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The use of the ensemble smoother (ES) instead of the ensemble Kalman filter increases the nonlinearity of the update step during data assimilation and the need for iterative assimilation methods. A previous version of the iterative ensemble smoother based on Gauss–Newton formulation was able to match data relatively well but only after a large number of iterations. A multiple data assimilation method (MDA) was generally more efficient for large problems but lacked ability to continue “iterating” if the data mismatch was too large. In this paper, we develop an efficient, iterative ensemble smoother algorithm based on the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) method of regularizing the update direction and choosing the step length. The incorporation of the LM damping parameter reduces the tendency to add model roughness at early iterations when the update step is highly nonlinear, as it often is when all data are assimilated simultaneously. In addition, the ensemble approximation of the Hessian is modified in a way that simplifies computation and increases stability. We also report on a simplified algorithm in which the model mismatch term in the updating equation is neglected. We thoroughly evaluated the new algorithm based on the modified LM method, LM-ensemble randomized maximum likelihood (LM-EnRML), and the simplified version of the algorithm, LM-EnRML (approx), on three test cases. The first is a highly nonlinear single-variable problem for which results can be compared against the true conditional pdf. The second test case is a one-dimensional two-phase flow problem in which the permeability of 31 grid cells is uncertain. In this case, Markov chain Monte Carlo results are available for comparison with ensemble-based results. The third test case is the Brugge benchmark case with both 10 and 20 years of history. The efficiency and quality of results of the new algorithms were compared with the standard ES (without iteration), the ensemble-based Gauss–Newton formulation, the standard ensemble-based LM formulation, and the MDA. Because of the high level of nonlinearity, the standard ES performed poorly on all test cases. The MDA often performed well, especially at early iterations where the reduction in data mismatch was quite rapid. The best results, however, were always achieved with the new iterative ensemble smoother algorithms, LM-EnRML and LM-EnRML (approx).  相似文献   

A combined geochemical, geological and microbiological analysis of an actively biodegrading 24.5 m thick oil column in a Canadian heavy oil reservoir has been carried out. The reservoir properties associated with the cored vertical well are characterised by a 15.75 m thick oil column and an 8.75 m zone of steadily decreasing oil saturation below the oil column, referred to as the oil–water transition zone (OWTZ), grading down into a thin water leg. The oil column exhibits systematic gradients in oil physical properties and hydrocarbon composition and shows variations in biodegradation level throughout the reservoir consistent with the notion that the biodegradation of oil is focussed in a bioreactor zone at the base of the oil column. Through the oil column, the dead oil viscosity measured at 20 °C ranged from 50,000 cP (0.05 McP) at the top of the oil column to 1.4 McP at the oil–OWTZ contact, and continued to increase to 10.5 McP within the OWTZ. The saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons are characterised by systematically decreasing bulk fraction and component concentrations down through the oil column. Different compound classes decreased to levels below their detection limit at different depths within the OWTZ, defining a likely bioreactor extent of over 5 m in depth with, for example, n-alkanes being reduced to their detection limit concentration at the bottom of the oil column/top of the OWTZ, while branched isoprenoid alkanes were not completely degraded until well into the OWTZ.Core samples from the oil column and the lower part of the OWTZ were estimated to contain ca. 104–105 bacterial cells/g, based on qPCR of bacterial 16S rRNA genes, while samples from a narrow interval in the OWTZ immediately below the oil column contained on the order of 106–107 cells/g of sediment. Interestingly, these latter numbers are typical of those observed in active deep subsurface biosphere systems with the notion that microbial activity and abundance in the deep subsurface is elevated at geochemical interfaces. The numbers of organisms are not constant throughout the OWTZ. The highest bacterial abundance and geochemical gradients of, for example, methylphenanthrene biodegradation define a zone near the oil–water contact as likely the most active in terms of biodegradation. The largest bacterial abundances in the upper part of the OWTZ are in line with the trend of bacterial abundance with depth that has emerged from extensive analysis of microbial cells in deep subsurface sediments, implying that in terms of deep biosphere cell abundance, oil reservoirs are similar to other deep subsurface microbial environments. This is puzzling, given the atypical abundance of organic carbon in petroleum reservoirs and may imply a common large scale control on microbial abundance and activity in the deep biosphere, including in oilfields.  相似文献   

This investigation aimed to examine the load carrying capacity of model piles embedded in sandy soil and to develop a predictive model to simulate pile settlement using a new artificial neural network (ANN) approach. A series of experimental pile load tests were carried out on model concrete piles, comprised of three piles with slenderness ratios of 12, 17 and 25. This was to provide an initial dataset to establish the ANN model, in attempt at making current, in situ pile-load test methods unnecessary. Evolutionary Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) MATLAB algorithms, enhanced by T-tests and F-tests, were developed and applied in this process. The model piles were embedded in a calibration chamber in three densities of sand; loose, medium and dense. According to the statistical analysis and the relative importance study, pile lengths, applied load, pile flexural rigidity, pile aspects ratio, and sand-pile friction angle were found to play a key role in pile settlement at different contribution levels, following the order: P?>?δ?>?lc/d?>?lc?>?EA. The results revealed that the optimum model of the LM training algorithm can be used to characterize pile settlement with good degree of accuracy. There was also close agreement between the experimental and predicted data with a root mean square error, (RMSE) and correlation coefficient (R) of 0.0025192 and 0.988, respectively.  相似文献   

Numerical representations of a target reservoir can help to assess the potential of different development plans. To be as predictive as possible, these representations or models must reproduce the data (static, dynamic) collected on the field. However, constraining reservoir models to dynamic data – the history-matching process – can be very time consuming. Many uncertain parameters need to be taken into account, such as the spatial distribution of petrophysical properties. This distribution is mostly unknown and usually represented by millions of values populating the reservoir grid. Dedicated parameterization techniques make it possible to investigate many spatial distributions from a small number of parameters. The efficiency of the matching process can be improved from the perturbation of specific regions of the reservoir. Distinct approaches can be considered to define such regions. For instance, one can refer to streamlines. The leading idea is to identify areas that influence the production behavior where the data are poorly reproduced. Here, we propose alternative methods based on connectivity analysis to easily provide approximate influence areas for any fluid-flow simulation. The reservoir is viewed as a set of nodes connected by weighted links that characterize the distance between two nodes. The path between nodes (or grid blocks) with the lowest cumulative weight yields an approximate flow path used to define influence areas. The potential of the approach is demonstrated on the basis of 2D synthetic cases for the joint integration of production and 4D saturation data, considering several formulations for the weights attributed to the links.  相似文献   

The Oman–United Arab Emirates ophiolite is the world’s largest ophiolite. It is divided into 12 separate fault-bounded blocks, of which the northern three lie wholly or partly in the United Arab Emirates. Extensive mapping has shown that the United Arab Emirates blocks contain mantle and crustal sections which correspond to the classic ‘Penrose conference’ ophiolite definition but which are cut by a voluminous later magmatic sequence including ultramafic, mafic and felsic components. Samples from the later magmatic sequence are dated at 96.4?±?0.3, 95.74?±?0.3 and 95.2?±?0.3 Ma; the early crustal section, which has not been dated directly, is thus constrained to be older than c. 96.4 Ma. Petrological evidence shows that the early crustal section formed at a spreading ridge, but the later magmatic sequence was formed from hydrous magmas that produced different mineral crystallisation sequences to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). Mineral and whole-rock geochemical analyses show that the early crustal rocks are chemically similar to MORB, but the later magmatic sequence has chemical features typically found in supra-subduction zone (SSZ) settings. The ophiolite in the United Arab Emirates thus preserves clear evidence for two stages of magmatism, an early episode formed at a spreading centre and a later episode associated with the onset of subduction. Similar two-stage magmatism has been recognised in the Oman sector, but the United Arab Emirates contains the most voluminous SSZ magmatism yet described from this ophiolite.  相似文献   

Much work at A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (Novosibirsk) has been done to synthesize geological and geophysical data from the Siberian Arctic and Arctic shelf. Namely, seismic-geological modeling and petroleum potential assessment have been performed for the Neoproterozoic–Phanerozoic section of the Anabar–Lena province in the northern Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The results include seismic-geological division, a set of structural maps, and structural, paleotectonic, and facies analysis. The study shows that Riphean, Vendian, Cambrian, and Permian sequences are of interest in terms of petroleum potential; oil and gas may accumulate in traps of different types.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2011,19(4):611-631
The Trans-North China Orogen separates the North China Craton into two small continental blocks: the Eastern and Western Blocks. As one of the largest exposure in the central part of the orogen, the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping Complexes consist of four lithotectonic units: the Wutai, Hengshan and Fuping Complexes and the Hutuo Group. The Hengshan Complex contains high pressure mafic granulites and retrograded eclogites. Structural analysis indicates that most of the rocks in these complexes underwent three distinct episodes of folding (D1 to D3) and two stages of ductile thrust shearing (STZ1 between D1 and D2 and STZ2 after D3). The D1 deformation formed penetrative axial planar foliations (S1), mineral stretching lineations (L1), and rarely-preserved small isoclinal folds (F1) in the Hengshan and Fuping Complexes. In the Wutai Complex, however, large-scale F1 recumbent folds with SW-vergence are displayed by sedimentary compositional layers. Penetrative transposition resulted in stacking of thrust sheets which are separated by ductile shear zones (STZ1). The kinematic indicators of STZ1 in the Hengshan and Wutai Complexes show top-to-the-S230°W thrusting likely related to northeastward, oblique pre-collisional subduction. D1 resulted in crustal thickening with resultant prograde peak metamorphism. The Hutuo Group did not undergo the D1 deformation, either because sedimentation was coeval with the D1 deformation or because it was at a high structural level and was not influenced directly by the early deformation. The D2 deformation produced NW-verging asymmetric and recumbent folds. The D2 deformation is interpreted to have resulted from collision between the Eastern and Western Blocks of the North China Craton. In the Hutuo Group and the Fuping Complex, the development of ESE-verging asymmetric tight folds is associated with D2. The structural pattern resulting from superimposition of D1 and D2 is a composite synform in the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping Complexes. All four lithotectonic units were superposed during the later D3 deformation. The D3 deformation developed NW-trending open upright folds. Ongoing collision led to development of transpressional ductile shearing (STZ2), forming the transpressional Zhujiafang dextral ductile shear zone between the northern Hengshan Complex and the southern Hengshan Complex, and generating the sinistral Longquanguan ductile shear zone between the Fuping Complex and the Wutai Complex, respectively. The STZ1 and D2 deformation were possibly responsible for fast syn-collisional exhumation of the high pressure mafic granulites and retrograded eclogites. The structural patterns and elucidation of the deformation history of the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping Complexes places important constraints on the tectonic model suggesting that an oceanic lithosphere between the Eastern and Western Blocks underwent northeastward-directed oblique subduction beneath the western margin of the Eastern Block, and that the final closure of this ocean led to collision between the two blocks to form the coherent basement of the North China Craton.  相似文献   

S. Fred Singer 《Earth》1977,13(2):171-189
The study of the Earth—Moon system provides the connecting link between purely astronomical studies of the origin of the solar system and its planets, and geophysical and biological studies of the evolution of the Earth's geology, its surface features, atmosphere and hydrosphere, and of terrestrial life.A coherent account is presented here, based on the hypothesis that the Moon formed separately and was later captured by the Earth. The adoption of this hypothesis, together with the observed depletion of iron in the Moon, sets some important constraints on the development of condensation and agglomeration phenomena in the primeval solar nebula, which led to the formation of planetesimals, and ultimately to planets.Capture of the Moon also defines a severe heating event within the Earth, whereby its kinetic energy of rotation is largely dissipated internally by the mechanism of tidal friction. From this melting event dates the geologic, atmospheric, and oceanic history of the Earth. An attempt is made to account for the unique development of the Earth, especially in relation to Mars and Venus, its neighboring planets.  相似文献   

A series of linear to arcuate fault scarps separate the Mount Lofty Ranges from the Cenozoic St Vincent and Murray basins of South Australia. Their tectonic, sedimentary and geomorphic evolution is traced from the oldest rock record through to present-day seismicity. The scarps are the latest manifestation of repeated compressive reactivation of ancient, deep-seated crustal faults and fractures whenever the stress field was of appropriate orientation. Formation of the basins and uplift of the ranges resulted from the same processes of repeated compressive reactivation. Continental crust was intensely fractured during three episodes of Neoproterozoic–Cambrian rifting that led to the formation of the Adelaide Geosyncline and break-up of Rodinia. Neoproterozoic eastward-dipping, listric extensional faults provided accommodation space for deposition of the Burra Group. Sediments of the Umberatana and Wilpena groups were deposited under mainly sag-phase conditions. In the early Cambrian, new extensional faults formed the deeply subsident Kanmantoo Trough. Cambrian rift faults swung from east–west on Kangaroo Island through northeasterly on Fleurieu Peninsula to north–south in the easten Mount Lofty Ranges, cutting across the older meridional rifts. These two sets of extensional faults were reactivated as basement-rooted thrusts in the ensuing Delamerian Orogeny. The Willunga Fault originated as a Cambrian rift fault and was reactivated in the Delamerian Orogeny as a thrust dipping southeast under a regional basement-cored antiform on southern Fleurieu Peninsula. Much of southern Australia, including the eroded remnants of the Delamerian highlands, was covered by a continental ice sheet in the Carboniferous–Permian. The preferential preservation of glacial sediments on Fleurieu Peninsula may have resulted from extensional reactivation of the Willunga Fault, possibly in the early Mesozoic. Fleurieu Peninsula was then warped into an open, southwest-plunging antiform, spatially coincident with the much higher amplitude Delamerian antiform. Glacial sediments were eroded from uplifted (up-plunge) areas before formation of a ‘summit surface’ across deeply weathered bedrock and preserved glacial sediments in the later Mesozoic. This surface was covered with fluvial to lacustrine sediments in the middle Eocene. Neotectonic movements under a renewed compressive regime commenced with reactivation of the Willunga Fault, restricting subsequent Eocene to Miocene sedimentation to the St Vincent Basin. The Willunga scarp was onlapped in the Oligocene–Miocene concomitant with continuing uplift and formation of a hanging-wall antiform. In the late Cenozoic, repeated faulting and mild folding, angular unconformities, ferruginisation and proximal coarse sedimentation took place on various faults at different times until the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The structure and geodynamic history of the northern Barents–Kara continental margin, which had formed mostly by the latest Paleozoic, have been investigated using offshore geological and geophysical data and geological evidence from adjacent landmasses. In the context of the suggested model, the Saint Anna trough is interpreted as a boundary tectonic element between the Svalbard and Kara plates. Thus, the study focuses on a complex tectonic node with its structure having implications for the trough origin, as well as for the history of geodynamic relations among Arctic cratons and microplates. Trough structures of different ages in the area, including the northeastern East Barents trough and the St. Anna trough, appear to be a zone of triple or T-shaped junction. The reported reconstruction of the trough system history since the Middle Paleozoic shows that the St. Anna trough joined the East-Barents system in the Late Permian–Triassic to become its new segment extending the system to the north.  相似文献   

New structural, petrological, chemical, isotope, and paleomagnetic data have provided clues to the Late Riphean–Paleozoic history of the Uda–Vitim island arc system (UVIAS) in the Transbaikalian sector of the Paleoasian ocean, as part of the Transbaikalian zone of Paleozoids. The island arc system consists of three units corresponding to main evolution stages: (i) Upper Riphean (Late Baikalian), (ii) Vendian–Lower Paleozoic (Caledonian), and (iii) Middle–Upper Paleozoic (Hercynian). The earliest stage produced the base of the system composed of Late Riphean ophiolite (971–892 Ma, U-Pb) and volcanic (837–789 Ma, U-Pb) and sedimentary rocks (hemipelagic siliceous sediments and dolerite sills) which represent the Barguzin–Vitim oceanic basin and the Kelyana island arc. The main event of the second stage was the formation of the large UVIAS structure (over 150,000 km2) which comprised the Transbaikalian oceanic basin, the forearc and backarc basins, and the volcanic arc itself, and consisted of many volcanic-tectonic units exceeding 100 km2 in area (Eravna, Oldynda, Abaga, etc.). Lithology, stratigraphy, major–element compositions, and isotope ages of Vendian–Cambrian volcanic rocks and associated sediments indicate strong differentiation of calc-alkaline series and the origin of the island arc system upon oceanic crust, in a setting similar to that of the today’s Kuriles–Kamchatka island arc system. The Middle–Upper Paleozoic stage completed the long UVIAS history and left its imprint in sedimentary and volcanic rocks in superposed trough basins. The rocks were studied in terms of their biostratigraphic and isotope age constraints, as well as major- and trace-element compositions, and were interpreted as products of weathering and tectonic-magmatic rework of the UVIAS units.  相似文献   

The South Oman Salt Basin (SOSB) is host to the world’s oldest known commercial deposits. Most of the South Oman oils have been proven to be associated with the source rocks of the Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Huqf Supergroup, but the assignment of oils to specific Huqf intervals or facies has been hampered by the geochemical similarity of the organic matter across the entire Huqf sequence, possibly as a consequence of limited change in the local palaeoenvironment and biota over the time of its deposition. This study was conducted to establish improved correlations between organic-rich rock units and reservoir fluids in the SOSB through detailed molecular and isotopic analysis of the Huqf Supergroup, with special emphasis directed towards understanding the Ara carbonate stringer play.Unusual biomarkers, tentatively identified as A-norsteranes, show distinctive patterns among carbonate stringer oils and rocks different from those observed in Nafun sediments and Ara rocks from the Athel basin. These putative A-norsteranes form the basis for new oil-source correlations in the SOSB and provide for the first time geochemical evidence of a self-charging mechanism for the carbonate stringer play. The paucity of markers specific to the Nafun Group (Shuram, Buah and Masirah Bay formations) confounds attempts to quantify their respective contributions to Huqf oil accumulations. Nafun inputs can only be determined on the basis of subtle differences between Nafun and Ara biomarker ratios. The most useful geochemical characteristics delineating Nafun Group organic matter from Ara Group intra-salt source rocks included: low relative abundance of mid-chain monomethyl alkanes (X-compounds); low relative abundance of gammacerane, 28,30-dinorhopane, 25,28,30-trinorhopane and 2-methylhopanes; low C22T/C21T and high C23T/C24T cheilanthanes ratio values. Based on these parameters, molecular evidence for major contributions of liquid hydrocarbons from Nafun Group sediments (Shuram, Buah and Masirah Bay formations) is lacking. Our results suggest that the majority of SOSB hydrocarbon accumulations originate from within the Ara group, either from the carbonate stringers or from the package of sediments that comprises the Thuleilat, Athel Silicilyte and U shale formations. Subtle aspects of the composition of some carbonate stringer and post-salt Huqf oils could suggest some degree of sourcing from the Nafun rocks but stronger evidence is needed to confirm this.  相似文献   

A new interpretation of the seismic profile series for the Taimyr Orogen and the Yenisei–Khatanga Basin is given in terms of their tectonics and geological history. The tectonics and tectonostratigraphy of the Yenisei–Khatanga and the Khatanga–Lena basins are considered. In the Late Vendian and Early Paleozoic, a passive continental margin and postrift shelf basin existed in Taimyr and the Yenisei–Khatanga Basin. From the Early Carboniferous to the Mid-Permian, the North and Central Taimyr zones were involved in orogeny. The Late Paleozoic foredeep was formed in the contemporary South Taimyr Zone. In the Middle to Late Triassic, a new orogeny took place in the large territory of Taimyr and the Noril’sk district of the Siberian Platform. A synorogenic foredeep has been recognized for the first time close to the Yenisei–Khatanga Basin. In the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, this basin was subsided under transpressional conditions. Thereby, anticlinal swells were formed from the Callovian to the Aptian. Their growth continued in the Cenozoic. The Taimyr Orogen underwent tectonic reactivation and apparently right-lateral transpression from Carboniferous to Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Oil and gas generation is a basic problem of geology and natural sciences, which is associated with energy resources as well as with the origination of life on the Earth. The evolution of hydrocarbons is controlled by the evolution of the biosphere and is an issue of phylogeny. Organic matter (OM) buried in sediments since the Early Precambrian consists mostly of phytoplankton, the main carrier of lipids producing hydrocarbons. Organic matter accumulates in marine sediments according to the law of periodicity. Middle Paleozoic fossilized OM is largely composed of zooplankton. Zooplanktonic OM, classified as sapropelites, had interfered with the process of oil and gas generation since its origin, e.g., tentaculites of the Domanik formation increased oil content. The inception of low-lipid macrophytes gave rise to introduction of humic OM into water bodies and formation of mixed-type OM. The larger the humic component in OM, the higher its gas potential. However, instead of replacing oil generation, enhanced gas generation had come on the scene since the Mesozoic, and their scales were approximately equal. The actual oil/gas ratio in sedimentary basins depends both on phylogenetic factors and on the evolution of each separate basin.  相似文献   

Published and new data on the Earth’s past magnetic field have been interpreted in terms of its links with the frequency of magnetic polarity reversals and with tectonic events such as plume-related eruptions and rifting. The paleointensity and reversal frequency variations show an antiphase correlation between 0 and 160 Ma, and the same tendency likely holds for the past 400 Myr. The geomagnetic field intensity averaged over geological ages (stages) appears to evolve in a linearly increasing trend while its variations increase proportionally in amplitude and change in structure. Both paleointensity and reversal frequency patterns correlate with rifting and eruption events. In periods of high rifting activity, the geomagnetic field increases (15 to 30%) and the reversals become about 40% less frequent. Large eruption events between 0 and 150 Ma have been preceded by notable changes in magnetic intensity which decreases and then increases, the lead being most often within a few million years.  相似文献   

Podzols that have developed on glacial and periglacial features provide the opportunity to reconstruct glacial evolution after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) using different soil indices. Analysing 17 soils classified as podzol, we used the crystallinity ratio of free iron oxides (CRF) on both the A and Bs horizons, and absolute ages for the same landforms containing the soil profile, to create dating curves. Two equations were generated: age = 4566.9 × ln (CRF) + 1760 (1), and age = 3907 × ln (CRF) + 3508.2 (2). The reliability of the curves was evaluated with the Feo/Fed ratio, and with the difference of ages calculated using both equations. Equation (2) is considered more reliable because the A horizon may be influenced by new pedogenesis on the pre-existing podzol, leading to the development of a new type of soil. By dating the soils, we reconstructed the glacial history of the three main upper branches of the LGM Adda Glacier in the Central Italian Alps, specifically the Stelvio Pass area (ST), Gavia Pass area (GV), and the Val Viola valley (VV). Seven glacial advances were identified at 16.7–14.7 ka (phase I), 12.3 ka (phase II), 11 ka (phase III), 10–9.7 ka (phase IV), 9 ka (phase V), 7.5 ka (phase VI) and 5.3 ka (phase VII). The first five phases are chronologically similar to the main Late Pleistocene–Early Holocene phases recorded in the Central European Alps. The last two Holocene phases, which are both longer in duration than the Little Ice Age, are recorded in ST and GV. Interestingly, these phases generally are not recorded in the rest of the Central European Alps, where the late Holocene glaciers were smaller than their present size.  相似文献   

We suggest a more rigorous approach to paleogeodynamic reconstructions of the Sayan-Baikal folded area proceeding from update views of the origin and evolution of island arcs and back-arc basins. Modern island arcs and attendant back-arc basins form mainly by trench rollback caused by progressive subduction of negatively buoyant thick and cold oceanic slabs. Slab stagnation upsets the dynamic equilibrium in the subduction system, which accelerates the rollback. As a result, a continental volcanic arc transforms into an island arc, with oceanic crust production in the back-arc basin behind it. As subduction progresses, the island arc and the back-arc basin may deform, and fold-thrust structures, with the involved back-arc basin and island arc complexes, may accrete to the continent (accretion and collision) without participation of large colliding blocks. When applied to the Sayan–Baikal area, the model predicts that the Riphean and Vendian–Early Paleozoic back-arc basins were more active agents in the regional geologic history than it was thought before. They were deposition areas of sedimentary and volcanosedimentary complexes and then became the scene of collision and accretion events, including folding, metamorphism, and plutonism.  相似文献   

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