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相对温度对大气气溶胶可见辐射吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董真  黄世鸿 《气象科学》2000,20(4):487-493
本文实验测量了在不同相对温度下大气气溶胶吸收系数,研究了气溶胶可见辐射吸收性以和单一排放源排放的气溶在不同相对湿度下的吸收性质及吸收系数大小,实验结果表明,相对湿度对大气气溶胶可见辐射吸收有较大的影响,大气气有收系数随相对湿度增加而增大,而相对湿度对单一排放源的气溶胶几乎无影响,这与近期国内外同类研究结果相一致。  相似文献   

夜间城市大气边界层和气溶胶的相互作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文利用能量闭合的二维非线性、非定常模式,结合地面热量平衡方程,研究了夜间城市边界层和气溶胶的相互作用问题。结果表明:气溶胶在夜间对大气低层起保温作用,对大气上层起冷却作用;使大气低层稳定度减小,上层稳定度增加;此外,气溶胶还能够削弱贴地逆温强度。在正常城市气溶胶污染情况下,气溶胶对城市热岛强度影响不大,但可使城市热岛环流稍有增加。夜间城市边界层对气溶胶的反馈作用使大气下层气溶胶浓度减小,上层气溶胶浓度增加。上述部分结论得到了在天津取得的城市热岛观测资料的直接验证。  相似文献   

复杂地形城市冬季边界层对气溶胶辐射效应的响应   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
郑飞  张镭  朱江 《大气科学》2006,30(1):171-179
作者着眼于城市气溶胶辐射效应与大气边界层的相互作用问题,针对地形复杂的兰州市及周边地区,开发应用了WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting,天气研究和预报)模式,使之与包含了大气气溶胶辐射效应和气溶胶粒子扩散的综合大气边界层数值模式嵌套起来.通过个例分析,揭示了冬季气溶胶辐射效应对边界层结构的定量影响.主要特征为夜间气溶胶的长波辐射效应使地面附近的气温增高,增温幅度为0.1~0.3 K/h,使低空(25~300 m)大气层冷却,降温幅度为0.08~0.15 K/h,风速在150 m以下减小;白天气溶胶的短波辐射效应使地面层内明显增温,1 h内升温约0.5 K,增温最大值在混合层顶500~600 m高度.受增温影响,垂直风场和水平风场随之调整,风速在450 m以下增大约0.1 m/s左右,而在450 m以上风速减小0.1 m/s左右.  相似文献   

高云和气溶胶辐射效应对边界层的影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
邓涛  张镭  陈敏 《大气科学》2010,34(5):979-987
通过WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting) 模式嵌套包含了高云和气溶胶辐射效应的大气边界层模式, 结合激光雷达资料, 进行数值模拟, 定量分析高云和气溶胶辐射效应对城市边界层的影响。模式能很好地模拟出在高云和气溶胶辐射效应下城市边界层的特征。夜间, 气溶胶在低层起到保温作用, 高云使得保温作用得到加强, 地表增温达1.5 K。中高层, 气溶胶降低所在气层温度, 高云使得降温幅度减少, 降温达0.2~0.7 K。白天, 高云和气溶胶减少到达地面的太阳短波辐射, 导致低层温度降低, 地表降温达1.3 K。中高层, 气溶胶加热所在的气层, 高云使得这一增温幅度减少, 在500 m处增温最大, 达0.85 K。无论白天还是夜间, 气溶胶的辐射效应都会抵消一部分形成山谷风的热力条件, 使得中低层的风速减少, 这种影响在白天显得尤为明显。高云的存在使得这种抵消得到少量的补偿。  相似文献   

黄山顶大气气溶胶吸收和散射特性观测分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用光声黑碳仪(PASS)2008年5~7月在黄山光明顶的连续观测资料,分析了该地区大气气溶胶吸收和散射系数变化特征及其与气象因子的关系。分析结果表明:在相对干燥的条件下(相对湿度小于60%)吸收散射系数日变化明显,总体上白天大,晚上小;相对湿度与吸收和散射系数有很强的正相关性,相关系数分别为0.87和0.80,而风速与散射吸收系数则呈现负相关关系,吸收系数、散射系数与风速的相关系数分别为-0.53和-0.78;湿清除使大气气溶胶的吸收和散射系数明显降低;与在平原地区的南京相比,黄山山顶的吸收和散射系数日变化趋势与南京相反,且数值比南京小一个量级。  相似文献   

相对湿度对大气气溶胶粒子短波辐射特性的影响   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
杨军  李子华  黄世鸿 《大气科学》1999,23(2):239-247
利用Mie散射原理和重庆实测气溶胶资料,详细计算了边界层内单个气溶胶粒子的光学特性参量,气溶胶粒子群体的散射、吸收、消光系数及不对称因子、散射比、光学厚度;进而采用二流近似和累加法计算了边界层内太阳短波辐射增温率。目的在于研究相对湿度对以上各特性参量的影响。结果表明,相对湿度在65%~95%之间变化时,对气溶胶粒子群体光学特性参数和太阳增温率的影响在量级上可与气溶胶粒子浓度成倍变化的影响相比拟。  相似文献   

中国地区大气气溶胶辐射强迫及区域气候效应的数值模拟   总被引:42,自引:5,他引:42  
利用太阳直接辐射日总量和日照时数等多年观测资料,反演了中国地区大气气溶胶0.75 μm光学厚度的年、月平均值,分析了我国大气气溶胶状况的时空分布特征。据此,在中国区域气候模式中考虑气溶胶的辐射影响,模拟中国地区气溶胶直接辐射强迫的大小及气候响应的季节变化特征。计算结果表明: 我国大气气溶胶光学厚度多年平均分布状况是以四川盆地为大值中心向四周减少;长江中下游武汉附近和南疆盆地为另两个大值中心;青藏高原为气溶胶低值区;我国绝大部分地区春季气溶胶光学厚度值最大,各地气溶胶光学厚度最小值出现的季节则有所不同。气溶胶辐射强迫介于-5.3~-13 W/m2之间;辐射强迫具有春、夏季大,秋、冬季小,冬季南方偏大,夏季北方偏大的特征。气溶胶辐射强迫的分布与其光学厚度的分布基本一致。由于气溶胶的影响,中国大陆地区地面气温均有所下降,四川盆地到长江中下游地区以及青藏高原北侧到河套地区降温最为明显,分别可达-0.4℃和-0.5℃。气候响应具有明显的季节特征。地面气温的变化除与辐射强迫的大小有关外,还受大气环流的影响。  相似文献   

气溶胶辐射特性的观测研究   总被引:35,自引:5,他引:35  
毛节泰  李成才 《气象学报》2005,63(5):622-635
利用一个简化的辐射平衡模式,讨论了气溶胶直接辐射强迫和气溶胶辐射特性以及与地面反射率之间的关系。模式分析表明,增加气溶胶层以后,地气系统对太阳辐射的反射率可能增大,也可能减少,取决于气溶胶的单散射反射率~ω0、不对称度因子g与地面反射率αg之间的配置,但与气溶胶光学厚度δ没有直接的关系。气溶胶光学厚度值仅和反射率变化的幅度成正比。从辐射平衡模式的结果可知,为了定量地研究气溶胶直接辐射强迫作用,需要有系统的有关气溶胶辐射特性的观测资料。从地面和空间对中国地区气溶胶的辐射特性开展了观测研究,包括从地面用太阳光度计测量气溶胶的光学厚度、用浊度计测量气溶胶的散射系数、黑碳仪测量气溶胶的吸收系数,并且利用MODIS资料反演气溶胶的光学厚度。地面太阳光度计观测的气溶胶光学厚度用于检验卫星遥感的气溶胶光学厚度值,对中国东部地区,遥感的结果是可以接受的,主要是由于这一地区存在较低的地表反射率;但对中国北方植被条件不很好的地区,在遥感反演时对地面反射率的估计可能偏低,如做适当的修改还有可能提高遥感反演的精度。从地面直接测量气溶胶的散射系数和吸收系数算出的气溶胶单散射反射率在0.8左右,需要有更多的观测,以便进一步查清这一问题。  相似文献   

云层与气溶胶对大气吸收太阳辐射的影响   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
胡丽琴  刘长盛 《高原气象》2001,20(3):264-270
云通过辐射过程对地气系统的能量平衡起着特别显著的调节作用 ,是影响天气、气候以及全球变化的重要因子。近年来 ,有云大气对太阳短波辐射的“异常吸收”又成为云—辐射研究中的一个争论热点。有云大气的短波吸收受到多种因素的影响 ,关于这方面的研究还不够充分。本文通过计算 ,从理论上探讨了若干因素的组合对大气吸收的综合影响。在计算中 ,同时考虑了不同太阳辐射波段、不同太阳入射天顶角、不同云顶高度以及不同下垫面的影响 ,并考虑了包含大气分子、气溶胶和云滴的吸收与散射 ,以及在近红外波段大气自身的热辐射等过程 ,阐明了云与气溶胶在不同波段对大气吸收太阳辐射的影响。  相似文献   

王娜  张镭  邓涛  陈敏 《热带气象学报》2013,29(2):328-336
利用后向散射激光雷达的探测资料,通过WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式与包含气溶胶辐射效应的大气边界层数值模式嵌套起来的数值模拟平台(WRF-ABL),对2006年6月17日出现的浮尘天气沙尘气溶胶长波辐射效应及大气边界层的响应进行了模拟计算和分析。夜间沙尘气溶胶作用使低空沙尘气溶胶所在层冷却,整个沙尘过程4小时地面层温度减小0.28 K,地面至2 500 m高度温度减小约0.23~0.43 K,降温最大值在2 100~2 300 m高度层内,最大降温0.43 K;相应夜间沙尘气溶胶所在层风速增大。   相似文献   

2009年石家庄地区大气气溶胶的飞机探测研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
马梁臣  银燕 《气象科学》2014,34(1):47-53
利用2009年石家庄地区不同季节的3次机载粒子探测系统PMS(Particle Measurement System)的探测资料,结合地面天气形势、风场和探空资料对石家庄地区,晴空背景下大气气溶胶的统计特征、数浓度、平均粒径的垂直分布特征以及谱分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:晴天条件下气溶胶的数浓度随高度递减,粒径随高度变化不大;在数值上,4月16日气溶胶数浓度和粒径最大,其次是10月15日,最小的是6月10日,3次粒径变化幅度都不大;逆温层底层气溶胶明显积累,气溶胶浓度在1.5 km以下大气边界层内明显高于其他层次,逆温层的高度和厚度影响气溶胶的分布;3次不同季节晴天背景下石家庄地区气溶胶谱型基本一致呈单峰分布,小于0.3μm的细粒子对气溶胶的数浓度贡献最大。  相似文献   

Measurements of the small-, intermediate-, and large-ion concentrations and the air–earth current density along with simultaneous measurements of the concentration and size distribution of aerosol particles in the size ranges 4.4–163 nm and 0.5–20 μm diameter are reported for a drifting snow period after the occurrence of a blizzard at a coastal station, Maitri, Antarctica. Ion concentrations of all categories and the air–earth current simultaneously decrease by approximately an order of magnitude as the wind speed increases from 5 to 10 ms− 1. The rate of decrease is the highest for large ions, lowest for small ions and in-between the two for intermediate ions. Total aerosol number concentration decreases in the 4.4–163 nm size range but increases in the 0.5–20 μm size range with wind speed. The size distribution of the nanometer particles shows a dominant maximum at ~ 30 nm diameter throughout the period of observations and the height of the maximum decreases with wind speed. However, larger particles show a maximum at ~ 0.7 μm diameter but the height of the maximum increases with increasing wind speed. The results are explained in terms of scavenging of atmospheric ions and aerosols by the drifting snow particles.  相似文献   

基于2013—2015年6—8月“第三次青藏高原大气科学试验(TIPEX-Ⅲ)”和常规气象业务探空观测资料、欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)第5代再分析(ERA-5)数据以及“国际卫星云气候计划(ISCCP)”云量资料,采用统计分析和物理量诊断分析方法,研究了夏季青藏高原(简称高原)大气对流边界层高度东西差异对高原地区天气尺度环流的影响。结果表明:高原对流边界层高度东西差异表现出明显的日变化,且这种差异呈现西高东低的分布特征,主要由西部对流边界层高度明显增大所致。当中午对流边界层高度东西向差异增大时,午后地面虚位温6 h变差呈西部高、东部低的特征,且西部变化更明显,高原西部对流边界层内温度升高,东部略降低,并伴随着高原西部对流边界层内气压降低、高层升高且低压系统较浅薄,而东部低层气压升高;高原低层东高西低的气压场特征产生了异常东西向气压梯度,引起高原中部低层出现偏南风异常,伴随着西部的低层异常辐合和高层异常辐散;同时,浅薄的低压有助于当地低云发展。  相似文献   

As part of the development work of the Chinese new regional climate model (RIEMS), the radiative process of black carbon (BC) aerosols has been introduced into the original radiative procedures of RIEMS,and the transport model of BC aerosols has also been established and combined with the RIEMS model.Using the new model system, the distribution of black carbon aerosols and their radiative effect over the China region are investigated. The influences of BC aerosole on the atmospheric radiative transfer and on the air temperature, land surface temperature, and total rainfall are analyzed. It is found that BC aerosols induce a positive radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), which is dominated by shortwave radiative forcing. The maximum radiative forcing occurs in North China in July and in South China in April. At the same time, negative radiative forcing is observed on the surface. Based on the radiative forcing comparison between clear sky and cloudy sky, it is found that cloud can enforce the TOA positive radiative forcing and decrease the negative surface radiative forcing. The responses of the climate system in July to the radiative forcing due to BC aerosols are the decrease in the air temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River and Huaihe area and most areas of South China, and the weak increase or decrease in air temperature over North China. The total rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River area is increased, but it decreased in North China in July.  相似文献   

Radiative destabilization of the nocturnal stable atmospheric boundary layer (NSABL) over homogeneous desert terrain is predicted by an analytical model based on a modified diffusion equation. The model applies late at night under calm, dry conditions when long-wave radiative transfer dominates the NSABL evolution. A three-layer structure for the NSABL is proposed: a shear sub-layer closest to the surface, a radiative sub-layer which contains the inversion top, and a coupling sub-layer which matches the NSABL with the residual layer aloft. A sub-sub-layer called the nocturnal internal boundary layer (NIBL) is nested within the radiative sub-layer and comprises the temperature maximum. The model can explain: (1) maximum cooling in the NIBL, (2) deepening of the NIBL, (3) radiative destabilization of the NSABL, and (4) possible surface warming before sunrise. An example from the Mohave Desert, USA is presented, and the observed temperature profile compares favorably with the model solution.  相似文献   

Water-soluble dicarboxylic acids (DCAs), ketoacids, and α-dicarbonyls in the marine aerosol samples collected over the Southern Ocean and western Pacific Ocean were determined. Oxalic acid was the most abundant species, followed by malonic acid and then succinic acid. It is suggested that aerosol concentrations of the organics over the Southern Ocean in this work represent their global background levels. Over the Southern Ocean, total concentrations of DCAs ranged from 2.9 to 7.2 ng m−3 (average: 4.5 ng m−3), ketoacids from 0.14 to 0.40 ng m−3 (av.: 0.28 ng m−3), and dicarbonyls from 0.06 to 0.29 ng m−3 (av.: 0.11 ng m−3). Over the western Pacific, total concentrations of DCAs ranged from 1.7 to 170 ng m−3 (av.: 60 ng m−3), ketoacids from 0.08 to 5.3 ng m−3 (av.: 1.8 ng m−3), and dicarbonyls from 0.03 to 4.6 ng m−3 (av.: 0.95 ng m−3). DCAs over the western Pacific have constituted a large fraction of organic aerosols with a mean DCAs-C/TC (total carbon) of 7.0% (range: 0.59–14%). Such a high value was in contrast to the low DCAs-C/TC (av.: 1.8%; range: 0.89–4.0%) for the Southern Ocean aerosols. Based on the relative abundances and latitudinal distributions of these organics, we propose that long-range atmospheric transport is more important over the western Pacific Ocean, in contrast, in situ photochemical production is more significant over the Southern Ocean although absolute concentrations of the organics are much lower.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model for wind prediction over rough terrain has been developed for practical use. It is a compromise between hydrodynamic and objective wind models. The proposed model includes: (1) a statistical model to predict the wind velocity and potential temperature at anemometer height at observing stations, (2) the drainage wind model expressed by Prandtl's analytic solution for the slope wind, (3) the Businger-Dyer surface-layer formulation which considers the surface energy budget and (4) the model for three-dimensional boundary-layer solutions to the stationary flow. In this model, mass consistency is guaranteed by using flow fields that satisfy the continuity equation. Model predictions show good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

The differential equations for first-order (linear) response of the planetary boundary layer are formulated for flow over periodic terrain, for variations in both surface roughness and terrain elevation. A simple second-order closure model of the turbulence is used, and Coriolis forces are neglected. Flow over a periodic terrain produces corresponding periodic structure in all meteorological fields above the surface. The periodic structure consists of two components. The first is very nearly evanescent with height. It corresponds to the motion that would be observed were the atmosphere inviscid. The second component, introduced by turbulent viscosity, exhibits a phase variation with height in addition to a decay in amplitude. W.K.B. [Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin] approximations for the two components are developed, and the coupling between the components is discussed. The formulation for calculating solutions by numerical integration is developed, including specification of appropriate boundary conditions. Calculations are presented in a companion paper.Wave Propagation Laboratory.Environmental Science Group.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地大气边界层参数化方案的模拟评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙尘起沙、沉降、传输均受到沙漠地区大气边界层条件的制约。沙漠地区观测资料匮乏,限制大气边界层模拟效果的检验和评估。利用WRFV3.7.1中尺度数值模式中5种边界层参数化方案(ACM2、BL、MYJ、MYNN2.5、YSU),模拟2014年4月塔克拉玛干沙漠大气边界层特征,并与塔中80 m塔及风廓线雷达晴朗天气下的观测资料对比分析。结果表明:5种方案均能模拟出近地面气温及地表温度,边界层高度,感热、潜热、地表热通量的变化趋势,但未能模拟出边界层风速的日变化趋势,温风湿廓线能较好的反映晴日沙漠地区边界层结构的变化特征,但未模拟出风速随高度变化趋势。沙漠地区下垫面干燥,热容量低,晴天极易形成对流不稳定边界层,非局地湍流参数化方案,ACM2方案是沙漠地区大气边界层模拟较为合理的选择。  相似文献   

The first-order (linear) response of the planetary boundary layer is calculated for flow over periodic terrain, for variations in both surface roughness and terrain elevation. Calculations are made for horizontal wavenumbers varying from 10–4m–1 to 3 × 10–3m–1. A simple second-order closure model of the turbulence is used, and Coriolis and buoyancy forces are neglected. As expected, flow over a periodic terrain produces corresponding periodic structure in all meteorological fields above the surface. The periodic structure consists of two components. The first is very nearly evanescent with height, showing little vertical structure. It corresponds to the motion that would be observed were the atmosphere inviscid. The second component, introduced by turbulent viscosity, exhibits considerable vertical structure, with vertical wavelengths the order of 100 m, and thus could be responsible for the layering often seen on acoustic sounder observations of the atmospheric boundary layer.Wave Propagation Laboratory.Environmental Science Group.  相似文献   

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