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在工业心理学的千端万绪的可能贡献中,今天要特别提出一缕来,作一个具体的举例,好像电影中的Close up镜头。例中的工厂是个规模不甚大的纺织厂,有一千二百工人,虽然在比较的内地,但建筑却是很新式的。经营的人也很努力,它很可以代表中国目前的一般比较进步些的工厂。我们这里所要提的材料,都是根据去年四月在该  相似文献   

杨维林 《气象》1977,3(3):31-31
高空探测气象台站总是每天准时地施放一个白色或其它颜色的气球,用这个气球携带气象仪器来收集高空气象资料。这样的气球是怎样生产出来的?怎样才能保证它的质量呢?现在我们简单介绍一下。 气象气球的生产 在我国南方某城市附近,一座有着天文馆式房屋的工厂,很引人注目,它就是我国生产天然乳胶气球的工厂之一。走进工厂,堆得高高的大铁桶首先映入眼内,它象大汽油桶,但装的却不是汽油,而是  相似文献   

若夫 《气象》1980,6(8):25-25
一、前言 最近一个时期,我们陆续收到一些气象探空站的反映,发现探空仪施放中信号突失或弱失的现象很普遍,在部份台站竟占空中故障的半数以上。重放球的事故不断发生,给高空探测工作造成损失。 为了分析信号突失的原因,我们结合部份台站的使用实况,在工厂做了一些模拟试验,并探索克服这  相似文献   

起伏条件下云雾的重力碰并生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾震潮  詹丽珊 《气象学报》1962,32(4):301-307
云雾中的气象要素和云雾物理量经常有着起伏,因此研究重力碰并在这种起伏条件下如何使云滴生长,从而形成滴谱,是很必要的。本文对云中小水滴浓度(或含水量)有起伏时的云雾滴生长进行了计算,得到了云滴的一种理论分布。由此可以看出,在起伏条件下,云滴生长是比较快的。在比较短的时间和比较薄的云中有可能形成相当大的云滴,即半径50μ乃至100μ以上的云滴。因此在均匀条件下,凝结生长和重力碰并增长中的所谓“生长障碍”区(云滴半径在20—30μ左右)也就不存在。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的快速发展,工业自动化生产水平不断提高,工厂自动化控制设备日益增多,设备遭受雷击事件不断增多,造成较大事故和较大损失。现在工厂自动化设备的防雷一般都是由自动化控制设备厂商提供的,设计方案往往不完善,工程建设完成后也往往未经防雷主管部门检测验收。防雷主管部门的防雷年度检测,一般对建筑物和易燃易爆物品存放场所比较重视,  相似文献   

建工厂造烟囱,这是司空见惯的事。造烟囱为排除烟尘,这也是十分清楚的道理。可是,烟囱造多高才合适呢?这就是一个称之为烟囱气象学的问题了。一般而论,烟囱高度增加的话,烟的浓度就随烟囱高度的平方而减少,而烟囱越高,烟尘在烟囱下风处到浸染的距离越远。例外的情况,也是常见的。比如低空有逆温出现,烟被释放进逆温层里很稳定  相似文献   

一、概况就国外而论,环境科学是近二十年内急速发展起来的新兴科学。就国内而言,这只不过是近几年发展起来的科学。 1965年以前我国工业化程度不高,使用的化肥、农药也相当少,污水、腹气所造成的危害还提不到议事日程上来。十年浩劫,许多工厂停工停产,生产管理制度很不正常。因此,无法重视这门科学。1976年以后  相似文献   

电子地磅秤在工厂、矿山大型计量场合、高速公路车辆超载计量复合工作中的应用越来越普遍,然而,由于其系统采用的压力传感器、信号放大器、工控计算机抗过电压能力差,工作原理也鲜为人知,因而在雷雨季节时常出现雷击事故。文章介绍在电子地磅秤方面的一些雷电防护实践经验。  相似文献   

岳玉宾 《气象》1986,12(11):30-30
一、前言 目前我国高空气象台站使用的GZZ2型电码式探空仪,是1963年开始逐步在我国高空气象台站推广使用的。二十多年来,它与701测风雷达配套使用,进行了高空大气温、压、湿和风的综合探测,基本上满足了天气预报和各项事业对高空气象情报、资料的需要。随着四化建设的发展,对高空大气探测也提出了更高要求,因此,对于常规探空仪的测高误差,已经引起了人们的注意。 探空仪测高精度的高低,会直接影响到其它高空气象要素的探测精度。该型探空仪气压传感器采用温度系数较大的磷青铜膜盒,虽然设有气压温度补偿机构,但要实现全量程完全补偿仍是很困难的。气压温度系数直接影响测压精度,特别在20km以上的测高误差较大。本文拟通过一批常规探空仪的对比施放试验,对探空仪的测高误差进行统计和分析。 二、探空仪对比施放试验的方案 我们采用随机抽取三个工厂生产的经地面检查合格的探空仪,进行综合对比施放。 本次试验共施放了15个探空气球,每次携带两台不同工厂生产的探空仪,作并行对比施放。为了客观起见,将三家工厂(代号A、B、C)的探空  相似文献   

余能彬 《贵州气象》1997,21(6):11-14
该文根据我国学者提出的全国风向频率分区图,从风向对工厂总平面布局影响的角度,确定了在全国各区内进行工厂建筑总平面设计的原则和对策,这对工程设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   

中国黑戈壁地区日照时数时空变化及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1960~2011年中国黑戈壁地区11个气象站日照时数数据,分析了该地区日照多年变化特征。研究表明,该地区近52a来日照时数减少的变化并不明显,其趋势变化率为-2.0h/10a,远小于周边地区。四季之中,春季日照时数呈增加趋势,其他三季呈减少趋势。从空间分布上看,不同区域,年日照时数变化也不相同。黑戈壁地区年日照时数的减少与年降水量的显著增加和年平均风速的减小密切相关。  相似文献   

A model of internal boundary-layer development   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
A slab model of the boundary layer was used to study the dynamics of the internal boundary layer associated with changes in surface temperature. The usual numerical procedure involving finite differences was avoided by solving the governing equations in a Lagrangian framework. The results of the modelling study showed that mixed-layer growth was enhanced by: (a) an increase in surface roughness; (b) an increase in the surface temperature change; and (c) a decrease in the horizontal velocity. It was found that the vertical velocity induced by variations in the horizontal velocity could play an important role in controlling the expansion of the mixed layer.The second part of the study involved the formulation of a model by simplifying the governing equations. The analytical solution obtained from the model compared favourably with the results of the numerical model. Furthermore, the analytical expression for the mixed-layer height was virtually identical to that presented by Raynor et al. (1974) to fit their observational data.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR的1°×1°再分析资料、地面常规观测、FY-2E卫星TBB资料,对2014年5月8—9日发生在华南南部的一次暖区暴雨过程进行了研究。得出以下结论:1)第1阶段暴雨发生变性高压脊后部,未受冷空气影响,属于华南典型的回流暖区暴雨过程,第2阶段在东路弱冷空气的触发下再次产生暴雨,属于非典型回流暖区暴雨。2)1个中α尺度MCC和1个中β尺度MCS是该次广东大暴雨直接制造者,其中MCS-D在广西境内生成并逐渐东移,多个对流系统的并入延长了MCS-D的生命史,最后形成中α尺度MCC。3)东南气流是该次暴雨的主要水汽来源,中层小股干冷空气侵入,高层强烈辐散、深厚的上升运动的配置条件有利于中尺度对流系统发展和维持。4)区域自动站风场资料分析表明,夜间陆风(偏北风)与加强的东南风在112.5°E附近的汇合,可能触发了中尺度对流系统MβCS-H的生成。  相似文献   

Derechos occur frequently in Europe and the United States, but reports of derechos in China are scarce. In this paper, radar, satellite, and surface observation data are used to analyze a derecho event in South China on 17 April 2011. A derecho-producing mesoscale convective system formed in an environment with medium convective available energy, strong vertical wind shear, and a dry layer in the middle troposphere, and progressed southward in tandem with a front and a surface wind convergence line. The windstorm can be divided into two stages according to differences in the characteristics of the radar echo and the causes of the gale. One stage was a supercell stage, in which the sinking rear inflow of a high-precipitation supercell with a bow-shaped radar echo induced a Fujita F0 class gale. The other stage was a non-supercell stage (the echo was sequentially kidney-shaped, foot-shaped, and an ordinary single cell), in which downbursts induced a gale in Fujita F1 class. This derecho event had many similarities with derechos observed in western countries. For example, the windstorm was perpendicular to the mean flow, the gale was located in the bulging portion of the bow echo, and the derecho moved southward along with the surface front. Some differences were observed as well. The synoptic-scale forcing was weak in the absence of an advancing high-amplitude midlevel trough and an accompanying strong surface cyclone; however, the vertical wind shear was very strong, a characteristic typical of derechos associated with strong synoptic-scale forcing. Extremely high values of convective available potential energy and downdraft convective available potential energy have previously been considered necessary to the formation of weak-forcing archetype and hybrid derechos; however, these values were much less than 2000 J during this derecho event.  相似文献   

北方农牧交错带中部区域气候变化特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
分析北方农牧交错带中部区域1951-2005年温度、降水的变化特征,结果表明,研究区近55 a的气温和降水具有如下特征:1)增温明显,气温变率为0.4℃/10 a,不同季节增温幅度以冬、春、夏、秋依次递减;2)降水变化可分为3个阶段:20世纪50-60年代降水量呈减少趋势,70-80年代处于较平稳的过渡期,90年代以来降水量又呈现增加趋势。夏季降水与年降水变化趋势类似,秋季与冬季降水波动较小,基本保持平稳。研究区高温、干旱有所加强,暴雨、低温事件减少。  相似文献   

The aerosol optical depth of the atmospheric boundary layer was determined both from direct solar irradiance measurements and from vertical extrapolation of ground-based nephelometry, during a period with cloudless skies and high aerosol mass loadings in the Netherlands. The vertical profile of the aerosol was obtained from lidar measurements. From humidity controlled nephelometry at the ground and humidity profiles from soundings, the scattering aerosol extinction as a function of height was assessed. Integration of the extinction over the aerosol layer gave the aerosol optical depth of the atmospheric boundary layer. This optical depth at the narrow band of the nephelometer was translated to a spectrally integrated value, assuming an Angstrom wavelength exponent of 1.5, a typical value for The Netherlands.It was found that scattering by the boundary layer aerosol contributed on average 80% to the total atmospheric aerosol optical depth. The uncertainty in this value is estimated to be of the order of 13%. Ammonium nitrate dominated the light scattering. This is an anthropogenic aerosol component.The radiative forcing caused by the light scattering of the anthropogenic aerosol was calculated assuming an upward scattered fraction of 0.3. An average value of − 12 W m −2 was found (with an estimated uncertainty of 20%). This corresponds to an absolute increase in the planetary albedo of 0.03, which is equivalent to a 15% increase in the local planetary albedo of 0.2.  相似文献   

一种集成预报技术——最优调合法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
曹鸿兴  谷湘潜 《气象》1999,25(5):3-7
为使多种方法的预报结果集成一个优化的预报,作者提出了一种称为最优调合法的集成预报技术。该技术既考虑了持续性预报又考虑了预报方法所具有的系统性误差。首先运用多种方法建立多年试报数据集,随后对数据集构建线性模型,用此模型对我国汛期(6~8月)降水场进行了试验,证明最优调合法能显著提高预报技巧,但其效果有明显的年际差别  相似文献   

Using data from the MONsoon Trough Boundary Layer EXperiment (MONTBLEX), the thermodynamic structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) under the influence of a monsoon depression has been studied. When the depression was in the vicinity of the observing station, the soundings showed an increase in potential temperature, the sub-cloud layer was well mixed, the wind speed increased to 35 m/s, and the monsoon boundary layer was convectively more unstable at night than in the daytime. Cloud-top processes, which lead to an apparent breakdown of the boundary layer, seem to explain this.  相似文献   

Numerical weather prediction models are increasingly employed for providing meteorological data for urban air quality applications. Model resolution, physiographic parameters and surface-layer parameterisations need to be adapted to the requirements of the urban boundary layer. The Lokalmodell of the German Weather Service was triple-nested down to a horizontal grid resolution of 1.1 km, urbanised physiographic parameters were implemented, and an additional anthropogenic heat source was introduced. Results of a sensitivity study for a spring dust episode in Helsinki show a clear urbanisation effect of these measures on temperature, humidity and the partitioning of surface fluxes, leading to an increased Bowen ratio and heat storage and an urban heat island effect.  相似文献   

Observations were made of a shallow stratus of upslope origin using an aircraft equipped with insitu probes and with a vertically-pointing radar of 3-mm wavelength. A cloud layer of 300 m thickness was found below the inversion; an additional layer of 100 m thickness was located within the inversion. The coldest temperature within the cloud was -2°C and the cloud contained no ice particles. Drizzle drops up to 180 Am were present in both cloud layers.The observations reveal precipitation and air motion structures of approximately 1 km horizontal dimensions. The origin of this organization appears to be weak convection. In addition, mixing played an important role in forming the cloud droplet and drizzle drop size distributions.  相似文献   

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