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本文利用水文和海流观测资料,从水团相互作用去研究东海高密水及其环流的演变。获得如下一些结果:东海高密水冬季形成于东海中部陆架混合水中,入春以后水团挤压,高密水显得更为突出,入秋后高密水变性,东海中部陆架混合水重新形成;东海高密水核心区可形成气旋环流,从冬到秋经历了一个弱—强—弱的演变过程。海流观测结果证实这个环流是存在的;在东海高密水南侧存在较明显的密度锋,从冬到秋它也经历了一个弱—强—弱的演变过程;水团分析发现,各种与主体分离的混合水从春到夏可在高密水核心周围组合成一个环,从而进一步印证了这个高密水环流的存在  相似文献   

本文利用NOAA卫星图像处理结果与同期水文观测资料,对东海表层水团的分布和转移特征作了初步分析。结果表明,东海表层水温的分布与结构同该海区的水团和环流发展相联系,水团消长和东海冬季高密水核心上层环流的发展可诱导长江口外混合水向外海扩散,表层水块的移动速度可达26cm/s,与动力学估算和同期漂移浮标所得的结果一致  相似文献   

1989年东海陆架水团及高密水环流的季节变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文利用1989年的观测资料,分析了水团及高密水环流的季节演变特征。结果表明:东海高密水在陆架上存在一个季节性的变化过程,核心区有一个气旋型的密度环流;这个环流秋、冬季较弱,春、夏季较强;在该环流的产生过程中,它可以影响邻近水团的分布;在春季,邻近水团在东海高密水周围形成一个环状分布  相似文献   

长江冲淡水输运和扩散途径的分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文在总结前人成果的基础上,进一步分析了长江冲淡水输运和扩散的途径。文章指出,长江冲淡水输运和扩散的途径有两种:顺岸南下型在冬、夏季都存在,它主要以杭州湾的次级锋面流和沿岸锋密度流为代表;转向型从5~6月开始,台湾暖流低密水和东海高密水之间的密度锋是长江冲淡水向外海扩散的通道  相似文献   

长江三峡枢纽工程是综合开发利用长江水利资源的一项举世瞩目的大工程,建成后将对我国社会主义建设带来巨大的经济效益。但是,也必须考虑到它对长江下游流域以至河口及其邻近海域的生态环境带来的影响。因此,必须在工程建设之前进行深入研究。 根据“三峡工程对长江河口区生态与环境的影响和对策”这一课题的要求,本文就三峡工程对长江口区流场的影响作一初步分析。  相似文献   

长江口和东海海域沉积物粒径对有机质分布的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用2007年11月采集于长江口和东海陆架区域的78个站位的表层沉积物样品,以及2007年11月、2008年4月采集于长江口东南和浙江近岸泥质区的悬浮物样品,对长江口和东海海域表层沉积物以及部分站位的悬浮物进行了粒度、有机碳和总氮的分析和研究,探讨了沉积物粒径对有机质运移和沉积过程的影响.结果表明:(1)水体中悬浮物的...  相似文献   

以春季(4月10日~5月20日)东海赤潮为研究对象,选择2001年~2003年的16个赤潮个例,通过相关分析,归纳出四种利于赤潮发生的典型环流形势准静止北涡南槽型、移动性暖脊型、高温扰动型和东亚中纬度移动性二槽一脊型.并利用其进行了拟合及试预报,拟合正确率59%,2004年试预报正确率62%.  相似文献   

长江口外羽状锋的屏障效应及其对水下三角洲塑造的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
河口锋在大多数河口地区均有出现,它在河口过程中有着重要作用。国外BowmanM.J.1978年对河口锋的动力学问题作过一些研究 ,国内有学者1993年和1989年对长江口河口锋的特征以及对泥沙运移的作用作了阐述 ,但由于锋的多尺度和瞬时演变的复杂性,加之测试手段的局限 ,至今尚未取得成熟的理论 ,对锋的研究目仍处于初级阶段。近年来在长江口水文观测和河口锋大面调查期间 ,多次发现清、混体交汇的羽状锋 ,经进一步研究还发现羽状锋带常位于水下三角洲前部部位上 ,而且其走向也常和水下三角洲前缘线基本一致。由此引起思考 :…  相似文献   

将长江口、杭州湾及其邻近海域作为研究整体,建立该海区的三维Lagrange正压环流的分阶数值模式,综合考虑径流、东中国海背景环流、风应力和M2,S2,O1,K1 4大天文分潮的综合作用,运用流速分解法将环流分为正压梯度流、风生流、潮致余流及零阶环流的非线性耦合流等4个分量,模拟了冬夏两季长江口、杭州湾及其邻近海区的Lagrange正压环流结构.结果表明,零阶环流受东中国海背景环流控制;潮致余流是该海区一个重要分量;杭州湾内正压环流主要由风生流和潮致余流控制.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples taken from the East China Sea off the Changjiang estuary are used as raw materials for phosphorus releasing experiment. It is found that after being thoroughly mixed with seawater for about 10 minutes, phosphorus released from the sediments reaches its maximum value. Adsorption kinetics can be fitted with both Elovich equation and two-constant rate equation. The releasing amount is closely related to the composition of the sediments. Phosphorus release from silty and muddy sediment is higher than from that dominated by sandy composition. For the desorption reaction, iron-phosphorus(Fe-P) is the most active one, with a releasing ratio higher than other phosphorus forms,followed by absorbed-phosphorus (Ad-P) and organic bound phosphorus (OP). All of them can be referred to as bio-available phosphorus. The results demonstrate that phosphorus in sediments can be released into seawater under suitable hydrodynamic conditions, and have a great impact on the nutrition state and primary productivity of marine biosphere.  相似文献   

1Introduction TheChangjiang(Yangtze)Riverdrainageba sinliesbetween25°and35°N,andbetween91°and122°E,withatotalareaof1.81×106km2anda populationof4×108.Itpassesthroughadensely populatedareawithwell developedindustryandag riculture,includingShanghai,the  相似文献   

On the basis of hydrographic data and current measurement (the mooring system, vessel-mounted ADCP and toward ADCP) data obtained in June 1999, the circulations in the southern Huang-hai Sea (HS) and northern East China Sea (ECS) are computed by using the modified inverse method. The Kuroshio flows northeastward through eastern part of the investigated region and has the main core at Section PN, a northward flow at the easternmost part of Section PN, a weaker anti-cyclonic eddy between these two northward flows, and a weak cyclonic eddy at the western part of Section PN. The above current structure is one type of the current structures at Section PN in ECS. The net northward volume transport (VT) of the Kuroshio and the offshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCOB) through Section PN is about 26.2×106m3/s in June 1999. The VT of the inshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCIB) through the investigated region is about 0.4×106m3/s. The Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) has much effect on the currents over the  相似文献   

Sediment transport in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight survey cruises in different seasons have been conducted in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) during the period from 2000 to 2008. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and hydrological data were collected during each cruise. Data analysis showed that total suspended sediment mass was approximately 0.18 × 109 tons in the surveyed area during spring and autumn seasons. Highly turbid waters were found in the shallow waters between the Subei coast, the Changjiang estuary and the Zhejiang coast with seasonal variations.  相似文献   

The main processes of interaction between the coastal water, shelf water and Kuroshiowater in the Huanghai Sea (HS) and East China Sea (ECS) are analyzed based on the observation and study results in recent years. These processes include the intrusion of the Kuroshio water into the shelf area of the ECS, the entrainment of the shelf water into the Kuroshio, the seasonal process in the southern shelf area of the ECS controlled alternatively by the Taiwan Strait water and the Kuroshio water intruding into the shelf area, the interaction between the Kuroshio branch water, shelf mixed water and modified coastal water in the northeastern ECS, the water-exchange between the HS and ECS and the spread of the Changjiang diluted water.  相似文献   

利用美国国家海洋大气管理局2007年发布的全球海域温、盐数据库资料,美国地球物理数据中心2006年发布的海底地形数据库资料以及日本海洋科学与技术机构2003年发布的1997—2002年东海地区月平均降水量资料,研究东海黑潮表层盐度的月季分布特征,并分析其影响因素。结果表明,东海黑潮表层盐度存在明显的月季变化特征。总体而言,12月至次年3月表层盐度高,6—9月表层盐度低,4、5月和10、11月为过渡阶段;表层盐度高值分布在东海黑潮主段靠近东边界一侧;6—9月入口段的表层盐度高于出口段的表层盐度,其他月份入口段的表层盐度低于出口段的表层盐度。东海黑潮表层盐度主要受表层温度、降水、径流的影响。冬、春、秋季的表层盐度分布在黑潮主段靠近陆架一侧区域受表层温度影响大;降水对东海黑潮表层盐度产生局部小范围的影响,时间主要集中在1月和6—8月份,区域分布在低纬25°N以南和30°N附近。长江冲淡水夏季对东海黑潮表层盐度的影响大于其他季节对东海黑潮表层盐度的影响,7月长江径流量达到最大值时,对应的黑潮扇形区的盐度最低。  相似文献   

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