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We show that the excellent optical and gamma-ray data available for GRB 080319B rule out the internal shock model for the prompt emission. The data instead point to a model in which the observed radiation was produced close to the deceleration radius  (∼1017 cm)  by a turbulent source with random Lorentz factors of ∼10 in the comoving frame. The optical radiation was produced by synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons, and the gamma-rays by inverse-Compton scattering of the synchrotron photons. The gamma-ray emission originated both in eddies and in an inter-eddy medium, whereas the optical radiation was mostly from the latter. Therefore, the gamma-ray emission was highly variable whereas the optical was much less variable. The model explains all the observed features in the prompt optical and gamma-ray data of GRB 080319B. We are unable to determine with confidence whether the energy of the explosion was carried outwards primarily by particles (kinetic energy) or magnetic fields. Consequently, we cannot tell whether the turbulent medium was located in the reverse shock (we can rule out the forward shock) or in a Poynting-dominated jet.  相似文献   

We calculate the GeV afterglow emission expected from a few mechanisms related to gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and their afterglows. Given the brightness of the early X-ray afterglow emission measured by Swift /X-Ray Telescope, Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST)/Large Area Telescope (LAT) should detect the self-Compton emission from the forward shock driven by the GRB ejecta into the circumburst medium. Novel features discovered by Swift in X-ray afterglows (plateaus and chromatic light-curve breaks) indicate the existence of a pair-enriched, relativistic outflow located behind the forward shock. Bulk and inverse-Compton upscattering of the prompt GRB emission by such outflows provide another source of GeV afterglow emission detectable by LAT. The large-angle burst emission and synchrotron forward-shock emission are, most likely, too dim at high photon energy to be observed by LAT. The spectral slope of the high-energy afterglow emission and its decay rate (if it can be measured) allow the identification of the mechanism producing the GeV transient emission following GRBs.  相似文献   

Scattering of the forward-shock synchrotron emission by a relativistic outflow located behind the leading blast wave may produce an X-ray emission brighter than that coming directly from the forward shock and may explain four features displayed by Swift X-ray afterglows: flares, plateaus (slow decays), chromatic light-curve breaks and fast post-plateau decays. For a cold scattering outflow, the reflected flux overshines the primary one if the scattering outflow is nearly baryon-free and highly relativistic. These two requirements can be relaxed if the scattering outflow is energized by weak internal shocks, so that the incident forward-shock photons are also inverse-Compton scattered, in addition to bulk scattering. Sweeping-up of the photons left behind by the forward shock naturally yields short X-ray flares. Owing to the boost in photon energy produced by bulk scattering, the reflected emission is more likely to overshine that coming directly from the forward shock at higher photon energies, yielding light-curve plateaus and breaks that appear only in the X-ray. The brightness, shape and decay of the X-ray light-curve plateau depend on the radial distribution of the scatterer's Lorentz factor and mass flux. Chromatic X-ray light-curve breaks and sharp post-plateau decays cannot be accommodated by the direct forward-shock emission and argue in favour of the scattering-outflow model proposed here. On the other hand, the X-ray afterglows without plateaus, those with achromatic breaks and those with very long lived power-law decays are more naturally accommodated by the standard forward-shock model. Thus, the diversity of X-ray light curves arises from the interplay of the scattered and direct forward-shock emissions.  相似文献   

We constrain the distance of the gamma-ray burst (GRB) prompt emission site from the explosion centre R , by determining the location of the electron's self-absorption frequency in the GRB prompt optical-to-X/γ-ray spectral energy distribution, assuming that the optical and the γ-ray emissions are among the same synchrotron radiation continuum of a group of hot electrons. All possible spectral regimes are considered in our analysis. The method has only two assumed parameters, namely the bulk Lorentz factor of the emitting source Γ and the magnetic field strength B in the emission region (with a weak dependence). We identify a small sample of four bursts that satisfy the following three criteria: (1) they all have simultaneous optical and γ-ray detections in multiple observational time intervals, (2) they all show temporal correlations between the optical and γ-ray light curves and (3) the optical emission is consistent with belonging to the same spectral component as the γ-ray emission. For all the time intervals of these four bursts, it is inferred that   R ≥ 1014  (Γ/300)3/4 ( B /105 G)1/4  cm. For a small fraction of the sample, the constraint can be pinned down to   R ≈ 1014–1015 cm  for  Γ∼ 300  . For a second sample of bursts with prompt optical non-detections, only upper limits on R can be obtained. We find no inconsistency between the R -constraints for this non-detection sample and those for the detection sample.  相似文献   

The Swift satellite early X-ray data show a very steep decay in most of the gamma-ray bursts light curves. This decay is either produced by the rapidly declining continuation of the central engine activity or by some leftover radiation starting right after the central engine shuts off. The latter scenario consists of the emission from an 'ember' that cools via adiabatic expansion and, if the jet angle is larger than the inverse of the source Lorentz factor, the large angle emission. In this work, we calculate the temporal and spectral properties of the emission from such a cooling ember, providing a new treatment for the microphysics of the adiabatic expansion. We use the adiabatic invariance of   p 2/ B ( p   is the component of the electrons' momentum normal to the magnetic field, B ) to calculate the electrons' Lorentz factor during the adiabatic expansion; the electron momentum becomes more and more aligned with the local magnetic field as the expansion develops. We compare the theoretical expectations of the adiabatic expansion (and the large angle emission) with the current observations of the early X-ray data and find that only ∼20 per cent of our sample of 107 bursts are potentially consistent with this model. This leads us to believe that, for most bursts, the central engine does not turn off completely during the steep decay of the X-ray light curve; therefore, this phase is produced by the continued rapidly declining activity of the central engine.  相似文献   

The prompt optical emission of GRB 990123 was uncorrelated to the γ-ray light curve and exhibited temporal properties similar to those of the steeply decaying, early X-ray emission observed by Swift at the end of many bursts. These facts suggest that the optical counterpart of GRB 990123 was the large-angle emission released during (the second pulse of) the burst. If the optical and γ-ray emissions of GRB 990123 have, indeed, the same origin then their properties require that (i) the optical counterpart was synchrotron emission and γ-rays arose from inverse-Compton scatterings (the 'synchrotron self-Compton model'), (ii) the peak energy of the optical-synchrotron component was at ∼20 eV and (iii) the burst emission was produced by a relativistic outflow moving at Lorentz factor  ≳450  and at a radius  ≳1015  cm, which is comparable to the outflow deceleration radius. Because the spectrum of GRB 990123 was optically thin above 2 keV, the magnetic field behind the shock must have decayed on a length-scale of  ≲1  per cent  of the thickness of the shocked gas, which corresponds to  106–107  plasma skin depths. Consistency of the optical counterpart decay rate and its spectral slope (or that of the burst, if they represent different spectral components) with the expectations for the large-angle burst emission represents the most direct test of the unifying picture proposed here for GRB 990123.  相似文献   

High energy emission (> tens MeV) of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) provides an important clue on the physical processes occurring in GRBs that may be correlated with the GRB early afterglow. A shallow decline phase has been well identified in about half of Swift Gamma-ray Burst X-ray afterglows. The widely considered interpretation involves a significant energy injection and possibly time-evolving shock parameter(s). We calculate the synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC) radiation of such an external forward shock and show that it could explain the well-known long term high energy (i.e., tens MeV to GeV) afterglow of GRB 940217. We propose that cooperation of Swift and GLAST will help to reveal the nature of GRBs.  相似文献   

We discuss the afterglow emission from a relativistic jet that is initially in the radiative regime, in which the accelerated electrons are fast-cooling. We note that such a 'semiradiative' jet decelerates faster than an adiabatic jet does. We also take into account the effect of strong inverse-Compton scattering on the cooling frequency in the synchrotron component and therefore on the light-curve decay index. We find that there are two kinds of light-curve break for the jet effect. The first is an 'adiabatic break', if the electrons become slow-cooling before the jet enters a spreading phase, and the second is a 'radiative break', which appears in the contrary case. We then show how a relativistic jet evolves dynamically and derive the overall temporal synchrotron emission in both cases, focusing on the change in the light-curve decay index around the break time. Finally, in view of our results, we rule out two cases for relativistic jets which do not account for the observed light-curve breaks in a few afterglows : (i) an adiabatic jet with strong Compton cooling  ( Y >1)  and with the cooling frequency ν c locating in the observed energy range; (ii) a radiative jet with a significant fraction of total energy occupied by electrons  ( ε e ∼1)  .  相似文献   

Poynting-flux driven outflows from magnetized rotators are a plausible explanation for gamma-ray burst engines. We suggest a new possibility for how such outflows might transfer energy into radiating particles. We argue that, in a region near the rotation axis, the Poynting flux drives non-linearly unstable large-amplitude electromagnetic waves (LAEMW) that 'break' at radii     where the MHD approximation becomes inapplicable. In the 'foaming' (relativistically reconnecting) regions formed during the wave breaks, the random electric fields stochastically accelerate particles to ultrarelativistic energies which then radiate in turbulent electromagnetic fields. The typical energy of the emitted photons is a fraction of the fundamental Compton energy     with     plus additional boosting due to the bulk motion of the medium. The emission properties are similar to synchrotron radiation, with a typical cooling time ∼10−3 s. During the wave break, the plasma is also bulk accelerated in the outward radial direction and at larger radii can produce afterglows due to interactions with the external medium. The near equipartition fields required by afterglow models may be due to magnetic field regeneration in the outflowing plasma (similar to field generation by LAEMW in laser–plasma interactions) and mixing with the upstream plasma.  相似文献   

We discuss the prompt emission of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), allowing for γγ pair production and synchrotron self-absorption. The observed hard spectra suggest heavy pair-loading in GRBs. The re-emission of the generated pairs results in the energy transmission from high-energy gamma-rays to long-wavelength radiation. Due to strong self-absorption, the synchrotron radiation by pairs is in optically thick regime. Thus, the re-emission would appear as a thermal-like spectral bump in the extreme-ultraviolet/soft X-ray band, other than the peak from the main burst. The confirmation of the thermal-like feature and the double-peak structure by future satellites, such as Swift, would indicate that the dominant radiation mechanism in GRBs is synchrotron rather than inverse-Compton radiation.  相似文献   

Relativistic shocks can accelerate particles by the first-order Fermi mechanism; the particles then emit synchrotron emission in the post-shock gas. This process is of particular interest in the models used for the afterglow of gamma-ray bursts. In this paper we use recent results in the theory of particle acceleration at highly relativistic shocks to model the synchrotron emission in an evolving, inhomogeneous and highly relativistic flow. We have developed a numerical code that integrates the relativistic Euler equations for fluid dynamics with a general equation of state, together with a simple transport equation for the accelerated particles. We present tests of this code and, in addition, we use it to study the gamma-ray burst afterglow predicted by the fireball model, along with the hydrodynamics of a spherically-symmetric relativistic blast wave.
We find that, while broadly speaking the behaviour of the emission is similar to that already predicted with semi-analytic approaches, the detailed behaviour is somewhat different. The 'breaks' in the synchrotron spectrum behave differently with time, and the spectrum above the final break is harder than had previously been expected. These effects are due to the incorporation of the geometry of the (spherical) blast wave, along with relativistic beaming and adiabatic cooling of the energetic particles leading to a mix, in the observed spectrum, between recently injected 'uncooled' particles and the older 'cooled' population in different parts of the evolving, inhomogeneous flow.  相似文献   

We study a sample of bright, long Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) gamma-ray burst (GRB) light curves in the 200 s before the detection of the GRB prompt emission. We find that in a sizable fraction of cases (∼20 per cent) there is evidence of emission above the background coming from the same direction as the GRB. This emission is characterized by a softer spectrum with respect to the main spectrum and contains a small fraction (0.1–1 per cent) of the total event counts. The precursors have typical delays of several tens of seconds extending (in few cases) up to 200 s (the limit of the investigated period). Their spectra are typically non-thermal power-law spectra, aside from a few cases. Such long delays and the non-thermal origin of their spectra are hard to reconcile with any model for the progenitor.  相似文献   

The afterglow of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) is commonly thought to be the result of continuous deceleration of a relativistically expanding fireball in the surrounding medium. Assuming that the expansion of the fireball is adiabatic and that the density of the medium is a power-law function of shock radius, i.e. n ext ∝  R − k , we study the effects of the first-order radiative correction and the non-uniformity of the medium on a GRB afterglow analytically. We first derive a new relation among the observed time, the shock radius and the Lorentz factor of the fireball: t  =  R /4(4− k ) γ2c, and also derive a new relation among the comoving time, the shock radius and the Lorentz factor of the fireball: t co = 2 R /(5− k ) γc. We next study the evolution of the fireball by using the analytic solution of Blandford &38; McKee. The radiation losses may not significantly influence this evolution. We further derive new scaling laws both between the X-ray flux and observed time and between the optical flux and observed time. We use these scaling laws to discuss the afterglows of GRB 970228 and GRB 970616, and find that if the spectral index of the electron distribution is p  = 2.5, implied from the spectra of GRBs, the X-ray afterglow of GRB 970616 is well fitted by assuming k  = 2.  相似文献   

High-energy emission from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is widely expected but had been sparsely observed until recently when the Fermi satellite was launched. If >TeV gamma-rays are produced in GRBs and can escape from the emission region, they are attenuated by the cosmic infrared background photons, leading to regeneration of ∼GeV–TeV secondary photons via inverse-Compton scattering. This secondary emission can last for a longer time than the duration of GRBs, and it is called a pair echo. We investigate how this pair echo emission affects spectra and light curves of high-energy afterglows, considering not only prompt emission but also afterglow as the primary emission. Detection of pair echoes is possible as long as the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF) in voids is weak. We find (1) that the pair echo from the primary afterglow emission can affect the observed high-energy emission in the afterglow phase after the jet break and (2) that the pair echo from the primary prompt emission can also be relevant, but only when significant energy is emitted in the TeV range, typically     . Even non-detections of the pair echoes could place interesting constraints on the strength of IGMF. The more favourable targets to detect pair echoes may be the 'naked' GRBs without conventional afterglow emission, although energetic naked GRBs would be rare. If the IGMF is weak enough, it is predicted that the GeV emission extends to >30–300 s.  相似文献   

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