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This paper describes a one-level variational adjustment process for producing mass-consistent surface winds in the Barrow Strait area, N.W.T. To achieve this result, the continuity equation is employed as a physical constraint. The variational technique adjusts mean winds (vertically averaged through the planetary boundary layer); therefore, a relationship is required between surface and mean winds. Use is made of existing velocity profiles, but interpolation may be used between surface and geostrophic winds. The model was found to be strongly dependent upon specification of boundary-layer height. Channeling effects are not readily seen until topography begins to protrude through the boundary layer. The model might thus be better suited to areas where shallow inversion layers are well defined. By application of the variational adjustment, errors in continuity are reduced by six orders of magnitude. Upon comparison of the variational technique with a diagnostic, one-level, primitive equation model, median errors between computed and observed surface winds were found to be comparable.  相似文献   

The persistence of light surface winds (less than or equal to 3 m s?1 or 7 mi h?1) is one meteorological factor in air pollution potential. Surface wind data were obtained from 111 Canadian synoptic and aviation weather stations for the period 1957–66. Generally speaking, persistent light winds occur most frequently in British Columbia, the Yukon and northern Alberta. In the ten provinces of Canada, the frequency of occurrence of light winds is a minimum in the spring and a maximum in the winter. In the Yukon and the Northwest Territories it is a minimum in the summer and a maximum in the winter. The seasonal variation is least in the mountain valleys and greatest elsewhere. The spatial and seasonal variations in persistent light winds suggest that, in the mountain valleys, topography is the major factor, while in other regions synoptic weather patterns are relatively important.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Seasonal prevailing surface winds are analyzed in the territory of Northern Serbia, using observational data from 12 meteorological stations over several...  相似文献   

QuikSCAT卫星遥感与MM5模拟海表面风场的综合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2000—2009年中国近海海域(105~135°E,0°~45°N)Quik SCAT卫星遥感风场资料和2007年MM5模拟风速结果,运用对比验证、经验正交函数(empirical orthogonal functions,EOF)和奇异值分解(singular value decomposition,SVD)方法,分析了Quik SCAT卫星遥感风场资料和MM5数值模拟风速结果的特征。结果表明:两者风速的空间分布形态相似,且风速变化密切相关;QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场的空间分布形态更加接近实测结果,而模拟风速结果的量值更加接近实测结果。采用PS(Pattern-Scaling)方法分别提取了Quik SCAT卫星遥感风场的空间分布形态和模拟结果的量值,得到的风速空间分布形态与Quik SCAT卫星遥感风场一致,且风速量值与模拟风速结果相同。通过初步检验发现,PS方法改善了卫星遥感风速在中国近海海域风速偏大的问题。  相似文献   


Cloud‐motion winds measured from organized and disorganized cumulus cloud fields are compared with winds measured at collocated buoys in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Findings suggest that an automated tracking algorithm using GOES satellite imagery can measure cloud‐level winds at these latitudes. Comparisons with buoy wind measurements show that the influence of boundary‐layer stability should be included in estimates of surface winds from cloud‐motion data.  相似文献   

Aerodynamic roughness of the sea surface at high winds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of the surface roughness in the formation of the aerodynamic friction of the water surface at high wind speeds is investigated. The study is based on a wind-over-waves coupling theory. In this theory waves provide the surface friction velocity through the form drag, while the energy input from the wind to waves depends on the friction velocity and the wind speed. The wind-over-waves coupling model is extended to high wind speeds taking into account the effect of sheltering of the short wind waves by the air-flow separation from breaking crests of longer waves. It is suggested that the momentum and energy flux from the wind to short waves locally vanishes if they are trapped into the separation bubble of breaking longer waves. At short fetches, typical for laboratory conditions, and strong winds the steep dominant wind waves break frequently and provide the major part of the total form drag through the air-flow separation from breaking crests, and the effect of short waves on the sea drag is suppressed. In this case the dependence of the drag coefficient on the wind speed is much weaker than would be expected from the standard parameterization of the roughness parameter through the Charnock relation. At long fetches, typical for the field, waves in the spectral peak break rarely and their contribution to the air-flow separation is weak. In this case the surface form drag is determined predominantly by the air-flow separation from breaking of the equilibrium range waves. As found at high wind speeds up to 60 m s−1 the modelled aerodynamic roughness is consistent with the Charnock relation, i.e. there is no saturation of the sea drag. Unlike the aerodynamic roughness, the geometrical surface roughness (height of short waves) could be saturated or even suppressed when the wind speed exceeds 30 m s−1.  相似文献   

The sea surface is aerodynamically rough even under light winds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The sea surface is generally considered to be aerodynamically rough at high winds (U>7 m/s), where the roughness length increases with wind velocity; below this velocity, the atmospheric surface layer enters a transition region and then becomes aerodynamically smooth as the wind velocity further decreases. The sea surface is shown, however, to reach its smoothest condition at a wind velocity of about 5 m/s, and then become rough again at lower velocities. In the latter case, the roughness length increases as the wind velocity decreases in accordance with the surface-tension relation governing wind-wave interactions.  相似文献   

Land-use practices such as deforestation or agricultural management may affect regional climate, ecosystems and water resources. The present study investigates the impact of surface heterogeneity on the behaviour of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), at a typical spatial scale of 1 km. Large-eddy simulations, using an interactive soil–vegetation–atmosphere surface scheme, are performed to document the structure of the three-dimensional flow, as driven by buoyancy forces, over patchy terrain with different surface characteristics (roughness, soil moisture, temperature) on each individual patch. The patchy terrain consists of striped and chessboard patterns. The results show that the ABL strongly responds to the spatial configuration of surface heterogeneities. The stripe configuration made of two patches with different soil moisture contents generates the development of a quasi- two-dimensional inland breeze, whereas a three-dimensional divergent flow is induced by chessboard patterns. The feedback of such small-scale atmospheric circulations on the surface fluxes appears to be highly non-linear. The surface sensible and latent heat fluxes averaged over the 25-km2 domain may vary by 5% with respect to the patch arrangement.  相似文献   

基于中尺度WRF模式,采用NCEP FNL最终分析资料作为初始场和侧边界条件,以2009年为例,对中国东海区风场进行了动力降尺度研究,旨在检验WRF模式长期积分的动力降尺度能力,并考察动力降尺度方法在东海区的适用情况,为东海区多年时间尺度的风场降尺度研究提供参考。结果表明,3种不同积分方式模拟的风场均能较好地描述东海区风场的季节变化,且整体在冬季的模拟,要优于夏季的模拟。5DAY试验模拟效果最优,其他两组试验稍差。说明每5 d更新一次初始场的积分方式能够最好地描述东海区风场。每10 d更新一次初始场比起1 a连续积分模拟效果并无优势,连续长期积分模拟虽会导致系统误差累积,但定期更新初始场的方法并不一定能有效改善东海区风场的模拟效果。对于加入谱逼近方案的3种积分方式模拟的风场,每10 d更新一次初始场的试验对加入谱逼近方案响应最为明显。但就总体试验效果,5DAYS试验模拟效果仍然是最好的。加入谱逼近方案使得1 a连续积分这种积分方式模拟效果变差。由此说明,加入谱逼近方案后,采用5 d更新一次初始场的方式驱动,每次积分时间较短,初始场的作用还较强,故其改善效果不如10 d更新一次初始场;对于1 a连续积分,谱逼近方案使得初始场的改变导致了连续积分的误差积累增大。  相似文献   

During the Regional Air Pollution Study (RAPS), winds in the St. Louis region were recorded by surface stations (hourly averages) and by multiple upper air releases (on-the-hour). This study analyzes differences (1) between upper air and surface resultant winds, (2) among upper air winds at 4 sites, and (3) among surface winds at 25 sites. The extensive data set provides a statistical basis for indicating the representativeness of individual observations, and the results show considerable variation between simultaneously-measured winds determined by alternate means. Based on Gaussian plume dispersion, the spatial variations in wind direction are translated into expected departures between predictions and observations of pollutant concentrations. Inaccurate specification of winds in air quality simulation models is likely to be a substantial contributor to differences between short-term predictions and observations on an urban scale.On assignment from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U. S. Department of Commerce.  相似文献   

Recent work has demonstrated that surface marine winds from the Bureau of Meteorology's operational Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) systems are typically underestimated by 5 to 10%. This is likely to cause significant bias in modelled wave fields that are forced by these winds. A simple statistical adjustment of the wind components is shown to reduce the observed bias in Significant Wave Height considerably. The impact of increasing the vertical resolution of the NWP model and assimilating scatterometer data into the model is assessed by comparing the resulting forecast wind and waves to observations. It is found that, in general, the inclusion of scatterometer observations improves the accuracy of the surface wind forecasts. However, most of the improvement is shown to arise from the increased number of vertical levels in the atmospheric model, rather than directly from the use of the observations. When the wave model is forced with surface winds from the NWP model that includes scatterometer data, it is found that the scatterometer assimilation does not reduce the systematic bias in surface wave forecasts, but that the random errors are reduced.  相似文献   

Statistical downscaling of 14 coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCM) is presented to assess potential changes of the 10 m wind speeds in France. First, a statistical downscaling method is introduced to estimate daily mean 10 m wind speed at specific sites using general circulation model output. Daily 850 hPa wind field has been selected as the large scale circulation predictor. The method is based on a classification of the daily wind fields into a few synoptic weather types and multiple linear regressions. Years are divided into an extended winter season from October to March and an extended summer season from April to September, and the procedure is conducted separately for each season. ERA40 reanalysis and observed station data have been used to build and validate the downscaling algorithm over France for the period 1974–2002. The method is then applied to 14 AOGCMs of the coupled model intercomparison project phase 3 (CMIP3) multi-model dataset. Three time periods are focused on: a historical period (1971–2000) from the climate of the twentieth century experiment and two climate projection periods (2046–2065 and 2081–2100) from the IPCC SRES A1B experiment. Evolution of the 10 m wind speed in France and associated uncertainties are discussed. Significant changes are depicted, in particular a decrease of the wind speed in the Mediterranean area. Sources of those changes are investigated by quantifying the effects of changes in the weather type occurrences, and modifications of the distribution of the days within the weather types.  相似文献   

卢莹 《气象》1988,14(6):10-15
本文用修改的一层σ坐标中尺度模式,模拟了我国部分沿海地区地面风场及其日变化,讨论了复杂地形和非绝热强迫效应对局地天气的影响。  相似文献   

The relationship between satellite-derived low-level cloud motion, surface wind and geostrophic wind vectors is examined using GATE data. In the trades, surface wind speeds can be derived from cloud motion vectors by the linear relation: V = 0.62 V s + 1.9 m s–1 with a mean scatter of ±1.3 m s–1. The correlation coefficient between surface and satellite wind speed is 0.25. Considering baroclinicity, i.e., the influence of the thermal wind, the correlation coefficient does not increase, because of the uncertainty of the thermal wind vectors. The ratios of surface to geostrophic wind speed and surface to satellite wind speed are 0.7 and 0.8, respectively, with a statistical uncertainty of ±0.3. Calculations of the ratio of surface to geostrophic wind speed on the basis of the resistance law yield V/V g = 0.8 ± 0.2, in agreement with experimental results. The mean angle difference between the surface and the satellite wind vectors amounts to - 18 °, taking into account baroclinicity. This value is in good agreement with the mean ageostrophic angle - 25 °.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a state-of-the-art account of valley wind research, with a bias towards a typical large Alpine valley and towards weak-gradient synoptic conditions. At the center of our attention is the quasiperiodic thermal forcing mechanism which drives the local wind system, in particular the role of slope winds and of topographic relief.Slope winds are at the small-scale end of a whole spectrum of thermally direct circulations which act to transmit the sensible heat input along the slopes to the valley atmosphere via compensating vertical motions. We surmise that the dynamics of slope winds, which react instantly to changes of the insolation or radiation balance, is characterized by local, instantaneous equilibria, rather than by conventional entrainment and boundary layer concepts.As described by Steinacker, the area-height distribution of a valley segment is a fundamental geometric factor which affords a quantitative measure of the slope area available for heat exchange, and of the air volume which must be heated or cooled. Using this concept, one can easily explain why the daily range of the valley mean temperature is, on average, more than twice as large as that of the atmosphere over the adjacent plain. This horizontal temperature contrast between plain and valley, reversing sign twice daily, builds up a corresponding pressure contrast hydrostatically, thereby causing up- and downvalley winds.
Berg- und Tal- bzw. Hangwinde — Beobachtungen und grundsätzliche Überlegungen
Zusammenfassung Wir berichten über den aktuellen Stand der Talwindforschung mit besonderer Betonung der Verhältnisse in den Alpen und vorzugsweise gradientschwache Wetterlagen betreffend. Einen Schwerpunkt unserer Darstellung bilden die quasiperiodischen thermischen Antriebskräfte der lokalen Windsysteme, vor allem die Rolle der Hangwinde und des Reliefs.Am kleinräumigen Ende eines Spektrums thermisch getriebener direkter Zirkulationsformen stehen die Hangwinde. Sie vermitteln der Talatmosphäre die an den Hängen umgesetzte fühlbare Wärme mittels kompensierender vertikaler Strömungen. Es wird vermutet, daß die Dynamik der Hangwinde eher durch lokale und spontane Gleichgewichtszustände beschrieben werden kann als durch die üblichen Entrainment- und Grenzschichtkonzepte.Steinacker hat gezeigt, daß die Flächen-Höhen-Verteilung von Talabschnitten ein quantitatives Maß der für die Wärmeumsätze zur Verfügung stehenden Hangflächen liefert, und gleichzeitig der abzukühlenden oder zu erwärmenden Luftvolumina. Die in einem Tal im Vergleich zum Vorland mehr als doppelt so große Tagesschwankung der vertikalen Mitteltemperatur kann damit leicht erklärt werden. Dieser horizontale Temperaturunterschied zwischen Ebene und Gebirge mit seinem täglich zweimaligen Vorzeichenwechsel baut hydrostatisch die entsprechenden Druckunterschiede auf, welche die Talein- und Talauswinde antreiben.

With 14 Figures  相似文献   

利用2009—2018年冬季北京地区200多个自动气象站逐时10 m风速、风向观测数据,分典型区域(山区、山区与平原过渡区、平原区、城区)研究北京地区冬季近地面风的精细特征,并使用有完整记录的2 a(2017和2018年)冬季延庆高山区不同海拔高度10 m风逐时观测数据,多视角分析高山区不同海拔高度近地面风的特征和成因,以深刻认识北京地区复杂地形条件下冬季近地面风的特征和规律。结果表明:(1)北京地区冬季近地面平均风受西部北部地形、城市下垫面粗糙度和冷空气活动共同影响,平均风速沿地形梯度分布,山区高平原低,平原中又以城区风速最小;盛行西北风和北风,在城区东、西两侧盛行风出现扰流,在山区和过渡区一些地方还存在与局地地形环境明显关联的其他盛行风向。(2)4个典型区域冬季近地面风速日变化均表现为白天风速大于夜间,午间风速最大的“峰强谷平”单峰特征,这一特征的稳定性在城区高、山区低。(3)4个区域冬季弱风(< 1 m/s)频率为31%—42%,城区较高、山区较低;强风(> 10.8 m/s)频次则是山区多、城区少,强风风向主要表现为偏西—偏北,与冷空气活动密切关联;城区、平原区和过渡区偏南风频率均为极小,暗示北京“山区—平原”风模态在冬季是“隐式”的、不易被直接观测到。(4)近地面风的水平尺度代表范围在延庆高山区高海拔处明显大于低海拔处,海拔1500 m附近(平均的边界层顶高度)是延庆高山近地面风速日变化特征的“分水岭”,低于该海拔高度时近地面风速日变化表现为前述“峰强谷平”单峰特征,而高于该海拔高度时近地面风速日变化则呈现相反特征,即夜间大白天小、午间最小的“峰平谷深”特征,这是由边界层湍流活动的日变化及伴随的低层自由大气动量向边界层内下传所致。(5)延庆高山近地面风速大体上随观测高度而增大,高海拔站点日平均风速数倍于低海拔站点。白天—前半夜,海拔约2000 m的站点冬季盛行偏西风,风向变化不大,但风速为2—12 m/s;1000 m左右的低海拔站则风速比较稳定(< 6 m/s),风向从午间至傍晚相对多变。   相似文献   

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