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政府间海洋学委员会考虑到(1 )由联合国资助的项目 ,包括全球海洋观测系统 (GOOS)、全球气候观测系统 (GCOS)及全球气候变异与预测实验 (CLIVAR) ,正在设计一个试验性的计划 ,即全球海洋数据同化试验 (GODAE) ,其目的是帮助海洋预报 ,为近海预报提供边界条件 ,以及帮助季节性、年际间的天气预报。(2 ) GODAE将很好的满足以下的需求 :(a)大大改善不同地区的合作及数据的流动 ;(b)改善海洋模式及数据同化技术来开发这种信息 ,以满足不同用户的需求。比如公共组织对一些基础的可观测数据的需要 ,其目的是监测并评定气候的变化及其影… 相似文献
W. M. Landing G. A. Cutter J. A. Dalziel A. R. Flegal R. T. Powell D. Schmidt A. Shiller P. Statham S. Westerlund J. Resing 《Marine Chemistry》1995,49(4)
“Dissolved” (< 0.4 μm filtered) and “total dissolvable” (unfiltered) trace element samples were collected using “clean” sampling techniques from four vertical profiles in the eastern Atlantic Ocean on the first IOC Trace Metals Baseline expedition. The analytical results obtained by 9 participating laboratories for Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Se on samples from station 4 in the northeast Atlantic have been evaluated with respect to accuracy and precision (intercomparability). The data variability among the reporting laboratories was expressed as 2 × SD for a given element and depth, and was comparable to the 95% confidence interval reported for the NASS seawater reference standards (representing analytical variability only). The discrepancies between reporting laboratories appear to be due to inaccuracies in standardization (analytical calibration), blank correction, and/or extraction efficiency corrections.Several of the sampling bottles used at this station were not adequately pre-cleaned (anomalous Pb results). The sample filtration process did not appear to have been a source of contamination for either dissolved or particulate trace elements. The trace metal profiles agree in general with previously reported profiles from the Atlantic Ocean. We conclude that the sampling and analytical methods we have employed for this effort, while still in need of improvement, are sufficient for obtaining accurate concentration data on most trace metals in the major water masses of the oceans, and to enable some evaluation of the biogeochemical cycling of the metals. 相似文献
《Marine Policy》1998,22(3):255-267
Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. The 3.1 million km2 seas cover about two-thirds of its territory. The 200 miles exclusive economic zone adds another 2.7 million km2. Marine related programmes are given a high priority by the Indonesian government. During the last two decades a concerted effort in marine capacity building has been carried out through bilateral, regional and international co-operation. This effort included, among others, increasing manpower development, expanding and improving research facilities, establishing a national marine data centre, and improving communications and co-operation throughout the marine science community. The bilateral agreement with the Netherlands in the mid-1980s for the implementation of the Snellius II Programme, laid the intellectual basis for the Indonesian marine science capability. The necessary research vessels were obtained through bilateral co-operation with France. At present Indonesia operates: a network of tide gauges and current meter stations; two satellite ground stations; tropical radar wind profiling stations; a network of marine pollution stations; a number of ocean going, coastal and fisheries research vessels; and six SEAWATCH monitoring buoys. It is expected that Indonesia will play a major role in the western Pacific region in the near future. This paper gives a brief review of the Indonesian experience in developing a national marine capability. 相似文献
《Marine Policy》1998,22(3):209-215
The North and West African coastal and marine areas discussed in this paper consist of the countries from Morocco to Libya for North Africa, and from Morocco to South Africa (up to the Cape of Good Hope) in West Africa. These marine areas consist of a wide to narrow continental shelf, estuaries, lagoons, coastal plains, isolated mountains, mangroves and wetlands. These areas are centres of productive socio-economic activities with a high population density, vast fisheries, and mineral resources. Presently, these resources are exploited with little attention for the environmental consequences. Sustainable management of the marine environment and its resources requires effective management plans and a human capacity to formulate, implement and monitor these plans. However, most of the countries still lack funds, human and infrastructural capacity for the management of their marine territories and its resources. Though there are many universities, research institutes and private organisations with a modest infrastructure for both data and information handling and the management of the marine environment, the region still lags behind in human and infrastructural capacity. Existing capacity development programmes by United Nations agencies, governments, universities, nongovernmental agencies, have so far not been very effective. A vigorous marine capacity building effort is needed to ensure the sustainable management of the marine environment in this African region. Externally funded programmes with a focus ensuring technology cooperation are needed. Such programmes must be based on mutual co-operation and participation of scientists and administrators from the region at all levels of programme formulation, implementation and assessment. 相似文献
稳定可靠的仪器设备在海洋调查工作中至关重要。随着我国海洋调查活动的增多,仪器设备损坏甚至丢失的情况时有发生。文章针对海洋调查仪器设备,运用风险管理理论,从仪器设备使用方式、操作人员专业水平、调查作业环境、仪器设备自身因素和作业船舶基本性能等方面进行风险分析,并通过提炼风险因子、计算风险度和统计风险值进行风险评价,最后提出建立健全管理机制、加强人员培训和考核、提升保险意识以及建立和完善备品备件库等风险控制措施,以期提高海洋调查仪器设备管理水平,促进海洋调查工作的发展。 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2003,27(3):241-247
This paper describes and evaluates the use of a virtual learning environment (VLE) to enhance ICM capacity building within a higher education context. It was found that when combined with an appropriate teaching strategy, in this case, problem based learning, the VLE provides a valuable learning resource. Overall, the learning process experienced by students was perceived to be more beneficial than a conventional lecture-based teaching strategy. It was also found that even poorly motivated students engaged with material more fully than with alternative delivery methods. The paper concludes that capacity building techniques require more detailed debate in order to identify and develop appropriate techniques to maximise the potential of capacity building opportunities. 相似文献
随着海洋仪器在海洋调查、海洋监测、海洋科研等领域的广泛应用,开展海洋仪器的计量检定校准工作成为了国家海洋计量站最基本的业务工作之一。“海洋仪器计量检定校准数据处理系统”是专门为海洋仪器计量检定、校准数据的处理而设计的软件系统,文章详细介绍了该系统的结构和功能。 相似文献
RS与GIS在海洋地质调查中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
近几十年来,海洋的重要性愈来愈明显,海洋地质调查作为获取海洋数据的重要手段逐渐受到关注。海洋数据与陆地数据相比,具有多样性和时空复杂性的特点。近年来遥感技术和地理信息系统技术发展迅速,遥感的实时性、大面积监测性的特点以及地理信息系统对空间数据的有序管理及支持辅助决策的功能为海洋地质调查开辟了新的前景。笔者结合遥感和地理信息系统的特点、发展趋势,介绍了其在海洋地质调查领域中的应用,并对其应用前景做出展望。 相似文献
Maria Eduarda Gonçalves 《Marine Policy》1980,4(2):152-154
为推动APEC经济体的海洋保护区管理能力建设、分享APEC经济体在海洋保护区建设与管理方面的成功经验,APEC海洋可持续发展中心于2011年在中国厦门举办了"APEC海洋保护区管理能力建设培训班".本文简要介绍了培训班概况,并基于培训研讨内容,总结归纳了目前业界对亚太区域海洋保护区管理能力建设共同关心的问题,包括海洋保护区网络建设、管理制度建设、社区共管机制建设、先进技术的应用、可持续财政机制建立等.文中指出开展APEC海洋保护区网络建设的重要性,并提出了今后需要加强海洋保护区管理计划的实施与管理成效评估、管理人员与技术人员的培训和经验分享、加强国际交流合作等方面的建议,以不断提高海洋保护区管理成效. 相似文献
当今通信技术的发展和应用已渗透到人类社会的各个领域,对社会发展产生巨大影响。在海洋领域,通信技术经历多次重大跨越,从最原始的旗语到现在的卫星移动通信,海陆之间的联系已经变得较为便利。但目前我国海陆即时通信技术还不够完善,给科考船的深远海作业带来诸多不便,轻则影响作业进度,重则造成巨额经济损失甚至人员伤亡。在卫星电话、电子邮件等通信方式存在信号不稳定、直观性差、即时性低等弊端的情况下,研究和开发较为成熟的海陆即时通信技术极为必要。文章探讨科考船在海上作业期间与陆地进行即时通信的方法和可行性,为今后这项技术的发展提供参考。 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2015
This study examines the current state of the art in the emerging and strategically important marine biotechnology sector in Oman, which has a long coastline, rich marine heritage and strong fishing industry. In a knowledge-based economy, the ability to innovate is a key factor for increasing organisational competitiveness and this may be achieved using open innovation. This is the use by firms of external knowledge, ideas and technology to innovate. In this study, the extent of open innovation in Omani marine bioindustry companies has been studied by examining data from the top sixteen companies ranked by number of employees. The results indicate that the extent of openness in these companies is higher towards market side activities. In addition, the use of open innovation to increase collaboration between companies, Universities and government research institutes needs to be significantly strengthened. 相似文献