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In order to assess the roles of Fe and Cu in outbreaks ofChattonella antiqua red tide, concentrations of these metals in the surface seawater were monitored around the Ie-shima Islands in the Seto Inland Sea during the summers of 1986–1988. Bioassay of the surface seawater with respect to Fe and Cu was also conducted using a cultured strain ofC. antiqua.Concentrations of Fe and Cu in the filtered seawater (FeF and CuF) were in the range of 3.9–10.0 and 9.3–11.2 nM, respectively. The bioassay with respect to Fe revealed that Fe at the surface layer was usually insufficient to support the maximum growth rate ofC. antiqua, except whenC. antiqua was dominant in the field. However, correlations between FeF and the growth rate of the control cultures (Fe, EDTA=not enriched; N, P, B12=enriched at optimum levels) were not apparent, probably because FeF did not reflect the concentration of available Fe.The bioassay with respect to Cu was coupled with the CuF values obtained. The results indicated that Cu at the surface layer was detoxified by complexation with natural organic ligand(s), and that pCu (=minus log of cupric ion activity) was 11.5–11.7, optimum for the growth ofC. antiqua, throughout the survey period. It is suggested that Fe, but not Cu, is a potentially important factor in regulating the natural populations ofC. antiqua in the Seto Inland Sea.  相似文献   

Environmental parameters that affect the growth ofChattonella antiqua were monitored throughout the outbreak period of this species around the Ie-shima Islands, the Seto Inland Sea, in the summer of 1987 (20 July–13 August). Averaged cell concentration ofC. antiqua over the water column (21 m) was below 10 cells· ml–1 on 20 July, gradually increased to reach the maximum of 250 cells·ml–1 on 7 August, and then rapidly decreased to the value of 30 cells·ml–1 on 13 August.Thermal stratifications were prominent from 20 July to 3 August and were destroyed after 4 August. Temperature and salinity were optimum for the growth ofC. antiqua throughout the survey period.At the bloom initiation period (20–21 July), concentrations of N- and P-nutrients (S N andS P ) were high throughout the water column. From 22 July to 3 August, whenC. antiqua increased its populations,S N andS P at the depth of 0–5m were low but those at the depth of 10–20m kept a high value. After 4 August,S n andS P at the depth of 10–20m decreased rapidly due to wind mixing coupled with the nutrient uptake byC. antiqua. When the populations ofC. antiqua reached the maximum (7–9 August), N-nutrients were depleted throughout the water column but P-nutrients were not. Concentrations of vitamin B12 were almost in the same range as those of the previous years and were optimum for the growth ofC. antiqua.GP- value (growth potential of the seawater with respect to nitrogen and phos-phorus) was higher than 0.6 even at the surface layer (0–5 m) at the bloom-initiation period. During the bloom development period (22 July–3 August), GP at the surface layer (0–5m) was low (<0.2), but GP at the depth of 10–20m kept a rather high value (>0.4).In situ growth rates ofC. antiqua at the depth of 0 and 5m estimated from bottle experiments coincided well with the values expected from GP. A high value of GP at the surface layer in the initiation period and a shallow GP-cline in the development period, combined with the ability of diurnal vertical migration seemed to be at least one reason that natural populations ofC. antiqua grew at a rather high rate and formed red tides in the summer of 1987.  相似文献   

To discuss the geochemical and environmental behavior of heavy metals in the Seto Inland Sea, the largest semi-enclosed coastal sea in Japan, mass balances of Cu and Zn were studied by application of a simple box model using sedimentation rates and heavy metal contents of core sediments. In 1980, total sedimentary loads of Cu and Zn over the whole area of the Sea were estimated to be 630 and 3500 tons year−1, respectively. Further, the sedimentary loads without (natural) and with human activities were estimated separately to be, respectively, 320 and 310 tons year−1 for Cu and 1800 and 1700 tons year−1 for Zn. Total inputs of Cu and Zn into the Sea, in 1980 were estimated to be 870 and 4250 tons year−1 about one half of this being the result of human activities. 70% of the Cu input and 80% of the Zn input are taken into the sediments. Mean residence times of Cu and Zn in the Sea are calculated to be ≈0.3 and 0.2 years, respectively. Since these values are relatively small compared to the mean residence time of the seawater (0.9 years), Cu and Zn supplied to the Sea are considered to be accumulated rapidly in the sediments.  相似文献   

A multi-spectral classification scheme is proposed to identify water with red tide(s) using satellite ocean color imagery obtained by the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). The study area was the eastern Seto Inland Sea in Japan, where serious red tides frequently occur. “Background Ocean Colors” (BOCs hereafter), or colors of water around a red tide or those of the water before/after a red tide, are calculated as the monthly climatological average of normalized water-leaving radiances (nLw) with 0.01 degree spatial resolution with SeaWiFS imagery. Criteria for detecting red-tide pixels are established from analyses of characteristics of the nLws (in the 443, 490, 510, and 555 nm bands) anomalies from BOCs and the nLw spectra together with the red-tide records in Osaka Bay. The proposed scheme can efficiently indicate the presence or absence of red tides for independent match-ups with 83% accuracy. Additional validations of specific events indicate that the algorithm performed well in the study area. These results suggest that the scheme is appropriate to detect red tides in the optically complex coastal water of the eastern Seto Inland Sea.  相似文献   

日本沿岸水域的赤潮监测研究及其防治对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赤潮或有害藻华已越来越成为全球性的海洋环境问题,赤潮的发生不但破坏水域生态系统的平衡,而且给水产养殖业造成了巨大损失。本文概述了日本赤潮监测研究及其防治对策的现状,以便为我国在赤潮调查研究工作中提供一些有益的经验  相似文献   

Large amorphous aggregates (NUTA) observed in coastal areas after spring and autumn phytoplankton blooms and red tide outbreaks were collected using NUTA traps which we devised. These particles become thickly attached to mooring ropes and/or fishing nets. The variation of the collection of materials by NUTA traps was about 23% in organic carbon and 25% in organic nitrogen (n=29). The chemical nature and vertical distribution pattern of NUTA were significantly different from those of suspended particles collected by water samplers. Since C/ATP and C/Chlα ratios in NUTA were very high compared with those of suspended particles, NUTA seems to consist of a small amount of phytoplankton but much detritus. These values suggest that NUTA has characteristics intermediate between suspended particles and sinking particles. The standing stock of NUTA was also estimated to be no more than 10% suspended particles from a calculation of the trapping efficiency of the NUTA trap.  相似文献   

Journal of Oceanography - Copper toxicity inChattonella antiqua (Raphidophyceae) was examined using an artificial seawater medium. The growth rate (Μ) was found to be a unique function of...  相似文献   

从河口地区对赤潮和溢油的监测需求出发,阐述了利用遥感技术监测赤潮和溢油等问题的有效性和优越性。回顾了河口地区赤潮和溢油遥感监测的发展历程、探测机理和影响因素,并探讨了历史上不同卫星传感器对赤潮和溢油监测的优势和不足。通过对最新研究成果的总结,讨论了水环境遥感监测存在的问题,并对未来水环境遥感平台发展趋势和新的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The generation of tides in the Japan Sea is investigated with relation to the tidal volume fluxes at the attached straits, which are estimated with the observed tidal current data. After the tides are separated into the co-oscillating tides induced by the tidal volume fluxes and the independent tide by the tide-generating force, their contributions to the Japan Sea tides are clarified using a one-dimensional tidal model.For the semidiurnal tide, the co-oscillating tide by the Tusima Strait is dominated in all of the area except the gulf of Tartary, and those by the Tugaru and Soya Straits are not effective anywhere. In the gulf of Tartary, the amplitude of the independent tide is the same as that of the co-oscillating tide attributed to the Tusima Strait.For the diurnal tide, the independent tide is not effective anywhere. The co-oscillating tide by the Tusima Strait is largest and those by the Tugaru and Soya Straits are also influential. In particular, the shifting of the diurnal amphidromic point to the Korean side is caused by the latter.  相似文献   

通过分析,归纳出3种赤潮发生前后水温、气温和气压的演变模式,并论述各种演变模式与赤潮发生发展的关系。通过数理统计,归纳了华南近海赤潮发生前后阶段水温、气温和气压的变化范围以及演变特征,说明了升温降压天气过程、温压稳定过程以及相对于多年月平均值偏暖的年份或时段均有利于赤潮的发生发展。  相似文献   

The Mio-Pliocene Misaki Formation, Miura Peninsula, Japan is characterized by alternation of mafic scoriaceous pebbly sandstone, pumiceous sandstone and siltstone, and mudstone formed in a fore-arc basin in an arc–arc collisional zone. The qualitative as well as quantitative evidences of tide during the Misaki sedimentation in the Jogashima area, Miura Peninsula are presented here. The lunar synodic period of ∼28 days/lunar month extracted from the Misaki tidal rhythmite agrees well with the published Miocene tidal rhythmite data. The couplet series of the Misaki tidal rhythmite, however, is often interrupted by downslope resedimentation via turbidity currents, intense penecontemporaneous deformation and bioturbation. Association of deep sea turbidites, mass flow deposits and tidal rhythmite suggest Misaki sedimentation in the Miura Peninsula took place in a submarine canyon setting.  相似文献   

The downward flux of Mn through the water column was directly measured using sediment traps. The Mn flux from the bottom sediment to the water column, and the removal rate of Mn in the bottom water were estimated from Mn gradients in the bottom water. The sediment traps were deployed more than ten times at the same station in Funka Bay, Japan. The trapped settling matter and filtered suspended matter samples were analyzed for Mn, Fe, Al and ignition loss. The observed downward flux of Mn through the water column in winter (1.3–2.8 μg/cm2 /day) was generally an order of magnitude larger than that in summer (0.13–0.45 μg/cm2 /day), and the Mn fluxes for both seasons were also greater than the accumulation rate of Mn in the bottom sediments (0.10 μg/cm 2/day). More Al was contained in the trapped settling matter than in the suspended matter, while Mn showed the opposite behavior. The Fe/Mn ratio of the residual fraction (obtained by subtracting the sediment component of the settling matter) was rather well correlated with the corresponding ratio in suspended matter. Settling particles are expected to scavenge suspended matter during their passage through the water column. The flux of Mn across the sediment—water interface was estimated from its vertical profiles in the water column to be 0.1–0.3 μg/cm2 day. The residence time of Mn in bottom water was about one to several months. These results suggest that Mn is actively recycled between the water column and the sediments of the coastal sea.  相似文献   

The magnetic anomaly profiles across the Japan and the Yamato Basins are analyzed to find possible spreading centers. Magnetic anomalies are first transformed and then the correlation coefficient of symmetry of the pattern of profile is computed along each profile. If the coefficient of symmetry has a notable maximum at a point and such a point lines up for different profiles, the line of these points of maximum symmetry may be a spreading center. Three possible spreading centers are obtained. Two are situated at about the axis of the Japan and the Yamato Basins, and the other is at the topographic extension of the Yamato Ridge. The age of the opening has not been identified on the magnetic time scale yet, but the strike of the proposed spreading centers suggests a pre-Eocene time.  相似文献   

Tides are believed to drive vertical mixing in the Arctic Ocean, thereby helping heat to reach the bottom of the sea ice layer, especially in regions with thick ice covers. However, tides are usually not included in ocean models. We investigated the effect of tides on sea ice in the Arctic Ocean using an ice-coupled ocean model that includes tides simultaneously. We found that with tidal forcing, the volume of sea ice increased by 8.5% in Baffin Bay, whereas it decreased by 17.8% in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The increase in sea ice volume in Baffin Bay results from the convergence of sea ice, driven by tidal residual currents. In contrast, the decrease in ice volume in the Canadian Archipelago is due to the suppression of ice formation in winter, especially in areas with steep topography, where the vertical mixing of temperature is enhanced by tides. Our results imply that tides should be directly included into the oceanic general circulation model (OGCM) to realistically reproduce the distribution of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Nontidal sea level changes generated in Hiroshima Bay of the Seto-Inland Sea in Japan are studied over various time scales, from the sub-tidal (2 d to 1 month) to inter-annual scales (〉2 years). The total sea level variation produces a standard deviation (STD) of 12.5 cm. The inter-annual component of the sea level variation in Hiroshima Bay oscillates with a STD of 3.4 cm, forming a long-term trend of 4.9 mm/a. The STD of the sea level variation is 9.8 cm for the seasonal component (8 months to 2 years) and 4.7 cm for the intra-seasonal one (1 month to 8 months). Significant sea level variations with a STD of 4.2 cm also occur in the sub-tidal range. Special attention is paid to the sub-tidal sea level changes. It is found that the upwelling and associated transient sea level changes generated along the north coast of Hiroshima Bay (opened southward) by the strong northerly wind, play a significant role in sub-tidal sea level changes. The transient sea level changes are over 10 cm in most cases when caused by typhoons that pass through the Pacific Ocean offthe Kii Peninsula, located at about 400 km east of Hiroshima Bay. Reasonable sea level changes are evaluated by the balance of pressure forces at the onshore and offshore boundary of the study domain.  相似文献   

日本海洋科学技术中心最近发表观测报告宣布,在日本列岛东部海域发现见了过去未曾观测到的强大海流。 报告说,这股海流的位置在流经日本列岛南部的暖流以北250公里处,由东向西,与暖流呈相反方向,流速达3.5节(1.852公里)每小时。据悉,这股暖流是科学家们于本月初通过观测浮标的位移而发现的。该中心认为这一发现颇有意义,并表示将进一步研究这股海流对渔业资源及二氧化碳吸收量等的影响。  相似文献   

Growth-limiting nutrients of the red tide flagellateHeterosigma akashiwo in Osaka Bay, the Seto Inland Sea, were examined using the method of algal growth potential. The growth yield ofH. akashiwo was enhanced by addition of chelated iron to filtered seawater, but not by the addition of nitrogen, phosphorus or vitamins. An areal survey conducted in June 1981 demonstrated that the concentration of soluble iron in the surface seawater was highest in the southeastern part of Osaka Bay where salinity was less than 30‰ and iron was correlated with the concentration ofH. akashiwo. Increased supply of chelated iron caused by the increase in river runoff during the rainy season is a crucial factor involved in outbreaks ofH. akashiwo red tides in Osaka Bay.  相似文献   

中国近海赤潮基本特征与减灾对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过描述我国沿海赤潮发生历史和现状,深入探讨了我国赤潮的时空分布特征及变化规律,并提出了应对赤潮灾害 的减灾对策。分析结果显示:(1)1933 年至2011 年间,我国海域共观测到赤潮事件1 047 起。2000 年以后我国进入赤潮 高发期,赤潮发现频率和影响范围明显增加。(2)我国沿海从南到北均有赤潮分布,时空分布差异显著。其中,河口、内 湾为赤潮多发区。东海年发现频率最高,高发期集中于每年4-9 月水温较高的季节,南海一年四季均有发现。(3)截至 2009 年,我国由优势种引发赤潮的次数为417 次,约占赤潮总数的45 %,有毒赤潮发现频率明显增加。(4)对营养盐输入 为赤潮发生提供了物质基础进行了探讨,提出了加强赤潮预警和强化污染控制是赤潮防灾减灾的主要措施。  相似文献   

Analysis of current velocity and temperature records obtained from moored buoy systems deployed off the east coast of Japan reveals the intermittent occurrence of semi-diurnal internal tides and their manner of propagation. The internal tidal waves clearly propagate toward the shore, which is confirmed by cross-correlation of the onshore current velocity and temperature between neighboring stations. The propagation speed of the internal tide increases with water depth except in the area furthest offshore. In this area, motions near the second mode seem to occur occasionally, while in the nearshore area the motions for the most part consist of the first mode. Through harmonic analysis, it is shown that theM 1 internal motions were not vertically homogeneous. That is, the internal motions are greater at the lower level in the nearshore area while they are greater at the upper level in the offshore area. Pathways along which the energy of the internal tide should propagate are estimated in such a way that the characteristic curves pass through the area over which relatively large onshore/offshoreM 2 velocity is distributed. The movement of the characteristic ray of a certain phase explains the observed phase velocity estimated from the cross-correlation diagrams. Internal motions around the characteristic ray were pronounced in a rather wide area. Thus, it is suggested that the generation region of the internal tide in the present study area might be relatively wide.  相似文献   

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