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One of the important factors influencing the accuracy of the numerical solution of 1D unsaturated flow equation (Richards’ equation) is the averaging method applied to compute hydraulic conductivity between two adjacent nodes of the computational grid. A number of averaging schemes have been proposed in the literature for homogeneous soil, including arithmetic, geometric, upstream and integrated means, as well as more sophisticated approaches, based on the local solution of steady state flow between the neighboring nodes (Darcian means). Another group of methods have been developed for the case when a material interface is present between the nodes. They range from simple arithmetic averaging to more complex schemes using the pressure- and flux-continuity conditions at the interface. In this paper we compare several averaging schemes for a number of steady and unsteady flow problems in layered soils. The first group of methods is applied in the framework of the vertex-centered approach to spatial discretization, where the nodes are placed at the material interfaces, while the second group is used with the cell-centered approach, where the material interfaces are located between computational nodes. The resulting numerical schemes are evaluated in terms of accuracy and computational time. It is shown that the averaging schemes based on Darcian mean principle [19] used in the framework of either vertex-centered or cell-centered approach compare favorably to other methods for a range of test cases.  相似文献   

In this study, we derive analytical solutions of the first two moments (mean and variance) of pressure head for one-dimensional steady state unsaturated flow in a randomly heterogeneous layered soil column under random boundary conditions. We first linearize the steady state unsaturated flow equations by Kirchhoff transformation and solve the moments of the transformed variable up to second order in terms of σY and σβ, the standard deviations of log hydraulic conductivity Y=ln(Ks) and of the log pore size distribution parameter β=ln(α). In addition, we also give solutions for the mean and variance of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. The analytical solutions of moment equations are validated via Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

In the analysis of the unsaturated zone, one of the most challenging problems is to use inverse theory in the search for an optimal parameterization of the porous media. Adaptative multi-scale parameterization consists in solving the problem through successive approximations by refining the parameter at the next finer scale all over the domain and stopping the process when the refinement does not induce significant decrease of the objective function any more. In this context, the refinement indicators algorithm provides an adaptive parameterization technique that opens the degrees of freedom in an iterative way driven at first order by the model to locate the discontinuities of the sought parameters. We present a refinement indicators algorithm for adaptive multi-scale parameterization that is applicable to the estimation of multi-dimensional hydraulic parameters in unsaturated soil water flow. Numerical examples are presented which show the efficiency of the algorithm in case of noisy data and missing data.  相似文献   

Release of water from the soil in the process of internal drainage, and its continued downward movement through the vadose zone, constitute the main mechanism of groundwater recharge. Water released from the soil generally contains solutes, and these are conveyed to the groundwater via the same pathways as the drained water. Knowledge of those pathways is essential in any attempt to minimize the likelihood of groundwater pollution. Solutes generally interact with the medium in which they reside or travel, and the spatial and temporal pattern of their movement influences the nature and extent of their interactions. For many years, the assumption had prevailed that flow in the vadose zone is a steady-state, uniform process. Hence the vadose zone can serve to filter, attenuate, as well as degrade, potential pollutants. Recently, however, the existence of preferred pathways has come to light. Such pathways might connect the soil's upper zone directly to the water-table, thus bypassing the greater volume of the vadose zone and evading its filtering mechanisms. Groundwater recharge models that ignore the possibility of such spurts of contamination may be highly misleading. Preferred flow path may be cracks, animal burrows, or decayed root channels. Less easily discernible are transient and random paths associated with the phenomenon of ‘unstable flow’, which is most likely to occur in layered soils during infiltration. The wetting front, instead of remaining horizontal and advancing continuously from one layer to the next, may begin (particularly in transition from a fine-textured to a coarse-textured layer) to form bulges, called ‘fingers’, which propagate downwards and may become, in effect, vertical pipes. At present we are aware only of the occasional occurrence and potential importance of such phenomena, but as yet have neither the systematic empirical data, nor a proven comprehensive theoretical framework, by which to assess where, when, and according to what pattern, they are likely to occur.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of an unsaturated flow equation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A numerical model for an unsaturated flow problem by using the finite element method is established in order to simulate liquid moisture flow In an unsaturated zone with homogeneous soil and deep subsurface water, and with different initial and boundary conditions. For infiltration or evaporation problems, a traditional method usually yields oscillatory non-physics profiles. However, nonoscillatory solutions are obtained and non-physics solutions for these problems are evaded by using the mass-lumped finite element method. Moreover, the kind of boundary condition is handled very well. Project supported by the National Key Project of Fundamental Research ”Climate Dynamics and Climate Prediction Theory“ and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A comprehensive analysis of steady flow patterns in saturated and unsaturated, possibly heterogeneous, isotropic soils is presented. It is shown that, at any point, the divergence of the unit tangent vector field to the streamlines is equal to the directional derivative along the streamlines of the orthogonal cross-sectional area of an infinitesimal stream tube divided by that area and also equal to the mean curvature of the surface of constant total head. Expressions are derived for the distribution of the flux, the water content, the velocity, the hydraulic conductivity, the total head, and the pressure head along a stream line or an infinitesimal, stream tube. Among the results is a simpler derivation, further interpretation, and extension of earlier work on calculating the hydraulic conductivity distribution from detailed measurements of the total head distribution in combination with measurements of the hydraulic conductivity at a few locations. In the last section, the jumps of various quantities at an interface are discussed.  相似文献   


Natural soils very often contain micro- and macropores, having different hydraulic properties. At the macroscopic scale, the unsaturated flow in such soils can be described with various models, depending on the hydraulic diffusivity ratio of the components and the connectivity of the most conductive component. Three macroscopic models recently derived by the homogenization method are discussed. The limit passages between the models are studied. A unified model suitable for the entire range of the hydraulic diffusivity ratio is proposed. A numerical example shows the application of the model to macroscopically one-dimensional infiltration in a porous medium containing inclusions. A parametric study for varying conductivity (diffusivity) ratio is performed.  相似文献   

Numerical investigations on one-dimensional nonlinear acoustic wave with third and fourth order nonlinearities are presented using high-order finite-difference (HFD) operators with a simple flux-limiter (SFL) algorithm. As shown by our numerical tests, the HFDSFL method is able to produce more stable, accurate and conservative solutions to the nonlinear acoustic waves than those computed by finite-difference combined with the flux-corrected-transport algorithm. Unlike the linear acoustic waves, the nonlinear acoustic waves have variable phase velocity and waveform both in time-space (t-x) domain and frequency-wavenumber (f-k) domain; of our special interest is the behaviour during the propagation of nonlinear acoustic waves: the waveforms are strongly linked to the type of medium nonlinearities, generation of harmonics, frequency and wavenumber peak shifts. In seismic sense, these characteristics of nonlinear wave will introduce new issues during such seismic processing as Normal Moveout and f-k filter. Moreover, as shown by our numerical experiment for a four-layer model, the nonlinearities of media will introduce extra velocity errors in seismic velocity inversion.  相似文献   

Within the framework of stochastic theory and the spectral perturbation techniques, three-dimensional dispersion in partially saturated soils with fractal log hydraulic conductivity distribution is analyzed. Our analysis is focused on the impact of fractal dimension of log hydraulic conductivity distribution, local dispersivity, and unsaturated flow parameters, such as the soil poresize distribution parameter and the moisture distribution parameter, on the spreading behavior of solute plume and the concentration variance. Approximate analytical solutions to the stochastic partial differential equations are derived for the variance of asymptotic solute concentration and asymptotic macrodispersivities.  相似文献   

The identification of vadose zone flow parameters and solute travel time from the surface to the water table are key issues for the assessment of groundwater vulnerability. In this paper we use the results of time-lapse monitoring of the vadose zone in a UK consolidated sandstone aquifer using cross-hole zero-offset radar to assess and calibrate models of water flow in the vadose zone. The site under investigation is characterized by a layered structure, with permeable medium sandstone intercalated by finer, less permeable, laminated sandstone. Information on this structure is available from borehole geophysical (gamma-ray) logs. Monthly cross-hole radar monitoring was performed from August 1999 to February 2001, and shows small changes of moisture content over time and fairly large spatial variability with depth. One-dimensional Richards’ equation modeling of the infiltration process was performed under spatially heterogeneous, steady state conditions. Both layer structure and Richards’ equation parameters were simulated using a nested Monte Carlo approach, constrained via geostatistical analysis on the gamma-ray logs and on a priori information regarding the possible range of hydraulic parameters. The results of the Monte Carlo analysis show that, in order to match the radar-derived moisture content profiles, it is necessary to take into account the vertical scale of measurements, with an averaging window size of the order of the antenna length and the Fresnel zone width. Flow parameters cannot be uniquely identified, showing that the system is over parameterized with respect to the information content of the (nearly stationary) radar profiles. Estimates of travel time of water across the vadose zone are derived from the simulation results.  相似文献   

Discrete models such as the lumped parameter model and the finite element model are widely used in the solution of soil amplification of earthquakes. However, neither of the models will accurately estimate the natural frequencies of soil deposit, nor simulate a damping of frequency independence. This research develops a new discrete model for one-dimensional viscoelastic response analysis of layered soil deposit based on the mode equivalence method. The new discrete model is a one-dimensional equivalent multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system characterized by a series of concentrated masses, springs and dashpots with a special configuration. The dynamic response of the equivalent MDOF system is analytically derived and the physical parameters are formulated in terms of modal properties. The equivalent MDOF system is verified through a comparison of amplification functions with the available theoretical solutions. The appropriate number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) in the equivalent MDOF system is estimated. A comparative study of the equivalent MDOF system with the existing discrete models is performed. It is shown that the proposed equivalent MDOF system can exactly present the natural frequencies and the hysteretic damping of soil deposits and provide more accurate results with fewer DOFs.  相似文献   

The paper presents a numerical model for the analysis of the soil–structure kinematic interaction of single piles and pile groups embedded in layered soil deposits during seismic actions. A finite element model is considered for the pile group and the soil is assumed to be a Winkler‐type medium. The pile–soil–pile interaction and the radiation problem are accounted for by means of elastodynamic Green's functions. Condensation of the problem permits a consistent and straightforward derivation of both the impedance functions and the foundation input motion, which are necessary to perform the inertial soil–structure interaction analyses. The model proposed allows calculating the internal forces induced by soil–pile and pile‐to‐pile interactions. Comparisons with data available in literature are made to study the convergence and validate the model. An application to a realistic pile foundation is given to demonstrate the potential of the model to catch the dynamic behaviour of the soil–foundation system and the stress resultants in each pile. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Preferential flow occurs in unsaturated conditions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
John R. Nimmo 《水文研究》2012,26(5):786-789

In this paper, results of a detailed investigation on the dynamic response of rigid strip foundations in viscoelastic soils under vertical excitation are presented. An advanced boundary element algorithm developed by incorporating isoparametric quadratic elements and a sophisticated self-adapting numerical integration scheme has been used for this investigation. Foundations supported on three types of soil profiles, namely, homogeneous half-space, stratum-over-half-space and stratum-over-bedrock are considered. The influence of material properties like Poisson's ratio and material damping as well as the influence of geometrical properties such as depth of embedment and layer thickness are studied. The effect of the type of contact at the soil-foundation interface is also investigated.  相似文献   

In this paper the coupled equations governing the dynamic behavior of unsaturated soils are derived based on the poromechanics theory within the framework of the suction-based mathematical model presented by Gatmiri (1997) [Gatmiri B. Analysis of fully coupled behavior of unsaturated porous medium under stress, suction and temperature gradient. Final report of CERMES-EDF, 1997] and Gatmiri et al. (1998) [Gatmiri B, Delage P, Cerrolaza M, UDAM: a powerful finite element software for the analysis of unsaturated porous media. Adv Eng Software 1998; 29(1): 29–43]. In this formulation, the solid skeleton displacements, water pressure and air pressure are presumed to be independent variables. The Boundary Integral formulations as well as fundamental solutions for such a dynamic upwpa theory are presented in this paper for the first time. The boundary integral equations are derived via the use of the weighted residuals method in a way that permits an easy discretization and implementation in a Boundary Element code. Also, the associated two dimensional (2D) fundamental solutions for such deformable porous medium with linear elastic behavior are derived in Laplace transform domain using the method of Hörmander. Finally, some numerical results are presented to show the accuracy of the proposed solutions. The derived results are verified analytically by comparison with the previously introduced corresponding fundamental solutions in elastodynamic limiting case.  相似文献   

Diffusion in stratified porous media is common in the natural environment. The objective of this study is to develop analytical solutions for describing the diffusion in layered porous media with a position-dependent diffusion coefficient within each layer. The orthogonal expansion technique was used to solve a one-dimensional multi-layer diffusion equation in which the diffusion coefficient is expressed as a segmented linear function of positions in the porous media. The behavior of the solutions is illustrated using several examples of a three-layer system, with constant diffusion coefficient α1 in layer 1 (0 < x < l1), α3 in layer 3(l2 < x < l3), and a linearly position-dependent diffusion coefficient α1(1 + Δ(x − l1)/(l2 − l1)) in the center layer (Δ = α3/α1 − 1). Because of the asymmetry of the layered system, the diffusion and related concentration distributions are also asymmetrical. For a given Δ value, the smaller the value of (l2 − l1)/l3, the more significant the accumulation of concentration in the middle transition zone (l1 < x < l2), the sharper the change in the concentration profile of spatial distribution. Therefore, transition between two layers has significant effects on diffusion.  相似文献   

This paper describes a stochastic analysis of steady state flow in a bounded, partially saturated heterogeneous porous medium subject to distributed infiltration. The presence of boundary conditions leads to non-uniformity in the mean unsaturated flow, which in turn causes non-stationarity in the statistics of velocity fields. Motivated by this, our aim is to investigate the impact of boundary conditions on the behavior of field-scale unsaturated flow. Within the framework of spectral theory based on Fourier–Stieltjes representations for the perturbed quantities, the general expressions for the pressure head variance, variance of log unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and variance of the specific discharge are presented in the wave number domain. Closed-form expressions are developed for the simplified case of statistical isotropy of the log hydraulic conductivity field with a constant soil pore-size distribution parameter. These expressions allow us to investigate the impact of the boundary conditions, namely the vertical infiltration from the soil surface and a prescribed pressure head at a certain depth below the soil surface. It is found that the boundary conditions are critical in predicting uncertainty in bounded unsaturated flow. Our analytical expression for the pressure head variance in a one-dimensional, heterogeneous flow domain, developed using a nonstationary spectral representation approach [Li S-G, McLaughlin D. A nonstationary spectral method for solving stochastic groundwater problems: unconditional analysis. Water Resour Res 1991;27(7):1589–605; Li S-G, McLaughlin D. Using the nonstationary spectral method to analyze flow through heterogeneous trending media. Water Resour Res 1995; 31(3):541–51], is precisely equivalent to the published result of Lu et al. [Lu Z, Zhang D. Analytical solutions to steady state unsaturated flow in layered, randomly heterogeneous soils via Kirchhoff transformation. Adv Water Resour 2004;27:775–84].  相似文献   

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