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Tyan Yeh 《Solar physics》1978,56(2):439-447
The topological structure of the coronal-interplanetary magnetic field is determined by the arrangement of the neutral lines at the coronal base. It is characterized by nested separatrices, which are interfaces between closed and open field lines or between oppositely directed open field lines, in the coronal-interplanetary space. In the neighborhoods of these separatrices there are important electric currents. These currents form the basis for the sheet-current model.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A new,n-body approach is developed for the modeling of close binary systems, the most commonly occuring star systems known. Both local and long range forces are included. Computer examples of streaming, mass loss, and self-reorganization processes are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Estimating the mass of a meteoroid passing through the Earth's atmosphere is essential to determining potential meteorite fall positions. High‐resolution fireball images from dedicated camera networks provide the position and timing for fireball bright flight trajectories. There are two established mass determination methods: the photometric and the dynamic. A new approach is proposed, based on the dynamic method. A dynamic optimization initially constrains unknown meteoroid characteristics which are then used in a parametric model for an extended Kalman filter. The extended Kalman filter estimates the position, velocity, and mass of the meteoroid body throughout its flight, and quantitatively models uncertainties. Uncertainties have not previously been modeled so explicitly and are essential for determining fall distributions for potential meteorites. This two‐step method aims to automate the process of mass determination for application to any trajectory data set and has been applied to observations of the Bunburra Rockhole fireball. The new method naturally handles noisy raw data. Initial and terminal bright flight mass results are consistent with other works based on the established photometric method and cosmic ray analysis. A full analysis of fragmentation and the variability in the heat‐transfer coefficient will be explored in future versions of the model.  相似文献   

A new model of albedo and emissivity of the martian seasonal caps represented as porous CO2 slabs containing spherical voids and dust particles is described. In the model, a radiative transfer model is coupled with a microphysical model in order to link changes in albedo and emissivity to changes in porosity caused by ice metamorphism. The coupled model is capable of reproducing temporal changes in the spectra of the caps taken by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer onboard the Mars Global Surveyor and it can be used as the forward model in the retrievals of the caps' physical properties (porosity, dust abundance, void and dust grain size) from the spectra. Preliminary results from such inversion studies are presented.  相似文献   

Tyan Yeh 《Solar physics》1977,55(1):241-250
In the coronal-interplanetary space the plasma motion, in a reference frame corotating with the Sun, is aligned with the magnetic field. Just like the solar wind, which is the supersonically expanding flow along open field lines, the flow along closed field lines is mainly driven by the pressure gradient. The flow in the regions of closed field lines is subsonic, being determined by the conditions at the two footpoints of the magnetic flux tube.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

An improved scheme for measuring and analyzing the magnetic field of flares is presented in general outline form. The techniques employed during the last solar cycle are reviewed very briefly. The point is made that those techniques were inadequate due to fundamental limitations in the data. A realistic scheme for acquiring the necessary data is then proposed. The scheme is realistic in that it makes only those assumptions which appear to be indeed valid, and it presupposes only instrumental techniques which are presently available. It is suggested that, with this improved data, the structure and evolution of the pre-flare magnetic field can be calculated with sufficient accuracy to form the basis of theoretical models.This research supported by Company funds of The Aerospace Corporation.  相似文献   

In this paper we point out the existence of a special class of solutions to the nonlinear hydrodynamic equations describing the time-dependent solar wind, namely that for which the velocity profile is time-invariant but the density at each point of the corona changes exponentially with time. Theoretical velocity curves are calculated for the case of isothermal expansion and compared with the Parker model for steady-state expansion. These solutions can be used to obtain quantitative estimates for the degree of departure from the latter of a real corona undergoing evolution on a finite time scale.On leave from Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.M., U.S.A.  相似文献   

Taking into consideration a probe moving in an elliptical orbit around a celestial body, the possibility of determining conditions which lead to constant values on average of all the orbit elements has been investigated here, considering the influence of the planetary oblateness and the long-term effects deriving from the attraction of several perturbing bodies. To this end, three equations describing the variation of orbit eccentricity, apsidal line and angular momentum unit vector have been first retrieved, starting from a vectorial expression of the Lagrange planetary equations and considering for the third-body perturbation the gravity-gradient approximation, and then exploited to demonstrate the feasibility of achieving the above-mentioned goal. The study has led to the determination of two families of solutions at constant mean orbit elements, both characterised by a co-planarity condition between the eccentricity vector, the angular momentum and a vector resulting from the combination of the orbital poles of the perturbing bodies. As a practical case, the problem of a probe orbiting the Moon has been faced, taking into account the temporal evolution of the perturbing poles of the Sun and Earth, and frozen solutions at argument of pericentre 0\(^{\circ }\) or 180\(^{\circ }\) have been found.  相似文献   

We aim at understanding the statistical properties of luminous sub-millimeter (submm) galaxies (SMGs) in the context of cosmological structure formation. By utilizing a cosmological N-body simulation to calculate the distribution of dark halos in the Universe, we consider the dust enrichment in individual halos by Type II supernovae (SNe II). The SN II rate is estimated under a star formation activity which is assumed to occur on a dynamical timescale in the dark matter potential. Our simple framework successfully explains the luminosity function, the typical star formation rate, and the typical dust mass of an observational SMG sample at z~3. We also examine the clustering properties of SMGs, since a positive cross correlation between SMGs and Lyα emitters (LAEs) is indeed observed by a recent observation. In the simulation, we select SMGs by FIR dust luminosity >1012 L , while LAEs are chosen such that the age and the virial mass are consistent with the observed LAE properties. The SMGs and LAEs selected in this way show a spatial cross correlation whose strength is consistent with the observation. This confirms that the SMGs really trace the most clustered regions at z~3 and that their luminosities can be explained by the dust accumulation as a result of their star formation activities. We extend our prediction to higher redshifts, finding that a statistical sample of submm galaxies at z≥6 can be obtained by ALMA with a 100 arcmin2 survey. With the same survey, a few submm galaxies at z~10 may be detected.  相似文献   

A new analytic approach to the solution of the Sitnikov Problem is introduced. It is valid for bounded small amplitude solutions (z max = 0.20) (in dimensionless variables) and eccentricities of the primary bodies in the interval (–0.4 < e < 0.4). First solutions are searched for the limiting case of very small amplitudes for which it is possible to linearize the problem. The solution for this linear equation with a time dependent periodic coefficient is written up to the third order in the primaries eccentricity. After that the lowest order nonlinear amplitude contribution (being of order z 3) is dealt with as perturbation to the linear solution. We first introduce a transformation which reduces the linear part to a harmonic oscillator type equation. Then two near integrals for the nonlinear problem are derived in action angle notation and an analytic expression for the solution z(t) is derived from them. The so found analytic solution is compared to results obtained from numeric integration of the exact equation of motion and is found to be in very good agreement. CERN SL/AP  相似文献   

A design is presented for an instrument to measure solar oblateness without forming a solar image and having two identical prisms as the only optical elements. Feasibility calculations indicate that this might be sensitive and quite free from instrumental induced errors.  相似文献   

In the framework of Rastall's conservative program for the construction of gravitation theory we present a variant of modified classical gravitation theory based on Einstein's energy-mass equivalence principle. We pursue further the special-relativistic arguments and obtain a theory for the static spherically-symmetric gravitation field that is based only on the well-established physical principles and accounts for all experimental tests known in gravitation. Some astrophysical consequences of the modified classical gravitation theory (e.g., the non-existence of black holes, the creation of real particles in a strong gravitation field) are also discussed.  相似文献   

We analyze the UV and X-ray data obtained by the SMM satellite for the flare starting at 02:36 UT on November 12, 1980 in AR 2779. From a detailed revision of the Ov emission, we find that the observations are compatible with energy being released in a zone above the magnetic inversion line of the AR intermediate bipole. This energy is then transported mainly by conduction towards the two distant kernels located in the AR main bipole. One of these kernels is first identified in this paper. Accelerated particles contribute to the energy transport only during the impulsive phase.We model the observed longitudinal magnetic field by means of a discrete number of subphotospheric magnetic poles, and derive the magnetic field overall topology. As in previous studies of chromospheric flares, the Ov kernels are located along the intersection of the computed separatrices with the photosphere. Especially where the field-line linkage changes discontinuously, these kernels can be linked in pairs by lines that extend along separatrices. Our results agree with the hypothesis of magnetic energy released by magnetic reconnection occurring on separatrices.  相似文献   

We discuss here what model independent information about properties of neutrinos and of the sun can be obtained from future solar neutrino experiments (SNO, Super-Kamiokande). It is shown that in the general case of transitions of solar νe's into νμ and/or ντ the initial 8B neutrino flux can be measured by the observation of NC events. From the CC measurements the νe survival probability can be determined as a function of neutrino energy. The general case of transitions of solar νe's into active as well as sterile neutrinos is considered. A number of relations between measurable quantities the test of which will allow to answer the question whether there are sterile neutrinos in the solar neutrino flux on the earth are derived. Transitions of solar νe's into active and sterile states due to neutrino mixing and Dirac magnetic moments or into active left-handed neutrinos and active right-handed antineutrinos due to neutrino mixing and Majorana transition magnetic moments are also considered. It is shown that future solar neutrino experiments will allow to distinguish between the cases of Dirac and Majorana magnetic moments.  相似文献   

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