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Danube river water samples were saturated with mineral oil, and then the primary production (gross) was determined by means of the light-dark bottle method (oxygen) in situ at depths of 0.1… 1.5 m in comparison with untreated samples. Samples were exposed for half a solar day alternately during the first and second half-days. Investigations carried out between March and October for periods of 14 days showed a mean production of 2.56 g · m?2d?1 O2, which was reduced by 36% due to 12.6 mg/l hydrocarbons. Production decreases with the water depth from 6.2 to 0.9 mg · l?1d?1 02, whereas the inhibition by hydrocarbons increases from 31 to 41%.  相似文献   

Die aus dem Sediment eines Gewässers isolierte Mischpopulation von Bakterien wurde auf Nährbouillon kultiviert sowie über unterschiedlich lange Zeit an Glucose und Phenol adaptiert. Die zur Bestimmung der Dehydrogenasenaktivität optimale Konzentration des TTC lag für die verschiedenen Kulturen zwischen 0,04 und 0,2 Volumenprozent der Bakterien-Suspension bzw. zwischen 0,1 bzw. 1 mg TTC/mg TS · h bezogen auf die getrocknete Bakterienbiomasse bei einstündiger Inkubation. Die Unterschiede in der Formazanbildung wie in der toxischen Wirkung des TTC sind abhängig von der Struktur der einzelnen Bakterienzelle wie von der Struktur der Belebtschlammflocken und dem ,,Alter“ der Kultur, weniger abhängig vom Substrat.  相似文献   

Mark Harthun 《Limnologica》1999,29(4):449-464
Due to the return of the beaver an increasing number of brooks become restored to a natural condition. It is characterized by an alternation of flowing and standing sectors. In the summer of 1995, different groups of organisms (Odonata, Mollusca, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Diptera) of two brooks in the Spessart mountains (Hesse, Germany) were studied to compare the composition of invertebrates in beaver homeranges and in the non-influenced sectors above. The new living conditions resulted in the disappearance of some species (Drusus anulatus, Trich., Sericostoma personatum, Trich., Radix peregra, Gastr.). Nevertheless the beaver homeranges accommodate a significant higher number of species of dragon flies and damsel flies, molluscs and caddis flies than the brooks above the homeranges. The heterogeneity of natural river systems make a coexistence of running water and silent water organisms possible. The examinations result in a significant higher group dominance of ephemeras (i.p. Cloeon dipterum) in a beaver pond than in lenitic sectors conditioned by the gradient without beaver influence. Here the dominance of chironomids was much higher. High current sectors with their characteristic organisms are also present in the beaver homeranges. The higher number of insects is the basis of nourishment for predatory insects and fishes. The potential effects of beaver ponds on fishes are discussed.  相似文献   

Influence of the Temperature on the Formation of Magnetite as an Additive for Magnetic Separation To investigate the influence of the temperature on the formation of magnetite in aqueous solution, experiments were performed in which ferrous hydroxide was precipitated from oxygen-free ferrous sulfate solution (c0(Fe) = 5 mmol·dm?3) and subsequently oxidized with synthetic air. The precipitates so obtained are a mixture of solids whose compositions depend on the temperature and on the rate of aeration. Above all, magnetite, goethite, and δ-FeOOH had been formed. Magnetite occurs at temperatures above about 15 °C, goethite above 35 °C, and δ-FeOOH below about 10 °C. Referring to the thermogravimetric plots and to the relationship between the temperature of formation and the pH measured upon completion of the reaction, it is justified to assume that also sulfate is contained in the precipitates. The values of the magnetic moment of the precipitates, which are crucial in magnetic separation, made evident the dependence on the temperature of formation expected on the basis of solid analyses and confirmed the presence of δ-FeOOH at rather low temperatures. At the rates of aeration applied, it was possible to obtain from about 15 °C on solids having magnetic moments which are sufficient for magnetic separation.  相似文献   

In bioassays in aquaria, the dying of Escherichia coli was accelerated by Glyceria maxima, Schoenoplectus lacustris, Alisma plantago-aquatica as well as Mentha aquatia as compared with check tanks without any plants (initial concentration 15 × 103 colony-forming units per ml). As expected, by this the antibacterial effect of the limnic macrophytes attains its maximum effectivity within the first days of the period of investigation. The decimal time of reduction is shortened by one third to half, the centimal reduction time is shortened by one fourth to one third. Mean contact times of 7… 11 h are required for the decimation of bacteria by 90 %, and mean contact times of 16… 19 h are necessary for a 99 % reduction of the population. Possibly, the antibacterial effect in mixed stands of different plant species is increased additively or superadditively.  相似文献   

Heavy metal input into roadside soils and effects of deicing salts are often discussed as separate environmental problems. However, a relationship between salt input and heavy metal mobility has already been detected in laboratory tests. During a 2-year field study, the soil solution of a roadside soil was continuously sampled. The results of soil solution analysis not only showed a strong rise in deicing-salt related sodium, calcium and chloride concentrations, but also high zinc and cadmium values in winter and spring. Additional laboratory tests confirmed the mobilizing effects of salt solution which contained NaCl and CaCl2. Cation exchange and the formation of chlorocomplexes are discussed as the responsible mechanisms.  相似文献   

Factors Influencing the Release of DOC and AOX out of Former Wastewater Infiltration Soils The influence of soil and of infiltration water quality on the release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) from two former wastewater infiltration sites was investigated in laboratory column studies. Desorption was the most important factor influencing release processes. It depends on the amount of sorbent and sorbate and the strength of binding. Therefore, for constant irrigation rates a higher soil organic carbon content coincided with higher DOC-contents of the column effluent, while the irrigation water quality was of minor importance. Within one system the dependencies of AOX release and DOC mobilization were found to be similar. Transferring these dependencies on other systems has its limitations because of a different binding quality between sorbent and sorbate.  相似文献   

The carbon-dioxide assimilation of Fontinalis antipyretica is inhibited by 100 mg/1Zn2+ or Pb2+, without a lethal effect being caused. With increasing time of exposure from one to six days the threshold value of toxicity is lowered and at the same time the net assimilation is reduced within the range of concentration of 0.1 mg/1. In the ecological optimum of the environmental conditions the toxicity is weaker than under other unfavourable environmental conditions at the same time. Therefore, the photoecologically optimum illumination of 1200 lx is an effective bioprotector against phytotoxic lead ion concentrations, so that at 1200 lx also at a comparatively high load a positive photosynthesis balance can be maintained. In the dark, in the first hour after the application of the lead ions dissimilation is a function of concentration, subsequently the respiration differences decrease very much in the range between 0 and 100 mg/1 lead(II)-ions. Stimulating effects could be demonstrated only by 0.01 mg/1 Pb2+ and only for the carbondioxide assimilation.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the influence of copper speciation on toxicity for blue-green algae are reviewed. The experimental part concentrates on Oscillatoria redekei and Aphanizomenon gracile. The two investigated species produce strong extracellular copper complexing ligands: Oscillatoria redekei in the exponential and stationary growth phase, and Aphanizomenon gracile has a distinct detoxification capacity. The detoxification of copper by synthetic agents was investigated using ethylene-diamine-tetraacetic acid. Simultaneous addition of Cu2+ and Na2EDTA gives evidence for a slow complexation reaction. Hence an excess of Na2EDTA is necessary for a fast and complete detoxification of copper. Model calculations are reported to show that the precipitation of copper compounds is not probable under the conditions used.  相似文献   

Interaction of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) with some Pesticides in Aqueous Systems. Several independent methods (batch sorption studies, chromatography) were used to study interactions of natural organic matter with two pesticides (Terbutylazine, Pendimethaline). After 24 hrs contact time, significant amounts of pesticides were (in part irreversibly) associated with the colloidal and high molecular weight fraction. The interactions were observed for soil organic matter and groundwater-DOC. It is assumed that the mobility of pesticides in natural systems is strongly influenced by interactions of this kind. The hypothesis is supported by chromatographic measurements of DOC with 14C-labeled Pendimethaline in lysimeter leachates.  相似文献   

Biologically purified wastewater in ten doses of 50 and 400 mm per year was given into sand-filled lysimeters of 1 m2 area and 1 m depth which were vegetated with Lolium perenne (forage rye) and green maize all the year round. The experimental results gained in the course of five summer half-years and four winter half-years were evaluated with respect to the purification efficiency of the soil-plant system. The results demonstrate a high efficiency of the system with mean annual elimination performances of 86 and 40% for BOD5, and COD-Cr, resp., as well as 49, 86 and 52% for N, P and K, resp., at mean concentrations in mg/l for BOD5?1.3, COD-Cr?34.1, N?18.1, P?0.4 and K?9 in the percolating water from a soil depth of 1 m. The lysimeters which had been supplied with wastewater were not treated with mineral fertilizer. Intermingling with 1 kg/m2 straw brings about an increase of the loads of K and P as well as COD-Cr in the percolating water and a reduction of the N-loads, besides an increase in yield. All in all, for four years the performance has been stable without any temporal trend.  相似文献   

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