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188 new and previously published radiocarbon dates on Holocene material from Disko Bugt, central West Greenland, are presented together with relevant informations (laboratory number, place name, dated material, geografic coordinates, altitude and δ13C-value) about the dates.

In October 1990 an automatic weather station was established at the Arctic station (65 °15′N,53 °31′W), Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), Central West Greenland. The Station register parameters each 20 min., and the parameters have been described in an earlier paper in this journal by Nielsen et al. (1995). The present paper summarises main points of the climate during 1996.

Open system, or more correctly, hydraulic pingos, are genetically poorly understood. A continuing problem concerns their need for a perennial groundwater supply (intra- or sub-permafrost). This has to be maintained despite the existence of continuous permafrost in many areas where they are located. Recent work on Disko Island has suggested a new type of hydraulic pingo developing only in a “marsh environment”. It is argued that the marsh setting is not relevant to the formation of these features and that they are simply hydraulic pingos.


A group of marsh initiated open system pingo remnants from the Iterdlagssûp kûgssua valley mouth, in Mellemfjord, Disko Island, Central West Greenland was described in Christiansen (1995). Gurney and Worsley (1997) state that the location of this group of pingo remnants in the Iterdlagssûp kûgssua valley mouth is of no relevance to their genesis, and that they presumably were the result of an assumed late Holocene sea level regression, causing permafrost to be established in the valley bottom. In this reply the arguments by Gurney and Worsley (1997) on the Iterdlagssûp kûgssua valley pingos are commented, and it is argued by way of sea level information, frost penetration and water supply that the special setting must indeed have caused pingo initiation and growth. Furthermore, the area has experienced a relative sea level rise during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Johan M. Bonow   《Geomorphology》2005,72(1-4):106-127
Classifications of large-scale landscapes in Greenland have traditionally been based on type and intensity of glacial erosion, with the general idea that present landforms are mainly the result of erosion from ice sheets and glaciers. However, on southern Disko and in areas offshore in Disko Bugt, a basement surface has preserved remnants of weathered gneiss and pre-Paleocene landforms, recently exhumed from Paleocene basalt. Isolated hills and lineaments have been mapped in a digital terrain model and aerial photographs. Offshore have hills been mapped from seismic lines. The medium size bedrock forms on southern Disko as tors, clefts and roche moutonées have been studied in the field. Remnant saprolites were inventoried, sampled and analysed according to grain size and clay mineralogy. The basement surface retains saprolites up to 8 m thick in close relation to the cover rocks. The landforms in the basement rocks belong essentially to an etched surface only slightly remodelled by glacial erosion and, below the highest coastline, also by wave action. The outline of hills is governed by two lineament directions, ENE–WSW representing the schistocity of the gneiss and NW–SE fracture zones. These structures are thus interpreted to have been exploited by the deep weathering while the frequent N–S lineaments have not and thus might be younger. Main ice-flow has been from the NE and has resulted in plucking of SW facing lee sides, however the resulting bedrock forms are mainly controlled by structures and orientation of joints. The identification of re-exposed sub-Paleocene etch forms on Disko and the hills of similar size offshore, forming a hilly relief, have implications for identification of a hilly relief south of Disko Bugt, its relation to younger planation surfaces as well as for conclusions of uplift events.  相似文献   

In october 1990 an automatic weather station was established at the Arctic Station (65° 15', 53°31'W), Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), Central West Greenland. The Station register parameters each 20 minutes, and the paramters have been described in an earlier paper in this journal by Nielsen et al.(1995). The present paper summarizes meteorological parameters during 1999.

During a field campaign in 1999, woody remains from Salix glauca were found on a nunatak, 515 m. a.s.l. on the Mittivakkat Glacier, South East Greenland. Radio carbon dating determined the age of a wood sample to AD 640. Together with analyses of macroscopic botanical remains and insect rests in peaty material found nearby, these results indicate, that a warmer climate prevailed near the glacier around AD 600. These findings are in accordance with temperature records based on studies of ice cores from the Greenland Ice sheet.  相似文献   

The Benevento region is part of the southern Apennines seismogenic belt, which experienced large destructive seismic events both in historical and in recent times. The study area lies at the northern end of the Irpinia fault, which ruptured in 1980 with a Ms = 6.9 normal faulting event, which caused about 3000 casualties. The aims of this paper are to image lateral heterogeneities in the upper crust of the Benevento region, and to try to identify the fault segments that are expected to generate such large earthquakes. This work is motivated by the recognition that lithological heterogeneities along major fault zones, inferred from velocity anomalies, reflect the presence of fault patches that behave differently during large rupture episodes. In this paper, we define the crustal structure of the Benevento region by using the background seismicity recorded during 1991 and 1992 by a local seismic array. These data offer a unique opportunity to investigate the presence of structural discontinuities of a major seismogenic zone before the occurrence of the next large earthquake. The main result that we obtained is the delineation of two NW-trending high-velocity zones (HVZs) in the upper crust beneath the Matese limestone massif. These high velocities are interpreted as high-strength regions that extend for 30-40 km down to at least 12 km depth. The correspondence of these HVZs with the maximum intensity regions of historical earthquakes (1688 AD, 1805 AD) suggests that these anomalies delineate the extent of two fault segments of the southern Apenninic belt capable of generating M = 6.5−7 earthquakes. The lateral offset observed between the two segments from tomographic results and isoseismal areas is possibly related to transverse right-lateral faults.  相似文献   

以16种优控多环芳烃(PAHs)为研究对象,分别于2017年夏季(8月)和冬季(12月)采集广西廉州湾和三娘湾的河口和海岸带14个站位的表层海水样品,利用固相萃取、气相色谱-质谱联用仪对其进行分析,探讨其时空分布、组成和来源,并评价其生态风险。结果表明:廉州湾和三娘湾河口及海岸带水体中多环芳烃单体的平均质量浓度总体上与其溶解度和极性呈正相关关系,即以2~3环芳烃为主,4~6环芳烃检出率和质量浓度均较低。PAHs总质量浓度(∑16PAHs)在夏季河口水体(72.71 ng/L)明显高于海岸带水体(56.28 ng/L)(t检验,p<0.01),冬季河口(106.67 ng/L)与海岸带(92.43 ng/L)差异不显著(t检验,p>0.05)。冬季河口和海岸带PAHs质量浓度均明显高于夏季。大风江和南流江PAHs的入海通量达525.3 kg/a,夏秋季占85%以上,反映了雨季河流对海岸带具有明显的影响。南流江PAHs入海通量占2条河流总量的87%以上,对廉州湾和三娘湾的影响最大。运用同分异构体比值和主成分分析方法对海水中PAHs进行来源解析,结果表明:夏季主要为燃烧源和石油源的混合来源,冬季主要为燃烧源。与其他国家或地区相比,廉州湾和三娘湾海水中PAHs质量浓度处于较低水平。生态风险评价结果显示廉州湾和三娘湾表层海水中的PAH风险较小。  相似文献   

The central Mendoza plains (56,000 km2), located in the eastern foothills of the Andes, belong to the vast phytogeographic province of ‘Monte’ (c.500,000 km2) in Argentina. This area is a typical warm arid zone and vegetation is typically a shrubland. Perennial grasses are predominantly C4species. Land-use is for livestock grazing; the average stocking rate is 28 ha per large stock unit (LSU), year-long. Ecological and range research have been actively pursued in the region by IADIZA over the past 25 years. Two experiment stations were established 25 and 10 years ago, respectively: The Ñacuñán Biosphere Reserve and the El Divisadero Cattle and Range Station. Primary production and its relationship to climatic and edaphic parameters were analysed and compared in the two stations. Rain-use efficiency (RUE, kg DM ha−1year−1mm−1) and useful rains efficiency (URE, P −0·1 PETp) were similar in both cases (RUE = 1·7 and 2·0; URE = 3·0 and 2·9, respectively), when herbs are concerned. However, the variability of annual production was much higher on the silty soils of Ñacuñán than on the coarse sands of El Divisadero; PRVR (Production to Rain Variability Ratio) was 2·5 and 0·53, respectively. Utilization of such experimental figures allows for the prediction of primary production and carrying capacity for a given year, based on rainfall probabilities and, therefore, to determine stocking rates in a rational manner. Basing stocking rates on annual dependable rains (f 0·8) and on useful rains probability (P − 0·1 PETp) proved to be a sound and realistic assessment, validated by long-term experiments and experience. The results of the studies on brush control, cattle diet composition, animal productivity and feed value of forage species were analysed. Current and future research programmes in IADIZA for the Mendoza plains are mentioned. Although research on resource inventory and basic ecological processes in the Mendoza plains should carry on, the emphasis and therefore the resources should henceforth be devoted to the consequences of resource management alternatives on overall arid land productivity, i.e. research for development. A better integration of applied ecology for management and investigations on basic arid land ecological processes should appear in IADIZA programmes.  相似文献   

The estuary-dominated coast of the Greater Thames in England has experienced rapid lateral erosion and internal dissection of saltmarshes. This paper provides an overview of saltmarsh development in this area, and re-examines the role of environmental and human forcing factors. It draws on documentary evidence, including historical maps, survey data and time-series data of forcing factors. Lateral marsh retreat began in the 19th century in the Medway and Blackwater Estuaries, followed by other estuaries in the Greater Thames region at the beginning of the 20th century. The outer estuaries and the wider parts of the inner estuaries especially have experienced erosion. Erosion has been modest in wave-sheltered areas, e.g., the Colne and the inner Crouch. In the 1960s and, more widely, the 1970s, a phase of rapid erosion took place, with erosion rates of up to ca. 16 ha year−1 per site, notably along the open coast of Dengie and Foulness, and in the Blackwater and Thames Estuaries. At all sites, vertical sediment accretion was well able to keep up with sea level rise over the past century. Evidence indicates that there may have been several causes for the erosion of saltmarshes. These are notably land claim and embankment construction (increasing the tidal range and current velocities) and a continuous rise of, especially, high and extreme water levels. The latest episode of rapid erosion in the 1970s is largely attributed to changes in the wind/wave climate. For example, erosion at wave-exposed sites coincided with a peak in high magnitude waves combined with a high incidence of southeasterly waves. The study shows that many factors, including natural forcing factors and human activities, have to be taken into account when explaining saltmarsh development.  相似文献   

The Southern Andes differ significantly from the Central Andes with respect to topography and crustal structures and are, from a geophysical point of view, less well known. In order to provide insight into the along-strike segmentation of the Andean mountain belt, an integrated 3-D density model was developed for the area between latitudes 36°S and 42°S. The model is based on geophysical and geological data acquired in the region over the past years and was constructed using forward density modelling. In general, the gravity field of the South American margin is characterized by a relatively continuous positive anomaly along the coastline and the forearc region, and by negative anomalies along the trench and the volcanic arc. However, in the forearc region of the central part of the study area, located just to the south of the epicentre of the largest ever recorded earthquake (Valdivia, 1960), the trench-parallel positive anomaly is disrupted. The forearc gravity anomaly differences thus allow the study area to be divided into three segments, the northern Arauco-Lonquimay, the middle Valdivia-Liquiñe, and the southern Bahía-Mansa-Osorno segment, which are also evident in geology. In the proposed model, the observed negative gravity anomaly in the middle segment is reproduced by an approximately 5 km greater depth to the top of the slab beneath the forearc region. The depth to the slab is, however, dependent upon the density of the upper plate structures. Therefore, both the upper and lower plates and their interaction have a significant impact on the subduction-zone gravity field.  相似文献   

作为20世纪70年代末期底拖网渔业的主要捕捞对象以及近年来南极磷虾渔业的兼捕对象之一,威氏棘冰鱼(Chaenodraco wilsoni)在海洋捕食者与饵料生物之间的能量流动中起着重要的传递作用,而目前针对该鱼种的营养特性及其食性的研究却十分有限。为此,本研究分析了布兰斯菲尔德海峡威氏棘冰鱼肌肉组织中脂肪酸的含量及其组成,并进一步探讨特征脂肪酸对食性的指示。结果表明,体长范围为4.8—30.7 cm、质量范围为0.3—250.5 g的威氏棘冰鱼肌肉样本中共检测出29种脂肪酸,其中含量较高的脂肪酸包括C16:0,C18:0,C18:1n9c,C20:5n3(EPA)以及C22:6n3(DHA),各类脂肪酸类型含量由高至低依次为多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),饱和脂肪酸(SFA)以及单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)。威氏棘冰鱼多种特征脂肪酸含量与体长之间不具显著的相关关系,表明其摄食并不随着个体的生长而发生较大的变化。秋冬季威氏棘冰鱼呈现杂食性特性,主要摄食以硅藻为食的生物,如南极磷虾(Euphausia superba); 同时对底栖生物和海底碎屑也有一定的摄食,并会摄食一定量的桡足类生物。)  相似文献   

Lacustrine rift basins commonly preserve a fairly complete record of the sediment source-to-sink (S2S) system, and consequently may form an ideal natural laboratory for establishing quantitative relationships between the various elements within the S2S system. The tectonic-activity rate in the source (e.g., fault-growth rate and fault-activity rate), accommodation space and depositional system in the sink (e.g., areal extent and volume, as well as the depositional dip of the fan- and braid-deltas) are genetically related and their quantitative correlations are explored. The Palaeogene succession on the southwestern margin of the Huanghekou Depressionin the Bohai Bay Basin, one of the largest lacustrine rift basins in eastern China, was chosen to study these relationships, using 3-D seismic, core and well-log data. The tectonic activity was strongly related to the sediment supply, accommodation space and morphology of the sink area. Three different rates of tectonic activity are identified; these led to changes in the basic features of the S2S system that influenced each other. In Members 4 and 3 (lower unit) of the Shahejie Fm. (40.44–44.7 Ma), strong tectonic activity led to significant uplift, resulting in the widest exposure of the provenance area to erosion, to a high sediment-supply rate, to a steep slope and to a large accommodation space which controlled the development of several fan-deltas with steep progradational angles. In Member 3 (upper unit) of Shahejie Fm. (37.89–40.44 Ma) and Member 3 of Dongying Fm. (30.2–33.28 Ma), decreased tectonic activity led to slower uplifting, resulting in a wider alluvial plain, longer transport distances, a lower sediment-supply rate and less accommodation space, so that braid-deltas with larger volumes and a gentler slope developed; In Members 1 and 2 of Shahejie Fm. (33.28–37.89 Ma) and Member 2 of Dongying Fm. (26.71–30.2 Ma), still further decreasing tectonic activity led to a still lower sediment-supply rate, a more gentle depositional slope, less accommodation space, and the development of several braid-deltas with a gentle angle. The quantitative relationships established here advance our understanding of the relationships within lacustrine source-to-sink systems, especially for tectonically controlled rift basins.  相似文献   

The Argualas rock glacier is located on the southern side of the Central Pyrenees (Argualas massif). Vertical electric sounding, debris surface analysis and a topographic survey were performed on this rock glacier between 1991 and 2000. High precision measurement records were obtained using a total station. Horizontal and vertical movements of the rock glacier were measured by means of sixteen steel rods. Horizontal and vertical angles and distances to each rod were measured from three stations on a bedrock ridge. Total and annual average displacements were derived from the emergence value and the horizontal displacement of each rod. Then the horizontal and vertical displacement rates in different sectors of the rock glacier were compared. The inferred surface deformation was characterized by both extensional and compressive flows as well as thinning of the frozen body. The displacement rates showed temporal variations related to atmospheric thermal changes, pointing to a high sensibility of the rock glacier.  相似文献   

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