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Based on the geothermal and gravitation methods, this paper investigated the rheological and thermal structure of the lithosphere under the northern margin of South China Sea. The result shows that the temperature of the upper crust is 150–300°C lower than that of the lower crust, and the viscous coefficient of the upper crust is 2–3 orders of magnitude larger than that of the lower crust. It reveals that the upper crust is characterized by brittle deformation while the lower crust by ductile deformation. A channel of lower-viscosity should be formed between the upper and lower crust when the lithosphere is scattered and spreads out toward ocean from northwest to southeast along the northern margin of South China Sea. And, a brittle deformation takes place in the upper part of the lithosphere while a ductile deformation takes place in the lower part of the lithosphere due to different viscous coefficients and temperature. The layered deformation leads the faulted blocks to rotate along the faulting and the marginal grabens to appear in the northern margin of South China Sea in Cenozoic tectonic expansion.  相似文献   

1989年大同—阳高地震的地质环境与地震构造   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
苏宗正  程新原 《山西地震》1992,(1):19-30,36
1989年10月18日的大同—阳高地震发生于大同盆地的册田凹陷。册田凹陷走向北东东,其南缘的六棱山断裂为凹陷的主干断裂,是这次地震的控震断裂。该凹陷内发育北东向和北西向两组断裂,其中大王村断裂和团堡断裂规模最大。这两条断裂大部份隐伏于新生代沉积层之下。电法勘探、钻探、泉的分布及地貌现象均显示其展布位置。在北东东向区域压应力场的作用下,这两条断裂成为此次地震的发震断层。震源机制解结果和烈度分布特点支持上述结论。  相似文献   

A shallow moderate (M s=5.7) but damaging earthquake shook theregion of Beni-Ourtilane located about 50 km NW of Setif and 390 kmNE of Algiers (Central Eastern Algeria). The main shock caused the deathof 2 peoples, injured 50 and caused sustainable damage to about 3000housing units. The main shock was preceded by 2 foreshocks and followedby many aftershocks which lasted for many days. Analysis of historicalseismicity including the localisation of epicenters, the trend of isoseismalmaps of some historical events, the localisation of the November 10, 2000main shock (M s=5.7) and the November 16, 2000 aftershock(M s=4.5) as well as the shape of the area of maximum intensity ofthe November 10, 2000 earthquake suggest that the Tachaouaft fault of20 km of length is the activated geological structure. Although, there isno clear surface breaks associated with this earthquake, the localisation ofgeological disorders, such as ground fissures, during the Beni-Ourtilaneearthquake, which are remarkably located near the fault, may have atectonic meaning. Geomorphological analysis through Digital ElevationModels (DEMs) allowed us to identify a clear fault scarp related likely tostrong earthquakes occurred in the past. Among geomorphologicalevidences of this active fault there are the uplift and tilt of alluvial terraceson the hanging wall and the diversion of the drainage pattern. Based onthe quality of constructions and field observations an intensity I 0 = VII (MSK scale) is attributed to the epicentral area,which is striking NE-SW in agreement with the focal mechanism solutionand the seismotectonic observations. In the other hand the amount ofdamage is due rather to the bad quality of constructions than to theseverity of ground motion. The Tachaouaft fault with the Kherrata fault isthe main source of seismic hazard in the Babors region.  相似文献   

为满足中国海岸带海陆统筹调查的需求,基于最新编制的中国北部海岸带(台州以北)1:50万航磁图件,利用逐点化极、延拓、垂向导数等数据位场转化处理,结合地质背景、物性资料和已有航空物探解释成果,对研究区磁场特征进行分析,分区探讨航磁异常成因,并编制北部海岸带(台州以北)断裂分布图.结果表明,海岸带地区磁性较强的岩石广泛发育...  相似文献   

龙门山北部3条不同走向的断裂带所围限的三角地区是我国陕甘川交界地区研究地震活动的重要场所.通过对区内秦岭南缘断裂、 平武—青川断裂、 岷江断裂及虎牙断裂活动特征研究和活动时代分析认为: 秦岭南缘断裂, 包括迭部—舟曲断裂、 武都—康县—略阳断裂及茶店—勉县断裂在晚更新世曾有过活动, 在全新世活动不明显; 龙门山断裂带东北段平武—青川断裂最后一次活动发生在晚更新世, 表现为右旋走滑的逆断裂, 全新世活动不明显; 岷江断裂和虎牙断裂不但在晚更新世活动强烈, 而且在全新世继续活动; 龙门山北部这个三角地区依然是未来地震活动关注的重点地区.  相似文献   

The high-K calc-alkaline granitoids in the northern part of the Mandara Hills are part of the wellexposed post-collisional plutons in northeastern Nigeria.The calc-alkaline rock association consists of quartz monzodiorite,hornblende biotite granite,biotite granites and aplite which intruded the older basement consisting mainly of low-lying migmatitic gneisses and amphibolites during the Neoproterozoic Pan-African Orogeny.Petrological and geochemical studies have revealed the presence of hornblende,iron oxide,and metaluminous to slightly peraluminous characteristics in the granitoids which is typical of I-type granite.The granitoids are also depleted in some high field strength elements(e.g.Nb and Ta) as well as Ti.Plots of Mg#versus SiO_2 indicate that the granite was derived from partial melting of crustal sources.Lithospheric delamination at the waning stage of the PanAfrican Orogeny possibly triggered upwelling of hot mafic magma from the mantle which underplated the lower crust.This,in turn,caused partial melting and magma generation at the lower to middle-crustal level.However,the peculiar geochemical characteristics of the quartz monzodiorite especially the enrichment in compatible elements such as MgO,Cr,and Ni,as well as LILE element(e.g.K,Ce,Cs,Ba,and Sr),signify that the rock formed from an enriched upper mantle source.The emplacement of high-K granites in the Madara Hill,therefore,marked an important episode of crustal reworking during the Neoproterozoic.However,further isotopic work is needed to confirm this model.  相似文献   

强震等震线、余震区形状与地震构造关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩渭宾  蒋国芳 《地震》2010,30(4):32-39
本文通过对川滇和华北地区不同地震构造环境中, 1966年以来强震的等震线长宽比、 余震区长度的对比研究, 认为强震等震线的长宽比、 余震区长度都与地震构造环境和震级相关。 对于强震等震线的长宽比和余震区长度, 地震构造环境和震级的影响相同的是, 都与发震断裂是否位于活动地块边界, 位于哪一级活动地块边界, 是与边界方向一致的大断裂, 还是配套小断裂等有关。 最重要的是与活动断层的规模, 尤其是与发震断裂的长度有关, 也与震级有关。 不同的是, 强震等震线的长宽比明显受地表覆盖层的影响, 而余震区长度与地表覆盖层关系不明显, 似乎与震源破裂面长度的关系更密切。  相似文献   

朱可欣  王荣 《湖泊科学》2022,34(6):2016-2024
抚仙湖有近210亿m3的优质淡水资源,具有重要战略价值,但是近年来出现水质退化的现象.沉水植被是湖泊生态系统功能维持的重要生物门类,其演变过程能反映和影响整个生态系统的变化,目前还缺乏对抚仙湖沉水植被长期连续地观测记录.本文基于Landsat遥感数据分析了抚仙湖北部沉水植被面积的动态变化,结合气候变化和水质水文要素分析发现:抚仙湖北部湖区沉水植物在1987—2020年间存在先减少后增加的变化趋势;1987—1995年,沉水植物分布面积约占北部湖区面积的1.64%;1996—2010年北部湖区沉水植被分布面积缩减,湖泊处于高水位低营养状态,水位上升是此时期沉水植物面积减少的主要原因;2011—2020年,水位降低,营养增加,营养和水位的共同作用导致抚仙湖北部湖区沉水植物面积显著增加.沉水植物覆盖度变化伴随着沉水植被以苦草为优势种群转为以穗花狐尾藻为优势种群,沉水植被结构转向耐污染性更强的属种.通过抚仙湖北部湖区沉水植被发育与营养、水位等驱动因子的关系分析,建议现阶段需要严格限制入湖氮磷排放,强化水生植被的长期动态监测,构建水量、水质、水生态一体化监测体系,并开展抚仙...  相似文献   

In 1996 and 1997, two high-resolution magnetic surveys, one on land and the other at sea, were carried out on the lower eastern flank of Mount Etna. The magnetic surveys, covering an area of about 400 km2, aimed to elucidate the relationships between the main tectonic and morphologic features of this flank of Mount Etna. Major features include widespread NNW- and NNE-trending active faults and the Valle del Bove, a depression considered to be the source area of the Chiancone deposit, the largest Etnean volcaniclastic sequence. Magnetic surveys show anomalies that roughly follow the trend of active main structures. Although few magnetization measurements are available for the most representative outcrops of the lower eastern side of Mount Etna, interpretation of the anomalies defines the underground geometry of the Chiancone deposit and its relationship with volcano stratigraphic units and the underlying sedimentary rocks. In particular, a volume of about 14 km3 was ascribed to the Chiancone deposit. Such a large amount of material was likely produced by a catastrophic event, and deposited at different periods at the exit of the Valle del Bove in an area produced by the interaction, on a regional scale, of the main tectonic structures affecting this flank of the volcano.  相似文献   

A method for mapping lava-flow hazard on the SE flank of Mt. Etna (Sicily, Southern Italy) by applying the Cellular Automata model SCIARA-fv is described, together with employed techniques of calibration and validation through a parallel Genetic Algorithm. The study area is partly urbanised; it has repeatedly been affected by lava flows from flank eruptions in historical time, and shows evidence of a dominant SSE-trending fracture system. Moreover, a dormant deep-seated gravitational deformation, associated with a larger volcano-tectonic phenomenon, affects the whole south-eastern flank of the volcano.  相似文献   

The comparison of seismological materials with the front boundary of the latest continental glaciation has shown that all revealed really tectonic earthquakes occur exclusively in the occurrence area of a thick cover of this glaciation. The thickness of the glacier at a distance of about 50–100 km from its front could have reached 1 km, and the amplitude of glacioisostatic lowering and subsequent uplifts could have reached 0.3 km. The total amplitude of these movements, which were taking place during 20 thousand years, is comparable with the amplitudes of vertical neotectonic movements, which were taking place during 35–37 million years and on the average were three orders of magnitude more intense than neotectonic movements. With such amplitudes and speeds of vertical glacioisostatic movements, it looks quite plausible that the buried rupture zones could be revived recently (including in Holocene) with block movements of crystalline basement with an amplitude of a few tens of meters. This explains the localization of modern seismicity, which is a hazard to construction, within the occurrence domain of the latest glacial shield.  相似文献   

Zempoala is an extinct Pleistocene (∼ 0.7–0.8 Ma) stratovolcano that together with La Corona volcano (∼ 0.9 Ma) forms the southern end of the Sierra de las Cruces volcanic range, Central Mexico. The volcano consists of andesitic and dacitic lava flows and domes, as well as pyroclastic and epiclastic sequences, and has had a complex history with several flank collapses. One of these collapses occurred during the late Pleistocene on the S–SE flank of the volcano and produced the Zempoala debris avalanche deposit. This collapse could have been triggered by the reactivation of two normal fault systems (E–W and NE–SW), although magmatic activity cannot be absolutely excluded. The debris avalanche traveled 60 km to the south, covers an area of 600 km2 and has a total volume of 6 km3, with a calculated Heim coefficient (H/L) of 0.03. Based on the textural characteristics of the deposit we recognized three zones: proximal, axial, and lateral distal zone. The proximal zone consists of debris avalanche blocks that develop a hummocky topography; the axial zone corresponds with the main debris avalanche deposit made of large clasts set in a sandy matrix, which transformed to a debris flow in the lateral distal portion. The deposit is heterolithologic in composition, with dacitic and andesitic fragments from the old edifice that decrease in volume as bulking of exotic clasts from the substratum increase. Several cities (Cuernavaca, Jojutla de Juárez, Alpuyeca) with associated industrial, agricultural, and tourism activities have been built on the deposit, which pose in evidence the possible impact in case of a new event with such characteristics, since the area is still tectonically active.  相似文献   

Introduction Shanxi fault depression zone (SFDZ) is one of important Cenozoic fault basin zones and strong earthquake belts in Chinese mainland. Its northern part has aroused wide research interests due to the complicated tectonics and high activity of strong earthquakes there. Early researches on this depression zone were carried out since 60s of last century (DENG, et al, 1973; DENG, YOU, 1985; LU, DING, 1985; XU, 1990; XU, et al, 1996, 2002). In 90s of last century, the geologica…  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2013,77(1-2):411-416
The concentrations of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in mullet (Liza klunzingeri), water and sediment from northern part of Hormuz strait (Persian Gulf). The concentration levels of total PAHs in L. klunzingeri, water and sediment were 133.99–268.57 ng g−1 dry weight, 3.12–5.88 ng l−1 and 42.29–228.9 ng g−1 dry weight, respectively. Based on isomer ratios, analysis of the PAHs source in the sediment demonstrated that the PAHs come from pyrogenic and petrogenic origin. Risk assessment showed PAHs threshold concentrations to occasionally be exceeded in the study area.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of investigations in the field of the theory and practice of the interpretation of geological and geophysical data with geodynamic models that were carried out mainly by researchers of the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences. Evolutionary models of platform structures, passive continental margins, rift zones, and orogens are examined. The review presents formulations of inverse problems and results of interpretation for various regions, including sedimentary basins of the East European Platform, Atlantic Ocean margins, the Caucasus, the South Urals, and others.  相似文献   

ntroductionThedeterminationoffineradialvelocitystructureofuppermantleplaysanimportantroleininvestigationofmantlecompositiona...  相似文献   

耗能型防落梁装置是由普通拉索式防落梁装置改进而来的,其主要吸能部件为吸能控制管,由扩径管和铝蜂窝缓冲器组成。为了给铝蜂窝缓冲器的设计与优化提供可靠的理论依据,建立了铝蜂窝轴向压缩简化模型,对其轴向压缩应力进行了分析、推导并采用有限元模拟和借鉴相关文献试验数据进行了验证,同时分析了加载速率对铝蜂窝材料吸能特性的影响。此外分析了铝蜂窝芯铝箔厚度和蜂窝边长对其吸能特性的影响,并通过桥梁工程实例来分析和评价铝蜂窝缓冲器在吸能控制管中的吸能作用。研究结果表明:铝蜂窝轴向压缩简化模型精度较高,理论计算值相对于有限元计算值的偏差平均值为4.53%,相对于文献试验值的偏差平均值为6.47%;随着加载速率的提高,铝蜂窝材料的单位体积吸能值、初始峰值应力和屈服平均应力均有所提高;在铝蜂窝芯铝箔厚度或蜂窝边长一定的情况下,两者之比β值越大,铝蜂窝缓冲器吸能性能越好;配置了铝蜂窝缓冲器的吸能控制管,其总吸能值平均增大率为18.56%,最大增大率为29.51%,吸能性能提升最大可达近30%,在消耗地震能量方面将发挥显著的作用。  相似文献   

Regional characteristics of the synoptic-scale wave disturbances in the tropical lower troposphere were examined by analyzing the FGGE level III-b data. Three tropical regions, western Pacific, eastern Pacific, and a region from the African Continent to the Atlantic, were selected for the present study. Spectrum analysis, trajectory analysis and composite analysis were used to obtain characteristics of the wave disturbances for each region.Main findings are as follows: 1.) The generation region of the western Pacific wave disturbances related to typhoon development are found around 5° N and 170° E. 2.) An interaction of the western Pacific wave disturbances with the upper Mid-Pacific trough was indicated statistically as an intensifying condition for typhoons. 3.) The wave disturbances in the eastern Pacific originate to the west of Panama and propagate west-north-westward with a period of 5.7 day and a wavelength of about 2700 km. 4.) The structure of the eastern Pacific wave disturbances is similar to that of the western Pacific disturbances. 5.) Two different paths of the African waves are found over the African Continent. The northern disturbance has a period of 4.4 days while the southern one has a period of 3.3–3.6 days. 6.) Disturbances along the northern path of the African waves are traced only to as far as 45° W, and those along the southern path are traced to the Caribbean Sea.  相似文献   

First results are presented of a recent onshore seismic survey complementary to the Valsis-2 Cruise, which consisted of ESP, COP and CDP marine seismic profiles across the Valencia Trough (Western Mediterranean).The marine energy source used was an airgun array of 5800 cubic inch recorded at 2 land stations on the western flank of the Valencia Trough, at distances between 10–120 km.The experiment has resulted in an extended sampling of the deep crustal structure of the eastern Mediterranean flank of the Iberian peninsula, as well as the offshore-onshore transition.Three transverse NW-SE profiles have been interpreted. Local thinning of the sedimentary cover has been determined towards the centre of the basin which, together with the shallow high velocities observed on the southern profile, could be related to volcanic episodes.A seismic continental basement has been found at depths between 3 and 5 km. A thin lower crust (3–5 km) with velocities around 6.8 km/s has been identified in the northern part of the basin. Alternative crustal models considered for the 3 profiles have been tested, not only from arrival times but also from relative amplitude distributions. A first-order Moho discontinuity fits the data best. The welldefined Moho boundary results in energetic PMP reflections, and a clear updoming is observed towards the interior of the basin, from depths about 20–21 km inshore of Barcelona to 15–17 km depths 60 km offshore. An anomalous upper mantle with low Pn velocities of about 7.7 km/s is confirmed in most of the sampled areas.  相似文献   

华北北部地区现今应力场时空变化特征研究.   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
依据2002——2006年的中小地震资料,利用格点尝试法分析计算了华北北部4个应力小区的平均主应力轴,讨论了华北北部地区的现今应力场特征.在此基础上,对1977——1998年研究区内的单个地震震源机制解进行了进一步的分析计算,并结合以往的研究结果,研究了华北北部地区现今应力场随时间的变化特征,结果印证了唐山地震前后,唐山震源区及其邻近地区应力场主应力方向出现的转动和变化的现象:1976年唐山发生7.8级地震后,唐山震源区及其邻近的北京地区和邢台地区震源机制解的平均P轴可能顺时针转动了约15deg;——30deg;。北京地区和邢台地区近期(2002——2006年)的平均主应力轴与唐山地震前的综合断层面解较为一致,这两个地区应力场似乎转回到唐山地震前的状态. 而唐山区震源机制解的平均P轴在地震后则一直稳定在EW向上。位于张家口——渤海断裂带西段的京西北地区,其现今应力场则相对比较稳定,唐山地震前后主应力方向没有太大变动。鉴于数据资料等方面的原因,本文的研究结果仅仅是初步给出了华北北部地区应力场近几十年来一种可能的调整变化图象。   相似文献   

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