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5种有机磷农药对鮸状黄姑鱼胚胎和仔鱼毒性的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了敌百虫、敌敌畏、甲胺磷、呋喃丹和乐果等5种有机磷农药对Miao状黄姑鱼(Nibea miichthiodides)胚胎和前期仔鱼的毒性。结果表明,在实验设置的浓度条件下,甲胺磷对胚胎的毒性最大;乐果对胚胎的毒性最小;敌百虫和敌敌畏对仔鱼的毒性大于其他3种有机磷农药;敌百虫、敌敌畏、甲胺磷和呋喃丹对仔鱼的毒性大于对胚胎的毒性,而乐果对两者的毒性是基本相似。  相似文献   

水产养殖病害及其药物控制与水产品安全   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对目前我国水产养殖过程中对发生的病害多采用药物控制极易造成因药物使用不当或盲目用药等原因,使细菌产生耐药性、水产品中出现药物残留、养殖环境不断恶化的同时,最终会影响食品安全的现状。从常见病毒病、细菌病,以及寄生虫病等论述开展对药物残留毒性研究,重视专用渔药研制、加强用药指导,减少用药盲目性等工作的重要性。  相似文献   

浙江省为远洋渔业大省,但远洋渔业产业结构不均衡,过洋渔业有进一步的发展潜力。文章介绍浙江省过洋渔业发展现状,分析目前浙江省在亚洲、南美洲、非洲和大洋洲主要入渔国的资源状况和发展前景,从面临的挑战和有利的条件进一步分析浙江省过洋渔业的发展形势。在此基础上,结合当前国家远洋渔业政策,提出浙江省过洋渔业的发展建议,包括统一思想认识,转变发展方式;强化政策支持,解决发展短板;调整捕捞作业结构,促进平衡发展;鼓励兼并重组,培育现代规模企业;加快渔船建造和改造,提升渔船现代化水平;加强制度建设,保障健康发展;明确安全职责,促进合法合规生产;加大科技投入,加强科技支撑;从严培训教育,提高从业人员素质;发挥行业协会作用,强化行业自律。  相似文献   

基于WebGIS的海洋科学数据共享平台的分析与设计   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据国家自然科学基金委青岛海洋科学资料共享服务中心建设的实际情况,从需求分析、系统结构设计、数据建模以及实现技术等几个方面,详细介绍了基于WebGIS的海洋科学数据共享平台建设的思路和方法。在建设过程中,采用用户界面层、业务逻辑层、数据库层的三层架构模式进行系统软件设计,提高了系统的可维护性;运用组件技术进行编码,实现了代码的封装性和可复用性;采用关系型数据库和Netcdf格式相结合来进行数据的存取,解决了海洋数据结构复杂、格式不统一的问题,使查询变得更为方便;利用IDL和ION技术来开发WebGIS,实现了电子海图的漫游、数据查询以及数据统计结果输出。  相似文献   

为测度当前我国休闲渔业的发展规模,选取2013—2018年的休闲渔业产值和渔业经济产值为变量,构建了直接贡献率、间接贡献率和回归分析法建立的边际贡献率模型,测算了休闲渔业对渔业总产值的贡献度。结果表明,2014—2018年的直接贡献率分别为4.38%、4.95%、14.3%、6.58%和12.5%,2014—2018年的间接贡献率分别为0.317%、0.261%、0.752%、0.403%和0.533%,2013—2018年,休闲渔业对于渔业经济总值的边际贡献率为9.9%,由数据得出,当前我国休闲渔业规模还很小,发展水平也很低,整体实力也很薄弱。为此提出:加大休闲渔业的政策扶持力度;设计最为合理的休闲渔业项目;加大休闲渔业的宣传;加强休闲渔业与高校的合作,培养更多的休闲渔业方向的高精尖人才;推动休闲渔业从业者专业素养整体水平的提高;鼓励休闲渔业从业者之间的帮助;健全完善休闲渔业的监督管理体制;加强组织领导,促进休闲渔业发展。  相似文献   

东海PN断面夏季温盐及化学要素的分布特征   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
刘兴泉 《海洋与湖沼》2001,32(2):204-212
由东海PN断面夏季温鼻度及化学要素CTD资料分析表明,东海夏季的温跃层和盐跃层在次表层生成,其强度随着跃层自陆架坡折区至近岸和外海的上移逐渐减弱。陆架区近表层的温度和盐度呈垂直均匀分布,冲绳海槽次表层呈高温、高盐,近表层呈高温,近表层呈高温、低盐,底层呈低温、次高盐特征。溶解氧浓度自近岸到外海由低变高,表层至底层溶解氧浓度在陆架区由高变低,冲绳海槽区则先由低变高然后又由变低。总二氧化碳浓度自表层至底层和自陆架坡折区到近岸和外海由低变高。磷酸盐和硅酸盐浓度自近岸至外海由高变低,而自表层至底层由低变高。陆架区的近表层和陆架坡折区分别有一个高碱度区。温盐及化学要素的分布特征与夏季海区垂直环流的反气旋运动、长江冲淡水及黑潮水入侵和海面强热辐射有关。此外,化学要素分布还与夏季海区的温盐结构、表混合层与大气间二氧化碳气体交换及表混合层中碳和营养盐光合作用的利用有关。  相似文献   

Development of ocean community systems relating to the Taiwan Strait Tunnel (TST) project, with regionalization and multistage approach is proposed. The purposes of these systems are to assist the development of coastal marine lands and harbor facilities and to develop connecting isolated islands into an organized community by means of embankment roadways, tunnels, bridges, ferryboats, and so on. The major aim of such an approach is to develop the isolated abandoned islands into useful land improvement, expand the forest, agriculture, and fishing industries and other resources to generate additional revenue to subsidize some of the cost for building the TST. This article points out the systems' importance, outlines the general procedures, and discusses a possible transportation network connecting islands with land; and the outlines development of the knowledge-based expert system computer program to be applied to the ocean community systems relating to the TST project.  相似文献   

随着工业的高速发展和人口的急剧増加及环境污染的加剧,淡水资源危机已引起世界各国的普遍关注。据统计,城市用水中工业用水通常占80%左右,而工业用水中有80%是工业冷却用水,所以开发利用海水代替淡水直接作冷却用水是节约淡水的重要途径。海水直流冷却系统具有深海取水温度低且恒定、冷却效果好和系统管理简单等优点,但必须具备以下条件:(1)管道系统防除生物附着污损;(2)管道系统的防结垢;(3)金属腐蚀与防护。多年来有关方面虽然相应地采取了许多措施,但由于主设备通常需常年连续运行,因而往往出现在某段时间、某些部位上效果降低与失效。现行的对海水环境中生物附着腐蚀检测主要采取取样离位分析方法,其结果与实际状态有差异,且生过程中许多重要部位,如海上平台、浮码头、船舶、海滨电厂、化工厂的海水冷却系统和海水管路的管道内、及死角区都很难取样,必要时只有定期停机检查(侯保荣1998; Efird,1976;吉井彻,1967),造成很大的经济损失。 防止海水环境中的金属设施遭受海水腐蚀和海洋生物污损的方法很多,通常采用阴极保护、防污涂料、电解海水或电解重金属等方法,但这些方法的缺点是:(1)阴极保护能防止金属腐蚀而不能防止海洋生物附着;(2)防污涂料涂刷一次,只能用3-5年,对许多一次性埋入水中的管件无法进行二次补涂,防污涂料所释放出的毒物将长期污染环境;(3)利用电解海水或电解重金属所产生的次氯酸钠或重金属离子来进行防污,即电解防污效果明显,但对金属防腐的作用不大(侯保荣,1999;陈光章,1994;马土德,1996)。总结前人的经验,经过多年的研究,我们利用电化学方法研制出既能防止金属海水腐蚀又能防生物附着的双防与检测新技术系统装置,已通过实海实验,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

亚洲海域鲎的种类和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
审核有关亚洲海域鲎种类和分布的历史文献发现,亚洲海域只有圆尾鲎Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda、中国鲎Tachypleus tridentatus和南方鲎Tachypleus gigas3种鲎分布。圆尾鲎分布于中国香港、北部湾、雷州湾以南、印度尼西亚爪哇岛北岸以北、菲律宾南部以西和恒河河口印度东北部以东的海域。中国鲎分布于长江口以南的中国海域、日本濑户内海、九州岛北岸以南、印度尼西亚爪哇岛北岸以北、苏门答腊岛印度洋侧以东和苏拉威西岛以西的海域。南方鲎分布于越南西贡以南、爪哇岛北岸以北、菲律宾南部以西的太平洋海域及印度恒河印度东北部以东的印度洋海域。以前有关中国北部湾海域和香港海域有南方鲎的报道是错误的,把中国鲎的幼体及成体误当成了南方鲎。中国海域只有中国鲎和圆尾鲎2种鲎分布。中国的海南、广西、广东西部和香港(可能还包括台湾)等是圆尾鲎分布的海域。其沿岸要严禁食鲎,以防误食圆尾鲎而引起河豚毒素中毒。  相似文献   

海南省海砂资源勘查开发现状与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章对海南岛周边海砂资源的分布、质量和潜力进行了分析,认为海南岛周边的潮流沙脊是今后勘查开发的重点。结合海南省海砂资源需求,分析了海南省海砂勘查、开发及管理现状,海砂开采形式粗放以及海砂开发活动无序是主要特点,并深入探讨了海砂勘查开发过程中存在的突出问题,如法律法规不健全、监管难度大、勘查程度较低、环境影响较大等。提出了海南省在海砂勘查开发和管理方面的建议:完善法律法规,加强制度创新建设;加强海砂开发动态监管,增大执法力度;开展系统勘查,编制海砂开发总体规划;注重环境保护,提升资源利用效率。  相似文献   

Fishery managers are faced with the challenge of maintaining sustainable fisheries at the lowest possible cost while conforming to international and national obligations. Given that fisheries range from low to high value, there is a real need to understand how to trade ecological and economic risks, and the various costs associated with their management, against the benefits from catch. Key to this is an understanding of (a) the costs corresponding to a given level of acceptable risk, or conversely, (b) the change in risk given a change in cost investment. This paper first defines biological, economic and ecosystem risk at a whole-of-fishery level, and then develops a simple model to quantify the trade-offs between risk, cost and catch. Using as case studies Australia's federally managed fisheries that range from data-rich to data-poor, risk was quantified for target species in terms of both their limit and target reference points (defined as “biological risk” and “economic risk”, respectively), and for ecosystems in terms of overall ecological impact (defined as “ecosystem risk”). A statistical linear model was used to quantify the risk–cost–catch frontier for each of the three forms of risk. The most parsimonious models were statistically significant for each. However, the management and research costs were mostly positively correlated with risk, indicating that these tended to be reactive to risk, as opposed to risk decreasing in response to increased costs. The only model where this was not the case was for the ecosystem risk, which is probably because these risks have only recently been assessed and the management response to these risks across all the fisheries has so far been limited. For target species risks, it was not possible to develop a model for proactive use. However, the method itself has merit and, if the costs were defined to a greater level of resolution, and/or a time-dynamic modelling approach considered, these issues could potentially be addressed.  相似文献   

海南岛西南海底沙波活动及底床冲淤变化   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
为了研究沙波迁移对底床稳定性的影响,通过对比分析2004—2006年连续3年的多波束海底地貌扫描数据,得出研究区域海底沙波的波长为5.8~91.8 m,波高0.1~4.3 m,陡峭度0.013~0.12,对称指数0.32~6.52。沙波的移动速率最大48.8 m/a,移动方向在研究区域西部为SE向,中部呈往复迁移,东部为NW向;沙波不同部位的迁移速率不同,一般的沙波尾翼迁移速率较大;同一组沙波存在反向扭转迁移的现象,反向扭转迁移的轴线位于研究区域沙脊的脊线附近,这种反向迁移不仅与底层流作用有关,还与海底地形关系密切;西部海底底床处于侵蚀状态,局部最大侵蚀量可达1.3 m,东部处于堆积状态,最大堆积量达2.8 m。  相似文献   

Adaptive management is essential to the practical application of the Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA). Despite there are frequent assertions that adaptive management is being used, evidence on its success is still limited. Indeed, it is difficult to bring the different elements of adaptive management together in a robust way and to choose the appropriate tools to do it. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a practical framework for adaptive policy action, consistent with the EBA. Accordingly, to operationalize the design and implementation of adaptive policies on the basis of the EBA, the Adaptive Marine Policy toolbox has been developed. The objective of the toolbox is to provide policy-makers a practical framework to design and implement adaptive policies. To show the functionality of the toolbox, the guidelines and resources provided within the toolbox have been applied to the marine litter issue in the Mediterranean and Black Sea as an example. The example application has shown that the toolbox is a useful and operational framework to build a science-policy interface according to the EBA. Despite some resources could be missing from the toolbox, they provide a practical and useful starting point to support the application of the different steps and key activities.  相似文献   

介绍近几年来为科学家关注的一种发生在北极的自然现象——尤娜谜,这是一种正在发生的与泛北极环境变化相关的综合性自然现象,影响极广。这里主要介绍尤娜谜名称的出处及含意、自然界的表现形式以及以研究尤娜谜为主要内容的一项大型北极科学研究计划——北极环境变化研究的科学假设、研究内容和研究战略,以求引起大家对这一自然现象的重视。  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2005,29(2):107-121
Navigational freedoms have been a central part of the law of the sea for hundreds of years, but significant restrictions have been imposed recently upon these freedoms. Fishing vessels are subject to the most restraints and, to protect their fish catch, must now give notice whenever they travel through the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of another country. Oil tankers, especially those with single hulls are also subject to a variety of restraints, and any ship with a dangerous cargo must conform to international, regional, and national regulations. Ships carrying ultrahazardous nuclear cargoes have been told by many countries to avoid their EEZs, and these ships have in fact picked routes designed to avoid most EEZs. Security concerns have increased dramatically during the past 2 years, and it has become almost commonplace for the major maritime and military powers to assert the right to stop and board merchant vessels to look for suspect cargoes in all parts of the oceans. Even military vessels, which have immunity from seizure, must nonetheless respect the many rules that have been established to protect the marine environment and the security of coastal populations. A new norm of customary international law appears to have emerged that allows coastal states to regulate navigation through their EEZ based on the nature of the ship and its cargo.It appears that it is no longer accurate to say that the freedom of navigation exists in the exclusive economic zone of other countries to the same extent that it exists on the high seas. The balance between navigation and other national interests continues to develop, and navigational freedoms appear to be disappearing during this evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Climate change is altering many environmental parameters of coastal waters and open oceans, leading to substantial present-day and projected changes in the distribution, abundance and phenology of marine species. Attempts to assess how each species might respond to climate change can be data-, resource- and time-intensive. Moreover, in many regions of the world, including South Africa, species may be of vital socioeconomic or ecological importance though critical gaps may exist in our basic biological or ecological knowledge of the species. Here, we adapt and apply a trait-based sensitivity assessment for the key marine species in the southern Benguela system to estimate their potential relative sensitivity to the impacts of climate change. For our analysis, 40 priority species were selected based on their socioeconomic, ecological and/or recreational importance in the system. An extensive literature review and consultation with experts was undertaken concerning each species to gather information on their life history, habitat use and potential stressors. Fourteen attributes were used to estimate the selected species’ sensitivity and capacity to respond to climate change. A score ranging from low to high sensitivity was given for each attribute, based on the available information. Similarly, a score was assigned to the type and quality of information used to score each particular attribute, allowing an assessment of data-quality inputs for each species. The analysis identified the white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus, soupfin shark Galeorhinus galeus, St Joseph Callorhinchus capensis and abalone Haliotis midae as potentially the most sensitive species to climate-change impacts in the southern Benguela system. There were data gaps for larval dispersal and settlement and metamorphosis cues for most of the evaluated species. Our results can be used by resource managers to determine the type of monitoring, intervention and planning that may be required to best respond to climate change, given the limited resources and significant knowledge gaps in many cases.  相似文献   

浙江乐清湾资源开发的关联性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨辉  谢钦春 《海洋科学》2006,30(5):10-14
根据乐清湾的主要海洋资源及其开发利用现状,探讨各种资源开发之间的关联性,寻求海洋资源开发与周边经济、社会、环境的协调,为海湾经济的可持续发展提供科学依据。资源开发活动相互关联,包括相互受益、一方受益、相互冲突或对一方有害4种关系,关联的程度因资源开发类型不同有很大差异。为了合理、有效发挥海湾的资源优势,充分利用资源开发间的互利关系,避免和减少利用过程中的冲突,确保海洋经济持续健康发展,必须强化区域主导功能,建立科学合理的资源开发体系;理顺海洋管理体制,加强海岸带综合管理。  相似文献   

疫情的冲击使社会经济发展受到影响,我国政府出台一系列激励性政策,力求恢复企业正常生产经营。然而要实现金融支持的精准投放,亟须厘清目前海洋渔业融资约束形成的原因,从而有的放矢。文章在博弈论的框架下探讨海洋渔业融资约束的形成与破解,根据现实情况将海洋渔业融资交易行为定为不完全信息动态博弈。研究结果表明:海洋渔业经营主体提供越高价值的抵押物,越易达成博弈的最优均衡,从而有效减少融资约束;金融机构越能准确识别海洋渔业经营主体生产投资活动的回报收益率,也越易达成博弈的最优均衡,从而有效减少融资约束。在此基础上,建议:扩大针对海洋渔业经营主体的融资抵押物范围,如海域使用权等用益物权可仿照土地经营权进行抵押试点;鼓励和引导设立相关担保机构和专项基金,从而在抵押物缺失的情况下支持海洋渔业经营主体的生产性融资;金融机构可尝试与海洋渔业经营主体建立长期的合作关系,从而降低双方的信息不对称程度,进而有效识别回报收益率,避免因潜在风险而产生的融资约束。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of people are living in and using coastal areas. Combined with the presence of pervasive coastal threats, such as flooding and erosion, this is having widespread impacts on coastal populations, infrastructure and ecosystems. For the right adaptive strategies to be adopted, and planning decisions to be made, rigorous evaluation of the available options is required. This evaluation hinges on the availability and use of suitable datasets. For knowledge to be derived from coastal datasets, such data needs to be combined and analysed in an effective manner. This paper reviews a wide range of literature relating to data-driven approaches to coastal risk evaluation, revealing how limitations have been imposed on many of these methods, due to restrictions in computing power and access to data. The rapidly emerging field of ‘Big Data’ can help overcome many of these hurdles. ‘Big Data’ involves powerful computer infrastructures, enabling storage, processing and real-time analysis of large volumes and varieties of data, in a fast and reliable manner. Through consideration of examples of how ‘Big Data’ technologies are being applied to fields related to coastal risk, it becomes apparent that geospatial Big Data solutions hold clear potential to improve the process of risk based decision making on the coast. ‘Big Data’ does not provide a stand-alone solution to the issues and gaps outlined in this paper, yet these technological methods hold the potential to optimise data-driven approaches, enabling robust risk profiles to be generated for coastal regions.  相似文献   


Shallow water bathymetry has proved to be a challenging task for remote sensing applications. In this work, Green-Wavelength Terrestrial Laser Scanning (GWTLS) is employed to survey nearshore bathymetry under clear atmospheric and water conditions. First, the obtained seabed points were corrected for refraction and then geo-registration, and filtering processes were exerted to obtain an accurate bathymetric surface. Terrain analysis was performed with respect to a reference surface derived from classical surveying techniques. The overall analysis has shown that the best results stem from 35° to 50° incident angles, whereas for angles higher than 65° measurements are not acceptable, although for the same angle in front and close to the instrument accuracy is considered acceptable due to the high laser power. Also, high resolution micro-topography, shallower than 1?m water depth, was managed to be captured. Systematic experimental approaches are expected to improve the GWTLS technique to detect bathymetry, which is anticipated to assist in mapping very shallow foreshore, tidal, and deltaic environments, to contribute conceptual into developing hybrid observation systems for coastal monitoring, and also to be applied in various maritime applications.  相似文献   

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