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Wind action is the most dominant agent for erosion and deposition in the vast Western Desert of Egypt. Analysis of wind data from seven meteorological stations distributed along the Western Desert reveals that this desert is characterized by high-energy wind environments along the northern and southern edges and low-energy wind environments throughout the rest of the desert. Accordingly, sand drift potential follows the pattern of wind energy. Maximum sand drift potential was observed at the southern edge (571 vector units, which equals 40 m3/m width/year). Sand drift direction was observed towards the southeast except at the southern part of the desert where the trend of sand movement was towards southwest. The major dune type recognized on satellite images was the simple linear type. Linear dunes are generally associated with bimodal wind regime. Rates of sand drift potential and sand dune migration were greatest at East of Owinate region at the extreme southern part of the desert. Measurements of crescentic sand dune advance from two satellite images reveal a maximum advance rate of about 9 m/year at the southern part of the desert. Dune movement creates potential hazard to the infrastructures in this open desert.  相似文献   

The Campanian-Lower Paleogene successions exposed at the Kharga Oasis contain well-preserved gastropods. Nineteen gastropod species are identified and described in detail. Two new species are established: Gisortia khargaensis from the lower Eocene El Rufuf Formation and Ornopsis? barisensis from the lower Paleocene Kurkur Formation. In addition to, Turritella (Torquesia) derbesi Coquand is recorded herein for the first time from Egypt. The studied gastropods belonging to four clades: Sorbeoconcha (Metacerithium abictiforme (Wanner), Mesalia hofana Mayer-Eymar, Mesalia sp., Turritella (Torquesia) derbesi Coquand, Turritella (Torquesia) forgemoli Coquand, Turritella kaserensis Hewaidy and Azab, Turritella sp.), Littorinimorpha (Cypraedia bullina Oppenheim, Gisortia khargaensis nov. sp., Natica farafrensis Wanner, Aporrhais schweinfurthi (Quaas), Drepanocheilus bicarinatus Abbass, Drepanocheilus? sp., Anchura? unicarinatus (Abbass), Epitonium sp.), Neogastropoda (Ornopsis? barisensis nov. sp., Rostellana daniensis (Quaas), Vouta sp.), and Heterobranchia (Avellana cretacea Quaas).  相似文献   

The Nubia Sandstone aquifer system is one of the most extensive groundwater systems in North Africa, covering an area of about 2,000,000 km2, including parts of Egypt, Libya, Sudan, and Chad. In the Western Desert of Egypt, the Nubian formation has a thermal gradient of 1.1–5°C 100 m–1 with the exception of the East Oweinat area, located in the southern part of the Western Desert. This is the only part of this huge system where ground-water occurs under unconfmed conditions in an area where the Nubian sandstone crops out and is underlain by shallow basement rocks; in this area groundwater has no thermal characteristics. The aquifer system in the East Oweinat area attains a relatively high hydraulic conductivity. The direction of groundwater flow is generally northeastwards but is distorted at faults and fracture zones. Chemical analyses of groundwater in the area indicate a low salt content and suitability for irrigation purposes. As the estimated recharge to the area is low compared with the foreseen irrigation water requirement, the development of groundwater in the East Oweinat should be based on groundwater mining. Although the evaluation of the groundwater resources in East Oweinat has indicated that groundwater can be extracted at a rate of 4.7×106 m3 d–1, the long-term economics of extraction that can sustain large-scale development projects has to be assessed.  相似文献   

A thick Maastrichtian‐Ypresian succession, dominated by marine siliciclastic and carbonate deposits of the regionally recognized Nile Valley and Garra El‐Arbain facies associations, is exposed along the eastern escarpment face of Kharga Oasis, located in the Western Desert of Egypt. The main objectives of the present study are: (i) to establish a detailed biostratigraphic framework; (ii) to interpret the depositional environments; and (iii) to propose a sequence stratigraphic framework in order to constrain the palaeogeographic evolution of the Kharga sub‐basin during the Maastrichtian‐Ypresian time interval. The biostratigraphic analysis suggests the occurrence of 10 planktonic zones; two in the Early Maastrichtian (CF8b and CF7), four in the Palaeocene (P2, P3, P4c and P5) and four in the Early Eocene (E1, E2, E3 and E4). Recorded zonal boundaries and biostratigraphic zones generally match with those proposed elsewhere in the region. The stratigraphic succession comprises seven third‐order depositional sequences which are bounded by unconformities and their correlative conformities which can be correlated within and outside Egypt. These depositional sequences are interpreted as the result of eustatic sea‐level changes coupled with local tectonic activities. Each sequence contains a lower retrogradational parasequence set bounded above by a marine‐flooding surface and an upper progradational parasequence set bounded above by a sequence boundary. Parasequences within parasequence sets are stacked in landward‐stepping and seaward‐stepping patterns indicative of transgressive and highstand systems tracts, respectively. Lowstand systems tracts were not developed in the studied sections, presumably due to the low‐relief ramp setting. The irregular palaeotopography of the Dakhla Basin, which was caused by north‐east to south‐west trending submerged palaeo‐highs and lows, together with the eustatic sea‐level fluctuations, controlled the development and location of the two facies associations in the Kharga Oasis, the Nile Valley (open marine) and Garra El‐Arbain (marginal marine).  相似文献   

Detailed petrographic investigations of the Upper Cretaceous-Eocene succession exposed at Bahariya Oasis resulted in the recognition of different litho- and biofacies associations, mostly of the carbonate rock type.The litho- and biofacies characters of the Eocene strata reveal comparatively shallow, quiet marine conditions, interrupted by agitated, high energy intervals.During the Maastrichtian age, deeper quiet marine conditions prevailed. The Upper and Lower members of the Campanian strata were deposited under deep quiet marine conditions, relative to shallower agitated conditions that prevailed during the deposition of the middle member.The Lower Cenomanian sediments were deposited under an alternating high and low energy fresh water environment, interrupted with saline (fluviomarine) periods, relative to the comparatively deeper marine conditions that prevailed during the Upper Cenomanian age.The main diagenetic processes recorded are: cementation, aggrading neomorphism, silicification and dolomitization.  相似文献   

Size and mineral analysis of the Upper Cretaceous clastics of the Bahariya Oasis indicate moderately well sorted, coarse skeewed and mesokurtic sediments. These sediments were most probably derived from mixed igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary sources, under conditions of low rainfall and poor drainage interfered by high rainfall periods.The shape of quartz grains and occurrence of stable and less stable minerals prove a short distance, saltation to graded suspension transportation of these sediments.Probably coastal plain, interfered by fresh water conditions had prevailed during the accumulation of these sediments, i.e. fluviomarine environment.  相似文献   

The present study examines the geoarchaeological history of an oasis in Kharga Depression in central Egypt. El‐Deir is renowned for its Ptolemaic temple and Roman fortress on the road from former Hibis (Kharga) to the Nile Valley. During the survey, spring mounds and irrigation soils belonging to an ancient agricultural zone were discovered, and further documented by ceramics found on the site. Our methodology combines the geomorphological interpretation of landforms (especially yardangs) with ceramics and 14C‐dated charcoal to distinguish and date former agricultural areas in El‐Deir. The results show that the oasis experienced several phases of soil accretion and destruction through time. Playa sediments were deposited in the humid early Holocene and severely eroded by deflation before the onset of irrigated agriculture between Pharaonic and Persian times. Very fast vertical soil accretion occurred in the Ptolemaic period, but irrigation soils were later destroyed during the Roman period by a combination of wind deflation and flash floods (second to fourth century A.D.), suggesting a period of climate instability. The case of El‐Deir invites reevaluation of constructive agencies for the development of irrigated land and destructive agencies as limiting factors for the sustainability of agricultural practices in late antiquity.  相似文献   

Eleven sites comprising 76 core samples of Lower (sandstone) and Middle (limestone) Miocene age were collected from the northeastern tip of the Qattara depression in the north of the Western Desert of Egypt. The majority of samples showed weak to very weak remanent magnetization with geothite, haematite and titanomagnetite as the main magnetic carriers. However, with a careful detailed thermal demagnetization, they yielded stable, probably primary, magnetization. The resultant overall mean direction of 2.9°/31.2° with α95=2.3° corresponds to a palaeomagnetic pole position of 76.5°N and 198.0°E with A95=2.0°, which seems to agree with other known African Miocene poles. This result implies that the Qattara area has been stable at least since Early Miocene. The presence of goethite as the main magnetic carrier supports the assumption that weathering has been playing an important role in the development and shaping of the depression.  相似文献   

Five radiolitid rudist species are described from the Turonian sequence of Abu Roash area. They are recognized in three rudist biostromes that occur in two informal members of Abu Roash Formation; the Rudist- and the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl members. The three biostromes show autochthonous and parautochthonous fabrics and moderate to high packing potential. The first rudist biostrome at the base of the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member (Middle Turonian) contains Durania gaensis, Praeradiolites ponsianus and Bournonia fourtaui. The second biostrome in the same member consists of Bournonia roashensis. The third biostrome that recognized in the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl member (Late Turonian) consists of Durania arnaudi. Rudist biostromes in the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member were deposited on subtidal rudist shoals with moderate to high energy versus that of the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl member that deposited in low to moderate energy on deeper part of subtidal rudist shoals. The exposed Turonian succession at Abu Roash area could be divided into three depositional sequences bounded by three sequence boundaries (paleosols and angular unconformity).The first rudist biostrome in the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member represents the lower part of the transgressive systems tract of the first depositional sequence. The deepening upward trend of the transgressive systems tract is due to increase of accommodation space in transgressive context during relative sea-level rise episode. On the other hand, the second rudist biostrome in the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member and the third rudist biostrome in the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl member are in shallowing-upward set sequence forming the highstand systems tract of the first and third depositional sequences. This indicates that, the accommodation space was being filled more rapidly than was being created during the highstand stage.  相似文献   

Phosphorites in Egypt occur in the Eastern Desert, the Nile Valley and the Western Desert at Abu Tartur area and present in Duwi Formation as a part of the Middle Eastern to North African phosphogenic province of Late Cretaceous to Paleogene age (Campanian–Maastrichtian). The Maghrabi-Liffiya phosphorite sector is considered as the most important phosphorite deposits in the Abu Tartur area due to its large reserve thickness and high-grade of lower phosphorite bed beside high content of REE. Back scattered electron (BSE) images show framboidal pyrite filling the pores of the phosphatic grains, suggesting diagenetic reducing conditions during phosphorites formation.Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) chemical mapping was conducted to examine the variation and distributions of selected elements (P, F, La, Fe, Yb, Si, Ce, W, Eu, S, Ca, Y and Er) within the shark teeth, coprolites and bone fragments. In the teeth W, S, Fe are concentrated along the axis of the teeth, the bone fragments show high concentration of W, Yb, Er and Eu, whereas coprolites are nearly homogenous in composition contains S, Er with some Si as micro-inclusions. Fluorapatite is considered as main phosphate mineral whereas pyrite occurs as pore-filling within the phosphatic grains and cement materials. Maghrabi-Liffiya samples show a wide range in the P2O5 content, between 19.8 wt.% and 29.8 wt.% with an average of 24.6 wt.% and shows low U content ranging from 15 ppm to 34 ppm with an average of 22 ppm. The total REE content in nine samples representing the Maghrabi-Liffiya ranges from 519 to 1139 ppm with an average of about 879 ppm. The calculation of LREE (La–Gd) show indeed a marked enrichment relative to the HREE (Tb–Lu) where LREE/HREE ratio attains 8.4 indicating a strong fractionation between the LREE and HREE. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the studied phosphorite samples show a negative Eu anomaly.  相似文献   

The New Valley Project has been given much attention in the past 20 years especially from the hydrogeological point of view concerning groundwater utilization for the reclamation of a large area of the Western Desert. Lithological, petrophysical, and petrographical studies were conducted on four wells south of Beris Oasis, namely Beris 20, Beris 15, Beris 14, and Beris 13, and are defined by latitudes 24°25′E and 24°35′E and longitudes 30°30′N and 30°46′N. The Nubian sedimentation is of Posttectonic deposition that took place over the uplifted Precambrian granitic basement and is Lower Cretaceous, whereas the upper most variegated shales of the cap rock are Upper Cretaceous. The Nubian sandstones in the area south of Beris Oasis contain hematitic stains and/or fine granular authigenic hematite, thin laminae of brown ferruginous quartzite is also recorded denoting oxidizing conditions in the basin of deposition. Thin streaks of carbonaceous shales are met with in different depths to the south of Beris area, may be taken to denote oscillations in the sea level and accordingly its depths, and are responsible for the change in the oxidation-reduction potential during the deposition of the corresponding beds. Lithologic logs were interpreted together with the electric and micro-logs for adjustment of the shale breaks and showed that there are five water-bearing zones, named from bottom to top: A, B, C, D, and E, and are mainly unfossiliferous orthoquartzites, separated from each other by impervious beds of siltstones, shales, and clays of varying thicknesses. This zoning had been found valid in other parts of the Kharga Oases and could be applied locally in the Kharga Oases area. Mechanical analysis was performed mainly on 39 samples, of which 18 were core samples and 21 were cuttings, that were raised from four wells dug in the area south of Beris Oasis, Kharga Oases. Porosity and permeability tests were carried out on the 18 core samples only. The implication of these data on the environment of deposition of the Nubia Sandstone is discussed. Petrographic examination of a thin section of the subsurface Nubia sandstones in the South of Beris Oasis showed that the lithified rocks fall into three types depending on the nature of cement being, silicious or ferruginous, and on the amount of primary matrix, which at present is reorganized into iron oxides, microquartz, and muscovite flakes, thus reaching the phyllomorphic stage of diagensis. Rounding of the quartz grains shows that transportation had a minor effect on the grain morphology and favor a fluviatile transporting agent.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Phosphate Formation in the Western Desert of Egypt displays a characteristic facies association that includes marine phosphorites interbedded with black shales and glauconitic sandstones. The upper part of the formation is characterized by the presence of thin phosphatic beds, which are filled-extensively-with disordered and non stoichiometric (mean MgCO3 = 41.4 ± 0.34 mol%) authigenic dolomite cement. SEM and the back scattered images of these coarse crystalline dolomite cements reveal that they display planar euhedral crystal boundaries, polymodal crystal size distribution and variable inclusion pattern. The relatively low and wide ranged δ18O (− 0.87 to − 4.15‰ VPDB) values of the dolomite cements coupled with their depleted Sr (mean = 187 ± 26 ppm) and high iron and manganese values (mean = 6851 ± 554 ppm and 11599 ± 229 ppm respectively) invoke that they were formed from mixed hypo-saline fluids within a mixing marine-meteoric zone probably during a low stand period at the vicinity of the Maastrichtian/Early Tertiary unconformity. Meanwhile, their negative δ13C (− 1.31 to − 3.56‰ VPDB) values argue for a possible involvement of isotopically light carbon, derived from degradation of organic matter, during their precipitation.  相似文献   

An integrated petrophysical well log and core data analysis of the Alam El Bueib-3D (AEB-3D) and Alam El Bueib-3E (AEB-3E) reservoirs, Tut oil field, North Western Desert, Egypt, allows the evaluation of those parameters critical to their reservoir characterization. The determined reservoir properties investigated are lithology, depositional paleoenvironments, shale volume, porosity, fluid saturation and net pay thickness. As the analysis of reservoir pressure is essential to specify the driving mechanisms that control the behavior of fluids within reservoirs, pressure analysis identified the Alam El Bueib-3D reservoir to be partial water drive and Alam El Bueib-3E to be an active water drive. In addition, the pressure analysis identified two additional hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in the Alam El Bueib-3D. Stacking patterns of the Alam El Bueib-3D reservoirs are generally fining upward sequences reflecting fluvial to braided fluvial paleoenvironments. The Alam El Bueib-3E channel shows blocky patterns with sharp bases and tops diagnostic of distributary channels. Statistical analysis of core permeability and porosity values of the Alam El Bueib reservoirs indicate very good reservoir quality. Scatter diagrams of porosity values derived from core analysis for the AEB-3D and AEB-3E reservoirs reveal correlation coefficient (r) values of 0.93 and 0.64, respectively, indicating strong linear relationships. Plots of porosity values against permeability values also show strong linear relationships in all the reservoirs indicating that the AEB-3D and the AEB-3E are permeable and with strong pore communication. The permeability measurements indicate restricted reservoir heterogeneity as plots of vertical permeability values against horizontal permeability values exhibit linear trends. Altogether, the reservoir characterization of the Alam El Bueib reservoirs demonstrates their excellent potential for hydrocarbon production.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a geological modeling based on seismic and well data of the Razzak Oil Field, located in northwestern desert of Egypt aimed mainly at improving the knowledge on inversion tectonics in the sedimentary basin corresponding to the oil field. Contour maps of significant seismic horizons corresponding to the top of Meso-Cenozoic formations which represent the stratigraphic traps of the oil field (top Apollonia, top Abu Roash “G,” top Bahariya, and top Alamein) are presented. The final model consists of geological cross-sections showing the inversion basin in the Razzak Oil Field. From the seismic data interpretation and modeling, we have different results matching with regional tectonic and transcurrent motion model. There are two main fault trends: the first one was northeast–southwest matching the Jurassic rift where the Jurassic is characterized by normal faults that formed in conjunction with the opening of the Neo-Tethys, and the other fault trend is northwest–southeast matching with Cretaceous faults. This is followed by a period of compressive tectonism (Syrian Arc deformation) in which two of the Jurassic normal faulted blocks (one at the northern part and the other at the southern part of the Qattara–Alamein ridge in the Razzak field) are reactivated as reverse faulted by Eocene–Early Oligocene time.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1077-1084
This study is part of a multidisciplinary project dealing with the investigation of geoarchaeological sites on the Egyptian Plateau. With the aim of reconstructing the palaeoecological background, providing age assessment which put the various results in an age frame that is of special interest. Here, results of one particular section have been selected because of a discrepancy in age determination based on different approaches. Radiocarbon ages were inconsistent with the age range provided by the archaeological context in this area. The underestimation observed is inferred to be caused by poor 14C-sample quality. An attempt to overcome this problem was the determination of the depositional ages of the non-organic sediments by using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Equivalent doses of four sediment samples were estimated from OSL measurements carried out on sand-sized quartz grains using the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. Dose rates were calculated from neutron activation analysis results. From the OSL ages obtained, we conclude that the sediment sequence exposing an alternation of lacustrine and eolian layers was deposited in a short period of time during the mid-Holocene (mean of OSL ages ∼7.8 ka). Compared to the 14C ages, the luminescence ages fit better into the archaeological context confirmed by surface dating.  相似文献   

The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer (NSSA) is the main groundwater resource of the El-Bahariya Oasis, which is located in the middle of the Western Desert of Egypt. This aquifer is composed mainly of continental clastic sediments of sandstone with shale and clay intercalations of saturated thickness ranging between 100 and 1500 m. Vulnerability assessment to delineate areas that are more susceptible to contamination from anthropogenic sources has become an important element for sustainable resources management and land use planning. Accordingly, this research aims to estimate the vulnerability of NSSA by applying the DRASTIC model as well as utilising sensitivity analyses to evaluate the relative importance of the model parameters for aquifer vulnerability in the study area. The main objective is to demonstrate the combined use of the DRASTIC and the GIS techniques as an effective method for groundwater pollution risk assessment, and mapping the areas that are prone to deterioration of groundwater quality and quantity. Based on DRASTIC index (DI) values, a groundwater vulnerability map was produced using the GIS. The aquifer analysis in the study area highlighted the following key points: the northeastern and western parts of the NSSA were dominated by ‘High’ vulnerability classes while the northwestern and southeastern parts were characterised by ‘Medium’ vulnerability classes. The elevated central part of the study area displayed ‘Low’ aquifer vulnerability. The vulnerability map shows a relatively greater risk imposed on the northeastern part of the NSSA due to the larger pollution potential of intensive vegetable cultivation. Depth-to-water, topography and hydraulic conductivity parameters were found to be more effective in assessing aquifer vulnerability.  相似文献   

The Lower Cenomanian Bahariya Formation corresponds to a second-order depositional sequence that formed within a continental shelf setting under relatively low-rate conditions of positive accommodation (< 200 m during 3–6 My). This overall trend of base-level rise was interrupted by three episodes of base-level fall that resulted in the formation of third-order sequence boundaries. These boundaries are represented by subaerial unconformities (replaced or not by younger transgressive wave ravinement surfaces), and subdivide the Bahariya Formation into four third-order depositional sequences.

The construction of the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Bahariya Formation is based on the lateral and vertical changes between shelf, subtidal, coastal and fluvial facies, as well as on the nature of contacts that separate them. The internal (third-order) sequence boundaries are associated with incised valleys, which explain (1) significant lateral changes in the thickness of incised valley fill deposits, (2) the absence of third-order highstand and even transgressive systems tracts in particular areas, and (3) the abrupt facies shifts that may occur laterally over relatively short distances. Within each sequence, the concepts of lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts are used to explain the observed lateral and vertical facies variability.

This case study demonstrates the usefulness of sequence stratigraphic analysis in understanding the architecture and stacking patterns of the preserved rock record, and helps to identify 13 stages in the history of base-level changes that marked the evolution of the Bahariya Oasis region during the Early Cenomanian.  相似文献   

Mapping based on the interpreted seismic data covering the Abu Gharadig Basin in the northern Western Desert has revealed that the deposition of the Upper Cretaceous succession was controlled by dextral wrench tectonics. This dextral shear accompanied NW movement of the African Plate relative to Laurasian Plate. Structural depth maps of the Cenomanian Bahariya Formation and the Turonian-Coniacian D and A members of Abu Roash Formation display a clear NE-SW anticline dissected by NW-SE normal faults. This anticline represents one of the en echelon folds characterizing the wrench compressional component. The interpreted normal faults reflect the extensional T-fractures associated with the wrenching tectonics. The interaction between the aforementioned NE-SW anticline with the NW-SE extensional faults further confirms the effect of the Upper Cretaceous dextral wrench tectonic. However, the influence of this wrench tectonics was gradually diminishing from the Cenomanian up to the Coniacian times. The NW-SE compressional stress of the dextral wrench compressional component during the Cenomanian up to Coniacian age was greater in NW direction than the SE direction. Three mapped structural closures which are predicted to be potential hydrocarbon traps belonging to the Bahariya Formation and Abu Roash D Member, and are recommended to be drilled in the study area, with potential reservoirs. The regularity of the en echelon array of both anticlines and normal faults within the wrench zones suggests additional closures may be located elsewhere beside the study area.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to evaluate hydrogeologically the Nubian sandstone aquifer in El-Bahariya Oasis. It represents the main water-bearing horizon in the study area and consists of continental elastic sediments, mainly sandstone alternating with shale and clays. The general flow lines are directed from SW to NE direction, as detected from the constructed potentiometric head contour map. The piezometric surface reaches 149 m in El-Heiz area at the southern part, while it reaches 90 m at the northern, reflecting higher pressure head of the aquifer in the southern part. The map also illustrates that the southern part is considered as the most promising location for development. The structural elements play an important role in the deposition and distribution of the sedimentary succession of the Nubian sandstone sediments. Consequently, this sedimentary pattern affects the occurrences and movements of the groundwater within the aquifer system. Along the structurally high areas, in the study area, the piezometric head increases, while the reverse is recorded along the structurally low areas. The step-drawdown tests data were carried out by calculating the aquifer loss coefficient (B) and the well loss constant (C). The B values are smaller compared with C values, indicating that the aquifer under pressure has a behavior of leaky aquifer; therefore, it shows hydraulic connection with surrounding formation. The values of well efficiency range from 78.50% to 87.76%. Analysis of 12 pumping test data (constant discharge tests) was carried out in order to calculate the Nubian aquifer hydraulic parameters (transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, and storage coefficient). The transmissivity values decrease from 3,045 m2/day in the southern part (El-Heiz area) to 236 m2/day in the northeastern part (El-Harra area). Accordingly, the aquifer classified as a high to moderate potentiality. Transmissivity contour map observes gradual increase of transmissivity values from the southern to northeastern direction. This may be due to the increase of shale or clay content in the concerned aquifer in that direction. The storage coefficient values range between 1.04 × 10?4 and 5.22 × 10?3, as obtained from the results of pumping test analysis, which ensure that the Nubian sandstone aquifer is classified as semi-confined to confined aquifer type. The S values show a decrease from southwest to northeast direction as detected from S-map. The hydraulic conductivity values vary from to 0.46 m/day in the northern part to 10.88 m/day in the southern part with an average of 5.67 m/day. According to the classification based on K values, the aquifer is mainly composed of coarse sand.  相似文献   

The study area lies to the east of Qattara Depression at the north of the Western Desert, Egypt. It is bounded by latitudes 29°00?? and 30°00?? N and longitudes 28°00?? and 29°30?? E, including Abu Gharadig basin, which is the most petroliferous basin in the Egyptian Western Desert. Numerous exploratory wells show that the area is characterized by a thick sedimentary section, unconformably overlying the basement rocks. The main objective of the present study is to outline the structural parameters controlling the area under consideration. Aeromagnetic and gravity data were subjected to the analytic signal, 3D Euler deconvolution and edge enhancement techniques. The Analytic signal and 3D Euler deconvolution were utilized mainly to locate the main subsurface contact zones and to determine the depth and structural indices of the expected causative subsurface structural elements. However, the edge enhancement technique was used with various windows to enhance the edges of subsurface structures. The structural indices were estimated to be ranging between 0.16 and 0.26, indicating that the area is mainly controlled by faults. The depth of these structural elements was also estimated to be ranging between <1.37 and 5.29?km. It has been shown that the structural elements of the study area have different directions, trending E-W, ENE, NW, and N-S.  相似文献   

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