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前寒武纪条带状铁建造中的金矿床   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前寒武纪铁建造中的金矿床是世界上一种重要的金矿类型,深受国内外地质工作者的重视 。前寒武纪铁建造中金矿床具有不同的类型特征及成因模式,通过分析有启发和借鉴意义的几个该类型金矿床,认为运用地质对比方法研究前寒武纪铁建造中金矿床具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Abstract The vegetation has been poisoned by gold in the western Guangdong-Hainan region. The gold content of the leaves there is as high as 10-1961 times the abundance, the chlorophyll content is 10%-30% lower than that of the vegetation in metamorphic terrains and 10%-20% higher than that in granite terrains, and the carotenoid content is 10%-44% lower than the background value. The water content of leaves is 10% to 20% lower than the background value. The cells of leaves are deformed and broken. The leaf surface shows colour spots and becomes yellow or dark green. The spectral reflectance of the leaf surface is 5%-30% higher than the background value; the spectral shape has shifted 5-15 nm to the short wavelength. The gray scales of eanopy on images of Landsat TM and airborne imaging scanner (AIS) are 10%-100% higher than the background values. On Landsat TM and AIS false colour images, plants poisoned by gold display a yellow color, which disinguishes them from background plants. According to the spectral and image features of gold biogeochemical effects, the author has constructed a gold information system and expert prediction system, and thus two gold target areas and two gold prospect areas have been identified rapidly, economically and accurately in the western Guangdong-Hainan region which is extensively covered by vegetation.  相似文献   

The formation of the Tongyu gold deposit, controlled by regional polyphase deformation-metamorphism.is closely related to the regional composite antiform-shear slip fracture zone. Late-stage reworking of theTaihua Group accounts for the enrichment of ore substances. It is a typical syntectonic gold deposit. The formation and evolution of the deposit involved four stages: (Ⅰ) the state of preparation of ore sub-stances, in which primary source beds originated: (Ⅱ) the stage of remobilization of ore substances, in whichregional progressive metamorphism and migmatization and thermodynamic-chemical differentiation led toremobilization of gold and its initial local concentration: (Ⅲ) the stage of gold deposit formation, in which re-gional folding produced concordant and cross shear-slip fractures and under the dynamic action gold was sepa-rated and migrated in a certain direction and concentrated to form a gold deposit: (Ⅳ) the stage ofsuperpositon, reworking and exposure of orebodies, in which the block uplifted and the deposit againunderwent reworking through faulting and mechanical differentiation.Thermodynamic mineralization played adominant role in the formation of the deposit.  相似文献   

The Xiaotongjiapuzi gold deposit occurs in a Palaeoproterozoic rift accretionary terrane in eastern Liaoning and is hosted by a carbonate formation of the Dashiqiao Formation, Liaohe Group. The metamorphic grade of the host rock is low amphibolite-high greenschist facies. Gold, which is mainly invisible, is distributed in pyrite and arsenopyrite. The grains of Au-bearing sulphide minerals are fine, ranging from 0.0 n to 1 mm. The wall-rock alterations are characterized by low-temperature silification, hydro-sericitization, sericitization and carbonatization. The homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions in quartz closely associated with gold mineralization range from 140 to 240° C. The metallogenic age represented by the Ar-Ar isotopic age of sericite is 167 Ma. Comparisons and studies show that the Xiaotongjiapuzi gold deposit can be classified as the submicron-sized disseminated deposit (analogous to the Carlin-type) hosted in metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract. Denggezhuang gold deposit is an epithermal gold‐quartz vein deposit in northern Muru gold belt, eastern Shandong, China. The deposit occurs in the NNE‐striking faults within the Mesozoic granite. The deposit consists of four major veins with a general NNE‐strike. Based on crosscutting relationships and mineral parageneses, the veins appear to have been formed during the same mineralization epochs, and are further divided into three stages: (1) massive barren quartz veins; (2) quartz‐sulfides veins; (3) late, pure quartz or calcite veinlets. Most gold mineralization is associated with the second stage. The early stage is characterized by quartz, and small amounts of ore minerals (pyrite), the second stage is characterized by large amounts of ore minerals. Fluid inclusions in vein quartz contain C‐H‐O fluids of variable compositions. Three main types of fluid inclusions are recognized at room temperature: type I, two‐phase, aqueous vapor and an aqueous liquid phase (L+V); type II, aqueous‐carbonic inclusions, a CC2‐liquid with/without vapor and aqueous liquid (LCO2+VCC2+Laq.); type III, mono‐phase aqueous liquid (Laq.). Data from fluid inclusion distribution, microthermometry, and gas analysis indicate that fluids associated with Au mineralized quartz veins (stage 2) have moderate salinity ranging from 1.91 to 16.43 wt% NaCl equivalent (modeled salinity around 8–10 wt% NaCl equiv.). These veins formatted at temperatures from 80d? to 280d?C. Fluids associated with barren quartz veins (stage 3) have a low salinity of about 1.91 to 2.57 wt% NaCl equivalent and lower temperature. There is evidence of fluid immiscibility and boiling in ore‐forming stages. Stable isotope analyses of quartz indicate that the veins were deposited by waters with δO and δD values ranging from those of magmatic water to typical meteoric water. The gold metallogenesis of Muru gold belt has no relationship with the granite, and formed during the late stage of the crust thinning of North China.  相似文献   

基于对粤西河台韧性剪切带型金矿的构造解析,本文提出了韧性剪切带型金矿成矿的一种新构造模式,即:在大型韧性剪切带运动指向的前锋,当扩展弱化而出现分支糜棱岩带时,就会在韧性剪切带中出现由强变形带包绕的构造透镜体弱变形域。由于透镜体域中央岩石处于脆性环境,在变形分解过程中,强变形带中含金流体会通过岩石中的微破裂渗透到相对低压的弱变形构造透镜体域中央,并通过构造泵吸机制在其中产生周期性的液压致裂与裂开-愈合,这为在韧性剪切阶段活动的金提供了一个理想的沉淀场所。上述构造机制很好地解释了河台金矿床中透镜状特富矿体的成因。河台含金韧性剪切带在韧性、韧-脆性及脆性阶段在同位空间并列与叠加了不同类型金矿体,从早到晚分别形成细脉-浸染型、石英脉型与破碎带蚀变岩型金矿体。河台韧性剪切带群为粤西深层次逆冲推覆构造前缘陡坡带的分支糜棱岩带,其韧性剪切阶段为左旋平-逆剪切,韧-脆性与脆性阶段转变为右旋平-逆剪切,并依此讨论了金矿体的侧伏规律及隐伏矿体的预测方向。  相似文献   

The Zimudang gold deposit is a large Carlin‐type gold deposit in the Southwest Guizhou Province, China, with an average Au content of 6.2 g/t. Gold is mainly hosted in the fault zone and surrounding strata of the F1 fault and Permian Longtan Formation, and the ore bodies are strictly controlled by both the faults and strata. Detailed mineralogy and geochemistry studies are conducted to help judge the nature of ore‐forming fluids. The results indicate that the Au is generally rich in the sulfides of both ores and wall rocks in the deposit, and the arsenian pyrite and arsenopyrite are the main gold‐bearing sulfides. Four subtypes of arsenian pyrite are found in the deposit, including the euhedral and subhedral pyrite, framboidal pyrite, pyrite aggregates and pyrite veins. The euhedral and subhedral pyrite, which can take up about 80% of total pyrite grains, is the dominant type. Au distributed unevenly in the euhedral and subhedral pyrite, and the content of the Au in the rim is relatively higher than in the core. Au in the pyrite veins and pyrite aggregates is lower than the euhedral and subhedral pyrite. No Au has been detected in the points of framboidal pyrites in this study. An obvious highly enriched As rim exists in the X‐ray images of euhedral pyrites, implying the ore‐forming fluids may be rich in As. The relationship between Au and As reveals that the Au may host as a solid solution (Au+) and nanoparticles of native gold (Au0) in the sulfides. The high Co/Ni ratio (>1) of sulfides and the enrichment of W in the ores all reflect that the gold‐bearing minerals and ore‐forming process were mainly related to the hydrothermal fluids, but the magmatic and volcanic activities cannot be neglected. The general existence of Au and As in the sulfides of both ores and wall rocks and the REE results suggest that the ore‐forming fluids may mainly be derived from the basin itself. The enrichment of Tl suggests that the ore‐forming fluids may be enriched in Cl. The Ce and Eu show slightly or apparently negative anomalies, which means the ore fluids were probably formed under reducing environment. The Y/Ho ratios of ore samples fluctuate around 28, implying the bicarbonate complexation and fluorine were both involved in the ore‐forming process. Combined with the previous studies and our results, we infer that the ore‐forming fluids enriched Au, As, HS? and halogen (F, Cl) were derived from the mixture of reducing basinal fluids and magmatic or volcanic hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

金成矿受岩性、构造及蚀变控制,蚀变使含矿构造破碎带与围岩出现放射性差异,因此可应用伽玛能谱测量进行金矿勘查.为了提高黑龙江乌拉嘎金矿外围柳树河区的金矿勘查效果,利用伽玛能谱对该异常区进行了扫面测量.通过该项研究表明了含矿构造破碎带的存在及成矿流体中低温矿化的特点;在矿化带上方钾及总道显示高值异常,而铀道显示低值异常:证明应用该方法找金的有效性.需要指出的是,不同地区和不同类型矿床伽玛能谱的特征参数是不同的.  相似文献   

The Xiaotongjiapuzi gold deposit occurs in a Palaeoproterozoic rift accretionary terrane in eastern Liaoning and is hosted by a carbonate formation of the Dashiqiao Formation, Liaohe Group. The metamorphic grade of the host rock is low amphibolite-high greenschist facies. Gold, which is mainly invisible, is distributed in pyrite and arsenopyrite. The grains of Au-bearing sulphide minerals are fine, ranging from 0.0 n to 1 mm. The wall-rock alterations are characterized by low-temperature silification, hydro-sericitization, sericitization and carbonatization. The homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions in quartz closely associated with gold mineralization range from 140 to 240° C. The metallogenic age represented by the Ar-Ar isotopic age of sericite is 167 Ma. Comparisons and studies show that the Xiaotongjiapuzi gold deposit can be classified as the submicron-sized disseminated deposit (analogous to the Carlin-type) hosted in metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

贾国志  梁海军  田峰 《地质论评》2000,46(2):131-140
本文以内蒙古中部后石花金矿为例,简述了"韧性剪切构造成岩成矿作用"的新观点.研究表明,韧性剪切成岩过程包括细粒化作用、热流体作用、酸碱交代作用;韧性剪切带这种深层次断裂构造形成过程中,其推覆演化是逐渐减压过程,降压效应和剪切带本身的膨胀渗透作用,引起了剪切带内部积累的能量梯度(压力、温度、物质),导致弥漫于大面积围岩中和下地壳的液体进入韧性剪切带中."节流阀"作用形成韧性剪切成岩成矿热液系统.韧性剪切构造对金矿的控制核心是成岩成矿为统一的热动力系统,早期以成岩为主,中晚期以蚀变和矿化为主.  相似文献   

Multispectral LANDSAT images of the Precambrian shield of Rajasthan, India, indicate rejuvenation of Precambrian lineaments in later geological times. Lineaments in the southern part of the area seem related to the formation of the Cambay graben (Mesozoic) and the Narmada—Son megalineament (late Mesosoic). In addition, there are a few relatively young structural features traversing the Quaternary deposits in the northern part of the belt that could be manifestations of intraplate tectonics of the Himalayan orogeny.  相似文献   

辽吉东部前寒武纪结晶基底中金矿床的成因探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
倪培  徐克勤 《地质学报》1999,73(3):231-242
辽吉东部前寒武纪结晶基底中赋存有众多的金矿床,是中国北方重要金矿集中区之一。区内的金矿多数受辽南地体古元古代辽河群(盖县组)或其混合岩化、花岗岩化产物-花岗片麻岩的控制。对于这些金矿床的成因主要有岩浆热液和变质热液两种认识。笔者研究其地质、地球化学特征后认为,该区金矿床有元古宙变质热液成因,中生代大气降水热液成因和中生代岩浆热液成因三类。  相似文献   

Taking for example the Luobosa chromite deposit in Tibet combined with other deposits of the same type in the world, the paper discusses the genetic mechanism of podiform chromite deposits. The study indicates that chromite and dunite-harzburgite are both the products of different degrees of partial melting of the same primary pyrolite(spinel lherzolite) and that chromite and dunite are the end product of higher degree of partial melting.The melting mechanism lies in the convcrsion of the two subgroups of pyroxenes(Cpx and Opx) into olivine and spinel respectively as a result of their incongruent melting, accompanied by regulation and reformation of accessory chrome spinel and such rock-forming minerals as Ol, Opx and Cpx, thus resulting in the close association of chromite deposits and dunite. The results of this study are of general significance for understanding the genesis of chromite deposits of the same type in the world.  相似文献   

金矿床和金成矿作用研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
陈柏林 《地质论评》2001,47(1):111-112
金矿床仍然是31届地质大会的主题之一,综观本届地质大会中有关金矿床的研究成果,对金矿床及其成矿作用的研究主要有以下几方面的进展。1 金矿床的分类 R.Kerrich&R.Goldfarb等提出一种新的金矿床分类方案。他们依据金矿床产出的大地构造环境划分出6种主要类型,每种都有金储量达100~1000t的代表性成矿省。这6种类型是:①造山带型金矿床,②卡林型—似卡林型金矿床,③浅成低温热液型金—银矿床,④铜—金斑岩型矿床,  相似文献   

Abstract This paper studies, for the first time, the storm deposits of a carbonate sequence in the Sinian Zhangqu Formation in northern Anhui. In the formation, a great number of calcareous trider sponge spicules were discovered in a distal storm turbidity sequence, which have provided further evidence for the correlation of the Sinian Systems in North and South China from a view point of palaeontology.  相似文献   

Dyke swarms are well-known geological features but they occur in different environments. Intruded into the Coldbrook Supergroup of principally acid volcanic rocks is a swarm of closely associated amphibolitized diabases. Helmsteadt (1967) recognized that these rocks were not lavas, but discrete intrusive bodies.Work, now in progress, shows that the intrusions are dykes in several stages of deformation, so that the earliest are strongly lineated and the latest have an almost perfectly preserved diabasic texture. The early amphibolites have strings of boudined minor granitic veins. Separating the dykes are frequent septae, more or less deformed, of granitic, granophyric, rhyolitic and pyroclastic rocks, all in the upper greenschist fades of metamorphism. The total width of the zone in which the dykes form over 40% of the rock is as much as 1.5 km. It is proposed that the zone represents an initial stage in the opening of the Iapetus ocean in the late Precambrian times.  相似文献   

三道湾子金矿床矿石特征及金的赋存状态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕军 《地质与勘探》2009,45(4):395-401
三道湾子金矿是与大兴安岭燕山期火山活动有关的浅成中-低温热液金矿,矿石类型主要为石英脉型.矿石的结构为自形-半自形-它形粒状结构、碎裂结构、交代结构、包含结构.矿石的构造为致密块状构造、稀疏浸染状构造、角砾状构造、细脉状构造.矿体浅部金矿物以自然金、银金矿为主,呈裂隙金、粒间金、包裹金分布,金矿物以细粒为主,载金矿物主要为石英;深部富矿段金、银主要以碲化物形式存在,赋存于石英颗粒间或裂隙中.反映了成矿流体的阶段性及层次性.  相似文献   

安徽白岭金矿金的赋存状态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白岭金矿位于下扬子台坳、长江褶断隆起带中段。金矿体赋存于三叠系中统铜头尖组中,矿体形态呈不规则脉状。矿石类型主要有以含金褐铁矿为主的氧化矿石和以含金黄铁矿为主的原生矿石两大类。载金矿物主要有黄铁矿、褐铁矿、石英、伊利石、黄铜矿等。通过矿相鉴定,单矿物含金分析、物相分析、多点分析、电子探针分析等,查明了金的赋存状态。金矿物以自然金为主,其次为银金矿。金的粒度较细,主要为中细粒显微金。金的嵌布类型有包体金、晶隙金、裂隙金。金的成色较高,平均为906.5。金主要呈矿物态存在。  相似文献   

庞家河微细浸染型金矿金的赋存状态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了庞家河金矿矿石中的主要在金矿物和载金矿物,金然矿石中的配分微型赋存状态矿石中金矿物主要有自然金银金矿;主要载金矿物是黄铁矿,毒砂和粘土质矿物(含绢云母和少量粉砂质)金主要为次显微金,粒度在0.025~0.1μm之间,呈小圆球状及链状的独立金矿物(自然金)充填在黄铁矿,毒砂的微裂隙度或沉淀在晶面上或吸附在晶体边缘。在氧化或半氧化矿石中,可见到一部分可见金或显微金。  相似文献   

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