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The treatment of a highly eutrophic raw water is investigated by a differentiated microscopic analysis of the seston particles in three size classes, an analysis of the assimilation pigments and of the seston solids. At an average number of particles of 106/ml elimination amounts to 31… 44%. The average pigment content of 124 mg/m3 chlorophyll a plus phaeopigments is reduced by 34%, the average dry matter of 14.6 mg/l being reduced by 50%.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung und Folgerungen Es darf als gesichert gelten, dass die 1961 im Auftrag der Internationalen Gew?sserschutzkommission für den Bodensee ermittelte Jahresfracht von 806 t Gesamtphosphor des Alpenrheins in bezug auf den gel?sten Gesamtphosphor viel zu hoch, in bezug auf die Summe von gel?stem und ungel?stem Gesamtphosphor aber wesentlich zu niedrig liegt. Die aus den Ergebnissen der 1961 er Untersuchung für den Alpenrhein gezogenen Schlussfolgerungen k?nnen daher nur zum Teil richtig sein. Kann durch die andernorts bereits durchgeführten Untersuchungen oder durch neue Abkl?rungen festgestellt werden, dass die aus der adsorptiven Bindung an die Rheinsedimente im Bodensee freigesetzte P-Menge kleiner oder gleich der gel?sten P-Fracht des Alpenrheins ist, so hat, die Forderung auf zus?tzliche Einrichtungen zur P-Elimination (3. Reinigungsstufe oder Simultanf?llung) bei den geplanten oder erstellten mechanisch-biologischen Kl?ranlagen im Einzugsgebiet des Bodensees ihre volle Berechtigung.
Summary and Conclusions It can be considered an established fact that the yearly load of 806 tons of total phosphorus for the Alpine reaches of the Rhine, determined in 1961 on behalf of the International Commission for the Protection of the Lake of Constance against Pollution, is much too high for the dissolved total phosphorus and significantly too low for the sum of the dissolved and undissolved total phosphorus. The conclusions drawn from the 1961 study of the Alpine regions of the Rhine can therefore be only partially correct. If it can be proven that the amount of phosphorus released from the sediments in the Lake of Constance is smaller or equal to the dissolved phosphorus load of the Alpine part of the Rhine, the demand for additional installations for phosphorus elimination (tertiary treatment of sewage or simultaneous precipitation) for the mechanical-biological sewage treatment plants in the catchment area of the Lake of Constance is fully justified.

The method after Strickland and Parsons is modified for fresh water as follows: filtration on glass-fibre paper, oxidation with K2Cr2O7 in cone. H2SO4 for 2 h at 130 °C, dilution to 2.5 times the volume by aqua dest., centrifuging-off of the turbidity and extinction measurement at 445 nm against the blank value, the sample solution being balanced to the transmission of 100% (extinction = 0). Here, the following calibration line holds for the concentration C and the quantity of oxidation solution Ox: C = E1cmc · 0.162 · Ox, C in mg filter. The oxidation solution contains 4.8 g K2Cr2O7 as dissolved in 20 ml aqua dest. and made up with conc. H2SO4 to 11. With 5 ml of this solution one is able to determine 0.05 … 1 mg C/filter. Calibration is performed with 125 mg/l glucose solution. Comparative investigations have shown a good agreement with elementary-analytically obtained measured values. The occurring errors have been determined mainly by sampling. In the range of very small values we have to take into account a blank value of the filter due to the adsorption of dissolved organic substances on the filter.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Zusammenfassung einer an anderer Stelle ver?ffentlichen Arbeit.  相似文献   

Temperature, discharge, and chemical parameters were studied in the upper reach of a Black Forest stream over a three-year period. Additionally, investigations of the upstream tributaries and of downstream sites were conducted at some occasions. While monthly and annual means of water temperature exhibited only little year-to-year variations, average annual discharge differed considerably. Total suspended organic matter was correlated to total supended solids and discharge, orthophosphate and ammonium to temperature. Phosphorus was the only nutrient with a strong seasonal dynamic. Cumulative surface runoff of the upstream tributaries was inversely correlated to total discharge at the gauging station. Concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and accordingly specific conductivity increase in the longitudinal course of the stream, due to tributaries originating in the adjacent shell limestone and red marl formations.Mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Az. Schw. 63/27-1, 2, 3.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet derivative spectroscopy was used as an analytical tool for the direct and simultaneous determination of aniline and phenol in water. It is shown that the diA/dλi values are proportional to aniline (i = 2, 4) and phenol (i = 2, 4 and 5) concentrations at 205.3 or 271.6 … 282.8 nm. The performance characteristics are discussed in detail. Thus the best precision resulted in both aniline and phenol for the second derivatives. The accuracy of the methods applied is independent on the derivative order and concentration levels within the dynamic range of 1 to 10 mg · 1?1 aniline or phenol respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Using the highest global irradiance values (Sun plus sky) at noon derived from the records gathered during the years 1958 to 1963 at Genova, Monte Capellino and Sauze d'Oulx, it is demonstrated that the thermal energy which the Earth receives from the Sun is dependent from the Sun activity. Precisely, an increase of the thermal energy withR Z occurs up toR Z=160–170, whereas for greater values ofR Z the thermal energy received decreases with the increase ofR Z.

Herrn Prof. Dr.Hans Ertel zu seinem 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Резюме Возможно наблюдать приливнЫе изменения положения стержня с карданной подвеской с помощью соответственно направленнЫх измерительнЫх датчиков. По этому принципу временные изменения направления отвеса измерялисЯ в шахте в г. Фрейберг. Сообщаются и обсуждаются результаты этих исследований.

Anschrift: Gustav-Zeuner-Strasse, Freiberg/Sa, DDR.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird versucht, einige Mißverständnisse bzw. Ungenauigkeiten, die in verschiedenen Veröffentlichungen über das Seegangsspektrum unterlaufen sind, aufzuklären. Insbesondere werden die Grundannahmen von G. Neumann und von H. U. Roll-G. Fischer diskutiert. Endgültige Klarheit über das Spektrum im Seegang wird erst zu erhalten sein, wenn die Auswertung einer großen Zahl geeigneter Seegangsregistrierungen vorliegt.
Studies on the problem of the ocean wave spectrum in the wind sea
Summary This paper tries to clear some errors or inaccuracies which occurred in several publications on ocean wave spectra. The fundamental suggestions by G. Neumann and H. U. Roll-G. Fischer are, before all, made the special subject of this discussion. Final elucidation on wave spectra will, however, be reached not until the elaboration of a great number of suitable records of ocean waves will be available.

Études sur la question du spectre des vagues dans la mer du vent
Résumé Le travail actuel essaie d'éclaircir plusieurs erreurs ou inexactitudes qui se sont glissées dans différentes publications sur des spectres des vagues océaniques. On discute surtout les suppositions fondamentales de G. Neumann et de H. U. Roll-G. Fischer. Cenesera qu'aumoment où l'élaboration d'un grand nombre d'enregistrements convenables des vagues sera achevée que l'on pourra suffisamment expliquer la nature du spectre des vagues.

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