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J.W. Cole 《Lithos》1973,6(1):53-64
High-alumina basalt occurs at eight localities in the Taupo Volcanic Zone associated with the Okataina, Maroa and Taupo calderas. At Tarawera the basalt is associated with a series of craters aligned NNE, and at K Trig. a series of scoria cones of similar alignment. On a broader scale the eruptive centres lie on three lines probably corresponding to major faults within the graben.Petrographically the rocks are plagioclase-olivine-augite basalts with varying percentages of each mafic phenocryst. Most are fine-medium grained, but the Ongaroto basalt is coarser-grained, and has a higher modal percentage of olivine. Chemically all are high-alumina basalts. The Ongaroto basalts has lower Al2O3 and higher MgO, Ni and Cr, and this, together with petrographic evidence, suggests that the rock is a cumulate.All the basalts are likely to be derived from the mantle, with intrusion into the crust controlled largely by faulting.  相似文献   

The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) on the North Island of New Zealand is located above the subducting Pacific slab and hosts hydrothermal systems related to subduction, arc magmatism and crustal extension. In these systems, gold is transported primarily as sulphide complexes, with gold being deposited in response to boiling and mixing of the deep geothermal fluids. Conglomerate cobbles and hydrothermal fumaroles from the upper Retaruke River in the western TVZ are mineralised deposits that have been eroded from the nearby Miocene alluvial sedimentary plateau. Abundant gold-bearing pyrite was precipitated in the conglomerates and fumaroles by late hydrothermal process, primarily occurring as veinlets, disseminations and fine-grained aggregates which consists discrete euhedral microcrystals. Scanning electron microscopy combined with X-ray energy disperses spectroscopy shows that pyrites are commendably affected by late hydrothermal fluids, possibly by the carbonate fluid. Electron probe microanalysis revealed that the pyrite contains 20–120 ppm Au (averaging 60 ppm). Wavelength dispersive spectral elemental mapping suggests that gold is distributed uniformly in pyrite, indicating structurally bound gold (solid solution) in pyrite. Gold mineralisation recognised in the conglomerates and fumaroles demonstrates that the upper Retaruke River is a promising target for future gold exploration.  相似文献   

Rhoades  D. A.  Dowrick  D. J.  Wilson  C. J. N. 《Natural Hazards》2002,26(2):147-174
This paper is a first step in developing a probabilistic hazard model for tephra fall deposits in New Zealand. The database consists of measurements of tephra thickness and eruptive volumefrom 32 past eruptive events at Taupo Volcano. From these are derivedrelations for the mean and maximum tephra thickness as a function ofevent volume and distance from the vent, and for the area enclosed byan isopach as a function of tephra thickness and volume. Thedirectional effects due to wind do not vary appreciably over thevolcanic region of New Zealand. The main feature of wind velocity is aflow to the east that becomes more consistent at higher altitudes. Thelarger the eruption, the more the location of the deposit of maximumthickness (the centre of deposit) tends to be displaced to the east ofvent. A directional attenuation relation about the centre of deposit isderived from the Taupo data. This, in combination with arelation for the position of the centre of deposit relative to thevent, provides a means of estimating the probability of a giventhickness of tephra fall deposit being exceeded at any distance anddirection from the vent in an eruption of given volume.  相似文献   

Lahar-Triggering Mechanisms and Hazard at Ruapehu Volcano,New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lecointre  Jerome  Hodgson  Katy  Neall  Vincent  Cronin  Shane 《Natural Hazards》2004,31(1):85-109
Late Holocene volcanic activity at Ruapehu has been characterizedby the generation of small (<105 m3) to very large (>107 m3) lahars and repeated,small to medium (VEI 1-3) tephra-producing eruptions. The Onetapu Formation groupsall lahar deposits that accumulated during the last 2,000 years on the southeastern Ruapehu ring plain. The andesitic tephras are grouped within the Tufa Trig Formation and are intercalated within the laharic sequence. By correlating these two formations with new radiocarbon ages obtained on interbedded paleosols, we reconstruct a detailed volcanic history of Ruapehu for this period.Clast assemblages identified in the laharic sequences record thelithologies of synchronous tephras and rocks within the source region. These assemblages suggest a strong genetic link between the development of Crater Lake, the variation in eruptivestyles, and the production of lahars.Lahar-triggering mechanisms include: (1) flank collapse ofhydrothermally altered and unstable portions of the cone; (2) phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions favoring the generation of snow-rich slurries and hyperconcentrated stream flows; (3) suddenCrater Lake rim collapse, releasing large amounts of water inducing debris flows; and (4) eruptions that generate large volumes of tephra on snow-covered slopes, later remobilized by heavy rain.Two major lahars in the Onetapu sequence had a volume 4 × 107 m3, roughly 1 to 2 orders of magnitude larger than the 1953event leading to the Tangiwai disaster (151 casualties). One of these lahars crossed over a lowinterfluve currently separating the Whangaehu River from a stream feeding the Tongariro River,sometime since peat accumulated between AD 1400 and AD 1660. A repetition of such a large-scaleevent would have devastating consequences on the infrastructure, economy and environment withinthe distal areas of the two catchments. The 1995–1996 eruptions were a timely reminder ofthe hazards posed by the volcano.  相似文献   

We have analysed three recent earthquake sequences in the northern part of the Taupo Volcanic Zone. A 1998 sequence at Haroharo with a largest event of ML 4.8, and a 2004 sequence near Lake Rotoehu (largest event ML 5.4), had normal b-values, and displayed an aftershock decay pattern, with most of the activity within the first few days. In contrast, a 2005 sequence a few tens of kilometres away at Matata (largest event ML 4.1), had very different characteristics, with a slow development and decay, no tendency for enhanced seismicity after the larger events, and a very high b-value.The focal mechanisms of the Rotoehu and Matata events are normal, and have stress patterns consistent with the geodetically observed extension of the Taupo Volcanic Zone in a northwest–southeast direction. The extensive recent volcanism in the Okataina Volcanic Centre does not seem to have affected the stress pattern in this area.The Rotoehu sequence showed a strong resemblance, particularly in the time distribution of events, to the well-known swarm activity in the Vogtland region on the German/Czech border, in which larger events were followed by a burst of seismicity, as in a normal aftershock sequence. Some of the arguments that have been advanced to explain the Vogtland swarm as seismicity induced by fluid injection apply to Rotoehu, but there is no direct evidence of fluid involvement. The Matata sequence appears to have a continuing trigger mechanism, either a slow injection of fluid, or a slow slip event, in an environment in which opening pore spaces prevent high overpressures developing. The Matata sequence occurred close to the area of the 1987 ML 6.3 Edgecumbe Earthquake, so exhibiting two extremes of seismic temporal pattern, namely mainshock–aftershock and a swarm with many events of similar magnitude, within a small area.  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic data for 23 geothermal water samples collected in New Zealand within the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) are reported. Major and trace elements including Li, B and Sr and their isotopic compositions (δ7Li, δ11B, 87Sr/86Sr) were determined in high temperature geothermal waters collected from deep boreholes in different geothermal fields (Ohaaki, Wairakei, Mokai, Kawerau and Rotokawa geothermal systems). Lithium concentrations are high (from 4.5 to 19.9 mg/L) and Li isotopic compositions (δ7Li) are homogeneous, ranging between −0.5‰ and +1.4‰. In particular, it is noteworthy that, except for the samples from the Kawerau geothermal field having slightly higher δ7Li values (+1.4%), the other geothermal waters have a near constant δ7Li signature around a mean value of 0‰ ± 0.6 (2σ, n = 21). Boron concentrations are also high and relatively homogeneous for the geothermal samples, falling between 17.5 and 82.1 mg/L. Boron isotopic compositions (δ11B) are all negative, and display a range between −6.7‰ and −1.9‰. These B isotope compositions are in agreement with those of the Ngawha geothermal field in New Zealand. Lithium and B isotope signatures are in a good agreement with a fluid signature mainly derived from water/rock interaction involving magmatic rocks with no evidence of seawater input. On the other hand, Sr concentrations are lower and more heterogeneous and fall between 2 and 165 μg/L. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.70549 to 0.70961. These Sr isotope compositions overlap those of the Rotorua geothermal field in New Zealand, confirming that some geothermal waters (with more radiogenic Sr) have interacted with bedrocks from the metasedimentary basement. Each of these isotope systems on their own reveals important information about particular aspects of either water source or water/rock interaction processes, but, considered together, provide a more integrated understanding of the geothermal systems from the TVZ in New Zealand.  相似文献   

BARSDELL  M. 《Journal of Petrology》1988,29(5):927-964
The mineralogy, petrography and geochemistry of a suite of clinopyroxene-richolivine tholenite lavas from Merelava island, Vanuatu are described.Located at the southern end of the Northern Trough back-arcbasin, this suite displays all the characteristics of primitiveisland arc lavas: flat REE patterns, depleted HFSE, enrichmentin K-group elements relative to LREE, highly calcic plagioclase(to An9 3 and Cr-rich spinels (cr-number80) Analysis of groundmasscompositions demonstrates that the variation in MgO within thelava suite (from 13?7 to 4?3% MgO) represents only a small departurefrom a liquid line of descent. Some of the more primitive lavas contain low-Al2O3 clinopyroxenemegacrysts (mg-number = 100Mg/(Mg+Fe2 + and ultramafic xenoliths,the latter ranging from fine-grained, tectonite wehrlites andchnopyroxene-bearing harzburgites, to coarse-grained cumulatewehrlites. The cumulate nodules, megacrysts and phenocrysts are shown tobe co-magmatic, and an empirical compositional relationshipis demonstrated for equilibrium olivine-clinopyroxene pairs,covering the observed fractionation range (mg-numberCpx=0?6375mg-numberO1 + 35?3). On the basis that the most primitive olivine(mg-number 91 7) is close to the liquidus composition, thiscompositional relationship demonstrates that clinopyroxene (mg-number=94,and containing no Fe3+) was also a liquidus phase. Clinopyroxeneswith mg-number>94 are the product of local oxidation duringmixing of primitive, relatively reduced magmas, and more evolved,oxidized magmas. This mixing also gave rise to relatively narrow,reversely zoned, internal rims on many clinopyroxene and olivinephenocrysts, cumulus crystals, and clinopyroxene megacrysts. Fractionation modelling demonstrates that the most differentiatedsample with 19 wt.% Al2O3 can be derived from the most primitivesample with 10?3% Al2O3 by removal of 48% crystals of clinopyroxeneand olivine in the proportions 73:27 Plagioclase is a late crystallizingphase and has an insignificant role in the fractionation process. The parent melt composition (mg-number=77) is deduced from themost primitive olivine composition and the liquid line of descent,and is shown to contain equal amounts of MgO and CaO (137 wt.%),a high CaO/Al2O3 ratio of 1?3 and an unusually low Ni contentof 137 ppm. Data from published high pressure (8–20 kb)experiments on melting of peridotite and pyrolite do not providean explanati in for the large normative diopside component inthis parent melt (38 mol.%), and a hypothesis is proposed wherebyhigh degrees of melting of refractory Iherzolite or harzburgite+acomponent of lower crustal pyroxenite and/or wehrlite takesplace at the base of the crust (5–55 kb). At this depth,and initially under hydrous conditions, high degrees of meltingwould progressively eliminate orthopyroxene and then clinopyroxeneto produce a dunite residue. The liquid produced near the pointof clinopyroxene elimination would be compatible with the highCaO and Sc contents, and high Sc/Ni, Cr/Ni and D1/Hy ratiosof the lavas, and the refractory nature of the phenocrysts.  相似文献   

Slab-derived aqueous fluid components (Ba, Cl) correlate well with oxygen fugacity, and other well-defined characteristics of silicic magmas in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) between a cold-wet-oxidizing magma type [R1: amphibole ± biotite; high Sr, low Zr and FeO*/MgO, depleted middle rare-earth elements (MREE)] and a hot-dry-reducing magma type (R2: orthopyroxene ± clinopyroxene; low Sr, high Zr, and FeO*/MgO, less depleted MREE). Oxygen fugacity was obtained from analysis of Fe–Ti oxides and ranges between −0.04 and +2.1 log units (ΔQFM, where QFM = quartz + fayalite + magnetite buffer) and is positively correlated with the bulk-rock Ba/La ratio, indicating that slab-derived fluid is the oxidizing agent in the rhyolites. Chlorine contents in hornblende also correlate with the bulk-rock Ba/La ratio. Hence, high-fluid flux typically correlates with the R1 and low-fluid flux with R2 rhyolite magma types. A geochemical evolution and distribution can be tracked in time and space throughout the central region of the TVZ from 550 ka to present and has revealed two distinct magmatic cycles that vary in length. The first cycle included widespread R1 type magmatism across the central TVZ beginning ca. 550 ka and was directly associated with previously unreported dome-building and ignimbrite-forming volcanism, and led to a voluminous (>3,000 km3) ignimbrite ‘flare-up’ between ca. 340 and 240 ka. The second cycle began roughly 180 ka, erupting ca. 800 km3 of magma, and continues to the present. The duration, rate, and composition of magma production within these cycles appears to be governed by the flux of fluid released from the subducting slab, while the distribution of magmas may be governed more by extension along the central rift axis. Shorter cycles have also been identified and are unrelated to subduction processes, but occur following large, caldera-forming events.  相似文献   

A 2D prospectivity model of epithermal gold mineralisation has been completed over the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), using the weights of evidence modelling technique. This study was used to restrict a 3D geological interpretation and prospectivity model for the Ohakuri region. The TVZ is commonly thought of as a present-day analogue of the environment in which many epithermal ore deposits, such as in the Hauraki Goldfield, Coromandel Volcanic Zone, are formed. The models utilise compiled digital data including historical exploration data, geological data from the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd. Quarter Million Mapping Programme, recent Glass Earth geophysics data and historic exploration geochemical data, including rock-chip and stream sediment information. Spatial correlations between known deposits and predictive maps are determined from the available data, which represent each component of the currently accepted mineral system model for epithermal gold. The 2D prospectivity model confirms that the TVZ has potential for gold mineralisation. However, one of the weaknesses of this weights of evidence model is that the studies are carried out in 2D, with an approximation of 3D provided by geophysical and drilling data projected to a 2D plane. Consequently, a 3D prospectivity model was completed over the Ohakuri area, constrained by the results of the 2D model and predictive maps. The 3D model improved the results allowing more effective exploration targeting. However, the study also highlighted the main issues that need to be resolved before 3D prospectivity modelling becomes standard practise in the mineral exploration industry. The study also helped develop a work flow that incorporates preliminary 2D spatial data analysis from the weights of evidence technique to more effectively restrict and develop 3D predictive map interpretation and development.  相似文献   

 Eruptions from Ruapehu Volcano on 11 and 14 October 1995 and 17 June 1996 distributed at least 36×106 m3 of sulphur(S)-rich tephra over the central and eastern North Island of New Zealand. The tephras added between 30–1500 kg ha–1 S to at least 25 000 km2 of land in primary production. Smaller but beneficial amounts of selenium (Se) and in some areas potassium and magnesium were also supplied. Addition of S to the soils in the form of sulphate and elemental S resulted in a drop in soil pH and an increase in pasture S contents within seven weeks of the eruptions. The soils affected by the tephra are naturally low in S and Se, but following the eruptions S was not required in fertilizer applications in many areas. The strongest and longest lasting effects of S and Se deposition were in high anion-retention soils particularly Hapludands (moist, moderately weathered soils, derived from volcanic ash). Soluble fluorine concentrations within the tephras were low compared to historic Icelandic and Chilean examples. However, pastoral livestock deaths were apparently caused by fluorosis in addition to starvation when tephra covered feed. The Ruapehu tephra contained very low concentrations of other soluble toxic elements. Received: 17 January 1997 · Accepted: 31 March 1997  相似文献   

新西兰陶波酸性火山岩Sr-O同位素体系胡瑞忠P.BlattnerI.J.Graham(中国科学院地球化学研究所,贵阳550002)(新西兰地质与核科学研究所下哈特)关键词陶波酸性火山岩,Sr-O同位素体系,岩石成因新西兰北岛呈NE向分布的陶波(Tau...  相似文献   

EWART  A. 《Journal of Petrology》1963,4(3):392-431
Systematic mineralogical and chemical study of the younger Taupovolcanic ash showers, collected from the Terraces Quarry, Taupo,has enabled the showers to be grouped into ten eruptive sequences(numbers refer to the stratigraphical position of the deposits,after Baumgart (1954)): 3; 4; 5–8; 9–13; 14–15;16; 17–18; 19–22; 23–25; 26. The showers arecomposed of rhyolitic pumice and finer glass fragments; accessoryfragments dominantly of rhyolite, with minor dacite, ignimbrite,and andesite; crystals of plagioclase, hypersthene, and magnetite.The proportions of these components provide a useful guide todistinguishing the showers for correlation purposes. Refractiveindices of the glasses show wide variations, even in one pumicefragment, and increase markedly with increased weathering. Correlationof natural glasses by this method must, therefore, be done withextreme care. Vesiculation of pumice from most of the sequences has been studiedquantitatively by measurements of density and porosity (by modalanalysis). These give a measure of the extent of vesiculation,and in the sequences studied it is shown that there is a progressivedecrease in vesiculation with time in each sequence, here attributedto progressive volatile loss. In the large Taupo (3) and Waimihia(15) deposits, there was a rapid initial rise of intensity ofvesiculation. The last phase of several sequences appears tohave been relatively hotter than the earlier magma, as shownby more calcic plagioclase and more magnesian-rich pyroxenes. As a result of differences in nucleation of the various pumices,three general textures can be recognized: (i) finely cellularwith thick intercellular walls; (ii) finely cellular with thinintercellular walls; (iii) coarsely cellular pumice, usuallywith widely varying vesicle size. Glasses from seven members have been chemically analysed, andshow a close similarity. However, they fall into two distinctgroups, comprising the older showers (19, 24, 25) and the youngershowers (3, 5, 8, 15). The former have higher normative quartz,orthoclase, and anorthite. The compositions are rhyolitic. Plagioclase (An36-An48), hypersthene (Mg48-Mg64), and magnetiteform the characteristic mineralogical assemblage. The plagioclasehas well-developed normal oscillatory zoning, which is believedto be due to movement of crystals within the magma into zonesof varying vapour pressure. Many crystals have sharp discontinuitiesof some zones, which are attributed to sharp drops in vapourpressure, possibly due to eruption of preceding members of thesequence. Three chemical analyses of plagioclase are presented. From vesiculation and chemical results, it is believed thatsequences 3, 5–8, 14–15, and 17–18 crystallizedunder a very high vapour pressure, and were probably eruptedas a result of this. Sequences 19–22 and 23–25 crystallizedunder much lower vapour pressure. From the Ab-Or-Q-H2O diagram,a vapour pressure of 2,000–3,000 kg/cm2 is suggested forthe former sequences, equivalent to about 4 miles lithostaticload. Comparison is made between the mineralogy of the Tauporhyolitic glasses and recently published work on some Britishand Icelandic Tertiary rhyolitic glasses.  相似文献   

The Taupo Volcanic Zone consists predominantly of andesites at each end and about a 20times larger volume of rhyolites (incl. ignimbrites and pumice) in the center. In a δ18O vs SiO2 diagram the rhyolites do not continue the increasingly 18O-contaminated andesite (basalt to dacite) trend, but have lower δ18O values than the most differentiated andesites. Comparison with δ18O of greywackes and conjectural granitoids seems to rule out a partial fusion origin. In retrospect the Sr isotope data of Ewart and Stipp (1968) are seen to confirm this conclusion. Isotopic adjustment of source rocks before partial fusion, by exchange with circulating subsurface waters, is highly unlikely because of the combined demands for O and Sr isotope shifts, and the constraint offered by the normal igneous to somewhat enriched δ18O values of the rhyolites. Oxygen isotope results confirm separate origins or at least different modes of ascent of basalt and andesites on one hand and rhyolites on the other. Both magma types appear to have originated below crustal formations and both have become contaminated by greywacke through which they passed to reach the surface.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):1967-1982

The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand, is a well-documented volcanic arc characterized by explosive rhyolitic magmas within a series of caldera complexes that include the Okataina Volcanic Centre (OVC). New quartz melt inclusion and volcanic glass data from the 45 ka caldera-forming Rotoiti eruption within the OVC are compared to published studies. The new data are characterized by low K2O (~1.5–3.5 wt.%), Rb (~30–70 ppm), Sr (~40–90 ppm), U (~0.5–2.5 ppm), and Ba (~300–1000 ppm) ranges that differ significantly from other OVC systems (~3.0–4.5 wt.% K2O, ~80–150 ppm Rb, and ~2.5–5.0 ppm U). Most interestingly, the Rotoiti melt inclusion data measured in this study show a decrease in Rb, Sr, and U, although the fractionation trends originate from the same source point as published OVC data. This progressive decreasing trend is interpreted as an interaction with a less enriched rhyolitic melt (represented by the low Rb, Sr, and U of glasses) during fractionation processes from a common TVZ source. The established model for TVZ rhyolites is that they are extracted from a middle or upper crustal source (‘mush’ zone) prior to eruption. Adding to this model, new melt inclusion data suggest that all TVZ rhyolites are fractionated from this common TVZ source and, prior to eruption, the Rotoiti system was rejuvenated by this source (evidenced by the low REE glasses). Exactly what triggers the common TVZ source to fractionate remains unclear, but a proposed mechanism to account for this involves the successive melting of the upper crust by upwelling mantle induced by incremental subduction.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide emissions and heat flow have been determined from the Ohaaki hydrothermal field, Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand following 20 a of production (116 MWe). Soil CO2 degassing was quantified with 2663 CO2 flux measurements using the accumulation chamber method, and 2563 soil temperatures were measured and converted to equivalent heat flow (W m−2) using published soil temperature heat flow functions. Both CO2 flux and heat flow were analysed statistically and then modelled using 500 sequential Gaussian simulations. Forty subsoil CO2 gas samples were also analysed for stable C isotopes. Following 20 a of production, current CO2 emissions equated to 111 ± 6.7 T/d. Observed heat flow was 70 ± 6.4 MW, compared with a pre-production value of 122 MW. This 52 MW reduction in surface heat flow is due to production-induced drying up of all alkali–Cl outflows (61.5 MW) and steam-heated pools (8.6 MW) within the Ohaaki West thermal area (OHW). The drying up of all alkali–Cl outflows at Ohaaki means that the soil zone is now the major natural pathway of heat release from the high-temperature reservoir. On the other hand, a net gain in thermal ground heat flow of 18 MW (from 25 MW to 43.3 ± 5 MW) at OHW is associated with permeability increases resulting from surface unit fracturing by production-induced ground subsidence. The Ohaaki East (OHE) thermal area showed no change in distribution of shallow and deep soil temperature contours despite 20 a of production, with an observed heat flow of 26.7 ± 3 MW and a CO2 emission rate of 39 ± 3 T/d. The negligible change in the thermal status of the OHE thermal area is attributed to the low permeability of the reservoir beneath this area, which has limited production (mass extraction) and sheltered the area from the pressure decline within the main reservoir. Chemistry suggests that although alkali–Cl outflows once contributed significantly to the natural surface heat flow (∼50%) they contributed little (<1%) to pre-production CO2 emissions due to the loss of >99% of the original CO2 content due to depressurisation and boiling as the fluids ascended to the surface. Consequently, the soil has persisted as the major (99%) pathway of CO2 release to the atmosphere from the high temperature reservoir at Ohaaki. The CO2 flux and heat flow surveys indicate that despite 20 a of production the variability in location, spatial extent and magnitude of CO2 flux remains consistent with established geochemical and geophysical models of the Ohaaki Field. At both OHW and OHE carbon isotopic analyses of soil gas indicate a two-stage fractionation process for moderate-flux (>60 g m−2 d−1) sites; boiling during fluid ascent within the underlying reservoir and isotopic enrichment as CO2 diffuses through porous media of the soil zone. For high-flux sites (>300 g m−2 d−1), the δ13CO2 signature (−7.4 ± 0.3‰ OHW and −6.5 ± 0.6‰ OHE) is unaffected by near-surface (soil zone) fractionation processes and reflects the composition of the boiled magmatic CO2 source for each respective upflow. Flux thresholds of <30 g m−2 d−1 for purely diffusive gas transport, between 30 and 300 g m−2 d−1 for combined diffusive–advective transport, and ?300 g m−2 d−1 for purely advective gas transport at Ohaaki were assigned. δ13CO2 values and cumulative probability plots of CO2 flux data both identified a threshold of ∼15 g m−2 d−1 by which background (atmospheric and soil respired) CO2 may be differentiated from hydrothermal CO2.  相似文献   

Extensive sampling of the Antisana volcano in Ecuador (NorthernVolcanic Zone of the Andes) has revealed the presence of adakite-likerocks throughout the edifice, i.e. rocks with geochemical characteristicsclose, but not identical, to those of slab melts. Two main volcanicgroups have been distinguished, characterized by two distinctevolutionary trends. The AND group, mostly composed of andesites,shows the clearest adakitic characteristics such as high La/Yband Sr/Y ratios and low heavy rare earth element (HREE) contents.The CAK group, composed of high-K andesites and dacites, displaysless pronounced adakitic-like characteristics. Although themore basic rocks of each group are difficult to distinguishon many geochemical diagrams, a geochemical study shows thatthe evolution of the AND and CAK groups is dominated by differentpetrogenetic processes. The isotopic characteristics of theCAK rocks suggest that evolution of this group is dominatedby a limited assimilation–fractional crystallization processwithin the granitic continental basement of the cordillera.In the AND group, the abundances of incompatible elements, suchas Nb or HREE, suggest that the series was produced by a partialmelting process in a mantle rich in garnet, amphibole and/orclinopyroxene. Such a mantle source has been demonstrated (experimentallyand by exhumed mantle xenoliths) to be produced in subductionzones where slab melts react with and metasomatize the mantlewedge. In Ecuador, magmas erupted in the Western Cordillera(trenchward relative to Antisana volcano) are true adakites,suggesting that slab melts can be responsible for the metasomatismof the mantle wedge beneath the NVZ in Ecuador. If mantle convectioncan drag down this modified mantle beneath Antisana volcano,destabilization of metasomatic amphibole at appropriate pressuresin this modified garnetiferous mantle can adequately explainthe formation and the geochemical features of Antisana lavas. KEY WORDS: subduction; adakite; metasomatism; Ecuador; AFC; Sr and Nd isotopes  相似文献   

The 20 ka ~0.1 km3 Omega dacite, which erupted shortly after the 26.5 ka Oruanui super-eruption, compositionally stands out among Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) magmas, which are overwhelmingly characterized by rhyolites (>90 % by volume). The previously reported presence of inherited zircons in this zircon-undersaturated magma has provided unequivocal evidence for the involvement of upper-crustal material in a 1–10 year timescale prior to the Omega eruption. However, whether this crustal involvement is characterized by wholesale, melting of preexisting crust or subordinate bulk assimilation into an already differentiated magma body remains unclear. To disentangle these processes, we describe the mineral chemistry of the major phases present in the Omega dacite and determine intensive parameters describing magma chamber conditions. Dominantly unimodal populations of plagioclase (An50–60), orthopyroxene (Mg# from 58 to 68), and clinopyroxene (Mg# from 65 to 73), along with coexisting equilibrium pairs of Fe–Ti oxides, constrain pre-eruptive temperatures to 850–950 °C, a pressure between ~3 and 7 kbars, and an oxygen fugacity of ~NNO. MELTS thermodynamic modeling suggests that this phase assemblage is in equilibrium with the bulk rock and glass compositions of the Omega dacite at these estimated PTfO2 pre-eruptive conditions. Combining these petrological observations with insights into conductive thermal models of magma–crust interactions, we argue that the Omega dacite more likely formed in the mid-to-lower crust via protracted processing through fractional crystallization coupled with some assimilation (AFC). Incorporation of crustal material is likely to have occurred at various stages, with the inherited zircons (and potentially parts of glomerocrysts) representing late and subordinate upper-crustal assimilants. This petrogenetic model is consistent with the presence of a differentiating crustal column, consisting of a polybaric fractional crystallization and assimilation history. On the basis of petrological, thermal, and geophysical considerations, upper-crustal reservoirs, which feed large-scale rhyolitic volcanism in the TVZ, most likely take the form of large, long-lived crystal mush zones. Following large eruptions, such as the Oruanui event, this mush is expected to crystallize significantly (up to 70–80 vol% crystals) due to syn-eruptive decompression. Hence, the Omega dacite, immediately post-dating the Oruanui event, potentially represents incoming deeper recharge of less-evolved magma that was able to penetrate the nearly solidified upper-crustal mush. Over the past 20,000 years, similar intermediate recharge magmas have incrementally reheated, reconstructed, and reactivated the upper-crustal mush zone, allowing a gradual return to rhyolitic volcanism at the Taupo Volcanic Center.  相似文献   

Abstract: Exploration drilling at Orakeikorako provides information on the hydrologic and thermal regime of the geothermal system, which is presently as high as 265C. The presence of almandine in Drillhole OK–1, at 1312. 5m drilled depth, is the only known occurrence of hydrothermal garnet in an active geothermal system from New Zealand. The formation temperature of the almandine, is not consistent with measured (bore) temperatures, but does coincide with fluid inclusion data and temperatures inferred from other secondary minerals, which suggest it formed at >240C, and possibly as much as 310C. Almandine is an important mineral geothermometer in active hydrothermal systems, and implications for its occurrence should not be discounted in fossil (mineralised) epithermal-type hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   

Primitive andesites from the Taupo Volcanic Zone formed by magma mixing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Andesites with Mg# >45 erupted at subduction zones form either by partial melting of metasomatized mantle or by mixing and assimilation processes during melt ascent. Primitive whole rock basaltic andesites from the Pukeonake vent in the Tongariro Volcanic Centre in New Zealand’s Taupo Volcanic Zone contain olivine, clino- and orthopyroxene, and plagioclase xeno- and antecrysts in a partly glassy matrix. Glass pools interstitial between minerals and glass inclusions in clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and plagioclase as well as matrix glasses are rhyolitic to dacitic indicating that the melts were more evolved than their andesitic bulk host rock analyses indicate. Olivine xenocrysts have high Fo contents up to 94%, δ18O(SMOW) of +5.1‰, and contain Cr-spinel inclusions, all of which imply an origin in equilibrium with primitive mantle-derived melts. Mineral zoning in olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase suggest that fractional crystallization occurred. Elevated O isotope ratios in clinopyroxene and glass indicate that the lavas assimilated sedimentary rocks during stagnation in the crust. Thus, the Pukeonake andesites formed by a combination of fractional crystallization, assimilation of crustal rocks, and mixing of dacite liquid with mantle-derived minerals in a complex crustal magma system. The disequilibrium textures and O isotope compositions of the minerals indicate mixing processes on timescales of less than a year prior to eruption. Similar processes may occur in other subduction zones and require careful study of the lavas to determine the origin of andesite magmas in arc volcanoes situated on continental crust.  相似文献   

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