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One of the great environmental problems of our age is the safe disposal of radioactive waste for geological time periods. Britain is currently investigating a potential site for underground burial of waste, near the Sellafield nuclear plant. Future leakage of radionuclides depends greatly on subsurface water flows; these must be understood from the past, to predict hydrogeology 104–105 years into the future. We have taken information from the present-day, published by the government company Nirex, and used a finite-element steady-state fluid flow computer code to examine water flows in the subsurface. We find that flow directions at the planned Repository are persistently upwards, and that geologically significant flow rates could occur. How rates are particularly sensitive to uncertainties of rock permeability (conductivity) measurements made from site investigation boreholes. The hydrogeology at this site needs longer term investigation before a confident and credible prediction can be made.  相似文献   

The site of the future Saligny low- and intermediate-level waste repository presents a rather deep unsaturated zone consisting of a pile of loess and clay, underlain by a calcareous aquifer. Van Genuchten parameters were first estimated in laboratory on samples collected from all the horizons, at different depths. In a second kind of test, moisture parameters were estimated from the natural water content profiles, observed in some wells, by inversion of the unsaturated flow equation. Based on the solution of the inverse problem as well as of the sensitivity analyses a simple physical model of the vadose zone was determined, consisting of a layered sequence that was subjected to a constant infiltration flux. Radionuclide migration was simulated in a vertical cross section made along the most probable path from the repository towards the surface water discharge zone. For radionuclide release, a source term was evaluated by ensuring a conservative estimate of cell inventory during the cell-filling operation. According to the simulation results, for the medium half-life nuclides, the unsaturated zone is a perfect barrier, whereas the long half-life isotopes break through in the aquifer at significant concentrations.
Resumen El sitio del futuro repositorio para desechos de nivel bajo e intermedio, denominado Saligny, presenta una zona no saturada bastante profunda, consistente en un depósito de loess y arcilla, subyacido por un acuífero calcáreo. Los parámetros de Van Genuchten se estimaron por primera vez en laboratorio, a partir de muestras recolectadas de todos los horizontes, a diferentes profundidades. En un segundo tipo de prueba se estimaron los parámetros de humedad a través de la inversión de la ecuación de flujo no saturado, a partir de los perfiles naturales que contienen agua, observados en algunos pozos. Con base en la solución del problema inverso, así como también en análisis de sensibilidad, se determinó un modelo físico simple de la zona vadosa, el cual consiste de una secuencia estratificada sometida a un flujo de infiltración constante. La migración del radioisótopo fue simulada en una sección vertical, hecha a lo largo del camino más probable entre el repositorio y la zona de descarga en el agua superficial. Para la liberación del radioisótopo se evaluó la fuente, asegurando un estimativo conservador del inventario de celdas durante la operación de llenado de celdas. De acuerdo con los resultados de la simulación, para los isótopos con vida media intermedia, la zona no saturada es una barrera perfecta; mientras que los isótopos con vida media larga irrumpen en el acuífero con concentraciones importantes.

Résumé Le futur stockage de déchets radioactifs de faible et moyenne activité de Saligny est caractérisé par une zone non-saturée assez profonde qui consiste dans des dépôts de loess et dargile qui couvrent un aquifère calcaire. Dans une première étape, les paramètres de van Genuchten ont été déterminés en laboratoires sur des échantillons prélevés de toutes les couches, à des profondeurs différentes. Dans une seconde étape les mêmes paramètres ont été estimés, comme un solution du problème inverse à partir de profils de la saturation en eau, mesurés dans des forages. Les résultats du problème inverse, ainsi que l› analyse de sensibilité ont mené à un modèle multi- couches de la zone non-saturé, rechargé par un flux constant. On a simulé le transport des radionucléides dans une coupe verticale, construite au long du trajet le plus probable entre le stockage et les eaux de surface. Le flux de radionucléides relâchés a été estimé en considérant une valeur consevative pour la masse totale stocké. D› après les résultats de la simulation la zone non saturée forme une barrière presque parfaite pour les radionucléides de période moyenne, denvirons de 30 ans, tendis quelle est traversée avec des concentrations assez importantes par des isotopes à grande période.

在放射性废物处置库的选址过程中,地下水水化学特征是最重要的因素之一。为了查明西北某放射性废物处置预选区地下水水化学特征及其演化机制,对该区地下水水样进行了水质测试,综合运用Piper三线图法、相关性分析、饱和指数模拟和质量平衡反应模拟,全面分析了该预选区地下水水化学类型的空间分布和地下水水演化的主要水文化学过程。结果表明:研究区地下水在北部山区接受补给,并向南运移,地下水类型随径流由SO4.Cl—Na型转变为Cl.SO4—Na型。地下水在径流过程中主要经历了溶滤作用、蒸发浓缩作用和阳离子交换作用等水文化学过程,它们是控制该区地下水水化学组分演化的关键。  相似文献   

As a preliminary step for predicting groundwater flow in a plateau 30–50 m above sea level, a model for three-dimensional analysis of groundwater flow was formulated and its validity was verified. The plateau consists of Neogene sedimentary rocks and a Quaternary deposit. Most of the groundwater originates in precipitation, with the groundwater table lying in the Quaternary deposit. Steady-state analysis was conducted by using the finite element method. The results of pore-water pressure measurement and water examination were useful in verifying the validity of the model. In constructing the model, reducing the hydraulic conductivity according to the depth on the basis of the results of the actual measurement was important.  相似文献   

As a systematic approach to waste disposal site screening for groundwater pollution protection, the DRASTIC system developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), was introduced at Younggwang County in Korea. Hydrogeological spatial databases for the system include information on depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topographic slope, hydraulic conductivity and lineament. Using the databases, the DRASTIC system and a GIS, the regional groundwater pollution vulnerability of the study area was assessed. The fracture density extracted from lineament maps was added to the DRASTIC system to take into account the preferential migration of contaminants through fractures. From the results of the study, a degree of groundwater pollution vulnerability through the study area was easily interpreted, and waste disposal sites could be screened for groundwater protection.  相似文献   

At the Stringfellow Class I waste-disposal site near Riverside, California, the influence of variations in groundwater chemistry and saturation on electrical measurements made from the surface was tested Spontaneous potential, D C electrical sounding, dipole-dipole resistivity profiles, and mise-a-la-masse measurements were employed to investigate the sub-surface migration of the acidic fluids deposited in this site between 1956 and 1972 Mise-a-la-masse exploration conducted at the downstream edge of the site detected a major anomaly which, on excavation, proved to be the signature of a previously unsuspected leak from the surface disposal ponds on the site Downstream from the site, a dipole-dipole profile and electrical soundings correlate well with electrical conductivity of groundwater obtained from monitoring wells This study demonstrates that geophysical methods may be used to search for and map leaks from toxic chemical waste dumps  相似文献   

The regulatory requirements for characterization of the Martinsville Alternative Site (MAS) were fulfilled by applying an iterative approach to the groundwater flow modeling of the site and surrounding area. The approach consisted of field data collection and development of an initial conceptual model. The numerical model was then constructed to be consistent with the data and conceptual model. Next, the calibration results were evaluated statistically, and visually by a groundwater modeling review committee, to determine if the model accurately represented groundwater flow at the site. Initial results failed acceptance criteria because the values of numerical model input parameters had to be varied beyond observed data ranges to calibrate the results, and therefore the model was inconsistent with the initial conceptual model. This led to additional field data collection in areas where the numerical model deviated most from field-determined data. The new data provided sufficient information to revise the conceptual model and calibrate the numerical model successfully. Model calibration was followed by validation. Validation of the numerical model provided additional assurance that the model correctly simulated the observed system. No additional data were found to be necessary during validation of the MAS numerical model. The iterative approach proved to be successful for calibrating and validating this groundwater flow model and should be implemented from the onset of characterization planning in other applications.  相似文献   

Field experiments and laboratory studies were performed to investigate migration processes of plutonium isotopes from a near-surface radioactive waste trench to the underlying sandy aquifer at the Red Forest waste dump in the Chernobyl zone. The objectives of these experiments were to characterize the spatial distribution and possible migration mechanisms of plutonium in the aquifer. During 2002–2007 experimental investigations were carried out and spatial distributions of plutonium isotopes (239,240Pu, 238Pu), 90Sr and major ions in the aquifer in the direction of the groundwater flow were obtained. Specific activities of radionuclides in groundwater depended on the location of the piezometer and varied in the range of 1–360 mBq kg−1 for 239,240Pu, 0.5–180 mBq kg−1 for 238Pu and n–n·104 Bq kg−1 for 90Sr. It was found that the spatial features of the distributions of plutonium and strontium specific activities in the upper eolian aquifer were similar, i.e. there was a correlation between the positions of the activity maxima of the radionuclides. The Pu isotopes plume in the aquifer spreads about 15 m downstream of the radionuclides source. Characterization of the initial radionuclide composition of the waste showed that all plutonium in the aquifer originated from the trench. The ratio of plutonium isotopes (239,240Pu/238Pu) at the sampling time was the same in waste material and in groundwater samples. In situ ultrafiltration of several groundwater samples was carried out. The size fractionation data obtained suggest that a significant part of plutonium (50–98%) in the groundwater sampled close to the source from the upper part of the aquifer is associated with a very low molecular weight fraction (<1 kDa).  相似文献   

高放废物地质处置系统核素迁移模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高放废物地质处置系统核素迁移研究是高放废物安全处理和处置的重要内容.从整个系统的角度出发,把高放废物地质处置系统核素迁移过程分为三种模式:工程屏障中的释放-扩散模型;地质屏障中的对流-弥散模型和在生物圈中的分区传递模型.在分区传递模型中利用转移系数描述核素在各分区之间的迁移.通过对每种模型核素迁移机理的分析得出概化模型,并给出了相应的数学描述.  相似文献   

Forsmark in Sweden has been proposed as the site of a geological repository for spent high-level nuclear fuel, to be located at a depth of approximately 470 m in fractured crystalline rock. The safety assessment for the repository has required a multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate the impact of hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical conditions close to the repository and in a wider regional context. Assessing the consequences of potential radionuclide releases requires quantitative site-specific information concerning the details of groundwater flow on the scale of individual waste canister locations (1–10 m) as well as details of groundwater flow and composition on the scale of groundwater pathways between the facility and the surface (500 m to 5 km). The purpose of this article is to provide an illustration of multi-scale modeling techniques and the results obtained when combining aspects of local-scale flows in fractures around a potential contaminant source with regional-scale groundwater flow and transport subject to natural evolution of the system. The approach set out is novel, as it incorporates both different scales of model and different levels of detail, combining discrete fracture network and equivalent continuous porous medium representations of fractured bedrock.  相似文献   

The Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety has characterized the Martinsville Alternative Site (MAS) for a proposed low-level radioactive waste disposal facility. The MAS is located in east-central Illinois approximately 1.6 km (1 mi) north of the city of Martinsville. Geologic investigation of the 5.5-km2 (1380-acre) site revealed a sequence of chiefly Illinoian glacigenic sediments from 6 to 60 m (20–200 ft) thick overlying two major bedrock valleys carved in Pennsylvanian strata. Relatively permeable buried units include basal, preglacial alluvium; a complex of intraglacial and subglacial sediment; englacial deposits; and supraglacial fluvial deposits. Postglacial alluvium underlies stream valleys on and adjacent to the site. In most areas, the buried sand units are confined by low-permeability till, lacustrine sediment, colluvium, and loess. The distribution and thickness of the most extensive and continuous buried sand units have been modified considerably by subglacial erosion, and their distributions have been influenced by the buried bedrock valleys. The most continuous of the various sand units were deposited as preglacial and postglacial alluvium and are the uppermost and lowermost stratigraphic units at the alternative site. Sand units that were deposited in englacial or ice-marginal environments are less continuous. Aquifer pumping tests, potentiometric head data, and groundwater geochemistry analyses indicate minimal interaction of groundwater across localized interconnections of the permeable units.  相似文献   

A compilation and comparison of fracture mineral studies from the Canadian and Fennoscandian Shields and the French Massif Central shows many similarities indicating larger external control over fracture mineral deposition, with different rock types exerting local controls. The sites investigated represent a wide range of geological settings, and host rock types ranging from felsic intrusive and extrusives to ultramafic intrusives and volcanics that span an age range from 2.5 to 0.36 Ga. Typical fracture minerals found at Canadian Shield sites include calcite, quartz, chlorite and clays, and these do not appear to be dependant on age, erosional depth or geological environment. The Fennoscandian Shield has a much larger variety of fracture filling minerals with epidote, zeolites, prehnite, fluorite, pyrrhotite, Fe oxides, serpentine, graphite, magnesite and barite in addition to the minerals typically found at Canadian Shield sites. The major control on fracture mineral type is most likely variations in rock type, and fluid chemistry and temperature.  相似文献   

In Dakhla oasis, Western Desert of Egypt, groundwater is the only resource for all anthropogenic activities. During the last 50 years, the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) has been undergoing serious stress through withdrawing its storage. Plans for expanding the agricultural areas in Dakhla oasis were given by the government. This article is an attempt to investigate the best management option that meets development ambitions and groundwater availability. Based on a calibrated regional three-dimensional groundwater flow model for the NSAS using FEFLOW, a refined (high resolution) local scale model was developed to simulate and predict the impact of applying the actual and planned extractions rates on Dakhla oasis. Five management scenarios were suggested. The application of the actual extraction rate of 1.2 × 106 m3/day for the oasis for the next 90 years resulted in a drawdown of 75 m and a depth to groundwater up to 75 m with an annual change in hydraulic head of 0.57 m. At the end of this simulation, only a few wells at the west of the oasis will still be free flowing. The application of the planned extraction rate (1.7 × 106 m3/day) resulted in great depths to groundwater (>100 m) and formed huge cones of depressions that connected together to cover the whole oasis and extend further beyond its borders. It was found that the best option for groundwater management in the oasis is the implementation of an extraction rate of 1.46 × 106 m3/day, as the depths to groundwater will never exceed the 100 m limit.  相似文献   

王青海    朱立  张永浩  刘莉  刘东旭 《地质通报》2009,28(2-3):348-353
高放废物选址是一项万年大计工程,需要多个预选场地的综合比较,决策废物处置库的具体选建场地。论述了高放废物处置库选址过程中需要考虑的主要问题,然后针对新疆的自然环境,水资源、花岗岩体和缓冲/回填材料的分布,以及区域地壳稳定性等因素,讨论了在新疆选建高放废物地质处置库的可能性,并提出了选址方法。  相似文献   

王青海  朱立  张永浩  刘莉  刘东旭 《地质通报》2009,28(203):348-353
高放废物选址是一项万年大计工程,需要多个预选场地的综合比较,决策废物处置库的具体选建场地。论述了高放废物处置库选址过程中需要考虑的主要问题,然后针对新疆的自然环境,水资源、花岗岩体和缓冲/回填材料的分布,以及区域地壳稳定性等因素,讨论了在新疆选建高放废物地质处置库的可能性,并提出了选址方法。  相似文献   

高放废物选址是一项万年大计工程,需要多个预选场地的综合比较,决策废物处置库的具体选建场地.论述了高放废物处置库选址过程中需要考虑的主要问题,然后针对新疆的自然环境,水资源、花岗岩体和缓冲/回填材料的分布,以及区域地壳稳定性等因素,讨论了在新疆选建高放废物地质处置库的可能性,并提出了选址方法.  相似文献   

This article represents the second of two articles, which review the main results of the international radioecological projects: Chernobyl Pilot Site Project (1999–2003) and Experimental Platform in Chernobyl (2004–2008). These projects studied radionuclide migration from the near-surface radioactive waste trench at the Red Forest waste dump in the Chernobyl zone, which contained nuclear fuel particles. This article presents results from the comprehensive hydrogeological site characterization program including the following issues: geological structure of the study site, hydraulic properties of the deposits, tracer tests in the aquifer, results of groundwater monitoring and unsaturated zone regime studies, as well as data on the 90Sr distribution in the unsaturated zone and aquifer, and analyses of 90Sr sorption behavior. The derived parameters were used to develop and calibrate 1D (flow tube) and 2D (cross-section) models describing the migration of 90Sr from the studied waste trench to the unsaturated zone and aquifer over a 16-a period (1986–2002). The models involved the following sub-models: (1) the geostatistical (structural) model for radioactivity distribution in the trench (using GSLIB); and (2) the radionuclide source term model (STERM1D) describing dissolution of fuel particles and a 1D of radionuclide redistribution in the trench body and unsaturated zone. The MODFLOW – MT3D codes were used to model the 2D 90Sr transport in the aquifer cross-section. Calibration of the 1D model with respect to Kds and dispersivities allowed quite accurate reproduction of 90Sr migration behavior for the early period (1995–1998). The less perfect fit between the 1D and 2D modeling results and monitoring data for the later period (1999–2002) suggests the need to improve the conceptual radionuclide migration model (i.e. to account for transient hydraulic and geochemical regimes of the waste site).  相似文献   

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