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We have performed the first detailed study of hydrothermal alteration of the Holocene-upper Pleistocene sediments in the recent Ashadze-1 hydrothermal field sampled during the 26th cruise of R/V Professor Logachev in 2005. It has been established that alterations in mineralogy and geochemistry are caused by the dissolution of calcite shells in bottom sediments and their metasomatic replacement with sulfides and other hydrothermal minerals. A zone of sediments enriched in magnesian hydrothermal minerals has been revealed in the sediments of the MAR for the first time. It is suggested that metasomatism is related to diffuse percolation of hydrothermal fluids through sediments.  相似文献   

Comparative study of genesis and structure of dispersed organic matter (DOM) from background pelagic bottom sediments and sediments inside an active hydrothermal field Ashadze-1 collected during the cruise of the R/V “Professor Logachev” in 2003 was carried out. The received results allow to speak about an essential originality of structure and distribution of DOM in bottom sediments of the field Ashadze-1, according to unique physical and chemical conditions and facial specificity of sedimentation in hydrothermal zones. At the same time, attributes of petroleum hydrocarbons abiogenic synthesis hasn’t been fixed. Opposite, the received data allow to consider the process of fast maturing of biogenic OM in hydrothermal systems as a major factor of HC formation.  相似文献   

New material from eight columns recovered during Cruise 32 of the R/V Professor Logachev in 2009 was used to explore the lithological facies, biostratigraphy, mineralogy, and geochemistry of sediments from the northwestern (active) and eastern (inactive) hydrothermal vent fields of the Semenov cluster. Mineral types of sediments were distinguished, and a general scheme was proposed for the vertical structure of the hydrothermal-sedimentary sequence overlying massive sulfide ores. It was found that the ore-bearing sediments exhibit a vertical zoning in the distribution of mineral assemblages, which are controlled by oxygen activity. The mechanisms of the formation of atacamite, CuCl2 · 3Cu(OH)2, which is a widespread mineral in red iron-oxide bodies replacing sulfides (gossans), were evaluated.  相似文献   


New data on local mineral associations and the microheterogeneity of minerals and fluid inclusions in gabbro were obtained for the gabbro–peridotite oceanic core complex with a long-lived detachment fault controlling the hydrothermal activity. It is assumed that the hydrothermal hydrogen-bearing fluid with a NaCl content of >30 wt % is formed in the seawater/harzburgite (~1/5) reaction of serpentinization. The brine residual after serpentinization interacted with gabbro at the final stages of crystallization of an intrusion and assimilated some components (K, REEs, and Ba) from the residual melt. The interaction was resulted in metamorphic transformations of gabbro at decreasing temperature below 500°C. The reaction of the decomposition of magmatic titanomagnetite with the transition of iron reduced to Fe2+ into newly formed chlorinebearing amphibole at 540–450°C and logf(O2) from–20 to–24 is shown.


Geology of Ore Deposits - The formation of present-day seafloor sulfide deposits is accompanied by their continuous oxidation and crystallization of insoluble Fe oxyhydroxides, which absorb metals...  相似文献   

This paper reports on the integrated geochronological and geochemical methods used in studying the ore deposits and metalliferous sediments of the Yubileinoye field. This study gives the opportunity to carry out cross dating of hydrothermal deposits, including the 230Th/U dating of sulfides, the 230Th, 14C dating, and foraminiferal analysis of the sediments, and, on this basis, to reconstruct hydrothermal activity over time. It was established that the ores started forming about 100 000–123 000 years ago and were renewed 4–5 times with a frequency of 10–20 ka. As a result, the complex of pyrite-marcasite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite ores and the associated metal-bearing and ore-bearing sediments with consistent geochemical specialization were formed. The integrated geochronological and geochemical studies of the ores and sediments allow us to obtain detailed data on evolution of the hydrothermal ore-formation not only in the certain areas but also for the entire Mid-Atlantic Ridge.  相似文献   

Petrographic, SEM, and EPMA analyses are used to study the micro-textures and mineralogical composition of samples collected by a TV-grab from the 26°S SMAR (southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge) hydrothermal field. The investigated samples include the outermost chimney walls and sulfide debris. Isocubanite-chalcopyrite intergrowths are the major Cu-Fe sulfide phase in the chimney wall samples. These intergrowths include normal chalcopyrite, anomalous chalcopyrite (Cu-poor, Zn- and Fe-rich), normal isocubanite with Cu/Fe < 0.50, and Cu-rich isocubanite with Cu/Fe > 0.50. Anomalous chalcopyrite and Cu-rich isocubanite represent the intermediate phases between stoichiometric chalcopyrite and isocubanite in the Cu-Fe-S system. Anomalous chalcopyrite occurs as cores or thin rims bordering isocubanite, which associated with sphalerite. While Cu-rich isocubanite commonly associates pyrite. Based on textural relationships and microanalytical data of both phases, we interpret the abundant anomalous chalcopyrite and Cu-rich isocubanite as metastable or as high-temperature (~300 °C) rapidly precipitated hydrothermal sulfides. This interpretation advocates the SMAR 26°S hydrothermal field as an immature and short-living system.  相似文献   

As a result of LA ICP MS analysis of sulfides of the Semenov-2 hydrothermal field, it is established that covellite, which replaces Zn sulfides, is enriched in most trace elements. The Ga, Ni, and In contents in it do not vary, whereas Mn, Co, and Cd are lower than in sphalerite. The distribution of trace elements in covellite, which replaces Cu–Fe sulfides, is distinct: it is enriched in Cd, Sb, Pb, and Bi, whereas the contents of other elements are either lower or invariant. Covellite, which replaces Zn sulfides, is enriched in all trace elements relative to that replacing Cu–Fe sulfides. Enrichment of covellite in trace elements relative to primary sulfides was favored by oxidation of the hydrothermal fluid by seawater, which is similar to the processes of submarine oxidation of ancient massive sulfide deposits. Covellite is also a host to invisible gold and silver in ores of the Semenov-2 field along with toxic elements such as As, Se, Te, Tl, and Cd.  相似文献   

ODP drilling of the active TAG hydrothermal mound at 26°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge provided the first insights into the third dimension of a volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VMS) deposit on a sediment-free mid-ocean ridge. Sulfide precipitation at this site started at least 20,000 years ago and resulted in the formation of a distinctly circular, 200-m diameter, 50-m-high pyritic mound and a silicified stockwork complex containing approximately 3.9 million tonnes of sulfide-bearing material with an average of 2.1 wt% Cu and 0.6 wt% Zn in 95 samples collected from 1–125 m below the seafloor. The periodic release of high-temperature hydrothermal fluids at the same location for several thousand years with intermittent periods of hydrothermal quiesence is the dominating process in the formation of the TAG hydrothermal mound. Distinct geochemical, mineralogical and isotopic zonation as well as a complex assemblage of sulfide-anhydrite-quartz bearing breccias can be related to this process. Geochemical depth profiles indicate extremely low base and trace element concentrations for the interior of the mound, which clearly contrasts with published analyses of samples collected from the surface of the TAG mound. This is explained by continued zone refining during which metals were mobilized from the interior of the mound by upwelling, hot (>350 °C) hydrothermal fluids. Mixing of these fluids with infiltrating ambient seawater subsequently caused redeposition of metals close to the mound-seawater interface. The sulfur isotopic composition of bulk sulfides (+4.4 to +8.2‰δ34S; average +6.5‰) is unusually heavy when compared to other sediment-free mid-ocean ridge deposits and implies the introduction of heavy seawater sulfur to the hydrothermal fluid. The slight increase in sulfur isotope ratios with depth and distinct variations between early, disseminated sulfides related to wallrock alteration, and massive as well as late vein sulfides indicates widespread entrainment of seawater deep into the system. Fluid inclusion measurements in quartz and anhydrite reveal high formation temperatures throughout the TAG mound (up to 390 °C) at one time with an overall increase in trapping temperatures with depth. Lower formation temperatures close to the paleo-seafloor indicate local entrainment of seawater into the mound. Formation temperatures for a central anhydrite-bearing zone range from 340–360 °C and are slightly lower than the exit temperature of hydrothermal fluids presently venting at the Black Smoker Complex (360–369 °C). Fluid inclusions in quartz and anhydrite from the stockwork zone are characterized by formation temperatures higher than 375 °C, indicating conductive cooling of the hydrothermal fluids or mixing with ambient seawater prior to venting. Formation temperatures for quartz from an area of extremely low heat flow at the western side of the mound reach up to 390 °C, implying that this area was once part of a high-temperature hydrothermal upflow zone. The low heat flow and the absence of anhydrite within this part of the mound are strong indications that the recent pulse of high-temperature hydrothermal activity is not affecting this area and provides evidence for significant changes in the fluid flow regime underneath the deposit between hydrothermal cycles. Received: 16 November 1998 / Accepted: 19 August 1999  相似文献   

Fresh rocks sampled from the 14.0°S hydrothermal field of the South Atlantic Ridge can be divided into two categories: olivine-gabbro and basalt. The olivine-gabbro is composed mainly of three types of minerals: olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase, while a multitude of melt inclusions occur in the plagioclase phenocrysts of the basalts. We analyzed the whole-rock, major and trace elements contents of the basaks, the mineral chemistry of phenocrysts and melt inclusions in the basalts, and the mineral chemistry of olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase in the olivine-gabbro, then simulated magma evolution within the crust using the COMAGMAT program. The whole-rock geochemistry shows that all the basalts exhibit typical N-MORB characteristics. In addition, the mineral chemistry characteristics of the olivine-gabbro (low-Fo olivine, low-Mg# clinopyroxene, high-TiO2 clinopyroxene, low-An plagioclase), show that strong magma differentiation occurred within the crust. Nevertheless, significant discrepancies between those minerals and phenocrysts in the basalts (high-Fo olivine, high-An plagioclase) reflect the heterogeneity of magma differentiation. High Mg# (-~0.72) melt inclusions isobaric partial crystallization simulations suggest that the magma differentiation occurred at the depth shallower than 13.03 km below the seafloor, and both the vertical differentiation column shows distinct discrepancies from that of a steady-state magma chamber. Instead, a series of independent magma intrusions probably occurred within the crust, and their corresponding crystallized bodies, as the primary high-temperature thermal anomalies within the off-axis crust, probably act as the heat source for the development of the 14.0°S hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

Radiometric ages on discrete layers in some hydrothermally deposited Mn-oxide (birnessite) samples from the TAG hydrothermal field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, range from 16,000 to 4,000 years, with marked increased activity noted about 15,000 and 7,000 years ago. These observations, along with previously published data and inferences on different kinds of hydrothermal activity in the TAG field, suggest episodic, multistage hydrothermal events ranging from high temperature black smokers precipitating sulfides to low temperature events precipitating Fe and Mn oxides over this entire time range. Black smokers are presently active. The location of the various deposits on the eastern wall of the median valley at this latitude suggests that the high temperature events occur at greater depths.  相似文献   

Based on studies conducted on the 33rd cruise of the R/V Professor Logachev in 2010, a new type of sulfide mineralization of the mid-oceanic ridges has been established. It was formed in the present-day organic sediments due to diffuse penetration of hydrothermal fluids that emanated along the fractures in basalts on the slopes of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.  相似文献   

The oceanic core complexes and large-offset detachment faults characteristic of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge are crucial for the structural control of large hydrothermal systems, including those forming sub-seafloor polymetallic sulfide mineralization. The structural-geological, petrographic, and mineralogical data are considered for the oceanic core complex enclosing the Semenov-1, -2, -3, -4, and -5 inactive hydrothermal sulfide fields recently discovered on the Mid-Oceanic Ridge at 13°31?? N. The oceanic core complex is composed of serpentinized and talc-replaced peridotites and sporadic gabbroic rocks, however, all hydrothermal fields reveal compositional indications of basaltic substrate. The volcanic structures superposed on the oceanic core complex are marked by outcrops of pillow lavas with fresh quenched glass. Dolerites regarded as volcanic conduits seem to represent separate dike swarms. The superposed volcanic structures develop largely along the near-latitudinal high-angle tectonic zone controlling the Semenov-1, -2, -5, and -3 hydrothermal sulfide fields. The manifestations of hydrothermal metasomatic alteration are diverse. The widespread talcose rocks with pyrrhotite-pyrite mineralization after serpentinite, as well as finding of talc-chlorite metabasalt are interpreted as products of hydrothermal activity in the permeable zone of detachment fault. Chloritization and brecciation of basalts with superposed quartz or opal, barite, and pyrite or chalcopyrite mineralization directly related to the sub-seafloor sulfide deposition. The native copper mineralization in almost unaltered basalts at the Semenov-4 field is suggested to precipitate from ore-forming fluids before they reach the level of sub-seafloor sulfide deposition. Amphibolites with plagiogranite veinlets are interpreted as tectonic fragments of the highest-temperature portions of hydrothermal systems, where partial melting of basic rocks in the presence of aqueous fluid with formation of plagiogranitic melt is possible. Silicic rocks (plagiogranite, tonalite and diorite) revealed in the tectonic zone controlling the Semenov-1, -2, -5, and -3 hydrothermal sulfide fields are related to both plutonic and subvolcanic bodies and considered to be products of partial melting of basic rocks at deep levels of the hydrothermal systems. The hydrothermal fields differ in their structural position. The giant Semenov-4 field is located at the area where the hanging-wall basalt wedges out and the detachment fault zone reaches the oceanic floor. The range of relatively small Semenov-1, -2, -3, and 5 fields develops on the oceanic core complex massif, being localized in the superposed volcanic structures within the near-latitudinal steeply dipping tectonic zone. The structural control of the hydrothermal fields at 13°31?? N is also interpreted in different ways. For the Semenov-4 field, the ascending fluid flow can be related to the permeable detachment fault zone. The root zone of the hydrothermal system with a magmatic heater could have been localized at a significant distance beneath the axial spreading zone. For the other four relatively small fields, it is suggested that the ascending fluid flows and roots of the hydrothermal systems are controlled by the volcanic structures superposed on the oceanic ore complex within the steeply dipping tectonic zone.  相似文献   

We present a new numerical tool developed in the Cast3M software framework to model hydrothermal circulation. Thermodynamic properties of one-phase pure water are calculated from the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam formulation. This new numerical tool is validated on several test cases of convection in closed-top and open-top boxes. Simulations of hydrothermal circulation in a homogeneous-permeability porous medium also give results in good agreement with already published simulations. This new numerical tool is used to construct a geometric and physical conceptual model of the Rainbow vent site at 36°14N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Several configurations are discussed, showing that high temperatures and high mass fluxes measured at the Rainbow site cannot be modeled with hydrothermal circulation in a homogeneous-permeability porous medium. These high values require the presence of a fault or a preferential pathway right below the venting site. We propose and discuss a two-dimensional single-pass model that allows us to simulate both high temperatures and high mass fluxes. This modeling of the hydrothermal circulation at the Rainbow site constitutes the first but necessary step to understand the origin of high concentrations of hydrogen issued from this ultramafic-hosted vent field.  相似文献   

Two new sulfide fields (Yubileinoe, 20°09′ N, and Surprise, 20°45.4′ N) were discovered between 20°01′ and 20°54′ N within the Russian Application Area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The Yubileinoe field is located at a depth of 2300–2550 m in the near-top area of the first rift ridge, which is a boundary of the western wall of the rift valley. This new field and the Zenith-Victory field, which was previously discovered in the eastern wall, occur symmetrically relative to the rift valley of this MAR segment. The Surprise field at a depth of 2800–2850 m is situated in the eastern wall of the rift valley, on the slope of the volcanic uplift. After the discovery of these inactive sulfide fields, the number of hydrothermal fields within the Russian Application Area reached ten.  相似文献   

This study aimed at reconstructing the sequence of events in the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of peridotites, gabbroids, and trondhjemites of the oceanic core complexes of the Ashadze and Logachev hydrothermal vent fields. The study object was the collections of plutonic rocks made during cruises 22 and 26 of the R/V Professor Logachev, Cruise 41 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, and the Russian-French expedition Serpentine aboard the R/V Pourquoi pas? The data reported here suggest that the oceanic core complexes of the Ashadze and Logachev fields were formed via the same scenario in the two MAR regions. On the other hand, the analysis of petrological and geochemical characteristics of the rocks indicated that the oceanic core complexes of the MAR axial zone between 12°58′ and 14°45′N show a pronounced petrological and geochemical heterogeneity manifested in variations in the degree of depletion of mantle residues and the Nd isotopic compositions of the rocks of the gabbro-peridotite association. The trondhjemites of the Ashadze hydrothermal field can be considered as partial melting products of gabbroids under the influence of hydrothermal fluid. It was supposed that the presence of trondhjemites in the MAR oceanic core complexes can be used as a marker for the highest temperature deep-rooted hydrothermal systems. Perhaps, the region of the MAR axial zone in which petrologically and geochemically contrasting oceanic core complexes are spatially superimposed served as sites for the development of large hydrothermal clusters with a considerable ore-forming potential.  相似文献   

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