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The transformation from blueschist to greenschist facies forms a major part of the Alpine regional geodynamic evolution of the Cyclades. The transition in metabasic rocks on Sifnos involves the retrogression of eclogites, blueschists and actinolite-bearing rocks from high-pressure conditions which have been estimated at 460±30° C and 15±3 kb. Petrographically observed parageneses are interpreted by a sequence of hydration and carbonation reactions involving the breakdown of omphacite and glaucophane-bearing assemblages to albite+chlorite±actinolite±calcite assemblages. The retrograde processes are calculated to occur at pressures of 10 to 8 kb during the isothermal uplift of the Sifnos units. Oxygen isotope analyses of different rock types show that interlayered lithologies have experienced a large degree of isotopic equilibration during both metamorphic phases. However, chemically equivalent rocks show systematic increases in 18O from lowest values (8 to 11 in metabasics) in the unaltered blueschists in the upper stratigraphic levels to higher values (>15 in metabasics) associated with greenschists in the deepest stratigraphic levels. Relict eclogites enclosed within greenschists have the lower 18O values typical of unaltered blueschist facies rocks. These isotopic gradients and the 13C and 18O compositions of carbonates demonstrate an infiltration mechanism involving the upward movement of 18O-enriched fluids whose compositions were buffered by exchange with marble units. Calculated minimum fluid/rock ratios for the blueschist-to-greenschist transition decrease from 0.4 in the deepest studied level (Central Sifnos) and 0.2 in the intermediate level (Kamares Bay samples) to an assumed value of zero in unaltered blueschists. These ratios may be lower if recycling of fluids occurred between schists and marbles. Infiltration of fluids became inhibited as the transformation advanced as a consequence of sealing effect of the hydration and carbonation reactions. Although infiltration most probably was a pre-requisite for the regional occurrence of the blueschist-to-greenschist transformation in the Cyclades, the evidence on Sifnos does not suggest the introduction of large quantities of fluid.  相似文献   

Measurements of 40Ar/39Ar age spectra on single white mica crystals of Tertiary age is a new means of obtaining detailed geochronological information of Alpine blueschists. Internal consistency of the data set, as well as excellent agreement with previous conventional K–Ar results, demonstrates that this new technique can be used with confidence to obtain information on the thermal evolution of young metamorphic belts.As mineral grains can be dated individually with this technique, problems related to multiple generations of mica occurring side in the rock can be addressed, potentially yielding much information which cannot be obtained easily by other dating techniques. Ages decrease from 41.7±0.3 Ma in the fresh blueschists and eclogites in northern Sifnos to ca 30 Ma in the more severely overprinted greenschists of central Sifnos. It is argued that this decreasing trend appears gradual, rather than stepwise. This gradual character of the age trend is taken to indicate that it may be caused by differential uplift and cooling, rather than by tectonic juxtaposition of different rock units. In addition, the rocks of central Sifnos contain mica with a plateau age of 18.9±0.3 Ma. This latter age is younger than previous estimates for the age of greenschist overprinting, and more in line with the age of high temperature metamorphism and granite emplacement elsewhere in the Cyclades.  相似文献   

Polymetamorphic rocks of Sifnos (Greece) have been investigated by Rb-Sr, K-Ar, and fission track methods. Critical mineral assemblages from the northern and southernmost parts of Sifnos include jadeite+quartz+3T phengite, and omphacite+garnet +3T phengite, whereas the central part is characterized by the assemblage albite+chlorite+epidote+2M 1 phengite.K-Ar and Rb-Sr dates on phengites (predominantly 3T) of the best preserved high P/itTmetamorphic rocks from northern Sifnos gave concordant ages around 42 m.y., indicating a Late Lutetian age for the high P/T metamorphism. Phengites (2M 1+3T) of less preserved high P/T assemblages yielded K-Ar dates between 48 and 41 m.y. but generally lower Rb-Sr dates. The higher K-Ar dates are interpreted as being elevated by excess argon.K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages on 2M 1 phengites from central Sifnos vary between 24 and 21 m.y. These ages date a second, greenschist-facies metamorphism which overprinted the earlier high-pressure metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

The blueschist and greenschist units on the island of Sifnos, Cyclades were affected by Eocene high‐pressure (HP) metamorphism. Using conventional geothermobarometry, the HP peak metamorphic stage was determined at 550–600 °C and 20 kbar, close to the blueschist and the eclogite facies transition. The retrograde P–T paths are inferred with phase diagrams. Pseudosections based on a quantitative petrogenetic grid in the model system Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O reveal coeval decompression and cooling for both the blueschist and the greenschist unit. The conditions of the metamorphic peak and those of the retrograde stages conform to a similar metamorphic gradient of 10–12 °C km?1 for both units. The retrograde overprint can be assigned to low‐pressure blueschist to HP greenschist facies conditions. This result cannot be reconciled with the (prograde) Barrovian‐type event, which affected parts of the Cyclades during the Oligocene to Miocene. Instead, the retrograde overprint is interpreted in terms of exhumation, directly after the HP stage, without a separate metamorphic event. Constraints on the exhumation mechanism are given by decompression‐cooling paths, which can be explained by exhumation in a fore‐arc setting during on‐going subduction and associated crustal shortening. Back‐arc extension is only responsible for the final stage of exhumation of the HP units.  相似文献   

The MacArgon program has been used to model published apparent age spectra for white micas from the island of Sifnos, Cyclades, Greece. These micas formed during a period of porphyroblastic mineral growth (M2) in the epidote-blueschist facies, at > ~ 460 °C and < ~ 14 kbar. M2 marked the onset of a major period of deformation (D3) during which kilometre-scale ductile shear zones formed and widespread recumbent folding took place. The modelling experiments suggest that flat apparent age spectra observed in the eclogite-blueschist domain (EBD) can only be obtained if the rocks cooled rapidly below ~ 350 °C after M2 at ~ 42 Ma. Cooling rates must be > 50 °C/m.y., and since M2 is followed by D3 we infer that these are the cooling rates during D3. Modelling experiments for micas from the greenschist domain (GSD) structurally underneath the EBD suggest that the GSD cooled rapidly, but at ~ 32 Ma. One tectonic model that might explain the rapidity of cooling rates inferred for the EBD model supposes that ambient temperatures were at ~ 500 °C when M2 took place, but thereafter the high pressure rocks were thrust to the north and rapidly cooled as the result of their juxtaposition against cooler, shallower levels of the crust.  相似文献   

New observations from the Island of Tinos, Greece, allow a better definition of the structural position of the Alpine (Eocene) blueschist belt exposed in the islands of the Aegean Sea. These blueschists, over a significant part of the Aegean sea, are delimited from below by a low-angle thrust fault, while from above they are delimited by a low-angle, normal-type fault which omits a substantial crustal interval. Both underlying and overlying rocks were not affected by the high? metamorphism. The rapid uplift and exhumation of the high? rocks was therefore mainly the result of fault movements rather than erosion and whole-crust uplifting. The low-angle normal fault apparently had a major role in the uplift of the blueschists.  相似文献   

A new occurrence of deerite-bearing quartzites from blueschist metamorphic rocks of the Greek island of Sifnos is described, and analytical and X-ray data on deerite are presented.  相似文献   

Summary The southern part of Lesvos island consists of a Late Palaeozoic-Triassic marble-phyllite series with intercalations of mafic metavolcanics which exhibit mineralogies of the pumpellyite-actinolite and greenschist facies. Pumpellyite is developed best in the metabasalts of the south-eastern part and towards the northwestern part of the terrain it gives way to actinolite and/or epidote bearing assemblages. Local variations in CO2 are suggested to explain the extensive distribution of chlorite-calcite instead of the Ca–Al-silicate bearing assemblages diagnostic of subgreenschist facies metamorphism.The mineral assemblages observed and the comparison of the compositions of co-existing phases with the compositions of minerals from other low-grade metamorphic areas, indicate metamorphism at temperatures in the order of 270–360°C and pressures little lower than 5 kb.
Pumpellyit-Aktinolith und Grünschiefer-Fazies-Metamorphose auf der Insel Lesbos (Griechenland)
Zusammenfassung Der südliche Teil der Insel Lesbos besteht aus einer Serie von jungpaläozoischen-triassischen Schichten von Marmor und Phylliten mit Einlagerungen von basischen Metavulkaniten, deren Mineralogie beweist, daß sie zu den Pumpellyit-Aktinolith- und Grünschiefern-Fazien gehören.Der Pumpellyit entwickelt sich besser in den Metabasalten des südöstlichen Teils. Gegen Nordwesten zu wird er durch Paragenesen ersetzt, welche Aktinolith oder Aktinolith mit Epidot oder nur Epidot aufweisen. Örtliche Unterschiede im CO2-Wert erklären, wie angenommen wird, die verbreitete Verteilung der Chlorit-Calzit-Paragenese anstelle der für Sub-Grünschiefer-Fazies charakteristischen Ca–Al-Silikat-Paragenesen.Die Mineralparagenesen, die beobachtet wurden, und der Vergleich der Zusammensetzung der koexistierenden Phasen mit der Zusammensetzung der Mineralien aus anderen Gebieten mit niedrigem Metamorphose-Grad zeigt, daß die Metamorphose hier bei Temperaturen von 270°C bis 360°C und bei einem Druck von etwas weniger als 5 kb stattgefunden hat.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Pyritized plant tissues with well-preserved morphology were studied in rocks from Vanoise (western Alps, France) that experienced high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphic conditions in the blueschist facies during the Alpine orogeny. Organic and inorganic phases composing these fossils were characterized down to the nanometer scale by Raman microspectroscopy, scanning transmission X-ray microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The graphitic but disordered organic matter composing these fossils is chemically and structurally homogeneous and mostly contains aromatic functional groups. Its original chemistry remains undefined likely because it was significantly transformed by diagenetic processes and/or thermal degradation during metamorphism. Various mineral phases are closely associated with this organic matter, including sulphides such as pyrite and pyrrhotite, carbonates such as ankerite and calcite, and iron oxides. A tentative time sequence of formation of these diverse mineral phases relative to organic matter decay is proposed. The absence of traces of organic matter sulphurization, the pervasive pyritization of the vascular tissues and the presence of ankerite suggest that the depositional/diagenetic environment of these metasediments was likely rich in reactive iron. Fe-sulphides and ankerite likely precipitated early and might have promoted the preservation of the fossilized biological soft tissues by providing mechanical resistance to compaction during diagenesis and subsequent metamorphism. In contrast, iron oxides which form rims of 100-nm in thickness at the interface between organic matter and Fe-sulphides may result from metamorphic processes. This study illustrates that it may be possible in some instances to deconvolve metamorphic from diagenetic imprints and opens new avenues to better constrain processes that may allow the preservation of organic fossils during diagenesis and metamorphism.  相似文献   

B. Mocek   《Lithos》2001,57(4):263-289
Blueschists, eclogites, chlorite–actinolite rocks and jadeite-gneisses of the blueschist unit of Siphnos have been investigated for their geochemical composition. Their protolith nature is characterised and a geodynamic model for the pre-metamorphic evolution of these metavolcanic rocks is proposed on the basis of immobile elements, especially trace elements and rare earth elements (REE).

The protoliths of the eclogites are characterised as calc-alkaline basalts, andesites and Fe-rich tholeiites evolving in an island-arc setting. Trace element data indicate that subducted marine sediments were assimilated in the magma chamber, enriching the protoliths in LILE and Pb. Produced in the early stage of back-arc basin opening, a protolith with affinities to both island-arc and MORB formed the precursor of the chlorite–actinolite rocks. They were created by low degrees of partial melting of very primitive magmas, akin to spinel-peridotites and have affinities to boninites, probably through melting of the peridotitic mantle wedge. Tholeiitic basalts and andesites with N-MORB affinity, especially in their REE-patterns, were then produced by partial melting, possibly in an embryonic back-arc basin. These rocks were the protoliths of the blueschists of Siphnos. Their enrichment in some LILE and Pb indicates a N-MORB source contaminated by marine sediments, probably shales or other Pb-rich sediments. Because the jadeite-gneisses show affinities to MOR-granites and volcanic arc granites, intrusion of their protoliths in a back-arc environment is likely. The protoliths of the quartz-jadeite gneisses are rhyodacites/dacites and rhyolites, those of the glaucophane-jadeite gneisses were andesites.

The proposed geodynamic model, solely based on geochemical data, is consistent with geochemical data from neighbouring islands, though those rock units show much higher chemical variability. Consistent with geotectonic models, which are based on structural and geophysical data, the volcanic protoliths of the Siphnos blueschist unit reflect the transition from subduction to spreading environment and record in detail: subduction, formation of an island-arc, and the evolution of a back-arc basin.  相似文献   

The lower tectonic unit of Ios provides evidence of an at least four stage metamorphic and intrusive history which well might be generalized for large parts of the internal Pelagonian.Metamorphic country rocks of unknown age were intruded about 500 Ma ago, as concluded from a Rb-Sr whole rock (WR) isochron on relic tonalites to granodiorites which largely escaped the polyphase postmagmatic overprints.A Hercynian amphibolite facies metamorphism, during which the igneous rocks were partly recrystallized to orthogneisses, is dated by a lower intercept age of 300–305 Ma of U-Pb determinations on zircons and by three almost concordant Rb-Sr muscovite-WR ages of 295 to 288 Ma.K-Ar analyses on these muscovites and on biotites, and Rb-Sr tie lines WR-biotite and WR with other relic magmatic minerals yielded various apparent ages between 260 and 60 Ma. They are interpreted as mixed ages between a Hercynian cooling age and the two stage Alpidic overprints.White micas formed during the Eocene high P/T and/or Oligocene/Miocene Barrovian-type overprints yielded K-Ar dates ranging from 82 to 26 Ma, as well as a single Rb-Sr date of 13 Ma. These Alpidic dates resemble the more detailed age patterns of other Cycladic islands. But they are not sufficient for an independent dating of the Tertiary evolution on Ios island.  相似文献   

Zr-in-rutile thermometry in blueschists from Sifnos, Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zr-in-rutile thermometry on samples of blueschist from Sifnos, Greece, yields temperatures that reflect progressive crystallization of rutile from ca. 445 to 505°C with an analytical precision of + 18/−27 and ± 10°C using the electron microprobe and ± 1.5–3.5°C using the ion microprobe. Individual grains are generally homogeneous within analytical uncertainty. Different grains within a single sample record temperature differences as large 55°, although in most samples the range of temperatures is on the order of 25°. In several samples, Zr-in-rutile temperatures from grains within garnet are lower than temperatures from matrix grains, reflecting growth of rutile with increasing temperature of metamorphism. Although the specific rutile-producing reactions have not been identified, it is inferred that rutile grows from either continuous reaction involving the breakdown of lower grade phases (possibly ilmenite), or from pseudomorph reactions involving the breakdown of relic igneous precursors at blueschist-facies conditions. No systematic variation in rutile temperatures was observed across the blueschist belt of northern Sifnos, consistent with the belt having behaved as a coherent block during subduction.  相似文献   

Petrology of Santorini Volcano, Cyclades, Greece   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Pliocene to Recent lavas, dyke rocks, and cognate xenolithsof Santorini island group belong to four distinct series, eachof high-alumina basalt-andesite-dacite type. The oldest seriesincludes hornblende dacites and minor basaltic andesites. Theformer contain hornblende-rich cognate xenoliths of basalticcomposition, which consist essentially of crystals ‘floating’in residual acid liquid (glass). The chemical variation of theseries, like that of lavas of volcanic centres north-west ofSantorini, is of ‘calc-alkali’ type. The second and third series consist of a range of lavas frombasalt to rhyodacite. No hydrous mineral occurs as a stablephase. Augite is the phenocrystal pyroxene of basalts; augiteand hypersthene of andesites and dacites. The groundmass pyroxenesof basalts and most andesites are augite and pigeonite, whiledistinctive hornblende xenocryst-bearing andesites of the secondseries, and acid lavas of both second and third, carry augiteand hypersthene in the groundmass. Interstitial glass increasesin proportion from basalts to andesites, and forms a major componentof acid lavas. The second series, like the oldest, lacks absoluteiron enrichment. The third, however, shows weak iron enrichmentof andesitic relative to basaltic compositions. Of the youngest (historic) series, only the acid members (hyalodacites)have been extruded as lavas. The more basic members are representedby non-cumulate xenoliths of basaltic to andesitic compositionwhich, like those of the oldest series, consist of a mesh ofcrystals set in abundant glass. This modern series also displaysfeeble absolute iron enrichment. The compositional range of minerals other than plagioclase isvery limited in the two xenolithic series, but much greaterin the two lava series. Glass compositions are virtually constantwithin individual series. Estimates of temperatures and oxygenfugacities of Fe-Ti oxide mineral equilibration, and deductionsfrom liquid compositional trends indicate that the oldest serieswas characterized by higher fO2, and fH2O, and lower temperaturesthan the three younger, ‘dry’ series. Its silicaenrichment trend appears to have been controlled chiefly byfractionation of silica-poor hornblende, rather than magnetiteas in the younger series. The presence, in all series, of xenolithsof gabbroic cumulates, and the constancy of glass compositionssuggests that each series was generated by the tapping of adifferentiating highalumina basalt magma in a high level magmachamber.  相似文献   

The influx of a H2O–CO2‐dominated fluid into actinolite‐bearing metabasic rocks during greenschist facies metamorphism in the Kalgoorlie area of Western Australia resulted in a zoned alteration halo around inferred fluid conduits that contain gold mineralisation. The alteration halo is divided into two outer zones, the chlorite zone and the carbonate zone, and an inner pyrite zone adjacent to the inferred fluid conduits. Reaction between the fluid and the protolith resulted in the breakdown of actinolite and the development of chlorite, dolomite, calcite and siderite. In addition, rocks in the pyrite zone developed muscovite‐bearing assemblages as a consequence of the introduction of potassium by the fluid. Mineral equilibria calculations undertaken using the computer software thermocalc in the model system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2 show that mineral assemblages in the outer zones of the alteration halo are consistent with equilibrium of the protoliths with a fluid of composition XCO2 = CO2/(CO2 + H2O) = 0.1–0.25 for temperatures of 315–320 °C. The inner zone of the alteration halo reflect equilibrium with a fluid of composition XCO2≈ 0.25. Fluid‐rock buffering calculations show that the alteration halo is consistent with interaction with a single fluid composition and that the zoned structure of the halo reflects the volume of this fluid with which the rocks reacted. This fluid is likely to have also been the one responsible for the gold mineralisation at Kalgoorlie.  相似文献   

High‐P rocks such as eclogite and blueschist are metamorphic markers of palaeo‐subduction zones, and their formation at high‐P and low‐T (HP–LT) conditions is relatively well understood since it has been the focus of numerous petrological investigations in the past 40 years. The tectonic mechanisms controlling their exhumation back to the surface are, however, diverse, complex and still actively debated. Although the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU, Greece) is among the best worldwide examples for the preservation of eclogite and blueschist, the proposed P–T evolution followed by this unit within the Hellenic subduction zone is quite different from one study to another, hindering the comprehension of exhumation processes. In this study, we present an extensive petrological data set that permits refinement of the shape of the P–T trajectory for different subunits of the CBU on Syros. High‐resolution quantitative compositional mapping has been applied to support the thermobarometric investigations, which involve semi‐empirical thermobarometry, garnet equilibrium modelling and P–T isochemical phase diagrams. The thermodynamic models highlight the powerful use of reactive bulk compositions approximated from local bulk compositions. The results are also combined with Raman spectrometry of carbonaceous material (RSCM) to retrieve the metamorphic peak temperature distribution at the scale of the island. A major result of this study is the good agreement between all the independent thermobarometric methods, permitting reconstruction of the prograde and retrograde P–T trajectories. Garnet compositional zoning was used to retrieve prograde, peak and retrograde growth stages in line with the results of the P–T isochemical phase diagrams, RSCM temperature and peak‐pressure crystallization of the garnet–omphacite–phengite assemblage. Our results are consistent with previous thermobarometric estimates from other occurrences of CBU rocks (Tinos, Andros), suggesting a multistage exhumation process with (1) early syn‐orogenic exhumation within the subduction channel, (2) isobaric heating at mid‐crustal depths (~10–12 kbar) following thermal re‐equilibration of the lithosphere from a cold syn‐orogenic regime in the subduction zone to a warmer post‐orogenic regime in the back‐arc domain and (3) exhumation and cooling related to a post‐orogenic phase of extension following slab retreat. Expanding to the general aspects of subduction zones, we suggest that such metamorphic evolution of HP–LT units should be regarded as a characteristic feature of exhumation driven by slab rollback.  相似文献   

Meta-peridotites outcropping at different structural levels within the Alpine metamorphic complex of the Cycladic island of Naxos were studied to re-examine their metamorphic evolution and possible tectonic mechanisms for emplacement of mantle material into the continental crust. The continental margin section exposed on Naxos, consisting of pre-Alpine basement and c. 7 km thick Mesozoic platform cover, has undergone intense metamorphism of Alpine age, comprising an Eocene (M1) blueschist event strongly overprinted by a Miocene Barrovian-type event (M2). Structural concordance with the country rocks and metasomatic zonation at the contact with the felsic host rocks indicate that the meta-peridotites have experienced the M2 metamorphism. This conclusion is supported by the similarity between metamorphic temperatures of the ultrabasic rocks and those of the host rocks. Maximum temperatures of 730–760 °C were calculated for the upper-amphibolite facies meta-peridotites (Fo–En–Hbl–Chl–Spl), associated with sillimanite gneisses and migmatites. Relict phases in ultrabasics of different structural levels indicate two distinct pre-M2 histories: whereas the cover-associated horizons have been affected by low-grade serpentinization prior to metamorphism, the basement- associated meta-peridotites show no signs of serpentinization and instead preserve some of their original mantle assemblage. The geochemical affinities of the two groups are also different. The basement-associated meta-peridotites retain their original composition indicating derivation by fractional partial melting of primitive lherzolite, whereas serpentinization has led to almost complete Ca-loss in the second group. The cover-associated ultrabasics are interpreted as remnants of an ophiolite sequence obducted on the adjacent continental shelf early in the Alpine orogenesis. In contrast, the basement-associated meta-peridotites were tectonically interleaved with the Naxos section at great depth during the Alpine collision and high P/T metamorphism. Their emplacement at the base of the orogenic wedge is inferred to have involved isobaric cooling from temperatures of c. 1050 °C within the spinel lherzolite field to eclogite facies temperatures of c. 600 °C.  相似文献   

Disseminated carbon has been extracted from 19 samples of arkosic rocks from the chlorite, biotite and garnet zones in the Narragansett basin, and analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). XRD of these samples yields only the (002) peak which may be as much as four times wider than the silicon internal standard peak and is always skewed to low angles 2θ. All (002) peaks were digitized and the four moments calculated. The results suggest that width at half-height (W1/2) provides a poorer estimate of peak shape than coefficients of skewness and kurtosis. The positive correlation of these coefficients with grain size determined by SEM in the range of 0.1–100 μm suggest a direct relationship between peak shape and grain size. No variable measured in this study correlates with metamorphic grade. However, W1/2, skewness and kurtosis of the (002) diffraction peak of the carbonaceous material in the biotite and garnet zones correlates inversely with modal carbon. This suggests that the volatilization reaction: C+2H2=CH4 may be an important step in the mechanism of graphitization. Variable fugacities of H2 and CH4 and/or variable permeabilities may be responsible for the non-uniform development of graphite crystallinity in the greenschist facies rocks in Rhode Island.  相似文献   

Rocks of the greenschist facies in eastern Otago, New Zealand, have been investigated in an area some thirteen to sixteen kilometers wide and sixty-five kilometers long extending northeastwards approximately normal to the boundary of the schist with lower grade rocks. Quartzo-feldspathic schists predominate but greenschists and metacherts occur sporadically throughout the area. At the southwestern edge of the area schists are in the chlorite zone, slightly above the high-grade limit of pumpellyite. Metamorphic grade increases toward the northeast into the biotite zone which occupies about half the terrane studied and is believed to be everywhere little advanced in metamorphic grade past that of the biotite isograd. Some 130 mineral specimens have been partially analysed with the electron probe. Results derived from these data as well as other mineralogical investigation are as follows: Albite contains a maximum of 1% anorthite plus orthoclase in epidote-bearing rocks from all parts of the area.Compositions of epidotes range from 12% to 32% Ca2Fe3(SiO4)3(OH), but most lie between 15% and 20%, a compositional field thought by Strens (1965) and Holdaway (1965) to occupy a miscibility gap in the epidote series. Zoning in some epidotes suggests a history of early growth of small, sparse iron-rich epidotes, and later growth of relatively large amounts of iron-poor epidote probably caused by breakdown of prehnite and/or pumpellyite. Muscovites vary widely in celadonite content; but the composition shows little if any dependence on metamorphic grade within the area studied. Most tend to be celadonite-rich, and in this respect are similar in composition to muscovites from rocks of the glaucophane-schist facies.Chlorites range widely in Mg/Fe; but Al/Mg+Fe is relatively uniform. Chlorites associated with actinolite tend to have higher Mg/Fe than those associated with stilpnomelane. Following the classification of Foster (1962) most chlorites are brunsvigite and some are ripidolite. Textural and chemical relations between biotite and coexisting minerals demonstrate that, contrary to some previous suggestions, biotite is not a relict mineral. An alteration product of chlorite bears strong resemblance to biotite, and previous misidentification of this mineral as biotite has caused much confusion regarding the distribution and metamorphic significance of biotite in Otago schists.An attempt to determine the reaction producing biotite is not successful. Possibly biotitebearing rocks have slightly higher biotite component than rocks of the chlorite zone. All newly formed amphibole found in eastern Otago is pale green, Al- and Na-poor actinolite. One of the chemical conditions necessary for the formation of actinolite in schists of eastern Otago is a relatively high Mg/Fe+Al ratio.Stilpnomelane is an integral part of assemblages in which it occurs, being developed under conditions of relatively low and in rocks with a high Fe/Mg + Al ratio. The present highly oxidized state of all stilpnomelane observed in this study is probably not a primary feature of the mineral but developed after metamorphism.Porphyroblastic garnets are accessory constituents in about half the quartzo-feldspathic schists collected from the biotite zone but are extremely rare in specimens of the same lithology from the chlorite zone. Either a garnet-producing reaction began in quartzo-feldspathic schists at about the biotite isograd, or rocks of biotite zone tend to have slightly higher garnet component than those of the chlorite zone. Composition of the garnets ranges widely, extremes being: 77% spess., 18% gross., 5% alm.; 25% spess., 50% gross., 25% alm.; 15% spess., 30% gross., 55% alm. Most of the variation in composition is controlled by host rock composition, but garnets at higher grade tend to have lower spessartine content. The garnets are zoned; generally Mn decreases and Fe increases from core to rim.For the most part chemical equilibrium among different grains and minerals was closely approached over distances of at least a few millimeters. However, profound disequilibrium exists within some individual grains, such as a zoned garnet which over a distance of only 15 microns ranges in spessartine content from 77% in the core to 35% on the rim.This report is a condensed version of part of the author's Ph.D. thesis (Brown, 1966), University of California, Berkeley.  相似文献   

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