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Abstract— We have classified 12 new, moderately to severely weathered meteorites from Roosevelt County, New Mexico (RC 079–090) that were recovered between 1969 and 1993. They include nine H chondrites and three L chondrites of petrologic types 4 to 6 and shock classification S1 to S4. Among these are a flight-oriented specimen of an H5 chondrite, an L4 chondrite with a porphyritic impact-melt rock clast, an H5 fragmental breccia with an unusual weathering assemblage (probably a Ca sulfate), and an H4 chondrite with unequilibrated pyroxenes.  相似文献   

The brecciation and shock classification of 2280 ordinary chondrites of the meteorite thin section collection at the Institut für Planetologie (Münster) has been determined. The shock degree of S3 is the most abundant shock stage for the H and LL chondrites (44% and 41%, respectively), while the L chondrites are on average more heavily shocked having more than 40% of rocks of shock stage S4. Among the H and LL chondrites, 40–50% are “unshocked” or “very weakly shocked.” Considering the petrologic types, in general, the shock degree is increasing with petrologic type. This is the case for all meteorite groups. The main criteria to define a rock as an S6 chondrite are the solid‐state recrystallization and staining of olivine and the melting of plagioclase often accompanied by the formation of high‐pressure phases like ringwoodite. These characteristics are typically restricted to local regions of a bulk chondrite in or near melt zones. In the past, the identification of high‐pressure minerals (e.g., ringwoodite) was often taken as an automatic and practical criterion for a S6 classification during chondrite bulk rock studies. The shock stage classification of many significantly shocked chondrites (>S3) revealed that most ringwoodite‐bearing rocks still contain more than 25% plagioclase (74%). Thus, these bulk chondrites do not even fulfill the S5 criterion (e.g., 75% of plagioclase has to be transformed into maskelynite) and have to be classified as S4. Studying chondrites on typically large thin sections (several cm2) and/or using samples from different areas of the meteorites, bulk chondrites of shock stage S6 should be extremely rare. In this respect, the paper will discuss the probability of the existence of bulk rocks of S6.  相似文献   

Our survey of type 4–6 ordinary chondrites indicates that gas-poor, melt-rock and/or exotic clast-bearing fragmental breccias constitute 5%, 22% and 23%, respectively, of H, L and LL chondrites. These abundances contrast with the percentages of solar-gas-rich regolith breccias among ordinary chondrites: H (14%), L (3%) and LL (8%) (Crabb and Schultz, 1981). Petrologic study of several melt-rock-clast-bearing fragmental breccias indicates that some acquired their clasts prior to breccia metamorphism and others acquired them after metamorphism of host material. In general, the melt-rock clasts in gas-poor H chondrite fragmental breccias were acquired after breccia metamorphism and were probably formed by impacts into boulders or exposed outcrops of H4-6 material in the H chondrite parent body regolith. In contrast, most of the melt-rock clasts in gas-poor L and LL fragmental breccias were acquired prior to breccia metamorphism. The low abundance of regolith breccias among L chondrites and evidence that at least two-thirds of the L chondrites suffered a major shock event 0.5 Gyr ago, suggest that the L parent body may have been disrupted by a major collision at that time and that the remaining parent body fragments were too small to develop substantial regoliths (e.g., Heymann, 1967; Crabb and Schultz, 1981). Such a disruption would have exposed a large amount of L chondrite bedrock, some of which would consist of fragmental breccias that acquired melt-rock clasts very early in solar system history, prior to metamorphism. The exposed bedrock would serve as a potential target for sporadic meteoroid impacts to produce a few fragmental breccias with unmetamorphosed melt-rock clasts. The high proportion of genomict brecciated LL chondrites reflects a complex collisional history, probably including several episodes of parent body disruption and gravitational reassembly. Differences in the abundances of different kinds of breccias among the ordinary chondrite groups are probably due to the stochastic nature of major asteroidal collisions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Galkiv chondrite is a single 5 kg stone that fell in the Chernigov region of Ukraine on 1995 January 12. The composition of olivines in the meteorite indicate that Galkiv belongs to the H group of ordinary chondrites. Although the heterogeneity of olivine corresponds to a petrologic type 5 and the heterogeneity of low-Ca pyroxene suggests the chondrite is type 3, clearly defined chondrule boundaries, the presence of clinopyroxene, cryptocrystalline glass and rare grains of feldspatic plagioclase, structural evidences of shock metamorphism and very low level of terrestrial weathering allow us to classify the meteorite as an H4 chondrite of shock stage S3 and weathering grade WO.  相似文献   

Chromites from Middle Ordovician fossil L chondrites and from matrix and shock‐melt veins in Catherwood, Tenham, and Coorara L chondrites were studied using Raman spectroscopy and TEM. Raman spectra of chromites from fossil L chondrites showed similarities with chromites from matrix and shock‐melt veins in the studied L chondrite falls and finds. Chromites from shock‐melt veins of L chondrites show polycrystallinity, while the chromite grains in fossil L chondrites are single crystals. In addition, chromites from shock‐melt veins in the studied L chondrites have high densities of planar fractures within the subgrains and many subgrains show intergrowths of chromite and xieite. Matrix chromite of Tenham has similar dislocation densities and planar fractures as a chromite from the fossil meteorite Golvsten 001 and higher dislocation densities than in chromite from the fossil meteorite Sextummen 003. Using this observation and knowing that the matrix of Tenham experienced 20–22 GPa and <1000° C, an upper limit for the P,T conditions of chromite from Golvsten 001 and Sextummen 003 can be estimated to be 20–22 GPa and 1000° C (shock stage S3–S6) and 20 GPa and 1000° C (S3–S5), respectively, and we conclude that the studied fossil meteorite chromites are from matrix.  相似文献   

Abstract– The morphology and petrology of distinct melt veins in the Suizhou L6 chondrite have been investigated using scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analyses, and Raman spectroscopy, synchrotron energy‐dispersive diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. It is found that the melt veins in the Suizhou meteorite morphologically are the simplest, straightest, and thinnest among all shock veins known from meteorites. At first glance, these veins look like fine fractures, but petrologically they are solid melt veins of chondritic composition and consist of fully crystalline materials of two distinct lithological assemblages, with no glassy material remaining. The Suizhou melt veins contain the most abundant high‐pressure mineral species when compared with all other veins known in chondrites. Thus, these veins in Suizhou are classified as shock veins. All rock‐forming and almost all accessory minerals in the Suizhou shock veins have been transformed to their high‐pressure polymorphs, and no fragments of the precursor minerals remain in the veins. Among the 11 high‐pressure mineral phases identified in the Suizhou veins, three are new high‐pressure minerals, namely, tuite after whitlockite, xieite, and the CF phase after chromite. On the basis of transformation of plagioclase into maskelynite, it is estimated that the Suizhou meteorite experienced shock pressures and shock temperatures up to 22 GPa and 1000 °C, respectively. Shearing and friction along shock veins raised the temperature up to 1900–2000 °C and the pressure up to 24 GPa within the veins. Hence, phase transition and crystallization of high‐pressure minerals took place only in the Suizhou shock veins. Fast cooling of the extremely thin shock veins is regarded as the main reason that up to 11 shock‐induced high‐pressure mineral phases could be preserved in these veins.  相似文献   

Bulk chemical and mineral analyses of five L6 chondrites of shock facies d to f bring the number of L6 falls analyzed by Jarosewich to 20 and enable us: 1) to examine the chemical effects of shock melting in chondrites of the same petrologic type that presumably sample a limited stratigraphic range in their parent body; and 2) to seek depth-related chemical variations by comparing the compositions of L3 and melt-free L6 chondrites. The mean Fe/Mg, Si/Mg, S/Mg and Ni/Mg ratios of melt-free L6 chondrites (shock facies a to c) are virtually identical to those of L3 chondrites, suggesting that L-group material had the same bulk composition early (L6) and late (L3) in the accretion of the parent body. Wider variations of S/Mg and Ni/Mg in L6 chondrites may signify that L6 material was less well mixed than L3, or that some mobilization of metal and troilite occurred at shock intensities (facies c) too low to melt silicates. L6 chondrites that experienced shock melting of silicates (facies d to f) show wide variations of Fe/Mg, Si/Mg, S/Mg and Ni/Mg. It appears that most of the major element variation in the L-group is tertiary (shock-related) rather than primary (nebular, accretionary) or secondary (metamorphic). There is some evidence that L-group chondrites comprise two subgroups with different Fe/S ratios, but these subgroups are now poorly defined and their significance is unknown.  相似文献   

Ordinary chondrite meteorites contain silicates, Fe,Ni‐metal grains, and troilite (FeS). Conjoined metal‐troilite grains would be the first phase to melt during radiogenic heating in the parent body, if temperatures reached over approximately 910–960 °C (the Fe,Ni‐FeS eutectic). On the basis of two‐pyroxene thermometry of 13 ordinary chondrites, we argue that peak temperatures in some type 6 chondrites exceeded the Fe,Ni‐FeS eutectic and thus conjoined metal‐troilite grains would have begun to melt. Melting reactions consume energy, so thermal models were constructed to investigate the effect of melting on the thermal history of the H, L, and LL parent asteroids. We constrained the models by finding the proportions of conjoined metal‐troilite grains in ordinary chondrites using high‐resolution X‐ray computed tomography. The models show that metal‐troilite melting causes thermal buffering and inhibits the onset of silicate melting. Compared with models that ignore the effect of melting, our models predict longer cooling histories for the asteroids and accretion times that are earlier by 61, 124, or 113 kyr for the H, L, and LL asteroids, respectively. Because the Ni/Fe ratio of the metal and the bulk troilite/metal ratio is higher in L and LL chondrites than H chondrites, thermal buffering has the greatest effect in models for the L and LL chondrite parent bodies, and least effect for the H chondrite parent. Metal‐troilite melting is also relevant to models of primitive achondrite parent bodies, particularly those that underwent only low degrees of silicate partial melting. Thermal models can predict proportions of petrologic types formed within an asteroid, but are systematically different from the statistics of meteorite collections. A sampling bias is interpreted to explain these differences.  相似文献   

The disruption of the L chondrite parent body (LCPB) at ~470 Ma is currently the best-documented catastrophic celestial impact event, based on the large number of L chondritic materials associated with this event. Uranium-lead (U-Pb) dating of apatite and its high-pressure decomposition product, tuite, in the Sixiangkou L6 chondrite provides a temporal link to this event. The U-Pb system of phosphates adjacent to shock melt veins was altered to varying degrees and the discordance of the U-Pb system correlates closely with the extent of apatite decomposition. This suggests that the U-Pb system of apatite could be substantially disturbed by high-temperature pulse during shock compression from natural impacts, at least on the scale of mineral grains. Although many L chondrites can be temporally related to the catastrophic LCPB impact event, the shock conditions experienced by each individual meteorite vary. This could be due to the different geologic settings of these meteorites on their parent body. The shock pressure and duration derived from most meteorites may only reflect local shock features rather than the impact conditions, although they could provide lower limits to the impact conditions. The Sixiangkou shock duration (~4 s), estimated from high-pressure transformation kinetics, provides a lower limit to the high-pressure pulse of the LCPB disruption impact. Combined with available literature data of L chondrites associated with this impact event, our results suggest that the LCPB suffered a catastrophic collision with a large projectile (with a diameter of at least 18–22 km) at a low impact velocity (5–6 km s−1). This is consistent with astronomical estimates based on the dynamical evolution of L chondritic asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Brunflo fossil meteorite was found in the 1950s in mid‐Ordovician marine limestone in the Gärde quarry in Jämtland. It originates from strata that are about 5 million years younger than similar limestone that more recently has yielded >50 fossil meteorites in the Thorsberg quarry at Kinnekulle, 600 km to the south. Based primarily on the low TiO2 content (about 1.8 wt%) of its relict chromite the Brunflo meteorite had been tentatively classified as an H chondrite. The meteorite hence appears to be an anomaly in relation to the Kinnekulle meteorites, in which chromite composition, chondrule mean diameter and oxygen isotopic composition all indicate an L‐chondritic origin, reflecting an enhanced flux of meteorites to Earth following the disruption of the L chondrite parent body 470 Ma. New chondrule‐size measurements for the Brunflo meteorite indicate that it too is an L chondrite, related to the same parent‐body breakup. Chromite maximum diameters and well‐defined chondrule structures further show that Brunflo belongs to the L4 or L5 type. Chromites in recently fallen L4 chondrites commonly have low TiO2 contents similar to the Brunflo chromites, adding support for Brunflo being an L4 chondrite. The limestone in the Gärde quarry is relatively rich (about 0.45 grain kg−1) in sediment‐dispersed extraterrestrial chromite grains (>63 μm) with chemical composition similar to those in L chondrites and the limestone (1–3 grains kg−1) at Kinnekulle, suggesting that the enhanced flux of L chondrites prevailed, although somewhat diminished, at the time when the Brunflo meteorite fell.  相似文献   

Abstract— High speed friction experiments have been performed on the ordinary chondrites El Hammami (H5, S2) and Sahara 97001 (L6, S3) using an axial friction‐welding apparatus. Each sample was subjected to a strain rate of 103 to 104 s?1, which generated 250 to 500 μm‐deep darkened zones on each sample cube. Thin section analyses reveal that the darkened areas are composed of silicate glass and mineral fragments intermingled with dispersed submicron‐size FeNi and FeS blebs. Fracturing of mineral grains and the formation of tiny metallic veins define the extent of deformation beyond the darkened shear zone. These features are not present in the original meteorites. The shear zones and tiny veins are quite similar to certain vein systems seen in naturally deformed ordinary chondrites. The experiments show that shock deformation is not required for the formation of melt veins and darkening in ordinary chondrites. Therefore, the presence of melt veins and darkening does not imply that an ordinary chondrite has undergone severe shock deformation. In fact, high strain rate deformation and frictional melting are especially important for the formation of veins at low shock pressures.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Meteoritical Bulletin No. 80 lists data for 178 meteorites. Noteworthy are 3 HED meteorites (ALH 88102, Hammadah al Hamra (HaH) 059, and Monticello); 3 ureilites (HaH 064, HaH 126, and Dar al Gani (DaG) 084); 4 irons (Baygorria (IAB), Ste. Croix (IIIAB), Sargiin Gobi (IAB), and Tarahumara (IIE)); an unusual metal-rich meteorite (Vermillion); 8 carbonaceous chondrites (HaH 043 (C03), HaH 073 (C4), DaG 055 (C3) and 5 C03 chondrites (probably paired) from DaG); an R chondrite (DaG 013); and 6 unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (ALH 88105 (L3), Camel Donga 016 (L3), HaH 093 (LL3.9), HaH 096 (LL(L)3), Richfield (LL3.7), and Sarir Quattusah (LL(L)3)). Three recent falls of ordinary chondrites (Coleman (LL5), St. Robert (H5), and Tsukuba (H5-6)) are described.  相似文献   

We measured the concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in 14 fragments from 12 different meteorites: three carbonaceous chondrites, six L chondrites (three most likely paired), one H chondrite, one R chondrite, and one ungrouped chondrite. The data obtained for the CV3 chondrites Ramlat as Sahmah (RaS) 221 and RaS 251 support the hypothesis of exposure age peaks for CV chondrites at approximately 9 Ma and 27 Ma. The exposure age for Shi?r 033 (CR chondrite) of 7.3 Ma is also indicative of a possible CR chondrite exposure age peak. The three L chondrites Jiddat al Harasis (JaH) 091, JaH 230, and JaH 296, which are most likely paired, fall together with Hallingeberg into the L chondrite exposure age peak of approximately 15 Ma. The two L chondrites Shelburne and Lake Torrens fall into the peaks at approximately 40 Ma and 5 Ma, respectively. The ages for Bassikounou (H chondrite) and RaS 201 (R chondrite) are approximately 3.5 Ma and 5.8 Ma, respectively. Six of the studied meteorites show clear evidence for 3He diffusive losses, the deficits range from approximately 17% for one Lake Torrens aliquot to approximately 45% for RaS 211. The three carbonaceous chondrites RaS 221, RaS 251, and Shi?r 033 all have excess 4He, either of planetary or solar origin. However, very high 4He/20Ne ratios occur at relatively low 20Ne/22Ne ratios, which is unexpected and needs further study. The measured 40Ar ages fit well into established systematics. They are between 2.5 and 4.5 Ga for the carbonaceous chondrites, older than 3.6 Ga for the L and H chondrites, and about 2.4 Ga for the R chondrite as well as for the ungrouped chondrite. Interestingly, none of our studied L chondrites has been degassed in the 470 Ma break‐up event. Using the amount of trapped 36Ar as a proxy for noble gas contamination due to terrestrial weathering we are able to demonstrate that the samples studied here are not or only very slightly affected by terrestrial weathering (at least in terms of their noble gas budget).  相似文献   

Abstract— Based on optical microscopy, modal and electron microprobe analyses, six ordinary chondrites from Texas preserved in the Monnig Meteorite Collection at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, were classified in compositional groups, petrologic types, and shock facies. These meteorites are Comanche (stone), L5c; Haskell, L5c; Deport (a), H4b; Naruna (a), H4b; Naruna (b), H4b; and Clarendon (b), H5d.  相似文献   

Based on sediment‐dispersed extraterrestrial spinel grains in the Bottaccione limestone section in Italy, we reconstructed the micrometeorite flux to Earth during the early Paleocene. From a total of 843 kg of limestone, 86 extraterrestrial spinel grains (12 grains > 63 μm, and 74 in the 32–63 μm fraction) have been recovered. Our results indicate that the micrometeorite flux was not elevated during the early Paleocene. Ordinary chondrites dominated over achondritic meteorites similar to the recent flux, but H chondrites dominated over L and LL chondrites (69%, 22%, and 9%, respectively). This H‐chondrite dominance is similar to that recorded within an enigmatic 3He anomaly (70, 27, and 3%) in the Turonian, but different from just before this 3He anomaly and in the early Cretaceous, where ratios are similar to the recent flux (~45%, 45%, and 10%). The K‐Ar isotopic ages of recently fallen H chondrites indicate a small impact event on the H‐chondrite parent body ~50 to 100 Ma ago. We tentatively suggest that this event is recorded by the Turonian 3He anomaly, resulting in an H‐chondrite dominance up to the Paleocene. Our sample spanning the 20 cm above the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary did not yield any spinel grains related to the K–Pg boundary impactor.  相似文献   

Abstract— We document the size distributions and locations of voids present within five highly porous equilibrated ordinary chondrites using high‐resolution synchrotron X‐ray microtomography (μCT) and helium pycnometry. We found total porosities ranging from ~10 to 20% within these chondrites, and with μCT we show that up to 64% of the void space is located within intergranular voids within the rock. Given the low (S1‐S2) shock stages of the samples and the large voids between mineral grains, we conclude that these samples experienced unusually low amounts of compaction and shock loading throughout their entire post accretionary history. With Fe metal and FeS metal abundances and grain size distributions, we show that these chondrites formed naturally with greater than average porosities prior to parent body metamorphism. These materials were not “fluffed” on their parent body by impact‐related regolith gardening or events caused by seismic vibrations. Samples of all three chemical types of ordinary chondrites (LL, L, H) are represented in this study and we conclude that incomplete compaction is common within the asteroid belt.  相似文献   

Based on optical microscopy and electron microprobe analyses of mafic minerals, six previously undescribed or poorly known ordinary chondrites from Texas were classified into compositional groups, petrologic types, and shock facies. These meteorites are Junction, L5d; Anton, H4b; Venus, H4d; Dalhart, H5a; Rosebud, H5c; and Cranfills Gap, H6c.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Noblesville meteorite is a genomict, regolith breccia (H6 clasts in H4 matrix). Mössbauer analysis confirms that Noblesville is unusually fresh, not surprising in view of its recovery immediately after its fall. It resembles “normal” H4–6 chondrites in its chemical composition and induced thermoluminescence (TL) levels. Thus, at least in its contents of volatile trace elements, Noblesville differs from other H chondrite, class A regolith breccias. Noblesville's small pre-atmospheric mass and fall near Solar maximum and/or its peculiar orbit (with perihelion <0.8 AU as shown by natural TL intensity) may partly explain its levels of cosmogenic radionuclides. Its cosmic ray exposure age of ~ 44 Ma, is long, is equalled or exceeded by <3% of all H chondrites, and also differs from the 33 ± 3 Ma mean exposure age peak of other H chondrite regolith breccias. One whole-rock aliquot has a high, but not unmatched, 129Xe/132Xe of 1.88. While Noblesville is now among the chondritic regolithic breccias richest in solar gases, elemental ratios indicate some loss, especially of He, perhaps b; impacts in the regolith that heated individual grains. While general shock-loading levels in Noblesville did not exceed 4 GPa, individual clasts record shock levels of 5–10 GPa, doubtless acquired prior to lithification of the whole-rock meteoroid.  相似文献   

The Kumtag 016 strewn field was found in the eastern part of the Kumtag desert, Xinjiang Province, China. In this study, 24 recovered meteorites have been characterized by a suite of different analytical techniques to investigate their petrography, mineralogy, bulk trace elements, noble gas isotopic composition, density, and porosity. We attribute to the strewn field 22 L5 chondrites with shock stage S4 and weathering grade W2–W3. Two different meteorites, Kumtag 021, an L4 chondrite and Kumtag 032, an L6 chondrite, were recognized within the strewn field area. Moreover, Kumtag 003, an H5 chondrite, was previously found in the same area. We infer that the Kumtag 016 strewn field most likely consists of at least four distinct meteorite falls. The effects of terrestrial weathering on the studied meteorites involve sulfide/metal alteration, chemical changes (Sr, Ba, Pb, and U enrichments and depletion in Cr, Co, Ni, and Cs abundances), and physical modifications (decrease of grain density and porosity). Measurements of the light noble gases indicate that the analyzed Kumtag L5 samples contain solar wind-implanted noble gases with a 20Ne/22Ne ratio of ~12.345. The cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) ages of the L5 chondrites are in a narrow range (3.6 ± 1.4 Ma to 5.2 ± 0.4 Ma). For L4 chondrite Kumtag 021 and L6 chondrite Kumtag 032, the CRE ages are 5.9 ± 0.4 Ma and 4.7 ± 0.8 Ma, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract— Zag is an H3‐6 chondrite regolith breccia within which we have studied 14 halite grains ≤3 mm. The purity of the associated NaCl‐H2O brine is implied by freezing characteristics of fluid inclusions in the halite and EPMA analyses together with a lack of other evaporite‐like phases in the Zag H3–6 component. This is inconsistent with multi‐stage evolution of the fluid involving scavenging of cations in the Zag region of the parent body. We suggest that the halite grains are clastic and did not crystallize in situ. Halite and water‐soluble extracts from Zag have light Cl isotopic compositions, δ37Cl = ?1.4 to ?2.8%. Previously reported bulk carbonaceous chondrite values are approximately δ37Cl = +3 to +4%. This difference is too great to be the result of fractionation during evaporation, and instead, we suggest that Cl isotopes in chondrites are fractionated between a light reservoir associated with fluids and a heavier reservoir associated with higher temperature phases such as phosphates and silicates. Extraterrestrial carbon released at 600 °C from the H3–4 matrix has δ13C = ?20%, consistent with poorly graphitized material being introduced into the matrix rather than indigenous carbonate derived from a brine. We have also examined 28 other H chondrite falls to ascertain how widespread halite or evaporite‐like mineral assemblages are in ordinary chondrites. We did not find any more to add to Zag (H3‐6) and Monahans (H5), which suggests that such highly soluble phases were not usually preserved on the parent bodies.  相似文献   

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