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地下水水质监测与评价   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
地下水由于分布广、水质好且开发费用低而成为全世界重要的供水水源。中国北方生活供水的一半来自地下水,地下水也是干旱期重要的农业灌溉水源。然而,地下水水质日益面临来自农业、工业和城市污染源的威胁。地下水水质监测是评价水质状况最可靠的方法,并可作为供水水源保护的早期预警系统。它为水管理部门和水用户提供可靠的科学数据以便更好地管理和保护地下水资源。世界上正在执行两个巨大的地下水质监测和评价项目:一个是欧盟的水框架计划;另一个是美国的国家水质评价计划。文章评述了地下水水质监测的现状,介绍了地下水易污性评价、地下水污染源分级和地下水污染风险评价的方法。地下水易污性分区图是土地利用规划和供水水源保护的基础。地下水污染源分级结果为污染源治理提供了优先顺序。地下水污染风险分区图圈划出地下水污染的高风险区,为地下水资源保护和地下水污染监测提供重要的依据。  相似文献   

Review: Safe and sustainable groundwater supply in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Exploitation of groundwater has greatly increased since the 1970s to meet the increased water demand due to fast economic development in China. Correspondingly, the regional groundwater level has declined substantially in many areas of China. Water sources are scarce in northern and northwestern China, and the anthropogenic pollution of groundwater has worsened the situation. Groundwater containing high concentrations of geogenic arsenic, fluoride, iodine, and salinity is widely distributed across China, which has negatively affected safe supply of water for drinking and other purposes. In addition to anthropogenic contamination, the interactions between surface water and groundwater, including seawater intrusion, have caused deterioration of groundwater quality. The ecosystem and geo-environment have been severely affected by the depletion of groundwater resources. Land subsidence due to excessive groundwater withdrawal has been observed in more than 50 cities in China, with a maximum accumulated subsidence of 2–3 m. Groundwater-dependent ecosystems are being degraded due to changes in the water table or poor groundwater quality. This paper reviews these changes in China, which have occurred under the impact of rapid economic development. The effects of economic growth on groundwater systems should be monitored, understood and predicted to better protect and manage groundwater resources for the future.  相似文献   

太原市属于我国北方的半干旱地区,地下水资源是区内最重要的供水水源。然而,该地区代表性地下水的水质演化趋势与常规污染物分布特征表明,区内地下水已经遭受污染,在研究区南部,地下水污染问题尤为突出。分析了研究区地下水污染的原因,结果表明人类活动是最主要的因素,包括地下水开采、工业与生活废弃物的排放、农业污灌、化肥及农药的施用、采矿活动等。  相似文献   

1990年报道了在中国内蒙古河套平原由于饮用污染的地下水而患砷中毒的病例.估计目前内蒙受到砷中毒影响的居民已超过41万人.从1997年至2004年,在长达8年的时间里,我们进行了水文地质调查、地质调查和医学调查,并装置了管道输送的供水系统.这些调查揭示了河套平原地下水受砷污染的机理:由于被吸收的砷释放进入地下水,蓄水层中不断加强的还原环境造成铁氢氧化物的溶解.为了防止砷中毒病人数量的进一步增加,停止饮用污染过的水和供应安全的饮用水是重要的.我们需要根据当地的地质和水文地质条件来了解砷污染的机理.  相似文献   

The characteristics of groundwater systems and groundwater contamination in Finland, Norway and Iceland are presented, as they relate to outbreaks of disease. Disparities among the Nordic countries in the approach to providing safe drinking water from groundwater are discussed, and recommendations are given for the future. Groundwater recharge is typically high in autumn or winter months or after snowmelt in the coldest regions. Most inland aquifers are unconfined and therefore vulnerable to pollution, but they are often without much anthropogenic influence and the water quality is good. In coastal zones, previously emplaced marine sediments may confine and protect aquifers to some extent. However, the water quality in these aquifers is highly variable, as the coastal regions are also most influenced by agriculture, sea-water intrusion and urban settlements resulting in challenging conditions for water abstraction and supply. Groundwater is typically extracted from Quaternary deposits for small and medium municipalities, from bedrock for single households, and from surface water for the largest cities, except for Iceland, which relies almost entirely on groundwater for public supply. Managed aquifer recharge, with or without prior water treatment, is widely used in Finland to extend present groundwater resources. Especially at small utilities, groundwater is often supplied without treatment. Despite generally good water quality, microbial contamination has occurred, principally by norovirus and Campylobacter, with larger outbreaks resulting from sewage contamination, cross-connections into drinking water supplies, heavy rainfall events, and ingress of polluted surface water to groundwater.  相似文献   

Groundwater resources of Sohag, Egypt are currently threatened by contamination from agricultural and urbanization activities. Groundwater in Sohag area has a special significance where it is the second source for fresh water used for agricultural, domestic, and industrial purposes. Due to growing population, agriculture expansion, and urbanization, groundwater quality assessment needs more attention to cope with the increasing water demand in this arid zones and limited water resources. The aim of this paper is to address the integrated role of geochemical processes, agriculture and urbanization in evolution of groundwater composition, and their impact on groundwater quality to help in management and protection of groundwater resources of study area using geochemical modeling techniques and geographical information systems. Spatial variation of groundwater hydrochemical properties, rock–water interaction, ion exchange, and assessment of groundwater quality were investigated. Results indicated that groundwater properties are varied spatially and its evolution in the study area is generally controlled by the prevailed geochemical processes represented by leaching, dissolution, and precipitation of salts and minerals, ion exchange, in addition to human activities represented by agriculture and urbanization as well as climatic and poor drainage conditions. Management alternatives should be followed in the study area to avoid degradation of groundwater quality and provide sustainable development.  相似文献   

This paper, firstly, shows the distribution of arsenic-contaminated groundwater in Samta village. This village, which is in Jessore district in Bangladesh, was chosen as a model village for investigating the mechanism of groundwater contamination. 90% of the tube wells in this village had arsenic concentrations above the Bangladesh standard of 0.05 mg/l. Tube wells with arsenic concentrations of over 0.50 mg/l were distributed in the southern part of the village with a belt-like shape from east to west. Secondly, groundwater distribution is discussed with respect to its flow and the high arsenic zone (As≥0.50 mg/l) agrees well with the drifting zone of the groundwater. Furthermore, arsenic-free water supply systems suitable for a small area in the village have been developed. A pond sand filter (PSF) system which purifies pond water is discussed in this paper. Prior to the construction of the PSF, the water quality in ponds was examined for arsenic levels. The inflow of drainage from the tube wells was found to be the major cause of arsenic contamination of pond water. The PSF installed in Samta is working very well and produces a good quality of treated water.  相似文献   

滦河三角洲是中国北方重要经济区,人口众多,地下水是主要供水水源。在工业和生活污染物排放及农业施用化肥的影响下,地下水遭受一定程度的污染。笔者近年来在滦河三角洲地区开展了野外调查,采集了399组地下水样品,每个样品检测污染指标34项。其中包括,三氮、毒性重金属指标、挥发性有机指标、半挥发性有机指标。本文采用综合污染指数法对滦河三角洲地下水污染状况进行了评价。结果表明:滦河三角洲以工业污染为主,其次为农业污染。浅层地下水以轻微污染为主,未污染比例较低,极重污染的比例相对较高,主要受人类活动影响。深层地下水也有一定程度的污染,但比浅层地下水轻,仅少量的水样点显示轻污染、极重污染,这些样点主要呈点状零星分布。地下水污染的主要因素为“三氮”,浅层地下水多受到轻微污染。  相似文献   

Despite the broad impact and importance of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers, little research has been directed towards forecasting saltwater intrusion in areas where the source of saltwater is uncertain. Saline contamination in inland groundwater supplies is a concern for numerous communities in the southern US including the city of Deltona, Florida. Furthermore, conventional numerical tools for forecasting saltwater contamination are heavily dependent on reliable characterization of the physical characteristics of underlying aquifers, information that is often absent or challenging to obtain. To overcome these limitations, a reliable alternative data-driven model for forecasting salinity in a groundwater supply was developed for Deltona using the fast orthogonal search (FOS) method. FOS was applied on monthly water-demand data and corresponding chloride concentrations at water supply wells. Groundwater salinity measurements from Deltona water supply wells were applied to evaluate the forecasting capability and accuracy of the FOS model. Accurate and reliable groundwater salinity forecasting is necessary to support effective and sustainable coastal-water resource planning and management. The available (27) water supply wells for Deltona were randomly split into three test groups for the purposes of FOS model development and performance assessment. Based on four performance indices (RMSE, RSR, NSEC, and R), the FOS model proved to be a reliable and robust forecaster of groundwater salinity. FOS is relatively inexpensive to apply, is not based on rigorous physical characterization of the water supply aquifer, and yields reliable estimates of groundwater salinity in active water supply wells.  相似文献   

Groundwater plays an important role in the total water supply of much of China, particularly in the north. It has contributed substantially to both agricultural growth and urban and industrial expansion. However, overexploitation and poor management have contributed to infamous groundwater depletion problems and less publicized groundwater quality deterioration. One of the key challenges for China will be how to make groundwater use sustainable while still meeting increased food needs as well as the industrial and domestic demands of a rapidly urbanizing society. Zhengzhou City, one of China’s test cities for building a “water saving society” highlights both the difficulties and potential solutions to northern China’s joint rural and urban groundwater challenges. Based on secondary data and a primary survey of groundwater management in the region, this report provides an overview of Zhengzhou’s groundwater development and use as well as the ongoing institutional and policy reform processes within the water sector. The results highlight how a deepening of ongoing reforms, which simultaneously consider groundwater as an integral rural and urban issue and a fundamental economic and social asset, may improve groundwater outcomes, not only in Zhengzhou but in China, as the country’s economy and demography continue to change.  相似文献   

地下水污染脆弱性是指污染物自顶部含水层以上某一位置到达地下水系统中某一特定位置的趋势和可能性,进一步分为固有脆弱性和特殊脆弱性。地下水污染脆弱性受地下水流系统和地球化学系统的影响和控制。其主要评价方法有主观分级评价法、统计或基于过程的评价法和综合评价法三大类。中国地下水污染脆弱性评价已有很好的工作基础,评价工作中应以地下水系统为单元,以饮用水井、集中供水水源地、区域含水层系统的补给区为重点保护目标,评价方法应综合区域地下水流系统的过程分析和指数评价方法,并利用已有的区域水质资料进行检验,增强评价结论的科学性和可靠性。  相似文献   

2011年元月,中共中央国务院发布了一号文件:"关于加快水利改革发展的决定",强调要实行最严格的水资源管理制度。地下水是公共生活供水和工农业用水的最佳水资源,是防旱抗旱最为可靠的后备水资源,尤其值得注意的是地下水是保证国家安全的战略水资源。根据目前我国地下水遭遇日益严重的过量超采和水质污染,并引发一系列地质灾害。要加强对全国地下水资源的科学管理,提出6点建议:1)开展水文地质补充勘察和调查;2)强化地下水综合监测网的建设;3)把监测和水质保护作为新时期加强地下水管理的重要内容;4)加强地下水的科学研究;5)要建立和完善保障地下水安全和合理开发的法规体系;6)理顺地下水专业人才培养渠道,培养高级专业人才。  相似文献   

Groundwater resources have become more vulnerable to contamination due to rapid population growth and economic development. This study aimed to assess the groundwater contamination risk in the Weining Plain, China. Based on the specific conditions of the Weining Plain, a new model DRTSWI with a weighting scheme determined by analytic hierarchy process was developed to evaluate the intrinsic groundwater vulnerability for the study area. An integrated approach, combining the toxicity, the release possibility, and the potential release quantity of the pollutants, was used to estimate the pollution loading. The groundwater contamination risk results were obtained by overlaying the intrinsic vulnerability and pollution loading maps. These indicated that two industrial parks pose the main threat to groundwater quality, due to their unfavorable hydrogeological setting and potential pollution sources on the surface. Some areas in and around the industrial parks exhibit groundwater pollution, which was identified on the contamination risk map using buffer analysis. High risk areas are industries with high or medium vulnerability. The vulnerability and contamination risk maps developed for this study are valuable tools for environmental planning and can be used for predictive management of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

A detailed hydrogeological and hydrochemical study was carried out in Yamuna-Krishni sub-basin which is a part of the vast central Ganga plain. Groundwater is the major source of water supply for agricultural, domestic and industrial uses. The excess use of groundwater has resulted in depletion of water levels. The groundwater quality, too, has deteriorated in areas dominated by industrial activity. This has led to the preparation of a groundwater vulnerability map in relation to contamination. Groundwater vulnerability maps are valuable derivative maps that show, quantitatively or qualitatively, certain characteristics of the sub-surface environment that determine vulnerability of groundwater to contamination. The modified DRASTIC method was used to prepare vulnerability map. The parameters like depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, impact of vadose zone, hydraulic conductivity and land use pattern, owing to its bearing on groundwater regime, were considered to prepare vulnerability map. The vulnerability index is computed as the sum of the products of weight and rating assigned to each of the input considered as above. The vulnerability index ranges from 140 to 180, and is classified into four classes i.e. 140–150, 150–160, 160–170 and 170–180 corresponding to low, medium, high and very high vulnerability zones respectively. Using this index, a groundwater vulnerability potential map was generated which shows that 7%, 40% and 53% of the study area falls in low, medium and high to very high vulnerability zones respectively. The map, thus generated, can be used as a tool for protection and management of aquifers from contamination.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the concentration of nitrates detected in superficial waters (lake and streams) and groundwater (wells) used as sources of water supply. It attempts to determine the level of risk due to the presence of urban industrial uses and correlate it with the quality of urban life, in order to determine social vulnerability to the risk of industrial contamination. A geographic information system (GIS) was constructed with layers for various census data, topographic and landuse features and the location of water samples. An index of quality of life was developed using selected variables. This was then compared to the essential services provision data and the results of the water sample analyses. The concentration of nitrates (mg/l or ppm) in the water samples was determined. These values were translated into maps of contaminants, which were then correlated with their possible sources and with the quality of life of the population affected. The concentration of nitrates in wells has been considered alarming, but more concern has been expressed about concentrations in the public water supply network. Spatial correlation between areas with high risk of contaminated water and areas with the worst quality of life, indicates the importance of controlling chemical contamination, and demands improvements in the public water supply network and revision of the theory of social vulnerability.  相似文献   

地下水污染风险评价的迭置指数法研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目前,我国大部分城市采用地下水作为饮用水源,而地下水污染状况日益严重,地下水污染风险评价作为管理者制定污染防治方案的一种手段,显得尤为重要。地下水污染风险评价虽然已经有一定范围的应用,但对其概念并没有统一的定义,因此,在总结国内外地下水污染风险评价研究进展的基础上,提出地下水污染风险的定义,并重点讨论迭置指数法在地下水污染风险评价中的应用,并在此基础上提出存在的问题及建议。  相似文献   

Carbonate aquifers constitute a water reserve of essential importance for human supply. For this, it is necessary to establish suitable protection measures in order to achieve the good status of groundwater bodies intended for human supply according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. The objective of this paper is to present a methodology to define safeguard zones for the protection of carbonate groundwater bodies intended for human consumption. To do this, firstly the risk of groundwater contamination is evaluated through a combination of characterising pressures and the evaluation of the intrinsic vulnerability to contamination. Secondly, the existing water abstraction points are identified and their zones of contribution are delineated in order to establish priorities when defining protective measures in the region. Finally, the existing wellhead protection areas and those defined according to the proposed methodology must be integrated into the delineated safeguard zones. The results obtained in a carbonate groundwater body in southern Spain are consistent with the existing quality data and they show the percentage of land that must be protected to preserve the quality of water intended for human consumption, thus facilitating their future integration into adequate land use planning tools.  相似文献   

东北地区地下水资源可持续利用的主要问题和对策浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在概述东北地区自然地理和水文地质条件的基础上,从地下水供需矛盾、地下水超采及其环境效应、地下水污染等方面阐述了影响地下水资源可持续利用的主要问题,并从社会发展、科学技术、开采历史、水资源管理、立法与执法等5个层面进行了分析。针对东北地区国民经济发展对水资源的需求、目前存在的影响地下水资源可持续利用的主要问题,提出了不同地区的地下水资源勘查开发、节约用水、地下水理论研究等地下水资源的可持续利用对策,对区域宏观水资源管理具有参考价值。  相似文献   

全国地下水质分布及变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以2013—2017年地下水监测站点水质监测数据为基础,统计地下水质监测指标的变化特征,筛查影响地下水质的主要指标,研究地下水质变化规律。选取2013—2017年具备连续监测数据的地下水监测井,对常规20项监测指标进行分析。研究发现:就监测站点水质指标而言,总硬度、铁、锰、“三氮”等超标率均达到了10%及以上,是导致地下水水质恶化的主要指标。总硬度超标集中在华北、东北、西南和西北地区的监测井,超标率在各省市间差别较大。氨氮超标率在各省市地区的监测井中差别较大,超标较为严重的省份是黑龙江、江苏、广东和宁夏。硝酸盐氮超标率年际变化稳定,华北、东北和西北地区的监测井中硝酸盐氮超标较为严重。亚硝酸盐氮超标在华北、东北和西北,以及上海、江苏、湖北、广西和贵州的监测井中较为严重。铁、锰超标主要集中在华北、华东、中南地区的监测井中,东三省、安徽、湖北、四川、宁夏等省份尤其严重。基于地下水监测井统计数据,在全国尺度上对地下水质量进行了综合分析评价,总结出了地下水监测中需要着重关注的指标,如“三氮”总硬度,铁、锰等。  相似文献   

Asia, and in particular the Mekong Delta region, is under increasing water use pressure. Food production and quality is one element of these growing pressures, as is water management. The authors have first-hand knowledge and experience in groundwater use and management in rural Thailand. Through the adoption of a micro-management, demand-driven approach, with its ultimate objective of sustainability and the betterment of the quality of human life, the Mekong delta and other similar rural areas in Asia offer considerable opportunity for more optimal sustainable exploitation of groundwater. This water source should be prioritized for village usage, which if properly allocated and managed, will lift a significant human population from poverty, into a more sustainable existence. This readily available, reliable groundwater resource exists and has both the capacity for abundant storage as well as the potential for commercial and household supply. The focus has been on understanding the distribution of the delta’s relatively shallow, well sustained, and consistently recharged groundwater resource, and its potential symbiotic linkage to low-volume household demand. Water has been employed in a variety of ways from improving quality of life and sanitation to generating income through the cultivation of cash crops and other similar productive uses. The fundamental aims of the initial model and subsequent trials have been to harness this robust water source and deliver otherwise unattainable income to households. As the following, more detailed study of rural Thailand demonstrates, the benefits of such an approach deliver sustainable enhancements to the quality of constituents’ lives, are environmentally sensitive and sustainable, and harmonize with governmental efforts to alleviate poverty through the enablement of income generation from groundwater utilization.  相似文献   

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