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Earthquake Hazard Assessment in the Oran Region (Northwest Algeria)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Bouhadad  Youcef  Laouami  Nasser 《Natural Hazards》2002,26(3):227-243
This paper deals with the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis carried out in the Oran region, situated in the Northwest of Algeria. This part of Algeriawas historically struck by strong earthquakes. It was particularly affected during theOctober 9, 1790 Oran earthquake of intensity X. The main purpose of this work is to assessseismic hazard on rocks in order to provide engineers and planners with a basic tool for seismicrisk mitigation. The probabilistic approach is used in order to take into account uncertaintiesin seismic hazard assessment. Seismic sources are defined in the light of the most recentresults obtained from seismotectonics analyses carried out in North Algeria.Source parameters such as b-values, slip rate and maximum magnitude are assessed for eachseismic source. The attenuation of ground shaking motion with distance is estimated byusing attenuation relationships developed elsewhere throughout the world (Sadigh et al., 1993; Ambraseys and Bommer, 1991). The two relationships agree well with the local data. Differentchoices of source parameter values and attenuation relationships are assigned weights in alogic tree model. Results are presented as relationships between values of peak groundacceleration (PGA) and annual frequency of exceedance, and maps of hazard for returnperiods of 200 years and 500 years. A maximum peak ground acceleration of 0.42 g is obtainedfor the Oran site for a return period of 500 years.  相似文献   

This paper presents the result of an investigation of underground conduits, which connect the swallow holes and the resurgence of a blind river in the tropical, highly karstified limestone Nam La catchment in the NW of Vietnam. The Nam La River disappears underground in several swallow holes near the outlet of the catchment. In the rainy season this results in flooding upstream of the sinkholes. A hypothesis is that the Nam La River resurges at a large cavern spring 4.5 km east of the catchment outlet. A multi-thematic study of the possible connections between the swallow holes and the resurgence was carried out to investigate the geological structure, tectonics, cave structure analysis and discharge time series. The existence of the underground conduits was also tested and proven by tracer experiments. On the basis of a lineament analysis the location of the underground conduits were predicted. A remote sensing derived lineament-length density map was used to track routes from the swallow holes to the resurgence, having the shortest length but highest lineament density. This resulted in a plan-view prediction of underground conduits that matches with the cave and fault development. The functioning of the conduits was further explained by analysing flooding records of a nearby doline, which turns out to act as a temporary storage reservoir mitigating flooding of the catchment outlet area.
Resumen Este artículo presenta el resultado de una investigación de conductos subterráneos, los cuales conectan dolinas y la resurgencia de un río ciego en la cuenca tropical Nam La, compuesta por calizas altamente karstificadas, en el noroeste de Vietnam. El Río Nam La desaparece en el subsuelo por medio de varias dolinas cerca de la salida de la cuenca. Durante la estación lluviosa esto resulta en inundaciones aguas arriba de las dolinas. Una hipótesis es que el Río Nam La resurge en un manantial de caverna grande a 4.5 km al oriente de la salida de la cuenca. Se llevó a cabo un estudio multi-temático de las conexiones posibles entre las dolinas y la resurgencia para investigar la estructura geológica, tectónica, análisis estructural de cavernas, y series de tiempo de descarga. Se evalúa y se demuestra también la existencia de conductos subterráneos por medio de experimentos con trazadores. En base a análisis de lineamientos se predice la localización de los conductos subterráneos. Se utiliza un mapa de densidad de longitudes de lineamientos construido a partir de sensores remotos para seguir las rutas de las dolinas a la resurgencia, teniendo longitudes más cortas pero densidad de lineamientos más altas. Esto da por resultado una predicción en vista de planta de conductos subterráneos que se ajustan con el desarrollo de cavernas y fallas. El funcionamiento de los conductos se explica posteriormente mediante el análisis de registro de inundaciones de una dolina cercana la cual actúa como un reservorio de almacenamiento temporal que mitiga inundaciones en el área de salida de la cuenca.

Résumé Cet article présente les résultats de linvestigation de conduits souterrains, qui mettent en connexion les pertes et les résurgences dune rivière souterraine dans le bassin versant de Nam La, dans une région tropicale fortement karstique du NW du Vietnam. La rivière Nam La disparaît dans le sous-sol via plusieurs pertes à proximité de lexutoire du bassin. Durant la saison des pluies, les pertes se mettent en charge et des inondations apparaissent. Une hypothèse serait que la rivière ressort 4.5 km à lEst de lexutoire du bassin, dans une grande caverne. Une étude multi-thématique visant les connexions possibles entre les pertes et les résurgences a été réalisée. Elle comprend létude de la structure géologique, la tectonique, lanalyse de la structure karstique et des chroniques de débits. Lexistence des conduits souterrains est également testée et prouvée par des essais de traçages. Sur base de lanalyse des linéaments, la localisation des conduits souterrains est prédite. Grâce à la télédétection et une cartographie de la densité et de la longueur des linéaments, on peut deviner le cheminement de leau entre les pertes et la résurgence (via le chemin le plus court et la densité de fracturation la plus importante). Il en résulte une vue en plan prédisant la localisation des conduits, qui correspond par ailleurs avec le développement des cavités et des failles. Le fonctionnement des conduits est ensuite expliqué sur base de lanalyse des chroniques de débits enregistrés à proximité dune doline, qui joue le rôle dun réservoir temporaire, mitigeant les inondations à la zone de lexutoire du bassin-versant.

铜陵Cu-Au(Ag)成矿区岩浆-流体-成矿系统和亚系统的识别   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
文章讨论了铜陵Cu-Au(Ag)成矿区岩浆-流体-成矿系统和亚系统的识别标志,划分出9个亚系统,其中的5个为已知的中型以上矿床的分布地段,4个为该文预测的可能找到中型以上矿床的亚系统。在此基础上概略地识别出8个长江中下游铜陵铁成矿带的岩浆-流体-成矿系统,提出火成岩构造组合的类型和性质制约矿床(田)内优势矿种的发育,壳镀岩浆房和壳内岩浆房分别控制系统和亚系统的形成及其分布,提出对系统、亚系统进一步研究的建议:识别、结构、成因、定位、预测。  相似文献   

This paper presents a preliminary assessment of the hydrogeological characteristics of a karst mountainous catchment, the Suoi Muoi River catchment, in the northwest of Vietnam. The catchment is located at 600 -700 m a.s.l. and covers an area of 284 km. Exposed limestone occupies 32% of the total catchment area. Various types of assessments have been carried out, including geological and hydrogeological field surveys, cave surveys, dye-tracer tests, meteorological and surface water monitoring. Geological studies and cave surveys have identified the most important active cave/conduit systems within the catchment. Although these data are essential, they are insufficient to make a comprehensive appraisal of the hydrologic nature of the catchment under interest. An attempt was made to calculate a global water balance of the catchment, based on short-term (15 months) meteorological and streamflow records. The results show that, despite the existence of a number of substantial cavem conduit systems, the groun  相似文献   

本文对越南西北部Phan Si Pan地区变质地体中的一个Ngoi Chi片麻岩进行了锆石CL内部结构分析、LA-(MC)-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素分析。CL图象和Th/U比值特征显示该片麻岩样品中的锆石主要为岩浆锆石,有少量窄的变质边。岩浆锆石的年龄为~2.9 Ga,表明该样品是越南西北部Phan Si Pan地区的基底岩石。它们的εHf(t)值为–4.70±0.92,二阶段Hf模式年龄为~3.5 Ga,表明其为更古老的(3.5 Ga)冥太古代地壳物质部分熔融作用形成。变质边部锆石给出了~1.8 Ga的年龄,表明变质作用发生在古元古代早期,Phan Si Pan地区在这一时期可能经历了一次重要的构造热事件。  相似文献   

蒋秀华  王玉明  宋瑞鹏  张春岚 《地下水》2007,29(1):28-31,99
采用1980~2000年期间资料分析、计算了西北诸河区各省(区)地下水资源量,并结合降雨、水文地质条件及人类活动影响全面阐述了其分布特征,以期为西北诸河区水资源规划和开发利用提供依据,为西北地区社会经济发展服务.  相似文献   

2013年12月16日三峡库区巴东发生Ms5.1地震.根据eigen-6c2模型研究了巴东地区的8-638阶卫星重力异常, 结果表明: 该地区场源深度为10 km的地壳为局部重力低异常, 反映了该处物质密度较周围偏低, 形成低密度层.同时, 研究了该地区速度结构剖面, 结果表明: 巴东地区地壳5~9 km及10~15 km深处存在上下两个低速层, 上部低速层与水库渗水有关, 下部低速层与地幔热流体的上涌有关.低密度层和低速层的确定为韧性流变层的存在提供了证据.巴东地震是地壳深部能量的长期集聚与突发释放, 属构造地震.然而, 库水下渗引起的上部低速异常降低了断层活动的阈值, 震前库水载荷的变化对此次巴东地震的发生起到了触发作用.通过对比次声波和地震波, 我们得出次声波仪记录到的异常信号为本地次声波.   相似文献   

The sample interval for the selection of extreme magnitudes plays an important part in the quality of Gumbel model fitting. A short sample interval can produce many observations, which is helpful in obtaining a reliably fitting model. However a short sample interval can bring many dummy ``observations', a condition which adversely biases the fitting. The short sample interval also increases the chance to introduce non-independent observations as well, which violates a basic requirement of the Gumbel model. On the other hand, a large time interval not only reduces the number of observations, but also enlarges the observation error. Thus, for Greece, the most suitable parameters of the third Gumbel extreme model are obtained by using a sample interval which produces minimum error. In consideration of the reliability of the seismic data, earthquakes with magnitude M 5.5 in Greece and its surrounding region after 1900 are used mainly in the present paper. In order to obtain well resolved contour maps with smooth changes a 2°× 2° cell with half-degree overlap strategy was used to scan the region. The most expected largest earthquake for the next fifty, one hundred and two hundred years are estimated for each cell. Likewise, the events with magnitude at a probability of 90\% of non-exceedance over the next fifty, one hundred and two hundred years are estimated for each cell. In parallel to this procedure we also analyze the 67 shallow seismic zones outlined by Papazachos and his colleagues and detail individual zone results where these are obtained. The most perceptible earthquake magnitude for the range of intensities I = {VI}, VII and VIII are also calculated. All results show that the areas around the Hellenic Arc and the Cephalonia Transform Fault for Greece have comparatively high frequency of destructive earthquakes accompanied by a high occurrence probability of moderate earthquakes (M 5.5).  相似文献   

通过对云南武定地区1:5万磁测和重力资料综合分析研究,确定了局部重力高异常(带)42个,重力低异常41个,5个重力有利找矿远景区;对该区磁异常特征分析,获得磁(ΔT)异常86个,确定了4个有利找矿远景区。结合地质、、重力、磁测资料的综合分析与研究,划分断裂61条,提出了铜、铁找矿找矿有利地段及远景区,为武定地区寻找隐伏铁铜矿床提供了地球物理依据。  相似文献   

通过对云南武定地区1:5万磁测和重力资料综合分析研究,确定了局部重力高异常(带)42个,重力低异常41个,5个重力有利找矿远景区;对该区磁异常特征分析,获得磁(ΔT)异常86个,确定了4个有利找矿远景区。结合地质、、重力、磁测资料的综合分析与研究,划分断裂61条,提出了铜、铁找矿找矿有利地段及远景区,为武定地区寻找隐伏铁铜矿床提供了地球物理依据。  相似文献   

北京地下水资源持续超采,已出现水资源枯竭和浅层地下水大面积污染问题,建立饮用水源地保护区是保护地下水水源的有效手段。本文应用数值模拟法和公式法,对北京大兴新城水源地保护区进行划分。考虑大兴水厂所在地水文地质条件,分别对第四系和基岩进行保护区划分,对不同分区进行叠加,得出水源地保护区范围。通过两种方法计算出的保护区面积相差不大,但是数值模拟法计算出的二级保护区面积比公式法计算的结果小5.5km2,主要因为公式法计算时没有考虑地下水含水层边界条件和岩溶地下水富水性不均一等因素,而数值模拟模型在水文地质条件的基础上进行水源地保护区划分,比较符合水源地所在区域实际的水文地质条件。通过对划分结果的对比和分析可以看出,公式法划分水源保护区的方法简便易行,但是概化结果与实际地质条件差异较大。数值模拟法对含水层结构和水文地质条件的概化相对客观、详尽,但是该法应用过程较复杂。在实际划分水源保护区的工作中,应将公式法和数值模拟法结合应用。  相似文献   

The 1515 M7? Yongsheng earthquake is the strongest earthquake historically in northwest Yunnan. However, its time, magnitude and the seismogenic fault have long been a topic of dispute. In order to accurately define those problems, a 1:50000 active tectonic mapping was carried out along the northern segment of the Chenghai–Binchuan fault zone. The result shows that there is an at least 25 km–long surface rupture and a series of seismic landslides distributed along the Jinguan fault and the Chenghai fault. Radiocarbon dating of the ~(14) C samples indicates that the surface rupture should be a part of the deformation zone caused by the Yongsheng earthquake in the year 1515. The distribution characteristics of this surface rupture indicate that the macroscopic epicenter of the 1515 Yongsheng earthquake may be located near Hongshiya, and the seismogenic fault of this earthquake is the Jinguan–Chenghai fault, the northern part of the Chenghai–Binchuan fault zone. Striations on the surface rupture show that the latest motion of the fault is normal faulting. The maximum co–seismic vertical displacement can be 3.8 m, according to the empirical formula for the fault displacement and moment magnitude relationship, the moment magnitude of the Yongsheng earthquake was Mw 7.3–7.4. Furthermore, combining published age data with the ~(14) C data in this paper reveals that at least four large earthquakes of similar size to the 1515 Yongsheng earthquake, have taken place across the northern segment of the Chenghai–Binchuan fault zone since 17190±50 yr. BP. The in–situ recurrence interval of Mw 7.3–7.4 characteristic earthquakes in Yongsheng along this fault zone is possibly on the order of 6 ka.  相似文献   

西北干旱区湖泊的近期变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文阐述了西北干旱地区湖泊变化的概况,论证了引起变化的原因,并分析了湖泊变化对湖区环境的影响:气候日益恶化,沙漠化面积扩大,林带消失、植被衰退,鱼类资源增殖受阻、产量下降。此外,还结合变化原因,提出了相应的治理建议。  相似文献   

Studies of ductile dislocations of the Jurassic terrigenous deposits and faulting kinematics of the Cretaceous injective structures in the Dalat zone show that the volcano-plutonic belt of southeastern Vietnam was formed under NE-striking sinistral dislocations affected by NNW transpression. This deformation took place in similar conditions as for the Cretaceous structure of the eastern margin of Asia. Due to the Indo-Eurasian collision, since the Cenozoic the Indo-Sinian Block has been displaced toward the southeast by a distance of more than 500 km from its primary position, causing transformation of the previously formed Cretaceous structures. Thus, the Cenozoic tectonogenesis in southeastern Vietnam should be studied with regard to the previous Cretaceous tectonic deformation.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of well logs, seismic data, core studies, the Dongying (东营) into three third-order sequences from base to top: namely, sequences SQ1, SQ2 and SQ3. The three sequences have different wireline (SP) log responses, showing triple-section characteristics with SQ1 being characterized by primarily flat baseline with intercalation of relatively low spontaneous potential, SQ2 generally exhibiting weak or moderate amplitude spontaneous potential with finger-shaped peaks, and SQ3 having relatively high spontaneous potential with funnel-shaped log curves. On the basis of the triple-section characteristics, the stratigraphic sequences can be correlated consistently throughout the entire study area. A stratigraphic and sedimentary model for sequences SQ1 to SQ3 of the Dongying Formation in the study area has been proposed. The accommodation space change in the two sides of the asymmetrical basin was examined and the asymmetrical basin has the feature of the asymmetrical accommodation space change. The asymmetrical physiography is a vital factor to influence the accommodation changes in additional to the lake level change, tectonism and sediment supply. This may have important implications to similar basins in other parts of China or elsewhere.  相似文献   

Curvature describes about the bending of surface by which a surface deviates from flat plane or a curve deviates from straight. The Himalaya has numerous geodynamic features with complex geological setup and extreme undulating topography. In this context, interpretation of gravity data has been used for enhancing important features to delineate structural trend for understanding thrust-fault locations and crustal structural setup in north-west Himalaya. Gravity data interpretation not only help to study varying lateral changes in density with lithological changes but also properties of gradients to interpret sub-surface structure and edges of the geological features. Attempt has been made to interpret various curvatures analysis like maximum, minimum, most-positive and most-negative curvatures using Bouguer gravity data to estimate the automatic thrust-fault locations in Dehradun-Badrinath area falling in the north-western part of Himalaya, India.  相似文献   

In Algeria, the climate change in recent decades has a negative impact on water resources. The goal of this study is to determine the influence of these hazards on surface water resources in the basin of Macta (Northwest of Algeria). The study of climatic pulsations is implemented from the climate coefficient changes and its moving averages over 3 years. Variations of this coefficient based on years, for the period 1949–1973, show an alternation of wet and dry years. Starting from 1973, a very dry period of more than 20 years was installed in the basin, with deficits ranging from 22% to 72%. The consequences of the surface water deficit can damage the environmental balance and consequently affect the various human activities that are directly or indirectly related to the use of these resources.  相似文献   

The Sin Quyen-Lung Po district is an important Cu metallogenic province in Vietnam, but there are few temporal and genetic constraints on deposits from this belt. Suoi Thau is one of the representative Cu deposits associated with granitic intrusion. The deposit consists of ore bodies in altered granite or along the contact zone between granite and Proterozoic meta-sedimentary rocks. The Cu-bearing intrusion is sub-alkaline I-type granite. It has a zircon U-Pb age of ~776 Ma, and has subduction-related geochemical signatures. Geochemical analysis reveals that the intrusion may be formed by melting of mafic lower crust in a subduction regime. Three stages of alteration and mineralization are identified in the Suoi Thau deposit, i.e., potassic alteration; silicification and Cu mineralization; and phyllic alteration. Two-phase aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz from silicification stage show wide ranges of homogenization temperatures(140–383℃) and salinities(4.18wt%–19.13wt%). The high temperature and high salinity natures of some inclusions are consistent with a magmatic derivation of the fluids, which is also supported by the H-O-S isotopes. Fluids in quartz have δD values of –41.9‰ to –68.8‰. The fluids in isotopic equilibrium with quartz have δ~(18)O values ranging from 7.9‰ to 9.2‰. These values are just plotted in the compositional field of magmatichydrothermal fluids in the δD_(water) versus δ~(18)O_(water) diagram. Sulfide minerals have relatively uniform δ~(34)S values from 1.84‰ to 3.57‰, which is supportive of a magmatic derivation of sulfur. The fluid inclusions with relatively low temperatures and salinities most probably represent variably cooled magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. The magmatic derivation of fluids and the close spatial relationship between Cu ore bodies and intrusion suggest that the Cu mineralization most likely had a genetic association with granite. The Suoi Thau deposit, together with other deposits in the region, may define a Neoproterozoic subduction-related ore-forming belt.  相似文献   

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