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Based on long-term (1985–1995) monitoring data, the paper considers the peculiarities of seasonal variability in the spatial and vertical distribution of particulate organic phosphorus (РPOM) in the surface layer and in the photosynthetic zone in the northwestern Black Sea. Regression equations, experimental data, and satellite observations for the chlorophyll a concentration allowed us to evaluate the seasonal longterm (1979–1995) variability in РPOM in the surface layer and photosynthesis zone. The ratios of the concentrations of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and chlorophyll a are calculated and statistical estimates of seasonal changes in the РPOM in the areas with different degrees of influence of river runoff and water of open seas are obtained. The consistency of intra-annual changes in the concentrations of РPOM, chlorophyll a, and phytoplankton biomass is shown, which indicates the role of phytoplankton in the formation of РPOM and in its intra- and interannual variability in the northwestern part of the sea. It is shown that long-term seasonal variations in РPOM and related changes in the concentration of chlorophyll a depend on the variability of bulk river runoff, the extent of its abundance in the northwestern shelf, and regional hydrometeorological conditions.  相似文献   

Kukushkin  A. S.  Parkhomenko  A. V. 《Oceanology》2021,61(2):272-282
Oceanology - Based on long-term measurements of the concentration of total suspended particulate matter (TSM), particulate organic carbon, chlorophyll a, and the water transparency index for...  相似文献   

The data on the isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon (δ13CPOC) in the Caspian Sea water in summer–autumn 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2013 are discussed in the paper. These data allowed as to reveal the predominant genesis of organic carbon in suspended particulate matter of the active seawater layer (from 0 to 40 m). The δ13CPOC =–27‰ (PDB) and δ13CPOC =–20.5‰ (PDB) values were taken as the reference data for terrigenous and planktonogenic organic matter, respectively. Seasonal (early summer, late summer, and autumn) variations in the composition of suspended particulate matter in the active sea layer were revealed. A shift of δ13CPOC towards greater values was seen in autumn (with a slight outburst in the development (bloom) of phytoplankton) in comparison with summer (with large accumulations and an extraordinary phytoplankton bloom confined to the thermocline area). The seasonal dynamics of autochthonous and allochthonous components in the suspended particulate matter of the Middle and Southern Caspian Sea was studied with the use of data on the concentration of particulate matter and chlorophyll a, the phytoplankton biomass and the POC content.  相似文献   

夏季黄东海颗粒有机碳的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2006年6~7月对黄东海大面调查的资料,分析研究了黄东海颗粒有机碳(particulate organic carbon,POC)的浓度和分布特征。结果表明,夏季黄东海POC的浓度范围是6.07~2 204.17μg.L-1,平均浓度为147.15μg.L-1。POC整体上呈现近岸浓度较高、远岸浓度较低,北部浓度较高,南部浓较低的分布特点;在长江口外及浙江近岸海区存在POC的高值区,特别是长江口外,表层和底层POC浓度很高,这主要是受到长江陆源输入的重要影响。在垂直分布上,南黄海区POC的浓度分布整体上呈现上层水体浓度较低,下层水体浓度较高的特点,这主要是受底质再悬浮的影响。而东海区呈现近岸POC浓度较高,离岸POC浓度较低的特点,这主要是受长江冲淡水输入的影响。  相似文献   

On the basis of the analysis of the many-year data on the vertical distributions of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, we compute their annual average amounts for three typical layers of water in the deep part of the Black Sea: for a layer located above the oxycline and characterized by the formation of new portions of particulate organic matter in the course of photosynthesis, inside the oxycline, where the major part of oxygen is consumed and the major part of the flux of particulate organic matter is oxidized, and for the upper part of the anoxic zone characterized by the most active microbiological processes of oxidation of the organic substances and production of sulfides. The available literature data on sedimentation traps are used to study the downward annual average fluxes of particulate organic matter from the euphotic zone into the oxycline and into the anaerobic zone. The seasonal variability of the amounts and fluxes of particulate carbon and nitrogen is revealed.  相似文献   

Acouso-physical properties of sea floor sediments in the southeast offshore sea area of Hainan Island on the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea are analyzed. In many cruises, conductivity-temperature-depth measurements of seawater, measurements of shallow stratum and side-scan sonar have been made. Acoustic parameters, basic sedimentary parameters, physical-mechanical parameters and 14C age, etc., have been measured. The sediment elastic parameters, including Young's modulus, bulk modulus, constrained modulus, rigidity modulus, Poisson's ratio, Lames constant, etc., have been calculated. Results show that the compression wave velocity of the seafloor sediment in the sea area ranges from 1474–1700 m/s, and there are high and low sound velocity sediment types in the different sea areas; the shear wave velocity is 150–600 m/s; at 100 kHz the sediment sound attenuation is 35–260 dB/m, the sediment density is 1.4–2.0 g/cm3; the sediment porosity is 42–88%. Sound field parameters and describing sound reciprocity between sea and seafloor are described.  相似文献   

The ratios of phosphorus and nitrogen originating from land and the open ocean in the Seto Inland Sea, which is the largest semi-enclosed coastal sea in Japan, have been estimated from data on total phosphorus and nitrogen loads and observed concentrations of total phosphorus and nitrogen. The ratios of land-origin and open-ocean-origin total phosphorus and nitrogen in the Seto Inland Sea are 0.28:0.72 and 0.19:0.81, respectively.  相似文献   

Time-series Mark 7 sediment traps were deployed at three stations at 0°N, 13°N and 48°N along 175°E to investigate seasonal and spatial variations of particulate material flux. Chemical analysis of particulate material was performed for four major chemical components, viz. opal, CaCO3, organic material and clay minerals, Cd and P in the particulate material were also determined. We discuss the characteristics of particulate material at each site and the transportation of Cd and P to deep water by the particulate material. The total mass fluxes and variation of fluxes at each site reflect oceanographic conditions, such as biological productivity and kind of major planktonic organisms. At the northern site, large mass fluxes with a spring bloom and high ratios of opal are characteristic. Relatively small mass fluxes with high ratios of CaCO3 are distinct, and dissolution of CaCO3 due to sinking is recognized in the middle latitude and 0°N sites. The larger flux at the lower trap than the upper trap at the equatorial site suggests influence by lateral transport in the deep water. Distinctive decreasing Cd/P ratio and CaCO3 concentrations in the particulate material with increasing depth suggests that the change of Cd/P ratio in the intermediate and deep water occurs through the dissolution of CaCO3. The dissolved Cd/P ratios in the deep water are proportional to the age of the deep water in the Atlantic but not in the Pacific. This is explained by the difference of kinds of particulate material transporting Cd and P in the deep water between the oceans. That is, the major planktonic organisms are planktons of CaCO3 tests in the Atlantic Ocean and diatoms of opal tests in the North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

东、黄海柱状沉积物中有机磷与无机磷的含量与分布研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了东、黄海海域典型站位柱状沉积物中总磷(TP)、无机磷(IP)及有机磷(OP)的含量及其分布特征.东海、黄海海域3种形态磷的浓度范围分别如下:东海:TP 13.73~19.85 μmol·g~(-1),IP 11.39~16.03 μmol·g~(-1)和OP 2.11~3.81 μmol·g~(-1);黄海:TP 14.44~18.33 μmol·g~(-1);IP 11.79~15.88 μmol·g~(-1)和OP 2.45~2.65 μmol·g~(-1).两海区沉积物中IP/TP和OP/TP变化范围分别为79%~88%和12%~21%.IP是研究海域沉积物中磷的主要存在形式,陆源输入为影响沉积物磷浓度的主要因素.地处长江口附近的E4站和东海中部海区的E6站分别为所有调查站位中各形态磷浓度的最高和最低者.不同海区柱状沉积物中各形态磷浓度的垂直分布特点不同.其分布特征在一定程度上反映了相应历史时段该站位营养盐输入水平、自然条件和人类活动的重大变化.  相似文献   

The biochemical composition of particulate organic matter (POM) is very important to understand in relation to the trophic conditions of marine ecosystems since it forms the primary trophic base. The present study investigated the biochemical compositions (i.e., carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids) of POM monthly from January to December 2015 in Geoje-Hansan Bay to determine if the macromolecular composition of POM is coupled between the water columns and sediment. A spatial difference in the macromolecular compositions was observed in the water columns between the inner and outer bays, which may be caused by the different physiological conditions of phytoplankton growth that are due to the water circulation pattern in the bay. In contrast, no distinctive spatial difference in the macromolecular compositions was found in the sedimentary organic matter. Overall, while carbohydrates were the dominant (45.7%) macromolecules of the POM in the water columns, proteins were dominant (47.9%) in the sedimentary organic matter during our observation period. Decoupling of the macromolecular compositions between the water columns and underneath the sediment in Geoje-Hansan Bay appears to be a result of the various effects of selective filter feeding by oysters and protein-dominant benthic microalgae and fouling organisms.  相似文献   

在开敞海域,淤泥底质建造板桩结构码头的实践与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要以黄河海港建港的经验与实践,介绍板桩结构码头的设计特性和施工过程的技术措施,提供了在开敞海域下淤泥底质建港的实践经验和应用前景。  相似文献   

排海污水处理直接关系到近海的污染,而氮、磷及有机污染物是近海的重要污染物。文章综述了几种对氮、磷及有机污染物处理的新工艺技术和各工艺的进展状况并提出应尽快推广应用。  相似文献   

大亚湾颗粒有机物的来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用脂肪酸作为生物标志物指示POM的来源。1995年5月和11月进行了两个航次的采样,样品中各脂肪酸组分的测定采用毛细管气相色谱法。结果表明,来源于陆生高等植物的长碳链饱和一元酸Σ24-36占总脂肪酸的比例较低,反映了陆源高等植物对大亚湾POM的贡献很小;而主要来源于浮游生物的C14,C16,C18饱和一元酸及多不饱和脂肪酸含量总脂肪酸含量的百分比较高,表明服游生物对亚湾POM有较大贡献。  相似文献   

Settling particles play an important role in transporting organic carbon from the surface to the deep ocean. It is known that major components of settling particles are biogenic silicates (opal), biogenic carbonate (CaCO3), lithogenic clays and organic matter. Since each component aggregates and/or takes in organic carbon, all of these components have the ability to transport particulate organic carbon (POC) to the interior of the ocean. In this study, sediment trap experiments were carried out in four areas of the western North Pacific (including a marginal sea). Factors are proposed that correlate the composition of settling particles with POC flux. Annual mean organic carbon fluxes at 1 km depth in the western North Pacific Basin, Japan Sea, Hidaka Basin and northern Japan Trench were found to be 14.9, 18.1, 13.0 and 6.6 mg/m2/day, respectively. Organic carbon flux in the western North Pacific was greater than that in the Eastern North Pacific (7.4), the Equatorial Pacific (4.2), the Southern Ocean (5.8) and the Eastern North Atlantic (1.8). In the western North Pacific, it was calculated that 52% of POC was carried by opal particles. Opal is known to be a major component even in the Eastern North Pacific and the Southern Ocean, and the opal fluxes in these areas are similar to those in the western North Pacific. However, the organic carbon flux that was carried by opal particles (OCopalflux) in the western North Pacific was greater than that in the Eastern North Pacific and the Southern Ocean. These results indicate that the ability of opal particles to transport POC to the deep ocean in the western North Pacific is greater than that in the other areas.  相似文献   

Sediment transport in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight survey cruises in different seasons have been conducted in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) during the period from 2000 to 2008. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and hydrological data were collected during each cruise. Data analysis showed that total suspended sediment mass was approximately 0.18 × 109 tons in the surveyed area during spring and autumn seasons. Highly turbid waters were found in the shallow waters between the Subei coast, the Changjiang estuary and the Zhejiang coast with seasonal variations.  相似文献   

Investigations of the vertical exchange coefficientK z , considering turbulent and advective transport, are summarized. The values ofK z are determined from the climaticT, S characteristics, heat and salinity fluxes, and the rate of the low-Bosporus water transformation over the entire Black Sea water column; namely, in the upper mixed layer, the active layer, the cold intermediate layer, the halocline, and in the deep and near-bottom waters. A characteristic for annual fluctuations ofK z in the active layer is given; it is noted that the coefficient tends to grow in transit from the centre of the cyclonic gyre toward its periphery.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples taken from the East China Sea off the Changjiang estuary are used as raw materials for phosphorus releasing experiment. It is found that after being thoroughly mixed with seawater for about 10 minutes, phosphorus released from the sediments reaches its maximum value. Adsorption kinetics can be fitted with both Elovich equation and two-constant rate equation. The releasing amount is closely related to the composition of the sediments. Phosphorus release from silty and muddy sediment is higher than from that dominated by sandy composition. For the desorption reaction, iron-phosphorus(Fe-P) is the most active one, with a releasing ratio higher than other phosphorus forms,followed by absorbed-phosphorus (Ad-P) and organic bound phosphorus (OP). All of them can be referred to as bio-available phosphorus. The results demonstrate that phosphorus in sediments can be released into seawater under suitable hydrodynamic conditions, and have a great impact on the nutrition state and primary productivity of marine biosphere.  相似文献   

Medvedev  I. P. 《Oceanology》2022,62(4):471-481
Oceanology - To study the features of short-period meteorological sea level oscillations, adaptation of the numerical Princeton Ocean Model (POM) to the Black Sea conditions was performed. The...  相似文献   

The annual course of sea level at various sections of the coastline is derived from the interpretation of empirical observations. The paper evaluates the effect of continental discharge, atmospheric pressure, and density distribution upon the local sea level vacillations, and the tendency to multi-annual sea level variability is determined. During this century, against the background of broad spectral oscillations, the Black Sea mean level is rising at the rate of 1.6 mm year−1. The paper examines Man's impact upon the erosion of the shore and the departure of the coastline. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

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