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水工建筑物抗震可靠度设计和分析用的随机地震输入模型   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
结合水工建筑物的特点,提出了一套可供水工建筑物抗震可靠度设计和分析应用参考的随机地震运输输入模型和参数。  相似文献   

盘锦地区深井水位观测始于上世纪七八十年代,观测资料连续可靠,在辽宁省及邻区发生的中强地震前有很好的前兆信息。通过研究盘锦地区深井水位的多年动态,分析典型震例,并利用基于GIS的地震分析预报系统等,探讨了水位变化和油田开采的关系,总结了盘锦地区地下水位的映震效能。  相似文献   

A new method is presented for solving the 2D problem of diffraction of a plane wave by a wedge of arbitrary angle in a purely acoustic, constant-density medium with different constant compressional wave speeds inside and outside the wedge. The diffraction problem is formulated as integral equations, and a wavenumber–frequency representation of the scattered field is obtained. With the aid of the Cagniard–de Hoop method, exact analytical expressions in the space–time domain are obtained for the different wave constituents, i.e. geometric optical scattered waves and edge diffracted waves including head waves. These expressions can be computed to any degree of accuracy within reasonable computation times on a computer, and the semi-analytical method of solution presented thus constitutes a means of constructing reference solutions for wedge configurations. Such highly accurate reference solutions are of importance for verification of results that include diffraction phenomena modelled by general numerical approximate methods, e.g. finite differences, finite elements and spectral methods. Examples of such applications of the method of solution are given.  相似文献   

本文首先解决了声波方程的非Born近似的正演计算问题,从而获得理论上不带近似的正演数据;然后,推导了井间(CBP)、垂直地震剖面(VSP)和地面反射(SRP)三种不同的数据采集方式下的衍射CT的重建公式;利用这些重建算法和正演数据,系统地研究了影响到地球物理CT成象质量的三种因素,即:(1)数据采集方式,(2)异常程度和(3)成象区域的尺寸,对重建图象的影响;并比较了衍射地震CT和射线地震CT的成象质量。  相似文献   

彭成斌  陈颙 《地球物理学报》1990,33(05):530-539
本文首先解决了声波方程的非Born近似的正演计算问题,从而获得理论上不带近似的正演数据;然后,推导了井间(CBP)、垂直地震剖面(VSP)和地面反射(SRP)三种不同的数据采集方式下的衍射CT的重建公式;利用这些重建算法和正演数据,系统地研究了影响到地球物理CT成象质量的三种因素,即:(1)数据采集方式,(2)异常程度和(3)成象区域的尺寸,对重建图象的影响;并比较了衍射地震CT和射线地震CT的成象质量。  相似文献   

Finite-difference seismic models are often saddled with huge memory requirements for data manipulation, a prohibitive amount of CPU time and even approximate results. At least part of these costs may be due to the fact that most of the work reported on this subject is devoted to the development of explicit models which suffer from severe limitations of stability and necessitate extremely fine time sampling of the wavefield. A new method of seismic modeling which works in the implicit mode and is unconditionally stable is put forward. It is based on the self-adjoint version of the acoustic wave equation. The evaluation of the wavefield is done by using a highly efficient splitting algorithm which does not require transposing the field data at the various time steps. Moreover, it can accommodate anisotropic media as well as three-dimensional structures. Computational efficiency is achieved by introducing an unconventional procedure which yields the sum of the values of the wavefield corresponding to a new time step and a previous time step. The new value can be obtained from this sum by a simple subtraction. A number of numerical examples, some obtained by using time steps about five times larger than the largest permissible time step in the corresponding explicit model, are presented. The effect of topographic changes on the growth of the wavefield due to a source located near the surface of the ground is investigated.  相似文献   

Results of studies carried out with the help of a three-dimensional seismic model on waves diffracted from edges of varying radius of curvature R and depth h with respect to wave length λ are described. The amplitude decay, travel time, and apparent velocity of the wave diffracted from a sub-surface edge of semi-infinite length are found to depend on the parameters R, h, and distance from the edge on the surface provided the ratio of the parameters to λ are less than some limiting values. The nature of the amplitude decay is independent of R when the depth exceeds 2λ, and independent of h when R exceeds 1.5λ. When these are below the limiting values (h= 2λ and R= 1.5λ), the nature of the decay depends appreciably on R and h. The apparent decay in amplitude on the surface due to geometrical spreading by the diffracting edge is less than that of a cylindrical secondary wave source and decreases with increase in depth of the edge. The nature of the travel time curves of the diffracted waves near the edge depend on R/λ when the depth is within about one λ. Apparent velocity of the wave depends largely on R/λ in the zone of diffraction up to a distance of about one λ from the edge on the surface. Beyond this distance the velocity is almost the same irrespective of R/λ and depend only on h/λ. The width of the zone of diffraction caused by an edge of finite length comparable to λ is more and more narrow as the ratio of the distance of the edge on the surface to its depth increases.  相似文献   

基于新疆数字遥测地震台网目前使用的地震数据分析软件EDAS-ISA挂接的GENETIC(遗传法)定位程序,选取新疆数字遥测台网记录的45次地震事件,就遗传法定位程序的定位结果与新疆日常地震目录结果作了对比分析。结果表明∶对于台站分布合理并且最近的台站到达地震事件的震中矩≤3度,遗传法定位结果与新疆日常地震目录比较吻合,定位效果较好。对于边界地震和台站稀少区,定位结果偏差较大,定位效果不理想。  相似文献   

彭成斌  陈顒 《地球物理学报》1990,33(02):154-162
在本文中,我们从理论上比较研究了衍射CT技术和多源全息成象技术,讨论了在弱不均匀介质中多源全息成象技术失真的根源,推导出二维多源全息图象重建的快速算法,利用这些算法和计算机产生的非Born近似的正演数据,系统地研究了异常体的尺寸、异常程度的大小和数据采集方式对重建图象的影响.并且把它与衍射CT重建图象作了数值上的比较,所得到的许多结果(见正文结论部分)对于衍射地震CT技术和多源全息成象技术在生产中的应用有着指导意义.  相似文献   

夏孝田 《高原地震》2011,23(2):44-48
对高淳地震台自投入运行以来的分量应变观测资料进行了分析研究,结果表明:该台观测资料精度很高,同时发现分量应变观测对一些大震有明显同震效应.  相似文献   

衍射CT技术和多源全息成象技术的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在本文中,我们从理论上比较研究了衍射CT技术和多源全息成象技术,讨论了在弱不均匀介质中多源全息成象技术失真的根源,推导出二维多源全息图象重建的快速算法,利用这些算法和计算机产生的非Born近似的正演数据,系统地研究了异常体的尺寸、异常程度的大小和数据采集方式对重建图象的影响.并且把它与衍射CT重建图象作了数值上的比较,所得到的许多结果(见正文结论部分)对于衍射地震CT技术和多源全息成象技术在生产中的应用有着指导意义.  相似文献   

Seismic refraction measurements were made in two areas of the Baltic Sea in June 1967. The refraction data were obtained in the course of the transmission measurements program of Operation MILOC BALTIC 67. Three profile pairs were obtained, two in the area south of Öland Island, Sweden, the third to the east, north of the peninsula of Hel, Poland. The water depths vary from 60 to 90 meters between the areas. The receiving positions for the two profiles south of Oland Island are only 46 km apart but the structures differ markedly. The northern section, only 500 m thick, shows a rather thin sedimentary cover above 350 m of 3.7 km/sec material that in turn overlies 5.6 - 5.9 km/sec velocity material. The southern section, almost 2 km thick, has an equivalent amount of low velocity material, and a layer about 1 km thick having velocity 4.8 km/sec that overlies 6.0 km/sec velocity material. The eastern profile shows high velocity material, 5.6 km/sec, at 2.5 km depth. Correlation of the layers determined by seismic refraction with nearby geology suggests that the structural change south of Öland Island may represent the boundary of the Sarmatian Shield in this region.  相似文献   

本文用超声波方法在层状介质中进行地震模型试验研究,试图寻找一种解决某些地壳和地球内部构造问题的方法。试验中使用SYC-2型声波岩石参数测定仪,换能器是用锆钛酸铅(Pb(Ti,zr)O3)晶体制成,共有三个换能器,一个做发射探头,两个做接收探头。波形由双踪示波管显示,以利于波形对比和震相追踪。 用黄蜡、石膏和有机玻璃等板材制造一个三层介质地壳模型,来模拟辽南地区的地壳结构,并将发射探头放在上层模型的侧面,成功地模拟了有深度的震源。文中详细分析了该模型中的主要震相,并与辽南地区的天然地震进行了对比,从而为辽南地区的地壳结构提供了一个旁证,也为今后对比某地区的地壳结构提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

本文討論二維模型試驗所用的二种振源:扩张中心型的振源和垂直集中力型的振源。扩张中心型的振源系用压电钛酸鋇短柱体的径向伸縮,以柱面为发射面而得到的。实驗証明,柱面上的伸縮主要是由直径决定的单頻振动。因此,用寬度相应于径向振动周期的矩形电脉冲来激发晶体时,可以消除由晶体自由振动所造成的“余震”,从而得到短暫的声脉冲。单力型振源是一个用钛酸鋇晶体和黄銅棒制成的杆状发射器。这种发射器在工作頻率范围內,实际上是一个非周期性器件,因此不存在器件的自由振动問題。在实驗中研究了三种不同直径杆状发射器的发射强度与波形同发射方向角间的关系。  相似文献   

本文討論二維模型試驗所用的二种振源:扩张中心型的振源和垂直集中力型的振源。扩张中心型的振源系用压电钛酸鋇短柱体的径向伸縮,以柱面为发射面而得到的。实驗証明,柱面上的伸縮主要是由直径决定的单頻振动。因此,用寬度相应于径向振动周期的矩形电脉冲来激发晶体时,可以消除由晶体自由振动所造成的“余震”,从而得到短暫的声脉冲。单力型振源是一个用钛酸鋇晶体和黄銅棒制成的杆状发射器。这种发射器在工作頻率范围內,实际上是一个非周期性器件,因此不存在器件的自由振动問題。在实驗中研究了三种不同直径杆状发射器的发射强度与波形同发射方向角间的关系。  相似文献   

赵鸿儒  刘宝诚 《地球物理学报》1982,25(03):227-233,295-296
本文用超声波方法在层状介质中进行地震模型试验研究,试图寻找一种解决某些地壳和地球内部构造问题的方法。试验中使用SYC-2型声波岩石参数测定仪,换能器是用锆钛酸铅(Pb(Ti,zr)O3)晶体制成,共有三个换能器,一个做发射探头,两个做接收探头。波形由双踪示波管显示,以利于波形对比和震相追踪。 用黄蜡、石膏和有机玻璃等板材制造一个三层介质地壳模型,来模拟辽南地区的地壳结构,并将发射探头放在上层模型的侧面,成功地模拟了有深度的震源。文中详细分析了该模型中的主要震相,并与辽南地区的天然地震进行了对比,从而为辽南地区的地壳结构提供了一个旁证,也为今后对比某地区的地壳结构提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

本文通过使用南山城地震台站地倾斜10多年的资料,着重对一些大、中、强地震前石英水平摆前兆异常的特征、持续时间进行了总结与分析。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地热演化分析中热史波动模型的初探   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
用沉积盆地波动分析的观点,结合塔里木盆地的实际资料,初步建立一种新的热历史恢复模型--热史波动模型.利用该模型并结合镜质体反射率古温标模拟计算了塔中10井的热历史,同时用磷灰石裂变径迹数据对模拟结果进行了检验.此结果可以较客观地描述盆地热历史的复杂变化,特别为无古温标区或未钻达层位热演化研究提供了可能.  相似文献   

用沉积盆地波动分析的观点,结合塔里木盆地的实际资料,初步建立一种新的热历史恢复模型--热史波动模型.利用该模型并结合镜质体反射率古温标模拟计算了塔中10井的热历史,同时用磷灰石裂变径迹数据对模拟结果进行了检验.此结果可以较客观地描述盆地热历史的复杂变化,特别为无古温标区或未钻达层位热演化研究提供了可能.  相似文献   

Generation of electrical power through the use of natural steam obtained from the Earth has the potential to be a significant source of pollution-free power. Successful future exploitation of geothermal power depends upon the development of cost-effective exploration techniques. A field experiment in the Imperial Valley of California indicates that there is a close empirical relationship between hot water deposits at depth and an anomalously high seismic background level at the surface. If this relationship proves to be a general one, it will serve as the basis of a simple and inexpensive method of geothermal exploration.  相似文献   

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