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We studied clinopyroxenes from spinel-facies peridotite xenoliths sampled by the Quaternary intra-plate volcanism of the Middle Atlas (Morocco) and present new trace element and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data. However, we focus in particular on Pb isotope data and 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb ratios of these clinopyroxenes. This data allows us to investigate: (a) the timing of metasomatic events, (b) the prevalence and persistence of elevated 238U/204Pb, 232Th/238U and 232Th/204Pb in continental mantle roots and (c) the 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb composition of putative basaltic melts generated from such metasomatised sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM).Incompatible trace element concentrations in these clinopyroxenes are elevated, marked by high-field strength element depletion and fractionated elemental ratios (e.g., U/Nb, Zr/Hf) most consistent with enrichment due to carbonatitic liquids. Sr, Nd and Hf isotopes have an affinity to HIMU.U, Th and Pb abundances in the clinopyroxenes generally exceed estimates of primitive mantle clinopyroxene. Pb isotope compositions of these clinopyroxenes are radiogenic and vary between 206Pb/204Pb = 19.93-20.25, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.63-15.66 and 208Pb/204Pb = 39.72-40.23. These Pb isotope systematics result in generally negative Δ7/4 but positive Δ8/4; setting these samples distinctly apart from typical HIMU. These Pb isotope compositions are also distinct from the associated host volcanic rocks. 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb of these clinopyroxenes, which range from 26 to 81 and 136 to 399, respectively, are elevated and more extreme than estimates of MORB- and HIMU-source mantle.The Pb isotope evolution of the clinopyroxenes suggests that the metasomatic enrichment is younger than 200 Ma, which discounts the volcanic activity due to the opening of the Atlantic and the onset of the collision of the African and Eurasian plates as processes generating the lithophile element and isotope composition of this continental mantle root. Instead, the enrichment is thought to be associated with the Quaternary intra-plate volcanism in the Middle Atlas. However, the erupted mafic melts have unradiogenic Pb isotopes and lower 238U/204Pb, 232Th/204Pb and 232Th/238U relative to the clinopyroxene and do not seem to have equilibrated with the clinopyroxenes. The high Th abundances and the high 232Th/238U also suggest that the metasomatism was due to carbonatitic liquids.When literature data for Pb isotopes in mantle minerals are considered, the Pb isotope range of Archean, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic continental mantle roots is remarkable in that they are similar to the convecting mantle. This observation does not support the existence of sub-continental lithospheric mantle with high 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb for long periods of time. Consequently, the narrow range of Pb isotopes in SCLM worldwide suggests that only the youngest metasomatic events are recorded by incompatible elements such as U, Th and Pb. Numerical modelling of putative magmas generated from Middle Atlas SCLM by fractional, non-modal melting calculations yield extremely high 238U/204Pb and 232Th/204Pb ratios. For example, pure SCLM magmas generated from 0.5% to 10% melting are anticipated to have 232Th/204Pb ratios exceeding those known from terrestrial basalts.  相似文献   

Ultramafic xenoliths entrained in the late Miocene alkali basalts and basanites from NW Turkey include refractory spinel-harzburgites and dunites accompanied by subordinate spinel-lherzolites. Whole-rock major and trace element characteristics indicate that the xenoliths are mostly the solid residues of varying degrees of partial melting (~4–~15%), but some have geochemical signatures reflecting the processes of melt/rock interaction. Mantle-normalized trace element patterns for the peridotites vary from LREE-depleted to strongly LREE-enriched, reflecting multistage mantle processes from simple melt extraction to metasomatic enrichment. Rhenium and platinum group element (PGE) abundances and 187Os/188Os systematics of peridotites were examined in order to identify the nature of the mantle source and the processes effective during variable stages of melt extraction within the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). The peridotites are characterized by chondritic Os/Ir and Pt/Ir ratios and slightly supra-chondritic Pd/Ir and Rh/Ir ratios, representing a mantle region similar in composition to the primitive mantle (PM). Moderate enrichment in PPGE (Pd–Pt–Rh)/IPGE (Ir–Os–Ru) ratios with respect to the PM composition in the metasomatized samples, however, reflects compositional modification by sulphide addition during possible post-melting processes. The 187Os/188Os ratios of the peridotites range from 0.11801 to 0.12657. Highly unradiogenic Os isotope compositions (γOs at 10 Ma from –7.0 to –3.2) in the chemically undisturbed mantle residues are accompanied by depletion in Re/Os ratios, suggesting long-term differentiation of SCLM by continuous melt extraction. For the metasomatized peridotites, however, systematic enrichments in PPGE and Re abundances, and the observed positive covariance between 187Re/188Os and γOs can most likely be explained by interaction of solid residues with basaltic melts produced by melting of relatively more radiogenic components in the mantle. Significantly, the wide range of 187Os/188Os ratios characterizing the entire xenolith suite seems to be consistent with multistage evolution of SCLM and suggests that parts of the lithospheric mantle contain materials that have experienced ancient melt removal (~1.3 Ga) which created time-integrated depletion in Re/Os ratios; in contrast, some other parts display evidence indicative of recent perturbation in the Re–Os system by sulphide addition during interaction with metasomatizing melts.  相似文献   

We discuss the implications of a lithospheric model of the Moroccan Atlas Mountains based on topography, heat flow, gravity and geoid anomalies, taking into account the regional geology. The NW African cratonic lithosphere, some 160–180 km thick, thins to c. 80 km beneath the Atlas fold-thrust belts, in contrast with the shortening regime prevailing there since the early Cenozoic. This fact explains several geological and geophysical features as high topography with modest tectonic shortening, the occurrence of alkaline magmatism contemporaneous to compression, the absence of large crustal roots to support elevation, the scarce development of foreland basins, and a marked geoid high. The modelled lithosphere thinning is related to a thermal upwelling constrained between the Iberia–Africa convergent plate boundary and the Saharan craton.  相似文献   

Late Neoproterozoic (ca. 580 Ma), high-K, mafic-intermediate rocks represent voluminous bimodal magmatism in the Borborema Province, northeast Brazil. These rocks show the following chemical signatures that reflect derivation from a subduction-modified lithospheric mantle source: (1) enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Ba, K, Th) and light rare-earth elements (REE) (La/YbCN=11–70), (2) pronounced negative Nb anomalies, and (3) radiogenic Sr (0.71202–0.7059) and unradiogenic Nd (Nd from −9.3–−20.1) isotopic compositions. TDM model ages suggest that modification of the lithospheric mantle source (metasomatised garnet lherzolite) may have occurred in the Paleoproterozoic during the Transamazonian/Eburnean tectonics that affected the region. Interaction with asthenospheric fluids is believed to have partially melted this enriched source in the Neoproterozoic, probably as a result of asthenosphere-derived fluid percolation in the Brasiliano/Pan-African shear zones that controlled the emplacement of these mafic-intermediate magmas. The involvement of this asthenospheric component is supported by the nonradiogenic Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb=16–17.3, 207Pb/204Pb=15.1–15.6, 208Pb/204Pb=36–37.5), which contrast with the enriched Sr and Nd compositions and thereby suggest the decoupling of Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd, and U–Pb systems at the time of intrusion of the mafic-intermediate magmas in the crust.  相似文献   

We report 3He/4He ratios from 10 peridotite xenoliths considered to represent samples of the uppermost mantle wedge above the downgoing Juan de Fuca Plate. Helium isotopic ratios in all but two of the xenoliths are similar to many arc magmas, roughly 7 Ra (1 Ra=atmospheric value). Based on decoupling of He from Sr, Nd and Os in these samples, similar He ratios in olivines from rims of larger xenoliths, and modeling of helium exchange between xenoliths and magmas, we interpret this ratio as that of helium in the host basalt. 3He/4He ratios as low as 4.2 Ra are found in olivines from the cores of the two largest xenoliths. These results cannot be reasonably explained by interaction with crustal material or post-eruptive ingrowth of 4He, but have been produced by interaction between mantle peridotite and a 4He-rich melt or fluid. Either 4He already present in the subducting oceanic crust has been retained to significant depths below Simcoe and then directly released behind the arc to interact with the mantle wedge, or, more likely, 4He has been produced by decay of U and Th in metasomatized mantle directly above the slab; a He-rich fluid or melt from this source has then ascended and modified the region of mantle represented by the xenoliths. This latter model is supported by estimates of residence time for the Simcoe metasomatic agent from U–Th–Pb isotopic systematics of pyroxenes from the Simcoe peridotites, estimated U and Th concentrations in the source of the fluid or melt, and commonly assumed patterns of helium behavior. This model is also consistent with higher 3He/4He ratios typically measured in arc samples; the portion of sub-arc mantle with such low He isotope ratios may be quite small, but the Simcoe xenoliths record a much larger volumetric contribution of the He-rich metasomatic agent than do arc lavas.  相似文献   

Mafic granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Cenozoic alkaline basalts at Hannuoba, Hebei Province, North China have been selected for a systematic geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic study, which provides a unique opportunity to explore nature of the lower crust and the interaction between the continental crust and lithospheric mantle beneath an Archean craton. The major, compatible and incompatible elements and radiogenic isotopes of these xenoliths suggest great chemical heterogeneity of the lower crust beneath the Hannuoba region. Petrological and geochemical evidences indicate a clear cumulate origin, and most likely, they are related to basaltic underplating in different geological episodes. However, the Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of the xenoliths reveal a profound enriched source signature (EM I) with some influence of EM II, which implies that some portion of pre-existing, old metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle could have played an important role in their genesis. It is suggested that the interaction between continental crust and subcontinental mantle as manifested by basaltic underplating would be closely related to regional tectonic episodes and geodynamic processes in the deep part of subcontinental lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

Data on the petro- and geochemical characteristics of mantle xenoliths in kimberlites, which sampled the mantle beneath Early Precambrian tectonic structures (Archean cratons: the basement of the Eastern Siberian Platform, Karelian, Kaapvaal, Wyoming, Western Dharvar; Early and Middle Proterozoic foldbelts: Western Olenek, Natal, and Halls Creek), and xenoliths in alkaline basalts, which sampled the mantle benath Late Proterozoic-Phanerozoic structures (foldbelts: Central Asian, Mozambique, southern tip of South America, and Central German) indicate the following: (1) The major and trace element and REE composition of the mantle is different beneath Early Precambrian structures and Late Proterozoic-Phanerozoic foldbelts and reflects the degree of partial melting of the primitive mantle and its depletion in magmaphile components beneath ancient structures compared to young ones. (2) The original composition of the mantle was different beneath the Early Precambrian and Late Proterozoic structures in terms of both major oxides and incompatible trace elements and REE and their ratios; the composition of the mantle beneath the Eastern Siberian Platform, Wyoming, and Karelian cratons is different in terms of Zr/Y, La/Sm, Ce/Sm, Gd/Yb, and Lu/Hf. (3) The degree of melting of the primitive mantle decreases with depth, as follows from the negative correlation between the MgO/SiO2 ratio and pressure (i.e., depth) and the positive correlation between the Al2O3/MgO ratio and pressure in the xenoliths. (4) The Y, Zr, Ti, Sm, Gd, and Yb conncentrations and the sum of HREE in the mantle decrease with increasing degree of melting; correspondingly, the material most strongly depleted in these incompatible trace elements and REE composes the upper levels of the lithospheric continental mantle.  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations of peridotitic garnet inclusions in diamonds from two Chinese kimberlite pipes were determined using the ion microprobe. Garnet xenocrysts from the same two kimberlite pipes were also analyzed for comparison. In contrast to their extremely refractory major element compositions, all harzburgitic garnets showed enrichment in light rare earth elements (REE) relative to chondrite, resulting in sinuous REE patterns. Both normal and sinuous REE patterns were observed from the lherzolitic garnets. Concentrations of REE in garnets changed significantly from diamond to diamond and no specific correlations were observed with their major element compositions. Analyses of randomly selected two to three points within every grain of a large number of garnet inclusions by the ion microprobe demonstrated that there was no evident compositional heterogeneity, and multiple grains of one phase from a single diamond host also exhibit very similar compositions. This implies that the trace element heterogeneity within one grain or among multiple inclusions from the same diamond host, as reported from Siberian diamonds, is not a common feature for these Chinese diamonds. Concentrations of Na, Ti, and Zr tend to decrease when garnets become more refractory, but variations of Sr and Li are more complex. Compositions rich in light REE and relatively poor in high field strength elements (HFSE) of the harzburgitic garnet inclusions in diamonds are generally consistent with metasomatism by carbonatite melts. The trace element features observed from the garnet inclusions in Chinese diamonds may be caused by carbonatite melt infiltration and partial melt extraction. Spatial and temporal gradients in melt/rock ratio and temperature are the main reasons for the large variations of REE patterns and other trace element concentrations. Received: 27 April 1999 / Accepted: 1 March 2000  相似文献   

Li concentrations and isotopic compositions of coexisting minerals (ol, opx, and cpx) from peridotite xenoliths entrained in the Hannuoba Tertiary basalts, North China Craton, provide insight into Li isotopic fractionation between mantle minerals during melt-rock interaction in the considerably thinned lithospheric mantle. Bulk analyses of mineral separates show significant enrichment of Li in cpx (2.4-3.6 ppm) relative to olivine (1.2-1.8 ppm), indicating that these peridotites have been affected by mantle metasomatism with mafic silicate melts. Bulk olivine separates (δ7Li ∼ +3.3‰ to +6.4‰) are isotopically heavier than coexisting pyroxenes (δ7Li ∼ −3.3‰ to −8.2‰ in cpx, and −4.0‰ to −6.7‰ in opx). Such large variation suggests Li elemental and isotopic disequilibrium. This conclusion is supported by results from in situ SIMS analyses of mineral grains where significant Li elemental and isotopic zonations exist. The olivine and opx have lower Li concentrations and heavier Li isotopes in the rims than in the cores. This reverse correlation of δ7Li with Li concentrations indicates diffusive fractionation of Li isotopes. However, the zoning patterns in coexisting cpx show isotopically heavier rims with higher Li abundances. This positive correlation between δ7Li and Li concentrations suggests a melt mixing trend. We attribute Li concentration and isotope zonation in minerals to the effects of two-stage diffusive fractionation coupled with melt-rock interaction. The earliest melts may have been derived from the subducted oceanic slab with low δ7Li values produced by isotopic fractionation during the dehydration of the seawater-altered slab. Melts at later stages were derived from the asthenosphere and interacted with the peridotites, producing the Li elemental and isotopic zoning in mineral grains. These data thus provide evidence for multiple-stage peridotite-melt interaction in the lithospheric mantle beneath the northern North China Craton.  相似文献   

对产于莒南晚中生代玄武岩中的镁铁质麻粒岩和橄榄岩包体矿物进行了傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析.结果显示,麻粒岩矿物和全岩中水含量分别为:单斜辉石300×10-6~1 180×10-6,斜方辉石80×10-6~169×10-6,斜长石717×10-6~1 239×10-6,全岩525×10-6~855×10-6;橄榄岩矿物和全岩中水含量分别为:单斜辉石466×10- 6~746×10-6,斜方辉石187×10-6~304×10-6,橄榄石6×10-6~15×10-6,全岩81×10-6~245×10-6.从单矿物看,麻粒岩和橄榄岩之间水含量的差距不是很明显,但麻粒岩的全岩水含量明显高于橄榄岩,表明大陆深部岩石圈的水含量在垂向上具有不均一性.  相似文献   

The petrological and geochemical study of harzburgitic and dunitic xenoliths from the melilititic district of In Teria (Algerian Sahara) shows that the lighospheric mantle of this region has been affected by a multi-stage metasomatism. The first metasomatic event is related to the injection of alkali silicated (basaltic or kimberlitic) melt and was responsible for the crystallization of phlogopite at depths ranging between 80 and 100 km and the crystallization of amphibole at about 60 km. During this first event, carbonate probably precipitated in the garnet stability field. In a second stage, the spinal peridotites suffered strong mineral changes resulting in an extensive formation of high-Cr endiopside and leading to conversion of harzburgite and dunite into lherzolite and wehrlite. These changes are associated with an enrichment in the most incompatible trace elements including light REE (rare-earth elements), Ta, Th and variable values of ratios such as Th/La and Ta/La. This second event is atributed to the injection (under conditions of decarbonatation and release of CO2) of a carbonatitic melt resulting from incipient melting of the garnet peridotites, which were previously carbonated. This interpretation is corroborated by the calculation of a diffusion-percolation model which reproduces well the observed distribution of incompatible trace elements in the spinel peridotites. Given the proposed sequence of events, it appears that most of the specificities of the In Teria xenoliths can be explained by the successive geochemical modifications induced within the lithospheric mantle during reheating.  相似文献   

In situ trace element analyses of constituent minerals in mantle xenoliths occurring in an alnöite diatreme and in nephelinite plugs emplaced within the central zone of the Damara Belt have been determined by laser ablation ICP-MS. Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns of clinopyroxene and amphibole indicate the presence of both depleted MORB-like mantle and variably enriched mantle beneath this region. Clinopyroxenes showing geochemical depletion have low La/Smn ratios (0.02–0.2), whereas those showing variable enrichment have La/Smn ranging up to 3.8 and La/Ybn to 9.1. The most enriched clinopyroxenes coexist with amphibole showing similar REE patterns (La/Smn = 1.3–4.1; La/Ybn = 4.5–9). Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns allow further groups to be distinguished amongst the variably enriched clinopyroxenes: one having strong relative depletion in Rb–Ba, Ta–Nb and relative enrichment in Th–U; another with similar characteristics but with additional strong relative depletion in Zr–Hf; and one showing no significant anomalies. Amphiboles show similar normalized trace element patterns to co-existing clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene and amphiboles showing LREEN enrichment have high Sr and low Nd isotope ratios compared to clinopyroxene with LREE-depleted patterns. Numerical simulation of melt percolation through the mantle via reactive porous flow is used to show that the chromatographic affect associated with such a melt migration process is able to account for the fractionation seen in La–Ce–Nd in cryptically metasomatized clinopyroxenes in Type 1 xenoliths, where melt–matrix interactions occur near the percolation front, whereas REE patterns in clinopyroxenes proximal to the source of metasomatic melt/fluid match those found in modally metasomatized Type 2 xenoliths. The strong fractionation between Rb–Ba, Th–U and Ta–Nb shown by some cryptically metasomatized xenoliths can be also accounted for by reactive porous flow, provided amphibole crystallizes from the percolating melt/fluid close to its source. The presence of amphibole in vein-like structures in some xenoliths is consistent with this interpretation. The strong depletion in Zr–Hf in clinopyroxene and amphibole in some xenoliths cannot be accounted for by melt migration processes and requires metasomatism by a separate carbonate-rich melt/fluid. When taken together with published isotope data on these same xenoliths, the source of metasomatic enrichment of the previously depleted (MORB-like) sub-Damaran lithospheric mantle is attributed to the upwelling Tristan plume head at the time of continental breakup.  相似文献   

邹东雅  张宏福 《岩石学报》2023,39(1):104-118



Clinopyroxene-rich, poorly metasomatised spinel lherzolites are rare worldwide but predominate among xenoliths in five Quaternary basaltic eruption centres in Tariat, central Mongolia. High-precision analyses of the most fertile Tariat lherzolites are used to evaluate estimates of primitive mantle compositions; they indicate Mg#PM = 0.890 while lower Mg# in the mantle are likely related to metasomatic enrichments in iron. Within a 10 × 20 km area, and between ~45 and ≥60 km depth, the sampled xenoliths suggest that the Tariat mantle does not show km-scale chemical heterogeneities and mainly consists of residues after low-degree melt extraction at 1–3 GPa. However, accessory (<1%) amphibole and phlogopite are unevenly distributed beneath the eruption centres. Ca abundances in olivine are controlled by temperature whereas Al and Cr abundances also depend on Cr/Al in coexisting spinel. Comparisons of conventional and high-precision analyses obtained for 30 xenoliths show that high-quality data, in particular for whole-rocks and olivines, are essential to constrain the origin of mantle peridotites. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic Haoti kamafugite field (23 Ma) is situated at the western Qinling Orogen, Gansu Province in China, which is a conjunction region of the North China Craton, the Yangtze Craton and the Tibetan Plateau. Fresh peridotitic xenoliths entrained in these volcanic rocks provide an opportunity to study the nature and processes of the lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling. These xenoliths can be divided into two groups based on the petrological features and mineral compositions, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 xenoliths with strongly deformed texture have higher Fo (90–92.5) contents in olivines, Mg# (91–94) and Cr# (15–35) of clinopyroxenes, and Cr# (36–67) of spinels than the weakly deformed type 2 xenoliths, which have the corresponding values of 89–90, 89–91.5, 10–15 and 5–15 in minerals, respectively. CaO contents in fine-grained olivines are slightly higher than 0.10 wt% compared with coarse-grained ones (less than 0.10 wt%). Fine-grained clinopyroxenes have low Al2O3 + CaO contents (generally <23 wt%) relative to coarse-grained ones (>23 wt%). Fo contents in fine-grained olivines mainly in the melt pocket of the type 1 xenoliths are higher than those in coarse-grained ones, which is somewhat contrary to the type 2 xenoliths without melt pocket. Clinopyroxenes of the type 2 display higher Na2O contents (1.7–1.9 wt%) than those of the type 1 (<1.4 wt%). P–T estimations reveal that the type 1 xenoliths give temperature in range of 1106–1187 °C and pressure of 21–26 kbar and that relatively low temperature (907 and 1022 °C) and pressure (19.0 and 18.5 kbar) for the type 2 xenoliths. The type 1 xenoliths are characterized by depletion due to high degree of partial melting (>10%), modal metasomatic and deformed characteristics, and may represent the old refractory lithospheric mantle. In contrast, the type 2 peridotites show fertile features with low degree of partial melting (<5%) and may represent the newly-accreted lithospheric mantle. The lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling underwent partial melting, recrystallization, deformation and metasomatism due to asthenospheric upwelling and the latest decompression responding to the Cenozoic extensive tectonic environment. These processes perhaps are closely related to the evolution of Tibetan Plateau caused by the India-Asian collision.  相似文献   

吉林省蛟河市境内大石河新生代玄武岩中含有丰富的地幔橄榄岩包体,详细的岩石学与矿物学研究显示,这些包体的主要岩石类型为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩-方辉橄榄岩,未发现石榴石橄榄岩.岩相学及地球化学资料显示它们都是经历过熔体抽取而形成的岩石圈地幔残留.矿物平衡温度计算发现,本区的这些地幔橄榄岩包体来自地下40~60km深度,且下部以二辉橄榄岩为主,而上部以贫单斜辉石的二辉橄榄岩和方辉橄榄岩为主,显示明显的岩石圈地幔分层现象.Sr-Nd-Hf同位素资料反映这些地幔包体均表现为亏损性质,而Re-Os同位素资料确定上述岩石圈地幔形成于中元古代,明显老于上覆地壳的新元古宙时代,反映壳幔年龄上的解耦.因此我们推测,该区曾经历过华北克拉通类似的早期岩石圈地幔的整体丢失事件,然后形成于其它地区的中元古宙岩石圈地幔在本区增生.  相似文献   

The composition and thermal state of the lithospheric mantle under the North Atlantic craton was investigated using a suite of peridotite xenoliths from the diamond-bearing Sarfartoq kimberlite dike swarm of southwestern Greenland. Elevated olivine and whole-rock Mg# (>0.9) attest to the refractory nature of the Sarfartoq mantle showing comparable degrees of depletion to other cratonic roots. Modal analyses indicate that the Sarfartoq mantle is not typified by the orthopyroxene enrichment observed in the Kaapvaal root, but shows more affinity with the Canadian Arctic (Somerset Island), Tanzania, and East Greenland (Wiedemann Fjord) peridotites. The Sarfartoq peridotites have equilibrated at temperatures and pressures ranging from 660 to 1,280 °C and from 2.2 to 6.3 GPa, and define a relatively low mantle heat flow of 13.2±1 mW/m2. In addition, the lithospheric mantle underneath the Sarfartoq area is compositionally layered as follows: (1) an internally stratified upper layer (70 to 180 km) consisting of coarse, un-deformed, refractory garnet-bearing and garnet-free peridotites and, (2) a lower layer (180 to 225 km) characterized by fertile, CPX-bearing, porphyroclastic garnet lherzolites. The stratification observed in the upper refractory harzburgite layer (70–180 km) is reflected by an increase in fertility (e.g., decrease in olivine abundance and forsterite content) with depth. The sharp nature of the boundary between the upper and lower layers may indicate multistage growth of the lithospheric mantle.Editorial responsibility: T.L. Grove  相似文献   

The effects of mantle metasomatism on the sulfide phase in mantle xenoliths in general, and on the Os isotopic system in particular, have received increased attention in recent years. Here, we report on Os isotopic systematics of metasomatized mantle xenoliths from the late Quaternary Eifel (Dreiser Weiher and Meerfelder Maar) and neighboring Vogelsberg volcanic fields, which provide insight into the effects of melt extraction and metasomatism on Os isotopes and place constraints on the evolution of the lithospheric mantle component beneath central Europe. Sixteen harzburgite, lherzolite, and pyroxenite xenoliths from the Eifel and two lherzolite xenoliths from the Vogelsberg were analyzed for Os isotopes. Samples from the anhydrous peridotite suite (Ib) are highly variable in their Os isotopes, ranging from subchondritic values (187Os/188Os=0.1236) to suprachondritic values (187Os/188Os=0.1420), indicating that some of these samples have been overprinted by the addition of radiogenic Os and have lost the primary mantle Os that was presumably present. The suprachondritic values suggest a source for this Os in a reservoir with a time-integrated Re/Os ratio greater than that of the bulk Earth. Eifel samples with Os contents >1.5 ng/g from the hydrous suite (Ia) have relatively unradiogenic Os isotope compositions (187Os/188Os=0.1208-0.1237) and Al2O3-Os isotopic systematics consistent with ancient melt depletion and isolation from the convecting asthenospheric mantle for time periods similar to the age of the overlying crust (~1.5 Ga) as well with results from peridotite massifs in the European region. The LREE-metasomatism and the enrichment of Os (up to 6.47 ng/g) and As (sulfide metasomatism?) in the hydrous suite is strongly inversely correlated with the Os isotope ratios, demonstrating that mantle processes such as metasomatism can significantly modify the Os isotope chemistry of mantle xenoliths.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1998,11(5):205-215
We compared the disintegration processes and mineralogic and chemical evolution pathways of two Quaternary basalts at Bakrit and Ifrane, weathered in the same physiographic and hydrologic conditions, but differing in texture according to the quantity of glass present. At Bakrit, quite abundant glass favoured the formation of a microfissure network throughout the rock and its disintegration without any distinct weathering front. As a result, basaltic sand with polymineral grains and a clayey-silty matrix were produced. At Ifrane, weathering of a glass-poor basalt produced only a clayey-silty saprolite. In glass-rich basalts, secondary minerals formed in microfissures and were 2/1 clay-mineral rich. In glass-poor basalts, secondary minerals formed mainly within primary minerals and were 1/1 clay-mineral rich. Because glass could be easily dissolved, it protected the minerals of close chemical composition, especially the plagioclases. The order of basalt-mineral weathering (olivine, labrador, augite, Fe-Ti oxides) was modified when glass was abundant (glass, olivine, augite, labrador, Fe-Ti oxides).  相似文献   

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