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8000 yr of black carbon accumulation in a colluvial soil from NW Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analytical pyrolysis-GC/MS and solid-state 13C NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) were applied to the NaOH-extractable organic matter fraction of a colluvial soil from Galicia (NW Spain) that represents more than 8500 yr of accumulation. While molecular indicators of vegetation change were looked for, it seemed likely that any such signal was disturbed by the intense fire regime of the area. This conclusion was drawn from (1) the presence of three charcoal layers, (2) the high proportion of aryl C in NMR spectra (non-quantitative) and (3) the prevalence of benzenes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the chromatograms (38 ± 6% of total identified peak area), also in charcoal-poor samples. If this conclusion is accurate, the area has been subjected to burning episodes for at least 8000 yr. Additionally, the results indicate that biomass burning residues (black carbon; BC) may become NaOH extractable after long periods of degradation in mineral soil. These results add to our knowledge of the long-term fate of BC in soil, which is a potential agent in the global C cycle.  相似文献   

The impact of diffuse pollution, agricultural land use and climate change on the long-term response of subsurface–surface water quality is not well understood, but is a prerequisite for evaluation of water management options. The goal of this study is to model geochemical evolution of water chemistry from the infiltration through soil into the unsaturated zone, transport through bedrocks and granular aquifers to a river in order to identify zones of steep concentration gradients and high dynamics under transient flow conditions. A numerical model was constructed comprising a 2-D 1,500 m × 150 m vertical cross-section of typical sedimentary rock formations, a glacio-fluvial quaternary gravel aquifer in the valley and soil layers. The model coupled saturated/un-saturated flow and reactive transport under steady state and transient conditions. Geochemical interactions, include intra-aqueous kinetic reactions of oxygen with dissolved organic matter, as well as kinetics of carbonate dissolution/precipitation. This model section was chosen to provide insight in to the principal processes and time scales affecting water chemistry along different flow paths. The numerical simulator MIN3P was used, a finite volume program for variably saturated subsurface flow and multi-component reactive transport. The results show that subsurface water residence times range from approximately 2 to 2,000 years. Different zones are to be expected with respect to the development of mineral equilibria; namely, purely atmospherically influenced, as well as open and closed system carbonate dissolution. Short-term responses to daily averaged changes in precipitation, however, are only visible to some extent in the shallower and near-river parts of flow system and solute loads. This can most likely be explained by directional changes in flow paths, indicating that equilibrium geochemical condition predominate at the hillslope scale, i.e. water quality depends on transport pathways rather than on kinetic effects. The extent of reducing conditions is controlled by the presence of organic-rich layers (i.e. peat deposits), the dissolution kinetics of aquifer organic matter and the subsequent mixing with oxygenated water by hydrodynamic dispersion.  相似文献   

The Rubiales Zn-Pb orebody (NW Spain) is a blind deposit developed in a vertical shear zone during the Variscan Orogenesis. It is about 1200 m long in a N-S direction, with an average thickness of 30 m, and is hosted by lower Cambrian limestones and slates, with some quartzite beds. The deposit has a large hydrothermal alteration aureole. The silicified halo contain sphalerite and galena disseminations, with grades between 0.2 and 3% Pb + Zn.The Rubiales orebody was discovered in the late 60s following a soil geochemical survey. In the regional phase of the survey, 28,622 samples were collected in 57 lines; two of the lines over the Rubiales zone yielded 1400 ppm Pb and 1550 ppm Zn. In a local phase, centred on the anomalous zone, 1716 samples were collected in 21 lines. This local survey defined the geochemical anomalies that were subsequent drill-hole targets. Based on 38 surface-holes, geological ore reserves of 18.6 million tons, with 8.6% Zn + Pb, were estimated.Residual soil geochemical anomalies of Zn and Pb were developed over the silicification zone. The Zn anomaly has a greater extent than the Pb anomaly, due to the greater Zn mobility in surficial environments. The Zn and Pb anomalies exhibit an asymmetrical morphology, with greater extent to the south, due to the down slope creep of residual anomalies. The main cross-faults present in the deposit also control the morphology of the anomalies, as a result of Zn and Pb mobilisation and transport by ground waters along the cross-faults. The Cu anomaly defines two maxima over the feeder zones to the orebody. The two feeder zones, also in the silicification zone, are extensively brecciated and contain the highest grades of the deposit (∗> 20% Zn + Pb) and disseminated chalcopyrite.  相似文献   

Petrographic and megascopic criteria have traditionally been used as the basis for the classification of torbanite and cannel coal. For this study, it was hypothesized that modern analytical organic geochemical and multivariate statistical techniques could provide an alternative approach. Towards this end, the demineralized residues of 14 torbanite (rich in Botryococcus-related alginite) and cannel (essentially, rich in organic groundmass and/or sporinite) coal samples were analyzed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). Cluster analysis performed on the Py-GC/MS data clearly distinguished the torbanite from the cannel coal, demonstrating a consistency between the chemical properties and the petrographic composition. All the torbanite samples group into one cluster, their pyrolyzates having an overwhelming predominance of straight chain hydrocarbons, a characteristic typical of Botryococcus. The presence of the C9–C26 n-α,ω-alkadiene series is the key feature distinguishing the torbanites from the other samples. The cannel coals exhibit more chemical diversity, reflecting their greater variability in petrographic composition. The Breckinridge cannel, dominated by a highly aliphatic lamalginitic groundmass, chemically fits the torbanite category. The bituminitic groundmass-dominated cannel coals fall into a cannel sub-cluster, their pyrolyzates having a characteristic predominance of n-alk-1-enes and n-alkanes (particularly the long-chain homologues), with no detectable alkadienes. The vitrinitic groundmass-dominated Ohio Linton cannel and the sporinite-rich Canadian Melville Island cannel are readily distinguishable from the other cannels by the relatively abundant aromatic and phenolic compounds in their pyrolyzates. The internal distribution patterns of alkylaromatic and alkylphenolic isomers are shown to be less significant in the classification of this sample set. Multivariate statistical analysis of the pyrolysis data not only successfully discriminated torbanites from cannel coals, but recognized subtler differences between the examples of these two coal types, in substantial agreement with the petrographic characterization. As such, these methods can substitute for or supplement the traditional microscope-based approach.  相似文献   

Pyrolysis-GC/MS is advantageous as a tool for rapid sediment contamination assessment because of the small sample size required, minimal sample preparation and its ability to detect a wide variety of organic pollutants as well as naturally-occurring biological materials. Py-GC/MS was applied, together with determination of organic carbon, and major and minor element concentrations, to evaluate potentially contaminated sediments in the port of Barcelona (Spain) and the adjacent Llobregat River delta. Detected contaminant markers, most evident in the Old Port (Port Vell) area, included hopanes and alkylated PAHs (petroleum), sterenes (sewage), C16–C19 phenylalkanes (detergents) and parent PAHs (combusted fuels).  相似文献   

A seeping sea-floor in a Ria environment: Ria de Vigo (NW Spain)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 The occurrence of gas accumulations in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain) have been characterized by the authors in previous research. Pockmarks frequently appear on seismic and sonar records, covering ca. 45% of the sea-floor of the study area, which indicates that gas expulsion is not an uncommon phenomena in the coastal Ría environment. Here we report the occurrence of gas seepage for the first time along the coast of NW Spain. Side-scan sonar, echo-sounder and high-resolution seismic techniques, were used for mapping gas-expulsion features. Some expulsion pockmarks sit over elongated features that represent bottom marks created by anthropogenic activity. Thus, these anthropogenic sites may act as preferential venting zones for gas, as well as being potential hazards on a muddy sea-bed such as that of the Ría where gas accumulates just below the surface of the sea-floor. Received: 25 May 1998 · Accepted: 20 November 1998  相似文献   

Given its geological and climatic conditions and its rugged orography, Asturias is one of the most landslide prone areas in the North of Spain. Most of the landslides occur during intense rainfall episodes. Thus, precipitation is considered the main triggering factor in the study area, reaching average annual values of 960 mm. Two main precipitation patterns are frequent: (i) long-lasting periods of moderate rainfall during autumn and winter and (ii) heavy short rainfall episodes during spring and early summer. In the present work, soil moisture conditions in the locations of 84 landslides are analysed during two rainfall episodes, which represent the most common precipitation patterns: October–November 2008 and June 2010. Empirical data allowed the definition of available water capacity percentages of 99–100% as critical soil moisture conditions for the landslide triggering. Intensity-duration rainfall thresholds were calculated for each episode, considering the periods with sustained high soil moisture levels before the occurrence of each analysed landslide event. For this purpose, data from daily water balance models and weather stations were used. An inverse relationship between the duration of the precipitation and its intensity, consistent with published intensity-duration thresholds, was observed, showing relevant seasonal differences.  相似文献   

The study of mafic and aluminous granulites from the Monte CasteloGabbro (Órdenes Complex, NW Spain) reveals an anticlockwiseP–T path that we interpret as related to the tectonothermalactivity in a magmatic arc, probably an island arc. The P–Tpath was obtained after a detailed study of the textural relationshipsand mineral assemblage succession in the aluminous granulites,and comparing these with an appropriate petrogenetic grid. Additionalthermobarometry was also performed. The granulites are highlyheterogeneous, with distinct compositional domains that mayalternate even at thin-section scale. Garnets are generallyidiomorphic to subidiomorphic, and in certain domains of thealuminous granulites they show overgrowths forming xenomorphiccoronas around a more or less idiomorphic core. Both types ofgarnets show significant Ca enrichment at the crystal rims,which, together with the other mineralogical and textural characteristics,is compatible with a pressure increase with low T variation.P–T estimations indicate a peak of T > 800°C andP  相似文献   

The Paleozoic Cabo Ortegal complex (Galicia, NW Spain) contains (1) a mafic rock series, now high-grade metamorphic rocks, that is equivalent to modern continental plateau basalts; this can be deduced from its trace element ‘fingerprint’, the [La/Sm]a ratio of 3.25 and the quartz normative composition, (2) a younger mafic rock series equivalent to modern (Icelandic) ‘plume’ tholeiites, as can be inferred again from the trace element ‘fingerprint’, the [La/Sm]a ratio of around unity and the olivine normative composition, (3) an ultramafic rock series that was the melt phase and then the residual phase in two subsequent melting events as can be inferred from the low La, Sm, K, and Rb contents compared with the high [La/Sm]a and K/Rb ratios. The data are fitted into an evolution model of continental rifting, mantle-plume diapirism and rejuvenation of the lowe, crust.  相似文献   

In the Barrios Formation of the southern Cantabrian Mountains pyroclastic rocks occur which have an Ordovician age. They form the filling of several craters and pipes, which are unconformably overlain by Ordovician respectively Silurian sediments. The pyroclastic material mainly consists of fractured quartz grains which are mixed with angular hydrothermally altered glas lapilli. The strong fragmentation of the volcanoclastic components, even in the lower parts of the pipes, is caused by phreatomagmatic eruptions under shallow marine conditions. The Barrios Formation which is disrupted by the volcanic necks, was deposited in a shallow marine environment with a very low sedimentation rate.Sills occur in the Oville-Formation below the Barrios Formation. They are partially older than the pyroclastic rocks. These older sills intruded into not yet lithified shales and sands where a high hydrostatic pressure prevented a phreatomagmatic explosion.Major and trace element analyses reveal that the sills in the Oville-Formation, volcanic bombs, subvolcanic xenoliths and a plug within the pyroclastic rocks belong to the alkali rock series. They are enriched in K, Ti, P and Zr and are similar to alkali olivine basalts and trachy-basalts.The Ordovician volcanism of the Cantabrian Mountains occured on continental crust which was subject to rifting in the Early Palaeozoic. The rifting processes are seen in connection with the separation of the Ibero-Armorican microplate from Gondwana.
Zusammenfassung In der Barrios-Formation des südlichen Kantabrischen Gebirges treten pyroklastische Gesteine auf, die ein ordovizisches Alter haben. Sie bilden die Füllung mehrerer Krater und Schlote, die an ihrer Obergrenze diskordant von ordovizischen bzw. silurischen Sedimenten überlagert werden. Das pyroklastische Material besteht zum größten Teil aus zerbrochenen Quarzkörnern mit eingestreuten, scharfkantigen, hydrothermal veränderten Glaslapilli. Die starke Fragmentierung des vulkanoklastischen Anteiles selbst in den tieferen Bereichen der Schlote wurde durch phreatomagmatische Eruptionen unter flachmarinen Bedingungen verursacht. Der Barriosquarzit, der von den Schloten und Kratern durchschlagen wird, wurde in einem flachmarinen Bereich mit sehr niedriger Sedimentationsrate abgelagert.Lagergänge treten in der Oville-Formation im Liegenden der Barrios-Formation auf. Sie sind teilweise älter als die pyroklastischen Gesteine. Diese älteren Lagergänge intrudierten in die noch nicht verfestigten Tone und Sande, wo ein zu großer hydrostatischer Druck eine phreatomagmatische Explosion verhinderte.Haupt- und Spurenelementanalysen zeigen, daß die Lagergänge in der Oville-Formation, vulkanische Bomben, subvulkanische Xenolithe und ein Lavapfropfen innerhalb der Pyroklastika zu den Alkaligesteinen gehören. Sie sind angereichert an K, Ti, P und Zr und ähneln Alkaliolivinbasalten und Trachybasalten.Der ordovizische Vulkanismus des Kantabrischen Gebirges ereignete sich auf kontinentaler Krustenunterlage, welche im Altpaläozoikum einer Dehnung ausgesetzt war. Die Dehnungsprozesse werden im Zusammenhang mit der Abtrennung der ibero-amerikanischen Mikroplatte von Gondwana gesehen.

Résumé Dans la formation de Barrios, dans les Monts Cantabriques méridionaux, existent des roches pyroclastiques d'âge ordovicien. Elles forment le remplissage de cratères et de cheminées surmontés en discordance par des sédiments ordoviciens ou siluriens. Pour leur plus grande part, ces matériaux pyroclastiques consistent en grains brisés de quartz mêlés de fragments hyaloclastiques anguleux altérés par des solutions hydrothermales. Les composants volcanoclastiques sont fortement fragmentés, même dans les zones les plus profondes des cheminées, phénomène causé par des explosions phréatomagmatiques dans une mer peu profonde. De fait, la formation du quartzite de Barrios, qui est percée par les cheminées, s'est déposée dans un milieu marin peu profond, à faible vitesse de sédimentation.La formation d'Orville, située sous la formation de Barrios, renferme des sills. Ces sills, en partie plus vieux que les roches pyroclastiques, se sont intrudés dans des pélites et des sables non encore lapidifiés, où la haute pression hydrostatique empêchait une explosion phréatomagmatique.Les analyses des éléments chimiques majeurs et en trace montrent que les sills, les bombes volcaniques, les xénolithes subvolcaniques et un culot de lave dans les roches pyroclastiques font partie de la séries alcaline. Ces roches sont enrichies en K, Ti, P, Zr et semblables aux basaltes alcalins à olivine et aux trachybasaltes.Le volcanisme ordovicien des Monts Cantabriques s'est manifesté dans une croûte continentale soumise à extension pendant le Paléozoque inférieur. Cette extension est mise en relation avec la séparation entre la micro-plaque ibéroarmoricaine et le continent de Gondwana.

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This research focuses on the development of metal pollution in sediment cores from three estuaries in Northwest Spain: Viveiro, Ortigueira and Barqueiro. Pb, Cu, Co, Cr, Cd and Zn and total organic carbon were assessed using principal component analysis (PCA) in order to obtain background values, measure pollution levels and identify pollution sources. Results were interpreted by considering the local industrial history, grain size and C/N relationship. The pollution levels obtained bear a strong resemblance to those documented for of a moderately industrialised area. PCA identifies factors that reflect mainly temporal associations with metals. Sedimentation rates between 0.9 and 1.1 cm/year were determined. In Viveiro core levels of Cr pollution are associated with tanneries. In Ortigueira, high core levels of Cu and Co are linked to mining, and Cr levels to adjacent ultramafic rocks. Erosion of Holocene sediment causes high values of Co and Cr in the Barqueiro core. Cu increase in the three estuaries is related to fungicide use since 1910. Sea level rise appears to be affecting the marine characteristics of the sediments in Barqueiro. In Viveiro, the nature of the sediment reflects engineering work and land reclamation.  相似文献   

The Variscan continental suture zone exposed in NW Iberia is examined to uncover the long-lived rheological control exerted by the strata deposited over the external parts of Gondwana on its geodynamic evolution. The suture occurs within a set of allochthonous terranes whose limits were taken as domain boundaries to interpret the Variscan stacking of Paleozoic continental domains and retrodeform the resulting nappe pile. The suture zone formed due to closure of ocean basins located between Gondwana and Laurussia during the Late Paleozoic and consists of relics of oceanic and transitional crust. The suture zone exhibits a tabular to lens shape due to repeated tectonic events dominated by non-coaxial deformation (thrusts and low-angle normal faults). Thrusting and normal faulting also involved the margins of the continents bounding the suture. The structure of the continental blocks, however, is dominated by folds, particularly large nappe folds with pronounced superimposed flattening. The upper part of the basal allochthonous units comprises a rheologically incompetent domain below the suture zone. This domain is typified by the carbonaceous-rich strata, which are probably Ordovician–Silurian sediments based on U–Pb detrital zircon populations. The rheology of this layer determined the location of the first accretionary thrust that initiated the Late Devonian subduction of the Gondwana margin below the suture zone. By favoring fault development, the upper sequence of the basal allochthonous units as a whole influenced the exhumation of deep-seated continental crust, the transference of the suture zone over Gondwana, and the re-equilibration of the resulting overthickened crust.  相似文献   

This paper presents for the first time a petrological and geochemical study of coals from the Central Asturian Coal Basin (North Spain) of Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian), mainly of Moscovian, age. A paleoenvironmental approach was used, taking into account both petrographic and organic geochemical studies. Vitrinite reflectance (Rr) ranges from 0.5% to 2.5%, which indicates a high volatile bituminous to semianthracite and anthracite coal rank. The coal samples selected for paleoenvironmental reconstruction are located inside the oil–gas-prone phase, corresponding to the interval between the onset of oil generation and first gas generation and efficient expulsion of oil. This phase is represented by coals that have retained their hydrocarbon potential and also preserved biomarker information. Paleodepositional reconstruction based on maceral and petrographic indices points to a swamp environment with vitrinite-rich coal facies and variable mineral matter content. The gelification index (GI) and groundwater influence index (GWI) indicate strong gelification and wet conditions. The biomarkers exhibit a high pristane/phytane ratio, suggesting an increase in this ratio from diagenetic processes, and a high diterpanes ratio. This, in turn, would seem to indicate a high swamp water table and a humid climate. The maximum point of coal accumulation occurred during the regressive part of the Late Moscovian sequence and in the most humid climate described for this period of time in the well-known coal basins of Europe and North America.  相似文献   

New petrological and microstructural data from various metaperidotite 'boudins' within large ductile shear zones in the Cabo Ortegal allochthonous complex in NW Spain have important implications for the tectonic models of the area. The peridotites (mylonitic garnet harzburgite, Ti-clinohumite and magnesite–olivine orthopyroxenite) contain mineral assemblages that equilibrated at high- to ultra-high-pressure metamorphic conditions as well as microstructures of tectonic origin formed at temperatures well above 800  °C. Olivine and orthopyroxene fabrics resulted from flow at high temperature (>1000  °C) and solid-state non-coaxial plastic flow at intermediate temperature (800–900  °C). Flow caused dynamic recrystallization and formation of moderate to strong lattice preferred orientations under low to moderate differential stresses and strain rates characteristic of upper mantle and deep crustal deformation. The microstructures and textural relationships suggest that the mylonitic garnet harzburgite represents mantle fragments with lithospheric and asthenospheric imprints, whereas the olivine orthopyroxenite resulted from serpentinite burial to depths where it acquired a characteristic high/ultra-high-pressure metamorphic signature. Both types of ultramafites converged to a common site in a subduction zone that was later incorporated during continental collision to the NW Iberian Massif as exotic, allochthonous complexes that record structural and metamorphic evidence of the earliest phases of the Hercynian orogeny.  相似文献   

A steep‐margined carbonate platform is developed in the Carboniferous synorogenic foreland basin of northern Spain. Dips of 60–90° produced during Late Carboniferous thrusting enable cross‐sections of a 4‐km‐wide portion of the marginal area of this platform (Las Llacerias outcrop) to be studied in aerial photographs at a seismic scale. Three stratal domains are observed: (1) a horizontal‐bedded platform; (2) a clinoformal‐bedded margin with a relief of up to 500 m; and (3) a low‐angle toe‐of‐slope, where slope beds interfinger with basin sediments. The slope shows well‐bedded sigmoidal clinoforms with depositional dips ranging from 15° to 32°. Based on lithology and stratal patterns, four facies groups have been recognized: (1) a flat‐topped platform, in which thick algal boundstone, skeletal packstone–grainstone and peloidal micrite wackestone with a poorly rhythmic character prevail; (2) the platform margin and upper slope, characterized by microbial boundstone spanning a bathymetric range of ≈150 m measured from the break of slope; (3) a slope, predominantly composed of margin‐derived rudstones and breccias; and (4) a toe‐of‐slope to basin zone, where a cyclic alternation of spiculitic siltstones, packstone to grainstone calciturbidites and rudstone/breccia is visible. Five successive stages of platform development are deduced: (1) Bashkirian: flooding of the pre‐existing Serpukhovian platform giving rise to the nucleation of a low‐angle ramp to the south‐east of the study area with microbial mud‐mound accumulations, and breccias and calciturbidites on the margins; (2) Early Moscovian: an influx of siliciclastic sediment buried part of the platform and reduced the area of carbonate sedimentation; (3) Moscovian: aggradation and progradation of the carbonate system produced an extensive steep‐margined and flat‐topped shallow‐water platform (shelf system); (4) Latest Moscovian–earliest Kasimovian: drowning of the platform; and (5) Kasimovian: covering of the platform by marly calcareous ramp sediments.  相似文献   

Within the TERENO initiative, four terrestrial observatories, collecting huge amounts of environmental data, are being set up since 2008. To manage, describe, exchange and publish these data, the distributed Spatial Data Infrastructure TEODOOR (http://www.tereno.net) was created. Each institution responsible for an individual observatory sets up its own local data infrastructure, which may communicate with each other to exchange data and metadata internally or to the public by OGC compliant Web services. The TEODOOR data portal serves as a database node to provide scientists and decision makers with reliable and well-accessible data and data products. Various tools like hierarchical search or Web-GIS functions allow a deeper insight into the different observatories, test sites and sensor networks. Sensor data can be queried and selected for measured parameters, stations and/or time periods, and can be visualized and downloaded according to a shared TERENO data policy. Currently, TEODOOR provides free access to data from more than 500 monitoring stations.  相似文献   

9种有机氯农药(α-HCH、β-HCH、γ-HCH、δ-HCH、六氯苯、p,p′-DDE、p,p′-DDD、o,p′-DDT和p,p′-DDT)和7种指示性多氯联苯(PCB 28、PCB 52、PCB 101、PCB 118、PCB 138、PCB 153和PCB 180)是我国地下水水质调查的必测和选测的持久性有机污染物。目前采用的气相色谱-电子捕获检测器和气相色谱-质谱-选择离子监测分析技术,无法对地下水中这16种痕量和超痕量典型含氯持久性有机污染物进行准确的定性和定量分析。本文建立了地下水中16种典型含氯持久性有机污染物的固相圆盘萃取-气相色谱-高分辨质谱分析方法,目标物检出限为0.10~0.20 ng/L,基体加标回收率为61.9%~93.3%,精密度(RSD,n=5)为2.41%~20.0%,能够对地下水中痕量目标物进行准确定性和定量。应用该方法检测了两个地区16个地下水样品中的目标物。结果表明,两地实际样品中均未检出多氯联苯,而普遍检出急性毒性最强的γ-HCH和致癌活性最高的α-HCH,根据α-HCH和γ-HCH浓度的比值可以初步判断,两个地区的地下水样品有受到新的HCH排放源污染的可能性。  相似文献   

Heavy fuel oil spilled from the oil tanker Prestige in November 2002 affected hundreds of km of Spanish shoreline. We carried out a two year study at two highly contaminated sites in order to monitor natural attenuation of the residues coating shore rocks and to test the effectiveness of bioremediation with an oleophilic fertilizer (S200). The methodology included an innovative approach for oil load calculation (based on image analysis techniques), the analysis of the fate of hydrocarbons by means of chemical biomarkers and different microbiological techniques for isolating and examining hydrocarbon degraders.Considerable hydrocarbon depletion from shorelines (≈100% for light-medium linear alkanes and ≈35% for aromatics such as pyrene) was observed within the first months after the spill. However, this natural attenuation effect dramatically slowed down in the following year, although partial enhancement (especially for the aromatic fraction) was attained as a result of the application of S200 to stimulate indigenous microorganisms. In addition, one of the main outcomes of this work concerns the remarkable hydrocarbon depletion achieved at points where fresh water flowed through the shore rocks. The study of samples collected where this natural attenuation phenomenon took place made it possible to isolate heterotrophic bacteria and fungi that are likely to cooperate with cyanobacteria in hydrocarbon biodegradation. The overall results strongly advocate the implementation of new bioremediation approaches, including alternatives such as the use of natural fresh water to irrigate polluted areas.  相似文献   

The Sanabria region (Central Iberian Zone, Variscan belt of Spain) shows an asymmetric thermal dome marked by migmatites accompanied by the Ribadelago and the Sotillo plutons. These small plutons display pronounced mineralogical variations. Biotite granodiorites and tonalites prevail, and granites and gabbros are common. Both plutons are confined in the releasing stepover of a transpressional shear zone that strikes 120°E and dips 70°SW. Most of the igneous rocks form sheets parallel to the shear zone. Magnetic foliations and lineations in the igneous rocks are parallel, respectively, to the shear bands and stretching lineations observed in the shear zone. The formation of these igneous sheets at high angle to the main axis of the regional field stress is explained by a combination of the fault-valve behaviour of the shear zone with the power of melt overpressure to open and ascend through previously formed planar structures, like S- or C-planes.  相似文献   

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