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The new MOdèle de Chimie Atmosphérique à Grande Echelle (MOCAGE) three-dimensional multiscale chemistry and transport model (CTM) has been applied to study heavy pollution episodes observed during the ESCOMPTE experiment. The model considers the troposphere and lower stratosphere, and allows the possibility of zooming from the planetary scale down to the regional scale over limited area subdomains. Like this, it generates its own time-dependent chemical boundary conditions in the vertical and in the horizontal. This paper focuses on the evaluation and quantification of uncertainties related to chemical and transport modelling during two intensive observing periods, IOP2 and IOP4 (June 20–26 and July 10–14, 2001, respectively). Simulations are compared to the database of four-dimensional observations, which includes ground-based sites and aircraft measurements, radiosoundings, and quasi-continuous measurements of ozone by LIDARs. Thereby, the observed and modelled day-to-day variabilities in air composition both at the surface and in the vertical have been assessed. Then, three sensitivity studies are conducted concerning boundary conditions, accuracy of the emission dataset, and representation of chemistry. Firstly, to go further in the analysis of chemical boundary conditions, results from the standard grid nesting set-up and altered configurations, relying on climatologies, are compared. Along with other recent studies, this work advocates the systematic coupling of limited-area models with global CTMs, even for regional air quality studies or forecasts. Next, we evaluate the benefits of using the detailed high-resolution emissions inventory of ESCOMPTE: improvements are noticeable both on ozone reactivity and on the concentrations of various species of the ozone photochemical cycle especially primary ones. Finally, we provide some insights on the comparison of two simulations differing only by the parameterisation of chemistry and using two state-of-the-art chemical schemes for regional photochemical modelling. Regional air quality modelling is found to be highly sensitive to the emission inventory dataset and also to the vertical and horizontal boundary conditions and detailed representation of chemistry. Interestingly enough, they infer the same range of errors compared to total model errors.  相似文献   

Within the framework of ESCOMPTE, the influence of local wind systems like land–sea/mountain–valley winds on the distribution of air pollutants in the southern part of the Rhône valley and the coastal regions of southern France was investigated. In addition, the influence of the mistral on the long-range transport and vertical mixing of such substances on July 1, 2001 was analyzed. The results of the measurements of this mistral situation show high concentrations of O3 and NO2 in the layer just above the PBL at the southern exit of the Rhône valley near Avignon. By measurements from airborne and ground-based platforms and numerical simulations with the “Local Model” (LM) of the German Weather Service (DWD), it is shown that the mistral develops according to the theory conceived by Pettré [J. Atmos. Sci. 39 (1982) 542–554]. The synoptic-scale northerly flow through the Rhône valley is accelerated up to a Froude number (Fr) of 2.1, while the valley widens. Then, near the Mediterranean coast, a hydraulic jump occurs and Fr drops down to values below 1.0. High ozone concentrations of 112 ppb measured above the mistral layer disappear due to enhanced mixing after the flow has passed the hydraulic jump. There is some evidence that the ozone-rich air originates from the source region of greater Paris or upwind. The results confirm that regional wind systems associated with transport of trace gases in the high-grade industrialized Rhône valley can be successfully predicted using data of operational weather forecast models.  相似文献   

In this study radar, surface observations and numericalsimulations are used to examine the inland penetrationand intensity of the sea breeze during various large-scaleflow regimes along the curved coastline of the Carolinas,U.S.A. The results clearly indicate that the flow directionrelative to the curved coastline has a significant effecton the sea-breeze evolution.Overall, during northerly flow regimes alongthe curved North Carolina coast, observationsand numerical simulations show that the sea-breezefront has a tendency to remain close to the south-facingcoast. During these same flow regimes the frontmoves further inland relative to the east-facingcoast. The sea-breeze front during westerly flowcases progressed further inland relative to the southcoast and less so from the east-facing coastline.South-westerly flow allows the sea breeze to moveinland from both coastlines but the coastal shapeinfluence makes the inland penetration less fromthe easterly facing beaches. During periods of lightonshore flow (south-east), the sea breeze movesconsiderable distances inland but is not discernableuntil later in the afternoon. The simulations indicatedthat the sea-breeze intensity is greatest (least) when thelarge-scale flow direction has an offshore (onshore)component. Model results indicate the existence of astrong front well inland in the late afternoon duringlight onshore flow. Also noted was that the simulatedsea-breeze front develops earlier in the afternoon duringoffshore regimes and later in the day as the large-scaleflow becomes more onshore. It is concluded that thecoastline shape and coast-relative flow direction areimportant factors in determining how the sea-breezecirculation evolves spatially.  相似文献   

复合型大气污染对中国环境,健康和经济存在巨大的不利影响.2013年以来的减排措施有效改善了空气质量.目前,我国已进入大气污染与气候变化协同治理的关键阶段.在季节-年际尺度上,对大气污染(霾,臭氧和沙尘暴)的准确预测可以为有关部门的减排措施提供有效的科技技撑.近年来,全球科学家在理解中国气候变化,大气污染变率及相关物理机...  相似文献   

An advanced model aimed at describing the problem of dispersion in theconvective boundary layer is proposed. The pollutant particles are groupedin clusters and modelled as Gaussian puffs. The expansion of each puff ismodelled according to the concept of relative dispersion and expressed interms of the spectral properties of the energy containing eddies of the turbulent field. The centre of mass of each puff is moved along a stochastic trajectory, obtained using a Lagrangian stochastic model and filtering the velocity with a recursive Kalman filter. At any instant, a filtering procedure, depending both on travel time and on puff size, acts to select spectral components involved in the expansion and in the meandering of the puff. Such an approach requires only a moderate number of puff releases, so that the proposed model is faster to run than a standard Lagrangian model. On the other hand, unlike the traditional puff model, it allows us to simulate both expansion and meandering of the puff. Therefore, it is well suited to simulate dispersion when the turbulent structures are larger thanthe plume dimensions, as for example in convective conditions. Being based onspectral formulations in both Eulerian and Lagrangian parts, the model is consistent in all the turbulent parameterizations utilised. Comparisons with a standard Lagrangian particle model as well as with a classical convective experimental dataset show good performance of the proposed model.  相似文献   

我国对流层臭氧增加对气温的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用耦台的区域气候模式和大气化学模式模拟对流层臭氧的产生、分布和对辐射传输、地表温度、气温等的影响。通过对比模拟发现:对流层中臭氧的增加基本使大气顶晴空辐射强迫为正;对流层中的臭氧含量变化能影响云量且进一步影响温度。由于对流层臭氧增加导致的晴空辐射强迫在4月份最大、1月份最小。  相似文献   

A new parameterization for turbulentdispersion in a convective boundary layer isproposed. The model is based on turbulentkinetic energy spectra and Taylor's diffusiontheory. The formulation, included in an advanceddispersion model, has been tested and comparedwith vertical and lateral dispersion schemesreported in the literature, using data from fieldexperiments. The application of a statisticalevaluation shows that the proposedparameterization has the best overall fit to the data.  相似文献   

Simultaneous ozone measurements were made at a rural site, 25 km SSW of the city of Jerusalem, and in the center of the city during a period of 28 months. The ozone data were supplemented by SO2, NO/NOx,and meteorological measurements at both sites. Elevated ozone concentrations were recorded at the rural site, mostly during the spring months (May and June) during which the monthly averages and the monthly averages of the daily 30 min maximum levels equalled those measured in the city. During the summer months, both average and peak levels were lower at the rural site by 20 and 35 ppb. The increased ozone levels at the rural site were accompanied by a parallel increase of SO2 and NOx,suggesting hat the excess ozone at the rural site is a result of a transformation during transport of air pollutants from coastal sources.  相似文献   

区域化学输送模式中NO x和O3源示踪法的引入   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
江文华  马建中 《气象学报》2006,64(3):281-292
发展了化学输送模式中氮氧化合物(NOx)和臭氧(O3)的一种源示踪方法,对这种示踪法及其应用模式作了详细介绍,并结合臭氧光化学反应机理的分析描述了NOx和O3示踪物浓度方程的推导过程。将这种示踪法引用到区域化学输送模式中,并以太原和石家庄地表NOx人为排放产生的活性氮化物和臭氧为例,演示了污染物向北京的输送过程,模拟的O3,NOx和NOz示踪物浓度时空分布与O3,NOx和NOz在大气中的衰减尺度分析一致,表明该示踪法是一种有效的研究区域氮氧化物以及臭氧来源和输送转化过程的方法。个例模拟分析结果显示:太原和石家庄的地表人为排放产生的NOx本身并不能输送到北京,但通过它们产生的O3和HNO3可以输送到北京,对北京地表附近大气污染造成影响。  相似文献   

In the light of Large Eddy Simulation and other recent work, this paper discusses methods of stable boundary-layer modelling that are established in numerical weather prediction and potentially relevant to other applications, e.g., to dispersion. It is argued that classical scaling theory is best expressed in terms of the local Richardson numbers. The theory can then be extended to treat cases where classical assumptions break down. There are indications that Richardson number models with suitable boundary conditions can mimic, at least qualitatively, some features of the very stable boundary layer. Despite advances in research modelling, detailed observational validation remains essential.  相似文献   

Human driven environmental changes increase the concentrations of polluting reactive compounds in the troposphere, such as ozone and nitrogen oxides. These changes lead to biodiversity losses and alter plant physiology and plant-pollinator interactions, essential for pollination services, with potential consequences for agricultural production. Here we used 133 unique sampling events from NW Europe to investigate how air pollution (ozone and nitrogen oxides) and other sources of nitrogen is related to pollinator visitation rate and their contribution to agricultural production, also considering possible interactive effects with landscape quality and pesticide input. We showed that ozone modulates the effect of pesticide exposure and temperature on crop pollinators, increasing the probability of negative impacts on crop pollination. Indeed, when ozone levels are highest, the strength of the effect of pesticide on pollinators is more than double then when ozone levels are intermediate. This indicates that air pollution should be considered in management plans and policies aiming to safeguard biodiversity and promote more sustainable food production practices.  相似文献   

银川市空气质量超标的天气形势分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘玉兰  肖云清 《气象科学》2003,23(4):460-466
利用银川市环境监测站5a的污染物浓度资料及对应的天气图,分析了银川市空气质量超标的特征和天气形势。结果表明:银川市空气质量超标主要出现在冬半年,10月~1月SO2超标多于TSP,2月~6月TSP超标多于SO2;造成银川市空气质量超标的天气形势有西北气流型、冷空气穿脊东移型、冷槽东移型、纬向气流型、西南气流型五种。分析2002年10月~2002年12月期间的天气形势,得出的SO2、PM10超标日,对比用CAPPS数值预报模式作出的SO2、PM10超标日,SO2超的漏报率降低了20%,PM10超标的漏报率降低了18%。  相似文献   

张人禾  周顺武 《气象学报》2008,66(6):916-925
利用台站探空观测资料和卫星观测资料,分析了1979—2002年青藏高原上空温度的变化趋势。结果表明:高原地区上空平流层低层和对流层上层的温度与对流层中低层具有反相变化趋势。平流层低层和对流层上层降温,温度出现降低趋势,降温幅度无论是年平均还是季节平均都比全球平均降温幅度更大。高原上空对流层中低层增温,温度显示出增加的趋势,并且比同纬度中国东部非高原地区有更强的增温趋势。对1979—2002年卫星臭氧资料的分析表明,青藏高原上空臭氧总量在每个季节都呈现出明显的下降趋势,并且比同纬度带其他地区下降得更快。由于青藏高原上空臭氧有更大幅度的减少,造成高原平流层对太阳紫外辐射吸收比其他地区更少,使进入对流层的辐射更多,从而导致高原上空平流层低层和对流层上层降温比其他地区更强,而对流层中低层增温更大。因此,高原上空比其他地区更大幅度的臭氧总量减少可能是造成青藏高原上空与同纬度其他地区温度变化趋势差异的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

热带海洋海气相互作用的区域差异   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
用NCEP/NCAR40年再分析1000hPa月平均风场资料及COADS月平均海表温度资料,对热带西、中、东太平洋、热带大西洋和印度洋五个区域的海气异常作了奇异值分解(SVD)。比较区域间SVD的主要参数和分析第一奇异向量及其时间系数表明,热带海气相互作用可区分为三类;热带东、中太平洋属‘单元型’,ENSO是唯一重要的过程,热带西太平洋、印度洋属‘二元型’,除了ENSO过程,还应存在唯一重要的过程;热带西太平洋,印度洋属‘二元型’,除了ENSO过程还应存在另一重要过程,热带大西洋属‘多元型’,其构成复杂,ENSO循环则不明显。  相似文献   

影响北京夏季O3污染的O3前体物浓度及天气条件分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据2003年北京夏季近地面大气光化学污染物观测资料,对中国气象局培训中心(代表站)O3超标日浓度、O3前体物浓度、不同天气条件下O3浓度分布特征等进行分析。结果表明:中国北京夏季NO2,NO,CO的浓度特征与日本神奈川县相似,白天(16:00以前)如果NO2/NO超过29,则容易出现O3超标;VOC浓度的高低影响O3浓度;当处于暖湿气流控制,地面为小风或静风、气温较高、湿度较大的多云天气时,易出现O3超标情况。这些污染物发生的特点和规律对北京大气光化学污染的研究和防治具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

利用2016—2019年唐山市逐时O3浓度和气象数据,分析了O3污染特征及其与气象条件的关系。结果表明:2016年唐山市O3超标天数为53 d, 2017—2019年O3超标天数每年在70 d以上,污染程度偏重。O3月平均浓度值呈双峰型分布,6月O3平均浓度值最大,达112.26μg·m-3,9月次之。O3浓度超标日分布在3—10月,夏季超标天数最多,其他依次为春季、秋季,具有明显的季节变化特征。O3日均浓度为15:00最大,日变化呈单峰型分布。O3浓度与温度、风速正相关,与相对湿度负相关。气温高是导致O3浓度超标的重要因素,日最高温度超过25℃时要考虑O3浓度出现超标现象。相对湿度在50%左右及60%—80%时,O3浓度超标率均大于30%,在60%—70%时O3-8h浓度平均值达到...  相似文献   

北京市区大气污染的时空特征   总被引:47,自引:5,他引:47  
用1999年11月1日到2001年4月30日SO2、PMl0、NO2、CO和O3等5类污染物每日大气污染指数和等级资料,讨论了北京市区大气污染的时空分布特征.结果表明北京市区的污染物以可吸入颗粒物和二氧化硫为主,出现3级以上的概率分别为50%和30%,是相当严重的.北京污染物有明显的季节变化,SO2出现3级以上概率在冬半年(11月至翌年3月)为34%,夏半年(4~10月)几乎不出现,但可吸人颗粒物的季节变化没有其它4类污染物显著.从1997年以来北京市区的大气污染略有好转.  相似文献   

以深圳大鹏半岛为代表(大鹏炼油厂是该区域主要污染源),探讨了山地、海陆综合影响下之大气污染分析预测方法,提出了适用于南方沿海丘陵地段的大气环境预测模式,其主要内容包括两部分:(1)地形调整风场模式及风场特征;(2)复杂地形扩散模式。分析表明所得出的结果是比较合理的。  相似文献   

北京城区大气边界层空气污染特征观测研究   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
2001年1~3月共分3期,在北京城市地区大气边界层进行了大气化学和气象现埸观测.结果表明北京城市低层大气中主要的气体污染物是NOx,其次为SO2;各高度SO2和NOx之间的关系有较好的一致性,NOx大约为SO2浓度的2倍或2倍以上;污染源排放是造成北京城市低层大气空气污染严重与否的主要原因之一;同一季节中空气污染状况很大程度上取决于天气条件;NO2/NO和NO之间有着较好的负幂指数相关关系;近地层不同高度和不同地点观测到的大气污染物随时间变化趋势有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

2013年9月国务院颁布了《大气污染防治行动计划》.研究其实施前后呼和浩特市大气污染物浓度变化及及原因;同时,分析了春季沙尘天气对于呼和浩特市大气环境颗粒物浓度的定量影响.结果表明:呼和浩特市大气环境质量持续改善,但大气污染物浓度仍然较高.PM2.5和PM10年均浓度分别超过国家二级标准22.9%和35.7%;2013...  相似文献   

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