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本文就GIS产业的新动向,讨论万维网分布式GIS的技术实现中的整体框架模式。GIS随着因特网的发展已趋于一种开放式结构。在这种开放式结构下,出现了一些新的技术。如:空间数据仓库技术,数据集成技术,数据发布技术和数据访问技术等。本文在上述各方面均进行了讨论,提出了一个完整的思路。  相似文献   

首先介绍了万维网地理信息系统、Java和JDBC,讨论了目前万维网地理信息系统的设计和实现方法以及存在的问题,提出了矢量图形与主数据库无缝连接模型,并使用Java和JDBC设计实现了万维网地理信息系统软件,使客户在客户端实现放大、缩小、漫游、查询、统计和分析等地理空间分析功能。  相似文献   

多种数据源地理信息处理的Internet GIS 方法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
介绍了多种数据源获取、管理和地理信息处理的InternetGIS方法和用这种方法设计的InternetGIS的原理及功能特征。  相似文献   

首次系统全面地介绍了有关数码城市 (CyberCity)的概念、技术支撑和典型应用 ,并结合CCGIS软件的研究开发及其在深圳和上海两个城市的示范应用 ,讨论了建设数码城市所面临的若干关键技术问题  相似文献   

None of the prior studies implementing blended learning (BL) for GIS education has explored pedagogical theories to support BL design, and none coupled blended GIS learning practice with theories. Based on the theoretical framework of complex adaptive blended learning system (CABLS), this article presents a holistic and systematic view of BL for higher GIS education (termed as CABLS-GIS), where its key components are tightly integrated as an integral whole. The framework was implemented for an introductory-level GIS course to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of a BL design from students' perspectives. Most students involved in the implementation agreed that the BL enhanced their learning outcomes. They were mostly positive about the BL and motivated to use the BL materials. Incorporating more BL materials, especially practical ones, and active learning activities were suggested by them. A few negative comments about the BL suggested a thorough consideration of individual learners' characteristics.  相似文献   

与WWW技术结合是GIS发展的必然趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了GIS和WWW,对GIS与WWW相结合的必要性,实现办法以及展望进行了阐述。  相似文献   

The World Wide Web and university education in remote sensing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The World Wide Web (YAW) has a potential for improving university education in remote sensing, as the WWW technology may be applied in a way which reduces the amount of resources which are needed to achieve a certain educational objective. The paper presents a survey of this new technology. The main components of the WWW technology are outlined. Reference is made to information resources which are available through the WWW which relates to remote sensing. The technology can be applied not only by individual staff members, but, also, according to decision at the departmental or faculty level. The use of information technology for education is a research field in its own right. This research field is presented as a basis for suggestion of decision issues and decision criteria regarding the use of the WWW for education in remote sensing. The paper may have an European bias.  相似文献   

Open education materials are critical for the advancement of open science and the development of open-source software. These accessible and transparent materials provide an important pathway for sharing both standard geospatial analysis workflows and advanced research methods. Computational notebooks allow users to share live code with in-line visualizations and narrative text, making them a powerful interactive teaching tool for geospatial analytics. Specifically, Jupyter Notebooks are quickly becoming a standard format in open education. In this article, we introduce a new GRASS GIS package, grass.jupyter , that enhances the existing GRASS Python API to allow Jupyter Notebook users to easily manage and visualize GRASS data including spatiotemporal datasets. While there are many Python-based geospatial libraries available for use in Jupyter Notebooks, GRASS GIS has extensive geospatial functionality including support for multi-temporal analysis and dynamic simulations, making it a powerful teaching tool for advanced geospatial analytics. We discuss the development of grass.jupyter and demonstrate how the package facilitates teaching open-source geospatial modeling with a collection of Jupyter Notebooks designed for a graduate-level geospatial modeling course. The open education notebooks feature spatiotemporal data visualizations, hydrologic modeling, and spread simulations such as the spread of invasive species and urban growth.  相似文献   

对非GIS专业的GIS教育的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国GIS应用早已突破专业领域,在社会需求的拉动下,非GIS专业的GIS教育快速发展。本文根据自己的教学实践,将非GIS专业的GIS教育分成四类,地理、测绘学科下的非GIS专业、计算机相关专业、工程相关专业和GIS公共选修课程,分别从各类非GIS专业开展GIS教育的必要性、特点、教材选择、课程设置、教学教法等方面进行总结,提出对非GIS专业的GIS教育的认识。  相似文献   

浅析Web GIS中的相关基础技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着Internet的飞速发展和广泛应用,基于万维网(WWW)交互技术的WebGIS已经成为现在地理信息系统的研究热点。基于当前的研究现状,对于WebGIS实现原理中的几种相关基础技术作了简要的讨论.  相似文献   

Web GIS组件方法研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
在分析WebGIS二次开发需求的基础上,提出了基于JavaBean的WebGIS组件概念,并详细阐述其特征、体系结构和空间数据组织,结合实例Internet GIS-GeoSurfV4.0介绍了系统的设计与实现以及二次开发的方法与比较。  相似文献   

地理信息系统是一门综合性学科,实现GIS创新人才培养应从转变教育观念入手,团队教学是传统教学理念向现代教学理念转变的一种变革。本文在分析国内外教学团队建设现状基础上,提出了GIS课程教学团队的体系结构,阐述了团队工作中GIS课程体系的建设内容,研究了如何对GIS课程教学团队中教师角色进行定位,从创新平台共享、学科带头人培养、交流平台搭建和内部管理体制等方面探讨了GIS教学团队的运行机制。认为创建一支高绩效的教学团队,是GIS专业发展的动力源泉。  相似文献   

以提高学生GIS实践能力、创新能力和就业竞争力为目标,分析GIS专业实践教育环节特点与需求,结合南京工业大学GIS专业办学特色,从改进GIS专业实践课程体系内容、营造GIS学社平台、建设校外创新实践基地等3个方面,探讨了GIS专业创新实践的教育模式。  相似文献   

基于Web的CCGIS浏览器插件的设计与实现   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
首先介绍了网络3维虚拟现实的发展现状和一般实现方法,结合数码城市GIS软件的研发,提出了基于Web的3D城市模型浏览器插件的3层浏览器/服务器体系结构,然后重点介绍了采用Java和Java 3D实现客户端3维数据在线操作与动态显示和服务器端一体化数据库管理功能的实现方法。该插件能用于Internet上发布3维城市信息,实现3维空间信息的数据共享,并提供给用户一个逼真的、实时的、可交互的虚拟3维城市。最后给出了一个实验例子和几点结论。  相似文献   

黎华  张晓盼  龚珍 《测绘通报》2017,(4):145-148
Java语言的独特优势促使其在GIS专业教学中起到越来越重要的作用。本文分析了GIS专业教学中Java程序设计课程教学存在的问题,结合武汉理工大学GIS专业的Java程序设计课程的改革实践,提出了总体的改革思路,并从教学、实践、考核等几个方面提出了具体的改革要求和内容。该门课程的教学改革能推动GIS专业的Java程序设计语言的学习,提高学生的实践动手能力和解决GIS专业问题的能力。同时,该教学改革模式对兄弟院校的GIS专业程序设计语言方面的教学实践能起到相应的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Internet的迅速发展和WWW的面世给传统的GIS软件开发提出了新的挑战,本文通过对Java特点的阐述,论述了Java成为GIS软件开发的新工具的可能性和必然性,笔者认为在不久的将来,Java必将取代Visual Basic和Visual C++成为GIS软件开发的新工具。  相似文献   

高校GIS专业课程设置的探索   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
通过对高校地理信息系统(简称GIS)专业基础理论、基本方法、应用技术、与学科最新发展前沿的深入分析,结合GIS专业学生的知识结构体系,提出了一种新的GIS专业基础课和专业课的设置,在对GIS人才的特点和能力培养途径提出了自己建议的同时,对课程内容及教学形式等相关问题进行了相应地探讨。  相似文献   

GIS专业《计算机图形学》课程建设与教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机图形学是GIS专业的核心基础课程,对GIS人才培养起着非常重要的作用。文章在分析课程教学中出现问题的基础上,结合实际教学实践,从教学内容、教学方法、实践环节和考核方法等方面提出了一系列教学改革方案和具体措施。实践表明,实施该教学方案能够取得满意的教学效果。  相似文献   

This paper examines the status of efforts to implement GIS in Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) education in the United States. Factors promoting and impeding the growth and diffusion of GIS are identified and suggestions for action on the part of higher education GIS specialists are made. In the United States more science teachers have adopted GIS geography/social studies teachers for several reasons. These include science teacher preservice preparation and the essentially different natures of the respective disciplines. Preservice education and teachers' perceptions of geography emerge as key factors influencing the diffusion of GIS in K-12 classrooms. The need for on cognition and GIS before effective curricula and instruction can be developed is emphasized. Three strategies directed at higher education GIS specialists may help implement this eduational innovation. They are: (1) modelling GIS instruction in content classes; (2) including GIS in preservice preparation classes; and (3) outreach to professors who tach educational technology to educate than regarding GIS. The addendum by Paul Heinrich which follows this paper compares US and UK experiences in the diffusion of GIS in elementary and secondary schools.  相似文献   

本文分析了地理信息学科和我国GIS高等教育发展的特点,就工科背景下GIS专业建设的指导思想、专业特色和课程设置等问题进行了分析研究。本文认为:工科GIS专业应在完善地理信息学科建设的基础上,适当开设工科特色课程,优化课程体系及课程内容配置,着重培养学生利用地理空间思维解决工科问题的能力。  相似文献   

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