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深空探测是国家综合国力的集中体现,也是各航天大国科技竞争的制高点。自2007年嫦娥探月工程顺利实施以来,我国已经成为全球第二次探月热潮里的中坚力量。嫦娥五号采样工程的成功,使人类在间隔44年后再一次获得来自月球的珍贵样品,标志着中国探月工程上了更高的台阶。海量探测数据的获取和月球样品的返回,将为月球形成演化等重大科学问题的研究提供新的视角与支撑。放眼未来,我国月球极区探测、载人登月和月球科研站建设已经列入规划,工程探测和科学研究的目标已从“认识月球”逐步向“开发月球”“利用月球”转变。对于月球土壤样品的研究,中国科学院地球化学研究所具有良好的基础,曾对来自Apollo的月壤样晶进行过详细的研究,本次针对嫦娥五号样品,该所承担了月壤特性及其形成演化历史等方面的研究工作。为让广大科技工作者和社会公众了解这一工作进展,本刊特邀地球化学所李阳博士撰文介绍相关情况,后续工作本刊还将进行跟踪报道。  相似文献   

月球探测是人类迈向深空的门槛.2004年1月,经国务院批准,绕月探测工程正式立项实施,标志着中国的航天事业继地球应用卫星、载人航天之后的第三个里程碑[1].  相似文献   

徐亚  郝天珧 《地球化学》2010,39(1):25-31
月球重力场研究及相关应用是月球科学探测中的重要内容之一。本文回顾了月球重力测量及月球重力场模型、月球地形模型等主要研究进展,总结了月球重力场(包括地形)在月球内部结构研究,特别是在月壳结构以及月球质量瘤等方面取得的研究成果。此外,月球重力场还应用于月幔/月核研究、月球均衡状态、月球物质成分及月球演化历史的研究中。随着我国嫦娥探月计划的实施,利用其探测数据建立自主重力场模型及地形模型成为我国探月研究的基础工作之一。在此基础上可开展月壳结构、月球均衡状态、月球质量瘤及月壳成分等研究,同时借鉴地球科学中相关学术思想和方法技术,从而促进对月球及类地行星等结构的研究。  相似文献   

地球是人类起源和成长的"摇篮",然而人类终将跳出"摇篮",拥抱更广阔的宇宙空间。月球是地球唯一的天然卫星,也是唯一一颗人类已经登陆的地外星球,月球矿产资源开发利用是人类走向太空的必经之路。前苏联Luna计划和美国Apollo计划引领的第一次探月高潮,采回了约382kg样品使人类得以近距离接触和全方位认识月球。当前正是全球探月工程的第二次高潮期,在本次探月高潮期,月球矿产资源的开发利用将成为重要目标。以往的月球资源探测以科学研究为主,而以应用和商业利益为目的的月球资源勘查工作尚未开展。因此,有必要对月球矿产资源进行系统梳理和研究,初步建立月球矿产勘查的规范,指导载人登月和人机互动进行月面资源勘查。本文从国际太空矿产领域的发展趋势、月球矿产资源的需求、潜在的矿产种类、勘查流程等方面进行系统综述,根据可勘查属性将月球各类矿产划分为钛铁矿型、斜长岩型、磷酸盐型、月壤型、水冰型等5种类型,为中国未来的载人探月项目着陆区选址和矿产勘查规范的建立提供初步参考依据。  相似文献   

综述了2008年3月10~14日在美国休斯敦召开的第39届月球与行星科学大会期间交流的与月球科学相关的会议内容,简要回顾了人类探测月球的历史.当前的月球科学研究归纳为6个主题:①月球和其他类地行星的地质演化;②撞击过程的定量化描述和太阳系历史的关系;③月壤的特征、月壤形成的机械过程和演化过程;④采样返回技术和原型机的开发与运用;⑤月球和其他行星体的内生和外来挥发分;⑥月表的大气和尘埃环境对人类登陆的影响.2007~2008年,日本、中国、印度和美国纷纷推出探月计划,将月球探测推向一个新的高潮.深空探测成为各国展示国力和科学技术水平的试验场,也将有力地促进科学技术的发展;独立探测和国际合作相结合已是大势所趋,数据资料共享将成为必然.公众的积极参与将为月球探测注入新的活力,并成为空间探测的基本动力.  相似文献   

为交流国际探月及行星科学研究最新成果资讯,推动我国探月地学研究的深入开展。2009年6月16~18日,国土资源部中国地质调查局在京主办“探月与地学科学国际研讨会”。围绕国际探月科学研究的最新进展及中国月球与行星科学研究动态,中外科学家进行了广泛的交流研讨。科学家的学术报告主要涉及行星探测与行星科学、月球遥感与月球地质、月球地球化学与月岩样品研究、月球地球物理、当前月球探测动态、未来月球与行星探测计划等多方面内容。  相似文献   

正欧阳自远(1935—)院士1956年毕业于北京地质学院勘探系,长期从事天体化学与比较行星学研究,是我国天体化学学科的开创者。欧阳自远院士提出了我国月球探测的发展战略和规划,从而牵引出我国"探月工程"的国家立项,担任中国月球探测工程首席科学家。在欧阳自远院士的亲切关怀和直接指导下,在国家自然科学基金、中国科学院地球化学研究所领域前沿课题以及中国地质大学(北京)探月工程科研团队的大力支持下,以月球起源和演化过程的整体性和规律性认识为指导,以我国"嫦娥一号"、"嫦娥二号"、"嫦娥三号"任务科学探测数据和其他已  相似文献   

美国阿波罗月球样品的处理与保存   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
中国嫦娥工程三期将进行月球样品的采集与返回,这是继美国Apollo和前苏联Luna之后,国际上最新的月球样品返回计划。月球样品的存储与管理方法将成为中国探月工程中亟待解决的重要问题之一。特别是如何最大程度地保持月球样品的科学研究价值,避免或减少可能的样品污染等问题,不仅为工程部门所关心,也是月球科学家所极为关注的问题。文中主要回顾和总结了美国Apollo月球样品的处理与保存方法,包括月球样品实验室简况、月球样品初步处理方法、月球样品初步测试分析及相关实验简介和月球样品的保存方法等内容,以期为中国月球样品的返回和地面存储提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

20 0 3年12月2 4~2 8日在海南省海口市召开第七届全国天体化学与空间化学学术讨论会。本次会议是在我国月球探测一期工程正式立项,二、三期工程列入国家中长期科技发展规划,以及我国南极陨石的回收取得突破性进展的背景下召开的。参加会议的正式代表共4 6人,报告2 6个,主要围绕月球探测和南极陨石研究两个主题。会议不仅详细介绍了我国探月第一期工程的主要科学目标,更富有远见地探讨了探月工程的第二、三期的科学目标,包括近距离月貌和地质研究、月球内部结构构造分析、就位成分分析、月 地日空间环境监测,以及月基天文观测和研究。与月球…  相似文献   

欧阳自远 《地球化学》2010,39(1):I0001-I0001
月球是地球惟一的天然卫星,是距离地球最近的天体,是人类开展深空探测的首选目标。20世纪50年代出现航天技术后,月球就成为美国和原苏联进行太空竞赛的舞台。进入20世纪90年代,月球探测迎来新的一轮高潮。除美国和俄罗斯外,有更多的国家加入,包括欧洲一些国家、日本和印度。我国于2007年10月24日成功发射嫦娥一号月球探测卫星,标志着我国已经进入世界具有独立深空探测能力的国家行列。  相似文献   

Comparative planetology is an interdisciplinary science between Earth sciences and astronomy. It studies physical, chemical and dynamical properties of planets and satellites and their surface characteristics, interior structures and chemistry, magnetic field, climate and possible existence of life. Although the study of comparative planetary science is at its infancy stage in China, it is very encouraging to see that 25 papers were received by the session, which is much more than what we expected. It indicates that more and more scientists are interested in this research field. These papers can be classified into three categories: solar planets, extra-solar planets, and moon explorations. Scientists from both China and oversea reported their recent results.  相似文献   

The broad differences between the Moon and Earth surface elements are treated, and that many of the lunar features are yet un-named as a result of lack of similar earth features. It is emphasized that continued lunar studies will have a direct bearing on the better understanding of the origin and development of the earth as well as other planetary masses.  相似文献   

月球是人类开展深空探测的首选目标,月球探测是世界各国科技竞争的制高点。开展月球科学前沿研判,对我国实施深空探测战略、规划行星科学研究路径,进而赢得未来竞争优势至关重要。基于Web of Science数据库,本文利用文献计量学方法,对月球科学领域论文产出数量、学科和期刊分布、主要国家和领先机构的竞争力、国际合作等进行了深度分析,并通过聚类分析获得当前研究热点,梳理出五大研究领域和七大前沿问题。过去20年,我国在月球科学研究取得了长足进步,但仍然存在优秀论文少、顶尖学者少、学术期刊少的问题。未来月球科学可能在三个方向上实现突破:月球的水仍将是国际月球探测和研究的重点;月球内部结构探测或是我国弯道超车的机遇;新的月球样品将进一步揭示月球形成和演化的奥秘。本研究结果可以为我国未来月球探测和研究的规划与组织提供参考。  相似文献   

Cosmic ray produced isotopes in terrestrial systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Continuing improvements in the sensitivity of measurement of cosmic ray produced isotopes in environmental samples have progressively broadened the scope of their applications to characterise and quantify a wide variety of processes in earth and planetary sciences. In this article, I will concentrate on the new developments in the field of nuclear geophysics, based on isotopic changes produced by cosmic rays in the terrestrial systems. This field, which is best described as cosmic ray geophysics, caught roots with the discovery of cosmogenic14C on the Earth by Willard Libby in 1948, and grew rapidly at first, but slowed down during the ’60s and ’70s. In the ’80s, there was arenaissance in cosmic ray produced isotope studies, thanks mainly to the developments of the accelerator mass spectrometry technique capable of measuring minute amounts of radioactivity in terrestrial samples. This technological advance has considerably enhanced the applications of cosmic ray produced isotopes and today we find them being used to address diverse problems in earth and planetary sciences I discuss the present scope of the field of cosmic ray geophysics with an emphasis ongeomorphology. I must stress here that this is the decade in which this field, which has been studied passionately by geographers, geomorphologists and geochemists for more than five decades, has at its service nuclear methods to introduce numeric time controls in the range of centuries to millions of years.  相似文献   

作为行星地质学与行星工程学的交叉学科,行星地质工程学科直接支撑行星探测、行星科研站与基地建设、行星资源开发与未来人类移居,相关研究已迫在眉睫。与地球相比,行星地质体在物质、结构与环境3个方面存在较大差异,决定着行星地质体工程特性与地球具有很大的差别,开展行星地质工程原位测试是准确获取行星地质体工程特性的最直接方式。文章把月球探测和火星探测任务中地质工程原位测试方法分为5类:触探试验、铲斗试验、钻探试验、地球物理探测和摄影测量,分别分析了各类原位测试方法的原理与科学载荷,对比各种方法中不同测试仪器的差异;利用月球工程特性原位测试结果梳理总结了月壤工程特性,包括粒度分布、密度、孔隙比、抗剪性、压缩性和承载力,分析了月壤和火壤工程特性的变化规律,并指出了与地球土壤物理力学特性的差异;未来应以行星探测任务为载体,结合地面低重力模拟测试平台和物理力学本构理论研究,研制小型轻量、自动智能的工程特性原位测试科学载荷,获取更加准确的行星土壤和岩石的工程特性参数,支撑月球科研站、基地建设和火星取样返回等深空探测任务。  相似文献   

地球物理学的回顾与展望   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
简要回顾了 2 0世纪地球物理学的发展。指出 2 0世纪是地球物理学发展的重要历史阶段 ,在此期间实施的一系列大型的全球性的研究计划深化了人类对地球本体的认识 ,提供了有关资源、能源、灾害和环境的形成、分布与发展的深层过程和空间信息 ,扩大了人类对地球整体研究的视野 ,激励了对空间和地球 (包括大陆和海洋 )以及生态环境之间耦合的研究 ,并在造福人类的过程中取得了辉煌的成就。展望了 2 1世纪地球物理学的发展 ,认为 2 1世纪的地球物理学必将担负起地球科学中一系列重大科学问题的先导角色。在深化对地球本体和日地空间及其相互作用的认识 ,量化地球内部各圈的耦合和深部物质状态及物质组成的错综组构 ,解决水、资源、环境 (包括空间资源环境 )等问题中做出贡献。  相似文献   

The highly siderophile elements (HSE) pose a challenge for planetary geochemistry. They are normally strongly partitioned into metal relative to silicate. Consequently, planetary core segregation might be expected to essentially quantitatively remove these elements from planetary mantles. Yet the abundances of these elements estimated for Earth's primitive upper mantle (PUM) and the martian mantle are broadly similar, and only about 200 times lower than those of chondritic meteorites. In contrast, although problematic to estimate, abundances in the lunar mantle may be more than twenty times lower than in the terrestrial PUM. The generally chondritic Os isotopic compositions estimated for the terrestrial, lunar and martian mantles require that their long-term Re/Os ratios were within the range of chondritic meteorites. Further, most HSE in the terrestrial PUM also appear to be present in chondritic relative abundances, although Ru/Ir and Pd/Ir ratios are slightly suprachondritic. Similarly suprachondritic Ru/Ir and Pd/Ir ratios have also been reported for some lunar impact melt breccias that were created via large basin forming events.Numerous hypotheses have been proposed to account for the HSE present in Earth's mantle. These hypotheses include inefficient core formation, lowered metal-silicate D values resulting from metal segregation at elevated temperatures and pressures (as may occur at the base of a deep magma ocean), and late accretion of materials with chondritic bulk compositions after the cessation of core segregation. Synthesis of the large database now available for HSE in the terrestrial mantle, lunar samples, and martian meteorites reveals that each of the main hypotheses has flaws. Most difficult to explain is the similarity between HSE in the Earth's PUM and estimates for the martian mantle, coupled with the striking differences between the PUM and estimates for the lunar mantle. More complex, hybrid models that may include aspects of inefficient core formation, HSE partitioning at elevated temperatures and pressures, and late accretion may ultimately be necessary to account for all of the observed HSE characteristics. Participation of aspects of each process may not be surprising as it is difficult to envision the growth of a planet, like Earth, without the involvement of each.  相似文献   

SMART-1 after lunar capture: First results and perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SMART-1 is a technology demonstration mission for deep space solar electrical propulsion and technologies for the future. SMART-1 is Europe’s first lunar mission and will contribute to developing an international program of lunar exploration. The spacecraft was launched on 27th September 2003, as an auxiliary passenger to GTO on Ariane 5, to reach the Moon after a 15-month cruise, with lunar capture on 15th November 2004, just a week before the International Lunar Conference in Udaipur. SMART-1 carries seven experiments, including three remote sensing instruments used during the mission’s nominal six months and one year extension in lunar science orbit. These instruments will contribute to key planetary scientific questions, related to theories of lunar origin and evolution, the global and local crustal composition, the search for cold traps at the lunar poles and the mapping of potential lunar resources  相似文献   

Extension of remote sensing of planetary bodies to the ultraviolet is now feasiable up to 2000 Å from earth-orbiting telescopes and spacecraft. The benefits of this extension is analysed on the basis of laboratory spectra taken on a large variety of terrestrial, lunar and meteoritic samples. Knowledge of the albedo for two wavelengths at 2300 and 6500 Å permits classification of a surface into one of the following types: lunar, carbonaceous chondrites, ordinary chondrites, achondrites or acidic rocks, basaltic rocks, irons. For lunar-type surfaces, a simple albedo measurement at 6500 Å can be converted into quantitative abundance determinations of silicate, aluminium oxide and iron; a large amount of telescopic lunar photometry data is available for mapping these abundances. Extension of the photometry to 2300 Å permits quantitative measurement of TiO2 abundances. For asteroids and non-icy satellites, rock-type classification and constraints in chemical abundances of Si, Al, Fe and Ti can be derived from photometry at 2300 and 6500 Å. The IUE telescope already orbiting the earth, the Space Telescope to come, the lunar polar orbiter and other spacecraft under prospect are potentially available to provide the photometric observations at 6500 and 2300 Å required.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1513-1536
New data on velocities of elastic waves in rocks and minerals under pressures, anisotropism of elastic properties of monocrysts, oceanic volcanism, deep seismic profiles, isotopic composition of strontium and distribution-abundance of Sr87 in ancient and in young rocks, and others, tend to show that the "M" discontinuity is but an expression of the state of compaction of the rocks, devoid of any petrographic or geochemical connotations, that the sialitic shell of the Earth, with its heterogeneities, extends to depths exceeding 100 km (i.e. deeper than the "M"), and that the two types of the crust, "oceanic" and "continental," created by geophysicists, are actually one and the same type. Tentatively drawn analogies between the terrestrial and the lunar crust, on the assumption of a lunar origin of tektites, and the.crust of Mars, with regard to densities and planetary size relationships, are used as illustrations of the re-evaluated ratios between the crust and the upper mantle of the earth. — IGR Staff.  相似文献   

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