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推移质输沙率的非线性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的是从非线性科学角度探讨泥沙运动的规律。通过分析非均匀沙起动的影响因素得到了尖点突变模型的状态变量和控制变量,建立了能描述推移质运动的尖点突变模型。在尖点突变标准方程的基础上,应用尖点突变理论的坐标变换和拓扑变换,导出了输沙强度和水流参数的函数关系式。将输沙强度作为状态变量,水流参数和床沙密实系数作为控制变量。用水槽实验资料和其它推移质输沙率公式进行了对比验证。验证结果表明,计算值与其它推移质输沙率公式和水槽实验结果基本相符,误差一般在-90%~80%之间。说明建立的推移质输沙率公式是合理的,能够反映泥沙的起动和输移规律。  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-2):67-79
Field measurements to calibrate numerical bedload formulae are largely missing. Measurements using a Large Helley-Smith sampler were performed over a period of five years in the large Alpine Drau River, Austria. Our results reveal the high spatio-temporal variability of bedload transport rates. Commonly used bedload predictors poorly describe measured transport rates. Temporal and localised cross-sectional variation in bedload transport rates are observed in short time frames. To obtain significant mean values, the measurement period has to be extended to cover the existing bedload transport periodicity. The discrepancy between bedload transport measurements and simulation is partially explained by local hydraulic variations. The results can be improved, particularly for verticals where most of the bedload occurs, by relating measured transport rates to local hydraulic parameters. The incorporation of local cross-sectional parameters demonstrates the utility of 2D bedload models and their greater predictive power over similar 1D models.  相似文献   

It is well known that sediment sorting according to size, shape and density occurs, but the exact mechanisms involved are poorly understood. To assess the effects of size and density, sand-size spheres of two densities were transported and deposited under controlled flume conditions. Observations on the motion of discrete particles show that grains smaller than bed-roughness grains move continuously and have the same transport velocities regardless of density. For grains near and slightly larger than the roughness, movement is intermittent and, for a given size, heavy particles move more slowly than lights. For grains much larger than bed roughness grains, movement is continuous over the rough surface and light and heavy grains have nearly the same transport velocities. Analyses of bulk sediment deposited from plane-bed transport, show that the size and proportion of heavies decreases and that of lights increases with distance transported. For ripple bed transport, however, the size relations between associated light and heavy grains remains essentially unchanged with transport distance and the proportion of light and heavy grains is extremely variable. These results suggest that size-density sorting in plane-bed transport is a function of the transportabilities identified in the discrete grain studies but that sorting in ripple-bed transport is related to deposition on, and recycling through, the bed forms. Application of these findings to the concept of hydraulic equivalence implies that some indication of bed configuration may be necessary for the concept to be useful.  相似文献   

A new sensor for the continuous and unmanned detection and recording of bedload motion is described. The sensor acts in the same fashion as a conventional metal detector but is elongate and installed permanently in the bed of an alluvial channel. Artificial clasts are labelled with short lengths of ferrite rod and are seeded upstream from the sensor, replacing bed particles. The entrainment of seeded clasts takes them over the sensor where they distort the magnetic field and produce a change in inductance that is detected and recorded. A field installation demonstrates the value of the sensor by revealing for the first time in coarse-grained alluvium the spasmodic nature of particle motion reminiscent of kinematic waves. It also illustrates the importance of pebble clusters in delaying particle entrainment.  相似文献   

PENG GAO 《Sedimentology》2012,59(6):1926-1935
A recently developed bedload equation (Abrahams & Gao, 2006) has the form ib = ωG3˙4, where ib is the immersed bedload transport rate, ω is the stream power per unit area, G = 1?θc/θ, θ is the dimensionless shear stress and θc is the associated threshold value for the incipient motion of bed grains. This equation has a parsimonious form and provides good predictions of transport rate in both the saltation and sheetflow regimes (i.e. flows with low and high θ values, respectively). In this study, the equation was validated using data independent of those used for developing it. The data represent bedload of identical sizes transported in various steady, uniform, fully rough and turbulent flows over plane, mobile beds. The equation predicted ib quite well over five orders of magnitude. This equation was further compared with six classic bedload equations and showed the best performance. Its theoretical significance was subsequently examined in two ways. First, based on collision theory, the parameter G was related to the ratio of grain‐to‐grain collisions to the total collisions including both grain‐to‐grain and grain‐to‐bed collisions, Pg by Pg = G2, suggesting that G characterizes the dynamic processes of bedload transport from the perspective of granular flow, which partly accounts for the good performance of the equation. Moreover, examining the ability of two common equations to predict bedload in gravel‐bed rivers revealed that G can also be used to simplify equations for predicting transport capacities in such rivers. Second, a simple dimensionless form of the equation was created by introducing B = ib/ω. The theoretical nature of the term B was subsequently revealed by comparing this equation with both the Bagnold model and two commonly used parameters representing dimensionless bedload transport rates.  相似文献   

A simple and inexpensive sampler to measure bedload sediment transport in shallow subtidal or intertidal areas is described. The cylindrical sub-sediment trap with an aspect ratio of 20 (height: diameter) is an improvement over conventional bedload samplers which are difficult to use in shallow areas or fail to collect the biological material associated with bedload. Traps deployed on a low-energy intertidal sandflat for six months provided daily estimates of bedload transport (quartz grains: 0.001–40 kg m?1 d?1), passive infaunal transport (e.g., the bivalveMya arenaria, max: 800 ind m?1 d?1), and organic detrital flux (e.g., macrophyte fragments, max: 400 g dry wt m?1 d?1). Bedload rates estimated with traps were compared to predictions from a numerical bedload model to evaluate the trap’s collection and retention efficiency. A significant linear regression between observed (trap) and predicted (model) rates (r2=0.65, p<0.001, n=97) indicated that the traps were useful for the measurement of high- and low-frequency variability in bedload transport. Potential applications of the traps in benthic oceanography include recruitment and recolonization studies.  相似文献   

Characteristic length and timescales for a turbid surge are used to estimate bedload transport by the surge, deriving estimates for the conditions under which deposited material will be mobilized as bedload, and of the relative importance of bedload in determining the overall deposit geometry. A critique is provided of the common modelling assumptions which underlie these estimates and of how their consistency can be checked. For large turbidity currents, such as those which emplaced the Marnoso Arenacea turbidites in northern Italy, model predictions of overall geometry are not easy to reconcile with the field data: some possible reasons for this are discussed. The estimates obtained from these characteristic scales are consistent with the widespread presence in turbidites of sedimentary structures which indicate bedload transport; some of these structures from the Marnoso Arenacea Formation are reviewed briefly. However, the estimates suggest that bedload transport is not a major factor responsible for the geometry of the large turbidites in this formation, which exhibit a broad thickness maximum in their proximal region that contrasts with the downstream-thinning geometry of smaller beds. This effect suggests that the explanation for this theoretically unexpected geometry should be sought in other physical mechanisms.  相似文献   

Porphyroblast inclusion trails have the potential to provide critical information about tectonometamorphic events. Recently, however, traditional interpretations of inclusion trails have been called into question by the suggestions that porphyroblasts do not rotate during non-coaxial deformation and that apparent spiral inclusion trails can be generated in coaxial deformation. We present a new computer model that simulates inclusion trail development. Model results suggest: (1) that the extent of porphyroblast rotation is controlled by conditions at the porphyroblast-matrix boundary; (2) that curved inclusion trails may develop in unrotated porphyroblasts; (3) that classic "snowball" inclusion trails are most simply explained by rotational growth histories; and (4) that some of the observations used to support the view that porphyroblasts do not rotate (e.g. weakly sigmoidal inclusion trails, apparent truncations of inclusion trails) can be accounted for by variations in the growth rate of rotating porphyroblasts.  相似文献   

Continuous, detailed records of marine gravel transport have been obtained acoustically and compared with bedload transport rates (qb) predicted by five bedload transport equations using measurements of the near-bed turbulent current flow. When mean flow data are used in these equations, total qb estimates are similar to those measured. However, when instantaneous flow data are used, total qb is over-estimated by approximately one order-of-magnitude. Based on the acoustic measurements, an empirical equation has been obtained that gives accurate estimates of total qb over a tidal cycle and simulates well the intermittent characteristics of marine bedload transport.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Temporally and spatially averaged models of bedload transport are inadequate to describe the highly variable nature of particle motion at low transport stages. The primary sources of this variability are the resisting forces to downstream motion resulting from the geometrical relation (pocket friction angle) of a bed grain to the grains that it rests upon, variability of the near‐bed turbulent velocity field and the local modification of this velocity field by upstream, protruding grains. A model of bedload transport is presented that captures these sources of variability by directly integrating the equations of motion of each particle of a simulated mixed grain‐size sediment bed. Experimental data from the velocity field downstream and below the tops of upstream, protruding grains are presented. From these data, an empirical relation for the velocity modification resulting from upstream grains is provided to the bedload model. The temporal variability of near‐bed turbulence is provided by a measured near‐bed time series of velocity over a gravel bed. The distribution of pocket friction angles results as a consequence of directly calculating the initiation and cessation of motion of each particle as a result of the combination of fluid forcing and interaction with other particles. Calculations of bedload flux in a uniform boundary and simulated pocket friction angles agree favourably with previous studies.  相似文献   

Bagnold's sediment transport equation has proved to be important in studying tidal marine environments. This paper discusses three problems concerning Bagnold's transport equation and its practical application:
  • 1 Bagnold's suspended-load transport equation and the total-load transport equation with are incorrect from the viewpoint of energy conservation. In these equations the energy loss due to bedload transport has been counted twice. The correct form should be for suspended-load transport and for total-load transport with
  • 2 The commonly used Bagnold's transport coefficient K varies as a non-linear function of the dimensionless excess shear stress, which can be represented best by the power law , where the coefficient A and exponent B depend on sediment grain size D. The empirical values of A and B for fine to medium grained sands are determined using Guy et al.'s (1966) flume-experiment data.
  • 3 The sediment transport rates predicted from this equation are compared with bedform migration measurements in the flume and the field. This comparison shows that the sediment transport rates measured from bedform migrations are higher than the predicted bedload transport rates, but comparable to the calculated total-load (bedload plus intermittent suspended-load) transport rates. This indicates that bedform migration involves both bedload and intermittent suspended-load transport. As a logical conclusion, bedform migration data should be compared with Bagnold's total-load transport equation rather than with his bedload transport equation. In this respect the term ‘bed material’ might be more appropriate than the term ‘bedload’ for estimating sediment transport rate from bedform migration data.
The sediment transport rates predicted from this modified Bagnold transport equation are in good agreement with field measurements of bedform migration rates in four individual tidal marine environments, which cover a wide range of sediment grain size, flow velocity and bedform conditions (ranging from small ripples, megaripples to sandwaves).  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations are conducted to explore the characteristics of mixtures composed of sand and rubber particles of the same median diameter. The mixtures are prepared with different volumetric sand fractions (sf = Vsand/Vtotal). The experiment focuses on assessing the strain level on the characteristics of the mixture with the volume fraction of each component. Numerical simulations using the discrete element method are performed to obtain insight into the microscale behavior and internal mechanism of the mixtures. The experimental results show that the behavior of the mixtures is dependent on the relative sand and rubber particles composition with variation in the strain levels. The numerical simulation reveals the effect of the soft rubber particle inclusion in the mixture on the micromechanical parameters. In low sand fraction mixtures, a high shear stress along the contact is mobilized, and the stress state is driven to a more anisotropic condition because of the relatively high particle friction angle of the rubber. The rubber particles play different roles with the strain level in the mixture, including increasing the coordination number and controlling plasticity of the mixture in a small strain, preventing buckling of the force chain in an intermediate strain, and leading to contractive behavior in a large strain. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we focus on the region between Gorringe Bank and the Horseshoe Fault located in the SW Iberia margin, which is believed to be the site of the great 1755 earthquake. We model ground motions using an extended source located near the Horseshoe scarp to generate synthetic waveforms using a wave propagation code, based on the finite-difference method. We compare the simulated waveforms, for the Algarve Basin and the Lower Tagus Valley Basin (Portugal), using a 3-D velocity model down to the Moho discontinuity with a simple 1-D layered model. The radiated wave field is very sensitive to the velocity model and a small number of source parameters, in particular, the rupture directivity. The rupture directivity, the strike direction and the fault dimensions are critical to the azimuthal distribution of the maximum amplitude oscillations. We show that the use of a stratified 1-D model is inappropriate in SW Iberia, where sources are located in the oceanic domain and receivers in the continental domain. The crustal structure varies dramatically along the ray paths, with large-scale heterogeneities of low or high velocities. Moreover, combined with the geometric limitations inherent to the region, a strong trade-off between several parameters is often observed; this is particularly critical when studying moderate magnitude earthquakes (M < 6), which constitute the bulk of the seismic catalogue in SW Iberia.  相似文献   

Flow motion and deposition characteristics of debris flows are of concern regarding land use planning and management. A simple model for the prediction of mentioned characteristics has been developed, incorporating a friction–collision rheological model. It demonstrated to be able to satisfactorily simulate the two-dimensional behavior of laboratory results and the one-dimensional behavior of two real debris-flow events. The numerical results show that the topography of the channel bed, the yield stress level of the debris flows, and the inflow pattern have significant influence on the simulated flow motion and deposition characteristics of debris flows. In addition, the predicted run-out distance has been compared with analytical solutions and field observations. The model could be employed for the preliminary evaluation of one-dimensional run-out distance of granular debris flows provided that the volume of the debris involved in the initial mobilization is assumed.  相似文献   

Interaction of metallic gold with (Na, K)Cl salt melts was investigated by the weight-loss method at 700–1000°C using silica glass ampoules. Interaction was not detected in hermetic evacuated ampoules over the whole temperature interval and even after the addition of 5 wt % Na2SO4 as a possible oxidizer to the salt. Gold solubility increased sharply in open ampoules, but this was accompanied by the evaporation of salt melt and, possibly, AuClx. The limiting gold solubility in the salt melt at 860°C was estimated as 1 wt % or 10000 ppm. The model of gold transport in a gas phase during magmatic degassing invokes shallow gold extraction by salt melt, melt evaporation, and removal of precipitated metallic particles by the gas phase.  相似文献   

Bangladesh is situated in a subtropical to tropical climatic zone. A recently weathered crust has developed on sedimentary bedrock (sandstone, siltstone, shale and claystones) of Tertiary–Quaternary age. Weathered samples were collected from 16 sections totaling 68 samples and were analyzed mineralogically. The main primary minerals identified in the weathered crust of sedimentary rocks are quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite, muscovite, sparse carbonate and epidote. The secondary minerals are kaolinite, illite, chlorite, gibbsite and goethite. Weathering initiated along the grain boundaries and cleavage planes of the minerals, forming small cloudy materials which were very difficult to identify. In the advanced stage of weathering, these cloudy materials have turned into secondary minerals. In region 1, high rain fall (7100 mm/yr) and monsoonic climate resulted in a kaolinite–gibbsite–goethite suite through the weathering of feldspars and biotite. The occurrence of gibbsite in the relatively elevated lands of Sylhet and Fe-kaolinite throughout the study areas is indicative of a humid–tropical climate during formation of the weathered crust.  相似文献   

Non-dimensional solutions to the equations for the combined advective and diffusive one-dimensional transport of heat and solute in a layer are derived for fixed temperature/concentration on the boundaries and initial conditions of a linear gradient across the layer or a step function at the lower boundary. The solutions allow distinction of regimes in which advective or diffusive transport of either heat or solute predominate as a function of fluid flux, time and a length scale. The much lower diffusive coefficients for solute than heat results in a significant range of length scales and fluid flux rates characterised by advection of matter and diffusion of heat. The advective velocity of a component is a function of its fluid:rock partition coefficient. The most rapidly transported tracers which partition largely into the fluid phase, such as He, will travel orders of magnitude faster than heat or compatible solutes such as oxygen. Geochemical profiles in boundary layer regions where both advective and diffusive transport are significant are shown to be particularly informative as to properties of the rocks related to fluid flow such as porosity, permeability, time scales and fluid flux rates. The importance of advection can be directly estimated from the asymmetry of the geochemical profiles across individual layers.  相似文献   

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