imaging. By extracting the spectral signatures with the SMACC algorithm and matching them to the current signatures of JPL spectral library, comparing spectral signatures with another is not an easy task. Indeed, for a better comparison and a more appropriate interpretation in the use of the SAM classification, the results obtained were very relatively convincing because, regarding very strong similarities. It appears also that the signatures extracted with SMACC occupy the same areas as those of the JPL spectral library. This method of detection and identification of any present object on the Earth’s surface is rather conclusive.  相似文献   

为了有效预测和开发火山岩气藏储层,以徐深气田徐东地区营城组一段为例,对火山岩岩相特征及其对储层物性的影响进行了分析。在火山岩岩石类型划分基础上,结合地质、测井和地震资料综合分析,识别火山岩体。在火山体内通过单井、剖面和平面地震相、火山岩相特征分析,将研究区火山岩相划分为爆发相、溢流相等5种类型和溅落亚相等16种亚相类型。结果表明,火山岩岩性及其组合是划分火山岩岩相的基础,而火山岩相的空间展布又控制着火山岩气藏有利储层的分布。溢流相顶部、上部和下部亚相、爆发相溅落亚相和空落亚相、侵出相中带、外带亚相和火山通道相的火山颈亚相等为优质储集体发育部位。  相似文献   

In Punjab(Pakistan),the increasing population and expansion of land use for agriculture have severely exploited the regional groundwater resources.Intensive pumping has resulted in a rapid decline in the level of the water table as well as its quality.Better management practices and artificial recharge are needed for the development of sustainable groundwater resources.This study proposes a methodology to delineate favorable groundwater potential recharge zones(FPRI) by integrating maps of groundwater potential recharge index(PRI) with the DRASTIC-based groundwater vulnerability index(VI).In order to evaluate both indexes,different thematic layers corresponding to each index were overlaid in ArcGIS.In the overlay analysis,the weights(for various thematic layers) and rating values(for sub-classes) were allocated based on a review of published literature.Both were then normalized and modified using the analytical hierarchical process(AHP) and a frequency ratio model respectively.After evaluating PRI and FPRI,these maps were validated using the area under the curve(AUC) method.The PRI map indicates that 53% of the area assessed exists in very low to low recharge zones,22% in moderate,and 25% in high to excellent potential recharge zones.The VI map indicates that 38% of the area assessed exists in very low to low vulnerability,33% in moderate,and 29% in high to very high vulnerability zones.The FPRI map shows that the central region of Punjab is moderately-to-highly favorable for recharge due to its low vulnerability and high recharge potential.During the validation process,it was found that the AUC estimated with modified weights and rating values was 79% and 67%,for PRI and VI indexes,respectively.The AUC was less when evaluated using original weights and rating values taken from published literature.Maps of favorable groundwater potential recharge zones are helpful for planning and implementation of wells and hydraulic structures in this region.  相似文献   

In this study a multi-tracer test with fluorescent tracers was combined with time series analyses of natural tracers to characterize the dynamics of the solute transport through different recharge pathways and to study hydraulic behaviour of a binary karst system under low-flow conditions. Fluorescent tracer testing included the introduction of uranine, amidorhodamine G, or naphthionate at three injection points. Sampling and monitoring took place at two karst springs (Malenščica, Unica) and at two underground rivers (Pivka, Rak) recharging the Unica River at the Polje of Planina, SW Slovenia. Other monitored parameters included precipitation, spring or underground river discharge, water temperature, and electrical conductivity. Water samples were collected and analyzed for total organic carbon, Mg2+, SO4 2−, and NO3 in the laboratory. In the study area, results of the tracer test suggest that contaminant transport in karst may be retarded for several weeks during low-flow conditions followed by increases in contaminant concentrations after subsequent rainfall events. Based on interpretation of tracer concentration breakthrough curves, low apparent dominant flow velocities (i.e., between 5.8 and 22.8 m/h through the well developed karst conduits, and 3.6 m/h through the prevailing vadose zone with a dominant influence of a diffuse recharge) were obtained. Together with analyses of hydro-chemographs the artificial tracing identified different origins of water recharging the studied aquifer. During prolonged low-water conditions the Malenščica spring is mainly recharged from the karst aquifer and the Unica spring by the sinking Pivka River. After more intensive rainfall events allogenic recharge from Cerknica prevails in the Malenščica spring, while the Unica spring drains mainly the allogenic water from the Pivka Valley. These findings of alternating hydraulic connections and drainage areas due to respective hydrological conditions are important and should be considered when monitoring water quality, implementing groundwater protection measures, and optimizing future water exploitation.  相似文献   

下扬子地区中生代发生了多期挤压-伸展构造作用,是制约该区域油气勘探取得突破的重要因素之一。为揭示下扬子区中生代构造作用对油气保存的影响,文章通过地震剖面解释资料、野外露头调查、区域构造演化历史分析,并结合皖泾地1井获取的岩芯资料和油气显示情况综合探讨了下扬子南部地区的有利构造保存条件。地震解释剖面和地表调查结果表明下扬子南部地区晚三叠世以来主要经历了两期重要的构造作用:第一期为印支期挤压作用造成褶皱变形和逆冲断层以及隆升剥蚀;第二期为晚白垩世以来的伸展作用,形成断陷盆地和正断层活动。皖泾地1井在二叠系页岩地层中获得页岩气显示,在下三叠统殷坑组灰岩中钻遇轻质油,表明下扬子南部区域具有良好的油气富集条件和资源潜力。构造保存条件分析表明皖泾地1井位于褶皱冲断带内的向斜部位,印支期隆升剥蚀量小,晚白垩世以来伸展拉张幅度小,具有良好的封闭性和成藏条件,是有利的构造保存部位。  相似文献   

Regional snowmelt flood disasters (RSFDs) can cause significant direct tangible damage which generally refers to the physical destruction due to direct contact with the flood water, such as damage to buildings, croplands, livestock, and infrastructure. Information about people, habitations, and infrastructure affected by the flood is essential for disaster responders and the humanitarian community to plan and coordinate emergency response activities. However, this direct tangible damage information obtained in the ground is limited, incomplete, contradictory, and sometimes impossible to obtain in a short time. Earth observation satellites help overcome operational uncertainties after the RSFDs. Here, we present an improved rapid direct tangible damage assessment model using HJ-1 and GF-1/2 satellite images. We selected the Altay region in northern Xinjiang, China, as the study area, and investigated a RSFD occurring in spring 2017. A series of HJ-1 and GF-1 images were used to track the flood extent over the duration of the disaster, and the maximum affected flood area was assigned as the area in which direct tangible damage occurred. Pre-disaster GF-2 images were then used to estimate direct tangible damage to habitations (2375 households and 6388 rooms), infrastructure (102 km of roads), and affected population (7125) in the flood area, which covered an area of 185,240 m2. Our method is an effective approach for the design of rescue plans and disaster subsidy programs.  相似文献   

The immobilization of heavy metals (HMs)-contaminated soils using amendments is a cost-effective remediation technique. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and aging factor of CaO, fly ash (FA), sulfur, and Na2S on the immobilization of Cd, Cu, and Pb in three different contaminated soils under 1-year incubation. The study sites (S) and amendments treatments (T) are termed as S1, S2, and S3 and T1, T2, T3, and T4, respectively. The TCLP-extractable HMs were analyzed in treated soils after 2, 6, and 12 months. The higher concentrations of CaO, FA, and Na2S (T3 and T4) efficiently immobilized the Cd. However, a moderate Cd decrease was noted in sulfur-treated samples with no significant difference in ratios as compared to control in used soils. Likewise, CaO decreased moderately Cu content in used soils with gradual increase in Cu mobility. Similarly, FA, sulfur, and Na2S showed effective immobilization of Cu content with no difference in treatment ratios as compared to control. In addition, CaO, sulfur, and Na2S decreased the significant content of Pb as compared to control. However, FA treatments showed moderate reduction in Pb content with no difference in ratios. The higher concentrations of alkaline amendments should be avoided in the farmland soils as they increase the soil pH and EC of soil ecosystem. The higher ratios of alkaline amendments would be suitable to remediate the abandoned lands/brownfields. The sulfur amendment would be suitable for immobilization of metals in alkaline soils rather than in acidic soils.  相似文献   

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