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We have used long light curves in the X-ray (ARIEL V, EXOSAT, Ginga and others), UV (IUE), and optical (data of intensive ground-based monitoring) ranges of NGC 4151 to investigate connections between variations in these spectral fields. Applying Fourier (CLEAN algorithm) and modern cross-correlation analysis, we revealed the different character of the variability and the cross-correlation between high and low states of the nucleus. In contrast to earlier results, we found that X-ray and optical fluxes correlate in the active state without any apparent delay.In the power spectrum of the optical and X-ray light curves in the high state we found the existence of the same period of about 65 days, which disappeared in the low state.We confirmed previous data that X-ray variations correlate more strongly with UV and optical continuum variability during the low state, but it is possible that the optical variations appear to lag behind those involving X-rays by several tens of days.Strong variations in H line profile and [Fe X]6374 line intensity variations correlate with the observed X-ray covering dip in 1990 (Yaqoobet al., 1993).We discuss briefly the implications of these results.  相似文献   

Among the recently determined asteroid families (Zappala' et al., 1992) a number of very large clusterings are recognized. Some of them agglomerate few families previously identified as single groupings. In most cases, the new big families (called clans) seem to be composed by different sub-clusterings connected each other by very narrow bridges. In the present paper we analyze their possible origin and evolution: a primordial single event followed by subsequent collisions of the fragments, a super-catastrophic original impact or different collisional events overlapping by chance.  相似文献   

The author considers a problem of Lyapunov's stability of relative equilibria of a flexible nonstretchable thread attached to the satellite moving in a circular Keplerian orbit in the first approximation. When it is in the position of relative equilibrium, the thread is known to be situated either along the radius vector of the orbit (the radial equilibrium) or along the circular orbit (the tangential equilibrium) and in each case the thread can be in a folded state. The author shows that folded radial equilibria of the thread are always unstable while tangential ones are unstable if the thread is sufficiently short in comparison with the radius of the orbit. The generalized Chetaev functional has been constructed to prove the instability.  相似文献   

The sphere of activity which be considered in the test stars of both central galaxies and satellite galaxies is used in three-body model to study the orbital decay of interacting galaxies. It can take account of both semi-restrictedN-body program (Lin and Tremaine, 1983) and multiple three-body algorithm (Borne, 1984) at the same time. The merger time is calculated accurately. The orbital decay of satellite galaxy is characterized. Energy and angular momentum which are carried away by escaping star are computed, too.  相似文献   

This study is based primarily on the calculations of comet orbits over ~ 106 years for 160 short-period comets by Harold F. Levison and Martin J. Duncan from which there are calculated ablation AGES. There are positive statistical correlations (having many deviations) with radial nongravitational forces, comet activity measures, and dust-to-gas ratios in the spectra, in the sense that comets of greater AGES tend to be less active and to show less dust in their spectra than comets of lesser AGES.Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics  相似文献   

Maximum sensitivity for optical interferometers is achieved only when the optical pathlengths between the different arms can be equalized without using interference fringes on the research object itself. This is called blind operation of the interferometer. In this paper I examine different options to achieve this, focussing on the application to the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). It is proposed that blind operation should be done using a so-called coherence autoguider, working on an unresolved star of magnitude V=11 to 13 within the isoplanatic patch for coherencing, which has a diameter of about 1 degree. Estimates of limiting magnitudes for the VLTI are also derived.  相似文献   

In this paper the star characteristics (luminosities, spectra, masses, absolute and relative radii of the components, mass ratio, major semiaxis, and orbital inclination) of close binary systems (CBS) with detached components are compared element-by-element. Svechnikov and Perevozkina's Catalog of the orbital elements, masses, and luminosities of pre-main sequence-type eclipsing variable stars with known photometric and spectroscopic elements and Svechnikov and Kuznetsova's Catalog of approximate photometric and absolute elements of eclipsing variable stars are used as initial data. The orbital elements contained in the first catalog are determined from solutions of the known photometric light curves and the known radial velocity curves, while the orbital elements for the second catalog were estimated using data from the General Catalog of Variable Stars (GCVS) IV employing approximate statistical relationships such as mass-radius, mass-luminosity, and mass-spectrum, along with the dependence of the orbital inclination on the depth of the principal minimum and others. Possible reasons for discrepancies among the compared quantities are discussed.  相似文献   

The stability of Riemann S ellipsoids inside an oblate halo with respect to the second form of oscillations is investigated. It is shown that some ellipsoids with reverse internal circulation of matter, which are stable inside a spherical halo or in its absence, become unstable with respect to second odd forms of oscillation inside an oblate halo. Here there is asymmetry between conjugate ellipsoids from the standpoint of their stability. Only those conjugate ellipsoids that correspond to higher frequencies of reverse circulation of matter than their corresponding angular rotation rates are unstable. The domains of instability of light and heavy conjugate embedded ellipsoids are obtained as a function of the oblateness measure and relative density of the halo.  相似文献   

We have obtained near diffraction-limited images of three bipolar PPN at UKIRT in October, 1993: AFGL 915 (the Red Rectangle), AFGL 618, and AFGL 2688 (the Egg Nebula). Images were taken at unidentified infrared (UIR) emission feature wavelengths and at several continuum wavelengths in the 10 and 20µm atmospheric windows. In all three PPN the emission is dominated by a central point source with fainter emission extending for several arcsec. In AFGL 2688, the mid-IR emission is extended in the same direction as the main optical lobes. In AFGL 915, the UIR feature emission is spatially separated from the central source. The spikes that have been observed at 2µm and give the nebula its rectangular appearance are also visible at 10µm.  相似文献   

We study the so-called inverse planetary problem (i.e., given the distances from the centre, masses, and radii of, say, three planets of a planetary system, find the optimum polytropic index, mass, and radius of their star, and also other quantities of interest, which depend either explicitly or implicitly on the foregoing ones, e.g., central and mean density, central and mean pressure, central and mean temperature, etc.) for the system of satellites of Jupiter. In particular, Jupiter is considered as star and its satellites as planets of a proper planetary system, which is then treated numerically on the basis of the so-called global polytropic model, developed recently by the first author.  相似文献   

Through the use of Jacobi's formulation of the least action principle, differential equations for Szebehely's problem extended to a holonomic system with n degrees of freedom are obtained.
Sunto Si riottengono le equazioni differenziali relative al problema di Szebehely esteso ad un sistema olonomo ad n gradi di libertà utilizzando il principio di minima azione nella formulazione di Jacobi.

The results of the spectroscopic observation of 23 galaxies with a UV excess from Kazarian's lists are presented. The spectra were obtained on the 2.6-m telescope of Byurakan Observatory with a Byu FOSC-2 camera. Two grisms, red and green, were used in the observations. Emission lines are observed in the spectra of 21 of the galaxies.  相似文献   

The photogravitational restricted three-body problem is reviewed and the case of the out-of-plane equilibrium points is analysed. It is found that, when the motion of an infinitesimal body is determined only by the gravitational forces and effects of the radiation pressure, there are no out-of-plane stable equilibrium points.  相似文献   

As a check on the differentiation processes of planetesimals the experiment Tsarev was carried out. The main problems of the experiment were: investigation of melting and liquation processes in the melt of primitive meteorite substance; analysis of the composition of metallic and silicate phases, including the distribution of rare-earth elements and comparison of the obtained phase with iron and differentiated meteorite composition. The heating of a sample of the L-chondrite Tsarev (volume 15 cm3) was produced by intensive microwave radiation because this method of heating provides the possibility of uncontact entry of energy into a sufficiently large sample. Upon the heating of the meteorite Tsarev (with the maximum temperature 1500±50K) this sample was melted and two phases appeared and were separated in the gravity field: the composition of Fe-Ni-S phase includes 15 rare-earth elements and the silicate phase is composed of the main oxides. There is also clear evidence for the presence of liquation processes of second order, e.g. separation of Fe-Ni from Fe-S component.  相似文献   

According to theory, stars more massive than 8 M must form while still accreting material from the surrounding parental cloud: at this stage radiation pressure should reverse the infall thus preventing further growth of the stellar mass. After illustrating the two models proposed to solve this problem (accretion and coalescence), we review the observational evidence pro/contra such models, focusing on the kinematics of the molecular gas where the massive (proto)stars are embedded as the best tool to shed light on the formation mechanism. Special attention is devoted to the phenomena of infall, outflow, and rotation, concluding that the recent detection of rotating disks in massive young stellar objects is the best evidence so far in favour of the accretion model.  相似文献   

In this paper we compute differentially rotating polytropic models distorted by toroidal magnetic field. In particular, we study rotating sequences, which do not terminate with a critical rotation. In the computations we use the so-called complex-plane strategy and multiple partition technique, which are numerical methods developed recently by the first author.  相似文献   

The character of the yearly average and secular variations of the intensity of the radio emission of Cassiopeia A is discussed on the basis of multiyear observations (1953-2001) made at Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory and the Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics. It is shown that in this period the intensity of the radio emission of Cassiopeia A has decreased by about 34%, at a yearly average rate of 0.7%.  相似文献   

Measurements of the equivalent width of the interstellar Lyman line from IUE spectra in the direction of the planetary nebulae NGC 7009 and BD+30°3639 are used to infer the H column density in these directions. Hydrogen 21 cm profiles are also used in connection with the ultraviolet data so that the expected rotation velocities and distances can be determined. The results are compared with recently published distances, in an attempt to distinguish between the short and long PN distance scales as applied to these objects.  相似文献   

Tables of lunar physical libration defining the analytical dependence upon the parameters of the lunar gravitational field are presented. The tables are obtained on the framework of the main problem in lunar libration by integration of the Hamilton equations reduced to the harmonic oscillator equations.The variables of physical libration have been obtained in the form of Poisson series. The distinguishing feature of the tables is that these series are the analytical extension of semianalytical solution computed for a number of dynamical parameters LURE2.A comparison with the Eckhardt's solution is briefly presented. The previously revealed disagreement of the mean inclination of lunar equator to ecliptic with that in Eckhardt's solution 500 has been maintained.  相似文献   

The interplanetary sector structure observed by the IMP-1 satellite during three solar rotations in 1963–4 is compared with the photospheric magnetic field structure observed with the solar magnetograph at Mt. Wilson Observatory. The interplanetary sector structure was most prominent on the sun in latitudes between 10 °N and 20 °N, although the average heliographic latitude of the satellite was 3 1/2 °S. A superposed-epoch analysis of the calcium plage structure obtained from the Fraunhofer Institute daily maps of the sun is used to discuss the relation between the structure of the plages and the interplanetary sector structure. A possible explanation for the observations is discussed in terms of a North-South asymmetry in the flow of the solar wind. It is suggested that these observations favor the equinoctial hypothesis as compared with the axial hypothesis for the explanation of the semi-annual maxima in geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

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