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Integrated geological and geophysical analysis of the anomalous magnetic field along with the previously unpublished profiles of Spanish expeditions onboard the R/V Hesperides and international databases of geomagnetic data processed in the context of the global tectonics concepts made it possible to identify paleomagnetic anomalies C11–C15 and compile the first map of the bottom geochronology of the Scan Basin. Unlike in earlier known publications, the paleoaxis of spreading does extend northeast, but approximately at an angle of 345°. According to calculations, spreading began 35.294?35.706 Ma ago during chron C15r, and the spreading paleoaxis was abandoned 29.527?29.970 Ma ago during chron C11n.2n. Thus, the destruction of the American–Antarctic bridge in the region joining the Bruce and Discovery banks with formation of oceanic crust in the Scan Basin started about 36 Ma ago. Regular spreading of the bottom has been continuing for about 6 Ma at a average rate close to 1.8 cm/year.  相似文献   

The structure of sediments in the Scotia Sea is used as a basis for reconstructing the geological history of its bottom in the Late Quaternary. The Scan Basin is one of the main elements of the topography of the southern Scotia Sea. Its formation played a considerable role in the fragmentation of the continent, which included the Bruce and Discovery banks. The main parameters of the sediment layer in the Scan Basin have been reconstructed by the present time, but its top part has not been studied. In this work, we analyze the first data obtained on the R/V Gesperidas with the use of a TOPAS PS 18/40 high-resolution seismic profilograph in 2012. Three layers in the subsurface sediments on the bottom of the Scan Basin were specified for the first time. The mean periods of their deposition in the Late Quaternary were determined as 115000 years for the first, 76000 years for the second, and 59 000 years for the third layer from the surface of the bottom. The duration of the total accumulation period of the three layers is about 250000 years.  相似文献   

The structural framework of the southern part of the Shackleton Fracture Zone has been investigated through the analysis of a 130-km-long multichannel seismic reflection profile acquired orthogonally to the fracture zone near 60° S. The Shackleton Fracture Zone is a 800-km-long, mostly rectilinear and pronounced bathymetric lineation joining the westernmost South Scotia Ridge to southern South America south of Cape Horn, separating the western Scotia Sea plate from the Antarctic plate. Conventional processing applied to the seismic data outlines the main structures of the Shackleton Fracture Zone, but only the use of enhanced techniques, such as accurate velocity analyses and pre-stack depth migration, provides a good definition of the acoustic basement and the architecture of the sedimentary sequences. In particular, a strong and mostly continuous reflector found at about 8.0 s two-way traveltime is very clear across the entire section and is interpreted as the Moho discontinuity. Data show a complex system of troughs developed along the eastern flank of the crustal ridge, containing tilted and rotated blocks, and the presence of a prominent listric normal fault developed within the oceanic crust. Positive flower structures developed within the oceanic basement indicate strike-slip tectonism and partial reactivation of pre-existing faults. Present-day tectonic activity is found mostly in correspondence to the relief, whereas fault-induced deformation is negligible across the entire trough system. This indicates that the E–W-directed stress regime present in the Drake Passage region is mainly dissipated along a narrow zone within the Shackleton Ridge axis. A reappraisal of all available magnetic anomaly identifications in the western Scotia Sea and in the former Phoenix plate, in conjunction with new magnetic profiles acquired to the east of the Shackleton Fracture Zone off the Tierra del Fuego continental margin, has allowed us to propose a simple reconstruction of Shackleton Fracture Zone development in the general context of the Drake Passage opening.  相似文献   

黄海海域沉积盆地与油气   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
通过对黄海盆地几十年油气勘探的简要回顾,认为目前仍然存在着盆地基本情况不清,勘探工作历史不清,油气资源潜力不清3个不清楚现状,在对围限黄海周围3个国家油气勘探情况综合分析后,重点对盆地,盆地性质,盆地演化历史和盆地含油气性等基本问题,进行了分析和讨论,最后对下步油气勘探工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

The quantitative properties and circulation of the lower layer of circumpolar water in the Scotia Sea with density 28.16 < γ n < 28.26 (potential temperature 0.9° > θ > 0.2°C) are investigated using the original procedure for determination of boundaries between water masses. The primary objective of this work is data analyses of four Russian sections, which were occupied in the vicinity of the Shackleton Fracture Zone in 2003, 2005, and 2007. It is shown that the ridges in the Hero and Shackleton fracture zones essentially constrain overflow of the lower layer of circumpolar water, and thereby, they produce the conditions to the east of the Shackleton Ridge for transformation (freshening and warming) of this layer reaching the northern side of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. These ridges also promote formation of several quasi-permanent and semi-enclosed abyssal and deep-water eddies adjacent to these ridges. The estimation of overflow of the lower part of the investigated layer with density 28.23 < γ n < 28.26 (0.9° > θ > 0.2°C) through the Shackleton Ridge based on LADCP measurements in 2007 is 0.5 Sv (0.1 Sv) to the east (west). The upper part of the overflow is estimated as 8.0 (7.9) Sv. Thus, the total transport of the lower layer of circumpolar water through the ridge is practically zero. It is confirmed by LADCP measurements carried out on the section across the Drake Passage in 2003.  相似文献   

The quantitative features and circulation of the Antarctic bottom water (AABW) in the Scotia Sea are investigated using an original procedure for the determination of the boundaries between the water masses. It is shown that the AABW is effectively transferred across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) from the regions on the south flank of this current where the AABW penetrates into the Scotia Sea. This transfer results in the abyssal water cooling and freshening in the Yaghan Basin of the north Scotia Sea. Some rises and depressions in the bottom relief of the western and northern Scotia Sea are important features that impact the AABW transfer. It is shown that there is an additional path of the AABW transit transport to the North Atlantic passing through the western Scotia Sea. The existence of the semienclosed cyclonic abyssal water circulation in the South Shetland Trench and the westward transport of the Atlantic AABW along the Antarctic slope foot into the Pacific are proved.  相似文献   

The Harvard Ocean Prediction System (HOPS) is configured to simulate the circulation of the Scotia Sea and environs. This is part of a study designed to test the hypothesis that Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) populations at South Georgia in the eastern Scotia Sea are sustained by import of individuals from upstream regions, such as the western Antarctic Peninsula. Comparison of the simulated circulation fields obtained from HOPS with observations showed good agreement. The surface circulation, particularly through the Drake Passage and across the Scotia Sea, matches observations, with its northeastward flow characterized by three high-speed fronts. Also, the Weddell Sea and the Brazil Current, and their associated transports match observations. In addition, mesoscale variability, an important component of the flow in this region, is found in the simulated circulation and the model is overall well suited to model krill transport. Drifter simulations conducted with HOPS showed that krill spawned in areas coinciding with known krill spawning sites along the west Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf can be entrained into the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF). They are transported across the Scotia Sea to South Georgia in 10 months or less. Drifters originating on the continental shelf of the Weddell Sea can reach South Georgia as well; however, transport from this region averages about 20 months. Additional simulations show that such transport is sensitive to changes in wind stress and the location of the SACCF. The results of this study show that krill populations along the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea are possible source populations that can provide krill to the South Georgia population. However, successful transport of krill to South Georgia is shown to depend on a multitude of factors, such as the location of the spawning area and timing of spawning, and variations in the location of the SACCF. Therefore, this study provides insight into which environmental factors control the successful transport of krill across the Scotia Sea and with it a better understanding of krill distribution in the region.  相似文献   

An unprecedented high-quality, quasi-synoptic hydrographic data set collected during the ALBATROSS cruise along the rim of the Scotia Sea is examined to describe the pathways of the deep water masses flowing through the region, and to quantify changes in their properties as they cross the sea. Owing to sparse sampling of the northern and southern boundaries of the basin, the modification and pathways of deep water masses in the Scotia Sea had remained poorly documented despite their global significance.Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) of two distinct types is observed spilling over the South Scotia Ridge to the west and east of the western edge of the Orkney Passage. The colder and fresher type in the west, recently ventilated in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, flows westward to Drake Passage along the southern margin of the Scotia Sea while mixing intensely with eastward-flowing Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) of the antarctic circumpolar current (ACC). Although a small fraction of the other WSDW type also spreads westward to Drake Passage, the greater part escapes the Scotia Sea eastward through the Georgia Passage and flows into the Malvinas Chasm via a deep gap northeast of South Georgia. A more saline WSDW variety from the South Sandwich Trench may leak into the eastern Scotia Sea through Georgia Passage, but mainly flows around the Northeast Georgia Rise to the northern Georgia Basin.In Drake Passage, the inflowing CDW displays a previously unreported bimodal property distribution, with CDW at the Subantarctic Front receiving a contribution of deep water from the subtropical Pacific. This bimodality is eroded away in the Scotia Sea by vigorous mixing with WSDW and CDW from the Weddell Gyre. The extent of ventilation follows a zonation that can be related to the CDW pathways and the frontal anatomy of the ACC. Between the Southern Boundary of the ACC and the Southern ACC Front, CDW cools by 0.15°C and freshens by 0.015 along isopycnals. The body of CDW in the region of the Polar Front splits after overflowing the North Scotia Ridge, with a fraction following the front south of the Falkland Plateau and another spilling over the plateau near 49.5°W. Its cooling (by 0.07°C) and freshening (by 0.008) in crossing the Scotia Sea is counteracted locally by NADW entraining southward near the Maurice Ewing Bank. CDW also overflows the North Scotia Ridge by following the Subantarctic Front through a passage just east of Burdwood Bank, and spills over the Falkland Plateau near 53°W with decreased potential temperature (by 0.03°C) and salinity (by 0.004). As a result of ventilation by Weddell Sea waters, the signature of the Southeast Pacific Deep Water (SPDW) fraction of CDW is largely erased in the Scotia Sea. A modified form of SPDW is detected escaping the sea via two distinct routes only: following the Southern ACC Front through Georgia Passage; and skirting the eastern end of the Falkland Plateau after flowing through Shag Rocks Passage.  相似文献   

Published and original data on the lithology and fauna (mainly foraminifers) of the Paleogene Norwegian-Greenland and Northwestern European Sea Basins are generalized in this article. Their paleogeographic evolution and the character of development of connections with the North Atlantic, Mesotetis, and the Arctic Ocean are established from the moment of generation to their disappearance. It is shown that the paleogeographic conditions of the studied sedimentation basins depend to a great extent on the tectonic movements of lithospheric plates. Iceland Plume volcanism exerted a considerable influence on the paleoenvironment and sedimentogenesis. The paleotectonic and climatic conditions of sedimentation are reconstructed. The occurrence of bauxite-bearing continental residual soil and other data point to a tropical, humid climate in the Early Paleogene, which changed into a moderate humid climate by the end of the Late Paleogene. Terrigenous sediments, including oil-and-gas bearing ones, were formed in the sea basins; they contain products of eroded residual soil, placers of accessory minerals, pyroclastics of volcanoes of the Iceland Plume, and zeolite-bearing, amber-bearing, phosphorite-bearing, and glauconitic horizons that have practical interest.  相似文献   

本文使用HYCOM数值模式,根据两种海气通量数据集(COADS、ECMWF)和两种海气通量块体参数化方案(常数块体参数化方案和非常数块体参数化方案)的不同结合,构成4组数值实验,分别模拟了赤道及北太平洋的气候态海表温度.实验结果表明:1)在本文的实验中,非常数块体参数化方案优于常数块体参数化方案;在太平洋40°N-20°S区域内,采用前者得到的年平均海表温度比Pathfinder卫星资料高约0.21 °C,而采用后者得到的年平均海表温度比Pathfinder卫星资料高约0.63 °C.2)HYCOM数值模式很好的模拟了赤道及北太平洋的气候态海表温度变化及西太平洋暖池空间分布的月变化.特别是实验2(采用COADS数据集和非常数块体参数化方案),在太平洋40°N - 20°S区域内,冬春两季平均SST仅比Pathfinder卫星数据集高0.02 °C.3)不同的海气通量数据会对模式结果产生明显的影响.对比采用COADS数据集的实验2结果与采用ECMWF数据集的实验4结果可以发现,在模拟区域的西北部,实验2比实验4的年平均SST高约1 °C;在模拟区域的东南部,实验4比实验2的年平均SST高约1 °C.两者差的最大值出现在58°N、140°E附近及中国渤海,约为4 °C(实验2比实验4的年平均SST高约4 °C).  相似文献   

最近20年来,在鄂霍茨克海北部陆架区进行了大量的区域性地质-地球物理研究工作,这使我们可以探讨这些新生代沉积盆地的结构,预测和评价它们之中一系列有远景的含油气体系。  相似文献   

南大洋涡旋在跨锋面物质热量输送方面具有重要作用,斯科舍海位于德雷克海峡东面,属于重要的经济渔区,因此针对斯科舍海的涡旋分布及其影响进行研究具有迫切意义。本文基于2005–2019年卫星遥感数据对斯科舍海涡旋进行了探测与追踪,并统计了涡旋半径、传播距离、生命周期等特征参数,分析涡旋的地理分布特点、涡旋跨锋面情况以及移动特性,同时结合剖面数据分析了该海域涡旋内部水文特性。结果显示,该海域近92%的涡旋均为生命周期小于30 d的短寿命涡旋,平均半径集中在10~30 km之间。涡旋产生地主要集中在斯科舍海中部的极锋(PF)、南极绕极流南锋(SACCF)和亚南极锋(SAF)附近水深为3 000~5 000 m的海域。受斯科舍海海底山脊的阻碍作用,涡动能(EKE)高值聚集在PF和SAF之间,并在2016年之后达到显著正异常。跨PF和SACCF锋面的涡旋中,低纬向涡旋数量占主导,其中以气旋式涡旋居多。在高纬向涡旋中反气旋式涡旋占主导。涡旋内部水文结构显示,冷涡内部次表层相对低温低盐,与高纬水团特征一致;暖涡内部次表层相对高温高盐。推测冷涡可能携带高纬海域水体向低纬移动,暖涡可能携带低纬海水向高纬移动。本研究为进一步理解斯科舍海涡旋特性及其在该海域物质能量运输上的作用研究提供了基础支撑。  相似文献   

黄海含油气盆地区域地质与大地构造环境   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
概述了黄海含油气盆地的区域地质背景和大地构造环境,对盆地内的油气勘探现状和远景进行了简要的评价。  相似文献   

We present a survey of works carried out at the Wave-Theory Department of the Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the last ten years and devoted to investigation of free and forced waves in bounded basins. Our attention is focused on the results of investigation of internal waves in basins of variable depth for the case of three-layer stratification of the liquid. The profiles of the bottom of the basin and interfaces are regarded as parabolic. Analytic solutions are obtained and the periods of oscillations of the free surface and interfaces for the first and second modes are determined. The dependences of the characteristics of baroclinic waves on the geometry of the basin and parameters of stratification are analyzed.  相似文献   

The southwestern part of the Scotia Sea, at the corner of the Shackleton Fracture Zone with the South Scotia Ridge has been investigated, combining marine magnetic profiles, multichannel seismic reflection data, and satellite-derived gravity anomaly data. From the integrated analysis of data, we identified the presence of the oldest part of the crust in this sector, which tentative age is older than anomaly C10 (28.7 Ma). The area is surrounded by structural features clearly imaged by seismic data, which correspond to gravity lows in the satellite-derived map, and presents a rhomboid-shaped geometry. Along its southern boundary, structural features related to convergence and possible incipient subduction beneath the continental South Scotia Ridge have been evidenced from the seismic profile. We interpret this area, now located at the edge of the south-western Scotia Sea, as a relict of ocean-like crust formed during an earlier, possibly diffuse and disorganized episode of spreading at the first onset of the Drake Passage opening. The successive episode of organized seafloor spreading responsible for the opening of the Drake Passage that definitively separated southern South America from the Antarctic Peninsula, instigated ridge-push forces that can account for the subduction-related structures found along the western part of the South Scotia Ridge. This seafloor accretion phase occurred from 27 to about 10 Ma, when spreading stopped in the western Scotia Sea Ridge, as resulted from the identification of the marine magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地新生代地层特征及其含油气性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
总结了东海陆架金地近30a来的油气地质勘探成果和认识;讨论了盆地新生代岩石-古生物地层特征;根据现有发现,指出东海陆架金地新生代自古新统至第四系的油气发现和合油气层位,以及油气生成、储集的勘探目标层系。认为迄今在东海陆架盆地的工业性油气发现仅仅限于西湖凹陷和瓯江(丽水)凹陷,但随着勘探开发的更大规模投入和认识程度的深化,必将出现一轮新的发现热潮,这不仅对改变上海地区能源结构,而反对提高我国油气勘探的认识都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Koshlyakov  M. N.  Repina  I. A.  Savchenko  D. S.  Tarakanov  R. Y.  Taroyan  V. K. 《Oceanology》2019,59(2):171-181
Oceanology - Satellite altimeter observation data collected over 22 years are used to analyze the structure and variability of mesoscale fluctuations of ocean currents in the Drake Passage and...  相似文献   

The northward outflow of cold, dense water from the Weddell Sea into the world ocean basins plays a key role in balancing the global heat budget. We estimate the geostrophic flow patterns in the northwestern Weddell Sea using box inverse methods applied to quasi-synoptic hydrographic data collected during the Brazilian DOVETAIL 2000 and 2001 austral summer cruises. The analysis is focused on the variations of the deep Weddell Sea outflow into the Scotia Sea within boxes that bound the main deep gaps over the South Scotia Ridge. To determine the geostrophic volume transports in each box, mass, salt, and heat are conserved within neutral density layers that are not in contact with the atmosphere. Implementing the inverse model and using property anomaly equations weighted by the flow estimate uncertainty our results are consistent with those reported in the literature. A bottom triangle extrapolation method is introduced, which improves the estimated property fluxes through hydrographic sections. In the austral summer of 2000 the transports of Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) through the Philip Passage, Orkney Passage, and southwestern Bruce Passage are 0.01±0.01, 1.15±0.33, and 1.03±0.23 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3 s−1, >0 is northward), respectively. After extrapolation within bottom triangles these transports increase to 0.12±0.03, 3.48±1.81, and 1.20±2.16 Sv. Analysis of the hydrographic data reveal distinct oceanographic conditions over the Philip Passage region, with evidence of mesoscale meanders, warmer and saltier Warm Deep Water (WDW) and colder WSDW observed in 2001 than in 2000. Despite these differences the WSDW transport does not present a significant variation between 2000 and 2001. The WSDW transports through the Philip Passage in 2001 are 0.012±0.001 and 0.113±0.001 Sv after extrapolation within bottom triangles. The circulation derived from the inversion in the austral summer of 2001 suggests a sharp weakening of the barotropic cyclonic flow in the Powell Basin, which may be due to northerly and northeasterly winds associated with an atmospheric low-pressure center located west of the Antarctic Peninsula. We suggest that similar variations in atmospheric forcing may explain changes in the intensity of the cyclonic flow observed in the northwestern Weddell Sea and Powell Basin.  相似文献   

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