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目前,在地震预报不准确的情况下,全面加强防震减灾宣传教育工作,不断增强社会公众的危机意识和防震减灾能力,是减少灾害损失、保障群众生命财产安全和社会安全稳定的基础工作。近年来,黑龙江省地震局持续开展防震减灾宣传教育,取得了一定的成绩,但通过调研数据可以看出,宣教工作仍然存在着一些问题和不足。希望通过对黑龙江省防震减灾宣教工作的现状进行分析,提出相应对策,有的放矢的做好防震减灾宣传教育工作,引导社会公众共同参与防震减灾活动。  相似文献   

对当前防震减灾宣传教育工作的现状进行了分析,针对其存在的问题,提出了防震减灾宣教工作的新思想:把防震减灾宣传教育工作纳入到国家国民教育体系,针对不同的施教对象,有计划、有目的的制定教育计划、编写系列教学读本,通过系统教育,提高国民的防震减灾意识和防灾避险能力,达到最大限度减轻地震灾害的目的。  相似文献   

通过对云南大理州部分市(县)开展防震减灾科普宣传问卷调查,同时采用其他调研方式,初步了解社会公众对防震减灾科普知识的认知水平和需求,对云南省防震减灾科普宣传教育工作现状进行分析,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

青海省地震灾害形势严峻,在地震灾害不能准确预报的条件下,加强防震减灾宣传教育工作,不断增强群众的危机意识和防震减灾能力,是减少灾害损失、保障群众生命财产安全和社会安全稳定的基础工作。结合现实对本省防震减灾宣传工作现状进行深入分析,提出存在的问题和不足;对进一步做好防震减灾宣教工作的对策措施提出作者的见解。  相似文献   

通过分析汶川地震后应急工作中存在的一些问题,结合盐城市防震减灾工作的实际,从加强盐城市县级地震机构和能力建设、健全和完善地震应急预案体系、加强抗震设防工作、加强监测台站建设、全面开展防震减灾知识宣传教育、加强地震应急救援建设等6个方面提出了今后做好本地区防震减灾工作的建议和措施。  相似文献   

梳理近年来山西省防震减灾社会宣教工作的发展历程,分析其现状,进一步探索防震减灾社会宣教工作在建立完善联动机制,广泛发动社会力量参与,加强防震减灾文化建设并充分利用宣传阵地开展深度宣传,加强产品研发及宣传效果跟踪调研工作等方面的发展新思路。  相似文献   

地震科普教育基地是目前深入持久开展防震减灾科普教育的最佳场所,已成为当今防震减灾科普宣教的主阵地。本文将以烟台地震科普教育基地为例,结合工作实践,通过管理模式、科普展品开发、创新性科普活动的开展等方面,详细介绍该基地是如何有效发挥防震减灾宣传教育主阵地作用的,并对基地未来发展提出建议,从而促进基地的可持续发展。  相似文献   

续新民  杨马陵 《华南地震》2003,23(3):98-104
结合广东省防震减灾工作实际,针对依法行政管理工作中存在的问题,提出强化法制观念,提高法制化管理水平;坚持依法行政,加强防震减灾行政执法工作;加强法律法规宣传教育,增强全社会防震减灾意识;认真履行管理职责,提高防震减灾管理能力和水平的建议。  相似文献   

张守洁 《地震工程学报》2005,27(4):357-360,376
0前言中国是一个多地震国家,频繁而严重的地震灾害给人民生命和财产带来了巨大的损失,防震减灾任务任重而道远。回良玉副总理2004年在全国防震减灾工作会议讲话中指出:“防震减灾是全社会共同的责任,要广泛动员社会各方的力量,积极投入到这项事业中来,使防震减灾逐步成为全社会的自觉行动。”因此,总结近40年我国防震减灾工作和改革开放的实践经验,对社会公众进行各种防震减灾宣传教育,广泛动员全社会力量,建立健全防震减灾社会动员机制,增强全社会防震减灾意识,是提高我国综合防震减灾能力,有效地促进地震灾害综合防御各项措施落实的重要途…  相似文献   

本文以印尼8.7级强烈地震引发的海啸灾害的惨痛教训为切入点,启迪各级领导和社会公众深刻认识加强防震减灾宣传教育工作,不仅能减轻地震灾害造成的人员伤亡和经济损失,而且对保障国民经济建设健康、持续发展和社会稳定将起着积极的不可替代的作用,对构建和谐社会具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

The patterns of temporal variations of precipitation (P), streamflow (SF) and baseflow (BF) as well as their nitrate-nitrogen (nitrate) concentrations (C) and loads (L) from a long-term record (28 years) in the Raccoon River, Iowa, were analyzed using variogram and spectral analyses. The daily P is random but scaling may exist in the daily SF and BF with a possible break point in the scaling at about 18 days and 45 days, respectively. The nitrate concentrations and loads are shown to have a half-year cycle while daily P, SF, and BF have a one-year cycle. Furthermore, there may be a low-frequency cycle of 6–8 years in C. The power spectra of C and L in both SF and BF exhibit fractal 1/f scaling with two characteristic frequencies of half-year and one-year, and are fitted well with the spectrum of the gamma distribution. The nitrate input to SF and BF at the Raccoon watershed seems likely to be a white noise process superimposed on another process with a half-year and one-year cycle.  相似文献   

燕郊等测点迁移优化与地磁观测研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为优化地磁观测条件,开展了燕郊、夏垫等测点迁移工作;按照测眯迁移原则与实施技术方案,完整地收集并整理了地质构造与地球物理等方面的基本资料;进行了野外实地勘察,磁场梯度的测量,确定了新测点,在新老测点上进行了较长时间的地磁场对比观测;应用多种方法分析研究了地磁对比观测资料,结果表明,新老测点与有关测点的地磁变化具有良好的一致性,并得到了新老测点之间的地磁数据的按点差。  相似文献   

东、南洞庭湖的径流、泥沙特征及冲淤规律   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过实地调查并对1957年以来水文、泥沙观测资料做系统分析和计算,探讨东、南洞庭湖出、入湖水量、沙量的年际和年内变化特征,以及长江下荆江段裁弯对湖区径流和泥沙的影响。提出了湖区泥沙汛淤枯冲的变化规律及水位升降与湖区泥沙冲淤的关系;论证了丰、平、枯年湖区淤积严重,面积日益缩小对径流的调节作用正在减弱。  相似文献   

GIS与防灾减灾   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地理信息系统(GIS)在我国已得到广泛的应用。在简要介绍G1S的发展历程、特点和发展趋势的基础上,重点从防灾减灾的角度介绍了GIS在气象灾害、地震灾害、地质灾害等领域的应用成果。  相似文献   

We rederive and generalize hyperbolic moveout formulae for the common-midpoint (CMP) gather and for the zero-offset (ZO) section that can be efficiently used for macro-model-independent reflection imaging in two-dimensional media. The hyperbolic moveout formulae for the common-midpoint gather are obtained from different Taylor series expansions of a particular parametric moveout surface defined in the multicoverage data space. Such a moveout surface involves three kinematic wave-field attributes of two hypothetical waves, which have to be determined by a coherency analysis. By using hyperbolic moveout curves in the CMP gather and in the ZO section one can determine these attributes in two steps. The relationships between the local shapes of the interfaces and the attributes of the hypothetical wave-fields attributes are considered by means of geometrical optics. The determination of these attributes allows to perform a macro-model-independent ZO simulation and a subsequent inversion.  相似文献   

In the last decade, remote sensing of the temporal variation of ground level and gravity has improved our understanding of groundwater dynamics and storage. Mass changes are measured by GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellites, whereas ground deformation is measured by processing synthetic aperture radar satellites data using the InSAR (Interferometry of Synthetic Aperture Radar) techniques. Both methods are complementary and offer different sensitivities to aquifer system processes. GRACE is sensitive to mass changes over large spatial scales (more than 100,000 km2). As such, it fails in providing groundwater storage change estimates at local or regional scales relevant to most aquifer systems, and at which most groundwater management schemes are applied. However, InSAR measures ground displacement due to aquifer response to fluid‐pressure changes. InSAR applications to groundwater depletion assessments are limited to aquifer systems susceptible to measurable deformation. Furthermore, the inversion of InSAR‐derived displacement maps into volume of depleted groundwater storage (both reversible and largely irreversible) is confounded by vertical and horizontal variability of sediment compressibility. During the last decade, both techniques have shown increasing interest in the scientific community to complement available in situ observations where they are insufficient. In this review, we present the theoretical and conceptual bases of each method, and present idealized scenarios to highlight the potential benefits and challenges of combining these techniques to remotely assess groundwater storage changes and other aspects of the dynamics of aquifer systems.  相似文献   

A close correlation in spatial distribution of local seismic activity and energy release patterns before and after the 1979 Petatlan, Mexico earthquake suggests heterogeneity within the fault plane of this major low-angle thrust event associated with subduction along the Middle America Trench. A simple two-asperity model is proposed to account for the complexity. Foreshocks and aftershocks of the neighboring 1981 Playa Azul earthquake showed a similar pattern. As both events occurred at the junction of the Orozco Fracture Zone and the Middle America Trench, we speculate that the observed complex fault plane is caused by subduction of the rugged ocean floor of the Orozco Fracture Zone. Short-term precursory seismicity prior to the Petatlan earthquake can be explained by using the asperity model and migration of a slip front from the south-east to the north-west across the main shock source region.  相似文献   

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