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《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(1-2):105-121
Pollen analysis of radiocarbon-dated lake sediment from northern Vancouver Island, southwest British Columbia reveals regional changes in forest vegetation over the last 12,200 14C yr (14,900 cal yr). Between at least 12,200 and 11,700 14C yr BP (14,900–13,930 cal yr BP), open woodlands were dominated by Pinus contorta, Alnus crispa, and various ferns. As P. contorta decreased in abundance, Alnus rubra and more shade-tolerant conifers (i.e., Picea and Tsuga mertensiana) increased. Increases in T. mertensiana, P. contorta, and A. crispa pollen accumulation rates (PARs) between 10,600 and 10,400 14C yr BP (11,660–11,480 cal yr BP) reflect a cool and moist climate during the Younger Dryas chronozone. Orbitally induced warming around 10,000 14C yr BP (11,090 cal yr BP) allowed the northward extension of Pseudotsuga menziesii, although Picea, Tsuga heterophylla, and A. rubra dominated early Holocene forests. By 7500 14C yr BP (8215 cal yr BP), shade-tolerant T. heterophylla was the dominant forest tree. Cupressaceae (Thuja plicata and Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) was present by 7500 14C yr BP but reached its maximum after 3500 14C yr BP (3600 cal yr BP), when a cooler and wetter regional climate facilitated the development of temperate rainforest. The highest rates of vegetation change are associated with Lateglacial climate change and species with rapid growth rates and short life spans.  相似文献   

Forty-eight new and previously published radiocarbon ages constrain deglacial and postglacial sea levels on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Sea level fell rapidly from its high stand of about +75 m elevation just before 14 000 cal BP (12 000 radiocarbon yrs BP) to below the present shoreline by 13 200 cal BP (11 400 radiocarbon years BP). The sea fell below its present level 1000 years later in the central Strait of Georgia and 2000 years later in the northern Strait of Georgia, reflecting regional differences in ice sheet retreat and downwasting. Direct observations only constrain the low stand to be below ?11 m and above ?40 m. Analysis of the crustal isostatic depression with equations utilizing exponential decay functions appropriate to the Cascadia subduction zone, however, places the low stand at ?30 ± 5 m at about 11 200 cal BP (9800 BP). The inferred low stand for southern Vancouver Island, when compared to the sea-level curve previously derived for the central Strait of Georgia to the northwest, generates differential isostatic depression that is consistent with the expected crustal response between the two regions. Morphologic and sub-bottom features previously interpreted to indicate a low stand of ?50 to ?65 m are re-evaluated and found to be consistent with a low stand of ?30 ± 5 m. Submarine banks in eastern Juan de Fuca Strait were emergent at the time of the low stand, but marine passages persisted between southern Vancouver Island and the mainland. The crustal uplift presently occurring in response to the Late Pleistocene collapse of the southwestern sector of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet amounts to about 0.1 mm/yr. The small glacial isostatic adjustment rate is a consequence of low-viscosity mantle in this tectonically active region.  相似文献   

In July 2005, a debris flow and a water flood occurred on two adjacent gullies in the White River area, on northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. The 16,000 m3 debris flow buried approximately 7.5 ha of second-growth trees, buried approximately 500 m of a forestry road, and reached two fish-bearing streams. The water flood eroded approximately 240 m of the same forestry road and plugged four culverts before overtopping and inundating the road. To better plan for future events, risk analyses of debris flows, debris floods, and water floods were carried out for the two gullies involved, plus a third adjacent gully. The elements at risk that were analyzed included, in order of priority: users of the forestry road, the fish-bearing streams, the forestry road itself, and a timber bridge. Using a series of qualitative, but defined, relative-risk matrices, the following components of specific risk were estimated for each of the three types of events on each of the three gullies for each of the four elements at risk: probability of occurrence, probability that the event will reach or otherwise affect the site of the element at risk, the probability that the element at risk will be at the site when the event occurs, and the probability of loss or damage resulting from the element being at the site when the event occurs.  相似文献   

An unusual jaw found in a calcite nodule from Collishaw Point, Hornby Island, British Columbia (off the east coast of Vancouver Island) represents the first definitive pterosaur found in British Columbia, and the first istiodactylid from Canada.  相似文献   

Abstract The 6-km-thick Karmutsen metabasites, exposed over much of Vancouver Island, were thermally metamorphosed by intrusions of Jurassic granodiorite and granite. Observations of about 800 thin sections from the Campbell River and Buttle Lake area show that the metabasites provide a complete succession of mineral assemblages ranging from the zeolite to pyroxene hornfels facies around the intrusion. The most important observations are as follows. (1) The compositional change of Ca-amphiboles with increasing metamorphic grade is not straightforward. The tremolite component decreases from the prehnite–actinolite facies to the greenschist facies with a compensating tschermak component increase, but the tendency is not clear thereafter. Instead, the edenite component increases from the amphibolite facies to the pyroxene hornfels facies. (2) The most pargasitic Ca-amphibole occurs in high-Fe2+/Mg metabasite from the greenschist/amphibolite transition zone. (3) The reasons for such irregular compositional trends, even in the rather uniform MORB-like composition of the Karmutsen metabasites, are non-ideal solid solutions of Ca-amphibole at low temperature and the effective control by bulk rock composition in the amphibolite facies. (4) The data from this study support, but do not prove, a transition loop for the actinolite–hornblende compositional gap rather than a solvus. If the gap is a solvus, its shape is asymmetric, and is highly dependent on the other compositional parameters such as Fe3+/Al and Fe2+/Mg. (5) The XNaA/XA±XAb) ratios between Ca-amphibole and plagioclase are most useful as an indicator of metamorphic grade even within the amphibolite facies, and these change systematically from 0.2 to 0.5 from the greenschist to pyroxene hornfels facies. (6) The compositional trend of Ca-amphibole from the Karmutsen metabasites indicates a typical low-P/T metamorphic facies series on a Rbk–Gln–Tr–Ts diagram.  相似文献   

Low-variance assemblages occurring within amygdules of Karmutsenlavas from the Elk Creek and Upper Campbell Lake areas, VancouverIsland, British Columbia, provide important constraints on thepressure and temperature of metamorphism as well as on the compositionof the attendant fluid. The P-T stability of the assemblagesepidote-muscovite-K-feldspar-prehnite and epidote-prehnite-quartz-wairakitecoupled with mean isochores derived from homogenization temperaturesof H2O inclusions within amygdaloidal quartz indicate that theUpper Campbell Lake area was subjected to metamorphism at 1?5kb (?0?5 kb), 260 ?C (? 15?C) and the Elk Creek area at somewhatlower P or higher T. Isobaric T-a(CO2) diagrams show that the occurrence of epidote-oligoclase,prehnite-orthoclase-albite, and prehnite-andesine assemblagescollected from the Elk Creek area is consistent with the P-Tconstraints and that these assemblages formed in water-richfluids containing very low concentrations of CO2. The presenceof Ca-zeolite-epidote assemblages in the Upper Campbell Lakearea is also compatible with P-T estimates. The consistencyof epidote and prehnite rim compositions in low-variance assemblagesand the lack of incompatible phases in these assemblages demonstratethat equilibrium was obtained on limited domains within amygdules. Because epidote and prehnite compositions in low-variance assemblagesare very sensitive to changes in concentration of CO2, low-varianceassemblages involving these phases can serve as monitors offluid composition. It is postulated that low-variance assemblagesin Karmutsen flows originated by reaction of previously formed,high-variance assemblages with infiltrating CO2-bearing aqueousfluids during a subsequent hydrothermal event. These fluidspreferentially exploited more permeable amygdaloidal portionsof the Karmutsen flows. The low-variance assemblages not onlyrecord the extremely H2O-rich composition of the permeatingfluid, but also outline the paths the fluid took. * Offprint requests to B. R. Frost  相似文献   

The Upper Triassic Karmutsen Subgroup of northeastern VancouverIsland exhibits a clear-cut contact metamorphism of basalticflows, pillows, and pillow breccias in the aureoles of the CoastRange Intrusions. The thermal effect is superimposed upon prehnite-pumpellyitefacies regional metamorphic rocks. The metamorphism of flowsis nearly isochemical except for H2O. Aquagene tuffs and pillowbreccias, which have undergone extensive chemical alterationthrough diagenesis and burial metamorphism, involve considerablemetasomatism (gain of Si, Na, and Ca and loss of Fe, Mg, andTi) and approach the original basaltic composition in the contactzone. Two prograde metamorphic zones are recognized: an actinolite-chlorite-epidote-albitezone, about 2600 m wide; and a hornblende-calcic plagioclase(An>20) zone, about 900 m wide. Microprobe analyses indicatethat (1) amphibole increases in Al2O3, TiO2, and Na2O and chloritein Al2O3 with progressive metamorphism; (2) the pistacite contentof epidote decreases from Ps = 30 in the prehnite-pumpellyitezone to Ps = 25 in the epidote-actinolite zone; and (3) theAn content of plagioclase jumps from An0004 for the outerthermal zone to An 2070 for the inner zone with a compositionalgap between An04 and An20. The following evidence suggests a low-pressure contact metamorphiccondition and therefore a shallow level of the intrusion: (1)the occurrence of prehnite-actinolite-chlorite and absence ofpumpellyite-actinolite-chlorite in the outer thermal zone; (2)wide compositional gaps in both amphibole and plagioclase acrossthe metamorphic zones; (3) absence of an albite-epidote-hornblendeassemblage in transition zone; and (4) the thickness of thesection (Quatsino-Bonanza) overlying the Karmutsen. Mineralparageneses and inferred phase relations suggest that the transitionfrom the prehnite-pumpellyite zone to the epidoteactinolitezone occurs at about 350 ?C and from the epidote-actinolitezone to the plagioclase-hornblende zone at about 470–500?C at relatively high fo2 conditions.  相似文献   

Interbedded, organic-rich terrestrial and marine sediments exposed along the eastern coastal lowland of Vancouver Island contain an almost continuous record of middle Wisconsin vegetation and climate. The record has been interpreted largely from palynostratigraphic studies at three sites and supported by a study of modern pollen spectra from the three major biogeoclimatic zones of the extant vegetation. Radiocarbon dates from a variety of organic materials in the middle Wisconsin beds reveal that the fossil pollen spectra span an interval ranging from approximately 21,000 yr B.P. to more than 51,000 yr B.P. The spectra are divided into eight major pollen zones encompassing the Olympia Interglaciation and early Fraser Glaciation geologicclimate units of the Pacific Northwest. The Olympia Interglaciation extended from before 51,000 yr B.P. to ca. 29,000 yr B.P. and was characterized by a climate similar to present. During the early Fraser Glaciation, from 29,000 years ago to approximately 21,000 yr B.P., climate deteriorated until tundra like conditions prevailed. These pollen sequences are correlative with those of coastal British Columbia and partly with those from Olympic Peninsula, but apparently are not comparable with events in the Puget Lowland.  相似文献   

Kakawis Lake situated four metres above sea level on western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, was the target of a palaeotsunami investigation. Six percussion cores recovered from this lake contain six anomalous deposits interbedded within the unconsolidated lacustrine sediments. Detailed sedimentological, geophysical and macro-fraction analyses were performed. The methods new to palaeoseismic approaches proved to be successful tools to characterize the anomalously coarse layers enriched in terrestrial plant detritus and marine shells. Based on at least eight types of evidence, six tsunami inundations are suggested as mechanisms responsible for the anomalous deposition, spanning from 3,634 to 2,534 cal yrs BP. Each tsunami event consists of a combination of different lithological facies resulting from different stages of tsunami inundation and settling of the material in the lake basin (pulses and inter-pulses). Tsunami deposits in lakes are shown to be less vulnerable to erosional and bioturbation processes than those found in marshes or beaches as well as underwater marine environments. However, few palaeoseismic studies have been carried out in low-elevation lakes along the Cascadia Subduction Zone region. The three last tsunami events known to have inundated areas along the Pacific shores of southern British Columbia, Canada and northern USA are not present at Kakawis Lake, establishing a current <4 m above mean sea level vertical limit as possible maximum tsunami height for areas located away from fjord heads on Vancouver Island. The anomalous deposits found in Kakawis Lake may be the oldest geological evidence of inferred tsunami on Vancouver Island, providing a possible recurrence interval between 200 and 400 years.  相似文献   

Relative sea-level change at the time of, and since, the most recent great earthquake at the Cascadia subduction zone is estimated from intertidal sediments at three marshes on western Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We compare the elevation of the pre-earthquake surface, which is marked by a tsunami sand sheet, with the modern depositional elevation range of the sediment type upon which the sand was deposited. At a site south of the Nootka fault zone, which is the northern boundary of the subducting Juan de Fuca plate, tidal mud overlies the pre-earthquake marsh surface. The stratigraphy at this site indicates 0.2–1.6 m of coseismic submergence and 1.1 m of subsequent emergence. In contrast, two sites to the north lack obvious stratigraphic evidence for coseismic land-level change and record between 0.1 and 1.7 m of post-earthquake submergence. These results indicate a difference in tectonic environment across the Nootka fault zone and suggest that plate-boundary rupture during the last great Cascadia earthquake probably did not extend north of central Vancouver Island.  相似文献   

Effects of deforestation upon slopes in limestones and in volcanic rocks in the Benson River valley, northern Vancouver Island, have been investigated quantitatively. Postlogging soil erosion and vegetal regeneration success were assessed by measuring soil depth, percent bare rock and moss cover, and the numbers and diversity of trees, shrubs, and plants on 25 sampling sites, each containing ten measuring quadrats selected at random. Sixteen sites were on the Quatsino Formation, a well-karstified limestone, and nine on the Karmutsen Formation of basaltic lavas. Eight sites were of virgin forest, 16 were logged between 1970 and 1983, and one (on limestone) was logged in 1911. Both bedrock types were significantly affected by the cutting. There was greater loss of soil and an increase in bare rock on the limestones. Erosion was increased significantly by burning on the limestones but not on the volcanics. Within-group comparisons on the limestones determined that steeper slopes and harder burned areas suffered the most and are slowest to regenerate. Volume of timber on the 1911 site was 19 percent of that in similar uncut forest sites. It appears that complete recovery on the barren limestone slopes will require at least some centuries.  相似文献   

Diatoms, silicoflagellates, and biogenic silica (BSi) were analyzed from two piston cores recovered from Effingham Inlet, British Columbia. Relatively productive marine conditions from 4850 to 4000 cal yr BP were followed by a transition to the modern ocean-climate regime marked by a decreased siliceous microfossil production since 2800 cal yr BP. This change in the northeast Pacific climate was characterized by an apparent cooling associated with higher rainfall and lower light levels. The reduced abundance of most spring-summer bloom diatom taxa (Skeletonema-Thalassiosira-Chaetoceros) was coupled with a decreased abundance of diatoms normally associated with incursions of offshore water into coastal inlets. This pattern reflected a weaker summer upwelling along Vancouver Island associated with the insolation-related increase in the strength of the Aleutian Low and a weakened North Pacific High. After ca. 2800 cal yr BP, diatom assemblages also indicated more frequent periods of relatively low spring-summer surface water salinity and a disruption of the typical bloom sequence, indicative of increased climatic variability. A period of warmer and drier climate conditions and possibly increased coastal upwelling offshore occurred ca. 1450-1050 cal yr BP. The most recent 500 yr are marked by reduced diatom production and the appearance of three distinct diatom biomarkers in the stratigraphic record (Rhizosolenia setigera ca. AD 1940; Minidiscus chilensis ca. AD 1860; Thalassionema nitzschioides morphotype A, ca. AD 1550). The oceanographic changes recorded in Effingham Inlet are correlative with other marine and terrestrial paleoenvironmental records in the northeast Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

The architectural framework and Holocene evolution of the Zeballos fjord‐head delta on west‐central Vancouver Island was established through a multidisciplinary field‐based study. The Zeballos delta is a composite feature, consisting of an elevated, incised, late Pleistocene delta and an inset Holocene delta graded to present sea level. Both deltas have a classic Gilbert‐type tripartite architecture, with nearly flat topset and bottomset units and an inclined foreset unit. Time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) and ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) surveys, borehole data, and gravel pit exposures provided information on the internal form, lithologies and substrate of both deltas. Both sets of deltaic deposits coarsen upward from silt in the bottomset unit to gravel in the topset unit. The TDEM survey revealed a highly irregular, buried bedrock surface, ranging from 20 m to 190 m in depth, and it delineated saltwater intrusion into the deltaic sediments. Late Quaternary sea‐level change at Zeballos was inferred from delta morphology and the GPR survey. The elevated, late Pleistocene delta was constructed when the sea was about 21 m higher relative to the land than it is today. It was dissected when sea‐level fell rapidly as a result of glacio‐isostatic rebound. Relative sea‐level reached a position about 20 m below the present datum during the early Holocene. Foreset beds that overlap and progressively climb in a seaward direction and topset beds that thicken to 26 m landward imply that the delta aggraded and prograded into Zeballos Inlet during the middle and late Holocene transgression. Sea‐level may have risen above the present datum during the middle Holocene, creating a delta plain at about 4 m a.s.l. Remnants of this surface are preserved along the valley margins. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The upper Triassic Karmutsen metabasites from northeast VancouverIsland, B.C., are thermally metamorphosed by the intrusion ofthe Coast Range Batholith. The amygdaloidal metabasites developedin the outer portion of the contact aureole show a progressivemetamorphism from zeolite to prehnite-pumpellyite facies. Thesize of an equilibrium domain is extremely small for these metabasites,and the individual amygdule assemblages are assumed to be inequilibrium. Two major calcite-free assemblages (+chlorite+quartz)are characteristic: (i) laumontite+pumpellyite+epidote in thezeolite facies and (ii) prehnite+pumpellyite+epidote in theprehnite-pumpellyite facies. The assemblages and compositionsof Ca-Al silicates are chemographically and theoretically interpretedon the basis of the predicted P-T grid for the model basalticsystem, CaO-MgO-A12O3-Fe2O3-SiO2-H2O. The results indicate:(1) local equilibrium has been approached in mineral assemblagesand compositions; (2) the XFe3+ values in the coexisting Ca-Alsilicates decrease from epidote, through pumpellyite to prehnite;(3) with increasing metamorphic grade, the Fe3+ contents ofepidotes in reaction assemblages decrease in the zeolite facies,then increase in the prehnite-pumpellyite facies rocks. Suchvariations in the assemblages and mineral compositions are controlledby a sequence of continuous and discontinuous reactions, andallow delineation of T-XFe3+ relations at constant pressure.The transition from the zeolite to prehnite-pumpellyite faciesof the Karmutsen metabasites is defined by a discontinuous reaction:0·18 laumontite+pumpellyite+0·15 quartz = 1·31prehnite+ 0·78 epidote+0·2 chlorite+ 1·72H2O, where the XFe3+ values of prehnite, pumpellyite and epidoteare 0·03, 0·10 and 0·18, respectively.These values together with available thermodynamic data andour preliminary experimental data are used to calculate theP-T condition for the discontinuous reaction as P = 1·1±0·5 kb and T = 190±30°C. The effectsof pressure on the upper stability of the zeolite facies assemblagesare discussed utilizing T-XFe3+ diagrams. The stability of thelaumontite-bearing assemblages for the zeolite facies metamorphismof basaltic rocks may be defined by either continuous or discontinuousreactions depending on the imposed metamorphic field gradient.Hence, the zeolite and prehnite-pumpellyite facies transitionboundary is multivariant.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - In the present study, numerical simulations were conducted to estimate the spatio-temporal characteristics of tsunami inundation for municipalities on Vancouver Island, Canada, as...  相似文献   

Mosquito Creek drains a 15.5 km2 watershed on the North Shore Mountains north of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and flows through the densely urbanized District and then City of North Vancouver. Previous studies determined that the creek is subject to debris floods (hyperconcentrated flows). The National Research Council of Canada is applying multi-hazard risk assessment procedures for various regions in B.C. and chose Mosquito Creek as one of its target areas. As part of its natural hazard management plan, the District of North Vancouver (DNV) requested an assessment of debris flood hazards and associated risk to life. Using a combination of empirical methods, dendrochronology and some judgment, BGC Engineering Inc. assessed debris flood hazard extent, velocity and depth for estimated 100-, 200-, 500- and 2,500-year debris flow return periods. Based on the results from the hazard assessment, risk for individuals and groups living within the hazard area, including residential homes and a fire hall, was estimated. Compared to risk tolerance criteria accepted on an interim basis by the DNV, we estimate that societal risk exceeds tolerable standards and that individual risk exceeds tolerable standards for 10 homes. The results from the risk to loss of life study have prompted DNV to implement a series of risk reduction measures including installation of a debris containment net and watershed restoration measures.  相似文献   

The Myra mine, now inactive, produced Zn and Cu concentrates from a Zn-rich, Kuroko-type, volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit located in the mountainous interior of Vancouver Island. The climate at the site is classified as “Marine West Coast”, with annual precipitation exceeding 2200 mm. Water from a losing stream on the mountainside above the mine follows preferential, fracture-controlled pathways to the upper workings before draining through the 10-Level portal. With a view toward mine decommissioning, portal discharge rate was monitored continuously over a 17-month period during which 46 water samples were collected. Effluent chemistry, dominated by Ca, HCO3 and SO4, shows moderate to high total base metal concentrations and near-neutral pH. Carbonatization, mainly of mafic rocks in the hangingwall, provides significant acid neutralizing potential. Metal concentrations vary seasonally, with smaller spikes associated with summer storm events, and a main peak associated with flushing of the workings during the first heavy autumn rains. Aqueous speciation modeling suggests that Fe and Al concentrations are controlled by the solubilities of hydrous ferric oxides and microcrystalline gibbsite, respectively. Concentrations of Zn, Cu and Cd appear controlled by sorption rather than by the solubilities of mineral phases. A comparison of precipitate concentrations observed in portal effluent with predictions from mass balance (inverse) modeling results suggests that less than 5% of the precipitated Fe and Al hydroxides are transported from the mine. However, amounts of sorbed Cu, Zn and Cd measured in the effluent are only slightly lower than modeled values. This suggests that the small fraction of (probably finer) Fe precipitates in portal effluent sorbs most of the Zn, Cu and Cd predicted by modeling. Based on mass balance calculations, metal loadings are explained by the oxidation of 3830 kg of pyrite, 600 kg of sphalerite and 190 kg of chalcopyrite, annually. Circum-neutral drainage conditions are maintained by the reaction of almost 19,800 kg of calcite, annually.  相似文献   

Triassic sediments from the Halfway Formation of Peejay Field in British Columbia, Canada, are described here with special reference to the mineral alterations during diagenesis. These sediments were deposited along the irregular coastline during the middle Triassic transgression. The vertical lithologic succession is complex and considerably altered. The major lithologies concerned are silty sandstones, dolarenite, dololutite, sporadic coquinoid, and accumulated shell debris largely composed of pelecypods, which have been diagenetically altered to dolomite. Evaporites were either introduced through solution and precipitation or by replacement. In certain sandstone units, intense corrosion to complete replacement of clastic quartz as well as matrix by dolomite is observed. The introduction or removal of minerals in the sediments during diagenesis may result from physico-chemical changes in the equilibrium between sediments and the interstitial fluid caused by burial. Hence, the study of diagenetic minerals and paragenesis may be an important tool for interpreting the environment of deposition and the postdepositional history.
Zusammenfassung Triassische Sedimente der Halfway-Formation des Peejay Fields in British-Columbia, Canada, werden unter Berücksichtigung der Mineralumwandlungen während der Diagenese beschrieben. Diese Sedimente wurden während der Mittel-Triassischen Transgression entlang der unregelmäßigen Küstenlinie abgelagert. Die lithologische Folge ist komplex und beträchtlich verändert. Die Hauptgesteinsfolge besteht aus tonigen Sandsteinen, Dolareniten, Dololutiten, sporadischen Koguinoiden und Schalentrümmern, die meistens von Pelecypoden stammen und diagenetisch in Dolomit umgewandelt worden sind. Evaporite entstanden entweder durch Lösungszufuhr und Ablagerung oder Verdrängung. In einigen Sandsteinhorizonten weisen sowohl klastische Quarzkörner als auch die Grundmasse intensive Korrosionserscheinungen auf, die bis zur vollständigen Verdrängung durch Dolomit führen können. Das Eindringen oder Verschwinden von Mineralien in den Sedimenten während der Diagenese kann durch physikochemische Änderungen des Gleichgewichts zwischen Sedimenten und der miteingeschlossenen Porenlösung durch Sedimentüberdeckung verursacht werden. Somit kann die Untersuchung diagenetischer Mineralien und ihrer Paragenese ein wichtiges Mittel zur Deutung des Ablagerungsmilieus und der Geschichte nach der Ablagerung sein.

Natural levées of the Columbia River near Golden, British Columbia, were investigated to identify the mechanisms that control levée development and morphology. Topographic profiles of 12 levée pairs were surveyed, and measurements of water-surface elevation, flow velocity, flow direction and turbidity were obtained during an average magnitude flood (1·2 years recurrence interval). Sedimentation rates and grain-size distributions were measured from sediment traps placed along levée-to-floodbasin transects. Results show that water and sediment exchange between the channel and floodbasin was mainly by advection. During flooding, local floodbasins behave more as efficient water pathways than water storage features, resulting in down-valley floodbasin flows capable of limiting basinward growth of levées. Levée shape results primarily from two independent factors: (1) maximum channel water stage, which limits levée height; and (2) floodbasin hydraulics, which control width. In the Columbia River, the competence of floodbasin flows results in relatively narrow and steep levées. Natural levées grow under two general conditions of deposition as governed by flood-stage elevation relative to levée-crest elevation: front loading and back loading. During large floods when crests are inundated, front loading preferentially aggrades the proximal portions of levées with sediment directly from the channel, thus increasing levée slope. During average or below-average floods when many levée crests are not overtopped, back loading preferentially aggrades the distal levée areas and floodbasin floor, reducing levée slope. In the study area, a balance between front and back loading sustains these narrow and steep levée shapes for long periods, reflecting an equilibrium between hydraulic regime, floodplain morphology and deposition.  相似文献   

The Canadian Cordillera is separable into two major northerly trending tectonic units—the Pacific Orogen and the Columbian Orogen, with the latter further separated into the Omineca Crystalline Belt and the easterly Rocky Mountain Fold and Thrust Belt. Synkinematic metamorphism of Jurassic age within the Omineca Belt is thought to be associated with accretion of westerly terranes of the Pacific Orogen—more specifically the Quesnellia terrane—that was thrust easterly over the Omineca Belt towards the craton. Mylonitic rocks mark the margin between these two belts and this margin is well-exposed near Crooked Lake, central British Columbia.Structural analysis across the zone of convergence between these two terranes indicates that the cratonic basement and the accreted cover sequences have several phases of deformation and metamorphism in common. The initial common phase of deformation, wherein convergence is accomplished, is characterized by easterly verging folds that are superposed by a second common phase having westerly verging folds that deform the zone of convergence and control the present regional map pattern. A final common phase of deformation produced easterly verging folds.Change in vergence direction is interpreted as resulting from change in direction of transport related to subduction process: first obduction of Quesnellia onto the Omineca craton, followed later by easterly subduction of an oceanic Quesnellia below the craton.All evidence of transport direction(s) points to convergence occurring at very high angles to the zone of convergence. There appears to be no evidence of transport parallel with the strike of the zone. If transport has taken place parallel to the strike of the zone, then this transport occurred before convergence or evidence of this motion has been destroyed during the convergence.  相似文献   

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