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Delaney et al. (1983) propose to redefine howardites as basaltic achondrites containing more than 10% of magnesian orthopyroxenite (diogenite) component. Since the 10% requirement is arbitrary and of no genetic significance this redefinition should be rejected and the earlier definition of Score et al. (1982) “Howardites are polymict pyroxene-plagioclase achondrites containing magnesian orthopyroxene” — in any amount — should be retained.  相似文献   

Glass particles have been separated from the Bununu howardite microbreccia and analyzed with the electron microprobe. Preliminary SEM studies of the glass reveal fragments, spherules, teardrops, and rods: particles reminiscent of glasses recovered from the lunar surface. When plotted, individual glass analyses from both the Bununu and Malvern howardites range through the howardite group and extend into the eucrite group with the average glass compositions slightly enriched in CaO and depleted in MgO when compared with the bulk chemical analyses. These glasses presumably represent quenched, impact-melted rocks, or partial melts of the major rock types and/or matrix in Bununu and Malvern. Shock-produced features which have been observed in known terrestrial and lunar impact breccias are also present in Bununu. Crystal deformation, maskeylenite and glass veining in clasts and glass spherules and shards in the matrix point to impact brecciation as the likely mechanism to form the features observed in Bununu and other howardites.  相似文献   

We present high resolution CS and CO maps of Cep A region made with the 45m telescope at Nobeyama. The CS map shows that a dense cloud surrounding the proto-star cluster extends in the North-South direction and is probably rotating. The bipolar molecular flow apparent in the CO maps is well-collimated along East-West direction within 0.2 pc from the proto-stars. The dense cloud is gravitationally unstable and appears to be in a contracting phase to form a cluster of massive stars.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.NRO, a branch of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, University of Tokyo, is a cosmic radio observing facility open for outside users.  相似文献   

Feynman  Joan  Ruzmaikin  Alexander 《Solar physics》2004,219(2):301-313
Solar Physics - Several studies have indicated that there may be two distinct types of coronal mass ejections (CMEs); a high-velocity bright energetic type associated with flares, and a smaller...  相似文献   

We present spectroscopic evidence that the luminosity of HD 183143 is higher by one magnitude than thought previously. The star is yet another B6-8 Ia-0 white hypergiant of the Galaxy. Its absolute visual magnitude is close to ?8m, and its distance is close to 2 kpc. We describe spectroscopic manifestations of the nonstationary behavior of its atmosphere and wind.  相似文献   

The theory of plasma emission is reviewed emphasizing general concepts rather than the details of the analysis. The generation of the Langmuir turbulence, its evolution due to nonlinear processes, and the plasma emission processes are described. Several outstanding difficulties in the applications to solar radio bursts are discussed, concentrating on those with implications on local density inhomogeneities in the sources.Proceedings of the Second CESRA Workshop on Particle Acceleration and Trapping in Solar Flares, held at Aubigny-sur-Nère (France), 23–26 June, 1986.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ureilites are coarse-grained ultramafic rocks whose petrography, mineral chemistry, lithophile element bulk chemistry, and Sm-Nd isotopic systematics suggest that they are highly fractionated igneous rocks and thus are products of common planetary differentiation processes. However, they also have primitive characteristics that are difficult to reconcile with extensive igneous processing. These include high abundances of siderophile elements, planetary-type noble gases, and the oxygen isotopic signature of unequilibrated solar system materials. The incongruity between igneous and primitive features constitutes the most important problem in understanding ureilite petrogenesis. In this review the petrographic, chemical, and isotopic characteristics of ureilites are summarized, and the petrogenetic implications of these characteristics are discussed. The most important constraints on ureilite petrogenesis are: 1) Ureilites have lost a basaltic complement; 2) Ureilites had a two-stage cooling history; 3) Ureilites are probably residues but partly crystallized from melts; 4) Ureilites are derived from a minimum of six reservoirs which were distinct in oxygen isotopic composition and did not equilibrate with one another; 5) A correlation between oxygen isotopic composition and mg ratio was established in ureilite parent material in the solar nebula; 6) If carbon-metal-silicate-CO/CO2 equilibrium was maintained then the mg ratios of ureilites were pressure/depth-dependent; however, if the pressure was sufficiently high (> 100–200 bars) that a CO/CO2 gas phase was not present then carbon and metal could have been at equilibrium with all ureilite mg ratios at the same pressure; 7) Ureilites either lost a low-melting temperature metal fraction or gained a refractory-rich metal component; 8) Primordial noble gases were retained in carbon in ureilites; 9) The ultramafic ureilite assemblage formed at ~4.55 Ga, but Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic systematics have been subsequently disturbed. Recently proposed models for ureilite petrogenesis are evaluated in terms of how well they satisfy these constraints; no models unequivocally satisfy all of them. Reconciling constraints 5 and 6 requires a large ureilite parent body.  相似文献   

The peculiar galaxy NGC 4650 A (α=12h 42m. 1; = δ—40° 26′; 1950·0) has been studied by means of direct and spectral observations with the ESO 3·6-m telescope. It is interpreted as a prolate, elliptical galaxy surrounded by a warped ring of H II regions, dust and stars. The distance is 47 Mpc (H 0=55 km s−1 Mpc−1). The ring is seen nearly edge-on (inclination 85°) and it rotates. It has a diameter of about 21 kpc and is bluer than the elliptical galaxy for which the (M/L v) ratio is ∼12 in solar units. The observed configuration may be the result of interaction with the nearby galaxy, NGC 4650.  相似文献   

The permeability of lunar soil simulant, JSC-1A, is measured over a range of bulk densities from 1550 to 2000 kg m−3. The corresponding viscous flow permeability is 1 × 10−12 m2 to 6.1 × 10−12 m2 for this bulk density range. Implications of these values on the contamination of regolith by rockets, on barrier/enhancement to bulk flow of ice, and on cratering are discussed. Although the particle size and shape distribution of the JSC-1A are extremely wide, the permeability measurements agree surprisingly well with the Carman-Kozeny equation. The results provide evidence that the Carman-Kozeny model could be applicable to other naturally occurring soils if effective soil properties are considered.  相似文献   

Cilimus is a new Indonesian chondrite. Its mineralogy and chemistry categorize it as a veined, intermediate-to-white hypersthene or L-5 chondrite. Black veins and impact-produced glasses including maskelynite show evidence that Cilimus has been severely shocked.  相似文献   

J. B. Zirker 《Solar physics》1987,111(2):235-242
Non-redundant arrays offer the possibility of reconstructing optical solar images to the diffraction limit of resolution, with minimal data processing. A particular algorithm, due to W. T. Rhodes, for the analysis of the fringes produced by a set of non-redundant arrays, has been evaluated numerically. The algorithm can give satisfactory results with S/N 100, but can also break down at moments of unfavorable seeing.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

P. Thomas  J. Veverka 《Icarus》1979,40(3):394-405
The characteristics of the grooves on Phobos indicate that these features were formed by a large impact—an observation which implies that grooves may occur on other small bodies. Published data on fragmentation experiments suggest that the energy of the impact which produced the grooves on Phobos was in a critical range, strong enough to produce fracturing at large distances from the crater, but too weak to fragment the object. Other small bodies, such as asteroids, which have experienced an impact flux sufficient to include one such critical cratering event should show grooves, unless they have been fragmented subsequently by a more severe impact. We estimate that between 112thand14th of asteroids smaller than 100 km in diameter may have surface features resembling grooves associated with large impact craters. Several morphologically distinct types of grooves can be expected, depending on the thickness and composition of the regolith of the parent body. The full development of Phobos-like grooves seems to require a thick, and possibly volatile-rich, regolith—conditions which might obtain on certain C-asteroids.  相似文献   

The current status of a continuing programme of tests for redshift periodicity or ‘quantization’ of nearby bright galaxies is described. So far the redshifts of over 250 galaxies with high-precision HI profiles have been used in the study. In consistently selected sub-samples of the datasets of sufficient precision examined so far, the redshift distribution has been found to be strongly quantized in the galactocentric frame of reference. The phenomenon is easily seen by eye and apparently cannot be ascribed to statistical artefacts, selection procedures or flawed reduction techniques. Two galactocentric periodicities have so far been detected, ∼ 71 .5km s-1 in the Virgo cluster, and ∼37. 5km s-1 for all other spiral galaxies within ∼ 2600km s-1. The formal confidence levels associated with these results are extremely high.  相似文献   

One of the most exciting recent developments in the field of lunar science has been the unambiguous detection of water (either as OH or H2O) or water ice on the Moon through instruments flown on a number of orbiting spacecraft missions. At the same time, continued laboratory-based investigations of returned lunar samples by Apollo missions using high-precision, low-detection, analytical instruments have for the first time, provided the absolute abundance of water (present mostly as structurally bound OH in mineral phases) in lunar samples. These new results suggest that the Moon is not an anhydrous body, questioning conventional wisdom, and indicating the possibility of a wet lunar interior and the presence of distinct reservoirs of water on the lunar surface. However, not all recent results point to a wet Moon and it appears that the distribution of water on the Moon may be highly heterogeneous. Additionally, a number of sources are likely to have contributed to the water inventory of the Moon ranging from primordial water to meteorite-derived water ice through to the water formed during the reaction of solar-wind hydrogen with the lunar soil. Water on the Moon has implications for future astrobiological investigations as well as for generating resources in situ during future exploration of the Moon and other airless bodies in the Solar System.  相似文献   

We present a new cooled grating near infra-red spectrometer designed to acquire spectra at the TIRGO telescope in the 0.9÷2.5m region with a resolving power of 300÷4000, equipped with a Rockwell NICMOS 3 detector.  相似文献   

We have studied the velocity field of the Blue Compact Dwarf galaxy Mrk86 using an Hα Fabry-Perot image and 14 long-slit optical spectra. From the ionized gas velocities measured we have found that Mrk86 follows a solid-body rotation law with a central angular velocity of 34 ± 5 km s-1 kpc-1. The comparison of the modeled rotation curve with our velocity data indicates a clear dominance of the stellar mass component over the dark matter. Related with the galaxy most intense star forming knot, a very strong gradient steeping is observed. Finally, we give kinematic evidence for the Mrk86-C expanding bubble. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

D.W.G. Arthur 《Icarus》1976,27(4):571-573
This note reviews the nature of the traditional (Mädler) lunar nomenclature and the recent developments based on the use of more than 2000 named provinces. It appears that the new nomenclature is less efficient than the old in many cases and may lead to an impossible publication situation. The unnecessary break with the past is especially critized.  相似文献   

The most salient features of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 7479 include the unusually strong and long bar, asymmetric spiral structure and peculiar dust lanes. The central, bar-dominated region has been robbed of neutral atomic gas. The neutral hydrogen kinematics of the strong western spiral arm are consistent with substantial non-circular motions. In contrast, the molecular gas is strongly concentrated in the nucleus and along the bar dust lanes. A molecular disc with near-circular motion is found in the nuclear area. Outside this component, the molecular gas has a strong radial velocity component consistent with inflow. The velocity gradients across the bar dust lanes show jumps of a few hundred km s-1. A comparison of the dust/gas lane morphology between the observations and numerical simulations suggests that the corotation radius is at 1.1 times the bar length. I have modelled many of the peculiar morphological and kinematic features in numerical simulations of a minor merger. The predicted position of the merging companion matches the position of a bright clump in the bar with perturbed kinematics. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Some attempts of polarimetric sounding of Comet Halley will be undertaken from the flyby probes. In order to facilitate the final planning and the future interpretation of these experiments we have done a thorough analysis of practically all available polarimetric observations. An emphasis is made on interpretation attempts and their discussion. The results of the phase dependence of polarization investigations are presented covering a wide range of phase angles . The chief peculiarities of this dependence are: maximum polarization at = 90, diminishing through zero at 20, negative values up to several per cent and a final growth to zero at zero . A division into gaseous and dusty comets on polarimetric basis is revealed. The wavelength dependence of polarization is discussed. The numerous results of detailed polarimetry are compared to the negative results of attempts to detect the elliptical polarization. New observational problems arising from the evidence given by the negative polarization at small phase angles and by the opposition effect recently discovered are discussed.  相似文献   

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