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Since its inception in 1956, the Swazi sugar industry has been dominated by large-scale estates. In 1991, due to a combination of political and economic factors, steps were taken to allow the industry to become more accessible to small-scale Swazi farmers. The paper considers the scale and nature of this newly emerging group and discusses its likely impact on employment. Although these developments have been introduced to enable the benefits of the industry to trickle down more effectively to the rural poor, evidence suggests that better off or more organised groups or individuals are best placed to take advantage of the new opportunities. Further growth is now limited by a lack of water and it is likely that the recent rapid increase in this sector will now slow down. Some concern also exists over the impact of sugar cane monoculture on soils.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a doctoral study which investigated why women are absent in positions of leadership within the Australian sugar industry's agri-political group CANE-GROWERS. Its purpose is to confront and unsettle the explanation that this is a result of 'the Italians' in the industry. The paper begins by highlighting the pervasiveness of this claim and the way in which it was so often presented during the research as a known and unproblematic truth. Following this, I draw on feminist post-structural theory to offer three challenges to the claim that it is because of 'the Italians' that men dominate decision-making positions in the sugar industry. These are: a singular Italian culture does not exist; constructions of being Italian are not fixed or absolute; and a range of possibilities exist for negotiating, resisting and transcending notions of what it means to be an Italian wife/woman/daughter. This discussion reveals the usefulness of feminist post-structural theory for avoiding monolithic and homogeneous constructions of identity.  相似文献   

论创意产业及其集群的发展环境--以音乐产业为例   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
文章通过对音乐产业的案例研究,探讨了创意产业与城市发展的关系,以及创意产业集群的价值。文章指出,创意产业已经成为城市发展新的增长点,极富创造力的创意阶层是创意产业活动转化为商业价值的核心,创意产业集群能够为创意阶层提供良好的文化环境。城市的创意产业政策应将重点放在建设效率基础结构和创新基础结构上。  相似文献   

洪湖湖泊环境演变与湿地生态产业发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从洪湖的形成与生态功能地位入手,阐述了洪湖湖泊环境演变、水产业过度开发对洪湖湿地生态的影响,分析了洪湖湿地生态环境变化的主要原因,提出了发展休闲渔业和湿地生态旅游产业化的基本思路,将区域新型产业经济发展与流域生态文化建设相结合,确定人水和谐为洪湖生态产业经济的发展战略。  相似文献   

中国工业行业技术变化的环境效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2001-2008年中国内地36个工业细分行业的面板数据,分别以全要素生产率、技术进步和技术效率为衡量技术变化水平的指标,以污染排放指数为衡量排污水平的指标,对技术变化的环境效应进行了计量分析.结果表明,2001年以来工业行业的技术进步起到了促进污染排放下降的效果,但是技术效率和全要素生产率却具有促进污染排放增加的效果.研究认为,我国工业行业的技术进步已经凸显环境友好型特征,而在现有技术条件下,工业行业应该谨慎的优化组合生产要素,实施环境友好型生产方式,以实现技术效率和环境质量的双赢.  相似文献   

长山群岛旅游产业与生态环境协调发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于协调发展理论和耦合度模型,对长山群岛2006-2015年旅游产业与生态环境的耦合协调发展水平进行定量研究.结果表明:长山群岛旅游产业与生态系统耦合协调度处于提升阶段,发展速度较为缓慢;长山群岛旅游产业与生态环境耦合协调程度较差,协调度较低;长山群岛旅游产业系统综合评价指数与生态环境系统综合评价指数呈阶段性发展.2010年之前,旅游产业综合评价指数小于生态环境综合评价指数,生态环境是旅游产业发展的主要推动力.2011年之后,旅游产业综合评价指数明显大于生态环境综合评价指数,生态环境成为旅游产业发展的制约因素.  相似文献   

China, with the world’s largest population, is one of the most rapidly growing countries and the largest consumer of energy in the world. It possesses the second largest coal reserves globally and is the largest producer of coal in the world. Approximately 95% of the coal produced in China is from underground mining, which causes serious environmental and water quality problems. This paper investigates the relationship between coal production and the environment using a spatial econometric methods. The results indicate that electricity production and waste water have the greatest influence on coal production. Findings from this study are helpful to policy makers for designing environmental regulations in the coal production industry in China.  相似文献   

美国在培育战略性新兴产业方面卓有成效,这与其恰当的政策扶持密不可分,生物医药产业即是一个很典型的例证。二十世纪90年代后期以来,美国生物医药产业进入繁荣发展阶段,政府主导的制度供给和制度变迁是促成其繁荣的根本原因。首先,美国政府建立了基于政府基金的基础研究投资制度,巩固知识基础;其次,适时修改管制制度,促进知识产业化;再次,改革卫生保健制度,扩大市场需求。这一系列制度变革,从根本上解决了制约生物医药产业发展的几个关键性难题,为其发展营造了有利的制度环境。美国通过政府提供制度供给促进新兴产业发展的成功经验对我国有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文从工业废水及其排放,生活污水及其排放,畜禽养殖废水及其排放和农药的使用,以及内河水环境等4个方面,分析了福州市水环境的现状及其存在的问题;提出了加强水环境保护、提高水环境质量的有关对策.  相似文献   

基于全域旅游和“旅游+”的产业实践,通过分析已有的产业链、旅游产业链和旅游产业融合理论,提出产业链旅游概念。通过理论演绎和典型案例实证分析阐释了产业链旅游的内涵特征和发生发展规律。研究发现:产业链旅游的概念涵盖了旅游赋能的价值链、产旅融合的企业链、旅游者体验的供需链以及线路可达的空间链等独特内涵;产业链旅游从母产业依附性、链型体验性和多元创新性方面区别于传统旅游;产业链旅游的产生发展是产业内生发展诉求、创新旅游发展理念、链性耦合组织和技术、知识与制度革新共同作用的结果。本研究既是对产业实践发展中涌现出的新业态、新现象的科学认知和概念抽象,也是对旅游产业链和旅游产业融合等理论的有益梳理和辨析拓展,尝试为业界和学界提供了一个更为科学地从整体性把握新的旅游发展规律、参与旅游产业实践的新视角,希冀为新时代旅游业可持续发展提供一定科学参考。  相似文献   

Changes in the Indonesian Clothing Industry: Trade and Regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Policy frameworks at national and international levels have significant influence on the growth performance and industrialisation of developing economies. This paper aims to explore the influence of such regulatory policy frameworks on the development of the Indonesian clothing industry since the mid‐1980s based on an analysis of national clothing trade statistics provided by the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics. Although the Indonesian policy framework had a general export‐orientation, protectionist measures for the domestic market proved to be important in facilitating the growth of the Indonesian clothing industry. This paper also shows how the existing international clothing trade regulatory framework of the Multi‐Fibre Arrangement (MFA) influenced the integration of Indonesian clothing firms into global production and trade networks. Finally, the future policy changes and potential impacts for Indonesian clothing firms are discussed.  相似文献   


Uruguay boasts the demographic characteristics of a developed nation. In sharp contrast to the majority of its Latin American neighbors, Uruguay has a population growth rate of only 1.3 percent.1 With only 28 percent of its population under 15 years of age, Uruguay has an age pyramid approximating that of a developed nation. More than 75 percent of the total population is urbanized, and the literacy rate exceeds 90 percent. Life expectancy is 69 years, and there is one physician for every 800 people. Only 21 percent of Uruguayan laborers work in primary industries, and gross national product per capita is more than $760. In short, the majority of Uruguayans are middle class and cosmopolitan, and they enjoy high standards of living. In contrast to this statistical well-being, however, Uruguay has recently experienced serious political, economic, and social problems that threaten the nation's stability. An analysis of the population geography of Uruguay should help clarify some of the issues which underlie the problems of this country, which once was considered the most democratic and progressive in Latin America.  相似文献   

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