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框剪结构抗震剪力墙数量的优化准则证明   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
将框剪结构连续化,按振型组合法证明了同时满足规范允许顶点侧移和层间侧移角的最少抗震剪力墙数量为最优剪力墙量,相应的设计为最优设计。  相似文献   

通过对某小区小高层住宅2种结构方案的综合讨论,分析了小高层住宅的合理结构型式,提出了设计建议可供工程设计参考。异型柱框架-剪力墙结构框架柱布置灵活、隐蔽性好,但其柱截面不规则、计算理论不成熟、抗震能力较差、构造措施不理想、而且建筑自振周期长,侧向位移大,难以用于较高的高层住宅和抗震烈度较高的地区;大开洞剪力墙结构受力明确、计算理论成熟,又有较为精确的计算程序,而且墙厚可以在规范允许的范围内减薄,从而进一步降低了工程造价。通过2种方案比较,认为大开洞剪力墙体系与异型柱框剪结构相比,配筋总量基本接近,但其侧移较小,具有较好的延性,可应用于小高层住宅和地震烈度较高地区并可取得显著经济效益。  相似文献   

结合某复杂框支剪力墙高层商住楼的模拟地震振动台试验和三维弹性有限元分析结果,提出该结构进行弹塑性地震反应分析的计算假定和弹塑性分析计算单元,建立了空问分析模型,进行了弹塑性动力时程分析,计算结果与试验结果比较接近。提出的计算方法对类似结构的弹塑性分析有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于云南一栋框-剪结构的医院楼,应用粘滞阻尼器进行减震分析;简要介绍了粘滞阻尼器的常用布置原则、计算附加有效阻尼比的方法;采用时程分析方法对有无阻尼器结构模型进行了计算分析,通过对比在小震、大震作用下的计算结果,得出了设置阻尼器的结构体系各项指标均得到很大程度的改善的结论,有效提高了主体结构的安全性能;为类似消能减震结构设计提供参考。  相似文献   

孙甜甜  郭棣 《地震学刊》2010,(Z1):58-60
应用PKPM软件中SATWE程序对一在建短肢剪力墙结构进行弹性时程分析,并结合此结构叙述了弹性时程分析的分析过程,包括模型的建立、地震波的选取及电算结果分析,以充分体现时程分析在结构设计中的辅助作用。  相似文献   

本文在全面考虑上部结构、基础及下部土体实际情况和受力特性的基础上,开发了一种平面框剪土-结构相互作用的简化分析模型。在这个模型中,利用矩阵位移法的概念,同时考虑框架和剪力墙(筒体)的协同工作原理,将上部结构简化成平面的框架-剪力墙(筒体)结构,这一模型可以很好地模拟常用高层建筑体系的弯曲特性和弯剪特性。地基土采用一块在计算平面内高度为H,宽度为B,而在出平面方向厚度为t的土体作为分析模型,并对MSC.Marc进行了二次开发,将多层土E-B本构关系模型作为子程序嵌入其中,使用E-B本构关系模型来考虑它的非线性特性,利用粘-弹性人工边界作为地基土的边界条件。用接触迭代算法考虑了桩、箱-土之间的相互作用。最后,采用本文的方法对某高层框剪建筑进行了分析,并与不考虑土-结构相互作用的地震反应分析结果进行了对比。通过算例,本文初步探讨了在土-结构相互作用模型中,考虑和不考虑桩-土间相互作用对结构地震反应的影响,并得到了一些结论,证明了本文方法的适用性。  相似文献   

统一等代模型(USM)和混合杆系模型(CSM)是从纯拉杆模型(SM)基础上发展起来的两种钢板剪力墙结构简化模型。本文在已有试验研究基础上,通过有限元软件ABAQUS对采用精细模型和简化模型的钢板剪力墙结构进行了单调荷载弹塑性分析和动力时程分析,基于理论推导对USM模型进行了修正,并给出了CSM模型的理论荷载-位移曲线,同时讨论了CSM模型应用于时程分析的适用性。结果表明:相比于SM模型,USM模型估计的极限承载力具有更高的精度,但初始刚度提升不明显;虽然CSM模型估计的初始刚度精度很高,但是当墙板高厚比较大时,其承载力高于精细模型,而CSM模型应用于动力时程分析时,对于墙板高厚比大于250的钢板剪力墙结构模拟等效结果较为准确。该研究为钢板剪力墙结构的简化模型应用提供一定参考。  相似文献   

杜永峰  黄小宁  李慧 《地震工程学报》2018,40(5):879-882,896
利用基于性能的结构可靠度分析方法,对基础隔震钢筋混凝土框剪结构进行分析研究。选取20条实际地震动记录,以0.2g为步长对结构地震动参数PGA进行调幅后,建立了140个结构-地震动样本空间。选取上部结构的最大层间位移角、隔震层位移为量化指标,对每一个样本进行动力非线性时程分析后,将结构响应进行统计得到结构在各地震动强度下超越极限破坏状态的概率,将其绘制成基础隔震钢筋混凝土框剪结构的易损性曲线并利用整体可靠度方法分析结构发生倒塌的可靠度指标。该方法直观地反映了结构发生倒塌的概率,为结构的地震损失评估提供依据。  相似文献   

框支剪力墙耗能结构抗震性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
框支剪力墙结构容易在底部形成大空间,可以满足变化多样的使用要求。但框支剪力墙结构易在底部形成薄弱层,不利于抗震。通过在底部设置RC耗能柱及限位斜撑的框支剪力墙结构模型的模拟地震振动台试验和有限元数值模拟分析,得到了框支剪力墙耗能结构的加速度、位移、剪力等在地震作用下的反应规律。验证了在中小地震时RC耗能柱充分耗能,在大震时RC耗能柱耗能、限位斜撑防止结构倒坍的耗能柱-限位斜撑体系的抗震设计思想。  相似文献   

西方嵩层框支剪力墙结构地震反应分析的超元法,即将每榀框支墙中的上部剪力墙和落地墙简化处理成等效柱,底部框架简化处理成等代柱,楼板视为深梁,将连续分布的质量离散化,建立二维空间结构的“串并联质点系”振动模型,采用超级单元进行结构的地震作用计算及内力分析,此法计算简便并适用于结构竖向变刚度和考虑楼板变形等情况。  相似文献   

通过建立框架-抗震墙结构单元模型,采用在楼层处有集中力而在楼层之间有分布力的地震作用模式并考虑抗震墙剪切变形的影响,得到了结构内力和变形之间的公式。根据实例分析可得抗震墙剪切变形对整体结构变形影响很小,因此一般情况下在计算框架-抗震墙结构时忽略剪切变形是合理的;同时发现框架剪切刚度越大,抗震墙剪切变形对框架-抗震墙结构整体变形的影响就越大,反之则越小。  相似文献   

本文用墙单元将剪力墙中断的框架-剪力墙结构离散,利用传递矩阵技术探讨此不规则框架-剪力墙结构的地震反应,四阶Runge-Kutta法用来求解用正则坐标写出的对应于第j个振型的运动方程.将得到的3个不同剪力墙高度的钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙模型结构的固有频率、最大位移反应和基底剪力与振动台的试验结果进行对比,说明本数值方法是正确的、有效的.最后得出了并不是对所有的框架-剪力墙结构都需把其剪力墙延伸到整个结构高度的结论以及用墙单元和传递矩阵技术求解能有效地减少计算单元、取得同样精度的计算结果.  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土框架—剪力墙结构拟三维非线性地震反应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将基于自平衡力的钢筋混凝土框架结构和剪力墙结构的非线性地震反应分析组合在一起,构成框架-剪力墙结构的二维非线性地震反应分析,然后在二维分析模型上加上横向框架梁的空间约束作用,给出了钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构的拟三维非线性地震反应分析,最用此拟三维分析方法对美日合作研究试验的结构进行了分析,评价了分析预测和试验的反应结果。  相似文献   

The finite strip method is used to determine the natural frequencies of shear wall frame buildings. The structure can be modelled in two different ways. In the first approach both the shear walls and the frames are idealized simply as an assemblage of finite strips of varying thicknesses with given or computed properties, while in the second approach the shear walls are still idealized as a series of finite strips, but the frames are regarded as a number of long columns which are interconnected with each other or with finite strips through the horizontal beams. Numerical results obtained from both models indicate good agreement with finite element solutions. The proposed models can be applied to a wide range of shear wall frame assemblies and are therefore more versatile than most existing models.  相似文献   

During strong ground motions, structural members made of reinforced concrete undergo cyclic deformations and experience permanent damage. Members may lose their initial stiffness as well as strength. Recently, Los Alamos National Laboratory has performed experiments on scale models of shear wall structures subjected to recorded earthquake signals. In general, the results indicated that the measured structural stiffnesses decreased with increased levels of excitation in the linear response region. Furthermore, a significant reduction in strength as well as in stiffness is also observed in the inelastic range. Since the in-structure floor response spectra which are used to design and qualify safety equipment have been based on calculated structural stiffness and frequencies, it is possible that certain safety equipment could experience greater seismic loads than were specified for qualification due to stiffness reduction.In this research, a hysteresis model based on the concept of accumulated damage has been developed to account for this stiffness degradation both in the linear and inelastic ranges. Single and three-degrees-of-freedom seismic Category I structures were analysed and compared with equivalent linear stiffness degradation models in terms of maximum displacement responses, permanent displacement, and floor response spectra. The results indicate significant differences in response between the hysteresis model and equivalent linear stiffness degradation model at PGA levels of greater than 0.8 g. The hysteresis model is used in the analysis of reinforced concrete shear-wall structures to obtain the in-structure response spectra. Results of both cumulative and one shot tests are compared.  相似文献   

In this study, four 1/5 scaled shaking table tests were conducted to investigate the seismic performance of recycled concrete frame-shear wall structures with different recycled aggregates replacement rates and concealed bracing detail. The four tested structures included one normal concrete model, one recycled coarse aggregate concrete model, and two recycled coarse and fi ne aggregate concrete models with or without concealed bracings inside the shear walls. The dynamic characteristics, dynamic response and failure mode of each model were compared and analyzed. Finite element models were also developed and nonlinear time-history response analysis was conducted. The test and analysis results show that the seismic performance of the recycled coarse aggregate concrete frame-shear wall structure is slightly worse than the normal concrete structure. The seismic resistance capacity of the recycled concrete frame-shear wall structure can be greatly improved by setting up concealed bracings inside the walls. With appropriate design, the recycled coarse aggregate concrete frame-shear wall structure and recycled concrete structure with concealed bracings inside the walls can be applied in buildings.  相似文献   

Short-leg shear wall structures are a new form of building structure that combine the merits of both frame and shear wall structures. Its architectural features, structure bearing and engineering cost are reasonable. To analyze the elastic-plastic response of a short-leg shear wall structure during an earthquake, this study modified the multiple-vertical-rod element model of the shear wall, considered the shear lag effect and proposed a multiple-vertical-rod element coupling beam model with a new local stiffness domain. Based on the principle of minimum potential energy and the variational principle, the stiffness matrixes of a short-leg shear wall and a coupling beam are derived in this study. Furthermore, the bending shear correlation for the analysis of different parameters to describe the structure, such as the beam height to span ratio, short-leg shear wall height to thickness ratio, and steel ratio are introduced. The results show that the height to span ratio directly affects the structural integrity; and the short-leg shear wall height to thickness ratio should be limited to a range of approximately 6.0 to 7.0. The design of short-leg shear walls should be in accordance with the "strong wall and weak beam" principle.  相似文献   

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