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The works on paleomagnetic observations of the dipole geomagnetic field, its variations, and reversals in the last 3.5 billion years have been reviewed. It was noted that characteristic field variations are related to the evolution of the convection processes in the liquid core due to the effect of magnetic convection and solid core growth. Works on the geochemistry and energy budget of the Earth’s core, the effect of the solid core on convection and the generation of the magnetic field, dynamo models are also considered. We consider how core growth affects the magnetic dipole generation and variations, as well as the possibility of magnetic field generation up to the appearance of the solid core. We also pay attention to the fact that not only the magnetic field but also its configuration and time variations, which are caused by the convection evolution in the core on geological timescales, are important factors for the biosphere.  相似文献   

A hydromagnetic dynamo is only possible at a sufficiently powerful convection. In the Earth’s core, it is probably the nonthermal convection very much in excess of its critical level with the molecular transporr coefficients. However, in the case of medium- or large-scale fields, the critical energy level caused by the turbulent tranport coefficients is likely to be slightly below the actual level. This probably explains both the 22-year success of this type of simplified geodynamo models and the energy scaling laws for hydromagnetic fields, which generalize these models. Also the review of energy-dependent analytical and observational estimates of vortex fields, hydromagnetic scale sizes, and velocities in the core is presented. These typical parameters are partly in a new way linked to the observed and more ancient magnetic variations. New, albeit, simplified and self-evident, substantiation is given to the paleomagnetic hypothesis about the predominance of the axial dipole under a certain time averaging. In (Pozzo et al., 2012) and more recent works, it is shown that the adiabatic heat flow and electrical conductivity in the Earth’s core are severalfold higher than the generally accepted estimates. Here, the dynamo supporting Braginsky’s convection (Braginsky, 1963) (under the crystallization of the heavy fraction of a liquid onto the solid core) started less than 1 Ga ago, whereas the more ancient geodynamo was supported by the compositional convection of another type. The known mechanisms implementing this convection, which differ by the scenarios of magnetic evolution, are reviewed. This may help identify the sought mechanism through the most ancient paleomagnetic estimates of the field’s intensity and through the numerical models. The probable mechanisms of generation and their absence for the primordial and recent magnetic field of the studied terrestrial planets are discussed.  相似文献   

Line-of-sight Doppler velocities from the SuperDARN CUTLASS HF radar pair have been combined to produce the first two-dimensional vector measurements of the convection pattern throughout the ionospheric footprint of a flux transfer event (a pulsed ionospheric flow, or PIF). Very stable and moderate interplanetary magnetic field conditions, along with a preceding prolonged period of northward interplanetary magnetic field, allow a detailed study of the spatial and the temporal evolution of the ionospheric response to magnetic reconnection. The flux tube footprint is tracked for half an hour across six hours of local time in the auroral zone, from magnetic local noon to dusk. The motion of the footprint of the newly reconnected flux tube is compared with the ionospheric convection velocity. Two primary intervals in the PIFs evolution have been determined. For the first half of its lifetime in the radar field of view the phase speed of the PIF is highly variable and the mean speed is nearly twice the ionospheric convection speed. For the final half of its lifetime the phase velocity becomes much less variable and slows down to the ionospheric convection velocity. The evolution of the flux tube in the magnetosphere has been studied using magnetic field, magnetopause and magnetosheath models. The data are consistent with an interval of azimuthally propagating magnetopause reconnection, in a manner consonant with a peeling of magnetic flux from the magnetopause, followed by an interval of anti-sunward convection of reconnected flux tubes.  相似文献   

Convection in the Earth's core is driven much harder at the bottom than the top. This is partly because the adiabatic gradient steepens towards the top, partly because the spherical geometry means the area involved increases towards the top, and partly because compositional convection is driven by light material released at the lower boundary and remixed uniformly throughout the outer core, providing a volumetric sink of buoyancy. We have therefore investigated dynamo action of thermal convection in a Boussinesq fluid contained within a rotating spherical shell driven by a combination of bottom and internal heating or cooling. We first apply a homogeneous temperature on the outer boundary in order to explore the effects of heat sinks on dynamo action; we then impose an inhomogeneous temperature proportional to a single spherical harmonic Y 2² in order to explore core-mantle interactions. With homogeneous boundary conditions and moderate Rayleigh numbers, a heat sink reduces the generated magnetic field appreciably; the magnetic Reynolds number remains high because the dominant toroidal component of flow is not reduced significantly. The dipolar structure of the field becomes more pronounced as found by other authors. Increasing the Rayleigh number yields a regime in which convection inside the tangent cylinder is strongly affected by the magnetic field. With inhomogeneous boundary conditions, a heat sink promotes boundary effects and locking of the magnetic field to boundary anomalies. We show that boundary locking is inhibited by advection of heat in the outer regions. With uniform heating, the boundary effects are only significant at low Rayleigh numbers, when dynamo action is only possible for artificially low magnetic diffusivity. With heat sinks, the boundary effects remain significant at higher Rayleigh numbers provided the convection remains weak or the fluid is stably stratified at the top. Dynamo action is driven by vigorous convection at depth while boundary thermal anomalies dominate in the upper regions. This is a likely regime for the Earth's core.  相似文献   

We determine the nonlinear drift velocities of the mean magnetic field and nonlinear turbulent magnetic diffusion in a turbulent convection. We show that the nonlinear drift velocities are caused by three kinds of the inhomogeneities; i.e., inhomogeneous turbulence, the nonuniform fluid density and the nonuniform turbulent heat flux. The inhomogeneous turbulence results in the well-known turbulent diamagnetic and paramagnetic velocities. The nonlinear drift velocities of the mean magnetic field cause the small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects in the turbulent convection. These phenomena are different from the large-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects which are due to the effect of the mean magnetic field on the large-scale density stratified fluid flow. The small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping can be stronger than these large-scale effects when the mean magnetic field is smaller than the equipartition field. We discuss the small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects in the context of the solar and stellar turbulent convection. We demonstrate also that the nonlinear turbulent magnetic diffusion in the turbulent convection is anisotropic even for a weak mean magnetic field. In particular, it is enhanced in the radial direction. The magnetic fluctuations due to the small-scale dynamo increase the turbulent magnetic diffusion of the toroidal component of the mean magnetic field, while they do not affect the turbulent magnetic diffusion of the poloidal field.  相似文献   

A recent dynamo model for Mercury assumes that the upper part of the planet's fluid core is thermally stably stratified because the temperature gradient at the core–mantle boundary is subadiabatic. Vigorous convection driven by a superadiabatic temperature gradient at the boundary of a growing solid inner core and by the associated release of light constituents takes place in a deep sub-layer and powers a dynamo. These models have been successful at explaining the observed weak global magnetic field at Mercury's surface. They have been based on the concept of codensity, which combines thermal and compositional sources of buoyancy into a single variable by assuming the same diffusivity for both components. Actual diffusivities in planetary cores differ by a large factor. To overcome the limitation of the codensity model, we solve two separate transport equations with different diffusivities in a double diffusive dynamo model for Mercury. When temperature and composition contribute comparable amounts to the buoyancy force, we find significant differences to the codensity model. In the double diffusive case convection penetrates the upper layer with a net stable density stratification in the form of finger convection. Compared to the codensity model, this enhances the poloidal magnetic field in the nominally stable layer and outside the core, where it becomes too strong compared to observation. Intense azimuthal flow in the stable layer generates a strong axisymmetric toroidal field. We find in double diffusive models a surface magnetic field of the observed strength when compositional buoyancy plays an inferior role for driving the dynamo, which is the case when the sulphur concentration in Mercury's core is only a fraction of a percent.  相似文献   

This article commences by surveying the basic dynamics of Earth's core and their impact on various mechanisms of core-mantle coupling. The physics governing core convection and magnetic field production in the Earth is briefly reviewed. Convection is taken to be a small perturbation from a hydrostatic, “adiabatic reference state” of uniform composition and specific entropy, in which thermodynamic variables depend only on the gravitational potential. The four principal processes coupling the rotation of the mantle to the rotations of the inner and outer cores are analyzed: viscosity, topography, gravity and magnetic field. The gravitational potential of density anomalies in the mantle and inner core creates density differences in the fluid core that greatly exceed those associated with convection. The implications of the resulting “adiabatic torques” on topographic and gravitational coupling are considered. A new approach to the gravitational interaction between the inner core and the mantle, and the associated gravitational oscillations, is presented. Magnetic coupling through torsional waves is studied. A fresh analysis of torsional waves identifies new terms previously overlooked. The magnetic boundary layer on the core-mantle boundary is studied and shown to attenuate the waves significantly. It also hosts relatively high speed flows that influence the angular momentum budget. The magnetic coupling of the solid core to fluid in the tangent cylinder is investigated. Four technical appendices derive, and present solutions of, the torsional wave equation, analyze the associated magnetic boundary layers at the top and bottom of the fluid core, and consider gravitational and magnetic coupling from a more general standpoint. A fifth presents a simple model of the adiabatic reference state.  相似文献   

地球磁场的演化历史对研究地核与地幔边界的动力学和地核内的磁流体力学过程提供了重要的信息,古地磁的研究为大陆漂移和海底扩张提供了定量的信息,然而到目前为止,对地球磁场古强度的研究还相当薄弱,由于地球磁场古强度数据的匮乏,使得人们对于地质历史时期地球磁场强度缺乏,本文对测定古强度的方法作了较详细的总结,并对一些实验方法作了评述,在这些方法中,认为最可信的古强度测定的方法是Coe校正后的Thellier法。  相似文献   


The paper explores some of the many facets of the problem of the generation of magnetic fields in convective zones of declining vigor and/or thickness. The ultimate goal of such work is the explanation of the magnetic fields observed in A-stars. The present inquiry is restricted to kinematical dynamos, to show some of the many possibilities, depending on the assumed conditions of decline of the convection. The examples serve to illustrate in what quantitative detail it will be necessary to describe the convection in order to extract any firm conclusions concerning specific stars.

The first illustrative example treats the basic problem of diffusion from a layer of declining thickness. The second adds a buoyant rise to the field in the layer. The third treats plane dynamo waves in a region with declining eddy diffusivity, dynamo coefficient, and large-scale shear. The dynamo number may increase or decrease with declining convection, with an increase expected if the large-scale shear does not decline as rapidly as the eddy diffusivity. It is shown that one of the components of the field may increase without bound even in the case that the dynamo number declines to zero.  相似文献   

Parker’s two-dimensional (2D) dynamo model with an algebraic form of nonlinearity for the α-effect is considered. The model uses geostrophic distributions for the α-effect and differential rotation, which are derived from the three-dimensional (3D) convection models. The resulting configurations of the magnetic field in the liquid core are close to the solutions in Braginsky’s Z-model. The implications of the degree of geostrophy observed in the 3D dynamo models for the behavior of the mean magnetic field are explored. It is shown that the reduction in geostrophy leads to magnetic field reversals accompanied by the relative growth of the nondipole component of the field on the surface of the liquid core. The simulations with a random α-effect which causes turbulent pulsations are carried out. The approach is capable of producing realistic sequences of magnetic reversals.  相似文献   


This paper develops further a convection model that has been studied several times previously as a very crude idealization of planetary core dynamics. A plane layer of electrically-conducting fluid rotates about the vertical in the presence of a magnetic field. Such a field can be created spontaneously, as in the Childress—Soward dynamo, but here it is uniform, horizontal and externally-applied. The Prandtl number of the fluid is large, but the Ekman, Elsasser and Rayleigh numbers are of order unity, as is the ratio of thermal to magnetic diffusivity. Attention is focused on the onset of convection as the temperature difference applied across the layer is increased, and on the preferred mode, i.e., the planform and time-dependence of small amplitude convection. The case of main interest is the layer confined between electrically-insulating no-slip walls, but the analysis is guided by a parallel study based on illustrative boundary conditions that are mathematically simpler.  相似文献   

The flow structure induced by thermal convection in a rotating spherical shell with viscous boundary conditions is considered under the assumption that the differential rotation of the core relative to the mantle is absent. The radial, azimuthal, and meridional components of the flow’s velocity and helicity are studied. With the magnetic field assumed to be frozen into a liquid (frozen-flux hypothesis), it is shown that the numerical results fit the observations of the geomagnetic field variations close to the pole.  相似文献   

The generation and evolution of the Sun’s magnetic field and other stars is usually related to the dynamo mechanism. This mechanism is based on the consideration of the joint influence of the α effect and differential rotation. Dynamo sources can be located at different depths of the convection zone and can have different intensities. Based on such a system, the dynamical system in the case of the stellar dynamo in a two-layer medium has been constructed with regard to meridional fluxes in order to model the double cycle that corresponds to the simultaneous presence of 22-year and quasi-biennial magnetic field oscillations. It has been indicated that the regime of mixed oscillations can originate because a dynamo wave moves oppositely to the meridional flows in the upper layer of the convection zone. This results in the deceleration of the toroidal field propagation and in the generation of slow oscillations. In deeper layers, the directions of a dynamo wave and meridional flows coincide with each other, as a result of which fast magnetic fields originate. Therefore, the total contribution of two oscillations with different frequencies corresponds to the appearance of quasi-biennial cycles against 22-year cycles. It has been indicated that the beating regime, which can be related to the secular oscillations of solar magnetic activity, originates in the system when the meridional flows are weak.  相似文献   

The dependence of the intensity of geomagnetic field on the intensity of thermal convection in the liquid core of the Earth, which has been empirically derived by a number of the authors from the results of numerical modeling of convective dynamo, is substantiated theoretically. This dependence is used for estimating the characteristic time scale of jerk evolution.  相似文献   

We are using a three-dimensional convection-driven numerical dynamo model without hyperdiffusivity to study the characteristic structure and time variability of the magnetic field in dependence of the Rayleigh number (Ra) for values up to 40 times supercritical. We also compare a variety of ways to drive the convection and basically find two dynamo regimes. At low Ra, the magnetic field at the surface of the model is dominated by the non-reversing axial dipole component. At high Ra, the dipole part becomes small in comparison to higher multipole components. At transitional values of Ra, the dynamo vacillates between the dipole-dominated and the multipolar regime, which includes excursions and reversals of the dipole axis. We discuss, in particular, one model of chemically driven convection, where for a suitable value of Ra, the mean dipole moment and the temporal evolution of the magnetic field resemble the known properties of the Earth’s field from paleomagnetic data.  相似文献   

The typical scales, velocities, and magnetic fields in the liquid core of the Earth are determined by using the analysis results of the magnitude of energy that is available for the geodynamo, physical regularities, and observational data. In this work, it is justified that the geomagnetic field is mainly generated in a regime where the magnetic Lorentz force is equilibrated by the Archimedean buoyancy force and by the Coriolis rotational force and the force of inertia is considerably less than these forces. The characteristic periods obtained in the course of this justification permit one to clarify not only the physical nature of secular geomagnetic variations but also that of jerks. In another regime, which is less probable for the present-day Earth, the main balance of forces is determined by inertia and buoyancy; the magnetic field has no significant effect on the typical rate and scale of convection. This regime seems to be probable in the liquid core of the Earth during inversions or digressions, as well as in depths of Mercury, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune.  相似文献   

极光电集流指数(AE)被广泛用来定量描述由电离层电流引起的极光带地磁活动.AE指数也是宏观描述亚暴事件强度和发展过程的一个主要指标,它的优点在于简单直观和快速.本文对1998年8月6日系列亚暴事件的极光活动、电流体系和AE指数的形态特征进行了分析.结果表明,伪亚暴期间虽然AE指数大于500 nT 且有快速增长和缓慢恢复的形态,但是极光没有明显的极向或者赤道向的扩展,极区电流体系主要呈现对流特征;伪亚暴和亚暴期间AE指数的形态变化没有本质区别,但电集流中心的位置有很大差异.我们进一步分析了台站分布对AE指数计算的影响,探讨了伪亚暴和亚暴期间磁场扰动最大值所处的磁地方时的差异.  相似文献   


This paper develops further a convection model that has been studied several times previously as a very crude idealization of planetary core dynamics. A plane layer of electrically-conducting fluid rotates about the vertical in the presence of a magnetic field. Such a field can be created spontaneously, as in the Childress-Soward dynamo, but here it is uniform, horizontal and externally-applied. The Prandtl number of the fluid is large, but the Ekman, Elsasser and Rayleigh numbers are of unit order. In Part I of this series, it was also supposed that the ratio thermal diffusivity diffusivity/magnetic diffusivity is O(1), but here we suppose that this ratio is large. The character of the solution is changed in this limit. In the case of main interest, when the layer is confined between electrically-insulating no-slip walls, the solution is significantly different from the solution when the mathematically simpler, illustrative boundary conditions also considered in Part I are employed. As in Part I, attention is focussed on the onset of convection as the temperature difference applied across the layer is increased, and on the preferred mode, i.e., the planform and time-dependence of small amplitude convection.  相似文献   

地磁扰动期间等离子体层顶结构的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文选取2001年6月8-10日的一个亚暴事件,模拟了在这期间等离子体层的结构演化过程.选取Weimer(2001模式)电场和Tsyganenko(1996模式)磁场作为背景电磁场,基于E×B的漂移运动计算磁赤道面内的带电粒子分布,模拟磁扰期间的等离子体层变化.模拟了等离子体层顶的结构和形状,结果有羽状、肩状和通道状结构,与同一时间点的EUV/IMAGE探测结果一致.  相似文献   

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